What tests need to be taken during medical examination. What is medical examination? Additional medical examinations

Dispensary observation is necessary for every resident of the country. Some types of medical examinations allow timely detection and treatment of most pathologies. internal organs. The procedure has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but, despite all the shortcomings, it must be completed, even if the person does not feel any discomfort at this moment.

Clinical examination is a methodical round of doctors during the time allotted for these purposes.

Legislative basis for medical examinations

Preventive examinations are regulated by the Constitution Russian Federation, the legal immutability of every citizen to protect their own health is preserved at the legislative level. Executive bodies are able to influence the course of medical examinations thanks to previously issued laws. All residents of the Russian Federation who have acquired citizenship and have reached the age of 18 have the right to medical care and full medical care, which they receive in a timely and unhindered manner.

General medical examination of each individual citizen is paid for from the state budget. In 2011, on November 21, a law was adopted, which is considered the main legal act allowing the regulation of inspections. The Law on the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation states that activities including a medical examination and other auxiliary diagnostic methods are carried out in order to assess the state of human health.
Regular medical examination is especially necessary for patients suffering from chronic pathologies, functional disorders or other serious illnesses. This is done to prevent relapse and promptly identify possible complications. The federal executive body has the authority to approve the scheme for conducting preventive examinations.

The legislation stipulates that every resident of the Russian Federation who has official citizenship can receive qualified assistance from a specialist in a timely manner, in full and free of charge. In order to undergo free examinations in medical institutions once every 3 years, you must have a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI).

The process of undergoing mandatory medical examinations is coordinated by federal and executive authorities in any region of the Russian Federation.

What goals are set during medical examination?

Dispensary observation, as a set of measures, pursues a number of goals that directly affect the quality of life of citizens. There are two main tasks of medical examination:

  • timely detection of chronic diseases among citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • management and treatment of patients with previously identified pathologies.

The main emphasis is on the timely diagnosis of chronic diseases of non-infectious etiology, which can lead to disability or premature death of the patient. These include pathologies:

  • hematopoietic systems, heart (coronary disease, heart failure, blood cancer);
  • malignant tumors;
  • diabetes mellitus 2 and 3 degrees;
  • chronic lung pathologies.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, the total mortality rate from the above pathologies is 77% of all deaths registered in 2018. Clinical examination also aims to promptly identify people at risk. These include:

  • patients with high blood pressure;
  • people who neglect physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • patients with high blood cholesterol levels;
  • people with high glucose levels;
  • smoking people;
  • patients who systematically suffer from binge drinking and abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • patients with overweight body and obesity.

The risk group also includes people who do not adhere to proper nutrition and easily become depressed. Management of patients with previously identified chronic pathologies makes it possible to timely prevent relapse and avoid possible complications. Patients are given medications on time, and specialists constantly monitor their well-being.

What is medical examination

Some people, especially those patients who are faced with a preventive examination for the first time, are interested in the question of what medical examination is. This term is understood as a set of special measures and concepts that allow for therapeutic and preventive activities. All procedures are carried out in medical institutions. Specialists are controlled by executive bodies, their activities are regulated by legal acts.

For each individual patient, a document is created that indicates the number of medical consultations, information about laboratory tests and the exact time of their conduct.

At large enterprises, managers issue a special order indicating the number of workers who need a specialized medical examination.

A routine medical examination is carried out at the place of registration or actual residence of the patient. People have the right to partially or completely refuse to undergo a medical examination. The order is made in writing, after its execution the document must be handed over to the attending physician or to the administration of the medical institution. Routine medical examination plays an important role in shaping the health of the population.

Some diseases may be asymptomatic, so the chances of timely detection of such pathologies are reduced. Chronic diseases of non-infectious etiology can provoke the development of complications that are difficult to treat and diagnose. Specialists aim to promptly identify pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Officially employed citizens, especially those whose activities are related to food preparation and groceries, must undergo a medical examination once a year. Other patients can visit medical institutions for a specialized examination once every 3 years.

Pros of medical examination

Such a large-scale event as medical examination has a number of advantages and disadvantages. The first includes timely detection possible problems with health. After a detailed examination, based on the results of previous tests, the specialist will tell you how and what should be changed in your usual lifestyle. Overweight people need to adjust their diet by eliminating junk food from the diet.

Smokers and patients who regularly abuse alcoholic beverages will be offered assistance from a narcologist. Based on data obtained during routine examinations, information is generated about the general health status of the entire population separate region. The specialist conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he instills in him responsibility for his own health, develops consciousness and convinces him to take care of the condition of his body.

The specialist also provides recommendations and advises the patient about the most effective methods maintaining health. Routine examinations allow you to save on further treatment - the earlier the pathology was identified, the higher the chance of a full recovery without further surgical intervention. The specialist explains to the patient what preventive measures need to be taken to minimize the risk of developing complications of chronic non-infectious diseases.

Disadvantages of medical examination

Prof. The inspection takes from one to three days.

The state does not pay the employee for forced absence, so the main disadvantages of medical examinations include loss of working time.

During research and based on test results, the patient can learn about possible pathologies, undermining his well-being. This often leads to disturbances in the psycho-emotional background - a person is not ready to hear negative information about his own health, such news upsets him.

Not all tests can be taken free of charge as part of the examination. MRI, ultrasound, mammography - these procedures are paid. In order to collect the test results, you will have to take time off from work again. The state also does not pay for the forced, albeit short-term, absence of an employee.

Another significant drawback of routine inspections is organizational problems. Often, specialists are “scattered” across several medical institutions, so patients have to spend time traveling to other diagnostic centers in the direction of a clinic or central hospital.

How often is medical examination carried out?

Every year, the administration of each medical institution compiles a list of patients who need to be examined this year. District nurses are required to warn each person in advance about the upcoming examination - most often the health worker methodically calls people according to the list.

An adult visits doctors annually if he is registered with chronic diseases of non-infectious etiology. Young people starting from the age of 21 are examined once every 3 years. Women between 50 and 70 years of age should visit a mammologist annually and have a mammogram.

Stool tests for occult blood are carried out by citizens who have reached the age of 50 years (51-72 years) once every 2 years.

People whose age does not fall under prof. examination, visit a doctor at least once every 24 months. The category of citizens who must undergo an annual medical examination are people whose work activity associated with the food industry, children's education, medicine and community outreach. Conducting medical examinations for veterans of the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, Chechnya and Afghanistan, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, children under 14 years old is carried out annually.

Why undergo medical examination if you feel healthy?

If before the examination the characteristic symptoms of a particular disease did not appear, then during the research, patients are often diagnosed with one of the dangerous pathologies (diabetes, oncology, dysfunction of the blood and heart), which can lead to death. Diseases often worsen - during this period the patient needs expensive drug treatment up to surgical intervention.

Even if a person feels completely healthy, does not feel unwell, and does not experience a deterioration in his health, he must undergo a medical examination.

All citizens should attend routine medical examinations, regardless of social status, age and profession. Timely diagnosis of pathologies allows you to improve the quality of life and avoid possible health problems in the future. Annual clinical examination indicators indicate that every third person who came for an examination was diagnosed with chronic diseases of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and kidneys.

Clinical examination of patients

People suffering from chronic infectious diseases, during routine examinations and further observation, they receive the necessary physical, laboratory and instrumental examinations. At this time, specialists assess the patient’s health and identify possible deviations, confirm or correct the diagnosis.

People who do not suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases, but are at risk, receive information about possible complications during examination.

Specialists select the appropriate treatment, conduct conversations with the patient regarding his future lifestyle, give recommendations and advise on preventive, rehabilitation and other measures to avoid the development of pathology. Supervision is carried out by the following employees:

  • therapist (family, local, workshop);
  • subject matter experts;
  • nurses or paramedics prof. office;
  • examination room nurses and paramedics;
  • health center paramedics.

A dispensary appointment is considered a mandatory procedure, during which a specialist collects anamnesis, listens to the patient’s complaints and carefully examines him. After assessment general condition The patient's doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental tests, based on the results of which the diagnosis is confirmed or clarified. After a short course of professional counseling, the patient is prescribed treatment for medical reasons.

Patients with severe pathologies (liver and heart failure, insulin dependence) spend some time in a medical facility. If there is no need to go to the hospital, the patient can be treated at home, regularly visiting a doctor.

The specialist may stop monitoring in a number of cases, including:

  • complete recovery;
  • achieving a state of stable remission;
  • eliminating or reducing risk factors.

If for any reason personal reasons If the patient does not wish to be seen by a specialist, he must confirm the refusal in writing. The attending physician is obliged to notify the patient's close relatives of the refusal. If there is a sharp deterioration in the patient’s general condition, the patient must be given first aid and taken to the nearest hospital. In this case, the attending physician does not bear any responsibility for the patient’s health.

How to prepare for medical examination

Medical examination of an adult patient differs from examination of a child. Before going to a clinic or hospital, you need to learn how to properly prepare for a routine observation. A preventive visit to any medical facility should begin in the morning. Before the examination, experts do not recommend doing exercises or performing any physical exercise and eat food. The collection of analyzes must be approached responsibly.

At the pharmacy kiosk you need to purchase containers in advance - small special containers with a lid for bioassays. The last portion of urine is given, it is collected 3-4 seconds after the start of urination. During menstrual cycle It is undesirable for women to donate urine. The biological sample is transported at positive temperatures, in winter period The container is kept under the arm until arriving at the clinic.

It is handed over no later than an hour and a half after collection. 3 days before the expected urine collection, it is not recommended to eat carrots and beets (they change the color of the biomaterial), alcoholic drinks, fatty and salty foods. Diuretics (diuretic drugs) are prohibited.

A stool occult blood test is performed in people over 45 years of age. To avoid false results, it is important to collect the material correctly. To do this, one day before the expected delivery, you need to stop taking laxatives and stop doing enemas and microenemas. It is best to empty the intestines on a special oilcloth - this will avoid diluting the stool with water.

Three days before collecting the biosample, you should completely eliminate foods containing iron from your diet. Such products include meat, green apples, onions, bell peppers, beans (white), spinach, cauliflower, horseradish and fresh cucumbers. Each container with urine and feces must have a piece of paper on which to indicate your initials and surname.

In women, smear sampling is not carried out during treatment of diseases reproductive system infectious-inflammatory nature and during the menstrual cycle. 48 hours before the expected smear test, intimate contact must be completely avoided; tampons, vaginal medications, spermicides and douching must not be used.

Male patients over 50 years of age should remember that they should not undergo medical examination after any mechanical impact on the prostate gland for 10-14 days. If the patient has already undergone a full examination this or last year, then for the examination it is necessary to bring documents confirming this fact.

What documents are needed to undergo medical examination?

You must take a passport confirming your identity and an insurance policy to the clinic. Insurance, which allows you to receive a list of free medical services, is available to the following categories of citizens:

  • residents of the Russian Federation who have citizenship;
  • foreign persons temporarily or permanently residing in Russia;
  • people without citizenship;
  • people eligible to receive insurance under the refugee law.

Specialists and members of their families who come to the Russian Federation to work are not entitled to free medical care. Persons with citizenship of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens residing permanently in the country can use compulsory medical insurance unlimited amount time.

Refugees receive an insurance policy for the duration of their stay in Russia; temporarily registered residents are issued insurance until the end of registration.

Insurance policy holders can count on independent choice of medical organization, free medicine and medical care when insured event. They are required to provide full information on the volume and type of service provided upon request.

The patient is required to compensate for damage caused by improper provision of medical care upon his first request. Disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and participants in combat operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya receive assistance out of turn. They have the right to choose their own doctor (family or personal).

The compulsory health insurance policy is a kind of state guarantee, under which each patient has the right to the following types of assistance:

  • primary or preventive;
  • ambulance (excluding evacuation by ambulance helicopters);
  • specialized;
  • basic treatment.

Patients who have previously been diagnosed with the following pathologies can undergo medical examination free of charge under the policy:

Pregnant women also receive help free of charge. It contains mental disorders, sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS and HIV), pathologies of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. You can obtain a policy at your place of actual residence.

How long will it take to complete the inspection?

Preventive examination takes place in 2 stages. Most often, a healthy patient needs 2 visits to a specialist. The first lasts 4-5 hours depending on the age of the patient. At this time, the doctor collects anamnesis, carefully interviews the person, listens to his complaints and conducts an examination. If the patient feels well, there are no visible changes in health, blood pressure and pulse are normal, the heart rate is not increased and the patient is not at risk, then most often there is no reason to prescribe laboratory tests.

The patient’s second visit to his family, primary care or local doctor takes place 5-6 days later. By this time, he needs to come back for an appointment, the specialist will once again examine the patient and sum up the results. In patients suffering from chronic diseases of non-infectious etiology, clinical examination takes a longer time.

On the first visit, the patient must visit all relevant specialists who will correct or confirm the diagnosis.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental examinations. Based on the results obtained, the patient should return to see the doctor, where the specialist will select the most effective and safe therapy. While undergoing treatment, the patient is required to visit the doctor at least once every 3 days. During visits, specialists note whether there is an improvement, whether the patient has side effects and whether his condition has worsened.

Where can I get a medical examination?

This year, people from 1928 to 1997 are required to undergo a routine examination. birth. It is not difficult to determine the age of medical examination in 2018-2019 - you need to add the number 3 (1928, 1931, 1934, 1937) to the original number (1928), etc. Many people are interested in the question of where to get a medical examination. The list of medical institutions where you can visit all specialists is strictly regulated.

A planned visit to a clinic in another city is not possible. The appointment takes place at the medical institution to which the patient was previously assigned. People who are in another city or another country must undergo a medical examination at their place of residence. If a person is late and does not have time to undergo a medical examination, then he will have to wait until next year.

Procedure for medical examination of the adult population

On January 1, 2018, changes were made to the law on medical examination at the legislative level. Now citizens who have reached the age of eighteen are required to visit clinics regularly.

  • citizens, officially and unofficially employed;
  • unemployed and self-employed citizens;
  • full-time students.

Failure to comply with the procedure is possible in cases where regulatory legal acts at the legislative level established a different procedure for conducting a profile examination for certain categories of citizens.

Features of medical examination:

  1. Scale. All citizens, regardless of age, should be involved.
  2. Multi-stage. Profile inspection takes place in 2 or more stages.
  3. Differentiation. Depending on gender and age, citizens should be divided into 2 or more categories.
  4. Risk factors. People at risk should be monitored regularly.
  5. Periodicity. Scheduled examinations are carried out no more than once every 3 years.

The stages of medical examination and the list of studies required for a medical examination may vary depending on the gender and age of the patient.

First stage

The first stage consists of several parts. Pre-medical appointment includes taking anamnesis and anthropometry. 8 laboratory and 5 instrumental studies may be prescribed, as well as an examination by a neurologist and a general practitioner for patients over 51 years of age.

Questioning helps to identify a risk factor; the survey is carried out using a specially approved form. Anthropometry is the measurement of weight, waist circumference, hips, height and calculation of body mass index, etc. Preventive medical examination is carried out by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, urologist (for men), gynecologist (for women) and a surgeon.

The first stage of medical examination, or screening, is aimed at identifying chronic non-infectious pathologies in patients and factors that increase the risk of their development. At this stage, people who use narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs are identified without the appointment of a specialist. Screening is carried out to determine all medical indications for prescribing laboratory tests and additional medical examinations. This will help clarify the diagnosis at the second stage.

Laboratory research

The patient's blood pressure, blood cholesterol and glucose levels must be measured. For patients over 50 years of age, total cardiovascular risk is determined. Women over 45 years of age and men over 35 years of age undergo an electrocardiogram during their initial routine examination. Women must be examined by a gynecologist - the doctor will take a smear. Biochemical and clinical blood sampling, fluorography of the lungs, and general urine analysis are taken at the first stage.

Women over 39 years old go to see a mammologist and undergo a mammogram. Clinical and biochemical blood tests should be taken from men over 40 years of age at least once every 6 years. A stool occult blood test is taken in men over 45 years of age, and in men over 50, the level of prostate-specific antibodies in the blood is determined. Ultrasound abdominal cavity, measurement of intraocular pressure is necessary for patients over 40 years of age. People aged 52-75 see a neurologist and a therapist.

Second phase

The second stage of medical examination includes an additional examination in order to clarify or refute the previously made diagnosis. It consists of several parts:

  1. Scanning of arteries. The procedure is performed by people with a history of acute circulatory disorders in the brain. Age category – citizens 30-65 years old. The risk group includes people suffering from high blood pressure, obesity and dyslipidemia.
  2. EFGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy). The procedure will help identify possible oncological neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature in the upper parts of the digestive and intestinal tract. The high-risk group is people over 50 years of age who have blood relatives with a similar pathology.
  3. Consultation with a neurologist. Necessary for patients with suspected depression and identified impairments of visual and motor function.
  4. Consultation with a urologist (for men). Necessary for patients with previously identified pathologies of the urinary system.
  5. Consultation with a coloproctologist. Necessary for people who have had a positive stool test for occult blood. Patients over 45 are at risk
  6. Spirometry. Necessary for people with bronchopulmonary pathology. The risk group includes smokers.
  7. Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Required for women over 42 with pathologies identified by cytology, ultrasound of the uterus or smear.
  8. Consultation with an otolaryngologist. Required for patients over 55 with identified hearing impairment.
  9. Consultation with an ophthalmologist. Necessary for people over 40 who wear glasses, suffer from increased intraocular pressure and decreased visual acuity.

The general practitioner is the last person to be seen. He will advise on possible lifestyle corrections and, if necessary, issue a referral for sanatorium treatment and additional examination not included in the medical examination.

What happens if during medical examination a patient is found to have health problems?

Patients may need additional medical examination if, during the first stage of the medical examination, they were diagnosed with chronic non-infectious diseases. The attending physician prescribes an additional examination to confirm or correct the diagnosis. Based on the results of the tests, effective drug therapy is selected. In extreme cases, the patient may be prescribed surgery, especially if the patient's condition has not improved after taking medications.

If possible deviations are identified, patients require clinical observation. In this case, medical assistance is provided in full. If the patient is in in serious condition and does not have the ability to independently take medications at home, he is admitted to a hospital.

If the patient does not want to receive treatment in the hospital, he is obliged to issue a written refusal addressed to the chief physician, indicating the reasons.

What document confirms the completion of medical examination?

At the end of the examination, a person who has passed the examination is issued a health passport. The document has nothing to do with a health record and an outpatient card; it is used only when undergoing medical examination. It contains a list of examinations, treatment procedures, and the time of completion of a particular specialist. The passport is issued by a clinic that has a license to conduct laboratory and instrumental examinations. A health passport is drawn up after presenting an identification document of the patient.

The health passport must contain the following information:

  1. Full name and exact address of the medical institution where the document was issued.
  2. Contact telephone number, place of residence and work, full name of the patient.
  3. The name and address of the company where the patient is employed.
  4. If there is an occupational hazard, it must be indicated in the document.
  5. The results of tests and examination by a doctor are entered in full.

At the beginning of the medical examination, the patient is given a blank form. After a person has passed through all the specialists, the fields in the form are filled out by the registrar. The data recorded in the passport is transferred to the outpatient card. In a document with a limited scope of use, corrections and cross-outs are prohibited.

It is not stated at the legislative level who is responsible for the safety of the document.

The person is given a fully completed document, which can be kept at home or deposited with the employer.

In 2019, the country will host the next, already seventh, medical examination of the adult population. Identifying health problems in their early stages for timely treatment or searching for pathologies that a person may not pay attention to is what the main emphasis is on. Medical examination is a routine preventive medical examination; it is a free examination and is carried out on a voluntary basis. Do not confuse a medical examination with an unscheduled visit to a therapist for an existing problem - here the emphasis is on prevention.

This practice existed back in the days of the USSR and now this tradition continues successfully - every year the number of Russians who have gone through it increases, and early mortality and pathological diseases, according to Ministry of Health statistics, are declining. We also recommend listening to doctors who have long said that prevention plays a huge role in identifying serious diseases and, as a result, leads to an increase in life expectancy.

Medical examination 2019, what is included in it, what doctors and examination tests: What is Medical examination?

Clinical examination in 2019 is a complex of medical measures for diagnostic and medicinal nature aimed at preventing, identifying and treating dangerous diseases that lead to premature mortality and disability of citizens. General medical examination in the Russian Federation was introduced in 2013. The adoption of the program was due to the annual increase in mortality from chronic diseases.

Dispensary registration makes it possible by diagnostic studies identify non-infectious chronic diseases in the early stages, which reduces the likelihood of life-threatening complications. This applies primarily different forms oncology, diabetes mellitus, chronic lung and cardiovascular diseases. These diseases are the cause of 75% of the mortality of Russian residents.

The main purpose of medical examination is to identify and correct the main risk factors associated with the occurrence and development of the listed dangerous diseases. These factors include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • increased content cholesterol in the blood;
  • increased level blood glucose;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • smoking tobacco products;
  • little physical activity;
  • poor nutrition; obesity.

Moreover, the task of clinical examination is not only to conduct diagnostic studies and identify risk factors, but also to provide counseling for preventive purposes. It is such consultations that allow people to reduce the possibility of developing diseases to which they are predisposed. For those who already suffer from dangerous non-infectious diseases, with the help of clinical examination it is possible to greatly alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the likelihood of developing complications.

Medical examination 2019, what is included in it, what doctors and examination tests: Who can undergo medical examination in 2018

Any citizen of the Russian Federation 21 years of age or older, and at the same time born in next years: 1919, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937, 1940, 1943, 1946, 1949, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1976, 1 979, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991 , 1994, 1997. In order not to look for your year of birth in a long list, you can make it simpler: if your age is divisible by 3, then this year you are supposed to undergo an examination.

Next year, those who were born one year later than the specified years will be examined. Clinical examination is carried out once every 3 years. To get it, go to the clinic you are attached to with your compulsory medical insurance policy and passport.

How to get a full medical examination for free

You can find out all the information about the schedule and timing of the state medical examination at your local clinic from a therapist, nurse or at the reception desk. To undergo the inspection you must have with you:

  • Identity documents – passport, birth certificate (for children), driver’s license;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS.

Planned medical examination takes place step by step. Follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a day of medical examination that is convenient for you.
  2. Make an appointment with your local GP.
  3. Fill out the documents - voluntary consent to medical intervention, questionnaire.
  4. On the appointed day of the examination, come to the clinic in the morning. Before taking the tests, you must not eat anything, stop smoking and playing sports.
  5. See a therapist. Receive a medical certificate indicating the necessary doctors and tests.
  6. Consult all specialists and pass the necessary tests.
  7. Come back for a follow-up appointment with your therapist. The doctor will explain the diagnostic results, conduct a consultation, and determine the health group.
  8. Take additional tests if necessary.

3 working days are allotted for all specialists, instrumental diagnostics, and laboratory tests. Depending on the workload of the clinic, the main examination takes from 7 to 12 hours. If a person has recent test results (fluorography, blood), the time for undergoing a medical examination is reduced.

Which doctors should you go to?

The number of medical procedures depends on the age and gender of the person. General examinations are prescribed for persons aged 21 to 36 years. Mandatory activities include:

  • visiting a therapist to record general indicators;
  • measurement blood pressure;
  • rapid analysis of total cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • glucose level determination;
  • fluorography of the lungs (performed once a year);
  • visiting the dentist;
  • electrocardiogram at rest;
  • determination of the absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients under 63 years of age;
  • test for occult blood in stool (performed once every 2 years);
  • analysis for the level of prostate-specific antigen for men;
  • mammography for women aged 39 to 48 years once every 3 years, after 50 – once every 2 years;
  • examination by a gynecologist for women;
  • visiting a urologist for men.

People aged 36 and older are encouraged to additionally undergo the following doctors and screenings:

  • detailed analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • consultation with a surgeon or proctologist.

Read on AnegriNews.ru: Luzhkov bonus. Who is entitled to it and how to get it in 2019

Visit to a therapist and general tests

The first doctor you need to visit when undergoing a free medical examination is your local physician. The duties of this specialist include:

  • informing about the stages and rules of undergoing a medical examination;
  • survey;
  • measurement of height, weight, waist circumference;
  • brief professional counseling on physical activity, proper nutrition, lifestyle;
  • drawing up a dispensary certificate;
  • issuing a referral for general tests;
  • assessment of health status based on test results;
  • referral for additional procedures or treatment.

Examination by a neurologist

Citizens over 39 years of age should visit a specialist. During clinical observation, the doctor assesses the condition nervous system, vestibular apparatus and brain. During the examination, the neurologist asks about possible complaints, lifestyle, checks coordination and determines the tendency to neurotic reactions.

If necessary, the doctor will refer you to other specialists for consultation or prescribe a series of examinations:

  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • myography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • electroencephalography;
  • visual field check.

Gynecologist and mammologist for women

An appointment with these specialists is mandatory for women of all ages. A gynecologist performs an external and palpation examination of the genital organs, and a mammologist performs an examination of the mammary glands. The task of specialists is to identify the following diseases of the reproductive system:

  • breast or uterine cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • tumor or infectious diseases of the genital organs;

During the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional screening tests:

  • smear (scraping) from the surface of the cervix or cervical canal;
  • ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • cytology (prescribed when neoplasms are detected).

ECG for men over 36 years old

An electrocardiogram is a screening examination to check the condition of a person’s cardiovascular system. She helps:

  • diagnose heart disease;
  • identify conductivity flaws;
  • calculate the regularity of heart contractions;
  • detect various heart or vascular diseases on initial stages;
  • investigate electrolyte imbalances;
  • assess general physical condition.

An electrocardiogram is prescribed for men over 36 years of age, even if the patient has no complaints. At an early age, diagnosis is carried out in the presence of the following indications:

  • pain in the thoracic region;
  • dizziness or fainting;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • shortness of breath, lack of air with minor physical activity;
  • suspicion of endocarditis or angina pectoris.

Medical examination of pensioners

People aged 60 to 73 years or more, in addition to general studies, need to undergo a number of additional tests and consultations with specialized specialists. This is due to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases. For pensioners, the therapist prescribes the following screening examinations:

  • measurement of intraocular pressure, consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • cervical smear for cytological diagnosis in women;
  • duplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries;
  • colonoscopy if there is a suspicion of cancer in the large intestine;
  • consultation with a neurologist.

Medical examination of children

Monitoring of children's health is carried out from the first days of life. The first screening examination is carried out a month after birth and includes several types of ultrasound, examination by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, or orthopedist. When children reach six months of age, they are checked by a pediatrician, ENT specialist, cardiologist, and ophthalmologist.

The list of required doctors and tests may vary by age:

  • Medical examination of a child from one to three years old includes a visit to an orthopedic surgeon, dentist, and ophthalmologist. The children's pediatrician checks preventive vaccinations. Additionally, laboratory tests may be prescribed - ultrasound, ECG, general blood and urine tests.
  • For children from 3 to 7 years old, a neurologist and speech therapist are added to the general list of specialists. Before recording in kindergarten or school, the pediatrician will recommend undergoing a medical examination by a psychologist to determine stress resistance and level mental development.
  • Medical examination of children from 7 to 17 years old includes consultation with an endocrinologist, dentist, orthopedic surgeon, gynecologist or urologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist. Schoolchildren undergo a medical examination every year upon referral from their educational institution.

Dispensary health groups

Based on the questionnaire, the results of laboratory tests and screening studies, the therapist determines the patient’s health group. The person is given a passport with a conclusion, a preventive conversation is held or treatment is prescribed. The adult population is divided into three subgroups:

  • 1st category. It includes all people who do not have chronic diseases or risk factors for their occurrence. The laboratory diagnostic results of this subgroup of citizens are within normal limits.
  • 2nd category. This subgroup includes citizens who do not have chronic diseases, but are at increased risk of their occurrence.
  • Category 3. This group includes everyone who has chronic diseases or whose test results have revealed abnormalities.

The classification of health groups based on the results of medical examination for children differs from that for adults. There are 5 categories in total:

  • Group 1 of dispensary observation includes physically and mentally healthy children with high body resistance to infections.
  • Group 2 includes children who do not suffer from chronic diseases, but have reduced immunity.
  • Group 3 – this includes all children who have any chronic disease in the compensation stage.
  • Group 4 includes children with chronic diseases in which there is a serious deterioration in health and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.
  • Group 5 – disabled children.

Are days of medical examination paid by the employer?

Law No. 353-F3 of October 3, 2018 guarantees all employed citizens who wish to undergo free dispensary observation the right to be released from work for 1 working day once every three years. At the same time, the position held in the organization and the average salary are maintained.

For people of pre-retirement age (5 years before retirement), 2 working days a year are allocated for medical examination. The same rules apply to university students as to working people. To confirm the medical examination, they must provide the dean's office with a certificate from a therapist.

A person who cares about his health will probably be interested in how the 2019 medical examination will go. Will there be changes in the state program or not?

Why is a population survey carried out?

Five years ago in Russia, a new order of the Ministry of Health No. 1006n dated December 3, 2013 was issued, which contains the basics of general medical examination of the population. Its goal is to analyze the health of all citizens of the Russian Federation in order to prevent premature mortality. For this purpose, it is planned to diagnose citizens who have reached the age of 21 and older. The purpose of this procedure is to detect all kinds of risks associated with the development of the early stages of chronic diseases.

Such research is not new for Russians. Global monitoring of population health was carried out back in former USSR. Now the Russian Ministry of Health has decided to continue the traditions of its predecessors and has issued an order regulating the study of the health status of all categories of the population. This applies to both children and adults.

Main principles

The federal program takes into account the most critical moments various diseases inherent in every age. Taking this into account, a list of doctors required to visit has been developed. Various diagnostic measures should detect various types of pathologies that cause premature death and disability. These include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • various neoplasms of benign and malignant nature;
  • diabetes mellitus, etc.

These types of diseases can lead to premature death.

Medical examination includes:

  1. a visit to a therapist who draws up a questionnaire indicating risk factors. For example, a patient may be overweight, have an unhealthy diet, abuse tobacco and alcohol, or take drugs;
  2. women's visit to the gynecologist;
  3. visit to specialists of a narrow specialization;
  4. laboratory research. They include tests, examinations of blood, stool, taking all kinds of smears, etc.
  5. diagnostics of the body using various devices. This could be an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fluorography, etc.

Which doctors are required after 36 years of age?

For people who have reached middle age, the list of doctors for examination increases. In addition to the above specialists, they need:

What years of birth are subject to clinical examination?

The program does not cover the entire population, but rather individuals born in specific years. The age range of the people examined is three years. So, in 2019, persons born in the following years can undergo medical examination:

1920, 1923, 1926, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938, 1941, 1944, 1947, 1950, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998.

People who have reached 100 years of age do not have any restrictions. The new order of the Ministry of Health allows them to undergo screening on a general basis. There are no changes to the medical examination for 2019.

Health groups

After medical examination, all examined citizens are divided into groups:

  • The first category is assigned to those who do not need constant supervision by doctors.
  • The second category is intended for persons predisposed to various chronic diseases.
  • The third category is reserved for people who need constant monitoring by doctors. A preventive health assessment usually takes one to three days.

If citizens are found to have risk factors, they are recommended to undergo additional research.

The analysis of children's health occurs a little differently. Every year in the Russian Federation, medical examinations are carried out for children. Children from one year old can take part in it. Children aged 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17 years are eligible for expanded screening. This order is due to the fact that it is during these years that there is a surge in age-related diseases. Typically, children's examinations are carried out at the district clinic where the child is registered. All recommendations are given by the local therapist. This is provided for by Order No. 134 of 2012 of the Russian Ministry of Health. It indicates the main provisions that must be followed during children's medical examination. In 2019, children born in the following years will be examined: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2013, 2012, 2009, 2004, 2003,2002.

Procedure for taking the examination

Screening is provided for all persons, regardless of whether the citizen works or not. In addition, working citizens undergo medical examinations in accordance with their specialty.

As for employers, they are prohibited from interfering with medical examinations organized by the state. The manager must set aside time to examine his employees, regardless of the density of work. Moreover, payment for missed time is made at an average rate. Citizens going for medical examinations have the right to undergo them completely free of charge. This is stipulated in the Legislative Act on the Protection of Public Health in the Russian Federation. All costs under the federal program are included in the state treasury.

Comprehensive research within the framework of clinical examination is the right of every citizen of our state. In order to find out all the details and, most importantly, the timing of its implementation, it is enough to come to the local clinic and see the local therapist. You can also find out information at the reception desk or even from the nurse assigned to your place of residence. Many medical institutions take the initiative and call their patients or choose another method of notification.

Any citizen can refuse medical examination or not participate in the examination of any specialist. Anyone can confirm their reluctance to participate in the government program by filling out the appropriate form provided by law. Your refusal must be confirmed with a handwritten signature.

To undergo a medical examination, it is enough to have:

  1. passport;
  2. medical insurance policy;
  3. SNILS.

As a result detailed study body, every citizen receives a Health Passport. It lists diseases, if any, as well as recommendations for maintaining health.

Who, where and how can undergo medical examination in 2019?

In 2019, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation plans to include annual medical examinations in the medical examination program

Medical examination in 2019 amendments and changes

A large-scale state program for annual medical examination of the population has been operating in Russia since 2013. General medical examination is carried out on a voluntary basis. The program can be used by citizens who closely monitor their health.

What is clinical examination in a clinic?

Mass monitoring of the population's health status was popular back in the Soviet era and was called preventive examination. Order No. 36an dated February 3, 2015, adopted by the Ministry of Health, provides for a more extensive examination. It includes not only a routine examination by a therapist, but also consultations with specialists.

Clinical examination is aimed at detecting serious diseases in early stage, as well as identifying the risk of their development. The procedure is carried out in the clinic at the place of registration free of charge. A medical examination includes visits to specialist doctors of various fields and tests.

Goals and objectives of screening examination

The planned medical examination in 2019 is carried out everywhere - in all regions of Russia. Preventive examination has the following goals:

  • Diagnosis in the early stages of dangerous diseases that lead to disability or premature death.
  • Preventing the transition of the disease from acute to chronic.
  • Control over the epidemiological situation in a country or a particular region.
  • Obtaining statistical data on the prevalence of dangerous diseases in different regions of the country and drawing up a plan to combat them.
  • Identification of factors and primary causes of the development of certain ailments.
  • Consulting citizens on the need for timely diagnosis and prevention of various diseases.

Is it necessary to undergo a medical examination?

Medical examination of the adult population is a voluntary procedure. Anyone has the right to completely refuse to undergo it or to exclude from the general list any examinations they wish. There are no legal sanctions for those who missed the inspection.

  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

What years of birth are subject to clinical examination?

The state medical examination program is available to all categories of citizens over 21 years of age. It is believed that at this time a person begins to show the first symptoms of dangerous diseases: high blood pressure, high blood sugar or cholesterol.

A medical examination in Moscow or other regions in 2019 is possible for those people whose age is divisible by three. The program covers citizens of the following year of birth:

  • 1920;
  • 1923;
  • 1926;
  • 1929;
  • 1932;
  • 1935;
  • 1938;
  • 1941;
  • 1944;
  • 1947;
  • 1950;
  • 1953;
  • 1956;
  • 1959;
  • 1962;
  • 1965;
  • 1968;
  • 1971;
  • 1974;
  • 1977;
  • 1980;
  • 1983;
  • 1986;
  • 1989;
  • 1992;
  • 1995;
  • 1998.

Preferential categories of the population can undergo free medical examination, regardless of age. These include:

  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and combatants who received serious injuries;
  • people awarded the distinction “To a Resident besieged Leningrad»;
  • persons who are recognized as disabled due to a general illness or work injury;
  • prisoners of concentration camps or other places of forced detention created by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Medical examination of children takes place somewhat differently. The pediatrician of the district clinic monitors newborns and babies from one year old. The schedule for periodic examination of the reception corresponds to the characteristics of child development. The age of children for an extended comprehensive examination should correspond to 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 14-17 years.

Medical examination program 2019

The main principles of extended preventive examination in the new year remain standard and do not change. The exception is the age of the patient for measuring intraocular pressure. Until 2019, to detect glaucoma, the procedure was performed on all citizens over 39 years old, now - from 60 years old.

Medical examination includes the following points:

  • visiting a therapist, determining the list of necessary procedures and examinations by specialists;
  • passing general clinical and biochemical tests (urine, feces, blood);
  • visits to specialized specialists - neurologist, mammologist, urologist, gynecologist (other doctors if necessary);
  • instrumental diagnostics - fluorography of the lungs, ultrasound (ultrasound);
  • voluntary and anonymous testing for HIV or AIDS.

Procedure and main stages

You can undergo a medical examination under the state program for free once every three years. Main stages of medical examination:

  • The first is screening. Allows you to identify diseases at an early stage. The stage includes examination by a therapist, laboratory and instrumental studies, and visits to specialized specialists.
  • The second is additional diagnostics. It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis for people who had abnormalities identified at the first stage of examination.

What are additional medical examinations?

In-depth free medical examination is necessary if serious illnesses are suspected. She enters the second stage of inspection. The list of additional examinations includes:

  • Duplex scanning of brachiocephalic vessels in the presence of risk factors for the development of chronic diseases in men under 72 and women 54-72 years old.
  • Consultation with a surgeon or urologist for men aged 51 years if an increased level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood (more than 1g/ml) is detected at the first stage of diagnosis.
  • Carrying out sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and examination by a coloproctologist if colon cancer is suspected.
  • Spirometry is prescribed to smokers and patients at high risk of developing bronchopulmonary diseases.
  • Examination by an ophthalmologist, measurement of intraocular pressure (all people over 60 years old).
  • Other tests, consultations with specialists of a narrow profile. They are prescribed based on the results of testing at the first stage of medical examination or at the discretion of the therapist.

How to get a full medical examination for free

You can find out all the information about the schedule and timing of the state medical examination at your local clinic from a therapist, nurse or at the reception desk. To undergo the inspection you must have with you:

  • Identity documents – passport, birth certificate (for children), driver’s license;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS.

Planned medical examination takes place step by step. Follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a day of medical examination that is convenient for you.
  2. Make an appointment with your local GP.
  3. Fill out the documents - voluntary consent to medical intervention, questionnaire.
  4. On the appointed day of the examination, come to the clinic in the morning. Before taking the tests, you must not eat anything, stop smoking and playing sports.
  5. See a therapist. Receive a medical certificate indicating the necessary doctors and tests.
  6. Consult all specialists and pass the necessary tests.
  7. Come back for a follow-up appointment with your therapist. The doctor will explain the diagnostic results, conduct a consultation, and determine the health group.
  8. Take additional tests if necessary.

3 working days are allotted for all specialists, instrumental diagnostics, and laboratory tests. Depending on the workload of the clinic, the main examination takes from 7 to 12 hours. If a person has recent test results (fluorography, blood), the time for undergoing a medical examination is reduced.

Which doctors should you go to?

The number of medical procedures depends on the age and gender of the person. General examinations are prescribed for persons aged 21 to 36 years. Mandatory activities include:

  • visiting a therapist to record general indicators;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • rapid analysis of total cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • glucose level determination;
  • fluorography of the lungs (performed once a year);
  • visiting the dentist;
  • electrocardiogram at rest;
  • determination of the absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients under 63 years of age;
  • test for occult blood in stool (performed once every 2 years);
  • analysis for the level of prostate-specific antigen for men;
  • mammography for women aged 39 to 48 years once every 3 years, after 50 – once every 2 years;
  • examination by a gynecologist for women;
  • visiting a urologist for men.

People aged 36 and older are encouraged to additionally undergo the following doctors and screenings:

  • detailed analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • consultation with a surgeon or proctologist.

Visit to a therapist and general tests

The first doctor you need to visit when undergoing a free medical examination is your local physician. The duties of this specialist include:

  • informing about the stages and rules of undergoing a medical examination;
  • survey;
  • measurement of height, weight, waist circumference;
  • brief professional consultation on physical activity, proper nutrition, lifestyle;
  • drawing up a dispensary certificate;
  • issuing a referral for general tests;
  • assessment of health status based on test results;
  • referral for additional procedures or treatment.

Examination by a neurologist

Citizens over 39 years of age should visit a specialist. During clinical observation, the doctor assesses the condition of the nervous system, vestibular system and brain. During the examination, the neurologist asks about possible complaints, lifestyle, checks coordination and determines the tendency to neurotic reactions.

If necessary, the doctor will refer you to other specialists for consultation or prescribe a series of examinations:

  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • myography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • radiography of the spine;
  • electroencephalography;
  • visual field check.

Gynecologist and mammologist for women

An appointment with these specialists is mandatory for women of all ages. A gynecologist performs an external and palpation examination of the genital organs, and a mammologist performs an examination of the mammary glands. The task of specialists is to identify the following diseases of the reproductive system:

  • breast or uterine cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • mastopathy;
  • tumor or infectious diseases of the genital organs;

During the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional screening tests:

  • smear (scraping) from the surface of the cervix or cervical canal;
  • ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • blood chemistry;
  • cytology (prescribed when neoplasms are detected).

ECG for men over 36 years old

An electrocardiogram is a screening examination to check the condition of a person’s cardiovascular system. She helps:

  • diagnose heart disease;
  • identify conductivity flaws;
  • calculate the regularity of heart contractions;
  • detect various heart or vascular diseases in the initial stages;
  • investigate electrolyte imbalances;
  • assess general physical condition.

An electrocardiogram is prescribed for men over 36 years of age, even if the patient has no complaints. At an early age, diagnosis is carried out in the presence of the following indications:

  • pain in the thoracic region;
  • dizziness or fainting;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • shortness of breath, lack of air with minor physical exertion;
  • suspicion of endocarditis or angina pectoris.

Medical examination of pensioners

People aged 60 to 73 years or more, in addition to general studies, need to undergo a number of additional tests and consultations with specialized specialists. This is due to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases. For pensioners, the therapist prescribes the following screening examinations:

  • measurement of intraocular pressure, consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • cervical smear for cytological diagnosis in women;
  • duplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries;
  • colonoscopy if there is a suspicion of cancer in the large intestine;
  • consultation with a neurologist.

Medical examination of children

Monitoring of children's health is carried out from the first days of life. The first screening examination is carried out a month after birth and includes several types of ultrasound, examination by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, or orthopedist. When children reach six months of age, they are checked by a pediatrician, ENT specialist, cardiologist, and ophthalmologist.

The list of required doctors and tests may vary by age:

  • Medical examination of a child from one to three years old includes a visit to an orthopedic surgeon, dentist, and ophthalmologist. The children's pediatrician checks preventive vaccinations. Additionally, laboratory tests may be prescribed - ultrasound, ECG, general blood and urine tests.
  • For children from 3 to 7 years old, a neurologist and speech therapist are added to the general list of specialists. Before enrolling in a kindergarten or school, the pediatrician will recommend undergoing a medical examination by a psychologist to determine stress tolerance and level of mental development.
  • Medical examination of children from 7 to 17 years old includes consultation with an endocrinologist, dentist, orthopedic surgeon, gynecologist or urologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist. Schoolchildren undergo a medical examination every year upon referral from their educational institution.

Dispensary health groups

Based on the questionnaire, the results of laboratory tests and screening studies, the therapist determines the patient’s health group. The person is given a passport with a conclusion, a preventive conversation is held or treatment is prescribed. The adult population is divided into three subgroups:

  • 1st category. It includes all people who do not have chronic diseases or risk factors for their occurrence. The laboratory diagnostic results of this subgroup of citizens are within normal limits.
  • 2nd category. This subgroup includes citizens who do not have chronic diseases, but are at increased risk of their occurrence.
  • Category 3. This group includes everyone who has chronic diseases or whose test results have revealed abnormalities.

The classification of health groups based on the results of medical examination for children differs from that for adults. There are 5 categories in total:

  • Group 1 of dispensary observation includes physically and mentally healthy children with high body resistance to infections.
  • Group 2 includes children who do not suffer from chronic diseases, but have reduced immunity.
  • Group 3 – this includes all children who have any chronic disease in the compensation stage.
  • Group 4 includes children with chronic diseases in which there is a serious deterioration in health and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.
  • Group 5 – disabled children.

Are days of medical examination paid by the employer?

Law No. 353-F3 of October 3, 2019 guarantees all employed citizens who wish to undergo free dispensary observation the right to be released from work for 1 working day once every three years. At the same time, the position held in the organization and the average salary are maintained.

For people of pre-retirement age (5 years before retirement), 2 working days a year are allocated for medical examination. The same rules apply to university students as to working people. To confirm the medical examination, they must provide the dean's office with a certificate from a therapist.


Clinical examination is a complete examination by medical specialists, during which predisposition to common diseases is identified, and the onset of non-infectious diseases and neoplasms is detected.

It is advisable to undergo medical examination once every three years. It is recommended that children be examined once a year.

So far, medical examinations are being carried out on a voluntary basis, but the Ministry of Health is already planning to make medical examinations mandatory.

Medical examination is so important that it will soon be made mandatory for all Russians

What is the global meaning of medical examination

Health screening is a procedure necessary for every person. Now in Russia the mortality rate is breaking all records. In terms of mortality per year per thousand people, our country is as poor as some southern African countries.

Why is there such a high mortality rate in our country? As a specialist and expert in health psychology, I note that there is a widespread belief among Russians that doctors and officials are responsible for their health, and not themselves. This line of thinking leads to sad consequences. Due to irresponsibility and dislike for one’s own body, obesity has become widespread, and even “younger” by about 20 years.

The health of Russians is undermined by a low quality of life, high prices for medicines, difficult working conditions, an inability to relax and a vague understanding of the laws by which the human body works.

That is why it is especially important to find time to undergo an examination and obtain reliable information about the state of your health - especially if the state has already provided such an opportunity. How more people If they undergo medical examination, the healthier nation will live in Russia.

However, clinical examination, like any large-scale phenomenon, has both pros and cons. I propose to get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of clinical examination and finally decide how much this procedure is necessary for you and your children.

Pros of medical examination:

  • Self-care, development of consciousness, understanding of responsibility for health.
  • Awareness of current health conditions.
  • Receiving recommendations and consultations to maintain health.
  • Early detection of diseases, prevention.
  • The opportunity to recover without resorting to operations and expensive treatment.

Disadvantages of medical examination:

  • Loss of a working day (until a paid day off is legally established for these purposes).
  • You can hear what you don’t want to hear; Not everyone is pleased to hear that, for example, they have developed caries.
  • Not all tests can be done as part of a free medical examination (mammography is not always available).
  • We need to come back for test results.
  • You may encounter organizational problems: spend more time on examinations, or you will have to go to a diagnostic center in the direction of the clinic (for example, for an ultrasound or mammography).

How to get a medical examination

To ensure that as many people as possible undergo medical examination, the state has introduced special conditions for all compulsory medical insurance holders.

Now you can get examined by the most important doctors without grueling waiting in lines. For this purpose, most clinics have departments of medical prevention, which you can contact to undergo medical examination.

If your clinic does not have a medical prevention department, use the help of a therapist. The doctor will give you a “slider” with the numbers of the rooms that you will visit to undergo examinations, obtain notes and signatures from doctors.

What is included in the medical examination

Clinical examination is divided into two stages. Everyone goes through the first stage. The doctor decides who to refer to the second stage based on the results of the first stage.

The first stage of clinical examination includes:

  • filling out a questionnaire by the patient;
  • measurement of height, weight, calculation of body mass index;
  • measurement of vascular pressure;
  • blood sampling for a clinical blood test;
  • urine collection for general clinical urine analysis;
  • blood sampling to determine total cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • blood sampling for a biochemical blood test (for patients over 39 years old, frequency - once every 6 years);
  • stool sampling for occult blood testing (from 48 to 75 years);
  • fluorography;
  • mammography for women age 39 and older;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure for people aged 39 years and older;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs in patients aged 39 years and older - once every 6 years;
  • appointment with a general practitioner.

The second stage of medical examination may include:

  • duplex scanning of the brachycephalic arteries (these large vessels are involved in the blood supply to the brain and arms);
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the esophagus, stomach and upper duodenum using a special device);
  • consultation with a neurologist;
  • consultation with a surgeon or urologist: for men aged 42 to 69 years - according to indications; for men, regardless of age - if prostate cancer is suspected based on ultrasound results;
  • consultation with a surgeon or coloproctologist - if positive analysis stool for occult blood;
  • colonoscopy (examination of the inner surface of the colon) or sigmoidoscopy (examination of the mucous membrane of the rectum and sigmoid colon)
  • determination of the blood lipid spectrum - for those whose cholesterol levels are elevated);
  • consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist - for women with pathological changes identified based on the results of a cytological examination of a smear from the cervix and (or) mammography, ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries;
  • determination of the concentration of glycated (that is, associated with glucose) hemoglobin in the blood or a test for glucose tolerance - if an elevated glucose level is noted;
  • consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist is indicated for people aged 75 years and older - if there are medical indications based on the results of a questionnaire or examination by a therapist;
  • blood test for the level of prostate-specific antigen - as prescribed by a surgeon or urologist for men with suspected prostate cancer based on the results of a survey, examination, digital examination or ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist - for people aged 39 years and older who have increased intraocular pressure, and those aged 75 years and older who have decreased visual acuity.

Changes to medical examination rules in 2018

From January 1, 2018, a change in cancer screening is “coming” - that is, “checking for cancer.” In the age group from 50 to 75 years, medical examinations will be carried out more often - once every 2 years

In addition, the population of older age groups will be tested for oncology more often. For diagnosis, they plan to use a new immunochemical method that more effectively detects tumors at an early stage.

The most important thing about medical examination

Please remember that medical examination is an investment in health, which will not allow you to “trigger” the disease and bring yourself to the stage of the disease when money no longer solves anything.

Don't waste time! Sign up for a preventive medical examination, ask questions to specialists through the Medical Note application and stay healthy.

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