When does mignonette bloom? The fragrant mignonette flower is a fragrant new addition to your flower garden. Personal experience on video

Flower growers have adored mignonette for centuries! Our ancient ancestors grew it for its important pain-relieving properties, because the very name of the plant is translated from Latin as “medicine”, “sedation”. Contemporaries plant fragrant mignonette in flower beds not for its medical value, much less for its modest appearance, but for its unique sweet aroma, praised in poetry and prose of the 19th century.


The most popular among flower lovers is the fragrant annual mignonette. The plant is a low creeping bush 20-30 cm in height. This variety has been used in medicine and religious rituals since ancient times. And now it is chosen for its continuous pleasant fragrance from June to October. The smell is so good that mignonette lovers even distill it.

Modern flower growers often forget about fragrant mignonette - it either goes out of fashion or bursts into fashion again. But in vain, because modest unpretentious plant Perfect for decorating a balcony, a group summer flower bed, even growing in a pot on a windowsill, and, thanks to its aroma, will create a special romantic atmosphere. Plant mignonette under the windows, near a bench, garden path or gate to feel the fragrance more strongly.

The flowers of the common mignonette are quite small, white-green in color with bright yellow, orange or red stamens. But the pyramidal inflorescence itself looks nice, although not very decorative. In flower shops you can buy much more decorative varieties fragrant bush with the most varied colors of inflorescences. You might like the red-green inflorescences of the Red Monarch variety or the large yellowish-reddish branches of Macheta. Ruby boasts dense pink-copper inflorescences, Giant - light green, Goliath - bright scarlet, " Gabriel" - reddish. The Victoria variety has dark brown inflorescences.

Growing fragrant mignonette

If you want a fragrant flower to fill the entire garden with its aroma summer season, you should sow the seeds at different times: at the beginning and in the second half of spring. On next year It is not necessary to do this - mignonette is easy to self-sow.

Usually mignonette is sown directly in the flowerbed at the end of April or throughout May. The first shoots will hatch in 1-2 weeks; if weather conditions and soil were not the best, seedlings may be delayed by another week.

Those who want to get the earliest flowering should use the seedling growing method: sow mignonette seeds in sandy soil in early to mid-March. After the end of spring frosts, the seedlings with a lump of soil are transplanted to a permanent place in the garden; the grown mignonette is not afraid of light frosts.

There is no need to sow the seeds thickly, otherwise you will have to thin out the seedlings. When planting seedlings and thinning seedlings, maintain a distance of 15-20 cm between plants.

Fragrant mignonette prefers a sunny place and moist soil rich in lime, so if necessary, compost or lime should be added to the ground. The fragrant bush does not require special care, everything is standard: abundant watering during drought and, if desired, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for more intense flowering. Faded inflorescences should be removed: this will preserve the decorative appearance and cause a new wave of flowering.

To collect the seeds of a fragrant flower, mature seed pods are removed before they open, and then placed in a warm, ventilated place to ripen. Under the right storage conditions, mignonette seeds will remain viable for 3-4 years.

Grow a fragrant mignonette bush just once, and you will never forget its enchanting sweet aroma!

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Biological description, distribution

The plant belongs to the Resedaceae family, genus Reseda, in which, according to various sources, there are 50-60 species. The genus's range covers North Africa, Europe and part of Asia (up to India). The greatest species diversity is observed in the Mediterranean. In floriculture, the most common mignonette (Reseda odorata) comes from North Africa. A perennial grown here as an annual plant.

The plant reaches a height of 20-40 cm, spreading-branched, with ascending branches. Fleshy branched stems form an erect or reclining bush. Leaves are 3-5 separate, lower with a larger upper lobe, elongated, smooth or wrinkled, color from light green to dark green.

The flowers of the common fragrant mignonette are quite small, collected in dense pyramidal racemes-inflorescences. The inflorescences look nice, although not very decorative. There are 6 sepals and corolla petals. There are 10-30 stamens. Pistil with 3-4 columns. The upper petals of the corolla are separate. The color of the inflorescence is given by the anthers of numerous stamens. They can be greenish-yellow, orange, red. Flowering begins in June and continues until October.

Yellow mignonette. Flowers. ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ Yellow mignonette. Leaves.

Cultivation and use

Yours Latin name, translated as “heal”, “return to the previous state”, the flowers were obtained thanks to their use in herbal medicine. It was believed that with its help it was possible to bring the body into a state of favorable balance. Since the times of Ancient Rome to this day, mignonette has been used in folk medicine as a medicinal plant.

In addition to fragrant mignonette, yellow mignonette, with ribbed, woolly stems, has long been cultivated.
up to 30–80 centimeters tall, greenish-yellow flowers. Grows in fields, along roads, on rocky areas, outcrops, rocks in our European territory and in the Caucasus. The roots, leaves, stems, flowers and fruits (just like the previous species) contain mustard essential oil; in the seeds - quick-drying fatty oil (up to 30%), which contains tocopherol; in the leaves - ascorbic acid, flavone derivatives and luteolin pigment.

Nowadays, fragrant mignonette and yellow mignonette are used in folk medicine as a diaphoretic and diuretic and for heart diseases. Despite the modest flowers, many species are widely cultivated as ornamentals due to the aroma they emit. Mignonette fragrant is cultivated to obtain essential oils used in perfumery. The fatty oil is also suitable for paint and varnish production, for perfumery and medical purposes.

Freshly harvested stems, roots and leaves, having a pleasant mustard smell, are consumed by the population of many countries as a spice flavoring additive. Mignonette is a valuable honey plant that produces nectar and pollen. Honey is one of the best, almost as good as linden honey. The plant is readily eaten by sheep in pastures.

There is information about the use of the roots of mignonette (Reseda luteola) to obtain the yellow dye arcica as early as the first millennium BC; perhaps the dye from mignonette was obtained earlier than the dyes of other widespread dyeing plants, woad and madder. Until the early twentieth century, parts of the plant were used to produce a dye used in the production of paints and in the textile industry; the use of this dye virtually ceased with the advent of cheap synthetic dyes. Currently used only as a dye for silk.

Popular types of mignonette

The natural type of fragrant mignonette has been grown by gardeners for centuries and was valued precisely for its aroma and is still used in perfumery. Various varieties have been bred for decorative purposes, in the creation of which more attention was paid to appearance. Therefore, varietal flowers are not so fragrant. In flower shops you can purchase decorative varieties with a wide variety of inflorescence colors.

Grandiflora with long dense white inflorescences, reaching 40 cm in height.
"Machet" with large orange-red branches, the height of the variety is about 40 cm.
"Machet Rubin" boasts dense pink-copper inflorescences, plant height 30 cm.
"Red Monarch" with red-green inflorescences.
"Giant"– with light green,
"Goliath"- with bright scarlet ones,
"Gabriel"- with reddish ones.
"Victoria" has dark brown inflorescences.

Soil, site selection

Mignonette is the best of the fragrant summers. The flowering period is from June until the onset of frost. Mignonette grows well in containers, so it can be used to decorate balconies and terraces. When landing on summer cottage The place must, of course, be chosen taking into account the main property of the plant - aroma. Plant fragrant mignonette so that you can feel its fabulous aroma. A mignonette flower bed placed next to a terrace or bench will give you the greatest pleasure. Low-growing varieties are used in ridges to create borders. Mignonette is well suited for decorating flower beds of annuals.

Mignonette grows well and blooms profusely in soil dug up in the fall and fertilized with humus. Waterlogged heavy soils can cause root rot. They are improved by adding sand, perlite, expanded clay, and neutralized peat. On acidic soils, dolomite flour is added. The rate depends on the mechanical composition of the soil and the level of acidity; on average, the application dose is 450-500 g per 1 sq.m. The plant prefers sunny places. You can plant mignonette in partial shade, but in this case the bushes fall apart and lose their compactness. The soil needs to be permeable, always nutritious, preferably calcareous. Sand should be added to heavy soil to improve drainage. Mignonette needs good watering, but will suffer from excess moisture. Mignonette responds well to mineral supplements. An important advantage of mignonette is its resistance to cold.

Mignonette propagation, planting and care

Mignonette reproduces by seeds. They are sown in open ground in the 2nd and 3rd decades of April in rows, the distance between them is 40-50 cm, sow 1-2 seeds every 1 cm and cover the top with 2-3 cm of sand so that a crust does not form after the rains. The seeds are very small, so pre-emergence watering must be done with a garden watering can. The first shoots will hatch in 1-2 weeks; if weather conditions and soil were not the best, seedlings may be delayed by another week. As the seedlings grow, thin out the bed so that the resulting interval between plants is about 20 cm.

If desired, you can get earlier flowering. To do this, at the end of March-mid-April, seeds are sown for seedlings in greenhouses, pots or boxes filled with a mixture of turf, humus soil and sand (1: 1: 0.5), lightly sprinkling the seeds with soil. The seedling method is also more suitable for balcony boxes. It is better to sow 3-4 seeds in each pot. After emergence, when the plants reach a height of 3-5 cm, they are thinned out, leaving two stronger plants. For better tillering and abundant flowering, pinch the tops of seedlings above the 3-4th pair of true leaves. In good weather, take it out onto the balcony for hardening. In mid-May, it can be planted in open ground in a permanent place, maintaining an interval of about 15-25 cm, depending on the size of the specimen. The soil at the planting site must first be fertilized with compost. You can expect flowering in 2.5 months.

If you want a fragrant flower to fill the garden with its aroma throughout the summer season, you should sow the seeds at different times: at the beginning and in the second half of spring. It is not necessary to do this next year - mignonette is easy to self-sow. It is recommended to plant mignonette in groups in flower beds.
During the summer, the row spacing is kept loose and free of weeds. Fortified plants are watered abundantly. Faded inflorescences should be removed: this will preserve the decorative appearance and cause a new wave of flowering.

For early flowering

To get flowering mignonette in April, the seeds are sown in July. Until autumn, seedlings are planted 3-4 per pot, then transferred to pots of larger diameter and pinched off the tops at a height of about 30 cm. Plants overwinter in a cool, bright room at a temperature of +6...+8 ° C and infrequent, careful watering. With increasing duration daylight hours, in March, another transshipment is carried out with an increase in the feeding area. Pinch out the side shoots, gradually increase the temperature to +20°C and apply liquid fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer once every two weeks.

Pests and diseases

Mignonette is practically not affected by pests and diseases. However, young plants can be affected by flea beetles. These dark, small beetles, 2 mm long, gnaw small through holes in young leaves. Sprinkle plants with stone flour or wood ash and treat with suitable insecticides.

Seed collection

Mignonette often self-sows. If you want to get seeds from varietal plants, you should remember that for better ripening, you should pinch the tops of the inflorescences with buds. When mignonette is propagated by sowing seeds collected from varietal plants, the characteristics are split, and the offspring are heterogeneous. The fruit is an erect, oblong, triangular capsule. Ripening seeds very easily and quickly leave the seed pods and fall off. And therefore, in order to collect the seeds of a fragrant flower, mature seed pods are removed before they open, as soon as they begin to turn yellow. Afterwards they are placed in a warm, shaded, ventilated place to ripen. Under the right storage conditions, mignonette seeds will remain viable for 3-4 years.


Plant mignonette in small groups. Orange and red tones go well with the unusual, delicate flowers of fragrant mignonette. The plant looks good in the company of annuals, for example, Calendula officinalis, Heliantbus annus, Coreopsis tinctoria, Gaillardia pulchella, Mimulus hybrids and Zinnia elegans. . In one container, mignonette can be combined with Asteriscus maritimus, Calceolaria integrifolia, marigold hybrids, Tropaeolum majus, salpiglossis and sparkling sage. But it is not recommended to plant fragrant mignonette together with roses. They are a bad influence on each other.

For bouquets, you need to cut off shoots with recently blossomed flowers. Mignonette can be dried. If possible, cut off the long flower stalks with inflorescences and hang them with their heads down.

Grow a fragrant mignonette bush just once,
and you will never forget its enchanting sweet aroma!

Until recently, one could find mignonette in almost every front garden. True, in Lately she became undeservedly forgotten. This unpretentious plant, which came to us from Southern Europe, has almost 50 various types. Fragrant mignonette (Reseda odorata) is especially valued in landscape design for the beautiful shape of the leaves and extraordinary aroma.

Description of the plant

The flowering period lasts from the beginning of June until the onset of cold weather. In place of the flowers, in the lower part of the inflorescence, fruits are formed in the form of a single-locular capsule containing small seeds that remain viable for 3 years. Thanks to its extraordinary aroma, mignonette is an excellent honey plant. The above-ground part is a small bush formed by ascending stems up to 50 cm long, covered with pinnately divided or whole elongated leaves. The pyramidal inflorescences consist of small flowers that have different colors depending on the anthers - yellowish, greenish or orange.

Growing conditions

The area for planting mignonette should be well lit by the sun, although it tolerates partial shade quite well. Insufficient lighting does not affect the development of the plant, but can lead to loss of compactness of the bushes and weaken the smell of mignonette during the flowering period. The soil must be enriched with slightly alkaline loams, to which sand, expanded clay, and peat are added. If the soil is acidic, gardeners recommend adding lime. When growing mignonette in pots, use a clay soil mixture with the addition of peat.

Features of care

Like any perennial flower, mignonette does not require special care. The main thing is to ensure regular watering and periodically loosen the top layer of soil as it dries. To ensure flowering continues as long as possible long time, fertilize the plant at least 2 times a week. For flowers grown in containers, this procedure is sufficient to carry out once every two weeks. The appearance of new inflorescences is facilitated by the timely removal of faded flowers.

Fragrant mignonette is one of the plants that are not susceptible to diseases. But the danger for her is the caterpillars of the white butterfly. Various modern insecticides help resist them.

Watering and fertilizing

This plant prefers abundant watering, so during hot summer days mignonette should be watered as often as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not too wet, since excessive moisture can lead to rotting of the roots. From the moment when the first buds appear on the plant until the end of the flowering period, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out.

Mignonette propagation

In March, seeds are planted in closed ground, in open ground - in early May. A soil mixture of turf, humus and sand is poured into the boxes, and the plant seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil after sowing. After two weeks, seedlings appear, which, after the formation of the first pair of leaves, must be planted directly into the soil or peat pots. This must be done very carefully, because the mignonette tap root reacts very painfully to transplantation. It is better to choose a more shaded place to place the plants.

To make flowering more abundant, the tops of the seedlings should be pinched above the 3rd pair of true leaves that appear. In the flower garden, an interval of 20 to 25 cm is maintained between plants.

You can already get the fragrant flowers that fragrant mignonette has in April. For this purpose, growing the plant must begin in July, when the seeds are sown. By autumn, 3-4 seedlings are planted in pots, then transferred to a container of larger diameter, and the tops are pinched at a height of about 30 cm. Plants are left to overwinter in a room where there is enough light, at an air temperature of 6-8 degrees above zero. Watering is carried out as needed and very carefully.

With the onset of spring, when the duration increases, another transshipment is made to increase the feeding area. The emerging side shoots are pinched, after which the air temperature can be gradually increased to 20 degrees Celsius. From this moment on, fertilizing is done once every 2 weeks.

Often fragrant mignonette self-sows. The open type seed capsule allows ripening seeds to leave it very easily. Thanks to this method of propagating varietal plants, a split in characteristics can occur, and the plants will be heterogeneous.

Application of mignonette

The plant got its name thanks to healing properties, because the word resedare is translated as “to heal”, “to calm down”. Mignonette has long been used in folk medicine. Today it is widely used in perfumery, giving women's perfumes the special aroma that these flowers possess. The fragrant mignonette is also revered by beekeepers, as it is an excellent honey plant.

The main characteristic feature of this plant is its wonderful aroma. Therefore, gardeners try to plant it near benches, near the porch or gazebo in such a way that any perennial flower that happens to be a neighbor of the mignonette does not interrupt its aroma. Garden partners among annuals may well include zinnia, marigold, salvia and mimulus.

All parts of the plant can be used as a remedy. It is enough to brew one spoon of raw material with boiling water, leave for an hour - and you have a wonderful product that should be taken 3 times a day, a tablespoon at a time.

Thus, mignonette is an excellent choice for the garden.

Fragrant mignonette is a very beautiful and, as the name suggests, aromatic plant. In addition to his appearance Mignonette also boasts a rich chemical composition and a huge number of useful properties.

Mignonette Fragrant is a small annual herbaceous plant, no more than 20-40 centimeters high with unbranched recumbent stems. Wrinkled, small leaves, arranged alternately, have an elongated shape. Roughness is clearly visible on their edges. The upper leaf blades consist of 3 lanceolate or linear lobes. The lower leaves are entire, not divided.

It blooms for a long time, namely from the beginning of June to the end of August. Small flowers, greenish in color, consist of 6 petals and sepals. They are characterized by the formation of pyramidal inflorescences resembling brushes.

This flower exudes a particularly strong aroma in the evening.

This plant has a superior ovary, the stamens are located on the subpistil stalk. The fruit is a single-locular capsule, round or obovate in shape.. Small, almost black seeds can remain viable for up to 3-4 years after planting.

Initially, the flower was discovered in North Africa. But at present it is successfully cultivated in many countries of the world, including Russia.

Useful properties of the plant

The chemical composition of the plant has not been fully studied. Each individual part of mignonette contains various components.

Various medicines prepared from this plant, have the following beneficial properties :

  1. Render sweatshops and diuretic effect;
  2. They help for heart diseases, including being effective in preventing heart attacks;
  3. Fragrant aroma of mignonette calms down nervous system , helps with fatigue, nervous breakdowns and insomnia.

The use of flowers in landscape design

Many landscape designers especially fragrant mignonette is valued for its decorative leaves and indescribable aroma, which lasts throughout the summer.

This plant is planted in various compositions in flower beds and flower beds; mignonette can also be used to decorate borders. Quite often, fragrant herbs are grown in pots on balconies or terraces.

In order to enjoy the aroma of mignonette while relaxing, it is planted next to benches and gazebos. It goes best with the following colors:

  • salvia;

Planting and care

It loves sunny areas, but can also grow in partial shade. A complete lack of lighting can destroy a flower., it will begin to branch randomly, and the aroma will lose its intensity.

You can grow fragrant mignonette by sowing seeds in open ground or using seedlings. In the first case, the seeds are placed in a flower bed or flower garden in early May and after 7-10 days the first shoots appear; flowering in this case occurs after 2 months. In order for the flowers to appear earlier, seedlings begin to be prepared in early April, and in mid-May they are transferred to open ground.

In March, mignonette seeds are planted in closed ground, in open ground - in early May.

This annual grows best in slightly alkaline soil, which contains::

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • expanded clay;
  • lime.

When growing mignonette immediately in open ground the seeds are laid out on the prepared places and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, after which they are watered and covered with film. With the appearance of the first shoots, they must be ventilated, and after 1-2 weeks the film must be removed completely.

When preparing seedlings the seeds are also buried in the soil, moistened and create a greenhouse effect. Water the plantings as the soil dries; the optimal air temperature is considered to be 22 degrees.

Care measures include the following simple steps:

  1. Throughout the season it is necessary weed the ground around the plant;
  2. Watering a flower regularly and abundantly;

It is imperative to ensure that the soil is not over-moistened, because in this case, rotting of the root system may occur.

  1. Responds well to the application of complex mineral fertilizers. Feed the plant recommended once every 2 weeks;
  2. Diseases rarely affect this crop, from insects Quite often you can find caterpillars of white butterflies. To prevent their appearance in late spring, the plant should be treated with an insecticide.

Fragrant mignonette is an unpretentious annual plant., with which you can not only decorate the garden, but also give it a unique aroma. Also, such a flower is unpretentious in care and does not require much attention.

Several centuries ago, on any suburban plot there were flower beds with fragrant mignonette. The aroma of this plant spread throughout the area, so the flowers, modest at first glance, enjoyed unprecedented popularity and were found in almost every park or garden. They were used as decorations not only on the table, but also in the wardrobe.

Fragrant mignonette allows you to get rid of migraine attacks, for this you just need to inhale the tart aroma of the flower. It’s not for nothing that its name translates as “to calm down.”

Fragrant mignonette: growing from seeds

To acquire this unusual flower, you do not need to perform any special gardening rituals. It is enough to purchase seeds and plant them correctly. In order for the seedlings to germinate well, it is better to start growing in early April.

Fragrant mignonette, the photo of which demonstrates its simple, but at the same time unusual beauty, loves nutritious soil. To prepare it, you need to mix one part of earth and humus with 0.5 part of sand.

The seeds germinate in about 14 days. As soon as the first petals appear on the shoots, it’s time to transplant. Peat pots are best suited for this.


Before moving the plant to a new location, pay attention to several nuances. Replanting rarely causes trouble for the flower. However, remember that you need to move the plant from one container to another only with a lump of earth in which there are already formed roots. If you damage the root system of mignonette, it will grow poorly or even wither away.

Sprouts can be planted in open ground as early as early May (depending on weather conditions). However, it is worth considering that the flower loves light very much, so it is best to choose the sunniest place for it in a suburban area.

If you leave the plant in the shade, it will develop just as quickly, but its stems will begin to stretch a little, trying to get the right amount of sunlight.

When growing mignonette, do not water it too often. If a flower grows in conditions of high humidity, its root system may begin to rot. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the soil is sufficiently fertile. The plant does not tolerate acidic soil well. Of course, it will not die in such conditions, but it will develop much more slowly.

It is best to feed fragrant mignonette flowers, photos of which show what a grown flower looks like, at least once a month. For this, it is recommended to use mineral supplements.

In order for the flower to develop correctly and quickly become a decoration for a suburban area, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil. Be sure to ensure that there are not many weeds appearing near the plant.

Features of planting in open ground

Some experienced gardeners plant fragrant mignonette seeds in the garden plot in late April. Don't worry about cold weather because... this plant tolerates low temperatures calmly.

To plant, the seeds are buried approximately 5 cm into the ground. It is best to immediately form even rows in which the flowers will grow in pairs. There should be at least 1 cm between shoots, then a smooth and beautiful “carpet” will form from the mignonette.

In order for the plant to take root well, you need to first prepare the soil. To do this in the fall, it is recommended to thoroughly dig up the beds and fertilize them thickly with humus.

Immediately after planting the seeds, be sure to sprinkle the soil with sand. This is necessary so that a hard crust does not form on the surface of the earth, which will prevent the seedlings from breaking through.

When the shoots grow up to 5 cm, experienced gardeners thin out the flowers so that there is up to 15 cm between plants.

How to care?

This plant is not capricious. If you plant the flower in fertile soil and make sure that the root system does not become waterlogged, then mignonette will not cause trouble. The main thing is that the plant receives the right amount of light, minerals and nutrients.

Provided there are severe frosts in the cold season, mignonette will not suffer from frost. However, during a thaw, the plant will receive too much moisture, which can lead to root rot.

Mignonette should be watered in moderation and at regular intervals. It is not recommended to apply mineral fertilizers quite often; once a month is enough.

If you want to grow a flower at home, then all you need to do is use fertile soil, to which it is recommended to add a small amount of peat. There must be drainage at the bottom of flower pots. Otherwise, the plant's delicate roots may begin to rot.

If mignonette is grown at home, it must be placed in the sunniest place. However, if the plant is on a windowsill or balcony, then it needs to be fed more often - once every 14 days.

Mignonette propagation

Like many other flowers, this plant produces seeds that can be used to later grow mignonette. If we talk about propagation by transplantation, then we must once again note the fragile root system of mignonette. When the rhizome is separated or injured, the flower most often dies.

Diseases and pests

If we talk about potential pests and diseases, the fragrant mignonette flower rarely gets sick. However, it will have to be protected from caterpillars and butterflies, which love to feast on the fragrant plant. To get rid of pests, use any high-quality insecticide.

The greatest danger to mignonette is only increased content moisture.

Application of mignonette

As mentioned earlier, this plant is distinguished not only by its fragrant aroma, but also by its beneficial properties. Also in Ancient Rome People have found that mignonette helps cope with heart disorders. The plant helps calm the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on frequent headaches that turn into migraines.

Centuries ago, yellow mignonette was used to make a dye that was used to give yellow color clothes. Just recently, this plant was also used for these purposes, but after the advent of artificial dyes, this was no longer necessary. Now only very delicate fabrics, such as silk, are dyed with mignonette.

Since mignonette has a pleasant aroma, it is planted along garden paths, next to gazebos and swimming pools. If you plant flowers on the balcony, then every morning you can enjoy not only the fresh country air, but also the amazing smell.

Cut mignonette flowers retain their appearance for a long time, which is why mignonette is often used when creating bouquets.

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