What a beautiful way to give an Easter egg. The gift is worth an egg, but not a damn. Congratulations to the stronger sex

The name of the technique does not deceive - the entire drawing is performed in stages with dots of different sizes. To work, you will need special paints - most often they use stained glass acrylic contours for glass and ceramics. For contour and dotted patterns on fabric and leather, it is better to use fabric contours, as they have good relief and penetrate the fibers, holding firmly to the surface of the product. However, fabric contours can also be used on other surfaces such as wood, MDF, plastic, metal, etc.

To add volume and texture to the product, you can use 3D gels or “pearl” paints as touches.

On what surface can you do dot painting?

Since acrylic contours are designed for glass and ceramics, they can be used on any surface, even the smoothest. You can decorate absolutely any object with dot painting - from a glass goblet to a mobile phone case, from your favorite pair of shoes to a car steering wheel. The main thing in this matter is to properly prepare the surface.

The most popular decorative items using the dot painting technique:

Glass and ceramic dishes,

Diaries and various covers for documents,

Textiles (bags, clothing),

Furniture (cabinet fronts, chests of drawers, bedside tables, etc.)

Preliminary surface preparation

Pre-treatment of the surface must begin with degreasing with alcohol, and if necessary, then primer and background painting. If the work is not planned on a glass or ceramic surface, then you need to apply 1-2 layers of acrylic varnish before pointing - this way the paint will go on smoother and last longer, and the shades and tones will be more saturated.

Dots can be applied in different ways:

  • directly through the narrow, elongated “spout” of a tube of paint (or through a suitable nozzle);
  • using a knitting needle, needle, end part of a brush or pencil, or other available items.

Where do the patterns come from?

Unfortunately, not everyone has artistic talent, so every master has his own secrets for creating patterns. One can improvise without preliminary sketches, starting from the shape of the object and his own imagination. Another thinks over and draws the future composition, and then transfers the sketch to the work surface.

There is a third way - for those who do not know how to draw, but really want to join this activity: you can use stencils or drawing diagrams in your work. For opaque surfaces (wood, plastic, metal, leather), stencils are suitable - they can be purchased in specialized stores or made yourself from a plastic folder or thick paper. The transparent surface simplifies the task - you can use any patterns, ornaments or designs you like, attaching them to the back of the product.

The following can be used as patterns for spot painting:

  • patterns for cross stitch or mosaic weaving with beads;
  • beautiful patterns on fabrics (neck scarves in Oriental, Moroccan or African style, imitation of the colors of various animals, floral motifs etc.);
  • crocheted openwork napkins or patterns for crocheting them;
  • ethnic ornaments and patterns printed in suitable size on paper (you can use books on traditions and ethnic embroidery;
  • paper napkins or decoupage cards.

Inspiration in the search for patterns and ornaments can be found in the cultures of different nations: oriental mosques are famous for their floral patterns; in cathedrals you can borrow patterns from stained glass roses. A lot of useful information and diagrams can be found in various books on the history and construction of ornaments among different peoples.

Spot painting with contours: ready-made diagrams and stencils

Depending on the shape and size of the object, it is worth choosing a pattern. The simplest in execution and universal in purpose are simple geometric shapes. If you've never done dot painting before, start by tracing circles on a flat, rectangular-shaped surface such as a passport cover or cell phone case. Composing an ornament from simple figures– circles, triangles, squares and lines of different colors, you can achieve very interesting results. To achieve maximum effect, you just need to choose the right contour colors.

More complex circular and linear ornaments. To perform them, the surface of the product must first be prepared - apply barely noticeable marking lines with a pencil. If the work is to be done on a transparent glass surface, you can secure the sketch of the design on the back side with tape.

A large number of drawing schemes for dot painting can be found on the Internet. Here are just a few options for different items:

For the plates (most round designs, mandalas for coloring, etc. will work):

Oriental patterns (one of the most popular options is the Indian paisley cucumber in various combinations):

For glasses and bottles (light airy ornaments in the form of curls, or “seamless” linear patterns)

For various accessories (glasses cases, pencil cases, covers mobile phones, wallets and business card holders):

Working with diagrams

If the chosen pattern is counted (for cross stitch or bead embroidery), then you need to use a special glass pencil to mark the main axes (horizontal, vertical, center of the pattern) on the surface of the product. And start working based on these guidelines. It is better to start drawing vertical and horizontal patterns from the top line, from the central point to the sides - this way you will be able to maintain symmetry and follow the pattern. It is better to move round or figured motifs from the center of the picture to the sides, filling them with sectors.

If any non-countable pattern (fabric, paper, plastic) is used in the form of a diagram, then it is very convenient to secure it under the surface to be processed. Masking tape is suitable for this. Next, taking advantage of the transparency of the glass, it is enough to outline the main contours with a thin line of paint (you can also use a special pencil). When choosing paint for the outline, think about whether it will be too contrasting and flashy, and whether the fill dots will cover it. After the sketch has dried, you can start filling in the elements with dots.

It is important to be sure to let each color and row of dots dry, otherwise the drawing may become blurred or merge into untidy blots. In this way, you can transfer the design to flat plates or photo frames, and to more complex objects (vases, glasses, etc.). In the second case, the selected circuit is placed and secured inside the vessel.

To work in the dot painting technique, a special paint is used - acrylic contours. Contour differs from ordinary acrylic paints in its packaging - most often these are metal (less often plastic) tubes of small volume with a thin long spout, which is very convenient for dotting. In addition to packaging, contours differ in consistency - they are usually thicker, and in their ability to hold their shape - ideally, the contour does not settle, and the resulting dots retain their volume, giving the finished work a relief that is pleasant to the touch.

In order not to spoil the work, a new tube of contour must be tested on a small piece of wood or glass. Try putting different sized dots on them and see how the paint behaves on the surface. Sometimes a completely fresh contour can be put in the refrigerator for an hour or two before work - this way it becomes thicker and does not spread. And, of course, don’t forget to clean the long plastic spout from dried paint. The most convenient way to do this is with a sewing needle or a piece of thin metal wire.

The surface of the product on which the spot painting will be applied must be prepared for work. First of all, clean with a degreaser or alcohol. Then paint it in the desired color according to the plan and cover it with 2-3 layers of varnish. Contour paints are a finishing material, i.e. do not require fixing with varnish or other compounds.

Let's touch on such a popular creative direction as glass painting. These days she has many fans, and many who want to learn this art.

What to work with

So, let's look at the painting technique.

Drawing contours

The bottle (washed, cleared of labels and degreased with alcohol) will be decorated with decorative curls. You depict them in any shape you like, which your imagination suggests.

Using a white outline, draw the first curl on the bottle (not using the nozzle yet, it will come in handy later). The hole in the contour will not allow you to get thin curls, but for now this is not required. Bold curls will “collect” more glitter.

Without waiting for the outline to dry (it takes about half an hour to dry), carefully sprinkle it with glitter. They should stick well to the fresh contour. Some of the sparkles will inevitably be scattered around the contour, but there is no need to remove them now - you can smear the borders of the curl. They are removed only after all the curls, made sequentially using the same technique, have dried.

When you buy contours, you may be advised to use ones that already contain glitter. But they are already mixed with the main paint, so the shimmer and shine will not be so bright.

Thus, it is better to choose a contour without glitter, and apply it on top as you work.

Little by little the pattern will cover the entire bottle. This will not happen too quickly - in several stages. After all, in order to turn the bottle over and start painting its reverse side, you should wait until the already treated surface has completely dried.

Apply paint

When the design is completely transferred to the glass and everything is dry, you should wash off the unnecessary glitter under running water and thoroughly blot the product with a rag. And only after that we begin to work with paints.

After putting paint on a brush, fill in some of the swirls on the bottle. Choose the paint color according to your own taste - one or several. It is better not to paint over all the curls, as a monotonously painted bottle will not look impressive.

Apply the paint as carefully as possible, spreading it evenly over the surface. There should be no obvious strokes visible. This process is also gradual, with breaks for complete drying.

Finishing touches

At the final stage, the nozzle on the contour will come in handy. With its help, the finishing touches, or rather dots, are applied. They have to frame each curl along the edge. The bottle, the stencil of which is selected taking into account the unity of the overall composition, gives the final result elegance and extraordinary sophistication. You will immediately see how the product sparkles and becomes “voluminous”.

Currently, painting with acrylic paints is extremely popular, and dots are a fashionable and winning option.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this beautiful view decorative creativity gaining more and more fans from year to year. Real masterpieces of applied art are created. And most importantly, their creators are guaranteed the joy of creativity and a good mood!

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