Five of Pentacles Waite Tarot. Interpretation of Tarot Pentacle cards. Classic combination with the Major Arcana

Short description cards: Two beggars in a snowstorm in winter pass by the luminous windows of the temple - a symbol of hope. They walk and do not take their eyes off the ground, hoping to find a dirty penny there. While they could have gone to the temple, found shelter and bread there.


  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.

Keywords: Flaw. Damage. Low self-esteem. Losing money. Debauchery. Extravagance. Unreasonable spending. Depression. Emptiness. Despair. Hopelessness. Physical suffering. Negative karma. Debts. Alimony. Bankruptcy.

Inner meaning: The illuminated windows of the temple indicate that spiritual fire helps to overcome any difficulties. And often it is the strength of spirit that becomes the most reliable support in life. This allows you to rise above your circumstances and control the course of your life.

Personal relationships: Discord, withdrawal from relationships. A feeling of abandonment, having no one to lean on in difficult times. Disputes in the family over money or the inability to be together due to financial or housing problems (student marriage). A harmful passion.

Business and finance: There is a great danger of being left without work. IN best case scenario– these are delays in salaries, in the worst case – a reduction in one day.

Advice: Get ready for a challenging time.

Card of the day: For some reason you will have to lower your demands. Lack of cash. You may have to borrow some money from friends. Watch your wallet, the store may not have enough change, or you may make a bad purchase.

Professions and field of activity: Work in social services. Charity. Hospice. Psychologist.

Main meaning: All Fives in the Tarot symbolize the beginning of changes that will radically change your life. These are abrupt and often painfully palpable events. Because you are unwilling to seek help, you suffer and miss the chance to improve your situation. I can’t go through changes in A’s painlessly, these cards are sad and difficult, something will have to be sacrificed. In the Five of Pentacles these are material sacrifices: money, health, comfort.

The 5 of Pentacles is a period of failure and decline in business, when you feel your own helplessness, worthlessness and insecurity. Your position is uncertain, the ground has gone from under your feet. Such crises are typical for the stage of personal growth, when for the sake of development you have to leave your comfort zone, where everything was familiar, reliable and safe. From the comfort of the 4 of Pentacles, a person goes out into the big city. And this unfamiliar situation seems very dangerous, but this feeling of fear is just a subjective feeling.

It is necessary to cut all expenses and understand that this is only a temporary situation. And it doesn't rain forever.
You are afraid of losing something valuable to you, and the risk is very high. It haunts me and keeps me in oppressive tension. Intense fear of loss, poverty or illness can undermine health. Do not refuse help and support, now it is more important than ever for you and will help you get through this dark period.

Yes, you will lose something material, but in return you will gain invaluable experience. There are 2 exits from the Five of Pentacles: to a new level or back to the stable and reliable structure of the four.

Negative, inverted position: The Five of Pentacles is a difficult card: it foretells problems with housing, health and money. Only very favorable cards nearby can smooth out its negativity, and even then not completely, you will simply be given help, and you will not experience this card in full force.

You are so fixated on your misfortune, paralyzed by it, that you don’t see a way out. No matter how difficult the situation may be, control yourself, don’t despair and lose heart, this has never helped anyone. Further immersion in this atmosphere will lead you to depression and abandonment of all former goals and aspirations.

After the retrograde and inertia of the 4 of Pentacles, we find ourselves in the oppressive 5 of Pentacles; this card in its negative aspect indicates that opportunities have already been missed. Perhaps you waited too long, refusing to take active action, and only reacted to events from the outside.
Wasting reserves and overspending one’s strength lead to a feeling of emptiness and hopelessness, a feeling of one’s own inferiority,

Interpretation in layouts: Even in a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles makes its contribution in the form of losses, waste, and quarrels. Very soon the Querent will find himself in a situation where the income he was counting on will pass by. Money will be tight, you will have to moderate your appetites. And the best thing you can do now is to monitor your every action so as not to worsen the situation.

With the Jester (0 Arcana) – extravagance, stupid spending.

With Strength (11th Arcana) – destructive passion.

With the Queen of Cups - monetary losses due to personal relationships. Mistress.

With 2 Cups – unhappy love.

The 5 of Pentacles card represents the element of Earth, the energy of the Soil. This is something grounded: material values ​​that a person needs or strives to obtain. This is an experience that is always fraught with difficulties. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in detail.

Card advice: pull yourself together and don’t expect support from others. Only you can change the situation for the better. Be extremely attentive and careful, do not take risks, so as not to lose everything you have.

5 of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

5 Coins Tarot also has unfavorable meanings in relationship readings. The card indicates that you feel abandoned and unwanted, and have an urgent need for support and attention.

If you do not cope with this oppressive feeling, it will “eat” you from the inside. The turning point has come: it depends only on you whether you will throw off this burden and step into a new happy life, or you will find yourself buried under it without the slightest chance of getting out.

Here are the common meanings of the Five of Coins in relationship readings:

  • Try to fight the feeling of hopelessness. Stop waiting for a person to appear in your life who will pull you out of your state of loneliness and love you. Only internal changes and self-love will attract happiness into your life.
  • Sometimes the card indicates a crisis in an existing relationship. It is important not to perceive this as a disaster. Often it is precisely such crises that are a turning point, after which relationships begin to develop and move to a new level. Everything will work out - don't doubt it

Card advice: abstract from problems, look for positive aspects in everything. Remember that the black bar does not last forever. The more correctly you behave, the faster happy changes will come.

Watch the video about the meaning of the 5 Coins Tarot card:

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers know: you cannot interpret the meaning of a card without paying attention to which arcana surround it. Let's consider the meanings of Tarot combinations of 5 Pentacles with other cards:

  • Jester - poverty is coming, provoked by a sudden loss large sum money
  • Magician - a state of indifference and indifference to everything will come. Lack of strength for decisive action
  • High Priestess - acquired skills will be useless, you need to learn something tonal
  • Empress - you decide to invest money in a new business, but the game is not worth the candle. Think about whether you have chosen the right direction
  • Emperor - severance of existing relationships: business or personal
  • Hierophant - think about your behavior, it has strayed far from moral standards. If you don't change your attitude towards others, everyone will despise you
  • Lovers - your chosen one thinks only about himself, does not support you in anything
  • Chariot - there is every chance of winning, but it will come at the cost of incredible efforts on your part
  • Strength - you need to move on, but you don’t want to at all
  • Hermit - you will experience mental torment, feel lonely and useless
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck will forget about you, crisis will come in all areas of life

Despite the unfavorable meanings of the card, it is not as bad as it seems. It rather indicates that you need to stop being afraid of the crisis, get rid of fears and doubts, tune in to a positive mood and take active action.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The fortuneteller will be tormented by an unreasonable feeling of restlessness and anxiety, and various restrictions will also await him.


Partners are united not by love, but common problems. Once they are resolved, the couple will break up.


This is the worst lasso for health. It portends an incurable disease or the loss of some organ or limb.


An unfavorable period is coming. The fortuneteller can expect dismissal or ruin. It is not recommended to invest as the investment will be unsuccessful.

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✚ For the future

You have a very difficult situation that requires you to make an immediate decision that seems impossible to you. Look at your situation from a different perspective. This way you can understand that the solution lies right on the surface. Try to solve problems as quickly as possible in order to regain the peace of mind that you recently lost. No one will provide you with the long-awaited help, try to improve your life situation on your own. Only you yourself can become the beginning of a new life streak.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Five of Pentacles indicates that the questioning person has some barriers that are difficult for him to cross, he cannot overcome his weaknesses, they eat him up from the inside and close the doors to new life. Perhaps the past does not let go of this person, perhaps there are problems in other areas of life. The advice from the card is this: you need to relax and accept the real you, then you will definitely appear in life. new person. For those who are in a relationship, this advice will also be relevant - only acceptance of yourself and your partner can save the relationship from collapse.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Anxiety, a period of constant failures and difficulties, self-destruction, loss of time and various restrictions. You are under constant stress at work, you are afraid of losing it, and for good reason: you may be fired; loss of money and negligible profit. Health can be traced to depression, lack of vitamins and poor immunity; possible serious illness. Relationships have problems, but solutions are easy to find, so don't worry. You are in a very depressed state from which you need to find a way out!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Worry and anxiety caused by some kind of loss, often of a material level. However, all temporary problems can be solved with some effort.

Tomorrow will bring a temporary cooling of feelings in matters of love, nothing serious or tragic, just a temporary decline.

In professional matters, there is some kind of crisis, perhaps there is no financial opportunity to do something, or there is a temporary lack of work.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You are completely different people who have been different from each other since childhood. This does not allow you to feel equality in the relationship. Equality of people allows us to achieve harmony when partners try to solve problems on equal terms and support each other’s initiatives. It is this component that your love is missing. Serious conflicts based on money are possible, which often causes even families to break apart.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

The wish will come true quickly. But it will sow a lot of doubts and anxiety in your soul. It is far from certain that this will be associated with the failure to fulfill or not the exact realization of the dream. You will get what you want. However, you have to think - is your dream really true and desirable? Or maybe changes will come in life into which desire no longer fits. Organize your life as your heart tells you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

There was a financial crisis and material losses. A period of problems. Obstacles on the way to the goal. Crisis stage. Support will come from the appearance of a person with similar problems, a like-minded person.

There is a lack of energy to solve problems. All efforts are in vain. Loss of financial resources. Heavy expenses. Negative resolution of the situation. Don't invest in anything! Don't take on other people's problems.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Five of Coins indicates some kind of crisis overtaking the relationship. Irritability and uncertainty in the love of the other half will burn the heart from the inside, which will have an extremely adverse effect on the formation of future connections. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you need to engage in relationships and develop them. Such an investment will be fully justified, and you may realize that you have found the one.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Honors have a bad influence on a person. Arrogance makes it difficult to see the dangers lurking around.

It seems to you that you are the master of the situation and everything is under your constant control. Pride took possession of the soul. There is still time to fix everything. Show wisdom and prudence, do not neglect those around you. You have climbed to the pinnacle of success, and now appreciate how painful it will be to fall from such a height.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

The person you've chosen is most likely not interested in a long-term relationship. Perhaps you are in a difficult financial situation, and this is scaring him away. You shouldn’t look for a “strong shoulder” at the moment; try to find a better paying job or develop your talents. Now is the time to get rid of unnecessary situations and relationships. Make time for spiritual development, take care of yourself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

The appearance of the 5 of Pentacles speaks of deception and hidden relationships. Your union is going through not the easiest times; amid the crisis, feelings for each other are dulled and the partners want to find solace on the side. This is what happens.

These connections cannot be called serious. Most likely, they are temporary. Bypassing the crisis in your relationship, you can easily establish contact with your loved one and live quite happily in the future.

A full description of the map is available at

Two men in shabby clothes make their way through the snow under a large stained glass window decorated with golden 5 of pentacles. The window is illuminated with golden light, contrasting with the blizzard with its warmth. The beggars passing by must do something to improve their deplorable situation. This is what the Five of Pentacles looks like

General meaning of the card

The Five of Pentacles is a tarot card that appears when economic situation the person becomes bad. It also falls out when someone loses faith in relationships, the institution of family, or simply in themselves. This is a symbol that illustrates the lack of faith in difficult times. It can be called differently:

  • 5 of pentacles;
  • 5 denarii;
  • 5 coins.

Despite the fact that the meaning of the 5 of Pentacles in the Tarot does not evoke good feelings, this card seems to indicate that a person is capable of much. He can find a simple solution to what worries him, but only if he can muster all the strength to ask for help.

The Five of Pentacles is not an inherently bad card sign. This card can serve as an eye opener, telling the person to examine their feelings and come to an understanding of the root of the situation. To look at life from a positive point of view, you need to empty your heart of what brings you grief.

Upright and inverted positions

The Five of Pentacles is a card with a very ambiguous meaning. Its place in the layout can greatly influence what the value of 5 Tarot Coins will be. This feature is much more pronounced than in other representatives of the Minor Arcana. When doing fortune telling, you should also pay great attention to the surroundings of the card, as it can radically change the meaning.

As a rule, the reversed 5 of Pentacles has a good meaning. This is a clear sign that the person has managed to escape financial or emotional difficulties, regardless of whether he realized it or not. It’s good when the card falls out in a past scenario. If it appears in the future, it is advisable to look at other Tarots to see what exactly will have to be overcome. It’s not a fact that everything will turn out rosy, so it’s better to come up with a plan B just in case.

Past, present and future

If the symbol appears in the last part of the layout, this indicates that the hopeless period of life is over. According to the Tarot meaning of 5 denarii, this is the best placement for this card. A person may learn that past loss of faith is the root cause of current dilemmas.

When a card appears in the present part of the spread, it indicates that the person is not noticing some great opportunity that is right in front of him. Often this card appears in the present when generous and loving person makes it clear to the fortuneteller that he would like to connect his life with him. The symbol warns against missing out on your happiness by running after an empty person who will ultimately turn out to be a loser.

This card encourages you not to lose faith and to see those things in life that are nearby but remain unattended. Anyone who listens to wise advice will find happiness by avoiding adversity.

In different scenarios, the symbol takes on its own meanings:

  1. Advice - The 5 of Pentacles advises you to prepare for a hike in the arid desert.
  2. A word of caution: don’t try to improve one area of ​​your life while paying less attention to another. This approach to solving problems will result in a major fiasco.
  3. Fortune telling “yes or no”: the answer is “no”.
  4. How the card of the day 5 of Pentacles marks a shortage of cash, a change in plans for a major purchase. A person must tighten his belt for a while, then he can get out of the financial hole.

If the Arcanum falls in a future position of the reading, the future will challenge the fortuneteller. He will have to make a choice on which side of the stained glass window he wants to be on. If you go with the flow, then only outside in the cold and in tattered clothes. The Five of Pentacles reminds us that life is a banquet where only the poorest fools go hungry.

On the other hand, this card allows a person to realize that it is time to live their life, and not just trudge through it.

Impact on areas of life

It is necessary to take into account which area of ​​life interests the fortuneteller. The answer to exciting topics will depend on this:

The not-so-pleasant meaning of the card in all areas is not a reason to panic, it is a signal that the time has come to make the necessary changes in your life.

Tarot card combinations

In order to most correctly interpret the combinations of the Five of Pentacles, it is necessary to consider the relationships in the deck. All cards marked 5 in the Tarot are an echo of card number 5: The Hierophant. It is a card of established order and commitment to social interaction. In addition, each representative numbered 5 is also an echo of the shadow card of the Hierophant, card number 15: Devil. This is a symbol of the abandonment of all principles in the pursuit of pleasure, of such deep selfishness that a person becomes a slave to his desires.

All Pentacle cards deal with the energy surrounding the material world, energy that most often expresses itself in the form of money.

So, the meaning of the Five Tarot Coins lies in the question of whether a person really wants to follow his selfish pursuits and ignore the great gifts of the Universe that await the one who is able to refuse temptations for the good of society.

Combinations with other Tarot can enhance the card or change its meaning:

  1. If the card appears in a reading with many other pentagrams, the fortuneteller’s problem is money and its alienating power. Perhaps a person is in a social relationship with women who are financially better off than himself, and this makes him feel bad.
  2. If the Five of Denarii appears in a reading with big amount Sword cards, the state of alienation has a basis in the form of angry words or hasty actions. Perhaps the fortuneteller was recently excluded from his circle of friends after a serious argument or disagreement.
  3. If Pentacles are accompanied by many Cup cards, this is a sign that apathy is caused by emotions. This situation often accompanies situations when a person himself distances himself from loved ones who love him.

Some of the major Arcana cards combine with the 5 of Pentacles in interesting ways. When this card is connected to the Emperor or the Fool, this is a symbol of the exacerbation of the “bad boy” addictions. The combination with the Tower says that a person is just a victim of circumstances and external forces, and his self-confidence was the saddest loss in recent life upheavals. When Pentacles are paired with the Wheel of Fortune, the person is likely to be in the middle of a game and losing faith in their bet.

There is a special combination that is firm and permanent - an alliance with the Justice card. It indicates that on the path of life the fortuneteller has reached a crossroads; there can be no return. Die is cast. Immediately after a Tarot reading with such a combination, all decisions and actions will have special significance in the short and long term.

Other names for the Five of Pentacles tarot card: Diamonds, Pentacles, Disks, Coins, Bells, Denarii, Pentagrams, Rings, Diamonds, Squares, Money, Diamonds, Buffalo, Buffalo, Ox, Earth

The Five of Denarii is a card of crisis, deprivation and unrest. This is a decline, a failure in business, when we feel pitiful, unhappy, abandoned, and sometimes we are actually in straitened circumstances. At the same time, the Five Denarii rarely serves as a harbinger of truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin, but only indicates the uncertainty of the situation and our subjective feeling of fear of losing the ground under our feet. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any crisis of growth, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar and stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous one.

Work and business

Problems and objective difficulties that can interfere with our business and plans, or even deprive us of our jobs. Thus, the card means the danger of losing something (property, money, position), failing an exam, or generally suffering a fiasco in life. It also often falls out in connection with a change of job, when a familiar job and guaranteed income are replaced by new tasks and increased risk, as, for example, when moving from service in a company to private entrepreneurship. However, the map does not at all indicate the error of such a step. Rather, it is a completely normal feeling of uncertainty when moving from old to new in the process of professional growth. Thus, it characterizes only a subjective feeling, and only in rare cases does it mean actual failure.


A subjective feeling of poverty, decline, although in reality nothing like this may exist. The map only shows that we are concerned about our future fate, although our life may be quite prosperous and even rich. The lesson of such sensations is that poverty of spirit cannot be overcome by any external wealth - and, conversely, that external poverty is not an obstacle to the wealth of the soul. In addition, this card may indicate another crisis of growth, quite natural for any development process, during which our (innate) fear of poverty and decline manifests itself, although the path to new, brighter distances may lie precisely through them.

Relationships and love

IN personal relationships This card signifies a feeling of abandonment, loss. A terrible feeling that we are not loved, that no one needs us. It can also express a feeling of hopelessness, which should be perceived as the approaching “breaking point” phase, when we can finally get rid of old patterns of behavior and build qualitatively new relationships. If it serves as a harbinger of a crisis, then this crisis is an integral element of development, and not a catastrophe. After such a crisis, relations between partners are only getting better.

Inner meaning

The Five of Pentacles tarot is a warning card; there is a small chance of business success, but a much greater chance of disaster. Even in a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material difficulties, losses or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation where money is tight and (or) when the property or income he was counting on will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; other times they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch your every step to avoid a crash.

Combinations with other cards


Tower: Hard Times

3 of Swords: refusal, lack of support

10 of Wands: Trying to make ends meet, hard times

5 of Cups: rejection, lack of support, loss of approval


Strength: strength, endurance

Moderation: Good Health

6 of Wands: recognition, fame

Sun: vitality, strong physique




Mercury in Taurus

0°—10° Taurus

Original title: Lord of Material Hardships Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: out of the clouds at the bottom of the card reaches out a hand holding a branch of a rose tree with white flowers. But the roses fall from the branch, and not a single bud remains on it. Four disks, similar to the one depicted on the Ace, are located at the vertices of the square, and the fifth is in the center

Color of Geburah on the Princess scale: red flecked with black
The colors of Mercury on four scales: yellow; purple; grey; indigo with purple streaks
Taurus colors on four scales: red-orange; dark indigo; warm dark olive; juicy brown
Formula: Five (Geburah) + Disks (Asia) + Mercury in Taurus = ANXIETY.

Despite the active nature of Mercury and some slowness of Taurus, this combination in itself does not cause any particular trouble. People with this aspect in the natal chart are often very patient, practical and conservative. However, Geburah inserts sticks of discord and tension into the wheels of this, by and large, well-coordinated mechanism. And as a result, anxiety arises - anxiety of the kind that prompts us to ask questions: “Have I gotten myself into such a mess from which I can no longer get out? What if I'm in deep trouble? Will I be able to resist the blind inertia of unfolding events?

It is impossible to depict on a plane a system of five bulky gear wheels interlocked with each other, as in the mechanism of some huge grotesque clock. The five discs in the center of the card are just the hubs of said massive wheels. They are arranged in the shape of an inverted pentagram, and each of them depicts one of the five tattvas - Indian elemental symbols: the red triangle of Fire, the silver crescent of Water, the blue circle of Air, the yellow square of Earth and the black egg of Spirit. Taking a closer look, we will find that the black egg of the Spirit is located on the ray of the pentagram that is directed downward. Obviously, the Five of Disks is associated with one of the less pleasant meanings of the inverted pentagram, namely, with the idea of ​​​​the triumph of matter over spirit.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

The small child depicted in this card is standing outside a door, looking through it. It's so small; he is convinced that he cannot pass through it, and does not see that the door is not locked; he only needs to open it. When we feel abandoned or forgotten, it makes us feel like small, helpless children. No wonder, because this feeling is deeply rooted in experience early childhood. The problem is that because it is so ingrained, it plays in our lives like a record over and over again.

Straight position

You have the opportunity to stop this record, stop tormenting yourself with thoughts that you are not accepted well enough by society. Find out. where are the roots of these feelings in the past. and let go of old pain. And you will be able to clearly see the way in which you can open the door and enter where you have always wanted.

Meaning of the card

And so, you feel like an outsider. This is good. This is a transition period. Now you need to be vigilant so as not to feel pain and suffering. Now that there is no God, who will console you? You don't need consolation. Humanity has come out of this age. Be a man. Be a woman and stand on your own two feet. The only way to connect with existence is to go within, because at the center you are still connected. You were physically separated from your mother. This separation was absolutely necessary to make you an independent individual. But you are not separate from the universe. You cannot see it, so you have to go deep down with great awareness, alertness, witnessing, and you will find the connection. Buddha is a connection! (Osho)

“Blessed are the poor in spirit.”

This card is considered good for love matters and bad for finances. Minor Arcana Tarot card Five of Pentacles speaks of mutual feelings and actions dictated by the call of the heart, even to the detriment of the material side of the matter. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Five of Pentacles reminds us that the spiritual should be more important than the material.

Description of the map

On the map we see snow as a symbol of the water element, meaning purification, in this case spiritual. However, snow also means that there is no foundation or soil under our feet - only water. This lack of foundation is symbolic of a lack of faith and awareness of one's core values. According to this card, we lose faith and do not know our true values.

Also on the map are crippled beggars under the windows of the temple. They wander past, not looking back at the warmly glowing windows, confident that they are strangers on this earth and no one cares about them. However, traditionally the figure of a beggar symbolizes the connection between this and that light, which allows this symbol to be interpreted as a reminder of the temporality of existence. A reminder of death forces us to remember our true values, so that we can then determine our purpose and have time to realize it.

General meaning of the Five of Pentacles card

This is the card of those who go through life with an open heart, remaining true to their feelings. The Five of Pentacles Tarot puts the spiritual above material values ​​and often means some kind of loss of something, but also the acquisition in return of invaluable experience for those who are ready to see and accept this gift. Five is a symbol of transformation, transformation, when we go through the “turbulence zone”, which changes our life very much, but does not destroy, but simply chips away at us.

The gift of the Five of Coins is the ability to see your own behind every life situation or problem. inner temple and the intention that is undoubtedly there. It is the strength of spirit that can help overcome troubles and difficulties; it becomes invisible, but the strongest support in our earthly life, makes it possible to rise above the vanity and remember who we really are.

Five of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of the card speaks of the onset of difficult times, crises, emotional turmoil and losses in various areas. It symbolizes mainly uncertainty and fear of losing ground under your feet.

The universal interpretation of the card is unprofitable enterprises, collapsing plans, setbacks and failures, ruin even to poverty. The querent is experiencing such a state, or will soon find himself in it, he will have to face difficulties and the planned income may pass by. This can happen both due to waste and mismanagement of money, and due to the action of force majeure.

Five of Coins speaks of facing the realities of life that are far from ideal. The card warns of possible losses and, as a result, depression and anxiety, and this may be a difficult period related to finances. This is a time of lack of energy and strength, when there is not enough for anything and the quality of life, the joy of existence and the ability to desire are lost. There can also be a lack of confidence and security, when a person stops believing in himself, stops taking responsibility for his life, and becomes “small”.

The card advises you to abandon expectations and aspirations, be attentive to what is happening and be moderate in your spending and needs. It also foreshadows vanity and troubles, attempts to equalize the financial situation and the difficulties associated with this. A feeling of instability may accompany a person throughout this entire condition, which, of course, will not last forever.

In ancient commentaries we can find the interpretation “everything will be resolved after five weeks,” and this happens quite often. It is important to remember the need to maintain clarity of consciousness and conserve strength, which will be absolutely needed to overcome circumstances and problems.

This is a card of serious changes in life, with which all this chaos comes. However, provided we continue to act, everything will level out and the quality of life will improve. This can also be compared to a heavy load during training, after which lactic acid causes pain in the muscles, but athletes know that it is necessary to repeat the load and then the muscles will quickly stop hurting and come to a more developed state. The Five of Pentacles often symbolizes this “post-training” stage and says – just keep moving.

Personal Description

The state of the Five Denarii is devastation and suppression, anxiety and restlessness. A person seems to be immersed in a dream, when there is no desire to do anything, and there is only the ability to look at one point. The card symbolizes difficult times for a person, when he is in low-energy states and feels small and insignificant and therefore cannot start doing anything, because it will not change anything, as it seems to him.

Negative traits

All thoughts in this state revolve around negative aspects, a person may experience fear for himself and his existence, this is accompanied by a lack of interest in life and a feeling that everything is crumbling and being destroyed.

The Five of Pentacles describes a complex state when a person walks in circles in his head, going through heavy thoughts and there is no creative energy, just emptiness and lack of desires, in such a state it is even difficult for a person to move physically and tends to fall asleep all the time. This state usually lasts a long time and is not so easy to overcome; it is not a mood that can be at least controlled; it lies somewhat deeper.

The Five of Coins, like the Nine of Swords, describes anxiety, feelings of restlessness and all kinds of experiences. This card traditionally signifies fears associated with loss of income or job, fears of failure and destruction of stable life structures. This card is accompanied by heavy thoughts about the pointlessness of efforts, about one’s own insignificance and uselessness, as well as the thoughts “nobody loves me.”

If we talk about specific individuals, the Five of Pentacles personifies “little people”, the unemployed, the poor, those who owe everyone, as well as people with severe complexes, ashamed of themselves and trying to interact with the world and people as little as possible so as not to be noticed or converted attention.

A person has an inherent feeling of his own inferiority. Such people lack something at the moment, and it can be money and some material goods, as well as love, care, support and warmth. People of this card can experience a serious personal crisis when circumstances constrain them, and there is a feeling that the ground is disappearing from under their feet and there is no strength to change anything.

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On a deeper level

The Five of Pentacles speaks of the advantage of the spiritual over the material, when the creative filling of the soul takes precedence over the complexities of human life. The card describes a creative artist who, in the process of creating paintings, may not eat, sleep or care about how he looks. It also corresponds to the image of a disabled person, without arms or legs, but whole, full and cheerful so much that he can inspire healthy people with his example.

The essence of the Five of Coins is about being true to yourself and your values, even at the risk of life. The card speaks of a conflict between two sides, manifested and unmanifested, physical and mental, matter and spirit. By resolving this conflict correctly, a person emerges victorious in this confrontation.

In addition, monks and those who lead spiritual

The Five of Pentacles can indicate self-restraint in the name of a higher spiritual goal.

life, giving up material goods. The thought “Not by bread alone” in this Arcanum is often realized in the literal sense and a person is forced to feed on the “holy spirit” in exchange for acquiring spiritual riches.

The Five of Pentacles speaks of closeness to the ideals of the church. It points to an ascetic life, when a person heals the soul through his actions, resigning himself to hardships and difficulties. Stress and difficult life situations arise, being the personification of divine qualities - humility, patience, forgiveness and generosity, the ability to share the light of faith and bread with others.

The card may indicate the need to remember the light in the darkest of times and maintain your values ​​in all circumstances. “This too shall pass” and there is no eternal suffering, sooner or later liberation comes.

Living in the material world, we do not know what will happen, we do not know when death will occur or war will begin. Life seems to be a fragile and ever-changing substance. However, the belief that everything happens as planned and has its own meaning gives strength to live, allows you to feel confident even on the edge of the abyss and, most importantly, conquers fear in order to remain calm and whole in life’s ups and downs.

But the moment the Five of Pentacles begins to control life, everything changes. Faith in life disappears, we begin to feel uncontrollable fear, including the fear of death - the snow melts, revealing the abyss lying under our feet.

The map corresponds to the sign of Taurus, which symbolizes the ability to creative work. Creative work is constructive because it unites the material and spiritual, expressing them in a solid creative product. The ego of Taurus dissolves in feelings and desire, is the basis of creation, just as for Capricorn the basis is its own core and the Ego is more significant than everything else.

It is very important to express everything that a person's ego or self dictates and requests, since these impulses usually lead to the creation of right actions in relation to the world, for which he will be grateful and rewarded. Therefore, it is important to realize the main task of the first decade of Taurus - to understand your feelings and desires, surrender to spontaneity and trust your intuition in order to manifest these aspirations. This decade is enterprising in everything related to the sphere of emotions and sensual manifestations, so people of this decade cope well with any activity in the field of art.

Also, in the first decade of Taurus the emotional sphere is strongly manifested, this is the result of the influence of Mercury, the ruler of this decade, although Taurus may be characterized by slowness of perception. When the senses are involved in the assimilation of information, it goes much deeper than if it simply passed through the mind. That's why it's so important to leave room for feelings to show. It is sensory experience lived in practice that gives us the basis for personal development and comprehension of life wisdom.

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles in various layouts

For career and work

Not a very good card for business or business. Often it means serious losses and failures, even bankruptcy and the creation of huge debts. The Five of Pentacles speaks of crisis, fruitless efforts, hopelessness, lack of plans or their ineffectiveness. If we are talking about a business, then it clearly lacks financial investments or a solid foundation. Scarcity can also be expressed as a lack or absence of market demand.

A positive card environment can speak of a promising business, hinting at creating a business “on your knees” or in the garage. However, for an enterprise to take place, it is necessary to defend your idea, prove its right to exist and work very hard.

In a career matter, the Five of Pentacles can speak of large quantities work that is low valued and the payment does not correspond to the volume of work, and this can also be interpreted as dismissal or change of job, unemployment and temporary employment.

Modern tarot readers believe that this is a card of philanthropists and all those who donate to education, science and art, which also reflects the service of material things to spiritual goals. According to the Five Denarii there are professions related to work in a hospital, nursing home, social center or in those companies that provide assistance to people in difficult life situations.

For finances and property

The Five of Pentacles traditionally means financial losses and difficulties from small to complete ruin and poverty, loss of home. This is a card of poverty and need, the need to ask for help. Living in very cramped circumstances, in conditions of lack of money and other material goods, for example, living on benefits or a minimum pension. This is a map of saving and careful allocation of resources. In addition, the Five of Coins often means the need to ask for help and alms (one way or another) from others.

This financial condition may be a consequence of mishandling money in the past, or a result of a combination of circumstances. The card also speaks of the loss of any privileges and advantageous position. This may be a situation where a person does not balance income and expenses and lives beyond his means. Often the Five of Pentacles speaks of the presence of debts and obligations; it is associated with demands to immediately repay debts or pay a fine.

In its most positive sense, the card can speak of freedom from the responsibilities that invariably come with the advent of money and property. However, it is rare that a person can perceive this in in the best sense. The reversed Five of Pentacles often speaks of unexpected income or winnings.

For love and relationships

Five of Pentacles Tarot meaning in relationships can be contradictory, so it is important to pay attention to your surroundings. Often the card speaks of a painful attachment in a couple, but it can also speak of a pair of hermits sharing their love as well as the hardships of life in exile.

This Arcanum personifies a person or two who have resigned themselves to the state of things and cannot imagine the possibility of living differently, and the existing reality can be truly terrible. However, such relationships continue and are based on the fact that the couple unites against a cruel world, and this becomes the driving force of their relationship.

Some experts interpret the Five of Coins as a symbol of legitimizing relationships, commitment, decency and propriety.

In the appropriate environment, the card means fatigue from the union and the lack of a way out, which manifests itself in a break in the relationship, in loneliness. Also, the Five of Denarii can talk about the impossibility of showing love, when there is too much mutual pain and resentment and there is no strength left to express one’s feelings, detachment and insensitivity appear.

This card can symbolize a period of decline in a relationship when at least one partner is experiencing deep self-doubt and is tormented by feeling unwanted and unloved, as well as very vulnerable. This is a period of great vulnerability and defenselessness, when a person thinks in terms of a victim and does not know that he can influence the situation.

The Five of Pentacles has another important meaning. Her gift is perceived as the gift of a supplicant who persistently and patiently seeks the hand and heart of a partner. If a person does this consciously, with an understanding of what is happening, and the partner at some point agrees to accept and give love, a miracle happens for both. Something changes in their relationship, there is more understanding, love and patience, their hearts open.

For health status

The Five of Pentacles usually signifies serious health problems. This map includes states of depression, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia and panic attacks. It can also mean a loss of strength and the inability to take care of oneself, an unwillingness to live and alcohol addiction.

This card can talk about cancer, chronic fatigue and professional burnout, as well as anorexia and vitamin deficiency. The classic meaning of the Five of Coins speaks of congenital defects and pathologies, as well as acquired injuries and disabilities.

The card recommends not to take risks and be careful about your finances. Now is not the time for strength tests. It is important to change your lifestyle to a simpler, no-frills one. Be generous and donate to the poor or feed the homeless, and if you need help and support, feel free to ask for it.

The Five of Coins can be a warning, an indication that it is necessary to treat matters carefully, with due seriousness and consistency, otherwise the financial situation may turn out to be hopeless and difficult.

If possible, try to avoid dissatisfaction with yourself and others, and also not think about your own helplessness and inferiority. You need to invest money and effort in your own stability and security, as well as in development.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Five of Pentacles reversed can speak of excessive consumption energy, overwork. IN love relationships indicates a lack of harmony, in the traditional sense, shameful love or relationships on the side.

At best, an inverted card may indicate that there is no need to fear large losses, everything can work out. At the same time, it can mean getting a job, even temporary, as well as improving health, financial condition, straightening emotional state and current affairs.

Five Denarii in an inverted position is often a sign of stagnation of affairs and processes, as well as everyday troubles. Sometimes a reversed card can signal the beginning of better times, when we are presented with opportunities to earn money to improve our quality of life and overall well-being.

Combined with other cards

How is the Five of Pentacles interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With Strength – strength, endurance, perseverance in trials;
  • With the Tower - marriage disorder, difficult times;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - a happy marriage;
  • With the Hanged Man - danger to honor;
  • With Strength - avoid dishonor;
  • With Moderation – restoration of health;
  • With the Sun - vitality, strong physique;
  • With the Six of Wands - recognition, fame;
  • With the Ten of Wands - hard work, trying to make ends meet;
  • With the Three of Swords - refusal, lack of support;
  • With the Five of Cups - loss of approval.
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