How to make homemade champagne recipe. How to make champagne at home with your own hands

What is a celebration without champagne: with cheerful sparkles of intoxicated fun, cheerful bubbles in a glass, the holiday comes to the house. Do you still not know how to make champagne at home? Then try one of the suggested recipes.

First of all, you will need champagne bottles and corks with muzle(the same wire that keeps the plug from accidentally flying out). There are home craftsmen who carefully remove these wires from the purchased drink and then reuse it, even managing to make champagne for a wedding with their own hands, and such that you will not immediately guess that it is not industrially made.

Attention. Reusing the muzlet is still undesirable for the reason that the wire easily breaks when they try to tighten it again, and you have to “invent” a new device from scrap material.

New champagne corks are available for sale. 20 pieces including muzle cost less than a dollar. Along with them, it is advisable to also purchase special device for screwing the muzzle, which greatly simplifies the process and helps to achieve a more reliable result in holding the cork on the neck of the bottle.

Some people successfully use special plugs with sediment trap, including both champagne and . The latter are with a twist, suitable for ordinary glass and pet bottles. Their disadvantage is that if they are not calculated correctly and the pressure is too high, the glass bottle may explode. And making champagne in plastic at home leads to a deterioration in taste.

There are also special reusable stainless steel stoppers that do not require muzle.

They are designed in such a way that the cork is inserted, then clamps are lowered on both sides, which are securely held by the rim protruding from the neck.

He would rather break the bottle than rip off that cork. The price of one such product is from 1.5 to 8 dollars.

A little expensive for home winemaking, but given the reusability, you can order a couple online.

The simplest recipe

The easiest way to make homemade champagne is from ready-made purchased wine. It’s better to choose a dry one, or one that you like, in the middle price category, be sure to be light.

Agree, it’s a shame to spend a lot of money on wine and get as a result of experiments not quite the option you would like. And cheap wine, filled with preservatives and not always natural ingredients, may not produce sparkling wine.

So, to prepare a high-quality sparkling drink, you will need:

  • at least 0.75 liters purchased or;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • no more than 4 raisins.

According to champagne standards, no raisins are added, but circulation liqueur: take (per bottle) 18 g of sugar, 0.3 g of wine (and only wine) yeast, dissolve in a small amount of wine, leave to dissolve (so that the activity of the yeast becomes visible) and pour into a bottle, where the wine is also sent.

Note. In our home conditions, instead of mass-produced liqueur, you can take homemade, not yet fermented wine and add (per bottle) 15 g of sugar so that the pressure inside is created and does not explode.

Pour such an amount of wine into a champagne bottle so that there is a very small gap left before the cork - 2 centimeters. Add sugar and raisins (liquor). Close using muselet and leave at room temperature in a supine position for at least 2 months. Usually – up to 90 days.

Two weeks before the sediment is removed, the bottles are placed “on the cork.” Every day they are carefully turned around their axis so that the sediment gradually “flows” down.

There is another method that is widely used in France: by bottle. lightly tap with a rubber mallet. This way the sediment falls evenly towards the plug.


Any recipe for champagne, including wedding champagne, made from purchased or homemade wine, includes the obligatory point - desludge, or, in the language of winemakers - disgorgement. It is carried out two weeks after the bottles have been on the cork.

This process is best done together, although professionals can do it well on their own. The bottle, which previously stood with its neck down, is carefully raised to a horizontal position or slightly higher, without taking it out of the room where it was located. Gradually loosen the mesh, while simultaneously holding it from flying out and removing the cork.

The sparkling drink, after removing the cork, will quickly push out the sediment along with a certain amount of wine (no more than 50 ml). But it’s better not to let the sparkling wine spill out and, by pressing your finger, control the process yourself.

The bottle is immediately placed vertically and new, non-sparkling, fully matured wine is added so that a maximum of 2 cm remains before the cork. Cork again, preferably using a new muzlet.

Advice! If you're just starting out making sparkling wine, order sediment-catching corks, which minimize the effort of disgorgement: simply unscrew the top cap, which collects the sediment, and that's it - the bottom cork keeps the sparkling drink clean and clear inside the bottle.

After disgorgement, the bottles are taken to a cool room (basement), where they are stored in a horizontal position until use for at least 3 months, possibly longer.

How to make it from birch sap?

A sparkling drink from birch sap has been prepared in Rus' since ancient times. It was collected in the spring, and by the fall, when weddings traditionally took place, it was just ripening and gaining its incomparable taste. Here's how you can still make champagne from birch sap today, which you can serve to your most dear guest:

  1. Pour 2 to 3 kg of sugar into a saucepan (depending on the desired sweetness of the final product) and pour 10 liters of juice into it.
  2. Boil until reduced by a third, periodically skimming off the foam.
  3. We filter, pour into a strong barrel, filling not to the top.
  4. Add to the still warm syrup: 1 liter (preferably good), dry yeast – 4 tsp, chopped lemons (be sure to remove the seeds) – 4 pcs.
  5. We close the barrel tightly, let it stand for 12 hours in a warm room, then take it to the basement, where we leave it for 60-70 days.
  6. We filter the resulting sparkling drink, bottle it (champagne or dark glass), cork it and be sure to secure the corks with wire.

Birch champagne prepared in this way with sap can already be consumed, but it is better to keep it in the basement, laying the bottles horizontally.

Of course, one cannot but agree - birch sap produces a sparkling drink, slightly different in taste from the store-bought product, but it is also good, with wonderful sparkles of gas bubbles gradually emerging from the glass.


In addition to the fact that sparkling wine is pleasant to drink on its own, it is also good to make cocktails with champagne at home, especially for company. Add to champagne juices, , ice cream. There are traditional cocktail recipes:

  • KirRoyal. Add 20 ml of blackcurrant liqueur to 150 ml of champagne.
    You can make this cocktail with raspberry, peach, and blueberry liqueur, which go well with sparkling wine.
  • Mimosa. For this cocktail you need to take 90 ml of ready-made orange juice, the same amount of champagne and one orange, from which you also squeeze the juice into a tall glass with your hands.
  • MartiniRoyale. For this cocktail you will need 75 ml each of champagne and white sweet (Martini), lime with zest and ice.

The most festive drink is considered to be sparkling wine, which we colloquially call “champagne,” although it is often very different from the real drink from the French province of Champagne. However, many lovers of experiments manage to make very worthy sparkling drinks at home, proudly called homemade champagne.

There are so many DIY champagne recipes you can find on the Internet - champagne made from grapes, black currant leaves, young grape leaves, apples and raspberries, etc.

In this article we will reveal some of the secrets of experienced winemakers for producing champagne from grapes at home.

Homemade champagne

Champagne can be made from any grape variety you like. Professionals mix several varieties to achieve the best color and aroma. But there is a rule that you can mix no more than three different varieties.

At home, you can make wonderful natural sparkling wine that will delight you and your guests and, in addition, will benefit your health.

There are various technologies for preparing homemade champagne. However, it is important to know the basic necessary components of any technology:

  • Prepare wine material. This is fermented grape juice, aged after removal from the pulp for about 35 - 40 days.
  • You should also prepare the bottles into which you want to pour the wine. They should be dark with a thick bottom. Store-bought champagne bottles work best, but new plastic bottles can also be used. Before pouring wine, be sure to wash all containers well and scald them with hot water.
  • A very important point is the selection of caps for sealing sparkling wine. Since during the ripening process of the drink there is continuous fermentation and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the bottles, the lids must be strong and tight. Currently, there are stoppers on sale with settling tanks where the wine sediment ends up. But regular wine corks made from cork oak are also suitable.

This is important to know: There is always sediment in bottles of sparkling wine. In the factory, it is removed along with the cork using a special technology, freezing the neck of the bottle at a temperature of -25 degrees. This process is very dangerous, as there is a high probability that the bottle will explode.

  • Prepare a place for bottles in a cold cellar with a constant temperature. According to French technology, sparkling wine matures in the cellar in the cold for 3 years, but homemade champagne can be tasted after 1-3 months.
    How to make champagne at home

How to make homemade champagne from grapes recipe step by step:


  • grape;
  • sugar.


  1. Crush the grape bunches using a special crusher or other method into a large container (kadus). Filling the container with grape pulp should be no more than two-thirds full, so that it has room to rise when fermentation begins.
  2. After about 2-3 days, when the pulp begins to rise, drain and strain the juice through a fine sieve into another container with a narrow neck, where further fermentation processes of the wine material will take place. Fill the bottle almost to the top and place it in the basement. Place a bowl or basin under it, into which the boiled yeast will be collected.
  3. After 35-40 days, the finished wine material must be poured into a container where sugar will be added to it. To do this, carefully pour the settled liquid into a prepared clean container using a thin hose. We try not to touch the sediment.
  4. The liquid needs to be measured so that you know how much sugar to add to it. To make champagne sweet, add 40-50 grams of sugar per 1 liter of wine material, depending on the sugar content of the grape variety. Semi-sweet champagne from grapes will be obtained by adding 30-35 grams of sugar, and semi-dry by adding 20-25. In dry champagne you need to add 1 tablespoon of sugar per liter of wine.
  5. Sugar is measured out over the entire volume of wine material and dissolved in a small amount of heated wine.
    For example, for ten liters of wine material, to prepare sweet champagne, take 500 grams of sugar and dissolve it in 1 liter of hot wine. Then we pour this mixture into a container with the remaining wine, mix it, pour it into bottles, which we immediately seal. Interesting Facts: Some winemakers, to speed up the ripening of champagne at home and create more carbon dioxide, add 1-2 grains of barley or raisins to the bottom of the bottle.
  6. The necks of champagne bottles are wrapped with wire, like a factory muzle, so that the cork does not break off. You can make it yourself.
  7. Place champagne bottles horizontally in the basement on a separate shelf. So that if one bottle explodes (which does not rarely happen), others are not harmed by fragments, they are covered with straw or cardboard.
  8. After about a month, the bottles will already have enough carbon dioxide dissolved in the wine and the drink can be tasted.

Advice: To avoid losing the long-awaited homemade sparkling wine when opening the bottle, you need to cool it well in the refrigerator or freezer and open it quickly, trying not to shake it.

Recipes for champagne leaves

A refreshing fizzy drink is prepared from the young leaves of the vine. It tastes more like a good grape soda, but if you drink a couple of glasses, it starts to make you dizzy. We will tell you further how to make champagne from vines using proven recipes.

Ingredients for champagne from grape leaves for 1 serving:

  • Grape leaves and young green shoots - 0.5 kg.
  • Water – 3 liters.
  • Sugar – 0.85 kg.


Interestingly, champagne prepared according to this recipe does not spoil for several decades if stored correctly.

Preparation champagne from grape leaves second option:

  1. Pour 2 kg of sugar into a large enamel pan and place 1 kilogram of grape leaves in it.
  2. Fill it all with 6 liters of boiled water. We put the resulting mixture in the basement for three days, where the ingredients must infuse.
  3. After three days, having squeezed the leaves well, filter the liquid into another container and add 30 grams of wine yeast to it, having previously activated them in a small amount of wort heated to 50-60 degrees.
  4. We install a water seal on the bottle and after a week we pour it into bottles.
  5. Within a month, increased formation of gases occurs in the bottles, after which time you can already enjoy a wonderful fizzy drink.

Thanks to this material, you will learn how to make champagne at home from any ready-made wine. The recipe is simple, but the preparation technology requires dexterity at the time of disgorgement (removing sediment from the bottle). That’s why I recommend making champagne together, it’s more interesting and easier.

There are two methods to prepare homemade champagne:

Artificial. The drink is saturated with carbon dioxide without fermentation (carbon dioxide cylinders are required).

Natural. Young wine ferments in tightly sealed bottles, then it is purified. This method is better, as it produces natural sparkling wine with a rich taste. It is the natural method that will be discussed further.


  • wine – 0.75 liters;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • unwashed raisins – 3-4 pieces.

Homemade champagne recipe

1. Filling bottles with wine. You can use any homemade wine from grapes, apples, cherries, rowan berries, or other fruits, or you can buy the drink in a store. In the second case, I advise you to choose wines in the middle price range; the cheapest ones have a lot of preservatives, as a result of which they ferment poorly.

Pour the wine into champagne bottles in a cool room. They are strong enough to withstand gas pressure, this is an ideal option. If there are no such bottles, any other bottles will do, preferably made of dark glass. Plastic bottles are the worst option because the alcohol in the wine reacts with the plastic and ruins the taste.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and a few raisins. These ingredients are necessary to activate fermentation. Bottles should be filled up to the neck to make them easier to work with in the future.

Seal full bottles with reliable corks and, for greater reliability, tie them with wire, as is done in factory champagne. An alternative option is to fill the plugs with sealing wax or hot wax.

2. Storage. For 60-90 days, future homemade champagne should be stored horizontally at a temperature of 18-25°C. Try to maintain a stable temperature, this is very important for the normal development of wine yeast and fermentation.

In the last 2 weeks of storage, the bottles are placed with their necks down and slowly rotated every day. This is done so that the yeast lags behind the walls and gradually accumulates at the neck.

Sediment near the neck

3. Disgorgement (removal of sediment). The most difficult stage, which requires dexterity or the help of other people. I advise you to prepare new plugs and wire for dressing in advance. The procedure must be performed in the room where the drink was stored.

The essence of disgorgement is that we remove yeast and other fermentation products that have accumulated near the cork. To do this, you need to open the bottles, quickly drain the sediment, add a little fresh wine and cork them back.

The procedure is performed by two people in the following order: the first winemaker carefully opens the bottle without changing its original position, drains the sediment (small losses of champagne are inevitable), closes the neck with his finger, and hands the bottle to his partner. The second one grabs the neck with his finger, turns it over and opens the bottle, pours wine into it, tightly caps the cork and pulls the wire (fills it with wax or sealing wax).

Attention! Under gas pressure, a poorly closed plug can fly out.

4. Holding. Place closed bottles in a cold room (temperature 8-10°C) and keep for at least three months. The longer this period lasts, the better the champagne will be.

Let's move on to tasting

P.S. The video describes a method for making champagne from black currant leaves (grape leaves will also work). Although this drink cannot be called traditional champagne, it is made easier and faster than using the technology described above.

You can make champagne at home. Moreover, this is quite a fascinating process. At the same time, sparkling, sparkling drinks can be made at home not only from grapes. Other berries and fruits are used as raw materials. Of course, a cheerful, aromatic, tasty drink with bubbles will add sparkling joy to the festive table.

Champagne made from grapes

It is not difficult to make champagne at home using grape raw materials. To do this, the grape must, at the stage of active fermentation decay, is poured into suitable bottles. In general, winemaking is a very interesting process and every winemaker is used to keeping his secrets. Therefore, starting with simply copying the recipe, you will soon begin to make your own additions that will give a special bouquet to your sparkling wine. However, for the first time, follow all these tips and recommendations exactly.

How to prepare bottles

Glass containers for homemade sparkling wine should be dark glass. It is best, of course, to initially use store-bought champagne bottles, but beer bottles will also work. The containers, thoroughly washed outside and inside, are calcined in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. Natural champagne corks are also thoroughly washed and boiled, while plastic corks are doused with boiling water. For beer bottles, appropriate caps are suitable.

Additionally, prepare a wire to secure the cork or a strong rope.

Grape recipe

Let the crushed grapes ferment in the same way as is done when making regular wine. Let us explain for beginning winemakers. It is necessary to sort out the grapes. Only ripe, unspoiled berries are fished. Press it in any convenient way in an enamel basin. Then cover with gauze and leave for 3 days in a dark pantry. After fermentation begins, pour the sparkling grape juice into a fermentation container and put a water seal of any design on it.

Once the moment of intense fermentation has passed, pour one and a half teaspoons of sugar into each champagne bottle and add 3-4 raisins (optional). Fill the bottles with new wine up to the hanger to leave room for carbon dioxide.

Helpful advice! If this is your first time making champagne wine at home, then fill another half-liter plastic bottle. Don't forget to add a teaspoon of sugar to it first. You will use it to check the readiness of your sparkling wine.

Cork the bottles well. If necessary, hammer the plugs with a mallet. Wrap tightly with wire or string to prevent them from being torn off when carbon dioxide is released. You can also fill it with sealing wax.

Progress of the process

For the first 7–10 days, the bottles should be kept in the house, in a horizontal position at a temperature of 20–25 degrees Celsius. Remember, there should be no temperature changes. During this time, you will periodically feel the plastic bottle - by the end of the week it should become almost stone. This means that the process is moving in the right direction. Open the bottle and try – can you feel the bubbles? This means that everything is in order in the rest of the party.

Move the bottles to a cool room where the temperature is 7–12 degrees Celsius. Place them on straw or sawdust so that they do not touch each other. The correct position of the containers is horizontal. In a month you will be able to drink it. But there will be no transparency.

If you age champagne for two months, with the neck down for a week during the last two months, you will get a light sparkling drink with excellent taste and no sediment. This sparkling wine will be no worse than store-bought wine. To do this, you also need to twist the bottles upside down every day for the last 2 weeks so that the yeast sediment falls onto the cork.


The French word "disgorgement" in winemaking means the removal of yeast sediment. There are two methods of disgorgement. The first industrial method is to freeze the neck. The sediment on the plug will also freeze and be easy to remove. The bottle is sealed with a new stopper and also secured with wire.

A traditional method that has been used by winemakers for centuries.

  • Disgorgement is carried out by two people - this is faster and there is less loss of champagne.
  • They are disgorged in the room where the bottles of sparkling wine are located.
  • For this process, you need to prepare new corks and wire to hold them together, as well as fresh wine for topping up.
  • The bottle is quickly opened, clamping the hole with a finger, and the cork containing the sediment of the fermentation product is removed. Of course, some champagne is spilled.
  • Top up with fresh wine (syrup, alcohol, cognac) to the required volume.
  • The bottles are sealed with clean corks and twisted with wire.

In principle, sparkling wine prepared at home can be consumed from the second month, but the quality of champagne will improve significantly if it is aged for three months at a temperature of 8–12 degrees Celsius.
Making champagne at home, natural, is different from the factory. But if you do everything correctly, then in the end your pride will appear on the festive table - homemade sparkling wine!

Recipe for champagne “Generous Russia”

Champagne from birch sap is prepared easily and quickly.

1. To do this, you need to pour 10 liters of birch sap into a saucepan, add 2-3 kg of sugar there and cook, skimming off the foam, until 2/3 of the original volume remains.

2. Pour the solution into the prepared barrel through a thick gauze filter. The container should not be filled to the top.

3. When the juice becomes warm, you will need to add 1 liter of good vodka, 4 teaspoons of dry yeast and 4 chopped lemons (pitted).

4. About 12 hours, all this should ferment in a warm room. After this, the barrel must remain cool for 2 months.

5. After 8 weeks, the champagne is filtered again, bottled in sterile dark glass bottles and sealed with clean corks. To prevent the plugs from flying out, they are secured with wire.
Truly Russian champagne is ready to drink.

A pleasant, sharp tingle of bubbles on the tongue, combined with a delicate taste that retains shades of summer sun and autumn harvest time - this is a sweet sparkling wine. You can buy a bottle of fruit drink in order to enjoy this unusual combination, or you can make sparkling wine at home, choosing your favorite berries for it yourself. Anyone who has at least a basic understanding of making alcoholic beverages and is patient enough can handle this task. The process will take longer than going to the store, but the result is undoubtedly worth it.

Drinks artificially saturated with carbon dioxide are not called sparkling, but fizzy. Sparkling wines are filled with magical bubbles naturally during the fermentation process.

A simple way to make sparkling wine

This recipe is the easiest, but at the same time allows you to achieve good results. Homemade sparkling wine will not be entirely pure, but very tasty. To do this, you will need to prepare a wort from those berries that you like most - this can be classic grapes, or less traditional raw materials, such as apples (sparkling wine made from them), gooseberries, or plums. Red sparkling wine is prepared in the same way as white. The process goes on as usual - each winemaker has his own secrets and tricks, so there can be no universal advice here. You need to wait until the moment when active fermentation has stopped, but the process has not yet been completed.

And now, after the wort has almost fermented and began to lighten, the magic begins, thanks to which the non-carbonated drink turns into homemade sparkling wine.

The magic begins!

Unfermented raw materials need to be poured into bottles - it’s good if these are special bottles for champagne, but simple containers made of dark glass are also suitable. them with plastic stoppers and pulling them over with twine or wire (otherwise the internal pressure will easily knock out the stopper and the foaming liquid will simply splash out), put the bottles in a cool place. Their walls should not touch - to do this, we arrange the bottles with sawdust or wood shavings. The air temperature should not exceed 7-12 degrees.

Quiet fermentation lasts from two to four months. By the end of this time, the glass walls will be covered with a layer of sediment, so before drinking, homemade sparkling wine should be cooled to approximately zero degrees, and then, gently tapping, the suspension should be deposited from the walls to the bottom. After a rest period of a couple of days, it will be ready: you can drink and enjoy.

French way

Make sweet sparkling wine , purity and effervescence not inferior to expensive ones, you can
French method. This will take more time and effort, but in the end the drink will turn out to be truly refined and subtle, without a cloudy suspension, which many people really don’t like.

For it we take fermented and already aged material of medium strength. Red wine comes from dark berries, white sparkling wine comes from apples, gooseberries, and white currants. We pour it into champagne bottles and begin the process...


Unlike the previous recipe, the French method requires precision. For one 1.25 liter bottle you will need:

– 12-15 grams of granulated sugar,

Must be cold-resistant. Indeed, at low temperatures, the absorption of carbon dioxide by the liquid increases, which means that sweet sparkling wine should ferment in coolness, which not all yeast can tolerate.


The cooking process itself differs little from that considered in a simpler version. In a bottle with

sugar (or pre-prepared syrup) is added as raw materials, yeast is added, the containers are tightly closed and left to ferment in a cool, dark place. After two to four months, the sediment must be removed. This is done like this: the bottles are turned upside down - the suspension settles. After this, all that remains is to carefully drain the turbidity, and the wine will become clear.

If your goal is to make sweet sparkling wine , then after this you will need to sweeten it with the help of For sweet, the sugar content in it should be 65 percent; in semi-sweet sparkling wines, 60 percent liqueur is added. A 50% solution is added. Vodka is also added to the sweetener at the rate of 50 milliliters per liter.

Instead of liqueur, you can also use fruit liqueurs and other drinks, thanks to which you can get a bouquet that is amazing in its richness and sophistication.

Of course, making wine at home is more difficult than purchasing ready-made wine. But the results of your work are always more pleasant and give much more pleasure than a factory product.

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