Non-traditional KVN parent meeting for parents “Connoisseurs of Nature. “We are starting KVN!” scenario of an event on speech development for parents and children of the senior KVN group in kindergarten between parents

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Hello, dear parents! We are glad to see you again in our hall. So, let's start KVN!

(the presenter represents the KVN participants)

1 team "Strong"- fathers of 5 people. Introducing the captain......

2nd team "Kids"- mothers of 5 people. Introducing the captain...

(they come out to the song “We are starting KVN”)

The presenter introduces the jury members.

Stage 1: Greeting the teams.

1 team. Our parental greetings to the “Kids” team! We wish you not to win, and we not to lose!

2nd team. Our maternal greetings to the Krepyshi team! Sour, sour, sour milk, the victory is still ours!

Stage 2: Homework.

Assignment: act out a scene that would reflect incidents from the lives of children and adults “What Shouldn’t Happen”

Sketch by the team "Strong" - "Good Girl"

Ved: the two-year-old granddaughter bit off half of the candy and handed the other half to her grandmother.

Grandma: Oh, you’re my little darling!

Ved: She was touched, kissing the tiny hand.

Grandmother: You are my good one, you are never greedy and everyone will love you.

Ved: But she didn’t take the candy herself.

Grandmother: Eat it yourself, I’m not little.

Ved: In the evening, while playing for my parents, my grandmother asked slyly...

Grandma: Give me a piece of apple.

Girl: take it.

Ved: The baby willingly agreed, and the mother was touched.

Mom: Will you give me a treat?

Ved: The girl readily ran to her.

Dad: And me?

Ved: Dad entered the game. Everyone patted her on the head and praised her, but no one took the apple.

Ved: The girl liked to be generous. She treated both neighbors and guests. And they also smiled and said: “Good girl!” But they were all not “small” and therefore didn’t take anything.

But then one day, a few months later, one of my friends said: “Thank you” and put the treat in his mouth. The little girl was dumbfounded, then her face wrinkled and she said...

Girl: Give it back!

Mom: Aren't you ashamed? After all, you treated your uncle yourself? She was such a kind girl...

Girl: Why did he take it?

Sketch by the "Kids" team - "Not a tasty pie"

Ved: A neighbor baked a pie. I cut off a large piece and brought it to two-year-old Kostya.

Kostya: Your pie is not tasty!

Ved: And he turned away.

Neighbor: But you haven’t even tried it, take a bite.

Kostya: No, mom says it’s not tasty.

Ved: Mom blushes, and the neighbor is offended. Kostya stands in the corner, punished for his insolence and weeps bitterly.

After all, he told the truth, repeated what he heard the day before, when mom was discussing the neighbor's pies with

his friend, and he was punished for it.

Stage 3: Solving pedagogical problems.

1 team. Baby 1 year old 10 months Trying to dress himself. Here he is, groaning, putting on tights, nothing

It turns out. The mother intervenes. Me myself! - the child protests. Sit still, otherwise I won’t take you for a walk!

I want it myself! - the kid declares again.

Question: 1. Is the mother doing the right thing?

2. What range of work activities is available to a child of the second year of life?

2nd team. Mom invites Alyosha, who is 2 - uh, to go to bed, but he doesn’t want to. She turns to her son and

He says: “After all, you are already big. Now dad will see how you learned to unlace your shoes and how you can neatly fold your clothes.

Question: 1. Why does the mother make demands in this way?

2. Do you think Alyosha will willingly go to bed?

1 team. A two-year-old child was given a pencil and paper, after 2 seconds the paper on which the

One line is lying under the table. After a few more seconds, the baby draws on the table, wall, and then the pencil flies after the paper. He already has the car in his hands, after fiddling with it a little, he’s already running to the kitchen to turn it around

Gas stove taps, or climbs on the table to stick his finger into an electrical outlet.

Question: 1. How can you explain the rapid change in the baby’s actions?

2. Give parents advice on raising such a child.

2nd team. We bought a new toy for a two-year-old child. He rejoices and invites the neighbor boy to play.

But mom immediately extinguishes this joy: “Don’t give it to anyone, play yourself, otherwise they’ll take it away.” But the toy immediately gets boring, the baby throws it and runs to play with the children.

Question: 1. What qualities can a child develop as a result of this kind of instruction?

2. Give examples of instilling in children the desire and ability to share with others,

To give in to something to others.

Task: A two-year-old girl, Marina, has a bad habit of sucking her thumb. The teacher reminded the girl more than once that she should not suck sticks, but this did not help. Then she began to carefully watch Marina and as soon as she put her finger in her mouth, the teacher offered her

She started playing with an interesting toy without saying, “You can’t put your finger in your mouth.” But

Habit took over. The teacher decided to tie the little shoulder. And one day Marina said to the teacher, “And I spat my finger.”

Question to the teams:Who can name more examples of techniques that can be used to

Wean children from bad habits.

Stage 4: “Guess”

Question: What can you tell about a child by looking at his facial expression? What is he like?

Team 1: Surprise, fear, tears.

Team 2: Sadness, joy, anger.

Exercise: Who can match the facial expression to the corresponding picture faster?

Stage 5: “Folk poetry for children”

He carefully accompanied the people with poetic words at every stage in the child’s life. The first works of art - the words that a child hears in childhood - are folk songs. IN

Families with small children hear melodious lullabies and funny nursery rhymes. The calm melody of a lullaby calms the child, and a cheerful nursery rhyme makes him happy.

I propose to name folk songs and nursery rhymes that vary in content that you tell to your children.

Stage 6: Competition of captains - “artists”

Exercise: Copy your children in any situation.

Note: After each stage of KVN, the jury reports on the results of the competition. You can add puzzles, crosswords, and charades to the script.

KVN between parents and children

17.10.2011 11934 1027

KVN between parents and children.

Preliminary preparation: Some children and parents take part in the competition. The rest prepare musical performances that are held between competitions.

Ved:Good afternoon to everyone who feels comfortable and close to the walls of our hall. Today we have a family holiday. Competition between parents and children.

The jury at our competition is the largest. These are all our viewers. They will evaluate the competitions by clapping. Let's see if the audience will succeed. So, we are glad to see all the guests, in a word, all those who are with us on this day!

Presentation of participants.

Attention attention! The task is already sounding.

1 task. "Declaration of love."

(Greetings to the opposing team. Declaration of love).

Children to parents: You are so nice to us! Parents are just awesome!

Parents to children: You are beautiful, like stars, and your eyes sparkle with fire,

And your sweet smiles outshine the sun during the day!

Ved:We wish everyone only happiness, and we will tell you a secret

There are simply no such children or parents in the whole school!

(Musical number.)

Task 2. Competition "Unicorn" ».

(Dads and boys participate.) Participants have buttons glued to their foreheads using tape so that the needle sticks out. Then they take the balls, and at the signal announcing the start of the competition, the players must throw them into the air and try to pierce them with their horn.

(Musical number.)

3 task.

Cinderella competition.

Separate rice from buckwheat. (Musical number.)

4 task. Competition "Friendship".

It is checked which team is the friendliest. Together, make a chain of paper clips. (Musical number.)

Task 5. "Egyptian Mummy".

Using a roll of toilet paper, each team turns one of their players into an Egyptian mummy. The team that does it faster wins. Actions are performed while the music is playing.

(Musical number.)

6 task. Competition "Understand Me".

Let's check how children and parents understand each other. Drawing competition. Let's draw a horse. Children - head and front legs, i.e. the first half of the body. Parents - the other half of the body and the tail. Try to make the halves fit together. (Musical number.)

Task 7.

Competition "Tender Words".

Affectionate words are spoken to the opposing team. (Musical number.)

Task 8. "Artist Competition".

Let's check what kind of artists you are. Pantomime, i.e. using movements, without using your voice, show your team the proverb that is written on a piece of paper so that the team knows what it is about.

To parents:Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

For children:If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

(Musical number.)

Task 9. Competition "The Friendliest Team"

Now we will check how close you are in your team. Two participants, holding hands, must try to wrap the book in newspaper.

(Musical number.)


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Nomination “Working with Parents”

This form of methodological work in preschool educational institutions helps to activate existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and create a favorable psychological climate between parents.

Relevance: increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents through the organization of joint activities.

Goals: optimization of interpersonal relationships, development of group interaction skills, the ability to take into account the opinions of others. Combining the efforts of parents and teachers related to diversified development; creating an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation, establishing partnerships in professional communication with parents of students.

Formation of teams.

3 teams are formed. This is done like this: everyone sits in a general circle, the command is given: “Women, stand up!” The first 5 - 7 people are determined.

    Thank you, everyone else - sit down!

    Those who respect themselves take a step forward!

    If you're not sure, take a step back! (those who did - thank you, sat down)

    Interesting people - step forward!

    Leaders, step forward! (first 3 people)

The rest - thank you, sat down, and applause for the leaders.

Dear leaders! It’s bad to be alone, so quickly look around, find a couple and invite them to your place. Fabulous! You have been chosen, express gratitude to the leaders - applause.

Now be ungrateful, turn around and quickly choose another pair, they thank you (applause).

Thank you, now the third leads the fourth, the fourth leads the fifth, the fifth leads the sixth.

If there are others left, then the command is given: “Disperse to the teams that you like.” This creates 3 teams.

Preparation and presentation of teams. Have each team stand in a tight circle and hold hands. Dear leaders, count how many people you have?

If there are 2 - 3 more people, then you need to correct the situation like this: first, they turn away the leaders from numerous teams, then the leader of a small team points to any person from a large team, and the leader from a large team, turning away, calls any number from 1 to 10, and pronounces the words “left” or “right”. Whoever the score stops at, without resentment, goes to a small team. Please sit in 3 open circles.

I ask for attention and silence. You may think that you already have commands. This is wrong. You will have a team only when you become a cohesive team, when you have your chosen captain, team name and slogan. You are given 10 minutes to prepare: you must choose a captain (it can also be your leader, but this is not necessary), you must come up with the name of your team, a slogan and support your slogan with a staged skit. But, if you are “Space Pigs”, you have to show it. Please note that 10 minutes is very little and that the jury will first pay attention to the cohesion of your team. I wish to prove to you that your team is the most friendly! So now there are full teams.

Seeing off controllers.

Exercise. Now we will have games and competitions in which the team that understands each other better without words will win. Negotiations and any signs are prohibited; try to achieve consistency by sensing the situation. But it’s no secret that you can win by breaking the rules if the team begins to somehow quietly negotiate within itself. You are interested in your opponents playing fairly, so choose controllers from your team who will stop rule violations on your opponents' team. One of the controllers will go to the team on your right, the other to the team on your left.

  • Teams! You know very well how people feel about controllers. Controllers prevent people from winning, you send them to someone else's team, almost to certain death. And you just let them go? A ceremonial farewell to the controllers, please.
  • Dear controllers! For attempts to reach an agreement, you can cancel the results and fine the team.

Team coordination games.

1. Attention! I will speak quickly, listen carefully. Now I will name the number, and when the whistle blows, as many people in the team as I name must stand up. Controllers, be careful!

The presenter calls any number, but no more than the number of people sitting in the team. “Attention, stand up (two, five, etc.)

2. Attention! Raise your hand to your shoulder, finger up. At the signal, you need to throw out your hand, point to someone in the group. Where will there be more hands pointing at one? (repeated several times). Let the person on the team who thinks that the largest number of hands pointed to him stand up.

You can't argue with controllers. As before, each time a victory is recorded by applause for the winning team, and they are given a point for this.

3. Attention! They raised their hand clenched into a fist. Now the whistle blows, you will need to throw out a certain number of fingers! On which team will more people throw up the same number of fingers? You cannot repeat the number of fingers thrown out the previous time. Controllers, check.

5. Such tender words... For this task, we will need from each team two people who have the warmest souls and ardent hearts. 1 minute to choose. Thank you and applause to our speakers. Which team considers itself the strongest? Great, you play first.

The presenter places two chairs in the center, one opposite the other.

The task is as follows: looking at this wonderful woman, as long as possible, without pause, tell her kind, warm, beautiful words. You can use epithets “beautiful... sweet... amazing...”, or talk about the feelings that she gives birth to in you, but you must speak without pauses, and she must be pleased with your words. She should listen and feel pleasure. Who can last more than 2 minutes? A pause of more than 5 seconds means the end of speech. Get ready, please.

Game over.

The results are announced.

  • Thank you! Our KVN has come to an end. KVN evoked a lot of feelings in us. I ask you to express all these feelings. The last task is to express feelings to yourself, the other team, the activity and the leader. I ask the leaders to speak!

Thank you very much everyone, goodbye!


  1. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play. M. Pedagogy, 1978. 304 p.
  2. Zolotarevsky L. For the cheerful and resourceful. Soviet culture. 1963. 31 Jan. S. 2.

Speech therapy entertainment KVN in the preparatory group between teams of children and parents.

Integration of educational areas:

“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Types of children's activities:


  • Speech Target: Fostering mutual assistance, collectivism, the ability to work together, help each other, the ability to listen to each other, and a sense of responsibility to one’s team.


    “Speech development”: systematize the knowledge acquired by children in the classroom; develop the grammatical structure of speech; enrich vocabulary, develop memory, speech attention, imagination; develop the ability to learn to think, draw conclusions, analyze; develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention, visual memory.

    "Physical development": develop correct posture, coordinate movements, navigate in space, develop graphic skills, fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm.

    “Artistic and aesthetic development”: develop interest in the artistic word, in speech, expand knowledge and horizons;

    “Social and communicative development”: cultivate independence, self-control, mutual assistance. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from a joint event. Encouraging children and parents to actively participate. Involving parents in a joint event to establish a good, trusting relationship with the child.

Equipment: KVN letters, cut-out pictures, letters for making words, circles: blue, red, green, hoops (baskets), object pictures, emblems, autumn leaves for the jury.

Progress of entertainment:

I. Participants in the game to the music “We are starting KVN...” enter the hall.

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Let's start our KVN. Today there are two teams participating in it. Your opponents, dear parents, will be your children – the “Umnikov” team. “Wise Men”, and your opponents are the “Wise Men” team. I suggest players choose captains. So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places. Our competition will be assessed by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the kindergarten’s structural unit will be announced).

1. The first task is warm-up (Logic, memory, thinking). Find the extra word:

1) Bagel, pan, cup, ladle.

2) Sausages, spoon, fork, knife.

3) Pot, frying pan, milk, cup.

4) Teapot, milk jug, cup, boots.

5) Frying pan, pear, sugar bowl, slotted spoon.

6. Coffee pot, candy, saucer, tureen.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition

2. We continue KVN.

Second competition Minus - plus, Fire - water, Daring - cautious. All antonyms are always opposite.

Game "On the contrary".(Questions are asked alternately to one and the other team). The sugar is sweet, and the pepper The road is wide, and the path... The plasticine is soft, and the stone... The tea is hot, and the ice cream... The jelly is thick, and the fruit drink... The sandpaper sheet is rough, and the sheet of paper... The hare runs quickly, and the turtle crawls... It’s light in the daytime, and in the evening ... The porridge is cooked thick and ... Animals can be brave and ... Carrots can be eaten raw and ... Apples can be small and ...


3. Third competition.

Who wants to talk he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly so that everything is clear. Therefore, the next task is “Who will talk to whom.” (The task is to remember the tongue twister, pronounce it quickly and clearly). From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Forty forty ate the cheese in a short time. The cuckoo bought a hood. The cuckoo put on a hood. He looks funny in a hood. The spruce looks like a hedgehog, and the spruce with needles also looks like a hedgehog. The crow missed the crow. On a marsh hummock in the dark night, a bird duck drank some water. Thirty-three cars in a row chatter and rattle. The bells are ringing near the stake. The owl advises the owl that the neighbor should sleep on the sofa. On the sofa you will have such a sweet dream about the owls.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

4.Fourth competition"Tell a poem." For this task I invite team captains. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task for you is very simple: you need to recite poems using gestures and facial expressions. The opponents’ task is to guess the “told” poem. For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “Teddy Bear” For the “Wise Men” team - the poem “They dropped the bear on the floor...”

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come. Giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

5. The fifth competition is “Knowledge Competition”. It consists of 4 tasks.

- 1. First task “Choose pictures with the sound K from the tray “Parents look for the sound K in the middle of the word, and children look for the sound K at the beginning, and then the captain calls the player who tells why he collected these particular items. For example: “Pan, in this word the sound “K” is at the beginning of the word.”

- 2.Second task “Guess the encrypted word.” (They name the word by the sounds of the team and guess) For parents, the word is KNIVES, and for children, SPOONS.

- 3. Third task “Cryptographers” (sound analysis of a word)“Lay out the circles” and overtake the team of wise men . We remember that hard consonants are indicated by a blue circle, and soft consonants by a green circle. Vowel sounds are circled in red. Each team makes words from the circles. Children say CUPS, and parents. MUGS.

- 4 Task “Guess the word by the first sounds of the words. Pictures are displayed first for the first team, and then for the second. U mniki LADLE - saucepan, hoop, bucket, slotted spoon. Smarties Sages. TEAPOT – stocking, watermelon, iodine, thread, needle.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

6. Sixth task “Say a word.” We start this task with the parents. There is one game for you:
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, and you try,

Necessary words
Add in unison.

1. And in the fall everything is green

It’s thick, pine…(forest)

2.If the sun is hot

Or the rain wets the lawn,

It won't scare us

The umbrella will cover you and me

3. Along the river, along the water of the clouds, a caravan

It's spreading white, autumn... (fog)

4. To keep us warm,

We wear it in the fall...(coat)

5. There are gray autumn clouds

Your angry leader,

Shoots arrows all day - Silver (rain)

6. Everyone is happy about such a miracle - autumn gives us (leaf fall)

7. The fields are empty,
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen? (autumn)

8. The garden in the village is empty,
Cobwebs fly into the distance,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us? (September)

9. Nature’s face is becoming increasingly gloomy:
The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are fading,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us? (October)

10.The field became black and white;
It rains, it snows,
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me? (november)

11. It is unknown where he lives.
It will fly and bend the trees.
Whistles - there is a shiver along the river
You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. (wind)

12. Sacks with holes are wandering around,
And it happens sometimes
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From the holey...(cloud)

13. Came without paints and without a brush,
And I repainted all the leaves. (autumn)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

7.Seventh task “Collect a picture.” Tell me what parts the object consists of.

8. Eighth task: “Find the answer” It happens in the mornings and evenings; because of it you can’t see anything ahead. When he walks, he never ceases to feel sad in his soul and wet on the street. It is very beautiful and solemn that the trees shed their golden outfit... He can whisper, whistle, rage, get angry, push passers-by in the back, tear leaves from the trees. It looks like snow needles that decorate tree branches. She floats across the sky, dark, threatening, and then suddenly bursts into tears with bitter tears.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

9. Ninth task. "Find the error" I will name words denoting objects and phenomena related to autumn, but I will deliberately make mistakes. Your task is to find them.

Leaf fall, the beginning of the school year, snowdrops, wind.

Fog, frost, mushroom picking, ice drift.

Santa Claus, harvest, birds flying away, first snow.

Clouds, opening of the swimming season, rains, colder temperatures.

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

10..Tenth task. Working with matches. It often rains in autumn, and therefore we cannot do without an umbrella. Look how the picture of an umbrella made of matches is drawn on the piece of paper. I give both teams a few seconds to remember the image. Now I’ll turn the leaf over, and you can repeat it from memory too...

Now let's complicate the tasks. Arrange just two matches so that you get three identical triangles. Which team can handle it faster?

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition.

11. Presenter (speech therapist): Assignment - “Learn the word.” Children are called: 6 people, the speech therapist speaks 1 sound in each ear, then they pronounce these sounds in turn and learn the word P-O-B-E-D-A (VICTORY); Then parents - 6 people - the word D-R -U-Z-B-A (FRIENDSHIP)

Leading: And again the time for the jury has come, giving marks has become a tradition. The jury evaluates and comments on the competition. In the meantime, while the jury is deliberating and summing up the final results, I announce a musical break (the tape recorder turns on). Now comes the most important moment. No matter who is ahead, we can say with confidence: friendship, ingenuity and resourcefulness won today.

Meanwhile, the jury summed up the results. Leading: We thank our jury members for their creative work in judging our competitions. And we thank the team members for their resourcefulness, ingenuity and perseverance in achieving fame and success. Prizes or certificates are awarded.

Leading: We hope for new tournaments, games, meetings!

A child reads a poem

We thought and had fun

And sometimes they even argued

But we became very good friends

Behind our game.

Game is replaced by game,

Game over!

But the friendship doesn't end there. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The final countdown.

We are finishing our holiday

And let's count it all together:

May everything work out for you in life!

May you always be healthy!

To warm the soul from the inside - three!

May everyone live in love and peace - four!

To never lose heart - five!

So you can’t count your friends – six!

To give warmth to everyone - seven!

May the autumn be fruitful - eight!

That everything will be fine, believe - nine!

And finally, more

Ten good songs!

More kindness, patience, effort...

Well, let's say goodbye and tell everyone...

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