On the bride's leg. Why does a bride need a garter? Traditions. Bride's Garter: What is it and why is it needed?

Why does a bride need a garter? This question comes to mind for many couples planning an exciting event.

The history of the ritual

We owe the appearance of the word “garter” French, as well as the names of some other elegant wardrobe details. Previously, this accessory was found exclusively practical use. At balls it was used by both men and women to support bottom part trousers After some time, the garter began to be considered a symbol of elegance, and it also played the role of an object of seduction. We have yet to find out why a bride needs a garter on her leg today.

But fashion trends took their toll, and society began to rave about elastic stockings and tights. They forgot about the garters. The owners found a place for them in the secluded corners of ancient chests. But these forgotten heroes were also remembered. They again found a place on women’s legs, only now they have become an aesthetic addition to the image.

The use of garters by brides began in the United States. The tradition was picked up by our compatriots in the 90s of the last century and turned into an integral part of Russian wedding ceremonies. We still have to find out why a bride needs a garter.

Part Description

This elegant wedding accessory, which is an elastic strip of fabric, usually white, is decorated with lace, embroidery, bows or rhinestones. It can be satin, silk, satin.

Brides wear it on their right leg, above the knee. There may be one bandage, or there may be a pair. The first of them is called “lucky”; it is the one that goes to one of the groom’s unmarried friends. “Sweet” or “honey” - this is the name of the second garter. Why does a bride need a garter? It is left as a keepsake. If the part is worn higher than the first one, it is enough to retreat half a palm.

This part of the leg is the thinnest, so you can avoid unpleasant friction with the other leg. Blood circulation will also not be impaired. And the groom will not spend much time searching. For beautiful photographs, you don’t need to raise the hem of your outfit too high.

Today, stores offer so many options for this detail that brides are lost in choice. It is important to take care of its neatness and beauty, because at the end of the holiday it will appear in all its glory before the guests. And one of them will get the garter for safekeeping. In addition, the overall image of the bride is also taken into account. It is better if the color of the part is blue (after all, this particular shade symbolizes purity and innocence).

Why does a bride need a garter: arguments

  1. Of course, to give your loved one a surprise.
  2. To create an image. Bride in beautiful dress and shoes, with perfect hair and makeup, all that remains is to complement the look with a stylish accessory.
  3. To make lasting memories. Keeping the bandage as a reminder wonderful event may develop into a tradition. And then my daughter will receive the accessory for her wedding.
  4. In order not to violate established customs. After all, tossing a headband today is a fun wedding activity in which guests participate with pleasure.

Wedding signs

Why does a bride need a garter? Arguments and signs are, of course, of interest to many newlyweds. Let's list them in order. So, located on a woman’s leg above the knee, it is better not to give it to the guests present at the celebration, otherwise the person who received this accessory will in the future become the bride’s owner.

If the garter is held on the leg as high as possible, then the signs indicate that the bride is inaccessible to other members of the stronger sex, with the exception of her betrothed.

The loss of a honey garter by the groom promises him the loss of his wife's fidelity.

Knowing the signs why a bride needs a garter, newlyweds have the opportunity to protect themselves and their young family from troubles in the future. family life and adultery. And this is worth a lot.

Potential groom

According to legend, a man who has a garter in his hands should present it as a gift to his beloved girl, his future wife. Ideal if she wears it to her own celebration. Currently, the observance of this tradition has become a big question. After all, not every girl will be delighted with the underwear given to her by another owner. She may also refuse the offer to wear an accessory. But, despite what has been said, the traditional ritual takes place exactly according to the described scenario.

When to shoot

At what point should the garter be removed and who is responsible for this procedure? The second, “honey” or “sweet”, is the concern of the newly made spouse. They take it off on their wedding night. Of course, this happens in private. The first garter is removed towards the end of the celebration, when the cake is cut and the newlyweds are preparing to leave. This moment is accompanied by special musical accompaniment. This can be a lyrical or rhythmic composition, selected in advance. According to our customs, first unmarried girls catch the bouquet thrown by the bride (whoever catches it will play the next wedding), then it is the turn of the accessory we are describing.

The groom needs to carefully take the bride in his arms and carry her to the center of the hall. Putting her on a chair and not bothering to lift the hem of the dress, you need to “dive” under it. A garter pulled from your beloved's leg with your teeth should also be thrown towards your single friends with your teeth. The groom stands with his back to them.

There is a sign that young people who catch accessories will also create a married couple in the future.

The bride's garter plays a significant role in the wedding. For any young man, even if he is an avid bachelor, this valuable item will cause a lot of joyful impressions. Many men keep the caught garter until their marriage, and sometimes even after it. We hope that we have answered the question of why a bride needs a garter.

The final decision of the newlyweds

The decision to carry out the garter throwing ceremony is made by both newlyweds. It is also worth thinking about the opinions of guests. How to react to this playful ritual most of of them. Will they perceive it as an insult to their feelings? Does the ceremony match the overall wedding style? Having answered these questions and familiarized yourself with all the arguments why a bride needs a garter, you will definitely make a decision that will suit both of you.

Where to buy

For a garter, you can go to a bridal salon or a women's underwear store. The range of prices for a given part is influenced by several factors: the material used to make it, the manufacturer’s brand and the prestige of the salon.

For those who do not want to spend money on this accessory, and also if you want to make it individual and not like others, you can resort to an alternative option - making your own garter. This is a great opportunity for girls to show their hard work and creativity.

Modern brides definitely want to look stylish, fashionable and beautiful. They carefully select a dress, veil, shoes and other accessories in order to look the most beautiful and feminine on their wedding day. But stockings and a wedding garter give any bride a special sexuality - a unique accessory that reflects her femininity and sensuality.

The tradition of wearing a wedding garter is not new. In many countries, a wedding garter for a bride has already become a traditional attribute that is fraught with many customs and legends. The history of the women's garter dates back to the 13th century in France. At that time, this accessory had a purely functional purpose; thanks to the garter, the stockings and tights of the court ladies did not fall off their graceful legs, and also supported the exquisite and intricate underwear.

Which leg should a bride wear a garter on?

At modern weddings, in many countries of the world, it is customary for the bride to wear two garters - on each leg separately or both on the right leg above the knee. Before removing her garter, the bride must first throw a bouquet to her unmarried bridesmaids, and then her groom has the right to remove the garter from her knee, doing this to the cheers of the audience. The groom throws her to his unmarried friends, thus, accordingly, a young man and a girl are selected who will get married in the near future. The bride can also use two garters, both of which are worn on the right leg, one of them is called “happy” in everyday life, and the other, which is worn a little higher, is “honey”. The groom takes off the “lucky” garter and, according to the tradition described above, throws it to the guests, while the “honey” one remains on the bride’s leg until wedding night, symbolizing its mystery and special meaning.

Why should a bride wear a garter?

According to experts, the tradition of throwing a wedding garter goes back to the 14th century, when King Edward III, while dancing at a ball with the Countess of Salisbury, suddenly noticed that her garter had fallen at his feet. At that time, this incident could have become a shame and disgraced the young lady for many, many years. However, the king was not taken aback, and in order to save his beloved, he lifted her garter with lightning speed, not paying attention to the crowd, and tied it around his own knee, while saying the legendary phrase: “Shame on anyone who thinks badly about it!”

From that moment on, it was the women's garter that became the embodiment of sexuality and eroticism, which attracted men and had a special magnetism. Modern garters have certainly lost such a deep meaning. Newlyweds often enter into intimate relationships even before the wedding. However, it is the playful wedding garter on the bride’s leg that conceals a premonition of the first wedding night - that exciting moment when the newlyweds awaken new sensuality and intimacy.

History of the wedding garter

The bridal garter has been firmly established in the list of wedding accessories since the 16th century. At that time, any element of the newlyweds’ clothing was considered lucky, and many guests tried to tear off a piece of the dress or ask the bride or groom for some small accessory as a lasting memory. Thanks to this accessory, guests wanted to become happier or get the love they so desired. In order not to tear the festive outfits of the bride and groom to shreds, it was invented to throw special, special items of clothing to the guests. The symbolic wedding garter became just such an element.

In addition, there was interesting tradition up to the 19th century. After the wedding ceremony, the boys and girls ran to the bride's house in a race - whoever ran first received the right to remove the garter from the bride's leg independently and subsequently tied it around his knee. It was believed that this lucky amulet would protect his sincere love for his beloved and protect him from infidelity or betrayal. Later, the right to remove the garter passed exclusively to the groom.

Modern brides are increasingly asking the question: which garter should they choose for their own wedding? What is the nuance of choosing a wedding garter? What exactly should this accessory look like or not look like? The answer is quite simple.

  1. First, you should decide on the color of the wedding garter. Often this accessory symbolizes the virginity and frequency of the bride’s thoughts, so you should avoid bright colors and prefer delicate creamy, pastel shades. The most popular are cream, champagne, as well as blue and blue. This is due to the fact that in the biblical scriptures blue and light blue were a symbol of purity, fidelity and innocence.
  2. Secondly, the bride should decide whether she will wear two garters or just one symbolic one. If the newlyweds have made up their minds and decided to wear two garters (one of which the groom throws to the guests, and the second garter that will remain on the bride’s legs until the wedding night), they must correspond to the same style. In order for the bride not to rack her brains over this, wedding salons often sell ready-made sets of two garters - one of them, wider and more massive, is the “lucky” garter that is thrown to guests, and the second is thinner, miniature and delicate - “honey”, which the newlyweds will take off on their wedding night itself.

Wedding stylists advise choosing the style and material for a wedding garter in accordance with the style of the wedding dress and accessories. Fortunately, modern manufacturers of wedding garters offer a wide range of these products from lace, organza, tulle, silk, etc. Or they can be combined with the chosen wedding style.

And in conclusion, I would like to summarize - a wedding garter is an intimate accessory that symbolizes the passion, and, at the same time, the purity of the bride’s thoughts. That is why the bride should not boast about the fact that she is wearing a wedding garter, show it off to the public once again and, especially, choose vulgar or too pretentious wedding headbands - all this is considered bad form.

If the bride is too modest to adhere to the ritual when the groom independently removes this garter from her in public (he often does this with his teeth), there is a more democratic option - when the bride independently removes the garter and gives it to the groom. In addition, there are couples who, out of embarrassment, do not focus attention on this tradition, and the groom, in the midst of the wedding, independently takes a garter out of his pocket, arguing that he took it off while the guests were distracted by dancing or eating, supposedly unable to withstand the tension and not waiting the right moment.

It should be remembered that a wedding garter is just an accessory that will give your wedding celebration even more individuality, and will also give you the opportunity to once again attract the attention of your guests, doing it in a very eccentric, original and pretentious way.

Surely many people like to watch romantic films, and many have noticed that in Western films, at the end of the wedding ceremony, the newly-made husband removes the garter from his beloved’s leg and throws it into the crowd. In our country, this custom appeared relatively recently, but many Russian newlyweds are already trying to fully follow it.

What is it for?

The history of the women's wedding garter is deeply rooted in the past. The word itself came to us from France, however, there this attribute performed a rather practical function - it supported pantaloons, and this attribute was used not only by the fairer sex, but also by men.

The tradition of using this accessory at weddings appeared in England., historians do not have a consensus on how exactly such a peculiar custom arose.

According to one legend, many centuries ago one of the English monarchs at a ball noticed that his companion’s garter had fallen and picked it up to give it to her. He just wanted to be gallant, but when he saw the mocking grins of the guests, he immediately declared that the garter of his beloved woman brings good luck and put it on his leg.

The second legend is not so romantic, but more real. According to the chronicles, in some counties of Great Britain a wild custom took place - guests tried to rip the garter off the young bride’s leg right next to the altar. Neither the girls nor their spouses liked this tradition, so years later it was replaced by another custom - throwing a pendant into the crowd of invitees.

However, in modern world The custom was continued only in the 90s of the last century, and focusing on the USA and the countries of the Old World, Russian newlyweds also adopted the tradition.

There are several reasons why brides throw in their garter.

  • The most common is following existing traditions, a tribute to fashion. Throwing the bride's bouquet and garter is a bright culmination of the gala event, a cheerful action with which the newlyweds seem to pass the baton to their single friends.
  • In addition, the garter is used to create a complete image of a tender young bride. Knowing that the newlywed’s outfit is thought out literally down to the smallest detail, the young woman feels more feminine, sexy and confident.

Many girls perceive a garter as an intimate attribute and wear such an exquisite piece in order to impress their husband during their wedding night.

Often, a garter becomes a real family treasure that is passed down from generation to generation. It is no secret that a wedding dress is quite difficult to preserve for decades, and over time it may simply go out of fashion, but a garter will always be relevant and over time has every chance of becoming a family heirloom.

By the way, there are several rather interesting signs with a wedding garter.

  • The higher the garter is, the more inaccessible the bride will be to all members of the stronger sex, with the exception of her husband.
  • If a young spouse loses his garter, this promises imminent infidelity to his beloved.
  • There is one more sign that contradicts the very essence of this custom. Legend says that if a garter located above the knee falls into the hands of a stranger, then he will soon own the woman.

Whether to believe this belief or not is a personal matter; in any case, this wedding tradition brings a touch of piquancy and passion to the celebration.

Which leg should I put it on?

In order for the garter to perform all the tasks that ancient customs prescribe for it, this accessory should be tied correctly on the leg. There are no specific requirements on this issue, but traditionally this romantic attribute is tied on the right leg just above the knee; if you tie it in the middle of the thigh, then the romantic tradition easily turns into vulgarity and the image of the bride no longer looks so tender and mysterious.

Many people wear two garters; this tradition takes its roots from North America , where, according to custom, each garter has its own eigenvalue: the one that is tied on the right leg is intended for golden guests at the wedding event, and the one that is located on the left is considered a more intimate attribute that the young woman removes herself at the very beginning of the wedding night. Thus, she symbolically says goodbye to her free life and her innocence, handing herself over to the hands of her beloved man.

The second garter is popularly called the “honey garter”, because this is where the honeymoon begins.

How to shoot?

The main custom associated with the garter is its removal and subsequent throwing to all single men present at the wedding. This is an interesting and fun tradition, but it is necessary first of all to think about the comfort of the young wife.

Traditionally, the newly-made spouse removes the garter with his teeth, but not all brides like this custom - many consider it vulgar, and some are afraid that the husband will bite or simply tear the stockings. This is not a reason to abandon the existing tradition, because there is a large number of alternative options.

  • A man removes the bandage from his woman’s leg only with his hands so that the hem of the dress does not ride up high.
  • You can remove the garter in advance, away from prying eyes, and then hand it over to the groom.
  • A girl can remove this accessory on her own and then give it to her partner.
  • The young woman herself lowers the garter a little, for example, just below the knee, and the man takes it out from there using any available means.

The proposed options are good not only for shy brides; they quite often take place at weddings where believers or representatives of the older generation are present, who may not like such liberties.

Tip: it will be better if you decide in advance how exactly the pendant will be removed on your wedding day. In this case, you can avoid awkward situations at the celebration. Well, if a girl puts on two garters, then you should tell your chosen one in advance which one he should take off for his guests.

Throwing options and signs

The custom of throwing a garter into a crowd of guests dates back to the 15th century in England. In those days, guests believed that a piece of a girl’s wedding dress brought good luck, so by hook or by crook they tried to tear off a piece of the dress or veil. In order to protect the wedding attire from such barbarism, the idea was born to instead throw some of the clothes to the guests. It was believed that whoever caught it would be lucky in all endeavors throughout the year.

A little later the interpretation changed slightly: According to signs, the one who catches such a garter will be the very first of the guests to tie the knot. There is another sign that goes back to the 15th century - the one who catches a garter and gives it to a girl will definitely get her to reciprocate.

Nowadays, fortunately, no one encroaches on the hem of a newlywed’s dress, but an interesting sign has survived to this day.

How to choose?

Fashionable and romantic accessory these days comes in quite a variety of designs.

The color scheme can also be very different, but traditionally garters are made in blue color– it symbolizes the innocence of the young wife. However, when choosing such an element of an outfit, you should first of all be guided by the style and color scheme of the dress and underwear of the young woman and, of course, take into account her own preferences.

Garters can be wide: as a rule, they are made of lace or satin ribbon. Such an accessory will look great both as a “honey” and as a lucky detail. To prevent such a pendant from slipping, an elastic band is usually attached to it on the back side. This is an excellent solution for lovers of massive jewelry and large accessories; the garter looks great with any style of underwear and is harmonious on brides of all shapes and sizes.

Pre-wedding efforts immerse the newlyweds in getting to know a variety of traditions. Their observance is not mandatory, but it gives unique emotions that remain in memory forever. One of them is connected with a lace garter, hidden until a certain moment under the girl’s wedding dress. The piquant accessory has an important purpose.

What is a bride's garter used for?

From time immemorial, guests have tried to take away part of the couple's attire from the wedding in order to lure good luck into their home. Did the celebrants rejoice at the ruined robes? Doubtful! An alternative solution was a detail that the girls were not sorry to part with. This is how the wedding tradition with a garter was born, which brides put on their legs over tights. In the midst of the fun, the newly-made husband must take off the seductive accessory, throwing it into the crowd of unmarried comrades. According to legend, the next time guests will walk at the wedding of the lucky person who managed to catch the headband.

The bride's garter is a tradition

An accessory such as a bride's garter, the history of the tradition of throwing it was familiar to barbarian peoples, was used to distract the attention of guests from their beloved. While they were trying to catch her, the groom could hug and kiss her without the eyes of strangers. The medieval monarch Edward III, who came out of a piquant situation with dignity, is considered to be the popularizer. Having hastened at the ball to pick up a piece of clothing dropped by the Countess of Salisbury, he found himself in the center of attention. Hastily tying the accessory on his leg, the king proclaimed this little thing a symbol of luck in amorous affairs.

Bride's wedding garter

Girls choose wedding garters with special trepidation. The main selection criteria include beauty, neatness and quality of the accessory. The harmonious combination of this little thing with the girl is also important. In some countries, two accessories are put on the leg, one of which remains with the new wife until the wedding night. If the pomp and shockingness of the first, “honey”, can be neglected (the groom is interested in something else!), then the second should be spectacular, because the guests will also see it. Wide and narrow, lace and silk, single-layer and multi-tiered - the choice is huge!

Red garter of the bride

Snow-white outfits today are not the only possible ones. Following current trends in wedding fashion, girls often opt for elegant decorations in other colors. So, a red dress, a wedding leg garter and shoes of a similar color can make an excellent tandem. Whether it is made entirely of red material or trimmed with elements of this color is up to the bride to choose, but the second option looks more elegant, hinting at virgin purity. The following are used as decoration:

  • bows;
  • beads;
  • satin ribbons;
  • lace and embroidery.

Blue wedding garter

This color is the personification of purity. Also, the bride's blue garter serves as a symbol of fidelity. Considering that in the future the accessory will go to a man, this color scheme is quite appropriate. They are predominantly made of white material, and elements of blue and its shades serve as decor. At the moment when the groom, having lifted his beloved onto a chair, removes this small thing from her leg with his hands or even his teeth, the guests cannot take their eyes off what is happening! For harmony, it is worth adding a belt, shoes or shoes made in blue to the girl’s image.

Brown bridal garter

Claim that brown is a popular color wedding dresses, you can’t, but its shades deserve attention. Outfits made in light beige and coffee colors are trendy. A beautiful garter on the bride's leg, decorated with a brown ribbon or bow, will also look appropriate on the guy who catches it. Tradition suggests that he, having put the accessory on his leg, should dance with an unmarried girl who was lucky enough to become the owner of the bride’s bouquet. This does not oblige them to subsequent marriage, but it is believed that they are destined to be together.

White garter of the bride

If a red accessory symbolizes love, and a blue one foreshadows the birth of the first-born boy, then White color The bride's garter represents purity. To create a little thing, which is one of the symbols of the new family, all you need is an elastic band, which can be narrow or wide, and a small piece of openwork lace. The best addition to the accessory is jewelry of golden or silver color, symbolizing material wealth in the home. You should not purchase products that use fishing line and other hard materials that can cause discomfort to the girl.

Bride's lace garter

The charm of delicate, exquisitely patterned, airy lace, presented today in an incredible stylistic variety, makes it the most popular material for creating wedding accessories. Modern technologies They allow the production of canvases by machine, but the work of handicraftsmen is valued more highly. Amazingly beautiful garters for the bride, made of dense or finest lace, are associated with lightness and a sense of celebration. Comfortable wedding stockings and a garter will make the girl feel like a true queen on this day!

But is it so great importance Does the bride's red, white or blue garter adorn her leg under her dress? Love, trust, loyalty and understanding are the key to a new family!

On the wedding day, every detail of the bride's attire should be beautiful, especially the one that has special meaning for the guests - the garter on the bride's leg. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of good luck and family happiness, which every unmarried man secretly desires to find.

Why does a bride need a garter at a wedding?

The garter was present in a woman’s attire as an accessory that allowed her stockings to stay on her legs: initially it was just a ribbon tied tightly around the leg above the knee, but three centuries ago the French made it a real work of art. Modern garters are made of lace, guipure, satin in completely different colors and decorated with beads, ribbons and other decorative elements.

So, why does a bride need a garter? Firstly, it is a beautiful and sensual accessory that adorns a woman’s underwear, and secondly, it participates in the traditional ritual of throwing unmarried men into the crowd. In Medieval Europe, they always tried to literally tear off a piece of fabric or jewelry from the bride and groom’s outfit for good luck; later, men tried to steal the bride’s garter to give to their ladies for good luck.

In some countries, the groom would throw a garter into the air at the end of the evening to distract the guests and have privacy with his beloved. Several centuries ago, barbaric traditions gave way to the beautiful custom of voluntarily throwing the bouquet and garter of the bride. Now the one who caught the bride's garter and her bouquet will soon find his family happiness.

Traditions and customs associated with putting on and throwing the garter

The process of garter throwing as we know it now came to us from America.

In this country it receives special attention:

  1. During the preparations, two garters are put on the bride’s right leg: one above the knee, the other on the palm above;
  2. According to the traditions and signs of the USA, the bride’s garter is thrown before the bouquet, and not after, as usually happens here;
  3. The groom places the bride on a chair and independently removes the lower garter from the bride's right leg with his teeth;
  4. After the man has caught the bride's garter, he puts it on the leg of the girl who caught the bouquet, after which he spins her around in a dance;
  5. The second garter remains on the bride's leg and is removed by the husband on the wedding night, after which it remains in the new family's home as a lasting memory.

The garter became a symbol of happiness and good luck in the 14th century, when King Edward, at a ball, picked up his beloved’s ribbon that had accidentally fallen from his leg, and, in order to avoid inconvenience, raised it high up and showed it to everyone present as a symbol of good luck in love. After this, the Order of the Garter was organized, whose members defended women's honor and preserved her dignity.

In France, it is believed that a man who catches the bride's garter will be happy and lucky in life and in love, and the whole evening at the wedding he will be surrounded by the most beautiful girls. Our country has its own traditions and signs about the bride’s garter: she throws herself after the bouquet, and the lucky one who catches her must soon marry his beloved or meet her.

How is the garter throwing ceremony performed?

Now there are no strict rules regarding this women's wedding accessory: the bride decides which leg to wear the garter on herself. If you decide to use two garters, they can be worn on one or both legs. In general, it is advisable to leave this sexy accessory on for the first wedding night, and if the bride is uncomfortable wearing two garters, she can wear a pre-prepared item before the first close meeting with her husband.

Typically, the garter is thrown at the end of the evening after the wedding cake is served and the bride's bouquet is thrown. The newlyweds go to the center of the hall, after which they act according to a pre-agreed scenario: a particularly dexterous man can remove the garter with his teeth, if the girl is not embarrassed by this, most often he does it with both hands.

To avoid awkwardness, especially if the groom does not know which leg the bride’s garter is on, the girl can remove the garter from her leg and give it to the groom.

The host invites all unmarried men to go to the center of the hall and stand behind the groom. On command, the groom throws the garter up over his head, and the men try to catch it or, conversely, avoid it. At this moment, usually the girls of the men in the hall scream loudly and cheer for their lovers, because each of them wants to find herself in the place of the bride as soon as possible.

How to choose a wedding garter and where to buy it?

Considering that the bride's garter is becoming a public domain, it should look beautiful and sophisticated. Depending on why the bride needs a garter: to perform a ceremony or for the first wedding night, or for both, the choice of this accessory depends. If a woman puts on two garters, then the one that stays with her until the night is usually narrower and more modest than the one that is given to the groom.

A wide garter is usually made from several laces of different widths using beads, ribbons and even feathers. The color of the decorative ribbon can be any: classic, matching the bride’s shoes and linen, or bright if the fabric of the dress is opaque. Where to buy a garter for the bride? This can be done in bridal salons and in women's underwear stores, and the price of a bride's garter depends on the materials used, decorations and the salon's markup.

Most often, its cost depends on where to buy a garter for the bride. There is an easy way to reduce the price of a bride's garter and turn it into a real work of art - make it yourself.

To do this, you need to purchase a thin elastic band and cut it according to the circumference of the leg, buy one or a pair of laces 1.5-2 times longer than the length of the elastic band to obtain beautiful ruffles. You will also need decorative elements: beads or beads, you can also get by with ribbons from which bows are made.

So, why does a bride need a garter? To feel like a real woman, seductive and attractive, and also to give hope to a happy unmarried man to find his family happiness, therefore this detail of the bride’s wardrobe should be beautiful and original.

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