Why is the work Quiet Morning called that? The meaning of the name is the quiet don. Why is the novel called Quiet Don?

The meaning of the title of Yuri Kazakov’s story “Quiet Morning” 900igr.net

Yuri Kazakov1927 - 1982 Born in Moscow into a working-class family. He graduated from the Construction College in 1946. In 1951 - the Music College named after. Gnesins. He was accepted into the orchestra of the Musical Theater named after. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. At the end of the 1940s, Kazakov began writing poetry, incl. prose poems, plays that were rejected by editors, as well as essays for the newspaper “Soviet Sport”.

Yuri Kazakov Diary entries from those years indicate a desire for writing, which in 1953 led him to the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. While still a student, Kazakov began publishing his first stories - “Blue and Green” (1956), “Ugly” (1956), etc. Soon his first book “Arcturus the Hound Dog” (1957) was published. The story became his favorite genre; Kazakov’s skill as a storyteller was undeniable.

Yuri Kazakov Already in many early stories, Yu. Kazakov’s rare gift of getting used to someone else’s life, entering it from the inside, comprehending to the subtlety the character that amazed him, is manifested. The writer generally felt an attraction to unusual natures, falling out of the general measure, living their own special inner life.

Yuri Kazakov In the works of Yu. Kazakov, nature is an echo of the human soul. The author vividly and imaginatively paints pictures of nature, notices what we sometimes don’t pay attention to...

“Quiet Morning” is one of those works by Yu. Kazakov that was known throughout Moscow.

The writer shows a quiet morning, completely without sounds, as if he is painting with a brush... And when you start reading the story, its title and leisurely, calm narration set you in a peaceful mood.

Objectives of the work But now you close the book and feel perplexed: why “Quiet Morning”? What did the writer have in mind when choosing this title for his story? What is the meaning of this name? Finding answers to these questions will be the goal of this work.

The plot of the story. Two boys, a Muscovite Volodya and an expert on fishing spots Yashka, go fishing. Volodya, not used to getting up early, grumbles dissatisfied, and Yashka is already beginning to regret that he invited him to go fishing with him.

Rescue of Volodya Volodya stood up as if he was going to run somewhere, but fell down again, writhing on the damp ground. Yashka looked at him and now he loved no one more than Volodya, nothing was dearer to him than this suffering face. A timid, loving smile shone in Yashka’s eyes.

Salvation of Volodya Suddenly Volodya woke up, wiped his face with his hand, looked at the water and, stuttering, said: “How did I... then...?” Tears flowed from Yashka’s eyes, and he roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking his whole body, choking and ashamed of his tears .

Rescue of Volodya Volodya’s eyes darkened, his mouth opened slightly, he looked at Yashka with fear and bewilderment. Volodya blinked, grimaced, looked back into the water and his heart trembled, he remembered everything... And he also cried, helplessly hanging his head.

The meaning of the title of the story The water in the pool had long calmed down, the fish fell off Volodya’s fishing rod, the fishing rod washed up on the shore... The sun was shining, the bushes were burning, and only the water remained the same black.

The meaning of the title of the story The air heated up, and the horizon trembled in its warm currents. From afar, the smells of hay and sweet clover wafted from the fields. These smells and this light warm wind were like the breath of an awakened earth, rejoicing at a new bright day. The morning was still quiet...

The meaning of the story's title Of course, the title of the story “Quiet Morning” was not chosen by chance. The word “quiet” is clearly opposed to the content of the story, the feelings that Yu. Kazakov’s heroes had to experience on this not at all quiet morning. The antithesis inherent in the title helps the reader to more clearly and fully experience everything that the boys experienced and to perceive the main idea of ​​the work: to remain human in any circumstances.

The meaning of the title of the story In fact, it is not easy, once in such a situation, to survive, to be courageous and persistent, to withstand the test. Not every adult would force himself to do what Yashka was able to do in this short time.

The meaning of the title of the story Yashka not only saved Volodya, but also rose to a new moral height, overcoming the feeling of anger, irritation, and fear for his life. Through feelings of pity and compassion, true love for his friend came to Yashka, love that should reign in the soul of every person.

The meaning of the title of the story Yashka's tears at the end of the story indicate the enormous relief that the hero experienced. Seeing Volodya’s smile, Yashka cried from joy, from the fear he experienced, from the fact that everything ended well...

Quiet morning

List of used literature: Yuri Kazakov “Quiet morning (stories)” 1989 materials from the sites “www.openclass.ru” “www.ped-sovet.ru” “www.prosholu.ru”

“Quiet Don” - this is the name Sholokhov gave his work, although he initially planned to call his epic novel differently. However, in the course of writing the work, the author realized that “Donshchina,” which is what it was planned to call the work, does not quite correspond to the plot, since the novel is something more than just the land where the Cossacks lived.

The entire life of the Don Cossacks is described here, with all their traditions, culture, and the use of their dialect language. The life of the Don Cossacks was connected with the Quiet Don River, which was only quiet in appearance, but in fact the quiet surface carried many surprises and pitfalls. So in Sholokhov’s work, a variety of events related to the life of the Cossacks are described, and this life is like the flow of a river, sometimes quiet, sometimes stormy.

In the work we see how the heroes of the novel “Quiet Don” undergo losses, they experience suffering, a fratricidal war is going on, blood is being shed, not just Cossacks, but entire Cossack clans are dying. But at the same time, the author showed us in the work that no matter what, just as the flow of the Don will never dry up, so no one will ever kill the will to live in the Cossacks, no one will be able to stop the Don Cossacks.

Why is the novel called Quiet Don?

Arguing on the topic of the issue, only one thought comes to mind: Sholokhov called the work “Quiet Don”, using the antithesis of the Quiet and Calm Don in a work where there are often family splits, battles, war, conflicts of interest, in order to draw attention to what kind of river can be quiet and call on everyone to stop bickering, wars, and constant confrontation between people. The author wants people, like the quiet Don, to live calmly and peacefully.

1. Children’s psychological mood for the lesson. Motivation.

Today we have a special lesson. Guests came to us. Give them your smiles, watch how they smile back at you, and let's start the lesson. I wish this lesson brings you only joy.

On the desks in front of each of you are worksheets that will help you work successfully in class.

2. - We continue our acquaintance with the work of Russian writers of the second half of the twentieth century. Today in class we will analyze the story “Quiet Morning” by Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov, which you read earlier. The author of many stories, Kazakov appears before the reader as a poet of his native nature, as a writer who is concerned with the problems of the meaning of life and happiness, moral purity and moral ugliness.

As a rule, his stories are based on a real incident. The same can be said about the story “Quiet Morning” (1954), which we will talk about in today’s lesson.

3. Formulation of the lesson topic.

Who are the main characters of the story?

What would you call the situation in which Yashka found himself?

What did Yashka have to do in a difficult (difficult) situation?

How can we call this choice?

What will the topic of our lesson be? (On the slide).

Write it down on your worksheets.

4. Formulation of lesson objectives.

Very often in literature lessons we use the word moral . How do you think, what it is ?

Read the definition of the word in your worksheets. moral.

("Moral- this is a personal characteristic that combines such qualities and properties as kindness, decency, honesty, truthfulness, fairness, hard work...").

Can you think of works that raise moral issues?

Are there any among those named in which the heroes had to make a choice?

Is it always easy for a person to make this choice? Why?

Is it possible to unambiguously evaluate a person whether he is good or evil?

Where do good and evil exist - in the external world around us or in the human soul?

We read the statement of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn:

“...The line dividing good and evil does not pass between states, not between parties, it passes through every human heart...”

Was there a struggle of feelings and thoughts in the hearts of our heroes (the heroes of the story “Quiet Morning”)?

What goals will we set for ourselves in today's lesson?

5. Division into groups.

For further work we will split into groups.

Rules for working in a group: everyone works, the group member who was assigned to do this is responsible. Other groups listen and review the speaker, adding if necessary. And I'll turn it on for you music , which will be the background for your work. It will allow you to mentally transport yourself to that quiet morning.

6. Working with groups

Group 1 answer.

Group No. 1. “Beautiful morning. Yashka wakes up Volodya.”

What was Yashka’s mood in the morning and what made him angry? How does Volodya behave in this case? Find words that convey the state of the characters (pp. 188,189,190).

Let's celebrate in your worksheets in the task numbered 1, what characteristic corresponds to each of the boys.

Group No. 2. “At the well. On the way to go fishing".

How and why did Yashka’s attitude towards Volodya begin to change? What did Volodya envy and admire when looking at Yashka? (Pages 190, 191). Find words that convey the state of the characters. What knowledge did the village resident Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya about the world around him, about nature, and how did Volodya listen to him? Find words that convey the state of the characters.

(Page 192)

Let's celebrate in your worksheets in the task number 2, what characteristic corresponds to each of the boys.

Physical education minute.

And you and I are also going fishing. First, we dig up worms, then we go to the river, attach a worm, cast a fishing rod, and pull out a huge fish.

Group No. 3. “Whirlpool. Fishing"

Find a description of the river and the pool (indicate keywords). What mood does it create in the characters? (Pages 193 -194).

What are the boys' moods while fishing? How does Volodya behave, looking at Yashka, who was trying unsuccessfully to pull out a fish? Find words that convey the state of the characters. (Page 195-196)

Group No. 4. "Volodya is drowning".

What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning, and why, without running even 10 steps, Yashka stopped, as if he had stumbled, feeling that“There’s no way to escape”?Find words that show that Yashka is scared. What is Volodya's condition? (Page 197-198)

- Rules for rescuing drowning people.

Why is this scene followed by a description of a quiet morning? Let's reread it.

Choose a synonym for the word “quiet”.(Calm).

Was this feeling of peace in Yashka’s soul? What is tormenting him?(Feelings of guilt, regret).

Why does Yashka rush to save Volodya again?

Group No. 5. "Saving Volodya"

"True love".

Why do boys cry? Because of weakness? (Page 200)

So, what feeling makes Yashka return to the disastrous place? What is this feeling? (Shame for hitting Volodya in the water, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, responsibility for Volodya).

Did Yashka have a choice? Which?

Let's remember what Yashka is like at the beginning of the story. Has our attitude towards this boy changed? How?

Fishbone. (Task No. 3)

- Your worksheets feature a picture of a fish to help solve the problem. The head is the problem. We must draw the conclusion ourselves.

Now we can safely say that, despite all the differences between the boys, they are both kind, cordial, and ready to help each other. The mutual assistance that Yasha shows changes our attitude towards this hero. This is truly the measure of a person's morality.(The main thing in life is to remain Human, despite any trials, to be kind and merciful).

Will Volodya and Yashka, who have different presentation about the world, to come to mutual understanding?

Friends are often tested in difficult life situations. Composers especially often dedicate their songs to the theme of friendship. This is how I sang about itV. Vysotsky. (Song)

- Have you ever been in difficult situations? What helped you do the right thing?

Epigraph (task No. 4)

In your worksheets statements are given. For example, mark with a tick those of them that you would like to make an epigraph to our lesson and keep as a souvenir.

Conclusion: Now there is harmony in nature, in the relationship between man and nature, in the relationship between boys.

Working with epithets. (Task No. 5)

- Harmony is expressed in different ways. What did you hear when the music played?

You are right, the composer expresses beauty through sounds. Writers have their own means for this; for example, in this work Yuri Kazakov widely uses epithets. Let's find in the text those that emphasize the beauty of a quiet summer morning. In what part of the story is this most evident? (in the last paragraphs)

Can we answer the question why the story is called “Quiet Morning”?

Guys, finish this sentence : “A person will be respected in society for...” ( worksheets). (Task No. 6)


Guys, choose the beginning of the phrase you like from the reflective screen on the slide and continue it:

today I found out...

it was interesting…

it was difficult…

I realized that...

Now I can…

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned…

I managed …

I was able...

I will try…

I was surprised...

gave me a lesson for life...

I wanted…

Our lesson has come to an end. Once again I want to remind you how important it is to do in a difficult situation right choice and not give in to cowardice and fear.

"Knot for memory."

Please listen to the poem by J. Helemski. In moments of making important decisions, please remember him. (After reciting by heart, the teacher gives each student a postcard with the poem.).

Never make concessions
Even in small things, be yourself
It is the action that wins,
A vigilant controller of fate.

Thank you for attention!

Homework (optional):


- write a letter from Volodya to Yashka or from Yashka to Volodya;

Essay “How I acted in a difficult situation”;

Written assignment “What questions would I like to ask Yashka?”;

Cinquain on one of the topics:

  • Yashka
  • Volodya
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