How to properly plan a summer cottage plot of 12 acres. Layout of a summer cottage. Groundwater, wind rose and natural illumination of the territory

The presence of 1,200 square meters of territory at the landowner’s disposal allows its development to be approached not only practical method, but also with a creative approach. Successful layout schemes summer cottage 12 acres include the construction of a spacious house and garage, the design of a swimming pool or pond, individual landscape design, a comfortable playground, a recreation area, as well as a garden that can feed an entire family.

What to consider when constructing capital buildings

The first step towards achieving what you want must necessarily be a plan with an accurate drawing of all the buildings that are planned to be built. You can invite a specialist for this, but planning it yourself will bring much more pleasure. Having a spacious area reduces the risk of non-compliance building codes, but we must not forget that the minimum distance from the house to the boundary is 3 meters.

Ready layout diagram

How to choose a place for your home

The traditional Russian option is to locate the house near the road, which creates a more comfortable and enclosed courtyard. But if the site is located near a busy highway, then it is most advisable to design the main building in the back, and for a comfortable stay in the yard you need to build a high fence.

No less important is the location of the site itself, since it is advisable to leave sunny places for a garden, vegetable garden and recreation area. If we are talking about construction on a slope, then a place at the top is chosen for the house, eliminating the possibility of flooding and damage to the building by a landslide. With this option, the entire remaining area is divided into terraces.

Schemes and photos of the layout of a summer cottage plot of 12 acres with different shapes territories illustrate the most successful solutions.

Scheme for non-standard shape

Option to locate the main building in the center

Scheme at irregular shape possessions

Possibility of building a spacious house

Individual landscape design project

When and what is a fence made of?

For most, preliminary construction of a fence is typical, after which they begin to lay the house. This is explained by the desire to preserve and secure imported Construction Materials. Often, when fencing large properties, they first make a light temporary structure and eventually replace it with a permanent fence. But there are more interesting analogues that are important to think through at the stage of preliminary work.

Design of a low living fence

The most environmentally friendly fence, which will not only hide from passers-by, protect, but also improve the air quality in the yard, will be hedge, planted with evergreen or deciduous plantings. Not all crops grow quickly, and creating a full-fledged green fence can take more than one year. It is for this reason that seedlings are first planted along the boundaries of the property, since by the time construction and landscaping of the yard are completed, a luxurious hedge will already have grown.

High wall made of thuja

The ideal layout for a 12-acre dacha would be in accordance with fashion trends. Thus, the design of the fence and elements of the internal landscape in the gabion style is original. Using a gabion mesh, a structure is made and filled with wild stone, pebbles, crushed stone or other rocks. This option is more economical and looks stylish.

Combination of several shades and levels

Gabion construction

Combination of stones and thuja

Options for filling the structure

Convenient location for relaxation

A comfortable recreation area includes a nearby children's playground, gazebo with barbecue, swimming pool or pond with swings. The main nuance when determining the location is a closed area, for which a high fence is erected on the open borders or plants, trees, and hedges are planted.

You should not select a place that will daylight hours is located completely in the shade of buildings, since for proper relaxation it is advisable to choose a sunny location or in partial shade. The playground should be clearly visible from the gazebo and the house in order to leave the opportunity to observe the children from anywhere on the site. For safety reasons, it is not advisable to build a pond level with the ground if it is located near children.

The spacious area when planning a summer cottage plot of 12 acres allows you to build a good and spacious bathhouse. If for a small family a steam room of at least 12 square meters is recommended. m, then to be able to relax with friends and relatives, you can erect a larger building. And if the owner is particularly hospitable, then a guest house that combines enough space for a bathhouse and separate rooms for guests would be an excellent solution. Often a steam room is built in close proximity to a pond.

The presented photos illustrating how to plan a dacha plot of 12 acres clearly show the most correct zoning.

Stylish solution for comfort

Veranda from the house

Combination of rest area and bathhouse

Close location of the pool

Landscaping the yard and adding personality to the landscape

We must not forget that within the site there should be harmony and balance between buildings, flower beds and decorative elements. It’s better to stick to one style, but 1200 square meters allows you to combine several styles. It is only important to maintain a smooth transition between them.

Landscaping on a slope

Statistics show that the natural style is the most comfortable to perceive and allows you to relax better. Therefore, there is no need to strive to create classic and official flower beds with strict geometric shapes. Instead of two identical front gardens with round proportions, it is better to make several and arrange them randomly relative to each other.

The lawn will be completed appearance flower beds

The remaining area of ​​the yard can be sown with a special mixture of seeds for growing a lawn. Plants can be placed throughout the entire territory and not focus on only one zone. The earth dug for the reservoir can not be removed, but can be used as the basis for an alpine slide. Combined paths paved from different materials will help achieve special uniqueness. The combination of wood and stone, concrete and pebbles, wood slices and crushed stone will add charm to the landscape.

Registration in classic style

Combined tracks

When creating a project, it is important to consider the minimum workload of the owner and his family members when caring for the yard. For this purpose they plant unpretentious plants, which do not require a special approach. A coniferous hedge is ideal for all year round and you won’t have to clean up the autumn leaves underneath. Construction of an automatic irrigation system will save not only time, but also water consumption. A drip design is suitable for a vegetable garden, into which it is easy to add fertilizers to increase productivity.

Planning your summer cottage is very interesting, because you can come up with a bunch of interesting solutions.

In order to beautifully and efficiently improve the territory, you need to have some knowledge.

Our article will help you step by step to complete the basic work and decorate your site.

Where to begin?

Before starting work, you need to make a plan. Reflect your site on it, sketch its shape, display all the buildings and be sure to take into account the terrain; streams may flow in such areas.

Also take into account the location of your territory, whether your house is located in a lowland or on a hill. If the dacha is built under a mountain and streams enter the area, then its arrangement will take a lot of time and effort.

The layout of the territory involves dividing it into zones, these are a residential area, a recreation area, a vegetable garden and outbuildings. For each building you need to allocate a specific place and set the area.

The living area, that is, your house, should occupy about 25% of the space of the entire territory, the toilet, bathhouse and shed should fit on 15-17% of the area.

The largest space on the site, as always, is reserved for the garden, which means that you can plant and grow berries, fruit trees, your favorite flowers, build an artificial pond, build a gazebo, in general, make the area beautiful and landscaped.

The first thing to be built on the site is, of course, a house. Everyone builds it in a different place, some in the center, others like the house to occupy the first line, right after the gate.

A gazebo or terrace is built not far from the house, closer to the garden, in order to enjoy fresh air and the scent of trees. The playground is also placed closer to the gazebo, perhaps at its level or behind it.

The toilet, bathhouse and shed should occupy a place closer to the fence. In this case, they will remain invisible on the site and will not take up space.

There is no single type of landscaping of a summer cottage, since everyone’s territory is different both in size and shape. The standard plot type is a square or rectangle.

On their territory, summer residents love to create rock gardens from stones, plants and a pond.

Planning a site is a creative and interesting process, but to make your dacha cozy and beautiful, it wouldn’t hurt to look at some of the work of landscape designers.

Drawing a diagram

Once you have decided on the location of buildings on the territory, mark them on paper and sketch them. So, you will clearly make your work easier, and you will certainly have an idea of ​​what to place where, namely:

  • Where will the house be located, on which side of the plot will the entrance be.
  • Place for outbuildings.
  • Where will you place the gazebo and play area?
  • Direction of tracks.
  • Place for flower beds and a pond.
  • Communications.

Strictly observing the sequence of buildings, the main place on the site belongs to the house, then we build a garage, sheds, a bathhouse and a toilet.

Lastly, we choose a place for a gazebo, barbecue area, summer shower, etc. Enough space is allocated to the garden and vegetable garden, depending on what you plan to plant there.

Site layout depending on size

Depending on how many acres the dacha plot occupies, the location of the buildings should be designed.

If the plot is no more than 6 acres, then with proper zoning of the territory you can build everything you need. A house on such a plot will be no more than 20-25 square meters. m., parking - about 7 sq. m., vegetable garden - no more than 100 sq. m.

If your plot is large, from 12 to 15 acres, then this is conducive to a serious project on which you will have to work hard.

According to the standard plan, everything can be built here, even large objects, for example, the house here will be simply huge, with a summer terrace and spacious parking.

When developing a plan for the development of your site yourself, take into account all the nuances regarding the construction and placement of summer cottages. Use a clear work plan and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of a successful layout of a summer cottage

Planning summer cottage is a process that requires, first of all, a creative approach and certain knowledge. Every summer resident wants to make the most of the space allotted to him, and most importantly, get the benefit and pleasure of beauty and comfort from the square meters of the territory. Many specialists in this field, who love their work, willingly share their own experience and best practices. Some recommendations have been specifically collected in this article.
What's the best way to do it yourself? dacha plot layout, let's look at it step by step.


The first stage in preparing to draw up a site plan is to determine the nature of the relief, the shape of the land plot, presence and type of structures, other features. For example, in rural areas there are many ponds and streams; their presence on the territory can be used to advantage.

Plot with a stream

It is worth analyzing the features of the placement of a summer cottage:
  Is there a source of water;
  Woodland or steppe.
Quite often it is necessary to adjust the soil level (remove and add soil), form organized drains, and create blind areas. Only with a thoughtful approach to the placement of buildings can all zones be highlighted and profitably used.

What to do if terrain leveling is required?

The most reliable method of preparatory work begins with an assessment of the space, namely the land:

  1. Relief: can be flat, hilly, there may be hills or ravines. It is this indicator that will influence diagram communications laying;
  2. Soil: can be humus, clay, sand. If the project involves a garden or vegetable garden, the soil fertility should be increased by applying fertilizers;
  3. Size and shape plot: usually rectangular, elongated or square;
  4. Groundwater: if their level is high enough, it is necessary to consider methods of water removal and drainage;
  5. Illumination;
  6. Climatic conditions.

Note! If large trees and large buildings are placed on the north side, this will make it possible to reduce the influence of shadow on other plants, and make the view from the house illuminated throughout the day.


The location of objects on a summer cottage depends on the initially thought-out plan and wishes. Each plan is unique in its own way. Let's consider a project that will include the maximum number of so-called zones or sectors:

  • Residential;
  • Outbuildings;
  • Garden;
  • Recreation;
  • Gaming;

Considering the total area of ​​the site, it would be correct if each of the listed zones occupies its own optimal territory. Let's take a closer look in percentage terms.

Watch the video! Site layout

The residential area, by generally accepted standards, should occupy up to 20%. The percentage of the occupied territory allocated for outbuildings should not exceed 15%. It is customary to leave the largest plot of land for a garden or vegetable garden. This is usually around 75%. It is this percentage that allows you to diversify your landscape design varieties of flowers and plant species:

  1. When everything is marked and you can begin to act, the house is placed first. Usually the central zone is chosen for its placement. Utility blocks are often placed somewhere in the depths. They can be disguised with ornamental shade-loving plants;
  2. The place to relax should be the best and most comfortable. At the same time, it is worth remembering to allocate space for a children's playground. It should be in a clearly visible place so that parents can always keep their children under visual control;
  3. Good illumination of the garden is one of the important requirements. Accordingly, it is better to allocate the sunny part of the site for it.

Worth remembering! It is better to place a pool, bathhouse or other secondary structures closer to the fence so as not to take up valuable square meters in the main part.

Forms plot

Schemes There can be an infinite number of summer cottages. They will all be different from each other. But the most important role will initially be played by the shape of the site. The most common shape is rectangular. It is the easiest place to implement various ideas and solutions.
Sometimes an L-shaped type of layout is found. In this case, everything will have to be carefully thought out and calculated, since it is an order of magnitude more complex than the previous option. The protruding part can be used as a children's playroom or recreation area.

Thinking through a plan plot triangular shape, it is worth emphasizing round elements:

  1. Gazebos;
  2. Flowerbeds;
  3. Lawns;
  4. Reservoirs.

Important! When planning and breaking down the territory, you can consider a variety of options on the basis of which you can create an individual plan.

Plan- scheme

When the placement of zones has already been planned, it is worth sketching everything on paper. To do this, it is better to take a sheet of Whatman paper, a pencil, a ruler and draw a grid on the entire sheet, with an indent of 1 step-1cm. If for any reason this is difficult for you, you can always contact landscape design specialists. Special programs, with which they work, will allow you to see a complete picture of the future dacha and site even before the first markings on the area begin. This service costs money, but will significantly save time.

But to save money, an ordinary sheet of A4 paper and a pencil will be enough.

Creating diagram Some points must be taken into account:

  • Location of the house taking into account all exits;
  • Do not forget and carefully consider the places allocated for utility and auxiliary structures;
  • Clearly designated rest area;
  • children's playground;
  • Placement of tracks;
  • Fences and fences;
  • Dimensions and shapes of planned flower beds, rock gardens, front gardens;
  • Reservoirs, if present;
  • Engineering Communication.

Important to remember! According to its intended purpose, the object supposedly placed on the plan must optimally correspond to the selected location.

Watch the video! Planning of a suburban area. Errors

It is necessary to consider the location, size, shape of the planned structures and materials that will be used for construction.
Must be placed:

  • Base - house;
  • Additional buildings: summer kitchen, garage, barn, cellar;
  • Recreation facilities: gazebo, terrace, children's playground, swimming pool;
  • Garden and vegetable garden: vegetable beds, greenhouses, arrangement of fruit trees, flower beds.

It is very important to select materials for buildings so that they look harmonious on the site as one whole.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you should immediately take into account the legal requirements regarding distances:

  • the distance from the house to the red line of the street is 5m;
  • from the house to the neighbor's fence - 3m;
  • Between houses made of stone - 6m, wood - 15m, mixed materials - 10m;
  • From a fence to a garden house - 3m, to buildings for animals - 4m, household. buildings - 1m, trees - 4m;
  • From the windows of a residential building to the neighbor’s utility parts - 6m.

It is better to place the garage in the front part plot. To do this, it is enough to allocate a place for check-in, equipped with high-quality and durable materials.

The most common layout options summer cottages

Combinations schemes always depend on the shape and size of the site itself. Let's look at a few of the most common ones.

Plot of 6 acres

A fairly common option for a small dacha. This is only 600m 2 of land. The modest territory does not allow the construction of large-scale structures. Having such restrictions in square meters, it would be more logical and correct to place the following buildings:

  1. House - up to 20m2;
  2. Utility block (outdoor shower, toilet, sheds) - 15m2;
  3. Garage including check-in 8m2 (4x2 occupancy);
  4. Places for recreation and children's playground - 75m2;
  5. Vegetable garden (including greenhouse, vineyards, beds) - 120m2;
  6. Paved paths and paths -42m2;
  7. Garden: shrubs, trees, flower beds - 320m2.

Described plots located along the length of the road. A small area is allocated to the living space, since this housing is not permanent. Trees and shrubs should be planted exclusively for fruits and berries. Among the trees it is worth planting apple, apricot, cherry, pear, plum. Shrubs include currants, raspberries and gooseberries. The utility block is located behind the house and preferably at a distance from recreation areas.

Advice! The free land can be sown with lawn grass and then small architectural forms, for example a fountain.

Plot of 12 acres

Unlike the previous example, this option makes it possible to select extra seats for recreation areas.

Approximate layout:

  1. House with a spacious terrace - 150m2;
  2. Household part-50m 2;
  3. Recreation area and playground - 200m2;
  4. Vegetable garden and greenhouse - 200m2;
  5. Garden plot-550m 2 ;
  6. Paths and paths - 50m2.

The buildings must be placed in the same way as in the previous version, but there is an opportunity to apply ideas for landscaping the area by planting not only fruit and berry plants, but also decorative ones. Implement ideas for landscaping paths and paths. The size of the area allows you to install a gazebo, swimming pool, and barbecue. For the most pleasant pastime in the dark, it is very important to properly consider lighting methods summer cottage at night time.

Plot of 15 acres

This option allows you to realize any ideas and desires regarding landscape combinations and decorative design. Most often, the plot has the shape of a rectangle 30×50 m or 25×60 m. The large space allows you to implement in the project everything necessary not only for comfortable living in the summer, but also in the winter:

  1. Residential building with attic and veranda – 200m2;
  2. Summer kitchen – 30m2;
  3. Guest house – 50m2;
  4. Garage with entrance - 30m2;
  5. Recreation area (gazebo, playground, barbecue, benches around the territory) – 300 m2;
  6. Household blocks – 70m2;
  7. Vegetable garden and – 200m2;
  8. Bathhouse – 50m2;
  9. Flower beds and mixborders – 70m2;
  10. Garden – 400m2;
  11. Decorative structures (stone sculptures, arches, fountain, artificial or natural reservoirs) – 100m2.

It all depends on the number of square meters, desire and creativity. To create country cottage area your dreams, it is enough, relying on the advice of professionals, to embody your ideas and ideas. A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so a lot of time and effort must be devoted to this stage of landscaping. To do this, many flower beds are laid out, and a beautiful front garden is arranged in front of the house.

It is then that the result will be the same dacha where it will be pleasant to relax from the bustle of the city at any time of the year and in any weather.

Watch the video! Planning a new site. Expert recommendations

This is not about chess, but about planning and arranging your garden plot. What do they have in common?

And the fact that one ill-considered move can lead to the loss of the entire game...

Finally, your dream has come true: you have become the owner of a piece of land. You would be happy, but you are immediately taken captive by worries and anxieties: what is the best, most competent way to manage this wealth?

Try to think through everything to the smallest detail and avoid making mistakes: correcting them will be expensive - this means wasted work, low yields, and wasted time.

We offer the reader two options for planning a garden plot.

The first one has an area of ​​12 acres- intended for those who will not run to the market with a bunch of the first radishes, for whom the plot is primarily a place of rest. In this option, the vegetable garden itself occupies about a third of the area, the rest is the garden, flower beds, swimming pool, etc.

The second layout option will be chosen by a person concerned primarily with income from your site. The main thing here is the garden, maximum conditions for it, to ensure a good harvest of vegetables and berries.

There can be many layout options.

The main thing for a gardener is to learn (like a chess player) to calculate the situation several moves (years) in advance, so as not to cut down mature apple trees, which turn out to be shading the beds, and not to uproot fruit-bearing currants because they have “climbed” their branches onto a neighbor’s plot...

What is the most correct and rational way to plan a site? First of all, it is necessary to establish the relative position of its constituent parts - recreation areas, gardening and utility areas.

The recreation area usually contains a house and a garage in it, a play area for children, flower beds and (preferably) a swimming pool - nicely tiled with blue tiles.

Rice. 1 1 - vegetable crop rotation; 2 - strawberry crop rotation; 3 - fruit bushes in one row (raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries); 4 - cherries; 5 - apple trees; 6 - plums; 7 - ornamental fruit bushes (lilac, chokeberry, sea buckthorn, irga); 8 - retaining wall with an alpine slide; 9 - paved parking lot; 10 - swimming pool; 11 - residential building; 12 - trellis for hops or clematis, pergola; 13-year-old house (housing block).

Rice. 2 1 - vegetables; 2 - strawberries; 3 - green hedge of fruit berry bushes (black, red, white currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries); 4 - cherries and plums; 5 - apple trees; 6 - pears; 7 - lilac, chokeberry; 8 - lawn; 9 - entrance for a car; 10 - utility block (bath, shower, toilet); 11 - residential building with a garage.

Gardening area used for planting a garden and cultivating vegetables. In the economic zone there are greenhouses, a compost heap, cesspool and, of course, a utility block (coordinating your plans with your neighbors).

Think about your driveway to the house and internal paths on the site: the system of their passage should be inextricably linked with individual zones.

Placing a house in the depths of the plot, you will have a “quiet” zone. Between the house and the entrance to the site you should lay out flower beds and edgings (narrow beds with flowers), arrange a lawn, plant ornamental trees and shrubs (lilac, jasmine, roses, rowan, etc.) that will close your “abode” from prying eyes.

When planning a vacation spot It is advisable to provide for the use of elements of garden architecture (benches, gazebos, trellis - green screen, entrance arches, various devices for climbing roses, clematis, lemongrass, hops). In combination with plants they look very impressive.

The layout of the area for gardening requires special attention. It should be remembered: the part allocated for the garden should not be shaded - after all, all living things love the sun... The most successful distribution of land between fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental crops is when they are given a separate permanent place. Their combined arrangement is a very common mistake.

At first everything seems to be going well: the trees are still small, they do not occupy a large area, so there is enough light and nutrition for other plants. Over time fruit trees grow, and then the bushes, vegetables, and strawberries have a hard time.

Well, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes- they absolutely cannot tolerate strong shading and the presence of tree plant roots in the soil.

It is also important to foresee the ability to change the area occupied by vegetables, strawberries and flowers. The main types of vegetable crops have to be swapped annually to avoid diseases due to infections in the soil.

Strawberries and strawberries They bear fruit well in one place for 2-3 years (not counting the year of planting). In the fourth year, if the yield is poor, they need to be eliminated.

So a strawberry-vegetable crop rotation should be created on the site, in which there should be 3-4 beds with strawberries and 2-4 beds with various vegetables (the number of beds can be increased depending on the needs of the family). One bed of strawberries is cleared annually, and next year Vegetables are grown here, and the bed of early vegetables is filled with strawberries.

Another planning rule: The height of the plants should decrease as they approach the house.

It is better to place the most low plants- flowers, strawberries, low-growing shrubs, you can also arrange a lawn.

Let's consider another option - this time the layout of a plot of 12 acres. This is already a fairly large area of ​​land, which can be not just a summer cottage option, but a full-fledged country estate.

  • Start of planning

    As in our previous planning materials, we will use the simple Garden Planner program and be guided by sanitary standards and rules.

    As an example, consider the layout of a 12-acre dacha plot of rectangular shape with dimensions of 40x30 meters. The plot is not corner and will be with three sides surrounded by neighbors, and on one side there will be a street. Let's try to turn our ideas into reality and draw a diagram with our own hands.

    First of all, we draw the boundaries of our site, draw a fence and mark the proposed location for the entrance and gate.

    Location of objects

    The next step in planning our acres will be to compile a list of all the main objects and buildings.

    This is far from full list possible objects for 12 hundred square meters, but a lot will depend on the size of the buildings.

    House location

    As always, the layout begins with the most basic thing - the living space. Guided by the norms, we retreat 5 m from the fence and outline the area of ​​possible location.

    It is also worth taking into account the location of your neighbors’ cottages and the flammability class of their materials, for example, insulation for the outside walls of the house. For example, if we are considering houses made of SIP panels or timber, then there should be a distance of at least 15 m between them. But between stone buildings there can be at least 8 m. By the way, read about the pros and cons of profiled timber in our other materials.

    Since the plot is not narrow, we have quite a lot of room for maneuvers. This is good because we want a rather large house of 12x10 meters with a garage and a spacious terrace.

    The entrance to the garage is located opposite the gate, and the terrace will face the main territory of the 12-acre plot.

    Bathhouse location

    We will not consider options for designing a summer cottage of this size without a bathhouse. A bathhouse is a must!

    In accordance with the standards, we retreat a distance of 8 m from the main building, and 3 m from the fence. We obtain the area for construction:

    We will make the country bathhouse spacious – 6x5 meters and move it closer to the neighbors’ fence.

    Gazebo location

    Since the gazebo also belongs to buildings, within the framework of this land plot We take into account the norms of distances from other objects - 8 m from the bathhouse and at least 3 m from the building.

    Let's consider an example with a spacious 4x4 meter gazebo that can accommodate more than 10 guests.

    Let's place it at a minimum distance from the sauna and 1 meter from the fence.

    Location of other objects

    For any suburban area, a vegetable garden is a mandatory element. It can occupy either a significant area or be decorative. Our acres are more a place for recreation than for growing agricultural products. Therefore, we will assign him an area measuring 8x4 meters at a distance of 1 meter from the fence next to the gazebo.

    Most owners of suburban acres have already managed to acquire a younger generation or are planning to do so soon. Therefore, a children's area is required. We will allocate 6x4 meters for it and place it in an area away from the road so that the place can be seen from the house, gazebo or bathhouse.

    A plot of 12 acres allows you to plan a small garden. Let's give him a place from the playground to the upper right corner measuring approximately 14x9 meters.

    We are done with the main objects. Let's move on to a functional country house layout.

    Paths on the site

    We will divide all paths into 2 types: solid and garden. We will pave the former with paving stones, and make the latter “soft” from wood or wood chips.

    First of all, we pave the road around the house, bathhouse, in front of the garage and near the gazebo.

    Don't forget about soft flooring for the children's area. The design of the coating can be any; now the range is huge.

    The next step is to mark garden paths on the site - from the terrace to the vegetable garden, from the gate to the entrance, the path to the garden and from the gazebo to the bathhouse.

    Decor and planting planning for our acres

    Next, our detailed diagram will contain a planting plan. First, let's look at the beds and designate their shapes, locations and sizes. Then we will designate the functionality of each - what vegetables and crops we plan to grow.

    Now let's take care of the garden. In order to save space, large fruit trees - apple and plum trees - are planted along the fence. We also plant raspberry bushes along the fence bordering the neighbors.

    We plant cherries on the side of the playground. In this place, the house will not cast a shadow on our light-loving trees during daylight hours.

    In the shade of the cherries in the center of the garden we plant shrubs with berries - currants, blackberries and blueberries.

    We will put a grill with a barbecue near the gazebo. And on the playground we will place a trampoline, a slide, a swing and a sandbox.

    After all the planned objects, we still have undeveloped areas - the space in the upper right corner near the bathhouse, the space between the house and the gazebo, as well as the perimeter of the fence.

    In the center opposite the house we will plant a spruce tree, which we will decorate for new year holidays. We will plant climbing plants and flowers on the fence along the street. And we'll plant two big trees.

    An alpine slide can be placed between the bathhouse and the gazebo.

    Ready! If you like the layout of such a site, you can download the diagram for the Garden Planner program from the link.

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