Calendar of the ancient Mayan Indians 1001 horoscope. Mayan calendar. Complete Mayan horoscope

The Mayan civilization left us many mysteries and questions. This ancient culture began to take shape two millennia BC and reached its peak in the period from 250 to 900 AD. The Mayans were excellent astrologers and astronomers. For example, their calculations of the movement of Venus differed from modern astronomical data by only a few seconds per year. As for the Mayan calendar, it should be noted that it correlates even better with the astronomical year than the modern Gregorian calendar.
Research shows that the ancient Mayans lived according to several calendars. All of them were correct and should have helped in compiling a single, most accurate calendar of the Mayan Indians that fully reflected the cosmic cycles.


Haab - Mayan civil calendar. It was a solar calendar consisting of 365 days. Haab was divided into 19 months: 18 of them had 20 days, and one of them had only five additional “days without names” (this month was added to make the total number of days equal to 365). These five days were called Vayeb. They were considered unlucky.
The days within the month were numbered from 0 to 19. This calendar was the basis for agricultural work and Everyday life Mayan. The months of the Haab calendar had the following names: Pop, Wo, Sip, Sots, Sek, Shul, Yakshin, Mol, Chen, Yash, Sak, Kekh, Mak, Kan-kin, Muan, Pash, Kayyab, Kumhu, Vayeb.

You can determine your sign by haab here:
enter your date of birth and select the Mayan calendar on the left

Stamps by haab:

According to the Law of Time, the basis of the Universe is Synchronic Order. The nature of Time is the fourth dimension, time is a single universal synchronization frequency that informs and controls all three-dimensional manifestations. This universal synchronization frequency is an immutable ratio, mathematically expressed as 13:20 and displayed in the matrix of the galactic constant - the Tzolkin.

The ancient Mayans considered the Tzolkin to be a “stellar heritage - the Sacred Calendar”, giving the opportunity for conscious interaction with the forces of the Universe. "Tzolk'in" means "counting the kin" in the Mayan language. Kin is any natural cycle: one day, one year, a thousand years. The Maya also called “kin” a person, the Sun, a Planet, that is, a kin is any integral being, a multidimensional model of displaying any process in nature. This calendar was also used by other Central American peoples - the Aztecs, Toltecs, etc.


For large periods of time, the Mayans used the so-called long count. The minimum unit in a long count is the kin (day). Larger units:
1 uinal = 20 days;
1 tun = 18 uinals = 360 days (approximately 1 year);
1 katun = 20 tuns = 7200 days (19 years 265 days); 1 baktun = 20 katuns = 144,000 days (394 years 190 days; 400 tuns);
1 pictun = 20 baktuns = 2,880,000 days (7890 years 150 days; 8000 tuns);
1 kalabtun = 20 pictuns = 57,000,000 days (156,164 years 140 days; 160,000 tuns);
1 kinchilbtun = 20 kalabtuns = 1,152,000,000 days (3,156,164 years 140 days; 3,200,000 tuns).
1 alautun = 20 kinchilbtuns = 23,040,000,000 days (63,123,287 years 245 days; 64,000,000 tuns):

Kin, tun and katun take values ​​from 0 to 19. Uinal takes values ​​from 0 to 17. Baktun takes values ​​from 1 to 13.

Each kin (day) has its own serial number (tone) from 1 to 13, in addition, the days have names that repeat with a period of 20. Each name of the day has its own symbol, the so-called solar seal. These seals are believed to describe the stages of development of consciousness - from birth (first seal: Red Dragon, or Imish) to enlightenment (twentieth seal: Yellow Sun, or Ahau).
The numbers and names of the days change simultaneously in the Tzolkin. Combinations of tones and solar seals are repeated with a period of 260 days. Tzolkin is considered completed when the last day of the 20-day cycle (Ahau) corresponds to the number (tone) 13. Each seal has its own color - yellow, red, white or blue, which are associated with the cardinal points (yellow - south, red - east , white – north, blue – west). Each of the 13 tones also has certain qualities and characteristics; they seem to represent stages of creation (that’s why they are also called tones of creation).
It is these 260 combinations (kines) that are called the Mayan horoscope. It is believed that each person carries the vibration of one of the 260 kin. In accordance with your birthday, you can determine the kin of your destiny and find out your destiny.

You can determine your seal by the “Long Count”


The Dreamspell is an esoteric calendar based on the modern interpretation of the New Age Mayan calendar by philosopher and writer José Arguelles.
“The traditional Mayan calendar is the Tzolkin itself - it appears in both counting systems. In one version, leap days are counted (Long Count), in the other they are skipped (DreamSpell). Both versions of the Tzolkin counting of the Kin are valid, but the Long Count version was created a long time ago by the Galactic Mayans to measure the Ray of Synchronization, the last quint of which the Earth entered on August 13-3113 BC. e. and left it on December 21, 2012. We perceive this Ray as our human History. The era ends with cinema 160 – 4 Sun-AHAU. This is the end of the Mayan Long Count, where all days are counted without exception: kin after kin, day after day...

Dreamspell is a description of the Synchronic Order. Long Count- this is a sacred counting of days. They both use the same harmonic standard - the Tzolkin, or Harmonic Module. For Dreamspell, the Harmonic Module is an absolute four-dimensional matrix of relationships and a measure of synchronicity. For the Long Count, it is a constantly repeating 260-day count that began on 4 Ahau, 8 Kumhu and which establishes the endless cycles of vinals, tuns, katuns and baktuns.

Dreamsell is a new distribution. Tzolkin was merged with lunar calendar tun uk. His account is calibrated from July 26, 1987. As its measure, it uses the transformed methods of counting Tun Uk (13 Moons of 28 days) + Day Out of Time = 365. For the purpose of Dreamspell is twofold - to replace the artificial and uneven Gregorian calendar, and to establish the Synchronic Order of the Law of Time as a new basis knowledge and transformation of the human mind in the form of purely four-dimensional knowledge - it functions within perfect 52-year solar-galactic cycles. It does not recognize leap days and therefore preserves the perfection of the Synchronic Order - a purely four-dimensional order in which the unevenness of a leap day does not occur.

Kirill Zaporozhets believes that “there is no conflict between Dreamspell and the Long Count. They are simply two different standards that serve two different purposes and apply the same system in different ways. The Synchronic Order harmonizes all time systems, including the Long Count, all lunar and solar calendars, etc.” (With)

Information on the calendar of 13 moons of 28 days (Tun Uk):
You can also download the DreamSpell program there

According to these two calendars, the days have different solar seals , but the names of the seals themselves are the same in the Long Count and Drimpsell:
Ahau, Imish, Ik, Akbal, Kan, Chikchan, Kimi, Manik, Lamat, Muluk, Ok, Chuen, Eb, Ben, Khish, Men, Kib, Kaban, Etznab, Kavak.
The names in Russian are different, don’t be surprised. In the Dreamspell version, the seals acquired more beautiful names.

As mentioned above, Dreamspell is a Tzolkin counting system. Just as in the “Long Count” - combinations of 13 Galactic Tones and 20 Solar Seals create 260 archetypes of integrity and form the Tzolkin matrix. The Tzolkin Matrix, which is a hologram of many levels of consciousness and being and includes a structure of 52 “green” cells - 52 Portals of Galactic Activation, creating the possibility of transition to a deeper level of awareness. (rice)

The New Time Calendar synchronizes the cycle of 365 days with the Galactic revolution of 260 days. The combination of two rhythms, 13:28 and 13:20, opens the gate to the Synchronic Order, cultivating the ability to hold two or more levels of information in consciousness. The 365-day cycle of the year helps us move through the cycles of the physical and biological realms of the third dimension. By following the New Time Calendar day after day, we weave these two dimensions together!

Tzolkin Matrix according to Dreamspell, solar seals on the left side

The so-called cross of fate appeared in Dreamspell.

Complete Oracle of Kin (Cross of Destiny)

In the center is your seal, in this case the White Mirror (Etznab)

On the right is an analogue (in this case, a dragon (imish)) - supporting, nourishing energy. The analog glyph represents your best ally in symbolic form. This glyph has more in common with you than any of the others, and people who are born on these days will be natural allies for you.

On the left is the antipode (in in this example star (lamat)) is a testing, strengthening and balancing force. Difficult relationships, not necessarily bad, but a person who is far from you in consciousness and will definitely face trials and additions.

Below is the occult teacher (night (akbal)) - a hidden, unexpected and invisible force. The secret glyph displays in symbolic form the magical gift that you have hidden within your limits, the “ace in the hole” that helps you on your path.

At the top is the ruler (leading seal), in this example the connector of the worlds (kimi) - the force (energy) of the result that catalyzes clarity and controls your consciousness. The leading part of your Self is controlled by this sign. You have approximately 30% of the energy of this seal. She's the key.

You can determine your sign by haab here.


The sign of the World Tree is the realm of primitive instincts that lie at the basis of all life. Without them, nothing is possible, but they themselves are not yet organized and orderly. A person born on the day of the World Tree feels his inextricable connection with the deep forces of Nature. He may not even realize


The People of the Wind are as ambiguous as the wind itself. They have a primitive, unbridled energy, but at the same time it is not a blind element, but a force that is aware of itself. The main feature of the Wind sign is that under it the deep, primary instincts do not act on their own, but give a powerful impetus to the awakening of the mind.


The Night Sign is an amazing sign. The main thing that distinguishes the man of the Night is his deep concentration on own problems, thoughts, feelings and experiences. Night imparts such traits as strong pride and a tendency to withdraw, but at the same time modern world this sign is one of the most successful for life and career.


The man has grains most of all the forces and resources of the body are aimed at growth and maturation. Thanks to this, the Zern person is distinguished by increased efficiency and energy. At the level of the body, this means increased activity of all physiological processes, and at the level of behavior - his thirst for activity, his thirst for the realization of his ideas.


The Mayan snake is one of the most beloved and respected signs. It is under it that the most powerful shamans and spirit seers are born. It is interesting that the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was also born on the day of the Snake. Of course, not everyone born on this day receives a prophetic gift, nevertheless, in their lives there is a special connection with the Divine.


You can often hear that the best defense is an attack, but this has nothing to do with a person born under the sign of the Skull. Nature itself determined that for him better protection is calm inner firmness, caution and restraint. By nature, the Skull person is not at all prone to aggression.


The distinctive features of the Deer are independence and the desire to live by his own mind: he knows exactly what he wants from life, at the same time he is self-willed and knows how to achieve his own. Interesting fact: the expression “the beast runs to the catcher” fits the character of the Deer perfectly. His knowledge of what he wants to get out of life endears him to people.


The man of the Sunrise perfectly embodied the character of our modern civilization, with all its advantages and disadvantages. The fact is that according to the Mayan calendar, we were all born in the great era of the Rising, which began in 1756 and lasted until the end of the era of the Fifth Sun in 2012.


Water is one of the most controversial signs. A person born on this day has such an unusual character that his behavior often seems strange and contrary to logic. But this is only at first glance. Nature itself has endowed man with very large amounts of water. internal resources, however, these resources are activated only at a critical moment.


The main feature of a person born on Dog Day is the special brightness and strength of his emotions. He has such strong emotionality that it determines his entire character, behavior and lifestyle. Dry reasoning is alien to him, and he often trusts his inner instinct more than logical calculations.


Nature generously endowed a person born under the sign of the Master with talents and abilities. Things that others have to achieve with patient labor are easy for him. He knows how to think quickly, grasps the essence of the issue on the fly, is very insightful, and the conclusions he makes, as a rule, are amazingly accurate.


Perhaps the main feature inherent in a person born under the sign of the Staircase is his internal self-organization. He belongs to that rare breed people who, when going fishing, never forget to take fishing rods with them. Such self-organization manifests itself in him in all possible areas.


A person born under the sign of Reed is not used to stopping there. Concepts such as “enough” or “a little of good” are not for him, and often the word “better” for him means “more.” Nature has determined that the main thing for him is the very idea of ​​growth and increase in everything he undertakes.


A Jaguar is a person who knows how to get his own way. Nature generously endowed him with such traits as a keen observational mind and determination. In the Mayan “Book of Signs of the Days” it is said about the Jaguar: “Blood on his mouth, blood on his claws,” however, given the figurative language and peculiarities of Indian thinking, all this should be understood as a symbol of luck.


A person born on the day of the Eagle is a born logician. This does not mean at all that he should be particularly quick of mind, just that his mental potential is extremely high, and in any matter, logic prevails over feelings and emotions. Moreover, Eagle can often look slower than others.


A vulture is a person with sensory intelligence. Nature has endowed him with great mental abilities, but at the same time dry, dispassionate reasoning is absolutely unusual for him. His feelings are so deep and strong that they inevitably leave an imprint on any of his thoughts. A cool-headed analyst is not his style.

For a long period of time, scientists argued that only the countries of Africa and Asia were the centers of world culture. Historians of astronomy believed that their science originated in the countries of the Middle East (Babylonia, Assyria, Egypt), as well as in Ancient China and India. However, in recent decades this view had to be revised, as another center of culture was discovered. It turned out to be located on the territory of the “New World” - in Central America, on the lands now occupied by Guatemala, the southeastern part of Mexico and British Honduras. Particularly interesting is the Yucatan Peninsula, which was once inhabited by the Mayan Indians, who created their own unique culture and unique horoscope.

The 260-day Tzolk'in is divided into 13 months of 20 days. The duration of three Tzolk'ins corresponds to the synordic period of the planet Mars. The Mayan universe is divided into three parts: Heaven, Earth and Underworld. Heaven consists of 13 tiers - the steps of the cosmic pyramid. The Underworld is an overturned pyramid with 9 steps. Between them is the world of people - Earth. The Mayans believed that the world consists of three parts: Heaven, Earth, Underworld. Each part had its own god. These three components, in turn, were divided into the four corners of the world - south, east, north, west. Each sector had its own color. Days - signs of time - reflect 20 animals, natural elements and objects that follow strictly one after another. The calendar begins in the afternoon - the sign of the Ancestors.

Brief Mayan horoscope

Primordial energy dormant at the origins of existence
A symbol of the living spirit, bestows life and animation
Innate wisdom of Yin and Yang
"Precious chirping birds are your birds"
Incredible strength and giftedness with bodily lightning
Transformation, wisdom and the spirit of providence
Lord of the Forest - strength, wisdom and success
The talent to create abundance, the ability to “make money”
A colossal artistic gift
Unconscious strength and faith in Victory
Innate artistry and craftsmanship of the world
"Heavenly Dew" and "Lightning in the Blood"
"Official staff" - a supporting pillar of the world
"Pop-Up" from the Otherworld
The gift of embodying and expressing the sacredness of life
Deep inner connection with the Earth and the Underworld
"The Brain of Heaven" - the wayward ruler of the Year
God of War - “a sharp scalpel of truth”
Feeling like one continuous storm
The last flower of the Calendar is a symbol of higher consciousness

Complete Mayan horoscope

  1. Those born on March 16, March 21, April 10, April 30, May 20, June 9, June 29, July 19, August 8, August 28, September 17, October 7, October 27, November 16, December 6, 26 December, January 15, February 4, February 24 in the Mayan Zodiac are called IMISH(crocodile). The meaning of this zodiac sign is the sea. Patron deity - Dragon. People born on these days often feel helpless and lost. That is why those born on this day are so emotional, but at the same time, they simply send sparks of brilliant fantasies in all directions. They have a seething thirst for activity, they are charged with creative energy, and therefore rush headlong into ever new risky projects. The deepest longing for comfort and security makes them very sensitive, they easily understand what worries others, and therefore the professions of a doctor and teacher are best suited for them. Family and children are a very important topic for those born under the IMISH sign: they are caring and love to look after someone.
  2. Those born on March 17, March 22, April 11, May 1, May 21, June 10, June 30, July 20, August 9, August 29, September 18, October 8, October 28, November 17, December 7, 27 December, January 16, February 5, February 25 are called IIK (wind) in the Mayan Zodiac. The meaning of this zodiac sign is wind, air. The patron deity is the wind god Iik. The main theme for those born these days is the ineradicable desire to influence the world, change it with creative ideas and actions. People born under this sign are like a storm, “pumped up” with health, and at the same time they can be called creative, spiritual people. They are versatile, unpredictable, talented. These are idealists and romantics. Iik is always sociable: people of this sign are able to express the most complex thoughts in the simplest way, understandable to everyone. But Iik people have one significant drawback - the desire to “escape” from problems, indecision, and a complete lack of “sense of duty.”
  3. Those born on March 18, March 23, April 12, May 2, May 22, June 11, July 1, July 21, August 10, August 30, September 19, October 9, October 29, November 18, December 8, 28 December, January 17, February 6, February 26 in the Mayan Zodiac are called AKBAL(Dream). The meaning of this zodiac sign is night, the underworld, the world of dreams. The patron deity of this sign is the god of the underworld.
  4. Those born on these days strive throughout their lives to find a balance between the creative and subconscious worlds. People of this sign strive for spiritual and physical stability, comfort in home, family and work. They make up for their energy weaknesses with creative ideas and intuition. Most of them are terribly conservative, logical and endowed with amazing organizational talent. Quite often they do not deny themselves the pleasure of “withdrawing into themselves”, falling into reflection about the meaning of life. Sometimes all this leads to hopelessness, a person drowns in the rapids of helplessness and a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence. Those born on March 19, March 24, April 13, May 3, May 23, June 12, July 2, July 22, August 11, August 31, September 20, October 10, October 30, November 19, December 9, 29 December, January 18, February 7, February 27 in the Mayan Zodiac are called(Seed). The meaning of this zodiac sign is seed, maturity.
  5. The patron deity is the great-goddess Mam. Those born on these days are very closely connected with the earth, they are given a wonderful opportunity to realize strong feelings and thoughts in artistic fields (music, dancing, painting...). People of this sign know firsthand what inspiration is. They are also capable of giving practical advice, but they will not dare to insist on anything and practically show it. People of this sign take life too seriously, react painfully to criticism - they are helpless in front of it. But if they understand that they need to get out of their protective shell, they will quickly find great opportunities for growth and spiritual flourishing. Those born on March 20, March 25, April 14, May 4, May 24, June 13, July 3, July 23, August 12, September 1, September 21, October 11, October 31, November 20, December 10, 30 December, January 19, February 8, February 28 in the Mayan Zodiac are called CHIKCHAN
  6. (Snake). The meaning of this zodiac sign is the Milky Way. Patron deity - Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan). Basically, people born on these days are well developed both physically and spiritually. But at the same time, they manage to show passionate emotions and feelings to the world, involving close people in them. “Oh, we are suffering! And you join us.” However, this also has a certain charm of unusualness. These people attract others to them like a strong magnet, but, nevertheless, they manage not to let anyone close to them. Most often they are selfish. The eternal search for harmony, only interpreted somehow very wrongly. Those born on March 1, March 26, April 15, May 5, May 25, June 14, July 4, July 24, August 13, September 2, September 22, October 12, November 1, November 21, December 11, 31 December, January 20, February 9, February 29 in the Mayan Zodiac are called KIMI(Wanderer). The meaning of this zodiac sign is the Wanderer between worlds. The patron deity is the god of death Ahpukh in the underworld of Xibalba. Those born on these days received a light character from the gods. But they quickly fall into melancholy, are subject to depression, and in human life they notice only the most tragic. They are terrified of change, too dependent on material well-being and conservative.
  7. Those born on March 2, March 27, April 16, May 6, May 26, June 15, July 5, July 25, August 14, September 3, September 23, October 13, November 2, November 22, December 12, 1 January, January 21, February 10 in the Mayan Zodiac are called MANIK(Hand). The meaning of this zodiac sign is hand. The patron deity is the deer god Tohil. Those born these days burst with strength, energy fills them to the brim. Temperament, artistic talents, healing abilities - the prudent gods reserved everything for them. People born under the sign of Manik are generous and natural in any environment. On the one hand, they are loners, and on the other, they know how to behave at ease in society.
  8. Those born on March 3, March 28, April 17, May 7, May 27, June 16, July 6, July 26, August 15, September 4, September 24, October 14, November 3, November 23, December 13, 2 January, January 22, February 11 in the Mayan Zodiac are called LAMAT(Moon). The meaning of this zodiac sign is Heavenly lamp, bird, rabbit. The patron deity is the moon goddess Ichkhel with a rabbit - a totem-amulet (Nagual). People born these days are cunning and smart. The gods shared with them the makings of healers, healers, magicians, and sorcerers. And besides everything else, they are real “workaholics.” But they radiate peace, it’s comfortable to be with them.
  9. Those born on March 4, March 29, April 18, May 8, May 28, June 17, July 7, July 27, August 16, September 5, September 25, October 15, November 4, November 24, December 14, 3 January, January 23, February 12 in the Mayan Zodiac are called MULUK(rain). The meaning of this zodiac sign is water, raindrops, fish.
  10. The patron deity is the rain god Chaak. People born these days have a clear mind and a rich sensory world. There are also a lot of fantasies, no less revolutionary ideas. They are very independent and independent. Divine favors rained down on them. Those born on March 5, March 30, April 19, May 9, May 29, June 18, July 8, July 28, August 17, September 6, September 26, October 16, November 5, November 25, December 15, 4 January, January 24, February 13 in the Mayan Zodiac are called(Dog). The meaning of this zodiac sign is Dog, Leg.
  11. The patron deity is the dog-headed god Tzul. People born under this sign are particularly loyal to their loved ones. And although they may be jealous to the point of indecency, do not be offended by them, their heart at this moment is bursting with love. Family and friendship are especially important to these people and they require strong emotional support. But they, in turn, are always ready to provide all possible help to others. Those born on March 6, March 31, April 20, May 10, May 30, June 19, July 9, July 29, August 18, September 7, September 27, October 17, November 6, November 26, December 16, 5 January, January 25, February 14 in the Mayan Zodiac are called CHUEN
  12. (Monkey). The meaning of this zodiac sign is monkey. The patron deity is Hongchuen, the monkey god. People born under the sign of Chuena love to be in society and love to be the center of attention. They are talented by nature, she gave them the best. People of this sign are sensual and romantic, they love to “play” with their neighbors, and in general they do everything as if playfully. True, sometimes, under the “veil” of humor, offended feelings and unhealed emotional wounds are hidden. Those born on March 7, April 1, April 21, May 11, May 31, June 20, July 10, July 30, August 19, September 8, September 28, October 18, November 7, November 27, December 17, 6 January, January 26, February 15 in the Mayan Zodiac are called EB (Scull). The meaning of this zodiac sign is a skull or a magic pumpkin - a spare head. Patron deity - Hunahpu - twin brothers leading the battle of light with darkness. People of this sign are chasing higher goals
  13. and spend all their efforts on achieving them. True, the blows of fate confuse them a little. BEN(maize). The meaning of this zodiac sign is the cob of maize. The patron deity is the young god of maize. “Ben” gives his “wards” inexhaustible creative possibilities, fills their hearts with joy and inspiration, he pushes them to create the New. People born under this sign literally radiate confidence in the indestructibility of life. They are greedy for knowledge and talented. They react very painfully to attempts by others to limit their freedom in some way. They are very often thrown from one extreme to the other, which is why it is so important to help them stay on a thin strip of land between two abysses.
  14. Those born on March 9, April 3, April 23, May 13, June 2, June 22, July 12, August 1, August 21, September 10, September 30, October 20, November 9, November 29, December 19, 8 January, January 28, February 17 in the Mayan Zodiac are called ISH(jaguar). The meaning of this zodiac sign is jaguar and magician.
  15. The patron deity is the lunar deities Ichbalanke and Ichkhel. This sign generously shares with its “wards” its ease and ability to turn any gray day into a sunny miracle. Those born on this day are sensitive and receptive people with excellent taste and an ineradicable love for beautiful things. Sometimes, however, they can “daydream” and feel completely lost in the material world when an avalanche of everyday affairs falls upon them.(Owl). The meaning of this zodiac sign is owl, kite, helmsman. The patron deity is the owl, the guardian of the gardens of the underworld.
  16. "Owls" are very talented, obliging and sensitive. And if they lack physical strength, they compensate for such a “deficiency” at the expense of spiritual resources. You should not put pressure on them, KIIB may get angry - and then a sharp and strong “beak” will come into play. It is better to give them freedom of flight. Those born on March 12, April 6, April 26, May 16, June 5, June 25, July 15, August 4, August 24, September 13, October 3, October 23, November 12, December 2, December 22, 11 January, January 31, February 20 in the Mayan Zodiac are called KAABAN
  17. (Earth). The meaning of this zodiac sign is earth, rainbow. The patron deity is the young goddess of the Earth and Moon Ichkhel. Kaabans are a real natural disaster. One idea immediately gives way to another - the Kaaban man literally gushes with them. Kaaban is independent and self-sufficient. Unless he's afraid of the future. Those born on March 13, April 7, April 27, May 17, June 6, June 26, July 16, August 5, August 25, September 14, October 4, October 24, November 13, December 3, December 23, 12 January, February 1, February 21 in the Mayan Zodiac are called
  18. ETCNAB (Sword, Knife). The meaning of this zodiac sign is sword, knife, pyramid, flint. Patron deity - Kukulkan. These people are witty, practical, and love everything new. They are courteous and know how to adapt to others. But they will never forget to take care of themselves.(Sun). The meaning of this zodiac sign is the Sun, power, flowers. Patron deity - Hunahpu - the god of the Sun, Kukulkan - the bearer of the Sun. AHAU are very versatile people, gifted, deeply feeling, but idealistic. “Ease of being” is their credo, which quite often causes dull irritation among others. These people easily lose ground under their feet.

But almost always AHAU find a source of secret mystical knowledge.

These are the galactic DNA codes of interdimensional existence. Understanding the nature of time and interdimensional existence, the planetary kin, free and equal with all planetary kin, takes the path of cooperation with the forces of Galactic evolution and enlightenment. Working with the Mayan Calendar opens up many possibilities for us to work together with the Energy of the birthday circuit. Since TIME enters information from the outside using various events

, understanding the power of the Birthday Energy, in light of the passage of time, becomes extremely important for our further development. The birthday KIN appears in the Calendar once every 260 days. On days like these, you should pay special attention to emotional condition

, reactions to people, apparent coincidences. We must remember that making mistakes is part of our purpose. Without this there would be no learning in the earthly school of life. This way we will know what progress we have already made and what we still need to work on.

The Kin corresponding to the date of our birth is our Galactic signature and is called the Kin of Destiny. The definition of the Kin of Destiny is the key that opens the entrance to the fourth dimension.

How to find out your Kin?

You can use the table below for calculating kines.

You can also use the Internet: at;

  1. Definition of Kin of Destiny:

  2. Find the year of your birth in the "year table". If your date of birth is before July 26th, then you take the previous year, and if you were born after July 26th, then you take the year of your birth.
  3. 2. Determine the corresponding kin of the year in which you were born in the right column of the table.
  4. 3. Use the “table of months” to determine the number corresponding to the month of your birth. For July 25-31, just take the number in brackets.

4. Add the “kin of the year” with the “day of the month” and add the number of your birthday. Use this formula to determine your Fate Kin:

  1. 5. If the resulting number is greater than 260, then to determine the required kine you need to subtract 260, and if the number is less than or equal to 0, then add 260.
  2. 6. The resulting number is your Kin of Destiny - your Galactic signature. Find the position of your Qin of Destiny in Tzolk'in. Using the Tzolkin, determine which Solar Seal and Tone of Creation the number of your Kin corresponds to. Each Kin corresponds to one of the 13 Tones of Creation and one of the 20 Solar Seals, their combination is your Kin of Fate.

Welcome to the fourth dimension!

Example: Jose Argüelles - 01/24/1939

Since January 24 precedes July 26, using the table of years we find the previous year, 1938. Thus, the kin of the year is 89, this is the Spectral Moon.

89 + (-102) + 24 = 11

Kin 11 according to Tzolkin corresponds to the 11th Spectral Tone of Creation and the 11th Solar Seal - this is the Blue Monkey. Thus, José Argüelles' Galactic Signature is the Blue Spectral Monkey.

The Color, Tone of Creation and the Solar Seal of your Kin of Destiny are the codes that open the gates of four-dimensionality for you. These are the main determining galactic codes of your destiny.

Of course, you can calculate not only your Kin and your family and friends, but also the dates of significant and interesting events.

To determine the joint vibration of a group of 2 or more people, you can calculate the joint Kin. To do this, you need to add up the numbers of the kin of this group. And if the total exceeds 260, then you need to subtract a number that is a multiple of 260 to get the total from 1 to 260.

Far away in Central America, Indian tribes did not have the slightest idea about the signs of the Zodiac, but they believed in the influence of the stars on human life. They also believed in the kinship of everyone with a certain type of animal. This is how the characteristics of the personalities in which, perhaps, you will find yourself, have developed.

People of this sign are distinguished by non-standard behavior. Sometimes they are even difficult to understand. The most effective manifestation of their unusualness will be creativity. The Otter has the advantage of a well-developed intellect and imagination.
These people are usually very good and caring friends. Much depends on the upbringing of the Otter. At the beginning of life's journey, it is very easy to undermine the psyche of a child born under this sign. But you can also easily direct him to the right path.

The wolf represents love. The thing is that since he values ​​love, he probably cannot be compared with anyone. However, they equally value their independence. This is why it is more difficult for them than others to be in relationships. Sometimes they even abandon them altogether. Otherwise, Wolves are very generous and passionate people.

Representatives of this sign are not those who like to stand on ceremony for a long time. Falcon is considered a born leader and will not have difficulty finding the ideal solution in difficult situations. Also, these people know the value of time and prefer to do rather than talk. Falcons are businessmen by nature and are ready to take the initiative. Because of their desire to win, they can often be arrogant.

Beavers will always and everywhere try to take full responsibility. If they take on something, they do it to the end and the result always lives up to expectations. The only negative is that if they start to get carried away with something, they cannot stop. Although in exceptional cases this minus becomes a plus and Beavers can be very good leaders.
Very the right people, but loyal. Principles are applied more to oneself than to others.

For the Indians, the Deer has a special meaning and personifies the Muse. Likewise, people born under this sign are able to inspire their surroundings. They are excellent at adapting to the person with whom they are currently in contact. Deer are unsurpassed conversationalists and you are unlikely to find a reason to quarrel with them.

In the Indian tradition, woodpeckers are the most well-mannered. They are the ones who will always listen to you and will be able to put themselves in your place in any situation. When you need support, Woodpeckers will be there.
Since they are absolute empaths, in life they show themselves as good parents and partners in relationships. Modesty adorns the representatives of this sign.

The life of people born under the sign of Salmon is one continuous adventure. And this is no coincidence, because they are full of energy and enthusiasm. Working as a team with Salmon is a gift. They are charged with healthy optimism. He thinks quickly and doesn’t pull the blanket over himself. Salmon can teach a lot to the people around him, and it will only be a pleasure for him.

For Bears, practicality and logic come first. Everything they do goes through tough and cold-blooded analysis. The mind does not allow them to completely relax.
Modesty and shyness enable Bears to be excellent business partners. Thanks to their innate patience, they also become mentors and teachers.

Representatives of this sign have the gift of charm and can easily influence people. Crows absorb all the information that is useful and necessary for them. With this skill, politics comes easily to them. They have an innate ability for diplomacy that needs to be developed. If Raven does not have the opportunity to realize himself, then there is a risk that he will become very romantic and quiet.

Snakes are endowed with very strong energy. They occupy the niche of spiritual leaders or doctors. That is why it is important for them to be respected and honored. But in matters of finance, they are not the best advisers, and they themselves are very reluctant to deal with them. They live in their own world and reality drives them into apathy. You might think that they are very secretive. In relationships, Snakes show themselves to be very passionate and inspiring lovers. Because of their emotionality, they are prone to sudden mood swings.

Owl: November 23 - December 21

The Indians considered Owls to be very tough and flighty people. Their ability to survive is so high that they rarely need the warmth of another person. Owls have a tendency towards increased risk and recklessness. They are born hunters, firefighters and social activists. Flexibility helps them adapt to any living conditions. Overall it's quite happy people, but they need to see a goal to strive for.

People of this sign have endless ambitions. If you have Goose on your team, then any project will be a success. His persistence can break through any walls. If there is a goal, then nothing can stop them. Geese are turned on by competition and competition. They are successful in almost everything and that's a fact. The goose always knows what to do, no matter what area of ​​life it concerns.

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