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Hi all! Are you already thinking about how to entertain your children? New Year? Then consider these 13 simple games for home.

Children's New Year Games and Competitions for the home

Where is Santa Claus?

Of course, the simplest and most famous entertainment is the search for the long-awaited Santa Claus.
The presenter or the Snow Maiden invites the children to call Grandfather Frost.
And after that, together they light up the Christmas tree in chorus: “Christmas tree, light up!”

Tangerine football

To play this game, children are divided into 2 teams. To play you need tangerines and two fingers of each player.
Children play on the table and try to score a goal for the second team.
You can, of course, play this game with a goalkeeper, but then it will be much more difficult to score a goal.
This is a very fun game for developing team spirit, as well as dexterity and motor skills.
Adults, join the kids - it's a lot of fun!

Round dance for kids

Children younger age They love to dance around the Christmas tree. It is simple and accessible for them.
It’s great to do such a round dance around the Christmas tree with the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
If your child is doing a round dance for the first time or is shy, be sure to stand next to him and show with your example how great and fun it is.
Such a simple round dance unites children and adults and relieves tension.


Both children of all ages and adults love to play this interesting outdoor game.
From paper, masking tape, etc. you need to make as many “snowballs” as possible. By the way, I never use newspapers for children's games, because... I know that printing ink contains harmful substances.
Participants in the game take turns throwing these “snowballs” into any large “basket” (basket, box, bucket...) and try to get into it. Of course, the older the participants, the further away the basket should be placed to make it more interesting.
An excellent game for accuracy, dexterity and coordination.

"Attentive" song

Children sing in chorus a well-known song, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
When the leader claps, everyone falls silent and continues to sing the song to themselves.
When the leader claps again, the children begin to sing out loud again.
Anyone who starts singing out of tune with the others is eliminated from the game.

Large and small Christmas trees

Santa Claus (or the presenter) tells the children: different Christmas trees grow in the forest - small and large, low and tall.
At the word “low” or “small,” the presenter and children lower their hands down. On the word “large” or “high” - they lift up.
The presenter (or Santa Claus) repeats these commands in different orders, while accompanying his words with “wrong” gestures, trying to confuse the children.
Excellent game for attention.

Collect snowballs

This game is for older children. Let's make lumps of cotton wool or balls of paper - these will be “snowballs”. We lay them out next to the Christmas tree or around the room on the floor. We give each participant a basket, bag or box.
The winner is the participant who collects the most “snowballs” while Blindfolded.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and sense of touch.

Flying snowflakes

This game can also be played by both children and adults.
Participants take small piece cotton wool - a “snowflake”, is simultaneously thrown and blown on it in order to keep it in the air for as long as possible. You know who wins. 😉
This is a wonderful outdoor game for developing lungs and dexterity.

Guess the gift

A wonderful game for younger children. You need to put different items in an opaque bag.
The child determines by touch what object is in his hand. And if he guesses right, he gets it as a gift.
An excellent game that develops spatial thinking and tactile sensations.

New Year's fishing

A game for older children and adults. Prepare unbreakable Christmas decorations with loops, put them in a large box, and find several fishing rods.
When the presenter gives the command, the participants in the game decorate the Christmas tree using fishing rods and try to do it as quickly as possible. The one who hangs the most toys on the Christmas tree wins.
A great game that develops dexterity.

Pass the orange

The participants of the game are divided into two teams of 5 - 10 people.
When the host gives the signal to start the game, each participant passes the orange to the next player on their team without using their hands.
The team that completes the task the fastest without dropping the orange wins.
This game also develops team spirit, dexterity and ingenuity.

winter wind

For this game, 3 to 5 participants sit around a smooth table. They try, like the wind, to blow away a paper snowflake, a wad of cotton wool or a paper ball from this table.
The game develops lightness and perseverance.

Collect snowflakes

For this game you need to make “snowflakes” - cotton balls or paper snowflakes. Stretch fishing lines in the room and hang these “snowflakes” on strings. All competition participants will be given scissors and buckets/baskets.
The winner is the one who, after the leader’s command, collects in his bucket within a certain time large quantity"snowflakes".
This fun, active game develops speed and dexterity.

Let these fun New Year's games and competitions entertain you not only on the New Year itself, but also on the holiday weekend. And just long winter evenings Why not have some fun with your kids?! 😉

Everyone is preparing for the New Year, so share games with your friends using the buttons below.
Share in the comments what children's New Year's games and competitions for the home your Beloved Children liked. 😉

We all love the New Year holidays, but children look forward to this time most of all, because for them it is fabulous and very fun. Of course, it’s always nice to receive gifts, but the holiday doesn’t end there. To diversify children's leisure time, there are New Year's games for children near the Christmas tree, which are suitable for kids and even teenagers.

In order for the fun to be a success and the New Year's outdoor games near the Christmas tree to be interesting for children, you will need to stock up on small gifts that the winners of fun competitions and amusements receive.

Musical New Year's mass games for children near the Christmas tree

What's fun without music? To create a New Year's mood, all kinds of rhythms are perfect, which touch on the theme of the New Year or any other fun music, to which various outdoor games and

  1. "Hat." The presenter, most often Santa Claus, places a hat on the participant’s head. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, players must pass it to each other, taking turns putting it on the head of the next participant. As soon as the presenter turns off the music or, for example, hits the ground with a staff, the one who is wearing the hat must recite a poem or sing a New Year's song.
  2. "Merry Carousel" There are chairs placed around the Christmas tree, one less than the number of participants in the game. To the music, children, together with Grandfather Frost or Snowman (adults), begin to run around the Christmas tree, and as soon as the music stops, everyone should take their seats. At the same time, adults give in to the kids, and those who could not sit on a chair sing a song or recite a poem about winter.
  3. “Take away the felt boots.” Santa Claus must donate his felt boots for the game. Children stand in a line and take turns passing it to each other to the music. At this time, Santa Claus must try to take away his shoes.

New Year's games near the Christmas tree for the little ones

For kids, the very first winter impressions of the holidays are stored in their memory for the rest of their lives. The mood with which a person will look forward to this festive time depends on how this time has passed.

  1. "We're decorating the Christmas tree." Excellent New Year's games for preschoolers near the Christmas tree are those that involve holiday paraphernalia. For such a game you will need a couple of small artificial Christmas trees and three participants near each. Children are given small unbreakable balls and garlands, with which each team decorates their tree. The neatest Christmas tree wins.
  2. "Baskets with snowflakes." The Snow Maiden scatters a lot of paper snowflakes from a basket. The kids' task is to collect as much as possible in their small baskets.
  3. "New Year's Kaleidoscope". Children stand near the Christmas tree, where Grandfather Frost shows them cards depicting winter paraphernalia. The kids' task is to name the objects correctly.

New Year's games for high school students near the Christmas tree

If you can captivate kids very easily, getting teenagers interested will require effort. They like games in which the spirit of competition is clearly expressed, but the fun moments have not been canceled either.

Active New Year's game for the company "Throw the Ball"

The guys are divided into two teams. Between the teams there is a ribbon stretched at the height of the players' faces. There are 5–10 balls on one and the other side. The players' task is to throw all their balls to the opponent's side. It is forbidden to throw the balls to the wrong side under the tape. At the leader’s command “Stop,” children must freeze and put their hands behind their backs. The presenter begins counting the balls. Which side has fewer balls wins.

The game is very fun, dynamic, and evokes a storm of emotions that children sometimes cannot cope with. Therefore, the presenter must warn that if after the command “Stop” the children continue to throw the balls with their hands or push them with their feet, the offending team will be considered a loser. During the game, the balls often burst mercilessly, you don’t need to pay attention to this. The main thing is the end result.

Active New Year's game for the Peredacha company

You will need:

– 2 sheets of cardboard size playing card.

Players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines. The presenter gives cardboard cards to the first players in the line. Task: pass a card from one player to another, holding it in your mouth.

The team that completes the task first wins. The losing team must drink a penalty drink. Then a piece is torn off from the cards and the game is repeated.

Active New Year's game for the company "Tug of War"

This common, fun, noisy game is most often played between children and parents. Children really enjoy competing with their parents; they have no doubt that they will win, and (of course, not without the help of their parents) they win. But it also happens that the participants of the holiday get so excited that a whole tug-of-war championship is organized between families, fathers, mothers, etc.

Active New Year's game for the company "Letter"

The players stand in a circle and join hands, the leader is in the center of the circle. One of the players says: “I am sending a letter...” and calls the name of any player standing in the circle. He passes the “letter” by shaking hands with his right or left neighbor. The player whose hand is shaken must pass the handshake to the next player. When the player to whom the “letter” was sent feels the squeeze, he must say: “Received!” - and in turn announce to whom he is sending the “letter”.

The presenter's task is to intercept the “letter”. To do this, he must point to the person who is currently transmitting the “letter”. This is quite difficult to do, since the presenter does not know in which direction the “letter” was sent. If the presenter has completed his task, he stands in a circle, and the leader’s place is taken by the player who was caught passing the “letter”.

An active New Year's game for the company "Try it, pierce it!"

One or two balloons are tied to the leg or both legs of the guests. The players' task is to puncture other people's balls in any way and protect their own.

Active New Year's game for the company "Try, disconnect!"

The presenter invites a strong and brave boy to approach him. He gives it to him left hand hoop, and the right one asks to be inserted into it. He also gives the hoop to this hand. The hoops for this fun should be small - approximately 40–45 cm in diameter. This could be a rim from a teenager's bike, suitably prepared for the competition. “Now try to separate them,” says the presenter, “but you can’t take your hands off the hoops.” However, it is possible to free yourself, and it is not as difficult as it seems. The hoop, which the spectator holds in his left hand, must be put on his head, passed through the entire body, and then come out of it. This is how this problem is solved.

Active New Year's game for the company "Put the Boxes"

2-3 inverted stools are placed on the floor, participants stand 2 m from it. Each person holds four boxes of matches. They should eyes closed go to the stool and place the boxes on the legs of the stool. The one who does it faster and without mistakes wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Kisses"

You will need:

- handkerchief;

One player is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The others take turns kissing him. The player sitting on the chair tries to determine who it was.

Important! All players, regardless of gender, must kiss the person sitting.

If the name is guessed correctly, the players change places and the game continues.

Active New Year's game for the Rainbow company

The players stand in a circle. The presenter names the colors, for example, says: “Yellow! One, two, three!”, “Blue! One two Three!" etc. While the leader is counting, the players must touch the thing of the named color.

Important! Players must find an item of the specified color without leaving the circle formed by the participants.

The one who last touched the item of the desired color leaves the game. The winner is the participant who remains in the game.

Active New Year's game for the company "One Blow"

In this simple but fun competition, you can win a prize, as children sometimes say, by fu-fu. You just need to try and blow properly on... On what is at hand: on balls of crumpled napkins, on wine bottle caps, on empty matchboxes...

On a flat floor or an empty table, two objects are placed on one line, for example two empty matchboxes. The competitors stand at the same distance from them and, at the signal from the leader, blow strongly once. The one who blows again automatically loses. The one whose object flies farthest wins.

You can also compete like this: push a slightly empty cardboard box out of the box, put the box to your mouth (put it on, not put it in your mouth!) and blow hard. This is a competition to see whose “shot” will be longer. Or you can put some kind of target - a box, a bucket, a pan and, standing in full height, from a certain distance to hit it. Each person is given five “shots”.

Active New Year's game for the company "Scout"

You will need:

– 2 baby rattles;

– 2 chairs;

- rope.

The host invites two people to participate in the game. Each player has a baby rattle attached to his belt on a rope. The length of the rope should be such that the rattle is at knee level. 2 chairs are placed at a distance of 2 m from the start. The participants' task is to go the distance, go around the chair and come back. The participant who manages to complete the distance with the least noise wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "The Bravest"

You will need:

Certificate “For courage and fight against prejudices.”

The presenter proposes to create women's and men's teams. At the leader’s signal, the players begin to take off their clothes and lay them out in one line.

Important! Each team has its own line.

The players' task is to lay out a line of clothing longer than that of their opponents. The winning team receives a certificate “For courage and the fight against prejudice.”

Can not live without you

You will need:

records with fast dance tunes.

The players are divided into pairs. Women stand to form an inner circle, men - an outer circle. The presenter turns on the music, and both circles begin to move in opposite directions. When the music is interrupted, the presenter commands: “Hand to hand!” After this, the partners must find their mate as soon as possible and press their hands to each other. The last pair to complete this task is eliminated. The game continues, and each time the leader gives new commands, for example: nose to nose, hand to knee, butt to butt, ear to ear, etc.

The winning couple receives a prize - a Santa Claus hat and a Snow Maiden crown. After all, such mutual understanding arises only when you spend more than one century together!

Active New Year's game for the company "The most persistent"

You will need:

chairs - according to the number of participants;

inflated balloons;

Certificate "The most persistent"

Balloons are tied to the seats of the chairs in advance. Then the participants take their places - each near their chair. At the leader's command, players must sit on the ball and crush it.

Important! The host does not explain until the end of the game how the winner will be determined.

This task seems simple only at first glance. It invariably causes a lot of laughter, both among participants and fans. The last player to do this wins. As a prize, he is given a balloon and a certificate “The most persistent.”

Active New Year's game for the company "Harvest"

The task of the players of each team is to move the oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without using their hands.

Active New Year's game for the company "Snipers"

You will need:

– matches - 10 pieces for each participant;

– cardboard shoe box;

paper tubes for each player;

prize - “Sniper Diploma”.

First you need to prepare the “shells” - cut off the sulfur heads of the matches. Then each player is given 10 matches prepared in this way and a paper tube. The shoebox is placed on a chair 2 m from the participants. Using paper tubes as blowguns, participants must hit it with matches. A separate account is maintained for each participant. The winner is the one who managed to throw the most “shells” at the target. It is he who is awarded the “Sniper Diploma”.

Active New Year's game for the company "Snow Wire"

You will need:

- rope.

Participants stand behind each other and hold the rope with their left hand. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last player. If he succeeds in doing this, the last player becomes number one and the game continues.

Choose a gift

- rope;

– strong silk thread;

- handkerchief;

- scissors;

– many small gifts. This game is known to many, but that doesn't make it any less fun. A lot of small prizes should be hung on threads on a stretched rope: toys, candies, fruits.

Participants line up at a distance of 2 m from the rope with gifts. The first participant is blindfolded, given scissors in his hands and twisted around its axis several times. His task is to go to the rope and cut off the gift. Then the scissors are passed to the next participant. This continues until the gifts run out. The most difficult task- for the last participants: at this point there are few prizes left and it can be very difficult to determine where they are.

Active New Year's game for the company "Dancing in the Dark"

You will need:

scarves - according to the number of participants;

10 empty bottles.

The players are divided into two teams. The start is determined and, at a distance of 4-5 m, the finish. 5 empty bottles are placed in a straight line from start to finish. Players are blindfolded, after which they must go the distance without knocking over the bottles.

Important! The team must walk the distance holding hands.

For each bottle not knocked down, the team receives 1 point. The team that earns more points is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company "Shadow Theater"

You will need:

large sheet of paper;

desk lamp;

various items household items.

A sheet of paper acts as a screen, and a lamp is installed behind it. The light from it is directed onto the screen. Various household items (scissors, spoon, alarm clock, pen, cup, etc.) are placed between the lamp and the screen. The participants' task is to identify the subject

Active New Year's game for the company "2 dumbbells"

The players are divided into two teams. The start and finish are determined. The task for each player is to stand on a dumbbell and, pushing off with one leg, “get” to the finish line. There you should take the dumbbell in your hands, return and pass it to the next player. The team that was able to cover the distance first wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Fine Nature"

You will need:

– 3 stools;

– 3 opaque bags;

- walnuts;

– scarves;

– diploma “Subtle nature”.

The presenter invites three women to participate in the game. Participants are blindfolded and told that the goal of the game is to determine how developed their sensitivity is. In the meantime, three stools are placed in a row, from 2 to 5 nuts are placed on each, and they are covered with an opaque bag on top. Preparations for the game are completed. Participants are seated on stools and, while listening to music, for two to three minutes they must determine how many nuts are on their stool. The winner is the one who can name the exact number of nuts, and she deservedly receives the “Subtle Nature” diploma.

Active New Year's game for the company "Guess who?"

The participants are divided into two equal teams. One of the teams starts the game by thinking of some abstract concept, for example, infinity, castle, vacuum cleaner, etc. representative of the opposing team. This person should not tell his home team what they have wished for him, but shows this word with the help of gestures and facial expressions. It's very funny to watch a person imitate, for example, a drunken penguin!

Active New Year's game for the company "Training Shooting"

You will need:

large umbrella;

tennis ball.

First, mark the starting line, and place the umbrella with the handle up at a distance of 3-4 m from it. The task of each player is to throw the ball so that it remains inside the umbrella.

Important! The first time the ball is simply thrown into the umbrella, the second time it bounces off the floor.

The player with the best result in two tasks wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Hvatalka"

You will need:

– 2 chairs;

– rope 1 m long.

The presenter places two chairs with their backs facing each other and invites two participants. The rope is placed under the chairs. At the leader's command, players sitting on chairs must grab the rope as quickly as possible and pull it out from under the chair. The winner is the one who managed to do this first.

Active New Year's game for the company "Turtle Races"

You will need:

– 4 empty bottles;

– 2 chairs;

- pieces of rope.

The game involves two teams, and each must have an even number of players so that they can be divided into pairs. Chairs are placed at a distance of 3 m from the start, and empty bottles are placed in front of each chair at a distance of 1 m and 2 m. The players' legs are tied with a rope: the left leg of the partner standing on the right, with the right leg of the one standing on the left. In this position, the couple must follow the “snake” route, going around all the bottles and the chair.

Important! If players drop a bottle or chair, they must return to the start and start their stage again.

The team that completes the intended route first wins.

Important! Participants do not disclose the contents of the note to the audience.

Active New Year's game for the Warrior's Honor company

You will need:

- teaspoons;

- ping pong balls.

The host invites 3-4 participants and gives them teaspoons and ping-pong balls. Each player must take a teaspoon in his mouth and place a ball on it. The task is to knock down the opponents' ball and prevent yours from being knocked down.

Important! Players should not help themselves with their hands.

The last player left with an unknocked ball is the winner. It was he who managed to defend the warrior’s honor.

Active New Year's game for the company "Pole for Sobriety"

You will need:

– chairs - according to the number of players;

– glasses;

- alcohol.

The players sit on chairs pushed close to each other. Each player must place his left hand on the right knee of his neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of his neighbor on the right. The end players place one hand on their knee (on the side where there is no neighbor). The right extreme player claps his knee, then the players need to clap so that the claps are heard in a row. When it's the second outside player's turn, he taps his knee twice and play is reversed. Gradually the pace of the game accelerates. Those players who miss their turn are eliminated from the game. The last three remaining contestants are declared the winners, currently the most sober in the company. The winners must drink “penalties” in order not to differ much from the rest of the company.

Active New Year's game for the company "Chef"

The presenter leaves the room for a while. A “chief” is selected from among the remaining players. All participants stand in a circle and invite the leader. After his return, the “chief” begins to show various movements, and the rest of the players repeat after him. The goal of the presenter is to guess who the “chef” is. If he manages to do this in two attempts, the “chef” becomes the leader; if not, the leader leaves the room again, and the players choose another “chef”.

Active New Year's game for the company "Nimble Seller"

It would be nice if the store clerks acted as efficiently as children during this game.

The competition participants are divided into two equal teams. Everyone takes off their shoes in the next room and puts them in a common pile. This is a store warehouse. After this, the players return back and turn into “buyers”. Team captains are “sellers”. Their job is to find out what shoes to bring and not make a mistake in choosing a pair.

At the leader’s signal, the children, one by one, begin to describe the shoes they need to bring. Naturally, they describe briefly and ask you to bring your pair. As soon as the information from the “buyer” is received, the “seller” immediately rushes to the “warehouse” and brings the desired pair.

The player, i.e., the “buyer,” must behave as in a good store: do not grab the shoes, but only substitute his foot, the “seller” himself will put on his shoes. The “salesperson’s” task is to quickly bring shoes and put them on for all team members.

If the “seller” brings the wrong pair, then, of course, he runs for another. While running around, the “salesperson” must behave correctly with his colleague, not push him, they should not collide at the door. And “buyers” need to briefly and accurately describe their shoes. The team whose captain finishes the job first wins.

Active New Year's game for the company "Eh, I'll pump it up!"

You will need:

The game involves two teams of three people. The start is marked and at a distance of 4-5 m the finish. Each team receives the ball, one of the players stands on it, and the other two support him by the elbows. At the leader’s signal, the player begins to roll the ball, stepping on it. The task of each team is to reach the finish line first.

Active New Year's game for the Young Firefighters company

Two people compete. They sit on chairs at a distance of 2 m with their backs to each other. Jackets with sleeves turned inside out hang on the backs of chairs. This is "form". There is a rope under the chairs, the ends of which just reach the feet of the contestants. This is a fire hose. At the leader’s sign, the “young firefighters” put their “uniform” in order, put it on, fasten all the buttons, run around the chairs three times, while loudly counting: “One, two, three!”, sit on the chairs and pull the “firefighter” hose". In whose hands it remains, he is the winner, i.e. the “young fireman.”

Active New Year's game for the Apple company

You will need:

The players are divided into pairs. The rope is pulled so that the apples attached to it are at waist level. Assignment for each pair: eat an apple as soon as possible.

Important! You can't help yourself with your hands.

“Dirty tricks” are allowed in the game - pushing and elbowing neighboring pairs is not forbidden. The pair that completes the task first wins.

The balloon is attached to the player's ankle using a rope. The participant's task is to pop someone else's ball and not let his own pop. To protect his ball, the player is given a newspaper.

Important! You can only pop the balls with your feet. If a player's ball bursts, he is eliminated from the game.

The last player whose ball remains intact is declared the winner.

Active New Year's game for the company “Ice - melt the ice”

You will need:

pieces of ice - according to the number of participants; Certificate "The Warmest Heart"

All participants are given a piece of ice.

Important! All pieces should be the same size.

The goal is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. You can do it with your hands, you can put it on your cheek, you can rub it on your chest - there are no restrictions! The first one to complete the task receives the “Warmest Heart” certificate.

Active New Year's competition for the company "Auto racing"

It is necessary to draw two stripes, indicating the start and finish. The same ropes will be useful for the game. We will tie a toy car to only one end, and tie the other end to the middle of a 30-centimeter stick (you can use part of a mop handle).

Two competitors try to wind the rope around the stick so quickly, rotating it with both hands, so that the machine tied to the other end reaches the finish line first.

Active New Year's competition for the Akkuratist company

For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. Santa Claus, the presenter and commentator, rewards the one who does it more carefully.

Active New Year's competition for the company "Running in a Bag"

There is probably no adult who has not participated in this competition at least once in his life. It seemed that this boring competition was forever a thing of the past. But no! Today it is increasingly found at public holidays and in school gyms. And the participants of the holidays respond to it with enthusiasm.

The essence of the competition is very simple: competitors put a bag on their feet, which they hold in their hands or tie on their belt. “Running” in a bag is only possible if you place your feet at the corners of the bag and stretch it well. In this case, the runner resembles a hobbled horse. Some people prefer to pull up a bag and jump like a kangaroo. In any case, a man running in a bag makes a very funny impression. At the same time, the excitement inherent in competition makes this competition as beloved as “Tug of War.” The one who reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

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