Increased levels of vitamin D in the blood. Treatment of overdose with vitamin D. Video: Properties and functions of vitamin D


A chronic pathology that develops due to a lack of vitamins is vitamin deficiency. In most cases, the problem appears due to failures in diet or exacerbation of a chronic disease. It is a serious health threat, so timely diagnosis and treatment are very important.

The disease is classified into three main stages:

  1. No symptoms. Pathology is diagnosed exclusively after the results of a blood test.
  2. Severe hypovitaminosis. Characterized by the initial signs of the disease (depending on the lack of a certain vitamin).
  3. Extreme degree of illness. Severe symptoms, worsening general condition sick.

There are several types of vitamin deficiency. They are divided into groups of reasons that provoked the pathology:

  • Physiological - caused by natural processes of the body (pregnancy and breastfeeding, the period of growth of the child, his puberty, and so on).
  • Pathological appears due to a violation of the absorption of substances, a slowdown in their synthesis or rapid destruction and excretion.
  • Childhood vitamin deficiency is often diagnosed in premature infants and children born to women with vitamin deficiencies.
  • Pathology in old age is explained by the natural deterioration of human health (the efficiency of absorption and metabolism of vitamins decreases).
  • Seasonal occurs in many people, the lack of useful substances in the cold season.

When a deficiency of a certain type of substance develops, specific symptoms appear. More detailed information is presented in the table.

Type of substance

Signs of Deficiency

Plays an important role for visual function and skin. With deficiency, deterioration of twilight vision (night blindness), dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye (burning, discomfort) develops, and sometimes ulcers form.

The skin dries out, peels off, inflammation and abscesses form (vitaminosis on the hands, face, legs and other parts of the body). In addition to this, immunity is greatly reduced, and the body becomes more vulnerable to diseases.

Main symptoms: sleep disturbances (insomnia), mood swings, digestive problems (diarrhea or constipation, decreased or complete loss of appetite), inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, “jam” formation, anemia (B12).

Deficiency is expressed by fatigue, irritability, and decreased immunity. The elasticity of the skin noticeably decreases, and bruises appear even from minor injuries. Visual function suffers. Maximum deficiency leads to the development of scurvy disease (looseness, bleeding gums, tooth loss), problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

Suffering musculoskeletal system. Bones and teeth become more fragile, pain in muscles and joints occurs. The child develops rickets, deformation of the skeleton, teeth, and excessive sweating. If the required amount is not restored, hypertension may appear, diabetes, oncology.

Impaired functioning of the genital organs and liver (fatty degeneration of cells).

How to cure vitamin deficiency

As a rule, the treatment regimen is built taking into account the restoration of vitamin deficiencies, and it is also aimed at eliminating symptoms. The deficit is replenished using different methods, but there are several main methods.

The doctor must prescribe a special dietary food, prescribe medications, sometimes recommends traditional medicine as an additional therapeutic segment.

Diet therapy

When the balance between plant and animal products in the daily diet is disturbed, vitamin deficiency often appears. Another problem leads to a lack of vitamins: an imbalance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Many vitamins are unstable in their structure; they lose their abilities when exposed to sun rays, heat, low temperature. Some types of useful substances die after contact with other similar or metal kitchen utensils. To make a medicinal dish, you need to meet a number of conditions for storing food when preparing food:

  • The place where food is stored should be cool, away from sunlight.
  • It is not recommended to keep fruits and vegetables in metal containers, and processing (cleaning, cutting, etc.) is carried out with a ceramic knife.
  • When boiling vegetables for a dish, it is better not to peel them in advance; it retains a lot of vitamins (if this is not possible, then peel it in a very thin layer).
  • The maximum amount of useful substances remains when cooking in the oven or double boiler.
  • It is not advisable to salt vegetables during the cooking process; it is better to do this before serving (it is recommended to salt meat dishes 10 minutes before cooking).
  • Vegetable broth contains a large number of various vitamins, so first or second courses are often prepared on its basis.
  • If you put food in boiling water, a larger amount of nutrients is retained (otherwise about 60-80% is lost).

In most cases, treatment with vitamins, which are found in various foods, is prescribed depending on what substance caused their deficiency.


If vitamin deficiency is diagnosed, then the use of multicomponent medications is prescribed. You can use the drugs in the following dosage forms:

  • capsules;
  • tablets (plus soluble ones);
  • syrup;
  • aqueous solutions (substances soluble in water) for oral use and intramuscular injections;
  • oil-type solutions (fat-soluble) for injections and drinking.

Medicines are classified into several groups according to their composition:

  • Multivitamin complexes that contain 100% of the required daily value.
  • Vitamins containing 50% of the daily value.
  • Medicines that exceed the daily allowance for the body.

To establish the proper functioning of the body and improve your health, you need to know which vitamins should be included in the medicinal complex.

A few rules for using medications:

  1. Vitamins in capsules should be taken every day in the morning (when the body just wakes up). They are not opened, not chewed, and swallowed whole with water.
  2. Some tablets are taken with food, but they cannot be washed down with tea, soda or milk, because they will be poorly absorbed.
  3. In order for the treatment of vitamin deficiency to give only a positive effect, it is recommended to follow a certain dosage of drugs. The daily dose depends on the degree of development of the disease, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics.
  4. You must strictly adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations and carefully study the instructions for use of the drug.

Folk remedies to replenish vitamin deficiencies

Vitamin deficiency is often treated with folk remedies, which are prepared from natural products. For therapy, decoctions and infusions are used (for internal use). The most popular folk recipes:

  1. Fresh nettle (A, C, E, B1, nicotinic acid). Chop the leaves of the plant thoroughly with a knife. Squeeze the juice out of them. Drink 1 teaspoon of liquid three times a day with meals. Contraindications: thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  2. Viburnum berries (B 1,2,3,6,9, C, E). There are fresh fruits daily, 80-100 grams. Place one berry in your mouth and slowly dissolve each one. You can grind viburnum with granulated sugar. You cannot use the recipe if you have liver dysfunction or impaired gastric acidity.
  3. Rosehip (retinol, ascorbic acid, B1,2,3). Grind one tablespoon of dried berries in a blender. Pour the raw material with water (2 cups) and place in a water bath. When the broth heats up to 60C, remove from heat, wrap, leave for 5-10 hours. Drink ½ glass twice a day before meals. Contraindications: gastritis.

Features of treatment of vitamin deficiency in children

Children often develop vitamin deficiency. The lack of vitamins B1 and E is especially severe. The disease requires professional therapy, which should be prescribed by a pediatrician or therapist. If a child’s deficiency of nutrients in the body progresses, then normal development and overall health will be impaired.

How to treat vitamin deficiency in each specific case is determined by the doctor. Children aged 2 to 5 years are prescribed the complexes Centrum, Alvitil, Unicap Yu. For an older child, Vitrum, Triovit, Multi Tabs, Centrum, Oligovit, Tocopherol are suitable.

Products for a therapeutic diet:

  1. B1 deficiency: oat and wheat bran, peas, wholemeal bread.
  2. Lack of vitamin A: carrots, bell peppers, parsley, peaches, apricots, currants, milk, fish fat, egg yolks.
  3. To replenish B2, you need to eat cereals, offal (for example, liver, ventricles, heart), and milk.
  4. Vitamin K: rose hips (berries), spinach, pork liver.
  5. E deficiency: vegetable oil, meat, eggs, greens.
  6. RR deficiency: fruits, meat, vegetables, buckwheat, liver, fish.


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Our smart body stores vitamins as much as possible for the winter, of course, if in summer and autumn we supply it with sun, fruits and vegetables. But by spring, without proper support, reserves are depleted. And everyone knows that with the return of heat, the condition of hair, nails and well-being often worsens. We tell you what vitamin deficiency is and how to get rid of it.

What is vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin deficiency is a pathological condition in which the body lacks any of the vitamins or there is a disturbance in its metabolism. There is also a concept - hypervitaminosis, in which there is, on the contrary, an excess of a certain vitamin in the body.

“It is extremely rare to encounter situations where the body is completely lacking any vitamin, so most often it is incorrect to talk about vitamin deficiency. As a rule, in everyday life when we say “vitaminosis,” we mean “hypovitaminosis” (vitamin deficiency),” said the pulmonologist Diagnostic center of the Altai Territory Evgeniy Bobrov.

Let's decipher the concept of hypovitaminosis. This is a disturbance in the supply of nutrients and vitamins to the body, which affects metabolic processes; they slow down or practically stop, since the functions of vitamins in them are lost. If only one vitamin is missing, then it is monovitaminosis; if several are missing, it is multivitaminosis.

"Vitaminosis occurs very often in spring, which is characterized by slight deviations in activity internal organs. The main source of vitamins and microelements is plant foods, and most of them come in summer and autumn. During this period, the body makes all the required reserves, which last for several months. At the beginning of spring, our body uses up almost all the stored vitamins and nutrients,” the interlocutor added.

What are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis)?

There are several main symptoms:

  • difficult awakening in the morning;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • lethargy, low concentration, fatigue;
  • signs of depression;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, rashes on the face;
  • irritability;
  • delayed growth and development in children.

Causes of vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis)?

Vitamin deficiency occurs for the following reasons:

  • low consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries;
  • destruction of vitamins as a result of improper storage or preparation of food;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • increased need for nutrients during pregnancy, active growth, stress, excessive exercise, sports;
  • taking certain medications;
  • strict diets;
  • chronic diseases;
  • alcohol consumption.

What can a lack of vitamins lead to?

If not enough vitamin A, then this threatens to deteriorate the quality of skin, hair and nails.

a lack of vitamin C leads to decreased immunity, lethargy, loss of skin elasticity, and vascular disorders. With a long-term absence of this vitamin, scurvy can develop.

Shortage vitamin E is expressed in dry skin, the formation of wrinkles and pigmentation, the appearance of numbness in the muscles, and general weakness. By the way, a lack of vitamin E can lead to infertility.

If your body doesn't have enough vitamin D, then he will tell you about this by the appearance of cramps, pain in bones and muscles. In childhood, calciferol deficiency is expressed in the development of rickets.

Shortage vitamin K manifests itself in internal hemorrhages, subcutaneous and nasal bleeding.

a lack of vitamin B1 leads to irritability, tearfulness and memory impairment. Flaw vitamin B2– to weakness, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, blurred vision, cracks in the corners of the mouth, inflammation in the oral cavity. Deficiency vitamin B6– to polyneuritis, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. And finally vitamin B12, or rather its lack, can cause anemia, tinnitus, and impaired consciousness.

How to understand that there is a deficiency of any vitamin?

The best person to do this is a doctor. First, he will examine the patient’s appearance and ask about his condition. But the exact amount of vitamin in the blood and urine can only be determined using laboratory tests.

You can understand that something is wrong and need to see a doctor based on the symptoms that we described above.

How to prevent a lack of vitamins?

Basics – proper nutrition. You need to eat vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy products. To ensure that the vitamins remain in the dish during cooking, it is better to cook it by steaming or in the oven. Fruits and vegetables should be stored in metal containers and cut with a ceramic knife. Vitamin A, for example, can be obtained by consuming alfalfa (a grass from which decoctions are made), as well as seafood and liver. Elements B1 and B2 are present in large quantities in whole wheat, almonds and walnuts, rice, vegetables, milk, and eggs. Vitamin C is found in lemons, rose hips, kiwi, and pepper. Vitamin E is found in oils. B12 is found in seaweed, meat, cheese, seafood, and B6 - in whole wheat. Spinach is rich in vitamin K.

Spend more time on fresh air, especially in sunny days. And, of course, you need to give up bad habits.

Constant fatigue, lethargy, increased irritability, sleep disturbance, dry and flaky skin, hair loss, muscle pain, blurred vision and depression are manifestations of vitamin deficiency. In the absence of nutrients entering the body, metabolic processes slow down and a number of pathological conditions arise, which are recommended to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

What is vitamin deficiency - the reasons for its appearance

Avitaminosis is a disease or group of diseases resulting in a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body. The reasons for the lack of nutrients are considered to be:

  • unbalanced nutrition, including diets, fasting, “fasting days”;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • stress;
  • taking medications;
  • disorder and disruption of intestinal function;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood.

Symptoms and signs - how vitamin deficiency manifests itself

Symptoms pathological condition with a lack of minerals, it varies and depends on which vitamin is lost by the body:

  1. Vitamin A deficiency manifests itself as rashes, dryness and flaking of the skin on the face, hair and nails become brittle, and twilight vision worsens.
  2. Vitamin B deficiency (B1, B3, B6, B12) is characterized by excessive tearfulness, irritability, drowsiness and weakness. There is weight loss, disruption of work gastrointestinal tract, numbness, tinnitus.
  3. Vitamin D deficiency leads to muscle pain and cramps, and increases the risk of fractures and injuries.
  4. Vitamin C deficiency manifests itself not only in decreased immunity and skin elasticity. Vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of scurvy, a disease characterized by the appearance of hemorrhages due to fragility of the walls of blood vessels.

One of the first areas to suffer from vitamin deficiency, especially in the off-season, is the surface of the hands. Then the body’s reaction moves to the skin of the face, body, lips.

Vitamin deficiency on the hands can be manifested by dry skin, the appearance of cracks - this indicates a lack of vitamin A. Pigment spots, changes in color and appearance - a lack of B12. Itching, brittleness of the nail plate is a deficiency of vitamin D. Vitamin deficiency on the fingers is manifested by peeling on the side of the palm, this indicates a lack of vitamins C and E.

If vitamin deficiency on the skin of the face and body is manifested by dryness and flaking, “goose bumps” on the thighs, legs and in the bends of the knees and elbows, we are talking about a lack of vitamin A. Acne, pimples, oily sheen, facial skin imperfections are a deficiency of B2. Vitamin E deficiency leads to stretch marks on the skin, and the pathology occurs in both women and men.

Vitamin deficiency on the lips is manifested by a decrease in elasticity, dryness and cracks appear in the corners. This indicates a deficiency of B2 and B6. A neglected condition can lead to staphylococcal infection.

Vitamin deficiency in children, as well as in adults, is mainly associated with poor nutrition. After observing the child, you can detect changeable mood, sleep disturbances, perversion in taste habits (eats chalk, earth, etc.), a sharp decrease in immunity, rash, irritation of the mucous membranes, deformation of the skull bones (vitaminosis D and C). Due to the fact that a child’s body is constantly developing and growing, the lack of one or more vitamins can lead to irreversible consequences.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency

If symptoms are detected, you must consult a doctor - a therapist (pediatrician), an immunologist. Only a doctor, after diagnosis, will be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment for vitamin deficiency. In addition to medications, dietary supplements may be recommended, as well as traditional methods restoration of the immune system.

Pharmacy drugs

When treating vitamin deficiency, doctors prescribe multicomponent medications in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, syrups or injections.

Pharmacy drugs are classified depending on the age and needs of the patient:

  1. Children under one year of age can be prescribed: Vigantol, Akvadetrim for the prevention of rickets at an early age, multi-component dietary supplements Multi-Tabs Baby, Alphabet for the general strengthening of the child’s body.
  2. Children 1-7 years old are offered the following vitamin and mineral complexes: Pikovit 1+, Vitamishki, Supradin Kids, Multi-Tabs. During active phase growth, physical and mental development The preschooler’s body must be strengthened with multicomponent drugs.
  3. Vitamins for junior and senior schoolchildren help reduce fatigue, strengthen the body during stress and frequent colds. These vitamins include Alphabet, Shkolnik, Pikovit 7+, Univit Kids, Complivit Active.
  4. The period of young and middle age is characterized by high physical and mental activity, frequent disturbances of the psycho-emotional background, and stress. To strengthen the body during this period, pharmaceutical preparations Complivit Antistress, Alphabet Classic, Vitrum, Duovit, Multi-Tabs Intensive are recommended.
  5. Specialized vitamin and mineral complexes:
    • preparations for pregnant and nursing mothers: Femibion, Alphabet Mom's Health, Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal, Complivit mama;
    • complexes for restoring the body during the cold season: Multi-Tabs Immuno plus, Biomax.

Traditional methods

When treating vitamin deficiency with folk remedies, decoctions of herbs, fruits of plants and shrubs, purees and salads of fruits and vegetables are introduced into the human diet. The most popular are:

  1. Sea buckthorn fruits. Pour boiling water over 100 g of frozen sea buckthorn berries, mash into puree, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Sea buckthorn tea is rich in vitamins C, P and B2, helps strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  2. Rose hip. 200 ml water and 1 tbsp. l. place rose hips in a container, boil in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, leave for 12 hours. Rosehip tea contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as vitamins B, A, E, P, K. Thanks to this composition, the decoction not only helps in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, but is also used in the treatment of hypertension, the prevention of atherosclerosis, restores kidney function, and is decongestant means.
  3. Onions and garlic. When treating vitamin C deficiency in the body, they are consumed raw. Effective against scurvy.
  4. Red viburnum. 2 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over viburnum and let it brew for 45-60 minutes. The berry contains vitamins C, K, phosphorus, iodine, pectin, essential oils. A decoction of red viburnum is useful for vitamin deficiency in the body; it is also used for hypertension, the treatment of bronchitis, sore throats, and is used as an antipyretic.
  5. Nettle. Method for preparing juice: pass the young shoots of the plant through a meat grinder and strain through cheesecloth. Mix with carrot or cranberry juice in equal proportions, dilute with 50 ml of water, drink 3 times a day. The plant contains vitamins K, C, A, E, phosphorus, iron, organic acids. It is used to increase immunity, improve metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and is used for kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Treatment with traditional medicine methods can serve as an alternative pharmaceutical drugs, however, natural ingredients also have contraindications. For example, garlic and onions are contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis; nettle is prohibited for use in the treatment of pregnant women.

Proper nutrition

The main cause of vitamin deficiency is an unbalanced diet. To restore the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body, it is necessary to eat whole grain cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, meat products, and fish.

The most valuable and enriched food products:

Vitamin Plant products Animal products
A Carrots, citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine, orange) Hard cheeses, cod liver, butter, eggs
B2 Whole grain bread, wheat germ, broccoli Veal brains, liver, cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk
B5 Peanuts, rice, broccoli, legumes Chicken meat, meat by-products
B6 Walnuts, bananas, green salad Salmon, oysters, milk, meat, eggs
B9 Nuts, beans, oranges, lettuce By-products
C Citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, black currant, asparagus, kiwi, strawberry
D Milk, cod liver, oily fish
E Olive oil, fennel, spinach, almonds
PP White mushrooms Turkey, hare
H Biotin is found in all plant foods Beef liver, egg yolk

To quickly restore the body and saturate it with useful microelements, it is recommended to consume plant foods raw or steamed, bake meat and fish in foil or in a special tight bag, and include freshly squeezed juices, herbs, and salads in the diet. It is necessary to exclude fast food, sausage delicacies, canned food, store-bought sauces and mayonnaise, chips, alcohol, and limit the consumption of confectionery products.

Safety rules and possible complications

A lack of vitamins A and E causes premature skin aging, hair loss, susceptibility to infections, and infertility in men.

Lack of thiamine (B1) in the body leads to polyneuropathy - damage to nerve endings lower limbs, the extreme form is paralysis.

Riboflavin (B2) deficiency is characterized by skin dermatitis and conjunctivitis.

The absence of niacin (B3) has the effect of increasing cholesterol.

Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency leads to frequent headaches and dizziness.

Flaw folic acid(B9) is dangerous for pregnant women, because it affects the formation of the fetus and placenta.

At big disadvantage Vitamin C deficiency results in muscle pain, weight loss, nosebleeds, extreme cases - tooth loss, internal hemorrhage.

Vitamin D deficiency in young children affects the development of the bones of the arms, legs, spine, and closure of the fontanel. The extreme degree is rickets.

If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not start preventive treatment, the consequences of vitamin deficiency may be irreversible.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Diagnosis of vitamin deficiency

Diagnostics vitamin deficiency includes the collection of anamnestic data (medical history), specific complaints, visual examination, as well as laboratory tests.

Anamnesis (medical history)

A thorough history collection helps speed up the diagnosis of vitamin deficiency and select adequate treatment. The doctor pays special attention to the diseases and operations that the patient has undergone. Surgeries such as gastric or small intestinal resection are a risk factor for the development of B12 deficiency anemia. The reason for this is the reduction in the required absorption surface for the vitamin. Along with a lack of vitamin B12, folic acid deficiency also develops.

Tests for vitamin deficiency

Blood test results for various types vitamin deficiency

It should be noted that today each laboratory uses its own methods for identifying vitamins and its own parameters. Therefore, reference values ​​may differ.

Some specific laboratory syndromes for vitamin deficiencies

Examination of a patient with vitamin deficiency

Visual examination or examination of the patient for various types of vitamin deficiency speeds up diagnosis. Often, examination of the patient’s skin allows an immediate diagnosis. Thus, with avitaminosis of vitamins A, E, B12, the first thing that attracts attention is dry, cracked skin with reduced turgor. With vitamin deficiency of vitamins B12 and B9, the tongue (varnished tongue) acquires a specific picture.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency

Treatment of vitamin deficiency is based on replenishing the deficiency of a particular vitamin, as well as eliminating symptoms. Vitamin deficiency can be replenished in several ways. First of all, this is a medication route, including vitamin complexes. Secondly, this is the alimentary route, which includes proper nutrition.

Drugs prescribed for vitamin deficiency

Most often, multivitamin complexes are prescribed, in tablet form. In severe cases, they switch to injectable forms of vitamins (injections).

Injections prescribed for vitamin deficiencies

Vitamins and vitamin complexes

How are they assigned?

5% thiamine chloride solution(vitamin B1)

2 ml each ( two ampoules) deep into the muscle.

5% pyridoxine hydrochloride solution(vitamin B6)

2 ml each ( two ampoules) intramuscularly.

cyanocobalamin solution(vitamin B12)

500 micrograms ( one ampoule) intramuscularly.

Demoton B12

(complex containing high doses of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 )

5 ml each ( one ampoule) deep into the muscle, once every 2–3 days. In case of severe forms of vitamin deficiency, injections are given daily.

1% nicotinic acid solution(vitamin PP)

One ampoule deep into the muscle.

Vitamin complexes, prescribed for vitamin deficiencies

Drug name


How is it prescribed?


Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B6, B12, E and C.

As a rule, vitamins are taken one at a time - capsules orally, depending on the degree of deficiency.


Vitamin B1, B6, B3, B9 and B12

Revital Ginseng Plus

Ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12


Vitamin A, D, B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12

Retinol acetate

Vitamin A

Riboflavin 0.01 each

Vitamin B2


Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12

Biovital vitamin C

Vitamin C

Nutrition for vitamin deficiency

The lack of balance between foods of living and plant origin in the diet is one of the root causes of the development of vitamin deficiency. Also, a lack of vitamins can be caused by an imbalance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, eating only plant foods can cause a deficiency of B vitamins.
The predominance of animal products leads to a shortage ascorbic acid(vitamin C). With a lack of protein, cobalamin (B12) and thiamine (B1) are poorly absorbed. The absence of fat inhibits the absorption process of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E).

In addition to including the required ingredients in the diet, you should take into account some circumstances that contribute to the preservation and better absorption of vitamins from food.

Rules for preparing foods in the fight against vitamin deficiency

Most vitamins are unstable and quickly lose their properties under the influence of heat, sunlight, and low temperatures. There are also vitamins that are destroyed when they come into contact with metal objects or when interacting with other elements. By following a number of rules when storing, preparing and cooking foods, you can prevent the destruction of vitamins.

Choosing a place to store food
Many vitamins are destroyed or partially lose their properties when exposed to sunlight and heat. Vitamins also lose their benefits when they interact with oxygen. For example, the percentage of vitamin C in leafy vegetables is halved if you leave them on the kitchen counter for several hours. Therefore, fresh or cooked foods must be stored in closed containers in a dark and cool place.

Selection of cookware
Ascorbic acid is destroyed when interacting with metal and bronze objects. Therefore, it is not recommended to store fresh fruits and vegetables in metal or bronze dishes. You should also avoid using metal or bronze bowls for preparing salads. When cutting fruits and vegetables, if possible, the metal knife should be replaced with a ceramic one.

Long-term storage
The best option for increasing the shelf life of products is blast freezing. This method involves quickly freezing fruits, vegetables or meat at the lowest possible temperatures. Compared to other types of storage, blast freezing allows you to preserve the largest amount of vitamins.

Cooking Rules
The cooking rules are:

  • When boiling vegetables for salads, you should not first peel them, since the peel allows you to retain a large amount of vitamins.
  • If the cooking technology does not allow cooking unpeeled vegetables, the peel must be cut off in a thin layer.
  • It is better to cook vegetables whole or cut them into large slices.
  • Vitamins are preserved better if you throw food into boiling water. For comparison, in potatoes that were placed in water at the moment of boiling, about 40 percent of vitamin C is retained. If you throw the tubers into cold water and then bring to a boil, only 20 percent of this vitamin remains in the vegetable.
  • You can ensure the safety of nutrients in vegetables if you do not salt them during the cooking process, but season the finished dish with salt. Meat dishes should be salted 5 - 10 minutes before they are fully cooked.
  • The broth left after cooking vegetables contains a large amount of vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for preparing soup or other dishes using vegetable broth.
Heat treatment
The vast majority of vitamins are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures.
The most gentle method of preparing food is steaming. The slow action of steam allows the vitamins to be preserved. Baking on the grill or in the oven helps preserve vitamins. It is recommended to wrap the products in foil, which will prevent oxidation and loss of vitamins. The most destructive method of cooking food is frying. To reduce the loss of vitamins, foods should be cut into thin slices or small pieces and fried over high heat.

Foods to be consumed if you have vitamin deficiency

To ensure the safety of vitamins for consumption, you should choose high-quality products. Meat and fish should be fresh, and vegetables and fruits should be ripe and unspoiled. It is recommended to use dairy products that have a short shelf life. When preparing food, it is necessary to take into account some nuances for better preservation and absorption of vitamins.

Vitamins and foods that contain them

Name of vitamin

Plant products

Animal products

Nuances of cooking food

Retinol(vitamin A)

Butter, hard cheese, eggs, beef liver, fish fat.

It is poorly absorbed if there is a deficiency of fats and proteins in the diet.

Tocopherol(vitamin E)

Vegetable oil, cereals and legumes, cabbage, nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkins.

Beef and chicken liver, eggs.

Destroys when interacting with iron, chlorine, oxygen.

Thiamine(vitamin B1)

Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fatty fish, beef, rabbit.

Baking soda should not be added to dishes that contain riboflavin.

Pantothenic acid(vitamin B5)

Animal liver, pork, beef, chicken, eggs, dairy products, fatty fish.

Poorly absorbed if there is a lack of protein, vitamin C, B6 and B12 in the diet.

Cobalamin(vitamin B12)

Present in small quantities in seaweed.

Liver, kidneys, heart, hard and semi-hard cheeses, sardines, salmon.

Calcium is required for the complete absorption of cobalamin.

A nicotinic acid(vitamin PP)

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, green vegetables, nuts.

Dairy products, cheese, fish, meat ( chicken, beef, pork).

Poorly absorbed in cases of deficiency of other B vitamins, fats and proteins.

Ascorbic acid(vitamin C)

Practically not present in products of animal origin.

Oxidizes and loses its properties when the structure is damaged ( slicing) fruits and vegetables.

Cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol(vitamin D)

Mushrooms ( only those grown in the sun).

Milk, eggs, cod liver, fish oil, red caviar, salmon.

The process of vitamin D absorption is disrupted with tocopherol deficiency.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency with folk remedies

Treatment of vitamin deficiency with folk remedies can have both a general and local therapeutic effect. Use of drugs general action aimed at restoring vitamin deficiencies and strengthening the body. Topical products eliminate the manifestations of vitamin deficiency on the skin, hair, and nails. It should be noted that the maximum effect of treatment is achieved by combining folk recipes general and local action.

General strengthening of the body during vitamin deficiency

Traditional medicine for the treatment of vitamin deficiency offers various decoctions and tinctures intended for oral administration. Such preparations are made from medicinal plants, the composition of which is presented big amount vitamins

Plants that are used to treat vitamin deficiency are:

  • rose hip;
Nettle leaves contain sufficient amounts of vitamin C. The plant also contains nicotinic acid, vitamins A, E and B1. Fresh nettles can be used to make juice. To do this, the leaves must be crushed and the juice squeezed out. You should drink a teaspoon of nettle juice 3 times a day with meals. A decoction is prepared from dry nettle, for which 10–15 grams of raw material is poured with a glass of warm water (no more than 60 degrees) and steamed for 15–20 minutes. You should take a tablespoon of nettle infusion three times a day with food. Contraindications for treatment with nettle are diseases such as atherosclerosis (formation of plaque on the internal walls of blood vessels), thrombosis (formation of blood clots in the venous cavity), hypertension (high blood pressure).

Rose hip
100 grams of rose hips contain several daily norms of ascorbic acid. The berries also contain sufficient amounts of retinol and vitamins B1, B2, B3. To prepare the decoction, chop a tablespoon of berries (preferably dry rose hips), add 2 cups of water, and place in a steam bath. After the temperature of the broth reaches 60 degrees, remove it and wrap it in a towel, leave to infuse. Drink half a glass twice a day, before meals. Patients with gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) are advised not to take rosehip treatment.

The composition of cranberries is represented by vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E. For preservation useful properties It is recommended to use cranberries fresh. It should be consumed 75–100 grams per day, one at a time, slowly dissolving each berry. If you are intolerant to the taste, you can grind the berries with sugar. If the acidity of the gastric juice is impaired or there are liver pathologies, you should avoid using viburnum.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency of the skin

Lack of vitamins negatively affects the condition of the skin. Spots, peeling and other defects may appear on the skin.

Means for the treatment of skin vitamin deficiency are:

  • mask that eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • anti-fat mask;
  • preparations for lightening age spots.
Mask that eliminates dryness and flaking
A lack of retinol negatively affects the condition of the skin, causing it to become excessively dry and flaky. The skin on the face is most susceptible to such pathological changes. For the mask, you need to combine fat cottage cheese, cream, natural carrot juice and olive oil in equal doses. The mixture is applied heated to clean skin. The mask is washed off after 15 minutes with warm water. The mask must be applied 2-3 times a week for a month.

Anti-oily mask
With a deficiency of vitamin B2, the function of the sebaceous glands increases, which leads to acne and worsening appearance skin. To prepare the mask, grind 2 tablespoons in a coffee grinder oatmeal and mix them with egg white. Leave the composition for 5 - 10 minutes so that the flakes swell. After applying the mask, you need to wait for it to dry. Then the mask should be washed off with warm water. Places where acne accumulates should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked lemon juice. The systematicity of the procedures is twice a week for 30 days.

Preparations for lightening age spots
Pigment spots can appear on the face, hands and other areas of the skin due to vitamin E deficiency. Folk remedies do not completely eliminate all the effects of pigmentation. Lightening stains by several shades can be achieved with the systematic use of masks and other folk remedies.

Remedies against age spots are:

  • Citrus juice– with a cotton swab dipped in natural juice of lemon, orange or other citrus fruit, pigment spots should be wiped daily.
  • Parsley– parsley decoction is recommended to be used for washing in the morning and evening. Parsley juice can be used to wipe pigmented areas or add it to various masks.
  • Sauerkraut– leaf sauerkraut should be applied to the area with the pigment spot.
  • Turmeric– mix a teaspoon of turmeric with water to a puree and apply to the stained area. After 10 – 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Fighting hair loss due to vitamin deficiency

Deficiency of B vitamins is manifested by deterioration of hair condition and hair loss.

Measures against hair loss are:

  • The use of natural oils. Olive, castor, and burdock oils are used against hair loss. Before use, the oil should be heated and applied with a special brush along the partings on the scalp. If your hair not only falls out, but is also dry and dull, the oil should be distributed over the entire length of the hair. The duration of this mask is from 1 to 2 hours. You can increase the effect of the procedure if you provide your hair with a thermal effect.
  • Scalp massage. Use your fingertips to knead the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes, making circular movements. For massage, you can also use a natural wood comb, which is used to comb your hair in different directions.
  • Rubbing in pepper tincture. The tincture of capsicum should be applied to the scalp using a cotton pad. Next, use your fingertips to perform a light massage until a burning sensation occurs. Rinse off the tincture after 5 – 10 minutes.
  • The use of pharmaceutical vitamins. To slow down the process of hair loss, vitamins A and E are used in oil form. Vitamins can be rubbed into the hair roots, mixed with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency of nails

A deficiency of certain vitamins negatively affects the condition of the nails. With a lack of vitamins D and C nail plates become brittle and begin to peel. A lack of B vitamins causes thinning nails.

To strengthen and improve the general condition of nails ethnoscience offers baths based on various ingredients. To carry out the procedure, you need to pour 200 - 300 milliliters of water into a small container, add the necessary component and immerse your fingers to the level of the nails. The duration of one session is 10 – 15 minutes. Baths should be taken 2 – 3 times a week, for a month.

The components for baths for vitamin deficiency of nails are:

  • sea ​​salt (teaspoon);
  • olive oil (tablespoon);
  • retinol oil solution (10 – 15 drops);
  • cedar or sandalwood essential oil (3 – 5 drops);
  • iodine (10 drops);
  • fresh cabbage juice (use instead of water).

Prevention of vitamin deficiency

Prevention of vitamin deficiency is a series of measures aimed at correcting a person’s lifestyle. To prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins and fight factors that inhibit their production and absorption.

Preventive actions against vitamin deficiency are:

  • creating a complete and balanced diet;
  • reducing the volume of consumed alcohol and tobacco products;
  • diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disorders;
  • strengthening the body's immune function.

Preparing a complete and balanced diet

Dietary deficiency of vitamins is the main cause of vitamin deficiency. A multi-component diet will help prevent vitamin deficiency daily menu with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also, for the purpose of prevention, when choosing products and preparing them, you must follow some rules. They will help prevent destruction and improve the absorption of vitamins.

Fruits and vegetables
When purchasing vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to give preference to those crops that are grown in your region of residence. Imported vegetables and fruits are often imported unripe and then treated with various harmful drugs to achieve ripeness. Whenever possible, you should buy seasonal produce as it is treated with pesticides when grown in greenhouses. In addition, vegetables and fruits that grow indoors have fewer vitamins than those grown outdoors.

Meat and fish
Meat and fish are valuable suppliers of vitamins B, A and D. All useful elements are preserved in maximum quantities in fresh and natural products. Therefore, if possible, you should give up sausage and fish semi-finished products and products instant cooking. Such products are not only poor in vitamins, but also contain various substances (flavor enhancers, trans fats) that worsen the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.
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