Frame design is German. The role of frame construction in various functional styles: Based on the material of the modern German language Olga Nikolaevna Yudaeva. Goals and objectives of the study

There are no easy languages ​​in the world - the language of any people is quite complex and learning it will be a very painstaking task if you set yourself the goal of competently mastering it and fully using it in regular communication at the everyday or professional level. When learning some languages, it will be easier to quickly master correct pronunciation; when learning others, the grammar may seem less complex. But you will always have to work and make efforts.

The German (German) language has its own specifics, due to which for the correct and adequate translation of German. texts into Russian (and, of course, vice versa), it is necessary to become familiar with the main features of the construction of German. speech.

Two-part structure

The very first and, perhaps, basic rule of constructing a mute. sentences is their two-part nature, which manifests itself in the obligatory presence of a subject and predicate in a statement, as well as a strictly fixed place of the predicate, which depends on the type of sentence in which it is used. For example:

  • Dein Blumenstrauss ist heute der schönste. – Your bouquet of flowers is the most beautiful today. (In the German version, it is impossible to omit a linking verb in a compound predicate, while for the Russian language in the present tense its omission is a regular occurrence, since there is no need to indicate tense).
  • Dein Blumenstrauss ist gestern der schönste gewesen. – Yesterday your bouquet of flowers was the best. (Here in both cases there is a copula, since its functions also include an indication of the past tense, as a result of which it cannot be omitted in the Russian version either).
  • In dieser Familie hat man immer viel gelesen. – This family has always read a lot (in a German two-part sentence, the pronoun (indefinite personal) acts as an obligatory subject, without which the sentence will be grammatically incomplete).

Place of the predicate in a sentence

The above examples also clearly demonstrate the fact that the predicate is in a simple declarative form. the proposal takes second place. Without any reservations, this applies only to the simple verbal predicate (see example 1). If simple verbal predicate is used in a complex form (see example 2) or is compound (verbal or nominal), then the second place is occupied by the conjugated part of the predicate, and the last place is taken by the unchangeable, for example:

  • Lothar wollte eine neue Krawatte kaufen. – Lothar wanted to buy a new tie (the predicate is a compound verb, the conjugated part is represented by the modal verb (verb) wollen, and the unchangeable part is represented by the semantic verb kaufen).
  • Meine Schwester ist perfekte Sportlerin. – My sister is an excellent athlete (the predicate is a compound nominal, the linking verb sein in the personal form ist and the unchangeable nominal part is perfekte Sportlerin).

In interrogative sentences, the place of the verb is determined by the presence of a question word. If it is present in a sentence, then it occupies the first place, the predicate or its variable part takes the second place, followed by the subject and other minor members, and at the very end of the statement there is an unchangeable part of the predicate (if any). If interrogative sentence constructed without a question word, then the verb comes first. or its conjugated component, followed by the subject and other minor members of the sentence, and the construction is closed by the same unchangeable part of the predicate (naturally, if it is present). For example:

  • Was wollte Lothar kaufen? – What did Lothar want to buy?
  • Wollte Lothar eine Krawatte kaufen? – Lothar wanted to buy a tie?
  • Hat Lothar eine Krawatte gekauft? – Did Lothar buy a tie?
  • Was hat Lothar gekauft? – What did Lothar buy?
  • Was kaufte Lotar heute? – What did Lothar buy today?

German nouns

German nouns also have a number of features that are unusual for Russian people. Firstly, they are always written with a capital letter and in most cases are accompanied by service words - articles. The second, more serious difficulty is the very frequent discrepancy between the numbers and genders of nouns in it. and Russian, which makes it necessary to learn all new words with their inherent articles, for example: pig (female) - das Schwein (middle), spoon (female) - der Löffel (male), trousers ( plural) – die Hose (singular, feminine), etc. Thus, in many cases you cannot use the usual Russian associations here - you just need to learn the vocabulary.

Another specific phenomenon characteristic of it. language and atypical for Russian, is the active compounding of nouns, which allows one word, consisting of several stems, to replace entire fragments of text, for example: controller alternating current– der Wechselstromschalter, construction of nuclear power plants – der Kernkraftwerksbau, etc. Compounding words of this kind are especially actively used in German. technical language. In Russian, in similar cases, various definitions and additions are usually used.

Frame structures

In him. In language, all kinds of frame structures are widely used, the main function of which is to organize a certain statement and link it into a single whole. There are such designs in it. There are quite a lot of languages, for example:

  • Der trübe Herbsthimmel – cloudy autumn sky (frame of article and noun).
  • Er setzte seine Aktivitäten aktiv fort. – He actively continued his activities (frame from the verb and its separable prefix).
  • Peter hat viele alte Zeitungen aus dem Keller geholt . – Peter brought a lot of old newspapers from the basement (a frame of auxiliary and semantic verbs in a complex form of the verbal predicate).
  • Sie sollte eine neue Jacke für ihren kleinen Sohn kaufen .- She had to buy a new jacket for her little son (frame of modal and semantic verb. in a compound verbal predicate).
  • Cecilia wollte sich gut ausschlafen, um besonders munter und frisch morgen auszusehen. – Cecilia wanted to get a good night’s sleep so that she would look especially cheerful and fresh tomorrow (frame from um + infinitive with particle zu).
  • Sie bleibt hier, statt ihre Zeit in seiner Gesellschaft zu verlieren . – She will stay here instead of wasting her time in his company (frame from statt + infinitive with particle zu).
  • Er wollte ins Hotel gehen, weil sein Begleiter schon mehrere Stunden auf ihn wartete . – He wanted to go to the hotel because his companion had been waiting for him for many hours (frame from the conjunction and the corresponding verb in the subordinate clause).

Negation in German

As for the negatives in it. statements, then you need to remember for the rest of your life that the German language allows the presence of only one negation in a sentence, never within the framework of one German. sentences cannot coexist with two or more negatives, as is often found in Russian, for example:

  • Du hast keinen einzigen Satz richtig geschrieben! – You didn’t write a single sentence correctly (one negation in a German sentence versus two in Russian)!
  • Nie habe ich von so einem Auto geträumt. – I never dreamed of such a car (one negation in it. and characteristic two negations in the Russian language).

Verb control

When using it. verbs and, accordingly, the translation of German. sentences, special attention should be paid to verbal control. Use of certain cases and prepositions with various verbs. often does not coincide in it. and Russian languages. German verbs can have prepositional and non-prepositional control. Among the verbs. with prepositionless control, a special place is occupied by a group of transitive verbs that control the accusative case Akkusativ without a preposition. Correct use of prepositions and cases governed by German. verbs, allows you to clearly formulate your thought and convey information to your interlocutor exactly in the form in which it needs to be done, since the entire meaning of a separate verb can depend on the choice of a certain preposition or case. in general, and its important shades. For example:

  • Sein Bruder freut sich über seine Errungenschaften. – His brother rejoices at his achievements (which have already been achieved in the past - in this case it is necessary to use the preposition über).
  • Sein Bruder freut sich auf den bevorstehenden Wettkampf. - His brother is rejoicing at the upcoming competition (this preposition is used with the verb sich freuen in the case when the event has not yet occurred, but will only happen in the future).
  • Die Beispiele können diesem Buch entnommen werden. – Examples can be taken from this book (the prepositional control of the dative case Dativ of the German verb entnehmen corresponds to the prepositional control in the Russian translation).
  • Ihre Erzählungen entbehren gewisser Phantasie. – Her stories lack a certain fantasy (in in this example unprepositional control of the genitive case Genitiv is inherent in both German and Russian languages).

Construction dictionary

Frame structure (element) of a window block- an assembly unit of a window block, consisting of bars (profiles) connected to each other by means of rigid corner connections: with spikes and glue, welding, mechanical connections (screw, on gear plates, by crimping), etc... Source: GOST ... Official terminology

window block frame element- frame structure (element) of a window block, an assembly unit of a window block, consisting of bars (profiles) connected to each other by means of rigid corner connections: with spikes and glue, welding, mechanical connections (screw, gear... ... Construction dictionary

Hive- This term has other meanings, see Beehive (meanings). Multi-body hives (two buildings and an extension in each) A hive is a special housing ... Wikipedia

Honeycomb- Honeycombs... Wikipedia

Minka- traditional Japanese house. Minkas vary considerably in style depending on the time of construction and the region of Japan, but the common feature remains a frame structure consisting of connected posts and crossbars. The walls were not load-bearing... All Japan

Apologist- (apologist; from other Greek ἀπόλογος “narration, story”) literary genre, didactic (moral) story (narration), built on an allegorical (allegorical) image of animals or plants. Contents... Wikipedia

Constructive technique- – a type of semantic relationship between the main semantic elements of logical unity, acting as a means of stylistic expressiveness and corresponding to a certain structural semantic integrity of the discourse. Constructive techniques, so... Stylistic encyclopedic Dictionary Russian language

The Gruffalo (film)- The Gruffalo The Gruffalo Cartoon type computer animation Director Max Lang Jakob Schuch Screenwriter Julia Donaldson ... Wikipedia

door frame- An assembly unit of a door block of a frame structure, designed for hanging panels and fixedly attached to the walls of the doorway. door frame frame frame... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Germanic languages- Germanic languages ​​are a group of related languages ​​of the western area of ​​the Indo-European family (see Indo-European languages). The area of ​​modern distribution of Germanic languages ​​includes the territory of a number of countries Western Europe(Great Britain, East Germany, Germany, Austria... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

Word order in German is the biggest challenge for beginners. This is not surprising, because in addition to , Germans also often use the so-called. frame structure. But don’t be afraid ahead of time, because in fact, anyone who owns the frame construction will be able to easily construct complex German sentences using modal verbs, future tense and even perfect.

Be sure to read the article to the end, because at the end you will find an exercise to test your new knowledge.

So, first, let's understand the theory and find out what the great and terrible framework design is. A video from Christoph Deininger will help us with this. Watch it to the end and return to the article.


So, as you understood from the video, a frame construction is formed when the predicate consists of two or more elements. For example:

First part of the predicate Second part of the predicate
Ich räume mein Zimmer auf.
Uwe kann heute nicht commen.
Der Lehrer hat die Regel erklärt.

As can be seen from the examples above, in such sentences the variable part of the predicate is in the usual second place, while the unchangeable part is sent to the very end of the sentence. Thus, the predicate encloses the sentence in a kind of vice or frame. Hence the name of this phenomenon - “frame construction”.


You already know that frame structures are divided into several types. We have already touched on some of them in the video above. You will learn about the rest in this section.

Modal verb+infinitive

Modal verbs are a special group of verbs that mean not the action itself, but the attitude towards it. German has five modal verbs:

  • dürfen - to be able to with permission
  • können - to be able/to be able to physically
  • sollen - to follow
  • müssen - must
  • wollen - to want

Modal verbs are used in combination with infinitives without the particle zu. This construction also creates a frame where the conjugated part comes first and the non-conjugated infinitive comes last. Examples:

Start of frame End of frame
Wir können Schnell schwimmen.
Maja darf nicht zur Party gehen.
Du sollst sofort ins Bett gehen.


The perfect form of the verb is used in German as the simple past tense. It is formed with the help of an auxiliary verb sein(for verbs of movement and state) or haben (for all other verbs) and Partizip II from the semantic verb you need.

As in the previous case, the perfect form forms a frame structure. Let's look at a few examples:

Start of frame End of frame
Mein Sohn ist in die Schule gegangen.
Stefan hat eine gute Note bekommen.
Er hat sehr viel eingekauft.

The same principle is used to build a frame structure using the plusquaperfect. In this case, the auxiliary verbs haben and sein are not used in Präsens, but in Präteritum.


As the name suggests, futur is a special tense form for denoting actions that will happen in the future. This form is formed using the auxiliary verb werden and the infinitive of the semantic verb.

Werden, as the conjugated part of the construction, occupies the second position, and the infinitive is sent to the end of the sentence, which forms a frame construction. Examples:

Start of frame End of frame
Ich werde werde nach Frankreich fahren.
Wir werden zusammen studieren.
Er wild es bestimmt machen.

In German there is another future tense - futur II. It is used to indicate an action in the future that will be completed before another action or point in the future. There is also a frame construction here, which is formed using the auxiliary verb werden and Partizip II + the infinitive of the verb haben or sein.

Passive voice

The passive voice is used in a situation where an action is performed on someone or something, or actor unknown.

The passive voice can be used with any tense form, so depending on the situation, the frame may look different. However, the principle remains the same: the conjugated part comes second and the rest of the construction comes at the end of the sentence.

Start of frame End of frame
In Germany wild sehr viel gearbeitet.
Die Kinder werden um 17:00 abgeholt werden.
Ich bin gestern entlassen worden.

4. O.N. Morozova, S.E. Noskova

Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver


Identification number 0420700038\0004

Today it is often said that language changes have never occurred as rapidly as in recent decades, and these changes relate, first of all, to an unprecedented increase vocabulary. However, grammar does not stand aside - even it, one of the most stable and conservative areas of language, is forced to respond to modern realities.

Speaking about the trends in the development of the modern German language, it is necessary to especially emphasize that we are talking, first of all, about either certain preferences in the choice of linguistic means that already exist, but have not yet become generally binding and generally recognized, or about the further development of already existing phenomena and processes .

Yes, it is observed further transition from the synthetic structure of the language to the analytical one. This is manifested, first of all, in the fact that, firstly, the case system of the German language is greatly simplified, which is reflected in the following changes:

Redundant endings disappear. Today the ending -e of the dative case is used much less (im Wald , am Strand , dem Kind ). The ending -s of the genitive case often disappears in nouns used with an article ( die Dichtung des Barock , die Tage des Mai , die Berge des Schwarzwald ).

Analytical genitive case withvon, which in dialects has long replaced the synthetic type, is also spreading in written language, for example, in the case Genitivus partitivus ( die H älfte von meinem Einkommen) and Genitivus possessivus with proper names ( die Museen von M ünchen).

The object in the genitive case gradually disappears (its place is taken by the prepositional object), for example:

Er schämte sich der schmutzigen Kleidung – Er schämte sich wegen der schmutzigen Kleidung.

Constructions with prepositional and direct objects are increasingly being used, which are gradually replacing additions in the dative case, for example:

sie schreibt an ihrer Freundin – sie schreibt an ihrer Freundin;

einem Land Frieden bringen – ein Land befrieden.

Secondly, in the field of use of verb forms, the following trends can be noted:

In the singular imperative mood they prefer to use the form without - e (sag!Geh! BUT: sammle!f ö rdere!).

- It is especially worth dwelling on the development of the subjunctive mood ( Konjunktiv ). On the one hand, we can state the rapid spread of the analytical conjunction withw ü rde . The reason for the almost universal use of such forms is said to be either the coincidence of the endings of the conjunctive II and the indicative ( indicative mood) in weak verbs, or the rapid obsolescence of conjunctive II forms in many strong verbs (h ülfe, l oge ) and ambiguity in others ( g ä ben/ geben).

On the other hand, the conjunctive does not give up its position in the field of the “unreal”. Many verbs use predominantly the synthetic form of the conjunctive II; this applies, first of all, to auxiliary and modal verbs:w ä re, h ätte, m o chte. It is also worth paying attention to the “incorrect” (from the point of view of the history of the language) formbr äuchte (the conjunctive of weak verbs, as a rule, does not have an umlaut), gradually spreading from southern German dialects and is already used almost everywhere.

Regarding the use of the conjunctiva to convey indirect speech, then it should be noted that the conjunctive I as such is practically absent in dialects (with rare exceptions), and in oral speech today they prefer to use the conjunctive II (or indicative) in the 3rd person form instead singular (Er sagte,er w ü sste Bescheid).

Thirdly, certain changes affected the structure German offer, where the following can be noted:

German sentences have become shorter. Many German scientists (for example, H. Eggers) have repeatedly pointed out the fact that sentences in writing German became shorter. In popular science newspapers and magazines, sentences of 13-16 words are most often used, and, for example, in the newspaper “ BILD » the length of sentences does not exceed 6-8 words (compare: for example, among the German classics (Lessing, Herder, Schiller and Goethe), this figure was 21-24 words).

- t also decreased the number subordinate clauses. Of the used subordinate clauses, more than half are relative clauses and almost a third are clauses with a conjunction dass . This means that sentences now relate to each other more freely. Complex sentences with clauses of cause, effect, purpose, and concessive clauses are used much less frequently than 50 years ago.

Reducing the length of sentences and reducing the number of subordinate clauses does not at all guarantee the reader a more “simple style” of presentation of thoughts. The fact is that today logical connections are much more often expressed not with the help of subordinate clauses, but with the help of nominalization (the use of nominal parts of speech) or attributes.

- and the use of incomplete sentences. Incomplete sentences (for example:Kein Zweifel) always were distinctive feature spoken speech, but on the contrary, were avoided in written speech (according to German linguists, in written language they accounted for only 2.5% of all sentences used), but now the situation is changing dramatically.

Violation of the frame structure. The frame design is known to be a distinctive feature of the German proposal. Due to the fact that the verb is in last place in the sentence and thus the main one is transferred to the end of the sentence meaningful element, such a sentence is usually quite difficult to understand. It is for this reason that some subordinating conjunctions are beginning to be used differently. For example, in modern oral speech, subordinate clauses with the conjunction « weil"(instead of the conjunction « denn") with the word order characteristic of the main clause.

Violation of the frame structure ( Ausklammerung ) and nominalization are two ways to overcome the shortcomings of the framework design. Both of these phenomena are very often used in modern German in order to give speech a colloquial tone.

Examples of frame violations in the structure of a German sentence are the following sentences:

Der Elektriker ist endlich gekommen, auf den ich schon drei Wochen warte.

Der Vorstand setzt sich zusammen aus Mitgliedern der Gewerkschaft und des Arbeitgeberverbandes. Diese Untersuchung wird durchgeführt auf Grund eines neuen Verfahrens.

Do not think that violation of the frame structure is some kind of new phenomenon in the German language. What is new is only the frequency modern use: today this is no longer an exception, but rather one of the syntactic options.

Nominalization(the use of nominal combinations) allows you to overcome the shortcomings of the frame structure without abandoning it, cf., for example:

Eine genaue Analyse der äußeren Umstände wurde vorgenommen.

Die äußeren Umstände wurden genau analysiert.

In these sentences, the noun acts as the carrier of the main meaning, while the verb is only an indicator of tense and mood, for example:

in Erwägung ziehen instead of erwägen,

Erklärung abgeben instead of erklären,

unter Beweis stellen instead of beweisen,

zum Abschluss bringen instead of abschließen.

Such descriptive constructions in many cases make it possible to convey information more accurately and clearly than simple verbs, which is especially important for professional languages, for example: eine Untersuchung einleiten,anordnen,anstellen,vornehmen,durchf ühren , abschlie ß en –these expressions, of course, will tell a specialist much more than just a verb untersuchen.

And in this case we are not talking about a fundamentally new phenomenon in the German language. Even in Middle High German texts, combinations were usedwunne (Wonne) haben"sich freuen" ein lachen tuon « lachen ", and phrasesAbschied nehmen,Antwort gebenand many others have been common in the German language for a very long time.

In the last hundred years, nominalization has spread very successfully in the German language, but it is worth noting that the same trends have been noted in French, English and other languages. There is an explanation for this, and it sounds like this: brevity and semantic capacity are integral features of the language of the media and many professional languages ​​that require adherence to the principle: “ m ö glichst viel Information in m ö glichst wenig Worten " And combinations like the following (see examples below) can replace an entire subordinate clause:

Wegen Nichtbefolgung der Vorschriften, –

Weil die Vorschriften nicht befolgt wurden.

However, it should be remembered that verbal nouns are quite dependent on the context (only the use of a verb makes it possible to determine tense and mood):

Bei Kieferverletzung,

Wenn der Kiefer verletzt worden ist / wird/ werden sollte.

Also, for verbal nouns with a definition in the genitive case, it is not always possible to clearly distinguish Genitivus subjectivus and Genitivus objectivus, For example:

die Verleumdung des Kritikers – die Beobachtung des Kindes.

Despite the fact that the purpose of the nominal style is to simplify, it places higher demands on the reader or listener than the verbal style, promoting the intellectualization of language, which is clearly evident in the following examples, compare:

Nominalstil: Die obigen Darlegungen wollen Anstoß sein zu einem verstärkten Bemühen um eine Effektivierung des Sprachunterrichts im Bereich rezeptiven, berufs- und damit auch gesellschaftsrelevanten Sprachkönnens. (24 Wörter, 2 Verben).

Verbaler Style:Was oben dargelegt wurde, soll einen Anstoß geben. Wir wollen uns stärker als bisher darum bemühen, den Sprachunterricht effektiver zu gestalten so daß der Schüler die Fremdsprache besser aufnehmen kam und die Fähigkeiten erwirbt, die für seinen Beruf und damit für die Gesellschaft wichtig sind. (45 W o rter, 11 Verben).

The nominal style looks especially “heavy” for perception in cases when

· long chains of genitive and prepositional definitions are used, for example: Unter Ber ücksichtigung dieses Vergleichs von Wertkennziffern der ö konomichen Entwicklung sozialistischer Länder;

· many nouns of the same word-formation type are used (especially often, for example, nouns in -ung): die notwendige Berechnung der Energieerzeugung fü r eine optimale Planung der Produktionssteigerung;

· definitions that take place in front of the word being defined are very common, and thus a nominal frame construction is formed, for example: der seit Jahren in seiner Umgebung nur als eiserner Sparer bekannte Mann.

Thus, on the one hand, modern written language borrows a simpler sentence structure from oral speech, on the other hand, it again moves away from oral speech, trying to fit the maximum amount of information into a limited space (for example, within the framework of one sentence).

(0.3 p.l.)

Analyzing the studies of W. Hartmann, G. Weber and P. von Polenz, we can come to the conclusion that the frame construction is a genetically determined feature of the Indo-European sentence. The German language contributed to its further development, because was already predisposed to the formation of a frame structure. Install the frame structure as syntactic norm The German language was helped by such aspects as bilingualism of the educated part of the population of medieval Germany, imitation of the syntax of clerical texts, and memorization of the text of the Bible. Thus, there was an unconscious assimilation of the emerging norms of the German national language by all layers of society.

During further development The full frame gradually gained the upper hand in the German language. Both parts of the complex predicate have a firmly fixed place in the sentence. The consolidation of a complete frame as a norm in the modern German language has contributed to the fact that any deviation from this word arrangement, any removal of a sentence member from the frame has become expressive technique, received special significance either as a means of semantic highlighting, or as a special stylistic device, widely used by authors of the 19th-20th centuries. Thus, in place of the old competition of various variants of word order, a new form has emerged, allowing two ordered variants of word order: a) a complete frame as the main model of word arrangement and b) an incomplete frame, which has a motivated use as a means of semantic emphasis or as a stylistic device.

2.2. Analysis of frame construction in a German sentence using examples from fiction

As has already been clarified, the frame construction is an essential element of German syntax, the main specific feature of which is a fixed word order. The specific location of the predicate determines the widespread use of the frame structure. According to O. S. Akhmanova and G. B. Mikaelyan, in grammar, a frame construction is defined as closure - a feature of syntactic construction in a language that requires a distant sentence of the most closely related parts of the statement. The conjugated part of the predicate (das finite Verb) always comes in second place. For example:

“Er wird Arzt” (“He is a doctor”).

The invariable part of the predicate (Infinitiv), the nominal part of the predicate (das Prädikativ) and the separable prefix come in last place. Under these conditions, a verbal frame is formed, which is called a frame construction. Its main function is to connect all parts of a sentence into a single whole. For example:

“Er war von Herzen froh” (“He was sincerely glad”).

D. A. Paremskaya draws attention to the fact that in addition to verbs with separable prefixes, there are also stable verbal-noun phrases such as Freude machen, Platz nehmen, which also form a frame:

“Jeden Tag stehe ich sehr früh auf” (“Every day I get up very early”);

“Alle nahmen an einem Tisch Platz” (“Everyone sat down at one table”);

“Man geht und denkt an nichts – plötzlich liegt man in einer Bodenmulde und über einen spritzen die Splitter hinweg” (“You are walking and not thinking about anything, when suddenly you are already lying in a hole, and somewhere behind you fragments are raining down " );

“Ich ging die Treppe hinunter zu Cafe International” (“I went down the stairs and headed to the Cafe International”);

"Ich blickte zu Lenz hinüber" ("I looked at Lenz";

“Ich kann nicht hinaus” (“I can’t leave here”);

“Wir stritten uns eine Weile h erum” (“We started to argue with him”);

“Ich wollte der Sache mit Xaver nachgehen, denn er schnarchte wie zum Spott mir von ferne in die Ohren hinein” (“I couldn’t wait to find out what was going on with Xaver; his snoring sounded in my ears as if in mockery.”).

Ich will im nächsten Monat nach Italien reisen;

Im nächsten Monat will ich nach Italien reisen (Next month I am going to go to Italy).

The frame construction ( is a standard construction for the German sentence, but there are cases when some members of the sentence are taken out of the frame. For example:

Marion war von Herzen froh, nicht allein zu sein (Marion was sincerely glad to not be alone).

I. S. Voronina writes that the following are usually taken out of the frame:

1) circumstance of comparison (eine Adverbialbestimmung des Vergleichs):

In keiner Stadt war er mehr gefährdet als hier (In no city was he more at risk than here).

2) any member of the sentence or correlate to which the subordinate clause refers (in most cases - the subordinate clause):

Ich muss Ihnen schreiben, liebe Lotte, hier in der Stube einer geringen Bauernherberge, in die ich vor einem schweren Wetter geflüchtet habe (I must write to you, dear Lottie, here in the drawing room of the small inn where I have taken refuge from the weather).

3) listing homogeneous members of the sentence:

Am anderen tag musste er hinaus; in die Weinberge, in den Hopfengarten, auf die Äcker... (The next day he was supposed to go out into the vineyards, orchards, lands...).

4) additions and circumstances expressed by the proposed combinations:

Eine Weile war es still im Zimmer (Silence reigned in the room for a while).

Rarely can the unchangeable part of the predicate be taken out of the frame. This technique is rather a stylistic means for specially highlighting the predicate:

Absteigen wollte sie im Hotel “Russland” (She wanted to stay at the Hotel “Russia”).

However, the frame design has its drawbacks. Due to the fact that the verb is in the last place of the sentence (i.e., the element containing the main semantic load is moved to the end of the sentence), a number of difficulties arise in understanding such a sentence. For this reason, some subordinating conjunctions begin to be used differently, a deliberate violation of the frame occurs (this technique is called Ausklammerrung). It also gives the speech a conversational tone, for example:

“Der Elektriker ist endlich gekommen, auf den ich schon drei Wochen warte”;

"Wenn auch ein Gefälle zwischen Ost und West bleibt, so einen Grund zum Feiern gibt es für alle" ;

“Und ich weiß, dass sie enttäuscht sind von uns.”

Violation of the frame structure is quite a popular phenomenon these days. It is not a new thing, the only thing that has changed over time is the frequency of its use, so it is difficult to call this technique an exception; a more appropriate name is a stylistic variant.

From the analysis of Chapter 2, it follows that the syntactic concept of the frame structure of a sentence was developed on the material of the German language (as stated by V.G. Admoni), and in essence this phenomenon is nothing more than a way of composing a sentence in which if the verb, the second part If you put a compound predicate or negation at the very end, the meaning of the phrase will change. That is, the frame structure is really the basis for the entire word order system in the German language.

Violations of the frame structure are usually caused by the intention to avoid semantic overload in a sentence, the formation of a second semantic center, etc. In colloquial speech, this method is an effective way to understand the essence of what is being presented, since sometimes, for example, due to the fast pace of speech, the meaning of the story is lost.


As a result of the study, we can conclude that when studying German, you have to deal with some features that are not inherent in Russian. The object of this course work, the frame structure, is just such a feature. The Russian language has relatively free word order, while German sentences have a clear, fixed word order. A frame is observed that can be formed in simple sentences with direct and reverse word order between parts of the analytical tense forms of the predicate verb (Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futurum Aktiv, all forms of Passiv), between the modal and main verb, between the verb and its separable prefix, etc. .d. Also in word-composed sentences between the conjunction or allied word and the conjugated part of the predicate verb. The frame construction presents the greatest difficulty due to the need to combine parts of the predicate verb with various grammatical phenomena that fill the content of the verb frame. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze both the verb frame and the grammatical phenomena filling it at the same time.

Having analyzed the features of the formation of German syntax during the Old High German, Middle High German, Early New High German and New High German periods, it was traced that the final consolidation of the frame structure in syntactic structures occurred during the Early Modern High German period (although its first prerequisites were already visible at the very first, Old High German, stage). During the work, syntactic changes in the German language were noted, which influenced the formation of this phenomenon.

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