Story description about pike fish. Brief information about pike. Video master class from Alexey Shanin on pike fishing

We thought for a long time about what to write the first article in the “Fishing” section and unanimously decided: of course, about pike. Few anglers will remember their first rudd or perch, but the first pike caught will be remembered for a lifetime and will be constantly remembered in fishing stories, increasing in size over time. So - all about pikes and how to catch this toothy, but very tasty, monster - read on.

A little description and living conditions of pikes

Pike is one of the most common omnivorous predators in fresh water bodies on all continents. But we will tell in detail only about those species that live with us. This fish is distinguished by its exceptional gluttony - it eats everything that moves: fish even much larger than itself, including spiny perches with ruffs. Sometimes prey swallowed by a pike partially sticks out of its mouth for several hours while the swallowed part is digested. At this time, the pike lies on the bottom and gradually pushes the prey into the stomach. It happened that pikes could not overcome their prey and died from suffocation. Does not disdain frogs, crayfish, worms, and successfully catches. Split turtle shells, muskrat and beaver fur were also found in pike stomachs.

The mouth of this predator is huge and opens all the way to the gill covers, plus it is all lined with sharp teeth.

By the way, its teeth are not intended for chewing, but only for capturing, holding and pushing into the stomach. In this case, the pike always turns the victim head first, thereby depriving it of the slightest chance of escape. At the same time, the predator itself can voluntarily throw the prey out of the stomach in one movement.

The pike's body is elongated, like a bar, and very strong. Pike moves so fast that it can move upstream through rapids just like salmon.

The color of pikes is spotted with stripes, the back is dark and the belly is light, the sides are most often emerald green, with multi-colored spots. The color of pike depends on the body of water in which it lives: in peat bogs, as well as those that live in pits and under snags, pike are dark brown, in shallow lakes with a sandy bottom - green and green-yellow, and in fast rivers the fish acquires bright blue color.

River pike are always more elongated and thinner, and their weight is significantly lower than lake pike. There is also another classification of pike: bottom and grass.

The first live at the bottom and in the pits of reservoirs without a channel. Their body is thick and short - such pikes are also called stumps. They have a lot of weight in comparison with herbaceous plants, which live more in coastal zones, among vegetation. These pikes are thin, long, brightly colored and light in weight. A meter-long grass pike weighs about 3 kg, while bottom pike can reach 10-16 kg. Moreover, males are always much smaller than females at the same age.

Armored pike - lives in southern countries

Another way to classify pikes is by weight:

  • small - up to 2 kg;
  • average - 2-4 kg;
  • large 4-10 kg;
  • more than 10 kg - trophy.

The largest pike ever caught is the pike personally caught by Emperor Frederick II Barbarossa in 1230. Then it had a length of just over 3 meters (there was no such unit of measurement yet) and weighed more than 70 kg. The fish were ringed and released back in the vicinity of the city of Helboron. This fish was caught in the same place with a seine 267 (!) years later. At this time, its length was 5.7 m, and its weight reached 140 kg. Due to old age, the fish was completely white. It was released into the same lake again, but the record-breaking pike never caught the eye of people again. Who knows, maybe he still lives there!

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus regarding the life expectancy of pikes. Another known fact: at the end of the 18th century, by order of the tsar, the Tsaritsyn ponds were cleaned. A pike a fathom long (2.48 m) with a golden ring in its gills was caught. The ring was engraved with an inscription that it was placed by Tsar Boris Godunov. As you know, Godunov died in 1605, which means that the pike lived at least 200 years.

Pike fishing seasons

Every fisherman knows that pike is a solitary fish, that it loves bodies of water with weak currents, stays close to vegetation, loves holes and snags.

Young pike actively hunt from the very first days, often their prey is much larger than themselves. By the end of the first year of life, the young reach up to 40 cm and weigh up to 1 kg. In large lakes, up to several dozen pikes up to a meter long and weighing up to 15 kg can be caught in one season.

The best time to catch pike is in spring and autumn.

After the spring floods have subsided, the pike spawns and after a short rest (called pain), it begins to eat to restore strength. The predator rushes at everything that comes into its field of vision and takes any bait, rarely leaving. In spring, the bite continues throughout the daylight hours. At night the pike sleeps. The most catchy places are shallows and coastal vegetation - there the water warms up faster and the entire “pike menu” actively feeds and warms up there. And fishing is especially successful on warm, cloudy days.

In the fall, sensing the approach of hungry months, the fish begins to stock up on fat. Although in the fall the bite is not so intense, and the pike stays more at depth, where small fish go for the winter.

But autumn fishing is much more interesting and exciting. Moreover, the pike have eaten well over the summer, are very energetic, and actively resist. And fish meat is much tastier.

But in the summer, pike take extremely inconsistently - sometimes they take, then they don’t take at all without any obvious reasons. And in the summer the predator takes it unreliably and in most cases only clings with the lower lip along the very edge and often gets off the hook. The best time is from noon to 16:00.

In summer, predators move towards the thickets of water lilies, lotus and water chestnut thickets, since all the small fish and fish are kept here. At this time, literally in the very shallows you can see huge pikes weighing 10-15 kg, warming their sides. If you successfully cast a spoon or wobbler, a snag may occur when it hits the water.

How to catch pike

There are many ways to catch pike - spinning, fishing rods, using a circle and ordinary fishing rods.

For mugs live bait is baited - small perch, ruffs, roach, crucian carp. You need to remember what kind of baitfish is “successful” in this place. When fishing with a circle, live bait is lowered half a meter from the bottom. In summer it is better to fish at shallow depths closer to the shore or snags. When the circle turns over or starts spinning quickly, you need to make a cut, carefully approaching the inversion.

If catch on float rod , then it’s better to cast in a clean place, not far from the reeds and sedges, let the live bait go half-water. For these purposes, it is preferable to use a rod with rings, which allows you to cast the bait smoothly. In small rivers overgrown with algae, experienced fishermen use dead fish as bait. You have to go from top to bottom and fish all the shallows and pools.

Spinning pike fishing

The most common attachments for spinning fishing are wobblers and spoons.

In turn, spoons are divided into oscillating and rotating. Both species are good for pike. It must be borne in mind that spinning ones sink more slowly and are preferable to use in fast currents and in grass.

Wobblers are synthetic fish that imitate the behavior of fry. They are divided into floating and sinking. Floating ones are used for fishing in the upper layers of water (no deeper than 2 m), and sinking ones quickly sink to depth. Optimal size wobbler -7-12 cm. You can take 4-6 cm, but then the chances of catching will be much less. And there is no need to be afraid that young pike will not be able to take such large baits - they will be able to!

Nowadays a huge number of different techniques have been invented for catching pike with a spinning rod - twitching, jig, different types postings More about this in the following articles. And now - about real fishing happiness - a big catch.

Catching trophy pike

For big fishing, you need to prepare and tune in accordingly. Firstly, large pike are attracted by large bait and the most successful ones today are real silicone monsters up to 25 cm long! A small thing will not bother you, but a pike weighing 7-8 kg will definitely be interested in what appeared there. For such a large bait, the “track” fishing method is best suited. This is when the boat is driven by a motor, and 2-3 baits are pulled behind it at a distance, at a slow speed.

The peculiarity of the pike is that after an unsuccessful hook, it does not hide in the depths and does not swim away, but returns to its parking place.

Therefore, it is necessary to catch potential places where a predator can sit in ambush many times. If the pike misses, nothing happens. We must try again and again to throw closer and closer to her and slowly tease her. The fish will not stand it and will definitely get caught.

But the pike never goes for it, although it may take a chance from ten meters away. There were cases when the fish even jumped out of the water, trying to catch the outgoing bait.

Pike "circus tricks"

Fishing for a large pike is the ultimate fishing happiness. Here is a predator sitting in ambush and here in front of its nose such a seductive wobbler wags its tail. Instantly the fish transforms, every movement is precise and swift. After a fantastic breakthrough comes truly. Almost always the fish is still moving by inertia and this can deceive an inexperienced fisherman - he does not hook in time. During this time, the smart fish realizes that it is in trouble and simply spits out the prey.

Therefore, the hook must be done immediately upon impact and very energetically, because the pike’s mouth is very bony, hard and can only be penetrated with great effort.

After hooking, no sudden movements, because this is a guaranteed wire break. The pike is very inventive and uses, one after another, a whole series of clever ways to escape. First, she begins to spin intensively in place, twitching strongly and briefly, trying to break the line with strong movements away from the fisherman.

Then the fish rises up and lies down tiredly on the water. The fisherman, anticipating that she has already given up, begins to pull her in, the fish suddenly rushes into the depths. And from there it suddenly flies into the air to a height of up to a meter, and in the fall, with a flip and a sharp blow of its tail, it tries to break off the vein. This is the famous pike “candle”. At this moment, the main thing is that the line is not stretched. Otherwise it will definitely break. You need to give the fish some freedom. Another trick used by large pikes is shaking, when the fish stands on its tail and shakes its head vigorously. It's really effective method- in half the cases, large fish manage to free themselves from the hook.

If this does not help, the predator takes its last and also often successful chance close to the shore - it tries to wind the fishing line around a snag or any other obstacle - the bottom of a boat, a bush.

With a boat, the option is disastrous - there is no chance of keeping the fish. But most often you have to climb into the water to get to the snag. Another option is that a large pike allows itself to be pulled to the shore, pretending to be half-fainting, but at the last minute it suddenly turns around and breaks the line. Only a hook or a strong landing net can save the situation.

You caught a pike - what next?

And then you must first remove the trophy from the hook using a medical clamp. Pike's teeth are very sharp, and wounds take a long time to heal. Next, we advise you to conduct a photo shoot, so a camera or camera mobile phone I'll be just right. To make the fish look bigger, you need to open its mouth with twigs and put pebbles in its gills. You need to shoot with the camera close to the mouth, and hold the fish at arm's length.

It is better to keep the catch on a kukan in running water. If you have to cut a pike, you need to remove the head and fins and immediately sprinkle the unwashed one (this is a must!) with salt and put it in a bag with nettles or mint. In this form, you can give the head to a taxidermist and he will make you a real monster.

Video master class from Alexey Shanin on pike fishing

Video on how to catch pike in the thickets

Video on how to catch pike with mugs

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Pike is an inhabitant of reservoirs Prepared by: student of MBOUSOSH No. 50, 4th grade “B” Martynov Evgeniy

Belongs to the pike family. This is a predatory fish. The pike's body is elongated and torpedo-shaped. The body color is greenish-dark, sometimes black on the back, greenish with an admixture of yellow, with many spots, stripes, and strokes of varying clarity on the sides. The abdominal part of the pike's body is whitish. The pectoral and ventral fins are yellowish-red. The pike has a huge mouth with razor-sharp teeth. It lives in lakes and rivers almost throughout the country. Pike prefers calm water. It stays alone where it is convenient to watch for prey and remain unnoticed due to its variegated coloring, namely: near boulders, near a break in the bottom, near snags and near a washed-out shore. And also among thickets of aquatic plants. Pike

Reaches a length of one and a half meters and a weight of 35 kg. Pike is very voracious and feeds on almost any fish, including its own young.

Pike feeding all year round, but the intensity of their feeding and the composition of food vary depending on the season. The main fattening occurs in the spring. It usually consumes the most abundant fish. In lakes and reservoirs these are roach, perch, ruff, and bream. In rivers, the importance of typical river fish in pike food increases: gudgeon, loach, minnow, sculpin goby, etc. In addition to fish, pike readily eats frogs. They are found in its diet in the spring, but more often in the fall, when they form large clusters in preparation for wintering. There are known cases when a pike dragged mice, rats, waders and even squirrels swimming across the river into the depths of the river. Large pikes are capable of attacking a swimming duck, and in this case they are called “ducklings”.

This summer I caught my first pike... Akhtuba River

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Entertaining material for younger students. There are many unusual things in nature

There are about 200 thousand species of different fish on earth, more than frogs, newts, toads, salamanders, snakes, lizards, all birds and all animals taken together!

The sizes of fish are very different: from 1 cm to 20 meters. It has been noticed that in small reservoirs fish do not grow as large as in large ones. Every fish has its own special body shape, its own color and its own size. There are fish that are thin and long, like a whip, thick and round, like a ball, tiny - the size of an ant, and huge - larger than an elephant. There are herbivorous fish, like sheep and goats, and there are carnivorous fish, like tigers and lions.

The body of almost all fish is covered with scales, like chain mail. Fish scales grow throughout their lives, growing in patches. In summer, the fish grows quickly - and the ring on the scales is wide, but in winter it hardly grows - and the ring turns out to be narrow. By the rings, wide and narrow, you can count how many winters there are and how old the fish is.

Fish are perfectly adapted for life in water. No wonder they say: “Pisces are children of water.” Their bodies are streamlined, and this makes swimming easier for them. The gills extract the oxygen needed for breathing from the water. The caudal fin, like an oar, moves the fish in the water. Pebbles - otoliths - float in special chambers in the head; they help the fish maintain balance. Fish have a swim bladder (no one but fish has one!), which helps them dive, surface and soar in the air, and even “talk”. And there is also an amazing organ - the lateral line. It allows fish to see without eyes and hear without ears. A person has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. And fish have six of them! Sixth - feeling the sideline. The predator is not yet visible or heard, but the fish already feels its approach - with its sides!

The science that studies fish is called ichthyology. Fish are adapted to the place in which they live. Fish that have to swim a lot are slender and streamlined in shape. These include herring, tuna, salmon, sharks, and mullet. Those for whom it is more important to hide more reliably, to be invisible, look like stones, like algae, like lumps of silt. For example, seahorses, pipefish, stingrays, gobies.

The coloring of the fish is also very different. There are white, black and brown fish. There are completely colorless, almost transparent. There are many multi-colored fish: striped, speckled, speckled, zigzag. Some fish are colored like chameleons. Flounder on a sandy bottom turns yellow, on a muddy bottom - gray, and on a rocky bottom - spotted. There are fish that turn pale when they are scared and turn red when they are angry.

Birds lay eggs and fish spawn. The eggs hatch into fry. Fish lay eggs in hundreds, thousands, millions. Most of our fish spawn in spring and summer (pike, perch, roach, bream, carp, catfish), some spawn in autumn (salmon, trout), or even in winter (burbot).

The eggs mature on algae, driftwood, and stones. But there are fish that make special nests for eggs. The seahorse and pipefish always carry their eggs with them, in a special pouch on their belly. The fewer eggs a fish lays, the more it cares about them.

There are viviparous fish: sharks, rays, eelpout. They hatch eggs inside the body and immediately spawn live fish. And still most of fish and eggs die. But it would be much worse if a fry hatched from each egg, and a fish grew from each fry. Then all the rivers, seas, lakes and oceans would overflow with fish, and then they would all die from overcrowding and lack of food.

Fishes of the Amur region

There are up to 60 species of fish in the reservoirs of the Amur region. From the sturgeon family in the Amur. Zee, Selemdzha are home to the largest local fish - kaluga and Amur sturgeon. The largest sizes of kaluga are up to 4 m in length and about a ton of weight. From the salmon family, taimen, whitefish, and lenok are found within the region. The cold-loving fish of the northern regions of the region is grayling.

Many small representatives of cyprinids live in rivers and lakes: minnows, Amur ide. Valuable commercial cyprinid fish include grass carp, silverfish, Amur carp, silver carp, and silver carp.

A ubiquitous inhabitant of our reservoirs is pike, reaching up to a meter in length and up to 16 kg in weight. The Amur catfish is widely known. This is a predatory nocturnal fish. Inhabits large rivers and lakes, mainly in the southern regions. The Amur fish of the killer whale family are unique: the creaking killer whale, the whip killer whale, etc. All killer whales are devoid of scales, their skin is covered with poisonous mucus, there are antennae on the upper and lower jaws, and sharp spines in the dorsal and pectoral fins. An interesting fish of the Amur is the snakehead. It is found in the riverbed of the Amur, large lakes, and muddy places. Can use atmospheric oxygen for breathing. In the Amur, from the lower reaches to Blagoveshchensk, Chinese perch (auha) is found. This is a typical predator. The only one freshwater fish from the cod family, found in our reservoirs - burbot.

River Dwellers

Pink salmon is a traveler fish. While it grows, it swims across the seas. But when the time comes to postpone the game, the pink salmon will rush with all its might into the river where it itself was once born. Its path is long and difficult - through waterfalls, shallows and riffles, sometimes crawling on its belly the fish reaches its native channel or stream. It arrives at the spot, digs a hole at the bottom, lays eggs, and, exhausted, dies. When the pink salmon fry hatch from their eggs, they will roll down the river into the ocean.

Ruff is somewhat reminiscent of a hedgehog - just as prickly. Ruff is very tenacious: if you throw it on the ice, it will freeze, but in the warmth it will thaw and float again. Crucian carp is unpretentious. Can live in stagnant water. Eats everything.

Roaches are very similar to swallows - sharp, dexterous and have forked tails. Because of its beautiful red fins, fishermen call the roach rudd.

Tench on land becomes covered with spots and some kind of rags. This mucus on it hardens, flakes off and falls off. The fish got its name from its ability to shed.

Fishermen called the pike the river wolf. She attacks both small fish and large ones if she is hungry. It will drag a gosling or duckling to the bottom. But pike also has one nickname - river orderly. After all, first of all, pike attacks sick fish and thereby cleans water bodies and prevents diseases from spreading.

Riddles about fish

1. Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. (Fish.)

2. I took the bait without saying “thank you”

An impolite... (fish) swam away somewhere.

3. Wags its tail back and forth, and it is gone, and there is no trace. (Fish.)

4. A brawler and a bully lives in river water

And it doesn’t allow little fish to pass through.

Bony and prickly, he doesn’t like to joke,

Even a pike can’t swallow it. (Ruff.)

5. She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks. (Fish.)

6. All covered in needles, like a hedgehog, what is the name of the fish?... (Ruff.)

7. In rivers, oxbow lakes,

There are many thickets in which,

This fish lives

And lives in quarries,

And he doesn’t avoid ponds

With freezing water.

And it can be silver

And it happens to be golden. (Crucian carp.)

8. He lives in the pool itself, the master of the depths,

It has a huge mouth, and its eyes are barely visible. (Som.)

9. At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark, lies a mustachioed log. (Som.)

10. She had a saw in her mouth, she lived under water.

It frightened everyone, swallowed everyone and now ended up in the cauldron. (Pike.)

11. She is the most dangerous of all in the river, cunning, gluttonous, strong.

Besides, she’s so mean! Of course it's... (pike).

12. I am a fish. My whole family lives in the seas

Only in the river - me! (Burbot.)

Poems about fish

Boy Zhenya is a fisherman.

And Zhenya is a fisherman.

Fishing is a passion.

What you use to catch fish is tackle.

There is a worm on the hook - profit.

There's a catch of crucian carp in the scoop.

V. Gusev

Egorka is lucky again!

It’s not in vain that he sits by the river:

Five crucian carp in a bucket

And four minnows.

But look - at the bucket

A sly cat appeared...

How many fishes go home Egorka

Will he bring it to us?

V. Torticollis


It's dark at night, quiet at night.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

The dog's trail goes to the kennel,

Belkin's trail leads to a hollow,

Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.

It’s a pity that it’s in the river on the water

There are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

I. Tokmakova


Who are you?

I'm the best!

Mustachioed, strong and stubborn!

Whiskered? You must be a cat.

And the strongest one is

That means an elephant.

But does an elephant live in water?

And the cat? He's afraid of water!

But I don’t like it on land.

My warm home is at the bottom of the river.

I'm the very best

I am the very best catfish!


Fisherman, angler,

Show off your catch!

I caught a big bream

And burbot - like this!

Two humpbacks, striped

Perch and two tench!

Pike, carp, pike perch...

And in the bucket there are two fry.

V. Musatov

The pike in the river sleeps at the bottom,

A school of fish swims above her.

How can you, fish, not get caught?

A toothy pike in your mouth!

Under the water lilies in silence,

Where it’s not very shallow,

Important breams are walking

The width of a plate.

Quiz about fish

1. Who has both eyes on the same side? (At the flounder.)

2. Who has a mouth on its belly? (At the shark.)

3. Which fox kills fish with its tail? (One of the shark species: it has weak teeth and a very long tail, almost like a body.)

4. Which dog doesn't bark? (There is a dog fish, it does not bark, but bites hard: its caviar and liver are poisonous.)

5. What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback fish.)

6. Who swims tail first? (Pink salmon fry leave the river into the sea with their tail first.)

7. Who flies and not the bird? (A flying fish can fly more than a hundred meters, it flies like a glider.)

8. What fish is domesticated by humans? (Mirror carp.)

9. What kind of fish appearance reminds chess piece? (Sea Horse.)

10. What fish have antennae? (Sturgeon, barbel, carp, carp.)

11. What animals sleep with their eyes open? (Fishes have no eyelids, snakes have fused eyelids.)

12. What fish carry weapons on their noses? (Swordfish, sawfish.)

13. What fish are called celestial bodies? ( Moon fish, sun fish.)

14. What fish live long? (Beluga - up to 100 years, pike - more than 100 years, catfish - up to 60 years.)

15. Which fish swims faster than all other fish? (Swordfish - 25 m/sec.)

Proverbs, sayings, signs

The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the person looks for where it is better.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Silent as a fish.

Like a fish in water.

Slippery like an eel.

Where there is no pike, the ruff is the master.

Fish jump out of the water - before the rain.

The best

The largest fish on Earth is the whale shark, its length is up to 20 meters.

The largest river fish is catfish. The length of this predator reaches 5 m, and its weight is more than 300 kg.

The most frost-resistant fish is the rare dallia fish, or black fish, which lives in small rivers and swamps of Chukotka, as well as off the coast of Alaska. The reservoirs there freeze to the very bottom. But this does not interfere with the dalia; it buries itself in the silt and spends the winter there, freezing even into the ice. At the same time, it freezes so much that it becomes brittle. It remains in this state throughout the long winter. In the spring she thaws out and continues to live normally!

The smallest fish in our waters is the Berg goby, which inhabits the Black, Azov, and Caspian seas. Bulls 3 cm in size seem like giants among their relatives.

The record holder for jumping among fish is salmon, which overcomes 3-4 m in the air.

Off the coast of Europe, from the Black Sea to the Barents Sea, lives the fish monkfish. In appearance, it lives up to its name. Imagine a one and a half meter tadpole with a huge toothy mouth, a back studded with spines, and skin covered with warts. The anterior ray of the dorsal fin—the “fishing rod”—is extended into a flexible rod, with a tassel at the end of the rod. Half buried in the sand, the devil tilts the rod towards different sides and moves the brush. Once an interested fish approaches, it

instantly disappears into a huge mouth.

Pineapple fish lives in small rivers, lakes in India and on the Philippine Islands. People call it a creeper. When it rains or is hit by morning dew, the Pineapple often gets out of water bodies and travels overland in search of food. The fish crawls, pushing off with its tail, pectoral fins and spines of gill covers, walks hundreds of meters from pond to pond, crawls over stones and fallen trees. And when it happens that the water in the river completely dries up, the slider fish bury themselves in the silt and hibernate.

Another unique fish, the mudskipper, also lives in tropical waters. It can often be seen climbing onto the aerial roots of mangrove trees. The peculiar structure of the pectoral fins allows the fish to quickly jump on land. It's almost impossible to catch up with them.

The leaf fish lives in the rivers of Brazil. Its body is flat, like a leaf, its nose is elongated, like the petiole of a leaf, and on its sides there are patterns similar to leaf veins. And she floats like a dead leaf with the flow. Everyone confuses it with a leaf and doesn’t touch it.

In the tropics there lives a four-eyed fish: each eye is divided in two. The fish swims on the surface and watches the air with the upper halves of its eyes, and the bottom with its lower halves. He sees what is above and what is below - he will not overlook anything.

Piranha means "pirate" in Portuguese. These seemingly harmless fish have powerful, bulldog-like jaws lined with strong, sharp teeth. A piranha will instantly bite through a stick as thick as a finger, and it won’t spare the finger itself. If piranhas encounter a swimming boar or bull, they will leave behind a pile of gnawed bones. Even crocodiles are afraid of them. However, they are edible, you just need to catch them carefully.

A message about pike in biology can be used in preparation for the lesson. The story about pike for 1st grade children can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about pike

Pike is a predatory fish, known even to children. After all, it is the pike that is the main character of the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” This species is considered a popular commercial fish and is actively bred in pond nurseries.

Pike live in freshwater bodies of Eurasia and North America, preferring stagnant water. There are 7 species of pike.

Pike fish description

The average length of a pike is 1 meter, and the average weight is 8 kilograms. And only some individuals reach 1.8 m and a weight of 35 kg. Females are usually larger than males. The body of the fish is distinguished by an elongated, elongated arrow-shaped shape. The pike's head is long, with a narrow snout, and the lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward.

The pike's teeth, located on the lower jaw, perform the function of capturing prey, have the shape of fangs and are endowed with different sizes.

The pike's eyes are located quite high, thanks to which the predator can inspect a large area without bothering to turn its head.

The body of the fish is covered with relatively small scales, covering the cheeks and skin formations on the gills. The color of pike scales can be grayish-green, gray with yellowish or gray-brown.

The color of the pike's back is dark, the belly is white with grayish spotting. The sides are covered with characteristic olive spots, which, when merging, form wide stripes of different lengths.

How long does a pike live?

The lifespan of pike is 10-30 years (depending on the species and living conditions)

What does pike eat?

Pike is an extremely voracious and indiscriminate predator in food. 80-90% of its diet consists of fish (carp, perch, ruffe, roach); it also actively eats frogs, tadpoles, crayfish during molting, lizards, newts, and rodents swimming across the pond. The most large pike sometimes attack chicks of waterfowl.

Pike hunts from ambush, patiently and motionlessly standing among the water thickets. Having identified a potential victim, the predator makes a sharp jerk and swallows it, always grabbing the victim by the head.


The female pike becomes sexually mature at 3-4 years of age, the male pike matures at 5 years. Spawning begins after the ice melts, when the water temperature is only 3-6 degrees. Predators gather in small groups: 2-4 males near a female. Large females can be surrounded by up to 8 male pikes.

The amount of pike eggs depends on the size of the female. One individual spawns from 17 to 215 thousand eggs, the diameter of which is 3 mm.

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And it belongs to the class of bony fish.


It lives in the waters of Eurasia and North America. These could be rivers, ponds, lakes. Prefers coastline with rich aquatic vegetation, preferably the presence of stones and snags, in which it likes to hide.


The fish can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh 45 kg. She has a long, strong body, a large head with a clearly protruded lower jaw. The scales of the fish perfectly camouflage the predator among the algae and make it almost invisible. The belly is white, and the sides and back are green-gray with brown speckles.

Depending on the habitat of the individual, the color of the fish can take on shades: yellow-green or gray-yellow back. The ventral and pectoral fins are yellow-orange, the rest are brown-yellow with dark spots. The mouth is large, the teeth are sharp and dangerous. On the lower jaw, teeth are constantly replaced by new ones throughout its life.


It feeds on various fish, amphibians, and insects. May attack small waterfowl and their chicks. In times of hunger, it can eat its own relative, only smaller than itself.

Most often, the hunter waits in ambush, hiding among algae or snags, waiting for the victim, then pounces, grabbing it with her teeth. It always swallows food head first; if, say, a fish is positioned with its tail to the pike’s mouth, then it will definitely intercept it in the right order - head to head to the predator’s head.


They go to spawn early in the spring, as soon as the ice melts on the water. The female is surrounded by several males, they splash noisily in the shallow water, beat their tails, and jump out of the water. At this time, they do not eat anything and become vulnerable themselves; pikes can be caught almost with your bare hands. The female will lay from 15 to 210 thousand eggs, scattering them widely in the water. They settle on algae leaves or on the bottom. After a week or two, the larvae, 7.5 mm long, appear, and as soon as they gain the ability to feed on their own, they immediately get to work.

They feed on the larvae of other fish and small crustaceans. When they grow to 5 cm in length, they hunt for fish fry. What can you do, predators? It eats a lot, grows quickly, and at the age of 4 months, the fry reaches a body length of 25 cm. In general, pikes benefit the reservoir in which they live; they are orderlies, eating the sick and weak fish. After all, everyone knows that in the struggle for survival the strongest wins.

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