Is there a speed info magazine? A sad story for speed info. He took off his mask

About the publication

A unique newspaper about love and family life. Exclusive information about the lives of celebrities. Medical news and expert advice on all issues intimate life. JOIN THE CHOICE OF MILLIONS!

The appearance of the Speed-Info newspaper on the shelves of press kiosks in the early 90s produced a real revolution and caused a storm of indignation from citizens of the puritanical Soviet system. Meanwhile, the editors of the newspaper were forced to increase the circulation almost every week, so many people wanted to flip through the pages of the most “yellow” publication of that time.

The printing press, churning out new batches of the next issue of “Speed-info”, was puffing from fatigue like a steam locomotive, meanwhile, readers were impatiently and with spiritual anguish waiting for the moment when they could acquire fresh “reading material” in order to savor the juicy details of the life of domestic stars and look behind the scenes politicians. Enchanting scandals and unexpected revelations, details of all these phenomena could be found in abundance on the pages of the newspaper. A pleasant addition to all this motley “vinaigrette” were articles about sex, which, as we know, did not exist in the USSR, as well as fresh anecdotes and humorous stories from real life, sent to the newspaper’s editorial office literally in bags by grateful readers from all over the multinational country.

More than two decades have passed since the publication of the first issue of the newspaper; the newspaper is no less popular today than in its early days. It is read with pleasure by young people and older people. For those who want to always be up to date with news regarding the Speed-Info newspaper, as well as for those who simply want to have a pleasant and useful time reading interesting articles An excellent solution would be to visit the official website of the newspaper -

On the pages of this resource you can not only read announcements of the next issues that are already being prepared for publication, but also subscribe to your favorite newspaper. And also learn a lot about sex.

The first information block of the resource is “Intimate Club”. Reading the publications posted in this section will help readers take a different look at sexual intimacy and solve their intimate problems. Not every person, even today, despite the emancipation of morals and the presence of private sexologists’ offices, will seek help from a doctor. Meanwhile, you can ask your question to a sexologist and get an answer containing recommendations and advice on solving a problem of a sexual nature directly in this section.

In the “Most Secret” block you can read stories that are somehow related to the topic interpersonal relationships. There are also published letters from readers telling about various incidents from their lives. It is quite possible that these stories will help you avoid some mistakes in your own destiny.

The Reader also presents a lot interesting stories. Here you can find information about current and completed competitions held among readers of the Speed-Info newspaper.

Are you in a bad mood this morning? Why not recharge yourself with positive emotions? Moreover, according to scientists, laughter prolongs life. Give yourself a few extra minutes, for this you just need to visit the “Relax” section, where you will find fresh jokes, caricatures, ditties and an erotic horoscope.

Many more truly interesting materials can be found on the pages of the virtual publication; you can walk around this Internet site for a long time. Learn new things about sex and more, read gossip about showbiz stars, politicians and, of course, ordinary people

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*...I worked as an electrician in a madhouse and saw how psychos took turns approaching the TV screen itself and forcing popular TV presenters to perform oral sex with them.

*...I don’t know how to be friends with girls. They dress and behave like adults, but kiss like little ones... (boy, 15 years old).

*...three teenagers were borrowed from one guy for a while rubber woman, which the three of us fell in love with with all the fervor of unspent love. Unfortunately, one of the teenagers had gonorrhea. He infected his rubber partner with the disease, and she shamelessly infected everyone else.

*...I don’t like women who don’t announce their orgasms with words... (man, 35 years old).

*...damn, I want to be cultured with a girl, but my hands themselves grab her tits... (boy, 20 years old).

*...we had already gone to bed, but she couldn’t stand it and asked me to show her my passport. I turned on the light
I went to the buffet to get it. She grabbed the crusts, flipped to the 9th page about marital status, saw a blank page and gave me a night of passionate love.... It’s a pity that there was only one. I slipped her my brother's passport...(male, 32 years old).

*...I work as a mechanic at a women's factory. You spend your entire shift rubbing shoulders with the women's team, but there is no happiness - just an erection (male, about 40 years old).

I had a date with a woman with the head of a crocodile and the soul of an angel. Blue eyes, yellow teeth, blue lips. I drank two glasses of vodka. We slept nearby. This is how they reproduce (male, 37 years old).

*... I recently found out that my seventy-year-old grandfather is still having sex with my grandmother. However, you can’t call it sex, but the fuss was loud: as if Winnie the Pooh was persuading Piglet to go get a balloon. It’s not clear why they needed a condom? Maybe hold it in your teeth so that the false jaws don’t rattle? (male, 32 years old).

*... two years ago I mistakenly gave my mother-in-law the wrong video cassette. Instead of a comedy movie, I gave her to watch our tape of my wife and I having sex. The next day, my mother-in-law returned the tape to us with the words: “It’s strange that after all this you still don’t have children...” (man, 29 years old).

*...when you have sex with a student at a pedagogical institute, it’s like you’re torturing a living teacher (Vovchik, 22 years old)

* to persuade your girlfriend to wait for you from the army? Very simple. My friend, for example, when he joined the army, promised, in case of betrayal, to burn down her apartment and kill her entire family with a machine gun... She wrote him letters to the army every day... (boy, 20 years old).

*'s men have become real impotent. You go to meet them, agree to love intimacy, but they have one problem after another. And everyone says that before this incident they had everything in order with this matter, but then I moved the wrong way, then I said the wrong word, then the dog on the street suddenly barked... (woman, 50 years old).

*...I have no complexes, but I believe that in romantic love between a man and a woman there is only one position - face to face. And no other, because he cannot tear himself away from her eyes and this is more important to him than seeing her butt turning white in the dark... (female, 20 years old).

* August, one girl would not have sat on my lap all evening and served my male apparatus. We scrubbed it with whatever we could, tried alcohol, mustard, vinegar essence and even gasoline, all the same, it was dangling like a rag, white, like a little dead man, not to mention love, there was no one to go to the toilet with. But compresses with hot water We finally soaked it by morning... (male, 28 years old).

*...caught my younger ten-year-old brother with his classmate. Using a stopwatch, they put on and took off condoms for a while... on a kitchen rolling pin...
(girl, 25 years old).

*...sometimes you want to get married so much that you think you would marry a janitor...
(woman, 46 years old).

*...I am outraged by ads from suckers looking for wealthy older women. Yes, if I had money, I would buy myself such a seasoned dog, but a fur coat would be better...
(woman’ 30 years old). *...before my wedding I had never seen my husband’s pussy, but in vain, I would have thought: should I marry this fishhook...
(woman, 37 years old).

*...I somehow foolishly slept with one “new Russian”. There was nothing in his apartment. And his toilet finished me off: for the first time in my life I saw a toilet with a silencer...
(woman, 35 years old).

*...he sent me a photo of his handsome brother in a letter, and came on a date himself...
(girl, 16 years old).

* husband did not agree to have a child for a long time. I took a thin needle and pierced several condoms right through the packaging... Now we have a wonderful boy, Seryozha...
(woman, 29 years old).

*...what's the hardest thing about having sex in a hammock? That's right, the hardest thing is to undress...
(woman, 34 years old).

* adventure was a long time ago. I don’t even remember what was there and what wasn’t there
(woman, 61 years old).

* our village, the leader of the herd is a very anxious bull. It would be nice if he pestered the cows, but he doesn’t even give milkmaids a pass... And the women in the village these days are not spoiled by men, and in our entire village this bull is the only one who doesn’t drink vodka. I don’t know what the scientific name for this will be, but it seems to me that this bull will achieve his goal...
(woman, 44 years old).

*...I have been working in a commercial stall for a long time and watching how men buy condoms. If he buys a pack of condoms and a chocolate bar he goes to his mistress, if he buys a pack of condoms and a cigarette he goes to his wife, if he buys only condoms he doesn’t go anywhere, he just hopes for the best...
(woman, 34 years old).

*... wrote from the army to four girls, but none of them waited for me
(male, 21 years old).

* boyfriend wanted to sleep with me. I didn’t like him very much, and I didn’t have another guy. I

I decided to stop him from sleeping with me and splashed hot coffee on one place, but it doesn’t really bother them...
(girl, 18 years old).

* don’t know how to care, and they always call you to bed. I can’t do this right away: we need to find out everything about each other and utter words of cherished love...
(woman’ 63 years old).

*...according to my personal observations, blondes sigh tenderly in bed, brunettes moan, and brown-haired women are silent like fish and just stare at the fisherman...
(male, 29 years old).

*...I met a girl who was a crane operator through a newspaper. She looked like she fell off a crane. We didn’t even have time to say a few words when we started talking about marriage...
(male’ 34 years old).

*...I've already been on six dates, but I haven't gotten with anyone yet (boy, 15 years old).

*... found out that my best friend sometimes sleeps with my wife. He and I took two “cans” for a man’s conversation and agreed that he would give me power of attorney to ride in his Zhiguli, and I would not interfere with him walking with my wife...
(male, 41 years old).

*...has always been an honest wife, without any adventures. And after the divorce ex-husband offered me good financial support if I became his mistress. I thought about it and agreed: as a man, he’s not too bad. But I soon realized that this was not for me. Refused the role of a kept woman...
(woman, 34 years old).

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