Tenderness is the meekest timid divine face. An essay based on the text of Teffi about love and tenderness. How to select texts for practice essays


(1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love-passion - always with an eye on yourself. (3) She wants to conquer, seduce, she wants to please, she preens herself, puts her hands on her hips, measures, and is always afraid of missing out on what she has lost. (4) Love-tenderness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because “she is not looking for her own.” (6) She’s the only one who’s not looking. (7) But one should not think that a feeling of tenderness degrades a person. (8)On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a defenseless creature in need of care can be looked after and protected, therefore words of tenderness are diminutive words, going from the strong to the weak.

(11) Tenderness is rare and increasingly rare. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man, even in love, strives first of all to establish his personality. (14) Love is a martial arts.

(15) Yeah! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up your sleeves, straighten your shoulders - come on, who will win?

(19) Is there any tenderness here? (20) And who to protect, who to pity - all are well done and heroes. (21) He who knows tenderness is marked.

(22) In the minds of many, tenderness is always depicted in the form of a meek woman bending towards the head of the bed. (23) No, that’s not where you need to look for tenderness. (24) I saw her differently: in forms that were not at all poetic, in simple, even funny ones.

(25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and gossiped. (27) There was only one real patient - a feisty old man recovering from typhus.

(28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a chaise lounge, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, he turned away and closed his eyes. (29) His wife hovered around the old man, like a trembling bird. (30) The woman is middle-aged, dry, light, with a faded face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) She kept adjusting something around her patient. (33) Now she turned over the newspaper, now she fluffed the pillow, now she tucked in the blanket, now she ran to warm the milk, now she dripped medicine. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked friendly with everyone and asked:

Here, maybe you can help me? (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: “What happens in a residential building?” (37) Four letters. (38) I write it down on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he gets stuck, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) Patients are like children. (42) I’m so glad that at least this amuses him.

(43) They pitied her and treated her with great sympathy.

(44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with blankets, and propped up pillows. (46) He winced and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering joyfully, grabbed the newspaper.

(48) Here, Serezhenka, today there seems to be a very interesting crossword puzzle.

(49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out his angry yellow eyes and began to shake all over.

(50) Finally, get to hell with your idiotic crossword puzzles! – he hissed furiously.

(51) She turned pale and somehow sank.

(52) But you... - she babbled in confusion. – (53) After all, you were always interested in...

(54) I was never interested! – he kept shaking and hissing, looking with animal pleasure at her pale, desperate face. – (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate that you are!

(57) She didn’t answer anything. (58) She just swallowed air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and such despair, as if she was looking for help. (59) But who can take such a funny and stupid grief seriously? (60) Only a little boy, sitting at the next table and seeing this scene, suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.

(according to N.A. Teffi*)

* Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Teffi (1872–1952) – Russian writer, poet, memoirist and translator.

Main problems

1. The problem of understanding love and tenderness (What is tenderness?)

1. Tenderness is one of the manifestations of the face of love. But this is the most meek and timid face, while love is more like martial arts.

2. The problem of attitude to a loving person(How can one person treat another person who loves him?)

2. Sometimes a person’s attitude towards someone who loves him can be expressed in selfish, rude and even consumerist use.

3. The problem of distinguishing between love-passion and love-tenderness (What is the difference between love-tenderness and love-passion?)

3. Unlike love-passion, which always looks at itself, love-tenderness does not seek its own, gives everything and there is no limit to it; she comes from above, takes care of her beloved, protects, takes care of him.

4. The problem of the disappearance of such a concept as tenderness (Why in modern world Tenderness is becoming less and less common?)

4. Modern man strives to establish himself as an individual in everything. Tenderness is considered a sign of weakness.

Job No. 1



A comment














Job No. 2



A comment














Job No. 1



A comment

Paragraph 1 formulates the problem of understanding tenderness:What is tenderness - this question is answered by...

The problem is commented on, 2 illustrative examples are given: 1) a quote from the text (2nd paragraph), 2) a description of the relationship between the characters in the text and a commentary (4th paragraph).

Given literary argument in paragraph 5 cannot be counted, since it is not on the formulated problem (a person is capable of changing his life for the sake of love; he has turned from a nihilist into a romantic).

The work of the examinee is characterized semantic integrity.

One logical error was made: the conclusion of the last paragraph is weakly connected with the reasoning of the previous paragraph.

The work of the examinee is characterized by a variety of grammatical structure of speech, but there are violations of the accuracy of expression of thoughts. According to criterion K10, 1 point was given.

The work contains graphic errors (slips) caused by the inattentiveness of the writer or haste in writing:express (express) in paragraph 3, whiteness (illness), unanswerable (unanswerable) and etc. , which do not affect literacy scores.

There were 2 serious spelling errors: 1) the same type of errorargues(1 paragraph) and let's consider(4 paragraph); 2) in helping(4 paragraph), 3) main character (4 paragraph).

There are no punctuation errors.

More than 3 grammatical errors were made: incorrect management of a noun with a preposition after a verb in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 –discusses this question (1 paragraph); we can express love to our loved ones (3 paragraph); the story of a sick old man and his wife (4 paragraph); violation of type-temporal correlation of verb forms in paragraph 5 –But he falls in love... and turns from a nihilist...

Allowed 2 speech errors: violation of lexical compatibility of wordsdoesn't leave even one step (4 paragraph), unjustified repetition of wordshelp appears in paragraph 4.

There are no ethical mistakes.

There was a factual error:V story Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" in paragraph 5.

Total: 13 points.

Job No. 2


By describing everyday situations in life, the writer tries to draw the reader’s attention to the lack of expressions of tenderness in modern people. Touching stories help us see the significance of the little things in the relationships that make up our whole lives.

The talented Russian writer Teffi N.A. wrote a collection of stories about a reverent feeling - tenderness. Each described situation is supported by an emotional coloring, emphasizing the importance of what is happening.

Thanks to her laid-back humor and lyrical phrases, her stories very accurately convey the mood and character of the characters. Using the example of relationships between a woman and a man, between children and adults, between people and animals, the author shows how just a few gentle words or gestures can make each of us absolutely happy. Touching and touching statements make a strong impression and force you to reconsider your attitude towards others.

Love and tenderness: the disappearance of tenderness in the modern world

In many episodes, Teffi contrasts the adult world with a child's sense of reality. Immersed in a whirlpool of endless problems, adults forget about humanity, showing dryness and cruelty. While children perceive the world through warmth and heartfelt experiences. Tenderness towards a child is manifested primarily through tactile contact.

For harmonious development, every baby needs to feel a parent’s embrace. Moreover, the number of hugs per day affects the child differently; once is not enough. Scientists have conducted many experiments proving that hugging a sick baby helps him recover faster.

  • In stories “Our Life”, “We Are Evil”, “Easter Child” the author shows how ordinary events ground a person. And only immersion in the world of fantasy, pink dreams and transcendental desires, filled with love and tenderness, help us become happier.
  • The writer’s inspired statement fully reflects her feminine position: “Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. This is the feeling that comes from above and takes care of his loved one, protects him."
  • Teffi says that this trembling experience is a continuation of love, its important component. Showing warmth and gentleness towards another person, a sincere gratuitous desire to help and protect - all this is a manifestation of tenderness.
  • In her reasoning, the writer compares combination of love with passion and love with tenderness, giving preference to the second option. For example real stories, shows a number of advantages of showing tenderness over other feelings. Love combined with tenderness is selfless and merciful.

  • In a fit of tenderness people strive give your warmth, attention, care. Love combined with passion is more selfish. A person consumed by passion strives for his own saturation, satisfaction and well-being. But in true love you need to give yourself to another person.

Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of Teffi’s love

In one of the stories, Teffi shares her impressions of her observations of an elderly couple. The wife is caring for her sick husband and trying in every possible way to brighten up his difficult situation.

  • Creating the image of a woman, the author emphasizes her “anxious-happy eyes.” Dislike for a man reinforces his unkempt, gloomy appearance. In exchange for a reverent and caring attitude, the woman listens to her husband’s rude statements and endures boorish attitude.
  • The feeling of all-forgiving love and tenderness towards her husband helps her resist his ignorance. It is safe to say that the heroine has inner strength. Not everyone is ready to open their heart and soul to another person.
  • Your pity for the heroine, Teffi shows the example of a little boy bursting into tears who witnessed the unfair attitude of a man towards a woman. Using this situation as an example, the author shows the power of tenderness that elevates a person.

  • This feeling makes you want to take care of your loved ones and protect them from adversity. Weak and sick people are in dire need of tenderness; it helps them become stronger and overcome their illness: “But only a defenseless creature that needs care can be taken care of and protected, so words of tenderness are diminutive words, going from the strong to the weak.”
  • Feeling support from others, people have hope and faith in a bright future.
  • Teffi's statement: “The sister of tenderness is pity and they always go together” shared by Archbishop John Shakhovskoy. In his poem, he writes that tenderness and pity are not separated, and come to each person as a single whole: “... Pity and tenderness, tenderness and pity always go together…».

It is important not to overdo it when expressing your feelings. Excessive displays of tenderness are devalued in the eyes of a partner. He stops appreciating your actions. Obsessive care can cause irritation. The person will begin to avoid you. When expressing your feelings, it is necessary to analyze the reaction of the opposite sex. We see an excess of attention in Teffi's story.

Instead of gratitude, the woman caused anger and irritation in her husband. A striking example would be children or animals. Every baby needs tenderness. But when he is constantly squeezed, he ceases to feel satisfaction from this process. Animals also happily perceive human love and affection. But when they are not allowed out of their hands and their freedom of action is limited, it causes them fear.

Shows of affection are much less likely to come from men than from women. Men strive for a strong image. They try to avoid experiences that make them vulnerable. Often this behavior is due to imitation of his father. Since childhood, we see expressions of affection primarily from the mother and, only in rare cases, it comes from the father.

Wanting to raise a real man in their son, many parents consider displays of tenderness inappropriate. But a person who has not experienced tenderness in childhood is unlikely to be able to make another person happy. Nobody taught him this. Of course, each person is individual and such experience can be acquired in your adult life.

There is a category of men who compare tenderness with affection. There is a fear of losing your inner freedom. Instead of tenderness, the male sex prefers sexual contact. However, these are radically opposite concepts. The manifestation of tenderness is aimed at caring for another person, and in a fit of passion, a man first of all cares about satisfying his own desires.

Every person wants to be loved, to feel a reverent attitude towards himself. At the same time, we need people to whom we can give our care and tenderness. Seeing gratitude in a person’s eyes, feeling important – all this gives special pleasure.

Every woman needs spontaneous, unpredictable expressions of love. It is important for her to receive signs of attention, hear kind words, and feel support. When a woman is treated not as a partner, assistant, housewife, but as a loved one to a loved one, she begins to feel more confident. And that doesn't say at all about female inferiority or initially low self-esteem:“But one should not think that the feeling of tenderness degrades a person. Vice versa. Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him.”

You can show your tenderness in different ways. Gentle words, affectionate touches, a kind look and smile, physical contact - all this is a form of expression of your feelings. It is this kind of tenderness that is a real manifestation of the heart, and not physiological needs. With the help of such manifestations, the union of partners is consolidated at the energy level.

We are increasingly faced with indifference, cold looks, and emotionless statements. People who are dissatisfied with themselves and surrounding events, immersed in their own problems, do not notice the disappearance of tenderness in the modern world. There is no room left for her. Many even hate this feeling, because they are embarrassed to open their souls or simply do not know how to express their experiences. It is difficult to say what generally brings them joy.

Tenderness comes only from strong people who were not afraid to bare their soul and heart. This feeling can change a person, giving them a new taste for life. By sharing our inner experiences with loved ones, we make them happier.

What is tenderness through the eyes of different people?

  • Tenderness manifests itself in excitement and embarrassment when meeting a loved one.
  • When you look at a photo of a loved one, your heart skips a beat from a surge of tenderness.
  • Tenderness- this is an embarrassed smile on your face, filled with the light of your soul.

Tenderness is an embarrassed smile
  • - these are reverent touches, tender kisses, stroking every mole and wrinkle on the body.
  • Tenderness- this is when you can’t get enough of the voice of a loved one, when you whisper about love with your eyes.
  • Tenderness- this is stroking hair, inhaling the aroma of the body, the beating of the heart of a loved one.
  • Tenderness- these are memories of the touch of a loved one on your lips, eyes, hands.
  • Tenderness manifests itself in caution, trust, tact, and care. Wild passion is inappropriate here.
  • Tenderness- this is a state of an open, sincere, bright, full of care and inner fullness of a person.

Video: Showing love and tenderness

It was here, at the very edge of the forest, not far from the village of Osinka Bryansk. We walked through the pine forest along swollen holes filled with old pine needles and overgrown with grasses. These were combat cells. Marshal Vasilevsky, I remember, said: these single trenches had to be abandoned in the first year of the war - the soldiers in them felt depressed and insecure. The common trench, the feeling of a comrade's elbow, made people more resilient and united. But then the long-standing battle on August 16, 1941 was fought by the cavalrymen, lying in cells. The communications squadron of the 112th Cavalry Regiment, 21st Division, 13th Army found itself in the path of Guderian's tanks, which were inexorably rolling towards the East. And a handful of fighters, not knowing what kind of force they would encounter, tied their horses in the lowlands and dug in at the edge of the forest for battle. They crushed the motorcyclists, confidently rushing along the highway, with heavy fire, forced them to retreat with losses, and what could the horsemen do against the tanks? Everyone died. Residents of the village of Osinka buried them right there, in the forest, in three graves.
After the war, this unequal battle was not forgotten. They erected a monument to a horseman near the road, looking in the direction from which the enemy was coming. People who remembered this little episode Great War, there is no longer left. But my friend Nikolai Starchenko remembers how his grandmother led him along the edge of the forest, showed him holes in the ground and, after crying, tied a birch tree near one of the holes with an embroidered towel. The boy was then seven years old. Taking a stick, he lay down in the cell and aimed at imaginary tanks.
This year marks sixty years since the day when that unequal battle took place. And Nikolai began to prepare for this day ahead of time. He wrote to the Bryansk region that he would come, and consulted on what gifts to bring from Moscow to the still living witnesses of that war - the old men and women in Osinka and other villages. The fellow countryman’s initiative was supported in Surazh, in nearby Belarusian villages. Nikolai suggested to me: “Let’s go to the Bryansk region and see where I grew up...”
And we drove through Maloyaroslavets, Medyn, Yukhnov, Roslavl...
The memorable day in August was sunny, quiet and warm. Several hundred people came from nearby villages - Russian and Belarusian. The orchestra was playing. Speeches were made. We remembered that battle a long time ago. They placed flowers on the graves of, unfortunately, nameless fighters. My friend was in the middle of an exciting event. He made a short speech, and then from two boxes he took out gifts for his fellow countrymen: for old women - colorful bright shawls on their shoulders, for old men - a good book telling about the war, and a flask - to remember the “fighting hundred grams”. In response, words of respect and gratitude were heard: “Thank you, Kolenka, for coming, for encouraging us all to get together, for remembering your native places.”
We returned home from the Bryansk forests along the same road: Roslavl, Yukhnov, Medyn, Maloyaroslavets. Nikolai drove the car, and together we recalled our experiences over three days. We remembered the nameless horsemen, the road along which tanks moved in 1941. “I heard what the old lady said when you threw the shawl over her shoulders. She said: “How I wish I was twenty years younger so that I could appear in public in this new thing.” The long journey flew by unnoticed during the conversations. After forests, pastures, gray villages, small towns, bridges over rivers, a sea of ​​lights suddenly appeared - the Ring Road... How important it is to leave this road from time to time and see something else besides the golden-domed capital dear to all of us.

Unified State Exam essay based on the text by N. Teffi “Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love...” Problem: What role does tenderness play in relationships between people?

What role does tenderness play in relationships between people? It is this question that the Russian writer N.A. Teffi raises in her text.

The author invites the reader to reflect on the essence of tenderness by telling a story from his life. The narrator describes a rude old man who treated the only woman who cared for him with disgust: “She kept adjusting something around her patient. Now she fluffed the pillow, now she tucked in the blanket, now she ran to warm the milk, now she dripped medicine.” It was his wife, trying with all her might to please him so that he would feel good and not need anything. However, the old man scolds her, not paying attention to everything she has done for him. The woman’s face immediately changes, and the author draws the reader’s attention to this everyday incident: “But who can take such a funny and stupid grief seriously?” The author evokes in the reader a feeling of injustice and resentment and shows the terrible side of the old man’s act.

Confirmation of the above can be found on the pages fiction. Thus, in the work of A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” tenderness appears to the reader in an unusual light. Zheltkov loves Vera madly, but realizing that his love is unrequited, Zheltkov still strives to please his beloved. He gives her gifts, showers her with countless compliments in letters, talks about his stupid exploits that he performs for her sake. This sweet obsession is a manifestation of the strong feelings that Zheltkov feels for Vera. Kuprin presents this absurd concern to the reader as tenderness, which prompts Zheltkov to look after Vera. Thus, Zheltkov’s tenderness towards Vera made her think about her life and helped her feel loved.

In N.V. Gogol’s work “Old World Landowners,” tenderness is given a special role. Afanasy Ivanovich and Pulcheria Ivanovna are elderly spouses who, even in old age, continue to love each other. They don’t quarrel, they do housework together and while away the days. In a word, their love is manifested in the pure tenderness that they give each other every day. This mutual care for each other turned them into a single whole, the parts of which cannot live separately. That is why, as soon as Pulcheria Ivanovna dies, Afanasy Ivanovich loses his taste for life and soon also passes into another world. It was tenderness that united these people until the end of their lives, encouraging them to give each other joy and love for life.

Original text

(1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love-passion - always with an eye on yourself. (3) She wants to conquer, seduce, she wants to please, she preens herself, puts her hands on her hips, measures, and is always afraid of missing out on what she has lost. (4) Love-tenderness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because “she is not looking for her own.” (6) She’s the only one who’s not looking. (7) But one should not think that a feeling of tenderness degrades a person. (8)On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a defenseless creature in need of care can be looked after and protected, therefore words of tenderness are diminutive words, going from the strong to the weak. (11) Tenderness is rare and increasingly rare. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man, even in love, strives first of all to establish his personality. (14) Love is a martial arts.

- (15) Yeah! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up your sleeves, straighten your shoulders - come on, who will win? (19) Is there any tenderness here? (20) And who to protect, who to pity - all are well done and heroes. (21) He who knows tenderness is marked. (22) In the minds of many, tenderness is always depicted in the form of a meek woman bending towards the head of the bed. (23) No, that’s not where you need to look for tenderness. (24) I saw her differently: in forms that were not at all poetic, in simple, even funny ones. (25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and gossiped. (27) There was only one real patient - a feisty old man recovering from typhus. (28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a chaise lounge, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, he turned away and closed his eyes. (29) His wife hovered around the old man, like a trembling bird. (30) The woman is middle-aged, dry, light, with a faded face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) She kept adjusting something around her patient. (33) Now she turned over the newspaper, now she fluffed the pillow, now she tucked in the blanket, now she ran to warm the milk, now she dripped medicine. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked friendly with everyone and asked:

“Here, maybe you can help me?” (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: “What happens in a residential building?” (37) Four letters. (38) I write it down on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he gets stuck, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) Patients are like children. (42) I’m so glad that at least this amuses him. (43) They pitied her and treated her with great sympathy. (44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with blankets, and propped up pillows. (46) He winced and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering joyfully, grabbed the newspaper.

- (48) Here, Serezhenka, today it seems like a very interesting crossword puzzle. (49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out his angry yellow eyes and began to shake all over.

– (50) Finally, get to hell with your idiotic crossword puzzles! – he hissed furiously. (51) She turned pale and somehow sank.

“(52) But you...,” she babbled in confusion. – (53) After all, you were always interested in...

– (54) I was never interested! – he kept shaking and hissing, looking with animal pleasure at her pale, desperate face. – (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate that you are!

(57) She didn’t answer anything. (58) She just swallowed air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and such despair, as if she was looking for help. (59) But who can take such a funny and stupid grief seriously? (60) Only a little boy, sitting at the next table and seeing this scene, suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.

(According to N.A. Teffi *) * Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Teffi (1872–1952) - Russian writer, poet, memoirist and translator.


ON THE. Teffi writes about human relationships. Is it possible to resist rudeness from loved ones? This is exactly the problem the author raises.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, N.A. Teffi cites an episode from the life of an elderly married couple. The author speaks directly about family relationships. “Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him,” writes Teffi. On the one hand, the writer shows us a loving, caring wife with “anxiously happy eyes”, trying to please her husband in everything. On the other hand, an angry, sick old man who hated everyone around him, who publicly showed rudeness and insulted his wife. His indignation at the behavior of the man N.A. Teffi conveys to the reader, describing the reaction of a nearby child. The author writes: “Only a little boy, sitting at the next table and seeing this scene, suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.”

The author's position is not directly expressed, but follows from everything said. Rudeness on the part of a loved one makes a person unhappy, defenseless, and inflicts severe mental wounds. Most often, it is almost impossible to resist such an attitude.

One cannot but agree with the author's point of view. I sincerely feel sorry for the woman who was not ready for such harshness from her husband. Her heart was filled with pain and despair, and it became difficult to breathe. I understand her condition well, since I also found myself in a similar situation.

The authors of literary works show strong emotional experiences due to rudeness from loved ones. Thus, Pavel Sanaev, in his autobiographical story “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard,” describes the childhood of Sasha Savelyev, whom his grandmother constantly scolds, calls him names, and humiliates him in front of strangers. Because of this, the boy grows up withdrawn, insecure, and painful. Sasha cannot openly resist her “caring” tyrant grandmother and dreams of life with her mother.

The hero of M. Gorky’s autobiographical story “Childhood” also experiences mental and physical pain and strong inner experiences. At the age of ten, after the death of his father, Alexey Peshkov ended up in his grandfather’s house. From a family where he was loved, where peace and tranquility reigned, the boy was taken to a house where cruel laws existed: his grandfather beat his grandmother and flogged his grandchildren until they lost consciousness, the grandfather’s sons fought tooth and nail over an inheritance, children cruelly They bullied the weaker. Alexey finds solace in the company of his grandmother, who has become a true friend to the boy, helps him endure all the sorrows and preserve love in his soul, growing up as a kind and caring person.

I would like to believe that readers will think about the problem raised by N. Teffi and understand how important it is to restrain your emotions and treat a loved one with tenderness, care and attention.

(369 words, published after minor stylistic editing)

The essay was sent by site user Nikita Vorotnyuk

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