How to name a boy kitten

With the arrival of a kitten, many worries appear in the house, but the first and most important one is choosing a nickname for it. You don’t have to rack your brains looking for a name, going through all the nicknames that come to mind, just look at your furry and find something special in him, something that distinguishes him from everyone else and immediately catches your eye. Is there anything special? Then we will help you with your choice, believe me, your animal will have a beautiful and worthy name.

How to name a boy kitten - why you need to choose the right name

  • Whatever beautiful name you choose for your pet, he will clearly hear the first three sounds of his nickname. If you choose the wrong nickname, in which the first three letters are unclear, then the animal will ignore it. Clear short nicknames consisting of two syllables will be sensitively perceived by your pet.
  • However, do not forget that cats have an extraordinary sound. They, unlike us, hear three times more decibels. Therefore, the chosen clumsy name for your cat will sound as “wonderful” as the sound of foam plastic on glass. Do you remember how it sounds? Did it just give you goosebumps? So the cat’s clumsy name will make the fur stand on end.
  • If you decide to name a kitten with a nickname that contains the sounds “zh”, “ch”, “sh”, “sch”, then do not be surprised that it will develop signs of aggression in its name. After all, cats make these sounds before a fight or when they are trying to defend themselves, so it’s better to give up the idea of ​​calling your cat a hissing name.

How to name a boy cat

  • You are a glamorous lady. Ladies who are passionate about brands and fashion may well name their pet a name that will be associated with their hobby - Coco, Laurent, Coupon, Mont Blanc.
  • You are a lover of myths. You can name your kitten a name that will be associated with gods and myths - Prometheus, Hercules, Zeus.
  • According to the documents, your cat is Archibald. If you purchased a purebred kitten from an elite club, it will already have its own documented name. However, such nicknames are often difficult to pronounce and are not entirely convenient for everyday life. In this case, the name can be simplified, for example, Archibald - Archie.
  • You are dedicated to what you do in life. Those who love their work or hobby can associate the name of their pet with their occupation - Lawyer, Cop, Spinning, Surgeon or Marsik, Sputnik, Pluto.
  • If you can’t imagine life without your gadget, give your kitten an interesting name – iPhone, Samsung.
  • The kitten has a screaming behavior. Sometimes a kitten can resemble a wild animal, then the name Leo or Lynx is suitable. The basis for an interesting nickname can be behavioral characteristics. Only the imposing Count or the stately Padishah like to recline on the windowsills, demonstrating their greatness and squinting in the sun.
  • You are someone's fan. A kitten will live in your house, which can proudly bear the name of the famous Michael, Bonnie, Fili, Clyde. Fans of cartoons are no different when it comes to choosing nicknames for their pet - today the fashionable nicknames are Masyanya, Simpson, Garfield.
  • The cat's name is reflected on his forehead. Based on your pet's appearance, you can choose an appropriate name for it. For a black cat, Batman, Ugolek, Black, Chernysh are suitable. For white – Snowball, Winter, White. For redheads - Mandarin, Orange, Orange, Ginger. For gray – Grey, Gray, Shade, Smoke. For large cats - Fluff, Mister Big, Big, for small cats - Bobblehead, Dwarf, Small, Mix.
  • Do you believe in astrology? Most astrologers say that it is necessary to select the appropriate first and last name not only for people, but also euphonious nicknames for animals. In their opinion, the name of the animal should be combined with the name of its owner. For example, Maxim - Max, Arseny - Ars, Valentin - Valik, Boris - Bars.

What do you call a purebred cat?

If you are choosing a nickname for a Siamese cat, then keep in mind that this breed of pet is distinguished by great affection for its owner; they require attention not only at a young age, but also when they grow up. If the owner gives the Siamese cat love and affection, he will definitely repay it with devotion. Therefore, we advise you to call the Siamese cat by an affectionate nickname - Luchik, Tomik, Pusik.

The names Arro or Baron are suitable for a fold-eared kitten. They can also be called Jonathan, Bruce, Samur, Quentin. Also, these nicknames are well suited for Scottish straights. When choosing a name for the sphinx, pay attention to the Egyptian male names - Thoth, Thutmose, Osiris, Jabari. The British have a special character, they are sensitive and proud. The following nicknames are perfect for them: Arnie, Marcel, Louis, Tyler.

It would seem that what could be easier than naming a kitten? But as you can see, not everything is so simple. We hope that after selecting names for cats, you have decided on a nickname for your pet. Let your purring animal wear it with dignity and please its owners and everyone around it with its unusual name.

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