Pufferfish. Desperately delicious puffer fish

About five percent of the world's oceans have been explored so far, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That is, what is happening under the surface of the remaining 95 percent, we do not yet have any idea.

Japanese photographer Yoji Ookata recently returned with his colleagues and the crew of a television program dedicated to nature from filming this natural wonder.

Unlike “crop circles,” there was an explanation for this mysterious phenomenon.

Yoji Ookata has devoted 50 years of his life to the secrets hidden in the depths of the ocean - ever since he became a licensed scuba diver at age 21. At the age of 39, he finally made his main choice. He quit his office job and became a self-employed underwater photographer.

But even for a person who has spent the last 50 years diving in the underwater world, the ocean can prove that it is still a big mystery to man. While diving in the subtropical Amami Oshima region, at a depth of approximately 25 meters, Yohji noticed something he had never seen underwater. And, as it turned out, no one had seen this before either.

On seabed he found out beautiful drawing. It consisted of wavy ridges tending towards the center, as if a skilled craftsman had worked at the bottom. They were very similar to the drawings that were found in the fields. And Yoji decided to call for help from a scientific group, which revealed the secret of the great underwater artist.

Underwater cameras recorded a skilled creator. It turned out to be a puffer fish, which diligently, day and night, with the help of its fins, drew these waves on the bottom of the sea. It is unlikely that the Japanese imagined that this fugu fish, known as a very poisonous delicacy, would do this.

Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the circles perform several important functions. But probably the most important thing is to attract a partner.

Females become interested in these hills and valleys of sand and begin to carefully explore them in search of a male. And then the couple lays eggs in the very middle of the “circle” - in a depression, which later serves as a “silencer” for ocean currents and protects their tender offspring.

Love and skill have scientists wondering how little they know about puffer fish. For them, this is a delicacy, but it turns out that the fish is a real artist, which should be protected and not consumed.

What else do we know about this fish?

Poisonous fugu fish(fish dog, pufferfish, diodont or fahak) - a legend of Japanese cuisine - an object of horror, curiosity and admiration for foreigners. This most famous, expensive and dangerous dish of Japanese cuisine is rightfully considered one of the oldest. Judging by the finds of archaeologists, even before our era, the Japanese ate the poisonous fugu fish, apparently knowing that the poison was contained only in certain parts of its body.

The muscles, liver, caviar, milk, intestines, eyes and skin of fish contain a nerve-paralytic poison that 25 times superior in strength to curare and 275 times More toxic than cyanide is tetrodotoxin. The lethal dose for humans is only 1 ml of tetrodotoxin. One fish contains enough poison to kill 30-40 people. Moreover, there is still no effective antidote for fugu poisoning. By the way, the main components " zombie powder » - dried and powdered fugu fish.

Meanwhile, in microscopic proportions, fugu poison is considered an excellent means of preventing age-related diseases and even, according to rumors, a cure for prostate diseases. Therefore, the poisonous fugu fins (fried on a grill until charred) are dipped in sake for one or two minutes. This healing drink in individually dosed form is served before meals to clients who want to taste fugu. The cook acts as an anesthesiologist, assessing the complexion and health status of each guest. They say that intoxication from such an infusion feels akin to a drug: all senses are heightened, the ability to see, hear and touch much more than usual appears.

Cutting a pufferfish is a filigree art. With quick blows of the knife, the cook separates the fins and cuts off oral apparatus and opens the belly of the fugu. The poisonous parts are carefully removed from the abdomen. The fillet must be cut into thin pieces (no thicker than paper) and washed thoroughly under running water, removing the slightest traces of blood and poison.

“Fugusashi” (fugu sashimi) is a very special taste and very beautiful dish. Mother-of-pearl slices of raw fugu are arranged like petals on a round dish. Often the cook creates a picture from pieces of fish: a landscape, an image of a butterfly or a flying bird. The fish is eaten by dipping the slices in a mixture of ponzu (vinegar sauce), asatsuki (chopped chives), momiji-oroshi (grated daikon radish) and red pepper.

Fugu is also served as a “set lunch”. In this case, fugusashi is only the beginning of the meal. In addition to this, “fugu-zosui” is served - a soup made from the broth of boiled fugu fish, rice and raw egg, as well as lightly fried fugu fish. Pieces of fugu fish are served by the cook in a strictly defined order. They start from the back - the most delicious and least poisonous. The pieces are served in order of proximity to the peritoneum. The closer to it, the stronger the poison. The cook's duty is to vigilantly monitor the condition of the guests, not allowing them to eat more than the dose that is safe for them. The trick when preparing puffer fish is to leave just enough poison to give the eater a feeling of mild narcotic euphoria. Gourmets who have tried fugu fish claim that as this dish is consumed, a paralyzing wave rolls over the eater: first the legs are taken away, then the arms, then the jaws. Only the eyes retain the ability to move. However, after a moment everything comes to life in reverse order: the gift of speech returns, arms and legs begin to move. They say that it is for this moment of “resurrection” that people take mortal risks.

Every year over 1.5 thousand tons fugu. Pufferfish is prepared and served only in Japan. According to statistics collected since the 19th century, from 1886 to 1979. More than one person suffered from fugu venom 12.5 thousand Human.

Pufferfish is prepared and served only in Japan. According to statistics collected since the 19th century, from 1886 to 1979. More than 12.5 thousand people suffered from fugu poison, more than half of whom (almost 7 thousand) died. True, it is not known whether the cooks are also included in the number of victims: after all, it is believed that in the event of the death of a client, a cook must commit hara-kiri to himself. However, they claim that most of poisoning occurred due to non-professionals (for example, among fishermen who decided to feast on a dangerous catch). In 1980, Japan's Ministry of Health introduced mandatory licensing for chefs to cut and serve fugu. Today, approximately 70 thousand people in Japan have such diplomas. The number of victims among gourmets has decreased to two dozen per year, and only a few die from this dish. However, since fugu is a very expensive dish, rich and famous people become its victims. Each such death - loud scandal.

The most skillful chef is the owner of a restaurant in the city of Kishiwada in Prefecture. Osaka created unique museum dedicated to this amazing fish. Materials for it were sent from all over the country. In the museum you can get a complete picture of how to avoid the danger of getting poisoned by this very popular dish. Considering the educational mission completed, the owner wants to close his museum. But the main reason, most likely, is that after getting acquainted with the museum exhibits, people lose the desire to order this dish. Truly, “in much wisdom there is much sorrow; and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.”

Not long ago, extremely proud scientists announced that they had created a non-poisonous puffer fish. It turns out that the secret was in the natural diet of the fish. Fugu does not produce poison in its own body: it becomes toxic by eating poisonous starfish and shellfish. If a pufferfish is placed on a non-poisonous diet from birth, the tetrodotoxin content in the fish will be zero. However, the expected sensation and flow of gratitude to scientific thought did not happen. After all, without its toxin, the puffer fish becomes just another type of fish - quite tasty, but not anything special. The secret of the popularity of fugu lies precisely in its toxicity, in the acute sense of risk that a person experiences when playing this gastronomic version of Russian roulette. It is not for nothing that it is in the spring (when fugu fish is considered the most poisonous) that gourmets pay the highest price for it - up to $700 per kg. The Japanese say that “he who eats fugu is a fool, but so is he who does not eat it.” Dying from fugu poison is a decent death by Japanese standards.

Our other revelations


Ball fish under stress

One of the interesting and mysterious inhabitants of the underwater world is the pufferfish. The fish also has other names: tetraodon (official name), rocktooth, dog fish. This is also the same famous poisonous fish Fugu, the dish from which is famous Japanese food. And also a ball fish, which swells when frightened and becomes like a ball with eyes and a tail. There are many varieties of pufferfish, only a few of them are poisonous. And some freshwater puffers have become widespread in aquariums, thanks to their interesting habits and decorative appearance.


The pufferfish has a short, oval-shaped body and small fins. There is one dorsal fin, it has a fan-shaped shape. The entire skin is covered with small spines; there are also varieties with smooth skin. The color is varied: there may be a light brown fish, or maybe a bright orange one. Many varieties have a spotted or striped pattern on their bodies, but there are also plain options.

Pufferfish are distinguished by their teeth united into jaw plates: as a result, they have two plates in each jaw, which is why the fish is also called the pufferfish. The fish, regardless of the variety, has large, bulging eyes with bright irises. Ball fish can be quite small in size - about 10 cm, or can grow to almost a meter in length, such as the Mbu pufferfish. In an aquarium, of course, the growth of the fish will be limited by the volume of its housing.

Individuals of different sexes differ in appearance: females, as a rule, exceed males in size and have a lighter color.

Green rocktooth


Pufferfish are very diverse, there are more than 100 species in total. Most fish are marine, but there are also freshwater ones that are suitable for keeping in aquariums. We will look at the most common types.

  • Green pufferfish (Tetraodon fluviatilis). Representatives of this species can grow up to 10 cm. The fish have a green-yellow color, complemented by black spots on the sides. As they grow older, the green rocktooths gradually become duller. Compared to other species, this one is the most aggressive, which absolutely excludes the possibility of placing the fish in a community aquarium. Water parameters: pH 6.6-7.7 (7.0), 5-14 dH (10), 24-27°C.
  • Reddish pufferfish (Tetraodon miurus). Individuals of this species grow up to 15 cm. The peculiarity of the fish is its unusual proportions; the head occupies about a third of the volume of the entire length. The color is reddish, may change to orange in different conditions. When purchasing it, you need to know the features. They concern the maintenance of fish: the water should be fresh, and the levels of hardness and acidity should be high. For food, such puffers need shrimp, squid, snails, and certain types of fish. Water parameters: pH 6.9-7.4, 11-15°H, 25-28°C.
  • Kutkutya pufferfish (Tetraodon cutcutia). It is distinguished by its olive-green color, has a marble pattern, size - up to 10 cm. When kept in an aquarium, it requires a little salted water (a teaspoon of salt per 5 liters), which should be renewed weekly by a quarter. Water parameters: pH 6.0-7.8, 10 dH, 23-26°C.

Features of the fish

The pufferfish is distinguished by its ability to inflate its own body, turning it into a ball bristling with spines. When frightened or excited, the fish quickly absorbs water or air into special bags that are located in its abdominal cavity. Because of this, the size of the fish approximately triples. It remains inflated until the stress factor disappears.

The interesting features that pufferfish have are also observed in the way they feed. The fact is that the fish uses its bags in the abdominal cavity as a water-jet apparatus. Due to this, the fish studies the bottom and looks for suitable prey under a layer of sand.

Reddish rocktooth

Before you purchase the fish in question, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of its content. By nature, the pufferfish is an aggressive predator. Juveniles are quite harmless, but as they grow older, the fish should be kept exclusively in a species aquarium. If this rule is not followed, then an adult pufferfish can easily bite off the fins of any fish living with it.

It is advisable to select an aquarium of at least 200 liters. The soil is sand, the fish will dig in it, and sharp stones that could injure it should be avoided. For the comfort of the fish, artificial shelters should be added to the aquarium. It is also desirable to have floating plants - rooted plants will be immediately dug up due to their feeding method.

Pufferfish need stable water parameters. General requirements: the temperature should be more than 23 degrees, but not exceed 29-30 degrees, the recommended pH level is about 7-8, and hardness is from 7 to 12 degrees. The parameters vary somewhat from species to species, and the conditions also depend on the aquarium in which the fish grew up. It is advisable that the water be slightly salted, but the degree of salinity depends on the type of fish. Even freshwater rocktooths are sensitive to water quality, since they come from sea fish - changes need to be done regularly. When getting a rocktooth, find out from the seller as much as possible about where the fish came from, what conditions it lived in before, and try to recreate its familiar environment at home as much as possible.

Pufferfish (Tetraodontidae) Agree, Japanese cuisine is very original. Europeans will flatly refuse to even try much of it. Maybe that's right. For example, have you heard about fugu fish soup (the Japanese name for pufferfish)? This fish is eaten only in Japan. In other countries, fishermen immediately throw the puffer fish out. Although the Japanese say that this fish is the most delicious and healthy of all existing on our planet. So why do most people refuse to try it? The answer is simple. Pufferfish are the most poisonous fish. Its insides contain a substance that is 275 times more toxic than cyanide. If even the slightest particle of this poison enters the body, instant death will occur. Sixty percent of all cases of fugu meat poisoning in Japan result in death.

The person loses coordination of movements, the head works clearly, but the tongue does not obey: the person cannot speak. Then everything becomes paralyzed musculoskeletal system. And - as a tragic ending - respiratory arrest. All this in a matter of minutes. According to statistics, over the past ten years in Japan, more than two hundred people have died from fugu poisoning. One of the most sensational cases occurred in 1975, when he died from paralysis a few minutes after eating a fugu dish in a restaurant. famous actor Japanese theater "Kabuki".

What kind of fish is this that brings death, but which the Japanese, in spite of everything, still reverence as the greatest delicacy? Pufferfish, pufferfish, fourtooths, rocktooths, dogfish - these are all the names of one fish. There is also a more telling name - the death fish, as the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands called it.

Perhaps this is one of the most mysterious and dangerous creatures among all the inhabitants of the World Ocean. On the outside, the fish are protected by spikes that partially cover the body. The spikes are very sharp and it is easy to get hurt on them. But their main danger is that these fish are very poisonous. The poison found in various organs of fugu is called tetrodotoxin. One pufferfish contains only a few tens of milligrams. But this amount is enough to kill almost thirty people. By the way, why the poison does not affect the pufferfish itself is a mystery to scientists.

There are about 100 species of pufferfish that live in the seas and oceans. They are, in most cases, small, although there have been specimens up to a meter in length. Presumably, pufferfish feed on a variety of bivalves, starfish and urchins. To gut a shell or a hedgehog, pufferfish use a sharp and rather strong beak - these are teeth fused into strong, pointed formations. Once, in a Japanese restaurant, the cook was served a live fugu for cutting. In defense, the fish immediately grabbed the cook's finger. It was cut off like a sharp knife...

Unlike most fish, pufferfish have a good sense of smell. Under their eyes there are tiny tentacles with nostrils. They are able to distinguish odors in water in much the same way as sniffer dogs. That is why these fish are also called dog fish.

When frightened, the pufferfish draws water or air into sacs located in the abdominal cavity. At the same time, the fish increases in size by three or even four times. Then the pufferfish becomes like a ball riddled with needles. The fugu holds the contents of the bags very tightly and does not deflate, even if it is pulled onto land. An adult can stand on a bloated pufferfish and not think about giving up.

In Japan, for centuries, eating fugu was the gastronomic version of Russian roulette. After all, the ovaries, intestines and liver of fugu are so poisonous that even if a tiny piece of them remains on the meat, a person can die within a few minutes. By eating fugu, a gourmet puts his life completely in the hands of the chef. In the hands of a licensed “fugu master” chef, the risk is less great, because he is an apprentice special school learning to cook fugu for two years. But even after the cook passes a special exam, there is no guarantee that now all the fugu he cooks will be completely safe.

And despite this, thousands of people still play with death every year by agreeing to taste fugu meat. Half of them die, but interest in the pufferfish still does not disappear. So it turns out that this fish is on the list of the most dangerous animals, because of whose poison they die every year a large number of of people. But, in fact, this is not the fish’s fault. She does not attack, does not sting or bite on purpose. The man himself decides to taste its dangerous meat, not knowing for sure whether he will remain alive or not after tasting this delicacy.

Length: up to a meter
Weight: up to 3 kg
Habitat: found in the waters of the entire World Ocean.

Pufferfish is a family of fish in which there are 29 genera and 200 species of individuals. Their distinctive features are the presence of sharp teeth, toxicity, and the ability to quickly change body shape. Due to their unique characteristics, pufferfish began to be called dog fish, rocktooth fish, four-tooth fish (lat. Tetraodontidae). The most famous representatives of the family are the fugu fish, the hedgehog, and the star puffer fish (Arothron stellatus). The latter is impressive in size and can reach 120 cm in length. As an exotic pet You can keep small specimens of tetradons: green and reddish pufferfish, cutcuti.

The puffer fish is a real decoration of the aquarium

Habitat and appearance

Externally, pufferfish are the cutest creatures. Beginner aquarists are most attracted to their “smart” eyes with bright irises. The fish show affection towards the owner and, when demanding food, can attract attention in every possible way, making the sound of cutting their teeth.

The size depends on the type and ranges from 6-110 cm.

The fish's teeth are more like the beak of a bird. This helps to obtain food by splitting hard shells and shells of crustaceans.

The body of the pufferfish is short. The skin may be smooth or in small spiky growths that are pressed tightly to the body. The fish does not have pelvic fins, but does have pectoral fins. They are well developed and allow them to swim in any direction. The tail plays the role of a “rudder” and does not take part in accelerating movement.

The stomach of pufferfish has a special structure. It resembles collected accordion bellows. When danger arises, the pufferfish grabs water or air with its mouth, and the folds of the stomach straighten, becoming 100 times larger than its normal volume. Rapid air intake is ensured by the muscles in oral cavity, acting like a pump. Surprisingly, nothing will force a frightened pufferfish to release the contents of its stomach until it feels the danger has disappeared. Even if a person puts his feet on a large specimen, the fish will remain inflated.

Clifftooths have a special skin structure caused by the need to turn into a “ball”. It consists of 2 layers. The inner one is more durable, providing elasticity, and the second one is the outer one, very elastic. IN ancient Egypt(27th century BC) pufferfish skin was used to make durable balls.

When a pufferfish senses danger, it inflates like a balloon.

The miracle fish does not have gill covers or ribs, because this prevents it from “swelling.” Powerful abdominal muscles help maintain shape.

The differences from other species did not end there. Pufferfish have tiny tentacles under their eyes. They play the role of olfactory organs. Skalozub is a real dog-fish with the scent of a bloodhound, only not on land, but on the seabed.

Pufferfish are found in the Indian Ocean off the southern coast of Africa and near Madagascar, in the Bay of Bengal off the coast of India, Malaysia and Thailand, in the Sea of ​​Japan and East China, off the coast of Australia and Papua New Guinea.

Types of pufferfish

Among rocktooths, a distinction is made between freshwater and marine; small, like the red or green Tetraodon, or large, like the star pufferfish; peaceful or aggressive.

Those wishing to acquire an exotic fish are advised to pay attention to the following species:

  • Tetraodon fluviatilis (green pufferfish). It has a beautiful yellow color with a hint of green, the sides and back are decorated with large black spots. Like all pufferfish, it is thermophilic (lives in water 24-27˚C). Size adult up to 10 cm. The peculiarity of the fish is increased aggressiveness, dulling of the skin as they grow older.

Green puffer fish are most often bred in aquariums.
  • Tetraodon miurus (reddish pufferfish) - can be red, orange, and has dark spots on the skin. This species lives in fresh, hard water and grows up to 15 cm.
  • Canthigaster valentini (black-striped) - distinguished by the presence of not only spots, but also several dark stripes on the back, and a bright yellow tail. He is moderately aggressive and can get along with other fish who are capable of not being offended. Like other species, it loves warm (up to 27˚C) water.

Star Puffer – Arotron

One of the brightest representatives species - star-shaped pufferfish. The size of the fish is 60 cm, the maximum is 120 cm. The star pufferfish can be yellow, brown, orange and is completely covered with small needle-like processes. Fish is a godsend for drivers. Arotron is usually hidden from prying eyes at a depth of up to 60 m, so it is not afraid of third-party surveillance and cameras.

Japanese pufferfish - the famous fugu fish

Fugu pufferfish are considered the most poisonous. Another name for “death fish”, since in 60% of cases of poisoning the victim died.

According to gourmets, the taste of this dangerous delicacy cannot be compared with anything. Having tried fugu once, an irresistible desire arises to try it again and again. The cost of the dish ranges from 500-1000 USD. e. Cutting is trusted only to licensed chefs. To receive it, those wishing to go through special courses, at the end of which they will have an exam: cutting up fugu and preparing sashimi. If a mistake is made, you have to wait 2 years to retake the exam.

Toxicity is a distinctive feature of fish

Eating puffer fish is dangerous to life. The most poisonous parts are the liver, skin, and roe of fish, but this does not mean that the meat does not contain poison. It is also present there, but in smaller doses.

It is very important to cook fugu correctly

When fish gets inside, the action of a strong nerve-paralytic poison begins. First, the victim feels numbness in the limbs, then only the eyes remain mobile and breathing stops.

By its sharp teeth and menacing appearance, it is not difficult to recognize a predator in the pufferfish. To prevent other inhabitants of the aquarium from being harmed, it is better to install a dividing partition or place the rocktooth in another tank.

The puffer fish will feel comfortable in an impressively sized aquarium - about 200 liters. In this case, you need to take care of heating, since the pufferfish will melt in water at 23-30˚C.

Water quality is important for the rocktooth. Some species live in slightly salted liquid. The pH level should fluctuate between 7-8, and the hardness from 2.4 to 5 mEq/l. To reduce hardness, you can boil the water or let it sit for several days and drain only the top layer. To increase hardness, add calcium or magnesium chloride, soda (1 tsp per 50 l) to the water, or lay the bottom with corals or rapana shells.

Coarse sand is suitable for filling the bottom. Fish especially love to burrow in it, called “architects” for their passion for building bizarre circles on the seabed. In this way, white-spotted pufferfish set up a nest and attract the attention of females who are ready to continue the race with a courteous gentleman.

Corals are placed on the bottom of the aquarium

You can decorate the fish habitat with floating plants. If the algae roots are buried in the sand, the puffer fish will immediately uproot them.

Diet in the aquarium

The fish has terrifying jaws. The teeth on them merge into 4 monolithic plates and can even bite through fishing gear. Pufferfish are called “four-toothed” (lat. Tetraodontidae). Individuals are voracious and require constant feeding.

The main diet includes live food, shellfish, shrimp, crabs, starfish and urchins, squid, pieces of fish, mussels, minced meat. When using dry plankton, it must first be soaked. Sometimes you can use herbivore food.

The teeth of the rocktooth are constantly growing, so hard food is a necessary component for grinding them down.

A real rarity - reproduction in an aquarium

To breed pufferfish in captivity, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions:

  • purchase a spawning aquarium with a capacity of at least 100 liters;
  • equip many secluded places - shelters;
  • plant plants with hard leaves;
  • wait for eggs to be laid.

At correct content pufferfish can breed in an aquarium

At first, the individuals touchingly flirt with each other: they walk in circles along the bottom, bite their partner on the cheek. Then the female lays up to 300 eggs on smooth stones, which are fertilized by the male. Then the female must be taken from the spawning ground and the offspring left with the father. At the first danger, it will protect the eggs by swelling into a ball.

After 6-8 days, larvae will appear, which the male will carefully transfer to a previously prepared hole and will guard until they begin feeding on their own.

Despite the difficulties of growing, fish of the pufferfish family remain favorites of aquarists due to their non-standard behavior and exotic, terrifying maneuvers. However, you should not often bring the pufferfish to the state of an inflated ball, as this will shorten the life of your pet.

The Caribbean pufferfish belongs to the ray-finned fish, tetraodon, and lives on reef slopes at depths of up to 40 meters in the waters of the Central-West Atlantic: South Carolina, USA and Bermuda, Tobago and the Lesser Antilles. The pufferfish brought from Madeira belong to the Canthigaster capistrata. The differences between females and males are not described. Grows up to 12 centimeters in length. The site also describes the Asian river tetradon, which is found much more often in reef aquariums.

Although the Caribbean pufferfish is a ray-finned fish, it does not have spiny rays on the dorsal fin; there are 10-11 soft dorsal rays and 9 anal rays. It differs from all other Atlantic species by a short upper dark longitudinal stripe, the presence of several spots on the sides and back, and the absence of visible (larger than the eyes) spots on the back. The upper dark longitudinal stripe extends from the caudal fin of the dorsal margin to the vertical through the dorsal fin. Although horizontal line dark spots extending in front of the anterior part as a horizontal dark stripe in some individuals, and sometimes even exceeding the base of the dorsal fin, this line of spots never forms a continuous stripe. It is also distinguished by the absence of vertically oriented spots on the caudal fin and the presence of bars on the muzzle.

Comfortable parameters: water temperature 23-30° C, hardness dH 8-12°, acidity pH 6.9-7.8. The water in the aquarium should be slightly salty. Filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of a quarter of the aquarium's volume with fresh water are required. The minimum aquarium size is 100 liters. Life expectancy is from 5 to 10 years.
The diet of the Caribbean pufferfish consists of algae, sponges, crabs and other crustaceans, mollusks, polychaete worms, sea ​​urchins, starfish. In decorative aquariums it eats crushed snails with appetite.
Latin name Canthigaster Rostrata, synonymous with Caribbean puffer.


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