Cage for a budgie: dimensions, making it yourself. Suitable cages for budgies Which cage is best for a budgie

The health and habits of a domestic parrot largely depend on the cage in which it lives. Irregular shapes and materials can provoke aggression and disruptions in the functioning of the bird’s nervous system. Therefore, breeders will initially have to carefully look at the characteristics of the design they like, based solely on the comfort of its future residents. What a bird's abode should be like, how and from what to make it yourself, what to equip it with from the inside - we will talk about all this later in the article.

What kind of cage should a budgie have?

Today's range of cells is striking in its diversity: magnificent structures with intricate turrets and passages, fancy roofs, balconies and decorations are increasingly appearing on sale. They have an aesthetic appearance, but are not at all practical for domesticated birds.

Important! Experienced poultry farmers advise pouring a layer of dried medicinal chamomile flowers under the cage tray as a disinfectant.

According to experts, such elements only frighten the birds, prevent them from flying with their wings fully extended, and also complicate the process of cleaning the structure. What do winged pets need, let's figure it out together.

Video: how to choose a cage for a budgie

Size and shape

The main requirements for a bird's home are space and comfort. Therefore, you need to choose purchased cages based on the planned number of their inhabitants.

For one budgie, a design is ideal, the minimum dimensions of which correspond to:

  • 45 cm long;
  • 30 cm wide;
  • 35 cm high.

It is important that the cage is first and foremost comfortable. Small buildings, according to experts, are completely unsuitable as a permanent abode for budgerigars. Their use is limited only to cases of transportation and long walks.

Some poultry farmers mistakenly believe that their birds will be comfortable in structures that are too large. However, experts warn that such decisions can be fraught with serious consequences if the distance between the rods exceeds 1.5 centimeters and the diameter of the perches exceeds 2 cm. These cages are more suitable for medium-sized birds.

Important! It is unacceptable that there are many perches, toys, feeders and drinkers inside the bird's abode. In excess, all these elements only clog up the space, preventing the resident from flying. Stiffness in movement is bad for the health of birds, and they can swallow small toy parts.

In addition to the dimensions of the structure and its internal space, you should pay attention to the shapes. Pyramidal, highly curved, cylindrical, square, spherical and rectangular cells are available for sale.

However, of the entire range listed above, only rectangular variations with a pull-out tray are suitable for budgies: there they will feel safe and calm. According to ornithologists, birds often get sick in irregularly shaped cages.
For example, the residents of the round monastery constantly lift their heads and twist them in search of a threatening object. If nothing is done, over time the patients will develop nervousness due to constant discomfort. It will not go away even if the situation is subsequently changed and the bird is moved to the correct cage.

Important! Round and spherical cage shapes are dangerous because they disorient the bird in space and also do not have a comfortable, safe corner for rest. And in figured structures the risks of injury are excessively high. Observing its behavior will help you understand that your pet is experiencing discomfort.


Wood, metal and plastic are most often used in modern birdcage production.

Experts consider all these materials to be quite suitable for birds to live in captivity, however, each species has its own advantages and disadvantages:

When choosing factory cages, experts advise giving preference to combined products with metal rods and a plastic tray. Such surfaces are easy to clean, wash and, if necessary, disinfect with chemicals or medications. But wooden partitions are unacceptable, since a parrot can easily gnaw them.

Did you know? All parrots have a sense of rhythm. If you switch the composition, the pace of the bird’s movements will also change. This was established not so long ago - in 2011. In addition, there is a group in the world called “Hatebeak”, whose main vocalist is Waldo the parrot. Of course, he doesn’t give concerts, but he has already recorded 3 albums.

Be careful: the metal rods of cheap cages are often coated with low-quality enamel paint. In such cases, there is a high risk of it peeling off and poisoning the bird. In addition, such defects will inevitably lead to the appearance of rust, which will have a bad effect on the health of the pet.

Where to put the cage in the room

The parrot's comfort and psycho-emotional mood depend on the location of its house. In most cases, the cage is placed on a well-lit windowsill, but ornithologists strictly prohibit leaving it there even for a short time.

Did you know? Amazon parrots are considered the largest among their relatives. The height of these giant birds reaches one meter - approximately the same as that of a three-year-old child. But the smallest are New Guinea parrots, the size of a matchbox.

The ban is associated with sudden changes in air temperature from a cold window and a warm room, as well as with a high risk of drafts. These factors have a detrimental effect on the health of your feathered friend.

Video: where to place a parrot cage According to experts, the following are preferable for placing bird cages:

  • a bright area opposite the window (but not in direct sunlight), while the rear wall of the structure must be adjacent to a blank wall;
  • corners away from noisy household appliances, with the exception of the radio, tape recorder and TV (the pet will willingly sing along and comment on everything he hears);
  • places at the level of human eyes or slightly higher (if you place the cage on the floor, the bird will live in constant fear, and placing it at an excessive elevation will lead to the bird becoming wild and aggressive);
  • corners protected from drafts;
  • residential premises where the temperature ranges from +16–22 °C.
  • that part of the house or apartment where the whole family gathers, or the most visited room (parrots are very sociable).

Did you know? Not all parrots are harmless herbivores. In nature, there is a species of kea, whose representatives hunt sheep in flocks.

In addition, experienced breeders advise immediately deciding on a permanent place for the cage and not moving it unnecessarily. After all, every such attempt is fraught with stress for the feathered friend.

How to properly set up a cage for a budgie

In order to provide the bird with maximum comfort, the owner must take care of the internal attributes of its abode.

Among these, experts name:

  • 2-3 wooden perches (as an alternative, currant branches with bark are recommended, which is very useful for budgies). These items must be placed in such a way that the pet can move easily and is not limited in its movements;
  • 3 feeders placed at different levels (for grain mixtures, berries and succulent feed, as well as for mineral supplements and organic sand). You can make them yourself from hardwood, ceramics or plastic containers;
  • automatic drinker;
  • bath (for these purposes, it is advisable to choose a vessel made of non-slip materials; pebbles must be placed on its bottom so that the bird is not afraid of the thickness of the water);
  • swing (you can make it yourself from coconut shells and lace);
  • ladder and mirror;
  • bell and ball (most toys can be placed on a play stand);
  • rings;
  • several plastic clips for vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • pull-out tray to keep the cage clean.

Video: what should be in a parrot's cage All objects must be positioned in such a way that the bird can freely fly out of its house and fly back in. Sharp corners and excess toys are strictly unacceptable. Otherwise, the parrot will constantly be at risk of injury, and unnecessary objects will limit its freedom.

In structures with smooth walls of the same length, it is easy to place all the necessary attributes. Experts advise setting up a play area in the upper part. If several individuals live in a cage, the number of items will need to be doubled.

DIY parrot cage

Knowing everything about the necessary parameters of bird housing, you can easily build it yourself from available materials.

Tools and materials

For further work we will need:

  • tape measure for taking measurements;
  • fiberboard sheet or plywood;
  • pencil for marking;
  • sheet of paper for drawings;
  • pliers;
  • nails of the appropriate size and self-tapping screws;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • glue for wooden materials;
  • hammer;
  • wire cutters;
  • metal mesh with cells 1–2 cm (for a specific example, a meter piece is enough);
  • construction stapler;
  • screwdriver or electric drill;
  • 12 wooden slats with a section of 2x5 cm;
  • metallic profile;
  • file;
  • screwdriver;
  • corner;
  • awnings.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

In this case, we will make a cage measuring 60x25x35 cm.

After preparing all the necessary tools and materials, you can start working:

  1. Cut out the bottom of the structure from a plywood sheet or fiberboard. This is a rectangle with sides 60 and 25 cm.
  2. Place wooden slats along its edges to serve as sides.
  3. Then cut out 3 parts from the prepared slats so that their length matches the sides of the bottom, and the width is reduced by a third. These will be the grooves for attaching the pallet. The resulting blanks are attached to the base of the cell frame with glue, having previously degreased the joints. It is also important to remove any remaining dust from the parts before doing this.
  4. Then we cut out a sheet of appropriate sizes for the pallet from the metal profile. It should fit into the grooves without difficulty. For convenience, you can bend its front wall at an angle of 90 degrees, which will facilitate the process of cleaning the cage.

    Important! You cannot use paints with lead white, alkyd and nitro varnishes to paint bird housing - these substances are very toxic to birds. The wooden elements of the cage only need to be painted on the outside.

  5. We measure blanks from wooden slats for attaching the mesh walls. There should be 8 of them. Each of them must correspond to the given height of the structure.
  6. After receiving the necessary parts, using a screwdriver or drill, we make holes in them into which the spiky ends of the mesh will fit. This nuance is important for the safety of your feathered pet. Therefore, the number of such holes must be calculated based on the size of the cells and the height of the wall. Experienced craftsmen advise simply applying the mesh to the workpieces and using a pencil to mark the places where the wire ends touch.
  7. Then we coat the wooden blanks with glue and fasten them to each other so that we get 4 wooden corners.
  8. We measure and use wire cutters to cut off the required amount of mesh. We carefully insert it into the previously made holes on the glued planks and fasten it with a construction stapler. You can use other methods convenient for you as fasteners: for example, wire or metal holders. It is important that the material holds securely and does not injure the curious bird.
  9. Now you can proceed to the upper part of the structure. To do this, we fill the sides of the cage with wooden slats of the appropriate length on the left and right. Before that, you will also need to drill holes in them on one of the side surfaces for attaching the mesh edge.
    A similar piece should be placed in the middle of the cage, although if you wish, you can make a solid roof from mesh or plywood. According to ornithologists, birds feel more protected in a closed home.
  10. Attach awnings to the back side of the upper plane, and then attach a mesh to the walls in the same way. In our case, one of the roof halves will open. Don't forget to attach a latch to this door.
  11. We cut a hole in the front wall for the door. In accordance with its dimensions, we make a frame from slats and stretch a cut piece of mesh over it. Loops and a lock can be made from wire. By analogy, we cut out the opening for the feeders.

Video: DIY parrot cage Now you know about the intricacies of the construction, selection and location of the birdcage. The health and psycho-emotional mood of budgies is affected by many little things that owners often do not pay attention to.

Read in this article

A cage for a budgerigar is the same as an apartment for a person, so it must meet several requirements: reliability, safety, comfort. And when purchasing, it is important to take into account all the parameters so that the cage becomes the wavy’s favorite house. If the bird feels comfortable in it, then the owner will be able to safely leave the pet alone even for a long time.


The main parameter that must be taken into account when choosing a cage for your budgie. After all, if it is too small, then the bird will be cramped physically and mentally. The minimum cage size for one parrot is 30*40*30 cm (width, length, height). More is good. Less is bad. The worst thing is when a person, wanting to save money, buys a cage for a budgie intended for a hamster or rat.

Even if you plan to tame the wavy and constantly keep the cage open, it still should not be small. For a pair of parrots, each parameter increases by 1.5-2 times. Those. width and height must be at least 45 cm, and length - from 60.

Why is it important to give your parrot enough free space? So that he can calmly flap his wings in the cage, stretching them, and jump or fly from one perch to another. And in a large house you can place many different devices: ladders, swings, additional perches. Physical activity will keep your pet healthy and happy.


This is also an important aspect that many owners do not observe for aesthetic reasons. A round cage seems more beautiful and voluminous; it fits better into the interior of a room with an oval coffee table and a sloping sofa back. But the budgerigar is uncomfortable in such a house, because he does not feel protected due to the lack of corners. Yes, birds love to hide in corners because it makes them feel safe. There is a wall on the side and a wall on the back: this means that danger can only await on the two remaining sides. This is what the wavy boy thinks when, having become ruffled, he calmly falls asleep in the corner of his cage.

Another reason why it makes more sense to buy a rectangular or square cage is that it is easier to place it in the corner of the room. It takes up less space actually and visually. As for the roof, it is better to be straight than triangular or sloping. And then it will become an additional play area for the parrot, which was released to fly. And if you plan to have more birds, then the new cage can be placed on the old one.


In captivity, budgerigars live in crevices and hollows of trees, but buying a wooden cage for them is not practical. After all, the bird will quickly break through the bars and get out to freedom. Therefore, the house can have a wooden base - a frame, but only on the condition that the wavy will always have fresh aspen or birch sticks.

The best option is an all-metal cage made of high-quality stainless steel with a removable plastic tray. It is easy to care for, and such a house will last for several generations of budgies. The distance between the rods is approximately 1.5 cm. Less is not needed - it will be inconvenient for the bird to get caught. And if the distance is too great, the parrot may try to get out and get stuck.

Filling the cell

You have decided on the size, shape and material of the cage for your budgie. What about the decoration of the house? How to furnish the “interior” so that the bird feels comfortable, interesting and safe to be inside?


They should just be made of wood so that the parrot’s claws on its paws can naturally wear off. If the cage came with plastic perches, replace them. Just collect hard sticks with a diameter of about 1.5-2 cm on the street. Visually, they should be such that the bird can freely clasp them with its paws. Too thin or very thick will not work. The following trees can be used for perches:

  • Rowan;
  • Apple tree;
  • viburnum;
  • hawthorn;
  • currant;
  • raspberries;
  • alder;
  • Linden;
  • aspen;
  • willow

Having found a suitable twig, bring it home and scald it with boiling water to destroy germs. Then sand, removing any protruding spines. And so as not to have to change perches often, always make sure that your wavy has something to chew on.

"Attention! If you notice that your parrot often curls up his paws, hangs on the bars, or prefers to rest at the bottom of the cage, then the thickness of the perches is uncomfortable for him.”

The branches of the following trees are not suitable as perches:

  • any conifers;
  • poplar;
  • lilac;
  • bird cherry.

These twigs should also not be allowed to be chewed by the wavy, because they contain resins and toxins that are dangerous to birds.

Feeders and drinkers

So, there is already a cage for a budgie, and there are perches in it too. The next vital accessory is a feeder. There should be at least two of them. In one there will be grain food, and in the other the owner will be able to put various goodies: low-fat cottage cheese, porridge, grated carrots, etc. If you have one parrot, the volume of the feeder may be small. For a pair of birds you need to either increase the size of the feeder or their number. The optimal material is plastic. It is easy to clean.

The drinker can also be plastic, which should be installed away from the feeders so that droplets of water do not fall on the food. It is better to choose closed drinking bowls because the water in them lasts longer. Even for two birds, one drinking bowl is enough, provided that the owner constantly monitors the water level.

Flooring on the bottom

You can leave the plastic tray uncovered. This will be the safest for the wavy, because he simply will have nothing to chew on. But caring for the cage will be more complicated, because the stuck droppings will have to be washed for a long time, then the tray will have to be dried...

If you put newspaper on the bottom, the budgie will not resist the temptation to rub it. And the font on the newspaper is dangerous lead, so plain white A4 paper is suitable as a safe alternative. Another option is sawdust or washed river sand. It's environmentally friendly. But be prepared for the fact that garbage will constantly accumulate on the floor near the cage.

Additional accessories

A cage with only perches, feeders and a water bottle will quickly get boring for any budgie, because these are very active birds that love to crawl around and fiddle with something. Therefore, you can’t do without accessories and toys.

  1. Ladders. They can be installed along the path from one perch to another or simply placed along the rods.
  2. Swing. Hang a swing from the ceiling of the cage, and the bird will happily swing on it itself or simply swing the emptiness, pushing with its beak.
  3. Mirror. A lonely wavy definitely needs a mirror with which he will “talk”.
  4. Beads, rosary, abacus. Moving multi-colored round pieces along an axis is a very exciting activity for a playful bird.
  5. Bell. Anything that makes sounds delights the wavy birds. If the parrot plays with the bell in the evening or at night, you can remove the toy and install it at certain hours.
  6. Rope rope. Make sure the ropes are tightly twisted. Otherwise, the parrot will easily gnaw through them and then get entangled in the thin threads.

Some accessories look like entire complexes combined into one large toy. For example, a swing with a mirror, and a bell suspended from below. Why not?

"Attention! Don't clutter the entire cage with accessories. A budgerigar must have enough room to move freely and have a full wingspan.”


This does not apply to the decoration of the cage, but is also an important component of a safe and healthy life for a budgie. You need to have a special piece of fabric with which you will cover the cage at night. This way the parrots will be calmer, because in the dark they can see the flickering light from smartphones or the silhouette of the owner getting up to drink water at night and get scared.

The blanket for the wavy cage must be breathable, so you need to choose natural fabrics (cotton, chintz, calico). A piece of an old sheet will do. Color doesn't matter. And the fabric should not be slippery: silk, for example, will fall off the cage.

Don't skimp on your wavy cage. Let it be spacious and safe, with enough toys and convenient feeders. And then the budgie will always be cheerful and active, and a cheerful and cheerful pet is the best reward for the owner.

Cage size, what does a parrot need in a cage to feel comfortable?

It is better not to choose long and narrow cells

The very large number of cages that a market or store offers, in our opinion, are not suitable for the house of any living creature. In particular, the cells are “tubes”, which are 30 cm diagonally but one meter high. Birds don't fly high like helicopters, so horizontal space is most important for exercise, not vertical space. Imagine what it's like to live in a closet 3 floors high! Many people choose these cages because they create the illusion of space without taking up space in the room.

The more spacious the enclosure, the more at ease the bird will feel.

However, what if you cannot afford a huge cage to comfortably accommodate all the bird furnishings you would like.

So which size is preferable?

  • For parrots of small and small sizes (canaries, budgies, cockatiels): not less than 60 cm x 90 cm. It all depends on what the budgie or cockatiel needs in the cage: just a feeder with a drinker, or also toys and a swing.
  • For medium-sized parrots (amazons, cockatoos) - 90 cm x 135 cm
  • For large and large (macaws, large cockatoos): 180 cm x 270 cm

Additionally, parrots with crests or long tails need extra height to keep the feathers from touching the top or bottom of the cage. But this basic arithmetic does not take into account the activity levels of different species. For example, the caique or loris are considered relatively small in size, but their extremely high activity levels cause them to use every centimeter of their cage a hundred times a day. Therefore, they need a larger cage.

Advice: do not overload the cage with a huge number of toys, otherwise the house will become like your aunt's living room, filled with an unimaginable amount of furniture, in which it will become difficult to move around.

What should a safe cage be like?

When choosing an enclosure for a bird, you should pay attention to how safe the cage is, and what distance between rods. If the bird manages to stick its head between the bars, then there is a risk of getting stuck and trying to free itself - injury and even death. Because of this, you should be careful when placing a small parrot in a large cage.

Safe distance between the bars of the cage: for small birds – 1 cm, for medium ones – 2 cm, for large birds – 2.5 cm. Therefore, if you are thinking about what kind of cage a budgie needs, then you should not settle on large sizes, no matter how much you want space for your pet.

The bird's strong beak is another pitfall. Many cages are made of weak rods that cannot withstand the force of the beak, and this will inevitably lead to the bird bending and biting through the bars of the cage. When evaluating a cage in a store, don't forget to run your hand along the inside of the frame to notice in time sharp edges, roughness which can lead to injury to your pet.

What types of cells are there?

The design of cages for parrots can be very diverse. In general, there are three main styles: open-top, closed and play.

An open-top cage is convenient for moving birds

A) Based on the name, it is clear that the cell has open top. It is convenient for the bird in that it can return to the cage as needed to absorb food or water. This style of cage is not suitable for beginners or those who cannot get their parrot to return to the cage on time, such as at night.

The parrot can frolic to its heart's content on the playground

B) Playgrounds. Quite a popular species for those who dote on their birds. You can place nutshells or other inedible treats around the area, depending on what the parrot needs in the cage. And the bird will not fail to taste it on its beak! The bird has a place to roam and do its bird business. However, if the bird is not trained, it can be a real challenge for the owner to return the parrot to its place, just as with open-top cages.

Beautiful decorated cells serve as interior decoration

IN) Standard closed cages. They may have a flat or rounded dome. This type of enclosure does not have a play area or open top.

Advice: the more decor in the cage, the more it distracts attention from the bird itself, which is already quite beautiful and bright. In addition, some cage decorations can cause injury to your pet.

At what height should the cage be mounted?

Some parrots tend to exhibit dominance towards owners, if they are higher. There are different opinions about why this happens, but there is no scientific evidence on either side of the issue.

The solution to the problem is to tame the parrot. If you train a bird to sit on your hand every time you let it out of its cage and then the problem will not exist. Receiving praise from you, a gentle pat or a piece of treat is the best pleasure for a bird!

By the way, keeping your bird below eye level at all times is not always a guarantee of good behavior, but some people really think so!

What cell color to choose

It is better to choose unpainted cells from which the paint will not peel off over time.

The bars of most cages are powder coated or made of stainless steel. Powder coating means that the metal is spray painted. These parrot cages can be very attractive because owners can choose a cage of any color that matches the design of the apartment and the color of the bird.

However, it is worth understanding that sooner or later you will notice that the paint has peeled off, and you will need to either put up with it or repaint the cage. Most the best choice is a stainless steel frame. Such cells are durable. However, they are also expensive. However, in the future you will spend less money on their maintenance than on a standard painted house.

Easy access to all corners of the enclosure

This is undoubtedly an important factor. If the cage is easy to clean, you are more likely to clean it more often and this will provide a healthier environment for the bird. As a rule, cells with hard-to-reach places, cracks, crevices will collect crumbs, grains, waste and other debris. A cage that is safe and easy to clean is better than just a pretty bird house.

Why a good cage is important

Surely you are familiar with the story where one guy realizes his dream and buys himself a hyacinth macaw, but he doesn’t have enough money to buy a cage, and he puts the parrot in the wrong box or a cage intended for another animal. While the owner is at work, the parrot destroys the cage and begins to damage furniture and other interior items. Don't repeat his mistakes!

If you love a pet, you will probably want the best for it, let's figure out what a parrot should have in its cage.

Perches and swings

It is fashionable to equip the cage with natural wood

We don't always think about the comfort for the paws of our feathered friends. But parrots use them 24 hours a day, even when they sleep. It is best if the cage can accommodate several perches of different sizes. Natural wooden perches-branches for parrots preferable plastic, because have natural roughness. Plastic perches are too smooth and uncomfortable for the bird. In this case, the accessory can be additionally sanded to give it an uneven surface. Sisal ropes are comfortable for the bird, but you need to keep an eye on the surface so that they do not become too loose so that the parrot can hang on. You should also choose a swing from affordable and high-quality materials: a round fabric ring with a perch for a parrot.

Many owners prefer swings made of stainless steel, rubber and rings with impact-resistant plastic. If you choose rubberized products, you should make sure that the parrot does not bite or swallow pieces; If you still notice a bad habit, it is better to remove this accessory from the cage.

Parrot toys

Many bird owners love to pamper their pets stimulating toys, to diversify the life of the bird and enjoy watching the parrot, which most often is not deprived of intelligence. Toys are made from a wide variety of materials: wood, acrylic, stainless steel, nylon, polyvinyl chloride, cotton and sisal, fabric, impact resistant, cotton, rubber, paper, tanned leather, husks, dried palm leaves and other organic materials. Can be presented in different forms: bells, beads, rings, coconut shells. A wide variety of shapes, colors, combinations of materials.

Your pet will definitely love the swing

There are hanging toys for parrots, like the one in the photo; toys related to the cage in one way or another; rotating toys; cuddling toys; puzzle toys; chew toys; jumping toys; cluster toys; weight loss toys; toys with noise; interactive toys; Kids toys. Parrots love almost all of them. They know that They can do whatever they want with their toys. This is an important component emotional and mental health of birds – permission to manipulate and destroy your personal belongings.

Curious birds almost immediately strive to explore the object as soon as a new toy falls into their tenacious paws. Parrots don't always need fancy toys - sometimes a bolt attached to a thread is enough for them to explore and try it on their beak. Clean sticks for parrots (usually from citrus trees) - beautiful way keep the bird in the cage. If you decide to make your own bird toys, be sure to use safe materials.

Among the additional accessories, if space allows, you can put a stone and chalk for the parrot in the cage.

Feeder and drinker for a parrot

Make sure there is fresh food in the feeder

These two accessories are essential parts of any parrot cage. If the size of the cage allows, then it is best to use three feeders for parrots: a water bowl, a bowl for dry foods (for example, grains), and a feeder for wet foods (for example, vegetables). Food bowls come in a variety of materials. A parrot feeder made of high-impact plastic, ceramic or stainless steel is safe to feed, but it is best not to use galvanized metal bowls due to the potential for heavy metal toxicity.

The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed every day

Parrots should always have access to clean, filtered water. Quite often, large parrots, such as Amazons, confuse the water bowl with the toilet, so you need to change the water several times a day. For such parrots it is recommended to purchase bowls with a “hood” or install special closed drinking bowls as in the photo. Such drinking bowls for parrots, despite the fact that they do not appear to be dirty, require changing the water at least once a day.

For large cages, many owners buy a special mesh stand. On such a grid you can periodically place vegetable slices: corn, carrots, cherry tomatoes, broccoli; pea pod. Green beans, an orange slice, a piece of mango or papaya, a piece of banana, Brussels sprouts, pieces of sweet potato, zucchini - all this will certainly find its use.

Of course, more treats end up at the bottom of the cage, but still the parrot spends time with pleasure and eats those pieces that it considers necessary.

Does a parrot need a mirror in its cage?

Not all birds accept a mirror in their house

In nature, parrots live in whole flocks. At home, the parrot is looking for a companion. In your absence, he will not be at all lonely if you hang a mirror in the cage. The parrot will most likely perceive the reflection in the mirror as a second bird.

There are several dangers here:

  • he can start peck the mirror. The materials used to make a parrot mirror can be dangerous. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to safe materials, for example, a plexiglass mirror.
  • parrots, like people. They differ in character and disposition. Not all birds may like the presence of a competitor in the cage (he will see the competitor in the reflection), so if you notice that the bird is irritable, it is better to remove the mirror from the cage.

What to put on the bottom of the cage

Sand for parrots


  • Birds may use sand for play and entertainment, and will often pick at the bottom of the cage.
  • Aesthetic beauty


  • Will fly around the cage and beyond
  • It is difficult to notice changes in the droppings, but this is the first sign of a bird disease



  • Easily accessible
  • Easy to use


  • Do not use newspapers (printing ink is harmful to birds)
  • A bird can chew paper, which has a detrimental effect on its health (for example, its crop may become clogged)

Sandy bottom


  • Special development from companies, does not scatter around the cage
  • Easy to clean


  • Price

Empty pallet


  • no need to use improvised means
  • droppings are clearly visible


  • Gets dirty frequently and requires periodic cleaning

And one of the first steps is choosing a cage for a new family member. When we choose a specific bird, we not only look at its appearance and color scheme of plumage, its health, temperament, gender are important to us, we try to take into account all the nuances, from our emotional state from contact with it, to observing the behavior of the parrot in his usual environment.

Some people need a talkative tomboy, while others are looking for a singing, affectionate bastard. But despite the variety of characters and colors of budgies, they all need a large and safe home where they will feel cozy and comfortable.

Choosing a cage for a budgie is a very important task, because you are choosing a house in which the bird will live its entire life, a place where it will spend a lot of time.

Place for a cage

To create optimal conditions for keeping a budgie and to avoid inconvenience for other family members, you should first of all take into account where the cage will be located: in a private house or in an apartment, in which of the rooms, preferably this is the part of the house/apartment where family or most often the most visited room, parrots are very sociable and sociable birds and they will happily take part in your conversations, comment on television programs and sing along to the radio.

For the parrot's peace of mind, a permanent place for the cage is important; you should not move it frequently between rooms. He must know that his home will not go anywhere and during a walk the bird will readily return to its shelter. Take into account the obligatory absence of drafts and access to sunlight, but without direct rays, and the cage should be installed so that one side is adjacent to the wall. You can calculate the correct position of the cage using perches, they should be at the level of your eyes, this will allow you to contact your budgie more often and with this arrangement the bird will feel most comfortable, but if the cage is too high, this will lead to wildness, aggression and timidity of the parrot, and placing it on the floor is strictly not recommended; the bird will be in constant stress, which will lead to catastrophic consequences.

Shape and size

Buying a cage for a budgie is not difficult; pet stores offer a wide range of different shapes and sizes.

Cage size requirements:

The cage should be spacious, comfortable and suitable specifically for budgies. So that the bird can easily spread its wings, its minimum size for one parrot is: 40 cm in length, 30 cm in width and 50 cm in height; for two budgerigars, the cage size must be at least 60 cm in length and 40 cm in width , in height from 60 cm. Recommended standard: the length of the cage should be greater than the width and height, so the budgie can fly from perch to perch, and not just jump up and down;

A small cage for a budgie may only be suitable for long walks;

A small cage is useful as a carrier if the bird needs to be transported to another place of residence or a visit to an ornithologist is planned;

A cage that is too large may be unsafe if the distance between the bars is more than 1.5 cm and the diameter of the perches exceeds 2 cm. Cages for medium-sized parrots usually have similar parameters.

Having decided on the location of the cage in your home, you will know what maximum size you can count on when purchasing, but the remaining requirements for a parrot house are the same for all novice owners:

It is not recommended to buy round and shaped cages, since the absence of a corner where the bird could rest and just watch has a negative impact on the nervous system of the budgerigar; it becomes disoriented in space, which in turn affects its health and emotional state. In a round cage, the parrot feels unprotected; it has no place where it could retire. Curly cages are traumatic for such cheerful and active creatures and become problematic in maintaining cage hygiene; in addition to the threat of dislocated wings and broken paws, cleaning the corners of the house becomes more difficult. Example photographs of figured and round cells:

The best option is a rectangular cage with a pull-out tray; in it you can create all the comforts for your budgie. It is much easier to correctly distribute toys, feeders and perches when all the walls in the cage are level and the same height. Another plus is that thanks to the straight roof of the cage, you can install a playground for your parrot on top of it; if the room is small, this will help save space and it will be convenient for the bird to return to its home corner after the flight;

Example photos of rectangular cells:


It is important to consider what material the cage is made of and what the rods are covered with.

The most popular and reliable ones are all-metal, they are durable and allow you to keep your parrot’s home hygienic and, in case of illness, they can be easily disinfected with chemicals or medications.

Parrots often chew on bars or simply grab them with their beaks while moving around the cage. Before purchasing, pay attention to the metal from which the rods are made; it should not contain: zinc, lead or copper. Most often, cages with galvanized rods are found on sale. Zinc is poisonous for birds, so if you bought such a cage, use special plastic clips to secure vegetables and fruits.

If you simply squeeze food between the bars, your budgie can get poisoned. There are also cages whose bars are painted with enamel paint. In the case of cheap cages, the paint used is of poor quality; there is a risk of peeling, which entails the appearance of rust and a threat to the health of the pet. The price of cells is influenced by the quality of materials and the brand of the manufacturer.

When purchasing a cage for a budgie, pay attention to what is included. For a bird to live a full life, the cage must contain the following items per parrot, but if there are a pair of them, the amount of some equipment doubles:

2-3 wooden perches (depending on the size of the cage);

Three feeders (for grain, berries and juicy food, and for organic sand and mineral supplements);

Automatic drinker;


Sepia, chalk;

A swing or ladder, a bell and a ball (most of the toys can be placed on a play stand);

Pull-out tray, which is very easy to keep clean;

Several clips for vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Thanks to the widest range of cages for budgies in online stores and following our advice, you can easily choose the one that will become a wonderful home for your budgie.

One of the important parameters for keeping a parrot is the size of its housing - the cage where the bird spends most of its time. What should you be guided by when buying such a house and what should you pay attention to?

How to determine the cage size for a budgie?

Just like a person in his home, a bird in a cage should feel comfortable and cozy. Therefore, you need to buy a spacious house for the parrot so that the wavy can fly there. Its size should satisfy both you and your feathered pet. While in its house, a budgie should at least freely spread its wings in it and make short flights to different parts of it. So, for the optimal choice, consider these rules:

  1. A parrot that sits in the middle of a perch in a cage should freely spread its wings and flap them without touching the walls or bars.
  2. The length of the budgerigar's house should allow it to accommodate two perches at different levels. The distance between these perches should be sufficient for the bird to easily flutter from one perch to another. Place the perches in the cage so that the wavy sitting on them does not touch the rods with its tail.
  3. The minimum recommended cage size for one budgie should be 40 centimeters long, 25 cm wide, and 30 cm high.
  4. For a pair of parrots, the cage length should be 60 centimeters, width 30 cm, and height 40 cm.
  5. When keeping two pairs of birds at once, the size of their home should accordingly be twice as large as for one pair.

In a spacious cage, you can provide your pet with complete freedom of movement and improve his quality of life. And you yourself will get more pleasure from watching the development and habits of your wavy.

If the bird's cage is too small, then involuntarily you will only torment the bird. Of course, she will get used to a small apartment, but in the end this will affect her health and life expectancy.

Parrot cage shape

Today, the choice of cages and their shapes for budgerigars is huge. Still, you shouldn’t give preference to fancy options. Most bird owners choose classic rectangular shapes. Here are their advantages:

  1. A round cage makes the bird lose its orientation. She worries the wavy. Indeed, in cases of stress, the parrot should be given the opportunity to go to the far corner, which is impossible in a round cage.
  2. It is more convenient to attach perches, toys, and swings for parrots in a rectangular house.
  3. The horizontal roof makes it possible to conveniently place play areas to entertain the birds. On a round roof they will fall.
  4. In a rectangular cage, it will be more convenient for a wavy to walk along the bottom than in a round one (some parrots really like to run along the bottom of their house).

It is also important to pay attention to the distance between the bars of the cage. It should be no more than twelve millimeters. Otherwise, your wavy pet will simply crawl between the bars or get stuck there.

Choosing a cell location

The choice of location of the cage must also be done according to the rules. Here they are:

  1. Place the cage at eye level. If hung high, it will make it difficult to communicate with your pet, and if it is placed low, it will feel uncomfortable.
  2. One side of the parrot's home should be adjacent to the wall so that it feels safe.
  3. It is necessary to place the cage in a place that is accessible to sunlight. If the sun is too bright, then the cage can be covered with fabric.
  4. The main enemy of a budgie is a draft. Keep this in mind when choosing the location of the bird's house.
  5. Do not place the cage in the kitchen: excessive evaporation and food odors, frequent ventilation and temperature changes, even the use of non-stick cookware negatively affects the wavy birds.
  6. Do not place the bird house near household appliances (TVs, computers, microwaves, refrigerators).
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