I am taking contraceptives and have spotting. Discharge when taking contraceptives: when should you sound the alarm? Duration of unpleasant discharge

If you decide to take oral contraceptives for the first time, then be prepared for the fact that during the adjustment period, you will most likely experience vaginal discharge when taking contraceptives. This can be either dark-colored spotting or intermenstrual bleeding.

As a rule, in a third of women, spotting when taking contraceptives goes away within the first three months; in some cases, the adaptation period can last for six months.

Why does bleeding occur when taking birth control?

The phases of the menstrual cycle are a well-established process of changing hormonal levels, during which there is a systematic replacement of some hormones with others. So, at the beginning of the cycle, the body secretes the largest amount of estrogens, preparing the endometrium of the uterus for ovulation, after which the hormonal background shifts towards progesterone. Modern oral contraceptives contain a small dose of hormones, which in the early stages may simply not be enough to cover your natural hormonal background. This is what provokes bleeding when taking birth control pills ahead of schedule.

If discharge after taking birth control pills are meager in nature and stop after the adaptation period, then you should not have any problems with this type of contraception. The main thing is, do not forget to take the next capsule on time.

Reasons to consult a specialist may include any non-standard symptoms that accompany discharge when taking OCs: pain, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, discharge becomes more abundant.

What does discharge in different phases of the cycle indicate?

If the body should have already gone through the allotted adaptation period, but the spotting did not go away when taking birth control pills, then the period of their activation can tell the specialist which hormone is dominant in you and prescribe other contraceptives that are more suitable for you.

Brown discharge when taking OCs at the beginning or middle of the cycle may indicate a lack of estrogen in oral contraceptives and you should choose pills with a stronger dosage.

Discharge after taking OCs at the end of the cycle indicates a lack of the progestogen hormone in the contraceptives.

Heavy discharge while taking contraceptives, which has a breakthrough nature, indicates accelerated atrophy of endometrial cells by the uterus during the period of adaptation of the body and is not dangerous symptom for woman. Another option for such bleeding may be a violation of the dosage regimen. oral contraceptives and hormonal imbalances.

Undoubtedly, in the event of breakthrough bleeding the best option is a consultation with a specialist. But most contraceptives in their instructions advise doubling the daily hormonal dose until the discharge stops when taking OCs. Then you should go back to your usual regimen. In no case should you stop taking contraceptives mid-cycle, otherwise this may only increase bleeding, causing malaise or anemia.

Other causes of bleeding

Other reasons that cause spotting when taking birth control pills may be:

  • smoking: has a significant effect on hormonal levels, suppressing estrogen production;
  • medications: some medications are not recommended to be taken together with oral contraceptives. Therefore, if you regularly take any medication, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this before he prescribes you OK;
  • infections or diseases of the reproductive system: as a rule, such pathologies are accompanied by discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, an uncharacteristic odor of discharge, and a change in the consistency of mucus.

If you find any deviations from the norm, you should immediately consult a doctor so that, based on the tests, he can select timely and effective treatment.

How is spotting related to taking contraceptives?

Hormonal contraceptives are prescribed to women to protect against unwanted pregnancy and to restore hormonal levels. The initial intake of tablets is almost always accompanied by spotting and heavy discharge, which in most cases does not pose a threat to health. But you should carefully monitor changes in the body so as not to miss the symptoms of a serious disease.

Normal discharge

Oral contraceptives are highly effective. But the pills contain hormones that stop the egg from developing to give birth to life, which is an extraneous interference with the natural functions of the body. Against this background, girls experience spotting, which normally has the following symptoms:

  • They appear cyclically. A woman may notice discharge in the middle or end of her cycle, but not all the time. In rare cases, the duration of bleeding exceeds 1 day.
  • Lasts no more than 3 months. This is exactly how long the body needs to get used to artificial hormones.
  • Occurs within 2-3 days after the end of menstruation. This phenomenon is rare and is due to the fact that the uterus is freed from residual blood.
  • Does not cause pain. The discharge should be smeared without abdominal pain. Also, the secretion is not accompanied by itching, burning and does not have an unpleasant odor, as with infectious diseases.

Birth control pills stop menstruation. For this reason, many women use the pill to delay the onset of their period (for example, on vacation or before an important event). In this case, after finishing the package, taking the drug continues with a new pack without interruption. This may cause slight discharge, predominantly red in color.

You should not often use pills to delay the onset of menstruation. This can cause serious hormonal imbalance.

Duration of discharge

Spotting when taking hormonal oral contraceptives persists for 2-3 months. But they appear cyclically, that is, women do not notice them all the time. The duration of discharge depends on several reasons:

  • age - the older the woman, the more difficult it is for her to take the pills, especially during the initial prescription;
  • hormonal levels - if a woman has a hormonal imbalance, then brown discharge will accompany her longer than a girl with a healthy background;
  • bad habits have a negative impact on women's health in general, and increase the period of addiction to hormonal pills;
  • regularity of taking pills - you need to strictly follow the schedule, trying to take the medicine at the same time every day.

Much depends on the tablets themselves. Hormonal drugs should be selected together with a doctor, after a comprehensive examination of the female genital area.

When discharge is not normal

But brown discharge is not always normal. They may indicate a decrease in the effectiveness of contraception and an increase in the likelihood of pregnancy. Characteristic features are:

  • Bloody discharge occurs every day. This suggests that the drug is not suitable for a woman. This happens when the pills are purchased independently or without a blood test for hormones. If you take the wrong drug, the level of protection against pregnancy is insufficient, so fertilization can occur at any time.
  • The occurrence of bleeding is associated with taking other drugs. Not all medications are compatible with OK. Some medications reduce the properties of contraceptives, increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
  • Discharge appears after drinking alcohol. Drinking large amounts of alcohol leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of OCs, which provokes the appearance of spotting secretions.
  • Missing one pill from the pack leads to bleeding, which stops after taking the next pill. If 2 or more tablets are missed, then it is worth considering a significant decrease in the effectiveness of the OC, which requires additional methods of protection.

In the first two cases, a woman needs the help of a specialist. The doctor must select another drug that suits the hormonal background and is not contraindicated when taking other medications.

Discharge as a symptom of disease

Discharge in women while taking contraceptives is not always associated with the physiological characteristics of the body. Often, the appearance of blood indicates a pathological process. OCs themselves do not provoke disease, but with hormonal imbalance, disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system are possible.

Inflammatory processes in the cervix and the uterus itself are characterized by symptoms:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • ichor in the middle of the cycle;
  • unpleasant odor from the genitals;
  • discharge of various colors - from white (thrush) to green (chlamydia).

The inflammatory process requires comprehensive treatment of the woman and her partner. In this case, hormonal drugs are not withdrawn. Moreover, contraceptives can speed up recovery by maintaining normal hormonal levels.

Prolonged bleeding after the end of menstruation is characteristic of uterine fibroids. In this case, the woman notices pain in the lower abdomen, cramps, and cycle disruption. Taking OK does not normalize menstruation.

Another reason is stress. A depressed and nervous state negatively affects the female body. Before taking OK, stress leads to cycle disruption and painful periods.

The effect of stress on the body is often underestimated. The woman continues to be tense and depressed. This leads to early menopause, infertility and other serious problems.

Adaptation to drugs

Brown discharge after the body has adapted to hormonal drugs almost always indicates an incorrectly selected medication. The body does not have enough hormone to stop the development of the egg, which leads to a decrease in the contraceptive barrier. In this case, the discharge occurs for a long time and often, and can accompany the woman every day. But often girls ignore obvious symptoms, which sooner or later becomes the cause of pregnancy.

It is recommended to use OK in the first month of taking additional measures protection against pregnancy. It is best to use physical means (condoms), since the use of vaginal suppositories can negatively affect the effectiveness of OCs.

Emergency contraception should not be used. They are incompatible with OK. It is better to take care of protection in advance than to suffer from serious health problems in the future.

The discharge does not stop after changing the drug

Unfortunately, not all women are suitable for hormonal contraceptives. There are individual intolerances, which makes it impossible to take OK. Also, due to the non-standard configuration of the body (strong discrepancy between height and weight), it is very difficult to choose a suitable drug.

If blood is flowing after changing the drug, the doctor should recommend another drug. You may have to change 3-4 medications before finding the right one.

The persistence of discharge on drug 4 indicates intolerance to the body. In this case, the woman will be offered alternative methods contraception.

Pregnancy while taking OK

Fight hormonal imbalances OK ( Oral contraceptives) help effectively, but they do not provide 100% protection against pregnancy. The probability of successful conception is negligible, but such situations still occur in practice. And you can suspect pregnancy just by the discharge.

If dark red or brown discharge appears in the middle of the cycle, this may indicate a decrease in the level of protection. The probability of successful conception is very high. This happens, for example, if a woman is prone to bad habits.

Pregnancy is also possible in situations where a woman misses even one tablet. What kind of discharge in this case depends on the day of the cycle. Light spotting is possible, but quite heavy bleeding also occurs.

The absence of menstruation after finishing the package of pills should be a reason to buy a pregnancy test.

Now you know why spotting occurs when taking hormonal contraceptives. In most situations they are normal, but they should not be excluded possible pathologies. Carefully monitor your health and do not miss visits to the doctor to maintain the functionality of the reproductive system.

Oral contraceptives are a group of contraceptives whose action is based on suppressing ovulation through hormonal action. Despite their high effectiveness and popularity, they have a side effect in the form of minor bleeding.

The severity of the discharge depends on the specific drug and the individual characteristics of the female body. Read this article to learn how to avoid the unpleasant consequences of taking hormonal contraceptives.

Read in this article

Spotting during ovulation

Oral hormonal contraceptives have long proven their effectiveness and are widely used in gynecological practice, but their side effect is very often minor bleeding during ovulation, which usually disappears after the adaptation period. In almost half of women it stops after two to three months of continuous use, but for some it may last every cycle.

Doctors explain this phenomenon by changes in hormonal levels in different phases of the cycle. In the first days, an increased synthesis of estrogen occurs in a woman’s body, the concentration of which reaches its peak at the time of ovulation. After the egg leaves the follicle, the production of progesterone begins, which prepares the endometrium for the possible consolidation of the fertilized egg in the event of pregnancy.

It should be noted that when taking oral contraceptives, ovulation as such does not occur, since their action is aimed at suppressing this process.

All contraceptives contain a certain concentration of hormones, but it is slightly lower than the level naturally produced by the female body active substances. In order for the endocrine system to adapt to changes in hormonal levels, it takes some time, which is determined by the individual characteristics of each woman.

Expert opinion

If bleeding continues for more than six menstrual cycles and is accompanied by significant blood loss, the contraceptive method should be changed after consultation with a gynecologist.

Minor spotting between menstruation does not affect the contraceptive effect of the drug used, but its reliability directly depends on the regularity of taking the pills.

Causes of bleeding when taking birth control pills

Other causes of spotting between periods include:

  • smoking, since nicotine has the ability to suppress estrogen activity;
  • incorrect use of pills, skipping the next dose, sudden withdrawal, since in this case a sharp change in hormonal levels occurs in the body;
  • treatment of diseases for which antibiotics and drugs are prescribed to normalize the functions of the central nervous system;
  • vomiting of various etiologies, in which the contraceptive pill may not enter the stomach and be absorbed into the blood;
  • use various means plant-based, for example, containing St. John's wort;
  • individual reaction to a contraceptive.

Types of discharge and their features

Depending on what phase of the cycle the spotting appears when taking oral contraceptives, the doctor can determine what the problem is and, if necessary, select a different drug.

At the beginning of the appointment

Sometimes minor bleeding appears in the first days after the end of menstruation, usually in the first month after starting to take contraceptives.

If the discharge does not stop after the end of the adaptation period, this may be a sign that the chosen contraceptive contains too little estrogen. In this case, you need to choose another drug after consulting your doctor.

At the end of the package

Continued bleeding at the end of the cycle indicates insufficient concentration of gestagen; this situation also requires a change in contraceptive.

If there is too much bleeding

Minor spotting should not cause concern to a woman; this side effect is mentioned in all instructions for taking oral contraceptives. But in some cases, bleeding between periods takes on a breakthrough character. If this is not associated with any pathologies, then this phenomenon is usually also associated with a period of adaptation of the body to changes in hormonal levels.

Heavy bleeding may be due to the increased effect of progestogens on the uterine endometrium; under their influence, it begins to atrophy ahead of schedule, provoking significant bleeding. The concentration of estrogen in oral contraceptives is very low, and they are not able to adequately perform a hemostatic function.

For more information on the causes of intermenstrual bleeding, watch this video:

When it is necessary to see a doctor

Consultation with a gynecologist may be necessary in the following cases:

  • the contraceptive was selected by the woman independently without prior examination, which caused severe bleeding;
  • spotting appears daily, regardless of the phase of the cycle;
  • unpleasant phenomena continue for more than 2 - 3 menstrual cycles;
  • bleeding is accompanied by other sensations: vaginal dryness, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Emergency medical care is required in cases where spotting while taking hormonal contraceptives is accompanied by the following alarming symptoms:

  • pain in the chest and retrosternal region, accompanied by shortness of breath;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • swelling, leg cramps;
  • severe headaches that occurred after starting to take contraceptives;
  • vision problems, speech disorders and other neurological pathologies.

Medical attention is also required if various rashes appear on the skin, yellowing of the whites or skin on the face and body, or problems with emotional status.

Important information for women before starting to take contraceptives

Although minor spotting between menstrual cycles when using oral contraceptives in most cases is not a pathology, it can cause some discomfort to a woman.

To avoid these unpleasant side effects, before starting to take them, you must undergo an examination for the presence of contraindications and consult with your doctor about choosing the optimal drug, taking into account individual characteristics. It is also important to strictly adhere to the dosage regimen and take the pills at the same time.

If for any reason a woman needs to stop using hormonal contraceptives, to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of bleeding, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • before the drug is completely discontinued, you need to stop taking all the pills from the monthly package, in this case, after the end of the dose, menstruation will begin, and in the next cycle the regularity of menstruation will normalize;
  • before stopping the use of contraceptives, you should consult your doctor, since in many cases hormonal drugs are prescribed not for the purpose of preventing unwanted pregnancy, but for the treatment of certain diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • undergo an examination and take tests for hormones to determine their balance in the body.

There are situations when, despite existing side effects, oral contraceptives cannot be stopped. This happens in the following cases:

  • the presence of neoplasms of a malignant nature;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • persistent hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Abrupt withdrawal of oral contraceptives causes increased ovarian function, which is used in medical practice in the treatment of infertility.

Oral contraceptives, like any other medicine, cannot be used uncontrolled and without a doctor's prescription. Bloody discharge between periods is in most cases a normal physiological phenomenon, but if it intensifies and causes significant discomfort, consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory.

Useful video

For information about intermenstrual bleeding while taking oral contraceptives, watch this video:

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For those who have not experienced it, it is difficult to understand what is happening - uterine bleeding or menstruation, how to distinguish them and whether to panic. Indeed, heavy periods are similar to uterine bleeding. However, there are important differences worth knowing.

Hormonal contraception is a method that involves hormonal suppression of ovulation, based on the use of artificial analogues of female hormones. Spotting when taking hormonal contraceptives is a fairly common occurrence, especially during the first 2-3 months of using the drug. Discharge can appear for many reasons and have different structures and colors. Is this a natural process, a disorder in the body, or the wrong type of drug? It is extremely important to establish the cause and nature of the discharge in a timely manner in order to avoid the development of serious pathologies in the body.

Causes of discharge while taking birth control pills

A woman’s menstrual cycle is a well-established mechanism during which some hormones replace others. Nature has established that at different phases of the menstrual cycle female body releases a certain proportion of hormones. In the first phase, the maximum amount of estrogen is released, due to which the body prepares for ovulation, but if fertilization does not occur, then the second phase hormone, progesterone, takes over. In modern contraceptives, the level of hormones is minimal; sometimes they are not enough to replace natural estrogens and progesterones. For this reason, spotting occurs while taking birth control pills. Therefore, the body needs time to adapt and adjust to unusual conditions.

In most patients, bleeding disappears after the first 2-3 months, very rarely, when the discharge can last up to 5-6 months. But there are cases when spotting does not stop in patients even after the stage of the body’s adaptation to the drug is completed.

The following factors can cause bleeding:

  1. Failure to comply with the drug dosing schedule may cause endometrial detachment. The drug must be taken strictly according to the instructions at the same time.
  2. Two tablets were taken in one day.
  3. Digestive problems, vomiting, diarrhea (absorption of the active ingredient decreases).
  4. Use of antibiotics.
  5. Taking products that contain St. John's wort.
  6. Taking drugs that affect the central nervous system.
  7. Incompatibility of contraceptives with other medications.
  8. Estrogen deficiency. If the adaptive process has ended and spotting appears immediately after menstruation, then this sign indicates a lack of the hormone. You should choose a drug with big amount estrogen.
  9. Progesterone deficiency. If discharge appears before menstruation, this indicates a lack of the hormone. It is necessary to change the drug to an analogue with a higher amount of progesterone.
  10. Heavy bleeding that looks more like a normal period can be caused by breakthrough bleeding. Most often, the reason for this phenomenon is a low level of the hormone estrogen, which is insufficient to perform a hemostatic function.
  11. If the patient has spotting brown discharge instead of menstruation, this sign may indicate that the endometrium is not shed in time, causing a delay in menstruation.
  12. Nicotine affects hormonal levels, having a suppressive effect on estrogen.
  13. Presence of infections. As a rule, this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, as well as discharge with a specific odor.
  14. Sexual diseases.

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Discharge within normal limits

Contraceptive drugs contain hormones that inhibit processes that promote conception, which is an invasion of the natural functions of the body. In this regard, spotting occurs when taking contraceptives. Discharges are considered normal:

  • When you start taking the drug, discharge may appear on any day of the cycle, this indicates that the body is being rebuilt.
  • Irregular spotting that appears in the middle, as well as at the final stages of the cycle. Very rarely they exceed one day.
  • If they begin 2-3 days after the end of the menstrual cycle, the uterus is thus freed from residual blood.
  • White discharge that occurs while taking the drug is normal and does not require treatment. This is caused by changes in the vaginal microflora.
  • Painless. The daub should not cause any discomfort. There should be no pain, itching, or burning.

Natural secretions during the use of contraceptives should have the following characteristics:

  • The duration of discharge is up to 3 months.
  • Moderate volume of discharge (2-3 daily sanitary pads for 1 day)
  • Brown and red color.
  • Scarce.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to visit a specialist in the following cases:

  • If bleeding continues for 5 months.
  • Daily bleeding may indicate that this drug is not suitable. This often happens when contraceptives are purchased independently. In this case, you should consult a doctor and choose a more suitable remedy.
  • Discharge in the middle of the cycle, which may indicate negative changes in the epithelial tissues. It is recommended to immediately consult a specialist, as this is very dangerous to health.
  • Brown spotting between menstrual periods, abdominal pain, changes in the shape and volume of the abdomen, significant changes in body weight.
  • When severe headaches occur.
  • Leg pain.
  • A sharp deterioration in hearing and vision.
  • Chest pain.
  • A cough of unknown origin appeared, as well as pain when breathing.
  • Lack of menstruation.
  • Permanent decrease in libido.

Bleeding while taking birth control pills is a common side effect of the drug. This method protection against unwanted pregnancy in last years became widespread. Tablets allow you to avoid the use of additional methods of protection. Also the positive side ease of use and stabilization of one’s own menstrual cycle is considered. But in some cases, the female body does not tolerate the drug well. There are a number of reasons for this. It is thanks to them that the patient may experience bleeding.

It is important to choose the appropriate contraceptive method

Most oral contraceptive pills contain estrogen. The substance is the main female hormone responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system.

Estrogen promotes the start of the next menstrual cycle. As it grows, there is an increase in the activity of the ovaries. Also under its influence there is an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating hormone. FSH is necessary for the formation of a dominant follicle. In the dominant cavity, the maturation and preparation of the female reproductive cell - the egg - occurs. The egg is completely ready for fertilization in the middle of the cycle. This stage is called ovulation. During ovulation, a woman is able to conceive within 4–6 days. After the release of the egg, estrogen is replaced by another important hormone - progesterone.

Progesterone is responsible for the course of the second phase of the female cycle. The hormone is necessary for several processes. Under its influence, the growth and development of the fertilized egg occurs. Progesterone also maintains the viability of the resulting zygote. If conception is in this menstrual cycle did not happen, the egg dies. Progesterone levels begin to decrease. When estrogen rises, menstruation begins.

The action of oral contraceptive pills is based on this property of the hormonal substance. Upon admission medicine your own progesterone stops being produced. This process is accompanied by constant maintenance of a constant level of estrogen. Against this background, the disappearance of the second phase of the cycle is observed. The ovaries stop working. Follicles don't grow. A woman temporarily loses her ability to conceive.

There are other types of contraceptives. These tablets are responsible for the activity of the cervical canal. They do not cause phase failure. Mini-pills affect the composition of mucous discharge from the vagina.

Additional factors

You should pay attention to the nature of the discharge

During a normal cycle, the quality of cervical discharge is constantly changing. In the first phase, the canal walls are tightly compressed. The secretory glands of the cervix do not produce a large number of liquids. The secreted secretion has low viscosity and small volume. This period is called dry. When follicle-stimulating hormone is released into the bloodstream, the channel begins to open.

Disclosure requires an increase in the protective properties of the cervix. The glands begin to secrete a large amount of secretion. It has a mucous structure and white color. As ovulation approaches, the walls of the cervical canal expand more. The mucus becomes transparent. A woman notices heavy vaginal discharge. Using them you can easily determine the beginning of the fertile period.

Birth control pills cause a decrease in the activity of the secretory glands. They do not secrete mucus required quality. In the thick viscous secretion, sperm are unable to actively move. After some time, male reproductive cells completely lose the ability to move and die. It is worth noting that mini-pills are not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Their effectiveness is 95%.

There are also birth control pills that are used for vaginal administration. These remedies are used immediately before sexual contact. They cause instant death of sperm in the vaginal cavity. The product also increases the viscosity of vaginal secretions.

All of the listed contraceptive pills have a number of adverse reactions. A common problem is bleeding in the middle of the cycle. In most cases, it disappears on its own during the third cycle of treatment.

Possible causes of bleeding

Many patients complain of the appearance of spotting in the first months of taking oral contraceptives. Doctors identify the following possible reasons unpleasant side effect:

  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • preservation of the ovulatory period;
  • the presence of cystic formations in the ovaries;
  • improper fixation of the fertilized egg;
  • Missing pills.

Any type of pill can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

In the first days after starting treatment medicinal product The cause of bleeding is the stabilization of hormonal levels. In the first phase, the uterine cavity operates as usual. Under the influence of estrogen, multilayered tissue, the endometrium, is formed on the inner surface of the organ. It is necessary for attachment of the fetus to the wall of the organ.

When taking birth control pills, endometrial tissue is shed. Pieces of the endometrium are excreted through the vagina in the form of bloody mucous lumps. Gradually, the hormonal system adapts to the work of the contraceptive. Bloody discharge disappears in the third or fourth month of use.

Bloody discharge when taking contraceptives can also occur due to persistence of ovulation. For some patients, the appearance of a few drops of blood during ovulation is considered normal. This feature is observed in women who have a dense follicular membrane. When the follicle wall ruptures, small blood vessels are damaged. For this reason, blood is released. In the first month of taking the drug, the egg may mature. In this case, slight bleeding will appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Bleeding in the middle of the cycle can also develop due to the presence of cystic neoplasms. In rare cases, the dominant follicle does not rupture. Ovulation does not occur. But under the influence of luteinizing hormone, the volume of follicular fluid continues to increase. The walls of the dominant are stretched. The diameter of the follicle can be 3–5 cm. Such a follicle is called a cyst. It remains on the wall of the ovary until the onset of menstruation. In rare cases, a cyst with menstruation is not removed from the body. It lasts until the next menstruation. If a woman starts taking birth control at this time, the cyst may burst before the end of the pack of pills. In this case, the woman notices heavy bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Other reasons

Pathological bleeding is also observed when the fertilized egg is not attached correctly. By various reasons Fertilization of the egg does not always occur in the cavity of the uterine body. Conception can occur in the lumen of the fallopian tube. After fertilization, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube. The growth of the fertilized egg is accompanied by a gradual stretching of the lumen. The walls of the pipe become thinner. Endometrial shedding occurs in the same way as during normal menstruation. The woman begins to have a smear. It can go on long time. If help is not provided in a timely manner, the pipe ruptures. In such a situation, only emergency surgical intervention can save the patient’s life.

A common cause of bleeding is missing tablets. This problem occurs in the first months of taking birth control pills. If the patient forgets to drink the medicine, the unstable hormonal system is triggered. The body perceives the skip as the beginning of the next cycle. In this case, the appearance of discharge similar to menstrual discharge is observed. You can fix the problem by quickly taking the missed pill.

There is another reason for the development of severe bleeding. It involves taking emergency hormonal medications.

Uncontrolled use of drugs poses a serious danger

The contraceptive effect of such drugs is based on a sharp change in estrogen levels. Progesterone levels decrease rapidly. Endometrial tissue is rejected by the uterine cavity. Within a few hours, your period begins. But such bleeding is not always harmless for women. A common adverse reaction of the body is damage to the pelvic vessels. In this case, breakthrough bleeding begins.

The problem may also appear as a result of concomitant treatment. Taking medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and gastritis may be accompanied by partial absorption of birth control pills. In this case, a slow restructuring of the hormonal system occurs. If a woman is on constant concomitant treatment, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this. Only a doctor can correctly calculate the dose of the drug.

Common causes of pathology

Bleeding often occurs while taking oral contraceptives under the influence of the following factors:

  • addiction of the female body;
  • incorrect choice of dose of the main active ingredient.

The norm is the appearance of light bleeding during the first three cycles. The body needs to rebuild. With contraceptives, estrogen enters the body. Your own estrogen also continues to be produced. A sharp increase in the level of the substance leads to the development of bleeding.

Gradually, the hormonal system gets used to the supply of additional substances. Your own estrogen stops growing to its usual level. The body stops reacting sharply to taking the pills. The bleeding disappears on its own.

Pathological bleeding is also observed when the dose of the main active ingredient is chosen incorrectly. Each woman has an individual hormonal background. If the pills do not contain enough estrogen, the system may not respond to such a contraceptive. In this case, the woman experiences continuous spotting. To eliminate the defect, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will review the prescribed contraception. If large doses do not help eliminate pathological intermenstrual bleeding, you need to use other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

How to prevent the problem

If you feel unwell, consult a doctor

If intermenstrual bleeding develops, a woman should immediately consult a specialist. Only doctors can correct the problem. Various methods are used to prevent severe blood loss. The specialist can use the following methods:

  • increasing the dosage of estrogen;
  • prescription of hemostatic agents;
  • cleaning the uterine cavity.

Many gynecologists do not resort to canceling contraceptive protection if bleeding is not severe. An increase in the dose of the main medicinal component is used. In this case, the woman will continue to take her contraceptives, but not one, but two tablets per day. In some cases, 4 tablets per day are prescribed. This technique continues until the bleeding stops completely.

Hemostatic drugs are often used. These drugs can prevent blood loss during the first day from the start of treatment. In case of severe bleeding, the drug is administered intravenously. It is necessary to understand that such therapy can only be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. It is prohibited to use hemostatic agents on your own.

Before choosing a treatment method, the doctor performs an ultrasound diagnosis. The device allows you to determine the presence of thickenings on the surface of the uterine cavity. If the endometrium is thick, it is necessary to clean the uterus. It is carried out using a vacuum or by hand. Cleaning is necessary to prevent recurrent bleeding. The rest of the therapy is carried out only according to the indications of a specialist.

The use of birth control pills allows a woman to prevent unwanted conception. The product has a number of side effects. If bleeding occurs while taking the drug, the woman should urgently visit a specialist. It is not recommended to solve the problem yourself.

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