Forshmak from herring with potatoes and egg. Forshmak cooking recipes. The preparation process for this cold appetizer

Surprisingly, what we used to call forshmak - a cold appetizer made from chopped herring - was originally hot snack, which could include not only herring (fried), but also meat, which was baked with potatoes and sour cream. Over time, the dish migrated to Jewish cuisine and became entrenched in the minds of the masses, like fish paste, traditionally served on Below we will look at all the variants of the classic recipe for herring mincemeat, prepared using Jewish technology.

Classic herring mincemeat in Jewish style


  • butter - 180 g;
  • milk - 40 ml;
  • loaf - 3 slices;
  • vinegar - 15 ml;
  • onion- 90


Tear slices of the not-so-fresh loaf into pieces and pour milk over it. When the crumb absorbs moisture, pass the bread through a meat grinder and mix with vinegar. Cut up a large herring and remove any remaining bones from the fillet. Cut the fish into as small pieces as possible. Chop the onion by hand and combine it with the rest of the ingredients. Beat the butter mixture room temperature, and then chill the classic mincemeat before spreading on bread toast.

Herring forshmak - a classic recipe with carrots


  • herring fillet - 380 g;
  • loaf - 3 slices;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • milk - 210 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 110 g.


Make sure there are no bones left in the herring fillet, and then pass it through a meat grinder. Do the same with carrots, after boiling them. Finely chop the onions, preferably by hand, since pureed onions can make the mincemeat too runny. Boil the eggs and also chop them. Pour the loaf with milk and leave to soften, then squeeze out the excess moisture and add the pieces to the herring mixture along with the eggs. After mixing thoroughly, proceed to tasting.

Herring forshmak - a classic recipe with potatoes

If authentic mincemeat is prepared with the addition of bread, then in this variation the main binder of the dish is starchy potato tubers. By adding potatoes, mincemeat loses its lightness, but becomes more satisfying.


  • large herring;
  • potatoes - 60 g;
  • apple - 60 g;
  • butter- 55 g;
  • onions - 55 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


Before preparing a classic herring mincemeat, divide the carcass into fillets and remove the bones from it, then chop the fish. Boil the potatoes and mash them. Grate the apple on a fine grater. Chop the onion. Boil the egg and also cut it into as small pieces as possible. Combine all prepared ingredients together and beat with softened butter.

Classic herring mincemeat with melted cheese



First, peel and boil the carrots, then place them in a blender bowl along with soft butter, melted cheese and chopped herring fillets. Send hard-boiled eggs there too. Beat the mincemeat to a paste-like consistency and serve on white bread toast.

We love herring forshmak. We cook it infrequently, since it is salty, we tried several recipes with different compositions and settled on the one described below.

For various reasons, other options did not take root. We didn’t like it with apples, as they greatly change the taste, drown out the herring, and add sourness. With black bread, we didn’t even understand why we didn’t like it. We don’t usually buy white, we haven’t tried it. We settled on the option with boiled potatoes.

It is better to taste the herring for salt first. If it’s salty, and you don’t really like salty dishes, then you can slightly increase the amount of ingredients, the same potatoes and pass it along with the herring, let it sit longer. I have never tried soaking herring, as I always want to cook it faster.

Potatoes and chicken eggs must be boiled, cooled, peeled and grated on a coarse grater.

The herring is different every time. We prefer to take it whole, with the head on, even though it’s clear what to expect from it. Fillet in oil still cooks faster, but it’s not clear what kind of herring it is, but by looking at the gills and eyes, everything immediately becomes clear even at the moment of purchase.

You need to cut the herring, remove the seeds (I use tweezers for this),

cut into random small pieces and place in a blender bowl.

Grind the herring, then add the butter cut into pieces.

Grind everything until homogeneous. We like it better this way, you can cut everything with a knife and rub it with butter - it’s not for everybody.

All that remains is to finely chop the onion. You can, of course, add green, but I just use it to decorate the mincemeat on top.

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth and placed tightly in a tray. Decorate on top onions or parsley, to taste.

You can eat it right away. There are two options: with black bread or placed on slices of boiled jacket potatoes. It turns out very tasty!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 15 rub.

Forshmak made from herring with potatoes is a delicious appetizer that lovers of fish dishes will appreciate. Forshmak belongs to classical Jewish cuisine; often, in addition to herring, eggs, apples, onions are added to forshmak, sometimes they even add bread and butter/margarine. The mincemeat is served as a cold appetizer, as for the additive - it’s a matter of taste - you can serve the mincemeat with slices of black bread, you can use the mincemeat as a filling, for example, for tartlets or pancakes, it’s also very tasty to serve the mincemeat with baked new potatoes. There are many variations, but the fact that the snack is very tasty is a fact, so where to use it will definitely not be a question. So, I suggest you head into the kitchen and prepare a gorgeous appetizer from the simplest ingredients. Classic recipe delicious snack I described it in detail for you. Be sure to check it out.

- s/s herring – 1 pc.,
- processed cheese – 1 pc.,
- large carrots – 1 pc.,
- chicken eggs – 2 pcs.,
- salt, pepper - to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

The most difficult part of this recipe is peeling the herring; you need to try to remove as many bones as possible. Pass the cleaned fillet in a meat grinder with the finest grill, so that even small bones that might remain are crushed. After the herring, mince the processed cheese. Choose the most delicious cheese, you can take it with taste.

Boil chicken eggs in salted water for 8-10 minutes, peel. Pass the eggs in a meat grinder with a fine wire rack. Add eggs to herring and cheese.

Peel one large carrot and mince it last. Add carrots to the remaining ingredients and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add salt, taking into account the taste of herring and cheese. If desired, add another apple or onion, you can add a little butter.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and take a sample. Adjust taste to desired taste. Cool the mincemeat for an hour in the refrigerator, then you can serve it. I also offer you this one

Forshmak has long been considered traditional dish Jewish cuisine. But for its ease of preparation and excellent taste, this cold salted fish appetizer has received nationwide recognition. In many families, housewives cook mincemeat, and there are a great many recipes for it. Today, I want to tell the cooks how to prepare budget homemade mincemeat from sprat, with potatoes and eggs. Despite the fact that you can purchase the ingredients for this dish at very modest prices, the fish appetizer turns out to be very tasty, appetizing and filling. Use my detailed recipe with step-by-step photos and prepare an unusual salted sprat mincemeat for your household.


  • salted sprat – 400 g;
  • potatoes -400 gr;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • aromatic sunflower oil – 100 ml;
  • onion – 100 gr.

To make delicious homemade mincemeat, it is better to use fried vegetable oil; it will give our fish appetizer a pleasant aroma.

The sprat for this dish can be purchased ready-salted in the store. But you can buy fresh or frozen tule and...

It is better to choose small potatoes for our dish. Large tubers take longer to cook and may cook unevenly and be soggy in places.

How to cook mincemeat with potatoes and sprat

And so, first we need to cook the potatoes. Pour water into the pan, bring it to a boil, then throw in the potatoes and cook until tender for 15-20 minutes.

Pour boiled potatoes cold water so that it cools down faster.

At the same time as the potatoes (but in a different pan) we need... Pour the eggs with cold water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Then, remove the peel from the onion and cut the onion with a knife very finely, as if for frying.

Some housewives grind onions for mincemeat in a meat grinder. But I prefer that the onion in a fish appetizer is not porridge, but pieces and crunches pleasantly on the teeth.

Peel/shell boiled potatoes and eggs.

Then chop the eggs and, lastly, the potatoes.

Place all mincemeat ingredients in a large bowl and begin mixing them.

While mixing, add vegetable oil to the fish appetizer.

After thorough mixing, our unusual mincemeat should look like in the photo.

Despite the fact that our mincemeat is made from the smallest, inexpensive salted sprat, potatoes and eggs, it tastes simply amazing: moderately salty, you can smell the aromatic sunflower oil, and finely chopped onions give our appetizer a pleasant spiciness.

All we have to do is spread delicious and satisfying homemade mincemeat on some bread and serve.

Depending on the season and desire, sandwiches with this spread can be sprinkled with finely chopped dill or parsley on top.

Prepared mincemeat of herring with potatoes, your household will be happy to spread on a piece of bread and eat with appetite. After all, like any other dish, it is a light snack before the upcoming lunch or dinner.


  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Green onions or herbs - for decoration

Cooking mincemeat from herring with potatoes

Real mincemeat can only be made from real herring. Therefore, we take ordinary herring (not fillets soaked in jars of chemicals), wash it and clean it.

Carefully remove all the bones from the fish, remove the skin and cut the herring into pieces. We additionally inspect each piece and, if necessary, remove the seeds. How to properly cut herring, see.

In separate pans, add water to the potatoes and eggs and cook them. When the potatoes and eggs are cooked, cool them and peel them.

Then we take a meat grinder and pass the herring pieces through it.

After this, grind the potatoes through a meat grinder.

Then we pass the boiled eggs through a meat grinder.

There should be approximately the same amount of three ingredients - herring, potatoes and eggs. But since the basis of our mincemeat is potatoes, there should be a little more of it.

Mix all the ingredients and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Now the mincemeat will not be so dry, and it can be easily spread on bread. There is no need to salt the mincemeat, because the herring will give its salt to the dish.

You can also pass onions through a meat grinder. But if we have the opportunity to use green onions, then it is better to take it. There is no need to mince green onions: we will simply decorate the finished dish. To do this, the onion can be finely chopped or divided into long feathers.

Forshmak with potatoes is ready! It can be served as a salad or sandwich spread.

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