Komsomolskaya Pravda for July 29. Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" 09.29.2008 New textbook on the history of Russia: A book that is interesting to read. No comics or jokes

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” is an informational, socio-political, entertaining daily newspaper, whose journalists try to be interesting to the widest range of readers. Of course, KP's strong point is scandalous reports, unusual life stories, heartbreaking crime stories, secular news, stories about stars. The main headings of the publication: “Picture of the Day”, “Business Press”, “Lubo Club”

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” is an informational, socio-political, entertaining daily newspaper, whose journalists try to be interesting to the widest range of readers. Of course, KP's strong point is scandalous reports, unusual life stories, heartbreaking crime stories, secular news, stories about stars. The main headings of the publication: “Picture of the Day”, “Business Press”, “Club of the Curious”, “Kremlin Diet”, “Fashion”, “KP-Sport”, “Bookshelf”, “About Rock”, “Opinion”, “ Man and Woman" and much more.

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This year, innovative textbooks on the most scandalous school subject came to school. “KP” understands why they are better than old-style manuals
I remember my school history lessons with hatred. By the time you complete the paragraph assigned for homework, you will die of boredom. Complex terms and endless definitions melt your brain. You come to class - and there they load and load...

The teacher gives lectures in a sad voice, with which, as Ilf and Petrov wrote, it is impossible to speak even at the name days of close relatives. Each lesson is tormented by either verification or tests. To the accompaniment of her stories about the Time of Troubles, I played tic-tac-toe with my desk neighbor.

The Russian-Turkish war was overshadowed by love notes and winks with a cute boy. Notorious hooligans shot chewing gum at each other and played with laser flashlights. And the gallery was brazenly sleeping.

In the ninth grade, in order not to spoil the certificate with “swans” in history, the whole class signed up for tutors.

No comics or jokes

The new generation textbook looks quite normal. It's called "History of Russia 1945 - 2008" for 11th grade. The cover is red. On the flyleaf - Russian coat of arms, flag and, as is now fashionable, the text of the anthem. In general, nothing special. There are no comics or jokes. I couldn't find any surprises in the table of contents either. Here are “USSR after the Second World War”, and “Khrushchev’s Reforms”, and “Perestroika”, and “ Russian society in an era of change." I quickly leafed through the book and was convinced that my history textbook consisted of approximately the same paragraphs. Only when I was sitting at my desk, stories about events modern history ended not in 2008, but in the late 90s. But it turns out that not all innovations are visible to the naked eye. The assignments for each chapter or paragraph have become more creative. The children will need not only to memorize the dates and remember them, but also to reflect and express own opinion. It is not for nothing that almost all tasks begin with the words “find examples”, “justify”, “evaluate”, “compare”.

The teacher of Ryazan school No. 31, Anna IVONINA, while evaluating the book, generally expressed a thought that seemed paradoxical at first glance:
- This textbook has everything so that a child can study independently. And most importantly, he won’t be bored.
Along with the content of the textbook, teachers say, the format of the lesson itself will also change.
“Boys and girls,” says Ivan Nikolaevich FEDOROV, history teacher at school No. 4 of Dmitrov near Moscow, “will not only have to write reports, essays and biographies that torment more than one generation of high school students, but also hold discussions, talk shows, theatrical performances and exhibitions of family photographs.

In general, teachers say, the main point of the new manual is to transform children from passive listeners into active participants.
But this is not all that distinguishes the new “History” from its predecessors.

If previously the children were given only books, now they will receive a full-fledged educational and methodological set. In addition to the textbook, it includes a folder containing colorful cards with diagrams, tables and diagrams, a set of outline maps and even a CD. And the manual itself lists not only additional literature that the authors recommend reading, but also provides links to the site. In general, as one of the teachers said, the textbook is now just the top of the information pyramid. It sounds pathetic, but it reflects the essence.

It is possible that in the future manuals for other school lessons will look the same. But when this will happen and who will be lucky first, the Ministry of Education and Science has not yet admitted.

The textbook was written not by academics, but by teachers

So, new textbooks have arrived in school libraries - they have received approval Russian Academy Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education and approved by the Ministry. This means that teachers can use them in their lessons. The guys will start studying them in the second half of the year. It is by January that they will master the study of the history of the first half of the 20th century and get to the second.

But will teachers be able to keep up with the times? Will they be able to adapt to the new book, and most importantly, will they be able to, as the authors intended, change the format of the lesson to suit the textbook? The Ministry of Education and Science also thought about this in advance. After all, what is the notorious innovation of this textbook?
“The fact that teachers participated in the creation of the textbook,” explains Deputy Minister Isaac KALINA.

We found out how this happened. It all started with the compilation by a team of authors of the so-called “fish” - a book for teachers. Moreover, the book for the teacher in this project is not traditional “explanations” on how to teach this or that topic, but texts that can be used as the basis for a future textbook. More precisely, a book for a teacher is an invitation for teachers to discuss what and how should be described in a textbook on modern history Russia.

You will be surprised, but not even a dozen, but more than three thousand teachers had a hand in this matter - special conferences were held in Moscow and the regions throughout the year, and all the remarks, comments and advice of the conference participants were listened to and then taken into account by the team of authors.

The construction of the framework of the textbook was supervised by the guru - Dr. historical sciences, professor and famous textbook author Alexander DANILOV. Teachers from the most famous school in the country - the capital's educational center "Tsaritsyno" - helped him in this.

The result was nothing less than the fruit of a collective creation.

But to what extent new books devoted to the science of the past will live up to the expectations placed on them, only the future will show. I really want schoolchildren to not get bored during history lessons of their native country!


People, can we help the academicians?

Looking for errors in new textbooks
On September 1 of this year, new textbooks arrived at the school, having been examined by serious scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education. In theory, they should not contain errors. But even the Ministry of Education and Science is not ready to give guarantees of this - anything can happen. Therefore, the ministry, together with Komsomolskaya Pravda, is announcing the “Let’s Help the Academician” competition. Students and teachers find inaccuracies or errors in textbooks published in 2008 and send them to our newspaper. We transfer materials to publishing houses and thus get the opportunity to clear errors to zero.
The competition will run throughout the first half of this year. school year. For the New Year, we will congratulate the most attentive and inquisitive. The prize he will receive is a modern laptop.
You can send your findings to the KP education department at the address: Stary Petrovsko-Razumovsky proezd, 1/23, building 1, 6th floor, Moscow, 125993 or by email [email protected]


"TVNZ", September 29, 1989


Immediately after the devastating earthquake in Armenia, the headquarters of the “Search” group, organized by the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the republic, began work to search for people. While the lists of those rescued were being finalized and the computer’s memory was being stored, a huge crowd gathered in front of the Central Committee building.

A young man appeared at the door: “While the summary lists are ready, I will try to help you. State your first and last name and place of residence,”
Questions started pouring in. And almost every answer followed after a second pause. Most of those gathered were so alarmed that they were not even surprised. Only one of the lucky ones, who learned that his relatives were saved, said: “Listen, is this a person or a robot?..”

Samvel Gharibyan, a 26-year-old Yerevan lawyer, with his unique memory can compete with a medium-power Japanese computer.
“Nature has not gifted me with any special abilities,” says Samvel. Moreover, he suffered from myopia. While still a student at the Law Faculty of Rostov University, he was treated at the clinic of Svyatoslav Fedorov. They operated on me, after which I was categorically banned from reading and writing for six months.
My memorization system is not built on excessive memory loads, on maximum rationalization of the thought process - information is passed not only through the brain, but also “through the heart,” through emotions. Anyone can learn to remember hundreds of pieces of information - unrelated words, numbers, geometric shapes, faces. You will see for yourself if you come to my school for the rationalization of thinking and the development of memory, “Freedom,” which is now operating at the Yerevan “Tsiatsan” plant.

The full course consists of 15 lessons. I got to the 7th lesson and, perched in a corner, began to observe.
First, all twenty listeners did several breathing exercises (Gharibyan believes that good job brain largely depends on proper breathing). Then Samvel began to walk between the rows: “You have a powerful spotlight in your head. Your attention is like his beam. It brings to light the most valuable corners of your memory...”
After which he read out 70 absolutely incoherent words at intervals of 3-5 seconds: “egg”, “spear”, “boat”, “press”... I tried to remember this flow too. But when it came time to play it back, it turned out that the “spotlight” in my head didn’t want to turn on.

When the results were summed up, it turned out that the average result for the group was 66 words.
“This is just the beginning,” says Samvel. - The system is based not only on the development of auditory memory, but also on the activation of thinking and imagination. The human brain only needs a push, and it itself begins to gain momentum.
- And what are the successes of your graduates?
- They managed to dramatically, literally tenfold, increase the volume of semantic associative memory, improve efficiency of thinking, develop imagination.
- How do you assess your own memory reserves?
- Today I have about 20 thousand phone numbers in my head. I remember their owners by last name, first name and patronymic and can recognize each one by sight even in a crowd. Now, I think I can remember 3000 pieces of information at once.
Some readers will probably say: do we need such abilities today? Why fill your head with unnecessary information when there are computers and memory banks? But in a computerized country like Japan, the alarm has already begun to sound - excessive reliance on machines can lead to weakening reflexes human brain.
So, maybe we can try to learn from other people’s “mistakes” ahead of time? Moreover, such an opportunity exists.

The experimental school for rationalization and development of memory “Svobodiya” accepts not only Yerevan residents, but also non-residents, for whom daily classes are organized.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda published the material “The Army Does Not Surrender” (September 27, 1987) - about the tragic fate of the 2nd Shock Army of the Volkhov Front. Hundreds of letters arriving at the headquarters of the “Snow Landing” at Kazan University indicate that this topic is not closed...

All these letters are united by a feeling of pain for those who, after a heroic death on the battlefield, found themselves slandered and still lie unburied in the Volkhov forests and swamps. And only one letter differs sharply from all of them.

“When exactly and in what newspaper exactly was the message from the Sovinformburo about the actions of the 2nd Shock Army published? (You are referring to such a document). And why does your rehabilitation begin 45 years later? You refer to a participant in this army, the writer Herodnik. But there are also writers today who believe that Pobeda porridge can no longer be considered a Victory! And those who supremely led the armed struggle of the Soviet people should be expelled from our history or branded with shame forever! Isn't this today's betrayal?

In August 1941, in the Chudov region, during the offensive, we were shot in the back of the head by the Vlasov traitors. Why was this "impossible" long years tell the truth about the 2nd Shock Army? - how you write. You see, you are following “your truth,” and not “the movie truth and not the book truth.” Why do you have your own truth? After all, book truth was written by the participants in the Great Patriotic War themselves - and why do you have such disdain for such genuine truth? You and “your truth” want to drive a wedge of lies.

And why do you think “the army does not surrender”? After all, entire German armies surrendered to us.

...Today there are hundreds of such hacks, trampling on the wonderful 30s and 40s, the historical name of the giant leader of our era, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, fortunately everything is allowed today. You dig medallions in the trenches. The remains, of course, must be buried. The traitors ran so fast that they didn’t care about the remains of their fighters.

Before reporting anything about the 2nd Shock Army, you need to not dig into the ground, but carefully study our and German documents. And so you will soon elevate traitors to heroes, just as today they are trying to elevate anti-Sovietists of various ranks to “innocent victims.”

My brother was a party worker and also served time in 1937, was expelled from the party in 1943, but was reinstated in 1946. And right there, in 1936, my aunt was shot with her fists. It was a difficult time. And as you can see, I don’t hold grudges.

A. KHAMARITOVA, participant in the liberation campaign in Poland (1939) and the Great Patriotic War, former Komsomol worker. Leningrad".

This is the letter. But you have to answer.

The text of the message from the Sovinformburo was published not only in all central and front-line newspapers on June 30, 1942, but also in “ Soviet Russia" for August 12, 1987

There could be no Vlasovites in August 1941, if only because Vlasov himself at that time commanded the Soviet corps near Kiev, and later the 20th Army near Moscow.

But here’s what I’d like to say in particular.

For the angry author, there is no difference between the 2nd Shock and the Wehrmacht armies. “They surrendered, why shouldn’t ours do the same?” And even the dead soldiers, whose remains we still find in the Volkhov swamps, she calls nothing less than traitors. It turns out that those three thousand soldiers whose remains were found by search engines and buried near Myasny Bor were Vlasovites? Why are they wearing caps with stars, with Red Army books, with Soviet awards? And who are these Vlasovites? - crushed a dozen enemy divisions that remained lying here, under the birch crosses? Who took the blow prepared for besieged Leningrad?

You may not believe us, the twenty-year-old members of the “Valley” expedition, organized by the Novgorod regional committee of the Komsomol really only many years after the war. But there are eyewitnesses of the battles. No one has the right to speak to them, to hundreds of veterans, in such a tone. Each letter from veterans of the 2nd Shock Volkhov Front is historical evidence.

“I survived all the horrors and hardships of these battles,” writes S. Skovorodni from Omsk, “I suffered through all the meanness and squabbles, lies and untruths. We were in the very heat of the “Valley of Death”: we were freezing, starving, dying in the snow. They fought in a ring for six months, and when they received the order, they went to dig through the fiery corridor. Later, even at meetings of veterans of our 46th rifle division there were lies who proved that it was not the same division and the 2nd Shock Division that fought at Myasny Bor that reached the Victory in 1945. Then where did they get our banners, stained with blood in January-June 1942? If everyone surrendered, who took these banners out of the ring?

“Please convey your gratitude to the soldiers of your detachment on my behalf, who accidentally survived and did not end up in the depths of the freezing Novgorod swamps,” addresses P. Berzhansky from Grozny. “Your newspaper reminded me of my fighting friends Svinin, Borisov, Ilyin, Nikiforov, the feat of the commander of the 641st Infantry Regiment of the 165th Infantry Division, Kuzma Ustinovich Gospodurov, who called Katyusha fire on himself at a critical moment of the battle in the Valley of Death...”

Army veterans I. Belikov from Stavropol, M. Korotkov from Moscow, Z. Seitov from Alma-Ata, A. Zenin from Rostov-on-Don and many others shared their memories and their pain.

Today the situation has changed radically. The truth about the 2nd Shock Army became the object of close attention not only by historians, but also by the central press, television, and radio. An amateur film about our first campaigns, about how we illegally buried the remains of Soviet soldiers 45 years after their death, became a sensation at the UNIKA-88 international festival in Zagreb. The “Valley” expeditions became permanent, well-equipped, and numerous. A Coordination Council has been created under the Komsomol Central Committee, which helps to search for and bury the remains of Soviet soldiers not only in Novgorod, but also in other regions.

Yes, yes, that’s the essence of the problem, that there are dozens of similar “Valleys of Death” in the country. Readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda named them to us in their letters.

War veteran, Muscovite P. Belousov spoke about the difficult battles that the soldiers of the 173rd Infantry Division waged while surrounded on Kaluga soil. Many of them, as the veteran writes, remained unburied in the area of ​​the station. Chiplyaevo.

T. Slobodyanyuk from Magnitogorsk recalls how many nameless soldiers were simply buried on the side of the road near the Khutor-Mikhailovsky station in the Sumy region.

And a resident of Yuzhno-Kurilsk, V. Evdokimov, reports with pain that at the site of a mass grave of 149 Soviet soldiers in the village of Partizans in Crimea, he recently saw a pig farm. I asked the residents how this could happen, it turns out that no one remembers about that mass grave.

Is it any wonder that there are hundreds of such forgotten graves in the country? All these years we have been more interested in creating grandiose memorials rather than maintaining soldiers' graves. These facts once again indicate that in our country no public or state organization is truly involved in monitoring the maintenance of graves, much less the search and burial of the remains of soldiers. (Although formally there are several of them.)

A lot is changing these days, including our idea of ​​war, memory, and duty. But even today, few people know about this fact. There is still a special commission in the German Bundestag that monitors the condition of the graves of German soldiers, including those of invaders, in other countries. We have even reduced the special burial departments in military registration and enlistment offices. The enormous, painstaking work of establishing the names of the dead and maintaining the graves was transferred to the cultural departments of the district executive committees. It would seem that there was nothing wrong with this, but it was this decision that practically eliminated the single responsible body to which one could turn for help, from which one could ask.

And if students, students, young workers had not come from all over the country to the same Volkhov swamps, tens of thousands of soldiers would have remained unburied? When will similar expeditions be organized in other regions of the country? Not individual ones, but complex ones, such as in the Kaluga and Murmansk regions, where military registration and enlistment offices, the society for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, and representatives of local authorities finally began to fulfill their direct duty.

And another sore point that many letter writers raise. How long will we continue to have the ambiguous wording “missing in action?” A lot has been written about this, and I also had to speak out on this matter. A clear opinion has long been formed in society: not the missing, but the fallen. But the archives of the Ministry of Defense stubbornly refuse to listen to convincing arguments.

“Article 256 of the Civil Procedure Code clearly states that declaring a person dead is not only a moral, but also a legal norm. Without this, widows cannot be considered widows, and relatives cannot receive pensions and benefits, recalls A. Semikin, a veteran from Leninsk. - It is known: if at the place of permanent residence of a citizen there is no information about his place of stay for three years, he can be declared dead. This is especially true for those who went to the front. And raising the issue of this before the court is the sacred duty of military commissariats, military registration desks and local authorities. Need I say how important this is? Why is it that 44 years after the Victory we still have thousands of “missing people”? Declaring citizens who went to the front dead and not missing is not only a moral, but also a legal duty of the named official institutions.”

So isn’t it time to move on from numerous speeches and statements about duty to the fallen to real action? Isn’t it time to declare the collection and burial of the remains of soldiers a task of national importance and finally ensure that the fallen are not considered “lost”? What other evidence is needed?


Soldiers of the “Snow Landings” of all generations have something to be proud of. But, as in any big business, it was not without mistakes. There was a time when the main thing in the work of faculty “landing forces” was the number of points scored when calculating the “events” carried out. With glasses we tried to count what cannot be measured - the sacred feeling of memory, the search process. Unhealthy competition often overshadowed our common goals and largely interfered with the cooperation of search groups from different faculties. We forgot that according to the Regulations existing at the university, we are not disparate detachments competing with each other, but battalions of a single “Snow Landing” of KSU.

The Snow Landing Museum, created at KSU, helped to remember this. Finally, all faculty members were given the opportunity to talk about themselves, their search, and sum up their work. And we were all surprised to realize that we essentially knew very little about each other. It turns out that we have a lot in common and by collaborating we can do much more than alone. And yet, enormous efforts and patience were needed to unite all of us “paratroopers” of different faculties and different student generations into a single family. We are all grateful for this to the head of the museum S.A. Labenskaya, students who participated in its design. It was on the basis of the museum that it became possible to create a united “landing” detachment, which began to make trips to the battlefields of the 2nd Shock Army...

Continuing to develop the themes of their own search, the paratroopers of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the Faculty of History decided to join the activities of the joint detachment making an extraordinary summer campaign. In addition to university students, the expedition included journalists from the republican press, a cameraman from Naberezhnye Chelny S. Pestretsov, and the head of the KAMAZ tourist club E. Burnashev.

This time the campaign took place under the auspices of the Kazan branch of the Central Museum of V.I. Lenin. Why do university students have to go on expeditions under the name of a museum search team? We have been looking for the answer to this question for several years.

The search work carried out by students on their own initiative, with money earned in construction teams, during the holidays, for some reason was not only left without support at the university itself, but was often even condemned. Sometimes the most incredible arguments were given. Meanwhile, central newspapers had already written about the search in Death Valley, and letters of gratitude came from all over the country.

A meeting of “paratroopers” from Kazan with the relatives of one of the fallen army soldiers N.F. Yakovleva was recorded by cameramen from the Leningrad Newsreel and Central Television. But after returning from the trip, the guys again heard reproaches against them, primarily at the Faculty of Philology. The patriotic initiative was questioned by those who, logically, should have led it - the youth mentors.

Is it possible to question the importance of the search, during which thousands of remains of Soviet soldiers who died in battles for their Motherland were found and buried? Veterans, relatives of soldiers who did not return from the front, and everyone who cherishes memory in its original sense ask about this.


Corr. newspaper “Young Leninist” (Kaluga region),

An All-Union gathering of search teams working to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Motherland took place in Kaluga. The final plenary meeting took place on March 15. It was opened by the Chairman of the All-Union Coordination Council of Search Teams, Yu.M. Ikonnikov. The participants of the gathering adopted an Appeal to all pathfinders of the country. Representatives of the best search teams in the country were awarded. Komsomol awards were presented by the Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee S.N. Epifantsev.

The collection was already approaching the final stretch, but it seemed as if there were still many days of work ahead. Passionate monologues were heard, discussions arose spontaneously, and lively debates took place at the “free” microphone. But just recently it seemed that everyone had already spoken and the participants of the gathering would no longer have the desire to speak.

But these people simply cannot remain silent! Search engines are caring people. Some might even think he’s fanatical. And all these disputes, debates, differences of opinion - and without this not a single big deal can exist - were aimed at a program of joint action. For there are still many obstacles on the path of the pathfinders. But there are thousands of times more unknown names and unmarked graves to reach.

And they follow the path of search. We would like to talk about one of the units that has become widely known in our country. We are talking about the “Snow Landing” of Kazan State University. We talked with the chief of staff of this scouting association, journalist Mikhail Cherepanov, during one of the breaks.

Here, in Kaluga, we finally managed to meet with those detachments whose work we had heard about before,” said Mikhail. - But how do we differ from other search engines? “Snow Landing” is the only association today that has brought together search teams from all universities in Kazan (there are 9 such teams at the university alone), as well as KamAZ, Nizhnekamsk, Novgorod, and Leningrad. The headquarters of the “paratroopers” operates under the Novgorod regional committee of the Komsomol, and A. Orlov leads the search expedition. His brother, N. Orlov, was one of the first pathfinders in the country, collecting materials about the battles in Myasnoy Bor near Novgorod, where the 2nd Shock Army fought.

Over the past two years, the “paratroopers” buried the remains of 800 soldiers in Myasny Bor, and the names of 15 were restored. The guys found evidence of the use by the Nazis in those places chemical weapons against Soviet soldiers, chemical shell capsules were discovered. This largely explains the losses of the 2nd Shock.

I am sure that it is necessary as much as possible more people lead through the Valley of Death, where the main events unfolded,” says Cherepanov with conviction. - The guys will be able to see there what war really is. And this idea is very different from books and films about the war.

150 people took part in the last summer campaign of the “Snow Landing” to the Valley of Death - students, workers, journalists.

The 2nd Shock is not the only topic for the search for the “Snow Landing”. Another direction in the work is the study of the combat path of military units formed during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Tatarstan. Back in 1968, students made their first trip to the Kaluga region, in the Spas-Demensky district, where one of these units fought. And then there were trips to the Yukhnovsky and Mosalsky districts... The last time the students visited Mosalsk was in the winter of this year.

"Snow Landing" is a mass organization. Journalists are engaged in search work - this is fertile ground for searching for material (the first trips to the Novgorod region were organized at the philology department), artists - there is an opportunity to show their abilities, amateur artists, photographers, doctors - in a word, there is something for everyone.

The structure of the “Snow Landing”, cumbersome only at first glance, makes it possible to avoid duplication in the routes of campaigns; with the unification, faculty competition also disappeared. The search priority is general. All information now enters the existing data bank.

Here is how Yuliy Mikhailovich Ikonnikov, elected chairman of the All-Union Coordination Council of Search Teams, commented on the results of the collection:

Life itself forced me to come to this gathering. We were not chasing numbers, we gathered people who are working on the most difficult and important search area to discover the remains of soldiers left unburied at battle sites. There were also representatives of other pathfinding directions. But mostly there were practical search engines working to make the lists of missing people shorter.

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