Pusi rice as translated. Who are Pussy Riot? What is known about the composition of the team

Feminist punk band Feminist punk band known for their unsanctioned performances. In February 2012, they performed a punk prayer service at the altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In March of the same year, three members of Pussy Riot were arrested for... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Pussy Riot case- ... Wikipedia

Pussy Riot case- On February 21, 2012, five members of the punk group Pussy Riot came to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, put on masks, ran into the solea (the raised floor in front of the altar barrier or iconostasis) and the pulpit (the place in the temple from which biblical texts are read),... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Riot Grrrl- Direction: rock Origins: Musical: punk rock, hardcore punk, girl bands, grunge, alternative rock Ideological: third wave of feminism, punk ideology, queer theory, straight edge... Wikipedia

Riot Grrrl- (auch Riot Grrl oder Riot Girl; von englisch riot = Aufruhr und girl = Mädchen) bezeichnet eine Anfang der 1990er Jahre in der US amerikanischen Hardcore Punk Szene, ursprünglich vor allem in Olympia (Washington), entstandene feministische… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Riot Grrrl- Infobox Music genre name=Riot Grrrl bgcolor=crimson color=white stylistic origins= musical:Punk Rock, Hardcore Punk, Anarcho punk, Street Punk, indie rock, indie pop, girl groupsIdeological: third wave feminism, queer theory, straight edge… ... Wikipedia

Deadline (film)- This article or section contains information about one or more planned or anticipated films. Content may change dramatically as the film's release date approaches and new information. This term has an existence... Wikipedia

Tolokonnikova, Nadezhda Andreevna- Attention! This page or section contains profanity... Wikipedia

Mamontov, Arkady Viktorovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Mamontov. Arkady Viktorovich Mamontov Occupation: Journalism Date of birth: May 26, 1962 (1962 05 26) ... Wikipedia

Syrova, Marina Lvovna- Marina Lvovna Syrova Occupation: federal judge Date of birth: 1961 (1961) Citizenship ... Wikipedia


  • Media on the eve of the post-secular world. At the beginning of the new century, a fact of Russian reality was the return of the church to active social activity in the spheres of politics, ideology and culture. Enlargement of value and... Buy for 743 RUR
  • Pussy Riot. True story, Vera Kichanova. The book “Pussy Riot. The True Story" tells the story of the creation of the scandalous group Pussy Riot, the preparation and holding of a punk prayer service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the subsequent trial of three...

Act one.
The controversy over the translation of the name of the punk band into Russian continues to rage Pussy Riot.
As soon as this phrase is not translated. Moreover, for the most part, those who try to do this are those who do not know English at all, or “know” exclusively from a dictionary, or know without a dictionary, but very superficially, while having absolutely no language practice in the English-speaking environment, especially among its youth. .
That’s why they come up with either a “Pussy Riot”, or a Vagina Riot, or a Pussy Revolution, or a Pussy Revolution. In general, complete and absolute Pussy-hello.
I can imagine how foreigners who have a working knowledge of the English language, looking at all this translation masturbation in the Russian version, twirl their finger at their temple and stupidly oh! eat.

And on the contrary, among the Russian consumer, who for the most part does not know any other language other than Russian, and the Russian himself understands better, when through the word mat and remat, the meaning of the word Pussy Riot It does not cause any difficulty in translation.
What are the difficulties in the age of computing? I opened the electronic English-Russian dictionary and stuck a word in it with my finger Pussy Trrrrrryn! And the sheet is ready.

purulent, purulent
1) pussy, kitty
2) catkin (on willow)
3) rude. woman; mistress
4) an effeminate man; homosexual
5) rude. vagina
6) rude. copulation
and then hare, rabbit, lodger, lodger, fur clothing, fur coat.

All! What are the problems? You substitute the translation of one word with the translation of another and get the desired result.

And now guess at once which word of these options, in the opinion of great experts on the English language such as Shevchenko, Prokhanov and the rest of the Putin-like camarilla, including the most important expert on the English language, Putin, was chosen the most?

Pralno. The most indecent thing. Which is in a decent place and is awkward to pronounce.
Not “pussy”, not “kitty”, not “earring on a willow” and not even “vagina”, but “vagina” in a rough form, that is, in Russian piiiiiiiiii.
About the word Riot There were no disputes with the translation. It is not interesting from an entertainment point of view. Well... riot, well, riot, well, riot. Another thing is the word Pussy ....

On the eve of the APEC summit, Putin gave an interview to the Russia Today TV channel. Journalist Kevin Owen interviewed Putin.
Kevin is English, and therefore English is his native language.
Among other questions, journalist Kevin Owen asked Putin about events related to the punk band Pussy Riot.

V. PUTIN: Could you translate group name into Russian? You have been living in Russia for more than one year.
C. OWEN: I can't say How " Pussy Riot » translated into Russian, maybe you can tell me?
V. PUTIN: Can you translate the word itself into Russian or not?? Or are you uncomfortable doing this for ethical reasons? I think this is inconvenient to do for ethical reasons. Even in English language it sounds indecent.
K.OWEN: I would translate this word as "cat", but maybe I don't understand something. Do you think that anything could have been done differently? Are there any lessons that can be learned from what happened?
V. PUTIN: You understand everything, you understand everything perfectly, there is no need to pretend that you do not understand something. These citizens simply imposed public opinion their name and made you all say it out loud. After all, this is indecent, but God is with them.

I recommend looking at the expression on Putin’s face when he asked Owen these questions and received answers. It's just a fairy tale about the wolf and little red riding hood, where Putin is obviously a wolf, and Kevin Owen is obviously a hood...
ABOUT Pussy Riot, starting from 25.42

In general.... naturally a horse to an apple.

I'll comment.
Putin asks an Englishman how the name of the group can be translated into Russian Pussy Riot. That is, a phrase.
How does an Englishman, who doesn’t understand anything in Russian, know how to translate the phrase into Russian? Pussy Riot?
Therefore, Owen invites Putin to make such a translation himself, apparently in the hope that Putin knows English and he can definitely translate the meaning of this name..
But Putin doesn’t know English. The truth is he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know him. He only thinks that he knows him. And apparently his “headphones” don’t know him either. Well, or rather they are afraid to tell him correct translation, for fear of disappointing his boss.
And Putin with such an important look, they say, who knows, but he knows the true translation of this name. But he cannot say it out loud for ethical reasons, because his highly moral upbringing does not allow him to do this...
Well, really, how can Putin pronounce the option that his powerful translators offered him for the Russian-speaking public, when there is no other option like rebellion. wow, he doesn’t know anymore and doesn’t want to know?

Then Putin invites Owen to “translate the word itself into Russian.”
Which word do you think Putin is interested in, Pussy or Riot?
Well, obviously Pussy. Fuck Riot.
And Owen replies: I would translate this word as "cat".

Why did Owen choose this option and not catkin (on willow) rough. woman; mistress, homosexual, rude. vagina, rough copulation and certainly not that, which Putin apparently wanted to hear from him?
Yes, because he knows that cat, kitty, pussy in English translates as pussycat. That is, a cat, but female. This is the word pussy gives the word cat feminine gender.
Cat(cat) - pussycat(cat). A for short pussy.

I wonder how Putin would say pussycat translated into Russian?
Nothing other than a fucked up cat or a cat with a pussy or a fucked up cat or a fucked up cat.

Well, if you remove the word cat (cat) from the phrase pussycat and instead of cat (cat) substitute the word riot (riot), what will happen? Will it work out? riot(female), mutiny(female).
Here outside the brackets is the shade of the main word. The main semantic word is the word “rebellion”, “rebellion”, etc.

Artemy Troitsky proposed this, most adapted to Russian, version of the translation of this name - woman's revolt.
But even this option is too harsh. Because it won’t be a woman’s revolt, but rather a (woman’s) rebellion.

But now it would be interesting how Owen would translate from Russian into English the exact meaning of the Russian word “rebellion” with the meaning not just rebellion, but “womanish, feminine, girlish”?
Yes, that’s how I would translate it - pussy riot.

That’s why he so calmly pronounces this name on the air, without worrying that it will be somehow misunderstood in the English-speaking environment.
Therefore, this phrase is spoken quite calmly by everyone all over the world, including at the highest level.
Therefore, Angela Merkel said it quite calmly at the last meeting, without fear of being misunderstood in Germany, where English is the second language of communication.

That is, throughout the English-speaking world this combination Pussy Riot is absolutely decent and only in Russia, where English speakers literally touch their fingers, this word is considered indecent, vulgar and vulgar.

Why didn't Owen explain to Putin the meaning of the combination? Pussy Riot after the transfer, I don't know. But I can assume that Owen never understood what Putin was actually hinting at, accusing him of saying that Owen knows everything perfectly well, but is simply embarrassed to say this translation out loud, because even in English it sounds indecent.

In general... cinema and the Germans.

Having sensed the “taste of victory,” our restless “siberian crane” already in the “Central Television” program, in an episode dedicated to his beloved, decided to repeat his “successful” flight, asking a similar question to NTV journalist Takmenev, as soon as he asked Putin about the Pussy Riot case: Do you know how the name of this group is translated into Russian? (Homemade, so to speak, preparation).
And Takmenev, a great connoisseur of English, literally melted over the table in front of Putin from this question, showing with all his appearance that this translation is so indecent, well, so indecent that... well, at least crawl under the table in shame, it’s not decent.
And in the presence of Putin himself, he cannot pronounce this meaning, because... well, how can it be? but... he certainly knows its exact translation and it exactly coincides with the one that Putin is hinting at.
You need to look here. Words cannot describe this scene.
From the very beginning there have been records of this.

Takmenev “licked” the right place for Putin, just classically. Literally... velvety.

I don’t know whether the correct meaning of this name was explained to Putin in the end, or maybe he himself was bored, but on the third “successful” “flight”, already at a press conference with the participation of Angela Merkel, Putin apparently did not dare to go, so as not to embarrass himself in front of her , as well as in front of a bunch of foreign correspondents who actually speak English in practice.

Although I am not a great connoisseur of the English language, and I don’t have enough language practice, but even from school, literally from the very first lesson, one simple truth was drummed into our heads. When translating an English text into Russian, NEVER use Russian tracing paper, NEVER translate the text word for word, but perceive it entirely in context and in relation to the meaning of the presentation.

So, “kopeck piece” to you for the translation, citizens of criminals Putin, Prokhanov and Takmenev. As they say... "Two-room apartment" per capita.

After asking about the trial of a punk band, Putin asked TV channel correspondent Kevin Owen to translate the band's name into Russian.

— I can’t say how Pussy Riot is translated into Russian, maybe you can tell me? — the Briton didn’t dare.

—Can you translate the word itself into Russian or not? Or are you uncomfortable doing this for ethical reasons? Even in English it sounds indecent,” the president insisted.

- I would translate this word as “cat”, but maybe I don’t understand something...

“You understand everything, you understand everything perfectly, there is no need to pretend that you don’t understand something.” These citizens simply imposed their name on public opinion and forced all of you to pronounce it out loud. “It’s indecent,” the president retorted.

According to Putin, “the authorities should have paid attention” to the activities of the members of the punk group earlier. For example, when they hung “three stuffed animals” in one of the Moscow supermarkets demanding to free the capital from Jews, homosexuals and migrant workers (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova participated in the action organized by the Voina art group, and then in the “Light” department of the hypermarket they “hung "five living people).

“The issue is controversial and could also be subject to some kind of legal assessment,” according to Putin, and another action is “a group sex session in a public place” with subsequent posting of the video on the Internet. “This, as they say, is their business; people have the right to do whatever they want, as long as it does not violate the law,” the president commented on the action at the Biological Museum. “Some of the amateurs say that group sex is better than individual sex, because here, just like in any group work, you can get off.”

The head of state called the protests in churches, including the Yelokhovskaya Church, a “sabbath.” “You know, in our country there are very difficult memories of the initial period of Soviet times, when a huge number of priests suffered, and not only Orthodox priests, but also Muslims and representatives of other religions,” he continued. “Many churches were destroyed, all our traditional faiths suffered enormous damage. And in general, the state is obliged to protect the feelings of believers.”

Comment on whether the verdict of Pussy Riot regarding the action in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was justified and whether the girls can count on early release, Putin refused: “You see, I just try not to touch this matter at all. I know what’s going on there, but I don’t get involved at all.”


Time's Moscow correspondent Simon SHUSTER: “More like a 'pussy riot'. This is the most correct thing.

-You mean cats? Or something different?

- Kitties. But here's what I would like to emphasize. I was in the courtroom - and they said, including witnesses, that this name means “pus”. This is completely wrong. There is a word “pus”, meaning “pus”, something rotten. But these words are completely unrelated. So to say that this is a “Festering Riot” is wrong.

“But there is another translation option: to put it mildly, “Vagina revolt.” Can you say that?

“We’re having a very funny conversation.” Yes, you can say that. But this is very difficult to translate into Russian, because slang words that have similar meanings, in Russian this is a mat, but in English they have a softer meaning. The meaning of the word “pussy” is the female genital organ. But this is a rather soft word and not nearly as rude as the word starting with “p” in Russian. This is indeed a very difficult translation issue. And what the members of this group had in mind, I cannot say.”

Translator, children's poet Marina BORODITSKAYA:“The phrase “pussy riot” does not have a rude sound. They say that this should be translated as “p...pre-revolution” - this is complete nonsense! The word "pussy" has two meanings. The first and most common is part of the phrase “pussy cat”, that is, “female cat”, “pussy”. The second meaning is the female genital organ, but not with an obscene coloring, not a five-letter word, but a softer name. The word "riot" means "uprising", "rebellion", "protest". Pussy riot should be understood as “women’s riot”, “come on, girls”, “come on, little women”.


It turns out that the Russian girls from Pussy Riot are not original in choosing the name for their group. On the Internet you can find references to Italian little known group Pussy Riot, created in the summer of 2004 by three young ladies: Katerina, Louise and Anastasia. The Italian band was inspired by the ideas of the feminist movement Riot Grrrl that emerged in American hardcore in the nineties. The Italian trio’s compositions did not shine with particular musicality; the girls released their first official demo album ThisTroy in 2006.

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