Protein diet menu for 2 weeks. Protein diet for weight loss. What can you eat on a protein diet?

A protein diet for 14 days is the most effective method weight loss at home for those who want to lose a couple of kilograms or get rid of obesity, but are not ready to immediately give up their usual food. The diet is designed in such a way that hunger is practically not felt. Adhering to this regimen, a person loses an average of 5-8 kilograms in two weeks.

What is a protein diet

The basis of the diet program is to increase protein in the diet and minimize fat and carbohydrates. Saturation of the body essential vitamins, microelements occurs due to the abundant consumption of fruits and vegetables. This method of losing weight is suitable for people who are accustomed to leading an active lifestyle - physical exercise will significantly increase the effectiveness of a protein diet and food absorption.


Protein diet does not provide a clear menu and can be adjusted at will, but, nevertheless, even with their alternative replacement, any refusal of products familiar to the body is a kind of stress for the whole body. Therefore, in order for weight loss not to be harmful to health, a protein diet requires compliance with certain rules:

  • meals should be at least 6 times a day;
  • it is prohibited to use any alcoholic drinks;
  • eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of regular boiled water per day.


Changing your diet does not go unnoticed, and in some cases can have a detrimental effect on human health. When following any diet, it is necessary to take into account not only the current state of health, but also previous diseases. Before starting a protein diet for 14 days, to avoid complications, you should consult with a nutritionist about side effects and take into account that there is a danger of its use in such cases:

  • for heart diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • kidney stones, other urinary tract diseases;
  • hormonal diseases.

Protein diet for weight loss at home

A protein diet for 14 days is effective for weight loss because animal fat and carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet for two weeks, replacing them with proteins and proteins of natural origin - meat, fish. Everyone can vary depending on their preferences: divide lunch, breakfast and dinner into two parts, replace chicken with veal, fish with seafood.

Authorized Products

  1. Dietary types of meat are allowed and required, for example, chicken, beef, rabbit.
  2. Among the fish you should choose dietary varieties: pike perch, hake, pelengas.
  3. It is allowed to consume rice and buckwheat in small quantities.
  4. Sweets should be replaced with walnuts.
  5. Among fermented milk products allowed: low-fat cottage cheese, milk, cheese, kefir, goat cheese.
  6. All types allowed edible mushrooms, egg.

Prohibited Products

The main ingredients of the protein food system are meat and fish, but you need to cook non-fatty varieties of these products. Under no circumstances will pork or lamb be suitable. No bream or mackerel allowed. All types of baked goods and sweets should be excluded. You cannot dress salads with sunflower oil, sour cream, mayonnaise, or only lemon juice. Under no circumstances should you use:

  • canned meat or fish;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty dairy products: sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurts;
  • sparkling water;
  • vegetables with high starch content.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

When creating a menu, there are certain recommendations for preparing dishes and selecting products, but there are no clear rules and regulations. The essence of the diet is to completely remove fats from the diet and replace them natural proteins . Protein products should be selected exclusively according to your body, health status and the recommendations of a nutritionist.

  1. Breakfast. During the entire period, breakfast on a protein diet for 14 days is practically unchanged - fermented milk low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese in small quantities. For fruit, an apple or vegetable salad is ideal. For drinks, green tea without sugar is recommended. In order to ease the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled water ten minutes before meals.
  2. Dinner. Involves preparing a wider variety of protein-rich dishes. From meat products Recommended choice: boiled chicken breast, 100 grams of grilled beef, 150 grams of stewed rabbit meat. Boiled or stewed fish (no more than 150 grams) is acceptable. From liquid: ear or chicken bouillon, no more than three ladles. For the second course: two tablespoons of rice or buckwheat, vegetable salad and unsweetened fruit, fruit juice.
  3. Dinner. Should also contain meat or fish dishes high in protein. It could be chicken - 250 grams, beef - 200 grams, fish - 150 grams. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. To prevent vegetables from becoming boring when fresh, you can bake broccoli, cauliflower. Recommended seafood dishes: boiled mussels, oysters, squid ring salad.

A balanced protein diet is considered one of the simplest and most effective methods for losing weight. The diet is designed for those who want to lose weight without giving up meat products. The protein diet menu consists mainly of protein foods, and the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is kept to a reasonable minimum. A protein diet for weight loss will help you lose extra pounds without causing much harm to your body, provided that you follow all the recommendations below.

Basic principles of a protein diet for weight loss

When a person eats a lot of carbohydrate-containing foods, he feeds the body with simple “fuel”, and all buns, cakes, pizzas and much more, for the most part, contain simple fats and carbohydrates. The body, recognizing food, uses carbohydrates in order to maintain human strength, in other words, it spends it on energy production, but it (the body) puts the remaining fats in bins, as if for a “rainy day.” A person has plenty of places where fat could be hidden, for example, the stomach or sides. But don’t despair, the body can be outsmarted. It is enough to eliminate carbohydrates from consumption and feed the body only proteins; it will immediately begin to look for a way out of the current situation and will have to burn its own fats to obtain energy.

Physical activity will also help you lose weight. A protein diet is a great way to tone up and strengthen muscles (you need a lot of protein for this), and exercise will help you burn excess fat faster.

Advantages and disadvantages of a protein diet for weight loss

Pros of a protein diet

The main and one of the most important advantages of a protein diet can be considered the fact that after eating the required proportion of proteins, a person for a long time deprived of hunger, and at this time the body continues to work for you. Protein is considered a complex food component, the body needs more time and effort to digest it, so hunger will not gnaw at you in an hour or a few hours. The second advantage of the protein diet, of course, remains the fact that after the course of the diet is completed, a person will not gain all those kilograms that he lost with such difficulty, while maintaining a balanced diet. Weight loss is especially noticeable in people with a large excess amount of fat in the body. Losing weight happens quickly enough, preventing you from starting to miss sweets. In addition, a huge number of recipes have appeared on the Internet that will brighten up the not-so-bright everyday diet, but at the same time allow you to maintain the required amount of allowed calories. The main thing is to take the first step, and when you begin to notice an amazing transformation, and the old clothes become big, you will no longer want to turn back or leave your intended goal.

Cons of a protein diet for weight loss

As in any other case, before you start following a protein diet, you need to visit a doctor and get personal recommendations regarding this step. All protein diets have contraindications - these are disorders of the kidneys, liver, heart, and pregnancy. Of course, the protein diet is very different from some other mono-diets, in which there is no balance of vitamins and minerals at all. What can we say, at least, about the cheese or kefir-apple diet. If a person decides to follow such a diet, he will not only encounter a deterioration in the quality of hair and nails, but will also experience all the delights of improper/slow digestion and constipation. In the case of a protein diet, of course, it is also better to protect your body with tablet vitamins. And the slow receipt of energy from the food consumed can cause slight dizziness and weakness. While following the diet, it is recommended to drink more fluids. It will promote good kidney function, which is at risk during a protein diet for weight loss. In addition, older people should not go on a protein diet. A large amount of protein and a small proportion of fat increases the likelihood of blood clots due to improved blood clotting. That is why the protein diet, like others, should be approached with caution.

Products for a protein diet, their preparation

There is no need to be afraid that now you will have to stand idle in the kitchen for days, trying to prepare the entire diet menu according to recipes. Not at all! The diet is very simple and does not require buying papaya or mangosteens every day. The main food for the entire period of the diet should be protein-containing foods. These especially include low-fat varieties of fish and meat, as well as protein in large quantities (found in eggs and all kinds of dairy products). You should not abuse the percentage of fat content when consuming dairy products; it is better to limit yourself to 1-3%. In some dietary menus It is allowed to include grapefruit or orange, but you should not overuse these citrus fruits, as the acidity of the stomach may increase, which in turn will lead to Negative consequences. It is better to boil all diet products that are allowed for consumption using a double boiler. This device perfectly prepares dishes, not allowing vitamins to “escape” from the product (as can happen during cooking), and also saves your time and effort. Multi-tier steamers are designed for processing and cooking several products at once. A grill will also be your assistant during the protein diet, on which you can easily cook without oil or fat.

It is worth noting that along with the listed products that are allowed for consumption, there are also those that are strictly prohibited for all those who strictly follow a protein diet for weight loss. For example, all lovers of fried potatoes will have to forget about their delicacy for the entire duration of the diet! Potatoes are not advisable to be consumed in any form, be it mashed or baked potatoes. All kinds of cereals, and pasta are now prohibited! And you should not fall for the admonitions of sellers that the durum wheat from which their pasta is made can be eaten every day. This is not true, just like the fact that for good stomach function it is vital to eat oatmeal porridge in the morning, because there are many substitutes for this product in order to properly start the body after sleep. All baked goods, of course, also remain a thing of the past, especially rich baked goods. The same applies to all types of butter (butter, sunflower).

Duration of the protein diet

Typically, protein-type diets are prescribed in detail for one to two weeks. The menu is not very varied; in the second week, if present, professionals advise eating the same menu as in the first week, following the diet from the last day to the first. Among other things, nutritionists advise following a protein diet for no more than two weeks, then it is advisable to take a break of half a year, only after that you can resume the course.

Protein diet menu for weight loss for the day

All menus of protein diets, of which there are currently a huge variety (and they often bear the proud names of the menu creators), can be studied and made your own based on them. Protein diets include the Kremlin diet, the Pierre Dukan diet, the egg diet, the Japanese diet for weight loss, the angel diet, the English and sports diets.

The prefabricated version of the diet is especially suitable for those losing weight who are not used to following a plan drawn up by another person.

It is worth remembering that you need to eat at least four times a day, this may seem difficult for some people who lead an active lifestyle and cannot devote much time to eating. But claims that you can lose weight by eating once a day are a huge misconception. Chinese wisdom says: “Do you want to raise a sumo fighter? Give him food once a day!” The fact is that throughout the whole day our body is very tired and hunger will remind itself more and more often and with renewed vigor, as a result of which there is a risk of gaining weight due to one, but very dense snack. At these moments, a person cannot control himself, and the feeling of satiety does not come immediately, as a result of which the person overeats and gains excess weight. Food should be taken in small portions several times a day. It is necessary to remember that in the morning you need to start your diet with one glass of water, after that you should wait half an hour and only then you can start breakfast. The last meal should be no later than two to three hours before bedtime. After noon, it is allowed to consume proteins along with some fiber, namely vegetables. It may not be a large number of tomatoes or cabbage, cucumber or zucchini.

To better perceive information, you need to imagine the complete menu for the week.

For breakfast:

You can drink any coffee, even with milk, which is even more advisable to drink than regular black coffee, since the latter increases acidity in the stomach. Instead of coffee, you can drink any type of tea; naturally, all drinks should be consumed without sugar. You can afford a small jar of regular or drinking yogurt, cottage cheese or a boiled egg. Once a week you can have buckwheat or oatmeal in water.

For lunch:

After the first meal, especially such a meager one, at first you will want to eat, so after two to three hours you can eat any fruit, except bananas and peaches, preferably citrus. Have some more tea.

For lunch:

Lunch can be completely varied, at first you can treat yourself to coarse black bread, add two medium tomatoes, one cucumber or a couple of lettuce leaves, one hundred grams of beef/fish/chicken. Occasionally - soup from vegetables rich in fiber (zucchini, cabbage). You can drink tea.

For afternoon tea:

You are allowed to eat apples, only one or two, and drink kefir.

For dinner:

You can prepare a seafood salad with eggs, naturally, without using mayonnaise. You can eat herbed chicken breast by wrapping it in foil and cooking it in the oven without using any oil. Any meat, except pork, with vegetables will be an excellent dinner and will keep you full for a long time. After dinner, try not to eat anything other than kefir.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

A protein diet menu for weight loss for two weeks may look like this.

1 day. Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese. Second breakfast: 2 boiled eggs. Lunch: creamy broccoli soup or zucchini baked with 100 g feta cheese. Afternoon snack: 100 ml low-fat drinking yoghurt. Dinner: 150g grilled turkey fillet with cranberry sauce.

Day 2. Breakfast: 100g omelette. Second breakfast: salad of fresh leafy vegetables with 1 tsp. olive oil. Lunch: okroshka on low-fat kefir with turkey or beef, 150g steamed fish. Afternoon snack: 100 ml kefir. Dinner: 150g boiled beef, fresh vegetable salad.

Day 3. Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with sour berries (lingonberries, cranberries). Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg. Lunch: 200g stuffed peppers, just use vegetables, such as broccoli, instead of rice. Afternoon snack: 100g cucumber and cabbage salad with olive oil. Dinner: 150 -200 g of beef, baked with garlic.

Day 4 Breakfast: 100g boiled chicken breast without skin. Second breakfast: 100g grilled fish, one cucumber. Lunch: 150 ml vegetable soup no potatoes. Afternoon snack: fresh tomato salad dressed with olive oil. Dinner: 150g beef baked with garlic, 100g grilled vegetables.

Day 5 Breakfast: 150g low-fat cottage cheese. Second breakfast: 1 orange. Lunch: fish soup, 100g salad of red bell pepper, lettuce, tomatoes seasoned with lemon juice. Afternoon snack: 100g low-fat yoghurt. Dinner: 150g turkey, stewed with cauliflower or broccoli.

Day 6 Breakfast: oatmeal with water. Second breakfast: 100g sour berries. Lunch: 150g grilled fish, 100g stewed eggplant. Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt without sugar or additives. Dinner: 150g steamed beef, 100g tomato and cucumber salad dressed with olive oil.

Day 7 Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese. Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg. Lunch: 150g grilled chicken without skin, two fresh tomatoes. Afternoon snack: grated carrots with lemon juice. Dinner: 150g boiled shrimp, 100g green beans.

8. Breakfast: millet porridge with water, you can add berries or pieces of fruit. Second breakfast: tuna and tomato salad, dressed with lemon and olive oil. Lunch: 200 g fish steam cutlets, 100g of any fresh vegetables. Afternoon snack: 125 ml of drinking yoghurt without additives. Dinner: 200 g of any grilled fish with vegetables.

9. Breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with finely chopped herbs (dill and parsley). Second breakfast: boiled egg with cucumber. Lunch: 200 g boiled beef, 150 ml tomato juice. Afternoon snack: 50 g pine nuts. Dinner: 200 g steamed fish, lettuce.

Day 10 Breakfast: scrambled eggs with spinach. Second breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese. Lunch: 150g boiled turkey, salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. Afternoon snack: 1 grapefruit. Dinner: 200 g beef cutlets, lettuce

11. Breakfast: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with sour berries. Second breakfast: 1 boiled egg. Lunch: 150 g of boiled turkey, fresh vegetable salad. Afternoon snack: 75 g tofu cheese. Dinner: 150 g grilled chicken fillet.

12. Breakfast: 2 low-fat yoghurts, 1 boiled egg. Second breakfast: fresh vegetable salad with pieces of feta cheese. Lunch: fish soup (without potatoes). Afternoon snack: 100 g of salad white cabbage. Dinner: 150g boiled beef, 200 ml tomato juice.

13. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge. Second breakfast: 2 boiled eggs. Lunch: 160 g of any grilled fish, lettuce. Afternoon snack: one apple. Dinner: 120 g stewed veal, cabbage and carrot salad.

Day 14 Breakfast: oatmeal. Second breakfast: leaf salad with cheese. Lunch: creamy cauliflower soup, grilled chicken breast. Afternoon snack: one boiled egg, a glass of tomato juice. Dinner: 200 g of any grilled seafood, 100 g of steamed green beans.

What can you drink during a protein diet for weight loss?

During the diet, you can drink tea or coffee without sugar, herbal infusions, and both regular and mineral water. Any fruit juices and sweet drinks are excluded from the protein diet menu for weight loss. When on a protein diet, you can sometimes drink vegetable juices - tomato juice or celery and apple juice. The main thing is that the juice contains a low amount of carbohydrates.

The diet completely excludes any alcoholic drinks to reduce the load on the liver, stomach and kidneys. In addition, alcohol blocks the enzyme pepsin, which breaks down animal protein in the stomach, and by consuming protein foods and alcohol together, you will not only not lose weight, but will most likely “get” indigestion.

Forecast for weight loss on a protein diet

If you follow all the diet instructions, as well as exercise, the weight will come off fairly quickly. But the reduction occurs differently in people with different proportions of fat. For example, with a height of 170 centimeters and a weight of sixty-five kilograms, in two weeks of diet you can easily lose from six to ten kilograms, depending on the duration and energy consumption of training.

This diet is not suitable for everyone, but if you get a doctor’s permission and approach all the points correctly, you can ensure yourself a great figure in a short period of time. Moreover, this figure will remain for a long time after the diet.

If you have experience losing weight on a protein diet, leave your feedback in the comments: what diet option did you follow, is it difficult to stay on this diet or not, how much did you lose, did you gain weight again?

One of the most popular and “non-hunger” diets is the protein diet: the menu for 14 days includes a large amount of meat and dairy products, cheeses, etc. This diet is designed for weight loss of 10 kg.

The essence and features of protein diets

Protein is one of the building nutrients that are responsible for muscle mass. It takes longer to be absorbed by the body, due to which a person practically does not experience the feeling of hunger. Effective diet will provide the person losing weight with plant and animal protein for 2 weeks. During weight loss, a large amount is lost muscle mass, due to such a diet, these losses will be quickly replenished.

The essence of this method of losing weight for 14 days is to consume large quantities of protein foods and reduce carbohydrate intake. The peculiarity of the diet is that the body has to expend half the calorie content of the product in which most make up proteins. Due to this, you can achieve quick results that will last for a long time. Due to the intake of plant fiber, a person losing weight will not have problems with stool.

Due to the reduced intake of carbohydrate foods, the body has to use up fat reserves and carbohydrate reserves. You get rid of excess fluid that was retained by fatty, salty and sweet foods. Because protein is construction material, the muscles will remain in good shape, the figure will tighten, the sides will “go away”. Thanks to this diet, there are no mood swings, feelings of fatigue and weakness that occur with other diets.

Protein 10-day diet

The buckwheat diet menu “14 days - minus 10 kg” includes a large consumption of buckwheat, eggs and kefir. Such nutrition belongs to the category of mono-diets.

Cereals cannot be salted. The recommended cooking method is steaming. You need to pour 130-150 g of buckwheat into a deep bowl and pour 250-300 g of boiling water over it. The bowl must be covered with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left overnight. The resulting porridge should be divided into 5 doses. You can dilute it with kefir with a fat content of 2.5% (it is not recommended to take less, since low-fat products have an increased amount of sugar) and add eggs (no more than 3 pieces per day). Suitable as a snack green apple or fresh cucumber.

The Prana Diet is a nutritional system developed by a group of nutritionists. It belongs to the protein weight loss programs and is considered the most gentle for the body. The 10-day diet consists of following techniques food:

It is necessary to count the amount of microelements consumed. The number of proteins should not exceed 110 g per day, the amount of carbohydrates - 90 g and fats - 65 g. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

Diet for two weeks

While following a protein diet for 14 days, you must consume large amounts of clean water. Daily norm calculated by the formula:

  • for women - body weight * 31;
  • for men - weight * 35.

For example, a woman’s weight is 80 kg, which means she needs 80*31 = 2480 ml (about 2.5 l).

The 14-day diet involves split meals. You should have breakfast between 08:30 and 09:30; snack - at 11:00, lunch - from 13:00 to 14:00; second snack - at 17:00; dinner - from 19:00 to 20:00.

On the first day for breakfast you can eat 3 pieces of low-fat cheese and 2 boiled eggs. For your first snack, a glass of warm milk with 10 g added lemon juice. Lunch should consist of boiled chicken breast and steamed zucchini. For an afternoon snack you can eat grapefruit. It is recommended to have dinner with a salad of fresh vegetables.

The second day includes 1 boiled egg, a small piece of black whole grain bread with lightly salted salmon, 150-200 g of boiled fish, fresh cabbage and cucumber salad, stewed vegetables.

Diet for the third day: 100 g of cottage cheese 5% fat, boiled egg, 2 kiwis, green apple, boiled chicken (150-200 g), fresh vegetables, boiled carrot salad and curd cheese, cucumber and steamed fish.

On the fourth day, you can drink a mug of black coffee without sugar, prepare a salad of fresh carrots and cabbage with the addition of an egg, eat 80 g of brown rice and chicken, 100 g of cottage cheese, boiled fish and a salad of cucumber and green pepper.

The fifth day consists of cottage cheese diluted with milk, a slice of black bread with cheese, 100 g of boiled buckwheat and chicken breast, a vegetable stew of eggplant, tomato and carrots and two eggs.

The sixth day's diet includes rice porridge cooked in milk, a salad of fresh cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 slice of bran bread, boiled turkey meat, tuna in a can, an egg and an apple.

On the seventh day, you are allowed to eat 100 g of cottage cheese with yogurt, a vegetable salad with boiled cheese, flaxseed porridge, 1 carrot, 3 eggs and a glass of kefir.

Days 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 are repeated, and the last day should consist of rice porridge with nuts and raisins (10 g each), bread with hard cheese, boiled egg, stewed fish with vegetables, boiled turkey and a glass of freshly squeezed juice

28 day protein diet

Diet for 2 weeks - effective weight loss. Can be picked up balanced diet and increase the duration of use of such a diet by 2 times to achieve greater results.

An approximate menu for 14 days, which needs to be duplicated for another 2 weeks:

Days Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 100 g cottage cheese 5% fat, 2 hard-boiled eggs Cream soup of broccoli and champignons; zucchini baked in the oven with cream cheese 100-150 g turkey fillet, cooked in the oven
2 Omelette, vegetable salad A glass of kefir and boiled fish 150 g of beef, grilled without adding oil; cucumber
3 Cottage cheese and egg Peppers stuffed with minced chicken Beef baked with garlic and ginger
4 Boiled chicken breast Vegetable soup with meat broth Yogurt and steamed turkey
5 Cottage cheese and orange Fish soup and salad of tomato, red pepper and lettuce Turkey stewed with broccoli
6 Hercules porridge Grilled fish with zucchini Drinking yogurt and vegetable salad
7 Cottage cheese and egg Grilled chicken with two tomatoes Boiled shrimp and green beans
8 Millet porridge Tuna with tomatoes Grilled fish with vegetables
9 Cottage cheese with added greens Boiled beef and a glass of tomato juice Steamed fish and 30 g pine nuts
10 Omelette with spinach Boiled turkey, tomato and grapefruit Steamed ground beef cutlets
11 Cottage cheese Vegetable lard and turkey fillet A small piece of cheese and chicken fillet
12 Yogurt and egg Ukha and white cabbage A glass of tomato juice and a piece of boiled beef
13 100 g boiled buckwheat Lettuce and grilled fish Carrot and cabbage salad, steamed veal
14 Oatmeal Cauliflower soup, boiled egg and a glass of tomato juice Steamed chicken and a glass of kefir

The protein diet is extremely popular among many diets. Many weight loss systems are built on the principles of protein nutrition (including the Dukan diet, the Kremlin diet, etc.), but now we will talk about the diet known as “7 kg in 7 days.”

The advantage of this system is that you do not have to suffer from hunger and poor health. It also allows you to achieve good results in a fairly short time.

This system of weight loss is based on increasing the consumption of foods containing protein and reducing the amount of foods containing fats and carbohydrates. With such a diet, the body experiences a deficiency of substances necessary to replenish energy from food and begins to use the body’s reserve reserves, i.e. fat deposits.

Basic principles:

Important to remember! Before the beginning physical exercise You definitely need to drink a protein shake 30-40 minutes before. Otherwise, according to professional fitness instructors, the benefits and opportunity to create beautiful relief turns into a potential threat to health.

Allowed protein foods for quick weight loss

The diet of a person following a fast protein diet should include:

It is important to know! Nutritionists do not recommend eating foods with zero fat content, because... The body needs fats for normal functioning. Therefore, if you are following a diet, you should not buy, for example, cottage cheese 9-18%, but 5% - to satisfy the need for fats, will not affect your health and weight.

The advantage of the 7 kg system. in 7 days the fact is that you won’t have to suffer from hunger and poor health.

  • sweet, incl. candies, chocolate, pastries, cakes, ice cream, sweet fruits and ready-made fruit juices;
  • flour, incl. bread, pasta, pastries;
  • potato(in any form);
  • sausages, sausages;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • butter and other fats;
  • alcohol;
  • porridge;
  • salt, because it retains fluid in the body.

For those with a sweet tooth, a protein diet menu for a very fast weight loss may include 1-2 squares of dark chocolate (at least 70%) 1-2 times a week.

Protein drinks for fast weight loss

As a dinner, as well as for large meals physical activity, protein shakes or protein shakes will come in handy. In sports stores and departments dietary nutrition You can find ready-made drinks or powders that need to be diluted. However, such cocktails can be prepared at home.

The following can serve as a basis:

  • still water;
  • low-fat milk;
  • low fat yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • Ryazhenka

Quail and chicken eggs can serve as a protein base., as well as 5% cottage cheese. And at the final stage, greens or berries are added.

The main thing is to remember that this is a protein diet for very fast weight loss, the menu of which cannot contain any sweeteners, including. sugar and honey

Some healthy recipes protein drinks:

  1. Vanilla cocktail. Recipe: 100 g of cottage cheese and 150 ml of milk + vanillin / vanilla extract.
  2. Farmhouse cocktail. Recipe: 150-200 ml of milk and two chicken (4 quail) eggs + parsley or dill.
  3. Energy nutritional shake. Recipe: 100-150 ml milk and one chicken / two quail eggs + 10 g mint + 10 g ground coffee.

Cooking rules: It is necessary to beat the composition of the drink with a blender, adding each ingredient following the recipe.

A quick diet with protein foods for 3 days

To quickly lose weight by several kg in 3 days, there is the most strict recipe for a protein diet. However, nutritionists warn that diets designed for quick weight loss are quite difficult to maintain, and they can also be harmful to the human body.

When using this diet, you need to be sure that there are no problems with the heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

It is important to know! You can go on a fast protein diet no more than once every six months, because... This diet plan is not balanced.

The main rule is to drink plenty of fluids and unsweetened herbal teas.

The menu for all 3 days is standard:

Unlike the weekly option, With the 3-day diet, any physical activity is prohibited.

Still very important exiting the blitz diet correctly. You need to increase your calorie intake very slowly, and also gradually introduce new products, starting with vegetables, fruits and meat, and only then everything else.

This protein diet is for very fast weight loss, the menu of which cannot contain any sweeteners, incl. sugar and honey

We must remember! If dizziness, nausea, or weakness appear during the diet, you should immediately stop the diet and return to your previous diet. It is best to consult a doctor before starting a diet.

Sample menu of dishes for every day of the week for very fast weight loss on a protein diet

Another The advantage of a protein diet for very fast weight loss is that you can create a menu at your own discretion. There are no strict rules here. The above option is just an example.
Serving size is about 200-250 g.

Day one: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day two: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day three: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day four: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day five: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day six: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Day seven: Morning, afternoon, evening meals, snacks

Exit from a fast protein diet

Maintaining the achieved result largely depends on the correct way out of the diet, so you should not immediately lean on fast food, sausage and cakes. It is advisable to abandon them altogether.

In the first two weeks, you need to increase the number of calories eaten per day by adding cereals and fruits. Then you can add sour cream and butter to your diet.

You cannot stick to the same diet for more than 14 days. Repeating the diet is possible no earlier than six months later.

Replace dairy and fermented milk products with medium-fat products. You can add bread, juices and some sweets.

A particularly strict diet regimen for very fast weight loss

This nutrition option is suitable for athletes with regular stress on the body and pumping up muscle mass. Duration – 7 days.


  • total calorie content should be approximately 1000 kcal;
  • Only 3 meals are allowed;
  • any fruits and vegetables are prohibited;
  • Snacks are prohibited.

Example of menu design

Strict protein diet for very fast weight loss. Menu (indicative)
Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st dayCottage cheese 3-5%TurkeySeafood (1 serving) + a glass of kefir
2nd dayBoiled eggs – 2 pcs+
1 slice low-fat cheese
Chicken (boiled)Fish stewed in its own juice
3rd dayCottage cheeseBoiled/baked vealSeafood
4th dayUnsweetened yogurtRed meat prepared in a healthy wayFish
5th dayEggs – 2 pcs., a slice of cheeseChicken liverSteamed fish
6th dayCottage cheese + slice of cheeseChicken or turkeySeafood with kefir
7th dayAny breakfast from previous daysAny of the lunchesAny of the dinners. Kefir can be replaced with unsweetened yogurt.

Contraindications. Who should not lose weight on a fast protein diet?

Despite the fact that, according to nutritionists, the protein diet is one of the safest, there are a number of people who should not adhere to it:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • elderly people over 50 years of age;
  • expectant and nursing mothers, for whom proper and balanced nutrition is extremely important;
  • people with kidney and liver diseases;
  • people suffering from heart disease;
  • if there are problems with blood clotting, because a large amount of protein in the diet increases the risk of thrombosis;
  • diabetics;
  • in the presence of oncology;
  • if high mental or emotional stress is expected during the diet, it is better to postpone the diet, because The brain needs sugar to function properly.

Recommendations for following a protein diet. It is important to know the following

To achieve maximum effect and not to harm the body, doctors advise following these rules:

Losing weight quick ways, important to remember! When choosing dishes and creating your own protein diet menu, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible from the list of allowed foods. You cannot stick to the same diet for more than 14 days. Repeating the diet is possible no earlier than six months later.

Sports and approved foods are the key to success with a protein diet; it is this combination that will get rid of 7 or more kg in a short time.

Good luck and health to you!

An effective protein diet for very fast weight loss:

What menu should be for a protein diet:

The desire to lose weight and look beautiful and attractive is natural in its manifestation. I especially want to look slim, healthy and happy on the eve of some important life events: a birthday, a wedding, a trip to the sea. It also happens: after seeing a stunning dress that is almost too big, representatives of the fair sex make a purchase in the hope of losing weight and fitting into a fashionable item. And you have to lose weight by choosing one or another method of losing weight.

We offer you a diet menu for 2 weeks for weight loss. The daily routine and food intake in this diet are based on certain principles that allow you to “painlessly”, without starving, and at the same time look great.

How to lose weight on a diet in two weeks?

Basic principles of the diet menu for 2 weeks

  1. You need to get enough sleep while dieting. You should aim to go to bed no later than 10 pm.
  2. Physical exercises aimed at problem areas will only enhance the effect of the diet.
  3. While on a diet, do not forget about drinking enough clean water throughout the day. 1.5-2 liters of water will help cleanse the body of toxins and establish water balance in the body.
  4. If you want to lose weight and gain health, you will have to give up bad habits such as smoking, excessive consumption of strong black coffee and tea, do not drink alcoholic beverages, and even eliminate beer from your diet.
  5. Sweets, baked goods, carbonated sweet water, fatty foods and smoked foods should also be completely eliminated from the diet.

Egg diet for 2 weeks: menu

The egg diet is considered popular among those losing weight. By following an egg diet for two weeks, you can comfortably and without stress reduce your weight by 5 kg. Chicken eggs - useful product nutrition, affordable and low-calorie.

A diet based on eggs has only one contraindication - an allergy to chicken protein. A special feature of this diet is three meals a day at the same time: breakfast, lunch and dinner. With a two-week egg diet, snacks between meals are not allowed. For better absorption, eggs should be soft-boiled and consumed without salt.

We offer an approximate egg diet for 7 days. In the second week, you should repeat the diet of the first week.


Two eggs, a small grapefruit and a cup of black coffee without sugar.

For five days, eat two eggs, vegetables: tomatoes, spinach poached in water, grapefruit, green tea.

First day of the diet: two chicken eggs, vinaigrette without oil, herbal tea.

On the remaining days of the diet, you can eat a little lean meat, boiled fish, vegetables in the form of a vinaigrette or salad: cabbage, beets, cucumber, celery, carrots. Herbal tea.

Protein diet menu for 2 weeks

A protein diet is considered the most effective in achieving goal I. Many people who are losing weight like it, as it is easily tolerated and without the feeling of hunger.

We offer an approximate protein diet for two weeks. By following the nutritional recommendations based on this diet, you can lose 5-7 kg excess weight For two weeks.

The core of the protein diet products are products containing large amounts of protein: veal, chicken and turkey meat, lean fish: cod, trout, pike perch. As well as nuts, legumes, eggs and low-fat dairy products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Vegetables and fruits are not contraindicated, but are desirable in the diet for a protein diet. They can be used as snacks between main meals.

  • For breakfast, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, green or Herb tea with crackers.
  • Lunch consists of boiled meat or fish, vegetable salad. You can stew vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, carrots, eggplants.
  • For dinner, prepare baked fish and fresh vegetables in the form of a salad. Before going to bed, if you wish, you can drink a glass of kefir.

How to lose weight quickly on a protein diet: video

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