Manual management of the company. Manual control for a car: installation and design nuances. Setting manual control in regions

Prepared by: M.V. Babushkina,

teacher I qualification category

Features of training students with disabilities (mental retardation)


    mentally retarded children.

    Didactic principles used in school for children with disabilities.

    Methodological requirements for the lessonat a school for children with disabilities.

    Features of the program and teaching methods

mentally retarded children

Children with disabilities – these are children whose health status prevents them from learning educational programs outside special conditions of training and education.

Under special conditions for students to receive educationwith disabilities are understood:

    the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education,

    special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials,

    special TSO for collective and individual use,

    providing the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance,

    conducting group and individual correctional classes,

    providing access to buildings of educational organizations.

And other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs.

The purpose of correctional and educational work with children with mild mental retardation is teaching them accessible knowledge and social adaptation to independent life.

In a special school for children with disabilities inAll academic subjects are grouped into twoblock – educational and correctional and developmental .

Basic curriculum includesgeneral subjects:

    Russian language,



    natural history,



    the history of homeland,

    social science,


    music and singing,

    physical training,

    labor training,

    vocational and labor training.

The school where mentally retarded children are educated is not focused on qualified education, therefore the content of the curriculum is developed taking into account the capabilities of mentally retarded schoolchildren and differs from the content studied by students of mass schools.

The curriculum also includesspecial items:

    social and everyday orientation (SBO),


    development of oral speech based on the study of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality,

having a correctional focus.

TOcorrection block relate:

    Speech therapy classes,

    exercise therapy,

    development of psychomotor and sensory processes.

To implement the curriculum, teachers use stateprograms forspecial (correctional) institutionsVIII kind:

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype: preparatory, grades 1-4/ed. V.V. Voronkova. 3rd edition, revised. –M., “Enlightenment”, 2004.

    Programs for special general education schools for the mentally retarded

children (auxiliary school) / edited by T.S. Zalyalova. Recommended by the Main Educational and Methodological Directorate of General Secondary Education. -M., “Enlightenment”, 1990.

    Special (correctional) educational school programsVIIItype: 5-9

classes: In 2 collections/Ed. V.V. Voronkova. - M.: Humanite. publishing center VLADOS, 2001.

    Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, grades 5 – 9, A.K. Aksenova, N.G. Galunchikova, M.N. Perova, I.M. Bgazhnokova and others. 3rd edition, M., “Enlightenment”, 2006.

Education programs for mentally retarded children have their own specific characteristics.

Firstly, Mentally retarded children learn basic language material within the most minimal limits. The most basic information necessary for mastering the basics of literate writing and correct coherent speech is selected from scientific grammar. For example, nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, prepositions are studied, because are often found in speech, but participles and gerunds are not.

Secondly, The program from 1st to 9th grade is built on the basis of the concentric principle of placing material, in which the same topic is studied for several years with a gradual increase in information. Mentally retarded children have great difficulty in mastering complex systems of conceptual connections and more easily in learning simple ones. The concentric arrangement of the material makes it possible to separate complex grammatical concepts and skills into their component elements and practice each separately. As a result, the number of connections underlying the concept gradually increases, and the language and speech base for developing skills and abilities expands. The concentrism of the program also creates conditions for constant repetition of previously learned material. For example, the topic “Proposal” runs through all years of education starting from 1st grade.

Third, identification of propaedeutic periods. The program identifies preparatory stages at all stages of education, during which children’s shortcomings from past experience are corrected and students are prepared to master the next sections of the program.

Fourthly, slow pace of learning material. Compared to a public school, the school program for children with disabilities provides for an increase in the number of lessons on each topic.

Fifthly, correctional and practical orientationprogram material. Pabout the Russian language is primarily manifested in the field speech development children, because The most important goal of Russian language lessons is the formation of speech as a means of communication, as a way of correcting the cognitive activity of students and facilitating their adaptation after graduation.

Corrective work is the correction or weakening of existing deficiencies of students and helping to bring the development of these children as close as possible to their maximum level.

EveryoneThe reader must know the content of correctional work, which includes the followingdirections:

    Improving movements and sensorimotor development:

Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;

Development of calligraphy skills;

Development of articulatory motor skills.

    Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:

Development of visual perception and recognition;

Development of visual memory and attention;

Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Development of spatial concepts and orientation;

Development of ideas about time;

Development of auditory attention and memory;

Development of phonetic-phonemic concepts, formation of sound analysis.

    Development of basic mental operations:

Correlative analysis skills;

Grouping and classification skills (based on mastering basic generic concepts);

Ability to work according to verbal and written instructions, algorithm;

Ability to plan activities;

Development of combinatorial abilities.

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

    Correction of disturbances in the development of the emotional and personal sphere (relaxation exercises for facial expressions, role reading, etc.)

    Speech development, mastery of speech technique.

    Expanding your understanding of the world around you and enriching your vocabulary.

    Correction of individual knowledge gaps.

In the process of teaching the Russian language, work is being done oneliminating deficiencies in all aspects of the child’s speech. Inaccuracy and poverty of vocabulary, misuse grammatical forms, syntactic constructions are eliminated in all Russian language classes, whether they are lessons devoted to the development of oral speech, reading, practical grammar exercises or grammar and spelling.

The teacher’s work on developing the speech of mentally retarded students comes down to solving the following problems.

1. Studying the speech development of students. It is necessary to identify the child’s speech deficiencies, possible ways eliminating them for more successful work with children. The study of children's speech is mainly carried out in the first year of education, because Accurate knowledge of the level of speech development of each student is a prerequisite for the correct construction of a work system. But at the same time, attention to the individual development of each child should not be lost in the future.

2. Correcting speech defects and practicing pronunciation skills carried out in lower grades. Development of pronunciation skills - the most important task elementary school. Depending on the success of its solution, all other aspects of speech develop.

3. Clarification, enrichment, activation vocabulary occurs throughout the learning process.

4. Developing the ability to formulate sentences grammatically correctly also occurs throughout the Russian language course.

5. Correction of deficiencies and development of dialogic and monologue forms of oral speech is carried out throughout all years of study, but the foundation is laid in the lower grades.

6. Developing the ability to express one’s thoughts coherently and logically in writing is carried out mainly in high school, but the foundation is also laid at the initial stage of learning and development.

All speech development tasks are interconnected and are solved comprehensively.

Classification and selection of teaching methods mentally retarded schoolchildren depends on the principles of solving the issue of education. The classification of teaching methods is diverse, there are up to 10 of them. In the domestic practice of oligophrenopedagogy, two traditional classifications of teaching methods are used:

St. Petersburg, considering the use of methods depending on the stages of training. This classification is as follows:

a/ methods of presenting new material;

b/ methods of consolidation and repetition.

Moscow, which proposes to divide methods into verbal, visual and practical.

In practice, all these methods are used in combination at all stages of the lesson.

The specificity of teaching methods at school for children with disabilities lies in their correctional focus. This concept includes:

    slow learning and frequent repetition,

    presenting educational material in small portions,

    maximum expansion and dissection of the material,

    the presence of a preparatory period in training,

    constant reliance on the child’s experience.

For methods to work reliably and effectively, they must be selected and applied correctly. The value of the method is realized if it:

    ensures the general development of mentally retarded schoolchildren,

    makes learning accessible and feasible,

    ensures the strength of knowledge,

    takes into account the individual characteristics of the child,

    promotes activation educational activities abnormal student.

In its practical sphere, the special Russian language methodology uses the recommendations developed by the Russian language methodology for primary mass schools.At the same time, the abnormal development of mentally retarded children requires that all teaching methods and means used contribute to the correction of their deficiencies. Therefore, most of the methods used in primary schools require significant adjustments. In particular, increasing the number of stages of work, lengthening training periods, developingadditional techniques.

    Categories of children's learning ability

The significant heterogeneity of the composition of students at a school for students with disabilities is its specific feature.

By learning opportunities mentally retarded students are divided into four groups.

1 group consists of students who most successfully master program material in the process of frontal learning. As a rule, they complete all tasks independently. They do not experience great difficulties in performing the changed task, and generally correctly use their existing experience when performing new work. The ability to explain their actions in words indicates that these students have consciously mastered the program material. They have access to some level of generalization.

In Russian language lessons, these students quite easily master sound-letter analysis, initial writing and reading skills, and learn simple spelling rules. They understand the content of the texts they read well and answer questions about the content.

However, in conditions of frontal work when studying new educational material, these students still have difficulties in orienting and planning work. They sometimes need additional help in mental work activities. They use this help quite effectively.

Students Group II They also learn quite successfully in the classroom. During their studies, these children experience somewhat greater difficulties than students in Group I. They generally understand the teacher’s frontal explanation, remember the material being studied well, but are not able to draw basic conclusions and generalizations without the help of the teacher. They need activating and organizing help from the teacher.

During Russian language lessons, they make many mistakes in reading and writing and cannot find them on their own. People learn the rules, but they cannot always apply them in practice. They understand what they read, but when retelling they may miss semantic links.

TO III group include students who have difficulty mastering program material, needing various types of help: verbal-logical, visual and subject-practical. The success of knowledge acquisition primarily depends on children’s understanding of what is being communicated to them. These students are characterized by insufficient awareness of the newly communicated material (rules, theoretical information, facts). It is difficult for them to determine the main thing in what they are studying, to establish a logical connection between the parts, and to separate out the secondary. They find it difficult to understand the material during frontal classes, they need further explanation. They are characterized by low independence. The rate at which these students learn the material is significantly lower than that of children assigned to group II.

Despite the difficulties in mastering the material, students generally do not lose their acquired knowledge and skills and can apply them when performing a similar task, but they perceive each slightly changed task as new.

Schoolchildren of the third group overcome inertia in the learning process. They sometimes need significant help mainly at the beginning of a task, after which they can work more independently until they encounter a new difficulty. The activities of these students need to be constantly organized until they understand the main points of the material being studied. After this, they perform tasks more confidently and give a better verbal report about it. This indicates, although it is difficult, but to a certain extent a conscious process of assimilation.

Difficulties in learning the Russian language for this group of students manifest themselves primarily in areas where analytical and synthetic activity is required. They are slower to master sound-letter analysis and literate writing skills. Students may learn spelling rules, but apply them mechanically in practice. The formation of coherent oral and written speech is difficult for these students. They are distinguished by their inability to construct a phrase. Their perception of content is fragmentary. This leads to the fact that students do not even generally grasp the meaning of what they read.

TO IV group These include students who master educational material at the lowest level. However, frontal training alone is not enough for them. They need fulfillment large quantity exercises, additional training techniques, constant monitoring and tips while performing work. Drawing conclusions with some degree of independence and using past experience is not possible for them. Students require clear, repeated explanation from the teacher when completing any task. The teacher's help in the form of direct prompts is used correctly by some students, while others make mistakes under these conditions. These students do not see errors in their work; they need specific instructions on them and an explanation for correction. Each subsequent task is perceived by them as new. Knowledge is acquired purely mechanically and is quickly forgotten. They can acquire a significantly smaller amount of knowledge and skills than is offered by the correctional school program.

Pupils in this group master mainly the initial skills of reading and writing. Experiencing great difficulties in sound-letter analysis, they make many mistakes. They are especially difficult to learn spelling rules that they cannot use in practice, as well as to understand what they read. Schoolchildren have difficulty understanding not only complex texts with missing links, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, but also simple ones with a simple plot. Coherent oral and written speech is formed slowly in them, characterized by fragmentation and significant distortion of meaning.

The assignment of schoolchildren to one group or another is not stable. Under the influence of corrective training, students develop and can move to a higher group or take a more favorable place within the group.

The composition of the groups also changes depending on the nature of the lesson. Thus, the same student, due to a certain deficiency, may experience difficulties in mastering written language, write illiterately, but give an oral description of the subject in a sufficiently detailed and easy way, and read well. Then, in the Russian language, this student can be assigned to the 3rd group, and in reading - to the 2nd.

All students of the school for children with disabilities, divided into four groups, need a differentiated approach in the process of frontal education.

The teacher must know the capabilities of each student in order to prepare him for mastering new material, correctly select and explain the material, help students learn it and apply it with a greater or lesser degree of independence in practice.

    Didactic principles

Methodists compare the principles of didactics with the foundation of a house. Fuzzy, incorrect, inadequate principles are as dangerous in the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities as a fragile, slanted foundation in the construction of a building.

Oligophrenopedagogy, in accordance with the laws of teaching mentally retarded children, uses the followingdidactic principles:

    educational orientation of education;

    scientific character and accessibility of training;

    systematicity and consistency;

    connections between learning and life;

    corrections in training;


    consciousness and activity of students in mastering educational material;

    differentiated and individual approach;

    strength of knowledge, skills and abilities.

All teaching principles are interdependent and represent a specific didactic system. The teaching of all academic subjects in schools for children with disabilities is based on it.

Educational focus training in a school for children with disabilities is to form in students moral ideas and concepts, adequate ways of behavior in society.

It is worth noting that inUnlike a mass school, in a school for children with disabilities, education plays a special role.AOEP, created on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of children with disabilities (comes into force on September 1, 2016)involves students achieving two types of results:personal and subject.The leading place belongs topersonalresults, since they ensure mastery of a complex of social (life) competencies necessary for the introduction of students with mental retardation into culture, their mastery of sociocultural experience.

Russian language lessons are created optimal conditions to format children of positive habits, strong moral qualities. In Russian language lessons, children not only learn speech skills, but also learn to live and build relationships with others.

When organizing reading lessons, it is necessary to rely on the emotional mood of children to instill in them love for the Motherland, honesty, hard work, discipline and other qualities. Taking into account the disruption in mentally retarded students of the connections between object-figurative and logical thinking, between word and action, the teacher uses such working methods that increase the educational impact of works of art:

    expressively reads the text in its entirety or the parts that are most important for its understanding,

    helps children compare the characters’ actions with their own behavior,

    If possible, translate the situation described by the author into a real plan.

Scientific principle in general pedagogy involves reflection of modern scientific achievements.

The content of education in a correctional school is elementary and practical. Despite elementary level The knowledge that schoolchildren need to learn must be scientific. Violation abstract thinking forces us to limit the completeness and depth of information provided to children, but their scientific reliability should not be distorted. Moreover, the teacher strives to correct as much as possible the incorrect, inadequate ideas children have about the life around them that they might have had before school.

If mentally retarded children are unable to master practically significant but complex material, theoretical information is reduced to a minimum, and skills are developed in the process of performing exercises. So, having understood the basic hallmark complex sentences (the presence of two groups of subject and predicate), students practice constructing complex and complex constructions using the conjunctions and allied words specified in the program.

Accessibility principle involves building education for schoolchildren with problems in intellectual development at the level of their real educational capabilities.

First, the material is studied that is familiar to schoolchildren from their own experience or with which they can become familiar through practical activities. Thus, children initially correlate the concept of “name of an object” with words that have a pronounced lexical meaning objectivity (table, tree), and only after mastering the ability to pose a question, the border of word use expands due to the introduction of animate, abstract, collective nouns.

Using the most successful methodological system can make educational material that is relatively complex for mentally retarded schoolchildren accessible.

Essence principle of systematicity and sequences is that the knowledge that students acquire at school must be brought into a certain logical system for more successful application in practice.

In the activities of a teacher, the principle of systematicity is implemented in planning the sequence of passing new educational material and in repeating previously studied, in testing the knowledge and skills acquired by students, in developing a system individual work with them. Based on this principle, it is possible to move on to studying new educational material only after students have mastered the one that is currently being studied. Taking this circumstance into account, the teacher makes adjustments to previously outlined plans.

Compliance with the principle of systematicity and consistency is important for a Russian language teacher when preparing and conducting lessons, since skipping one, even the most insignificant link in the general chain of knowledge leads to children’s misunderstanding of the educational material and to mechanical memorization.

Implementation the principle of connecting learning with life in a school for children with disabilities is to organize educational work on the basis of a close and multifaceted connection with the surrounding reality, with the life of local enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Correction principle consists of correcting deficiencies in the psychophysical development of students with problems in intellectual development through the use of special methodological techniques. As a result of the use of corrective teaching methods, some deficiencies in students are overcome, others are weakened, thanks to which schoolchildren move faster in their development.

One of the indicators of the success of correctional work can be the level of independence of students when performing new educational and work tasks. Therefore, the implementation of the principle of correction in teaching is:

    in developing students’ skills to independently navigate the requirements for completing tasks,

    analyze conditions and plan your activities, drawing on existing knowledge and experience,

    draw conclusions about the quality of the work performed.

To carry out individual correction, it is necessary to identify the difficulties experienced by students in learning various subjects and identifying the causes of these difficulties. Based on this, individual correction measures are developed. There may be several students in a class who require different measures of individual correction. When working frontally, it is advisable to carry out individual correction alternately, additionally working with one or the other student.

Exists general rule applications principle of visibility in secondary schools: teaching should be visual to the extent necessary for students to consciously assimilate knowledge and develop skills based on living images of objects, phenomena and actions. At school for children with disabilities, object visualization is used long time. This is due to the fact that students have severely impaired processes of abstraction and generalization; it is difficult for them to break away from observing specific objects and draw an abstract conclusion or conclusion, which is necessary for the formation of a particular concept.

A mentally retarded schoolchild has concrete-figurative thinking. He's just like a normal child younger age, thinks in forms, colors, sounds, sensations in general. However, unlike a normally developing child, such children, especially junior classes, have a very limited range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Visual aids should be differentiated, containing the most basic features of the object and, if possible, without additional unimportant details, which often divert students’ attention away from the main goal that the teacher achieves when using these aids. Illustrations should be large, accessible, and in a realistic style. It is important to determine in advance at what stage of the lesson, what type of visualization is needed, what work will be done with it. You should not display all the selected visuals at once, you need to demonstrate it sequentially.

Mentally retarded children are characterized by a poor vocabulary and grammatical structure, elementary syntactic structures, primitiveness of coherent statements, behind which lies not only a poor assimilation of grammatical laws, but also, first of all, a limited understanding of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, their connections and relationships. In fact, when teaching a language, visual aids should form the framework on the basis of which the language and speech activity of students will be formed. In Russian language lessons, traditional means are used, such as natural objects and phenomena, their three-dimensional and planar images, graphic clarity, and technical teaching aids. In addition, a number of specific tools are used that are not used in other lessons. These are facial expressions, gestures, dramatization, diction, expressiveness of reading, indirect, or linguistic, visibility. The last type of visual teaching aids involves organizing observations of speech itself, its imagery, and various language components, from sound to text.

The principle of conscious and active learning is provided by a number of conditions, some of which are embedded in the program itself.

Firstly, this is the selection of material taking into account its accessibility and practical significance for improving the speech practice of schoolchildren.

Secondly, This is a concentric arrangement of material, due to which the division of complex connections into elements and the gradual assimilation of each of the elements that make up a single whole are achieved.

Third, highlighting the preparatory stage, during which some deficiencies in speech and cognitive activity of mentally retarded children are eliminated, their experience is updated and organized. Taking into account the inferiority of schoolchildren’s personal experience in any type of activity, the program allocates propaedeutic periods at all stages of education, during which children correct the shortcomings of past experience and prepare students for mastering subsequent sections of the program.

Fourthly, slow pace of learning material, which corresponds to the slowness of mental processes.

In the Russian language lessons themselves, techniques are widely used that increase the activity of schoolchildren’s mental activity and their level of awareness of the material being studied. These are comparison and contrast, explanation and proof, analysis and synthesis, classification and analogy. At the same time, the rapid decline in cognitive interests and the motivational side of speech, characteristic of mentally retarded students, requires the use of such techniques and types of work that constantly support the activity of children (visual supports, practical and play activities, a variety of types of exercises and tasks for them). To ensure the transfer of acquired knowledge from one environment to another, to develop the skill of self-control, exercises such as “Testing ourselves”, working techniques such as “alarm”, “little teacher”, elements of programmed training, etc. are used.

IN the principle of the strength of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities learning results are reflected. The strength of knowledge, abilities and skills is achieved by special pedagogical work aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge and developing skills. This remedy is repetition. Repetition - This is the basis of all educational work in a correctional school.

The strength of students’ assimilation of knowledge is achieved by:

    conscious assimilationmaterial;

    multiplehconsolidation of the studied material;


    a certain degree of independence for students when completing tasks, which depends on the year of study and the complexity of the material.

Taking into account the differences among schoolchildren in the degree and nature of speech underdevelopment, sensorimotor insufficiency, and intellectual impairments, the Russian language methodology aims teachers at widespread usethe principle of a differentiated and individual approach to children in the learning process.

The traditional distribution of students in the class into 3 groups (strong, average, weak) to implement a differentiated approach does not clearly clarify the picture of schoolchildren’s difficulties. This, in turn, does not make it possible to accurately select corrective measures.

Thus, complex underdevelopment of phonemic perception, which causes a number of similar errors in students’ written work (substitutions, omissions, rearrangements), requires the use of special techniques to correct deficiencies in children of this group:

    drawing up a conditional graphic diagram of a word before writing it down,

    laying out cubes as a sound series or sounds of a word are pronounced,

    recording from memory a sentence previously analyzed and perceived visually, guessing a word by syllable,

    spelling pronunciation, etc.

In other words, relying on more intact analyzers, in this case visual and kinesthetic, promotes the development of writing skills and the correction of defects in phonemic perception.

When implementing the principle of a differentiated approach, the fact that the identified typological groups cannot be stable is also taken into account. They vary in composition depending on the nature of the Russian language lesson (reading, speech development or grammar and spelling). Thus, the same student, due to a certain deficiency, may experience difficulties in mastering written language, but give a sufficiently detailed and easy oral description of the subject, or read well, but write illiterately. The composition of the groups also changes as schoolchildren progress in overcoming the defect, since it cannot be accomplished at the same pace for everyone.

The technique also provides that differentiated approach can be used with a group of students for a long period of time, but occupy a relatively short period of time in each lesson and, most importantly, does not replace frontal teaching. All schoolchildren are required to read in reading lessons, work on text, learn to retell, write in writing lessons, participate in lexical, grammatical and spelling analysis, and in preparation for creative works and in their writing. However, the share of participation in frontal work, the volume and complexity of tasks, and methods for activating students’ activities will vary depending on the capabilities of the entire group or one child.

The differentiation of requirements in relation to different typological groups of students and to each child individually is carried out taking into account the capabilities of the children and the characteristics of their defect. Thus, some schoolchildren experience a noticeable increase in the number of errors at the end of work; the teacher determines the cause of this phenomenon and, based on it, selects the necessary methods of influence. If a student has general motor insufficiency or impaired motor skills of the hand, as a result of which muscle fatigue increases, pain appears, and attention is distracted, the teacher limits the amount of work for him. If the child is excitable and his performance is impaired, as a result of which he quickly loses interest in the lesson, the teacher reminds the student about the purpose of the task, praises him for his work at the initial stage, briefly changes his type of activity (offers him to wipe the board, find a book), expresses approval and returns to the interrupted exercise.

The means of implementing a differentiated and individual approach should be such “that as a result of their application, lagging students are gradually leveled out and can ultimately be included in collective work on an equal basis with others.”

    Methodological requirements for a lesson at school for children with disabilities

Lesson at school for children with disabilities (mental retardation)- this is a lesson using special correctional educational and educational methods for the purpose of teaching children with problems mental development. The lesson has both general didactic requirements and special ones.

General didactic requirements:

    The teacher must be proficient in the subject and teaching methods.

    The lesson should be educational and developing.

    Corrective and developmental work should be carried out at each lesson.

    The material presented must be scientific, reliable, accessible, must be related to life and be based on the past experiences of children.

    Each lesson should provide an individually differentiated approach to students.

    Interdisciplinary connections should be made in the lesson.

    The lesson should be equipped with:

    technical means of training;

    didactic material (tables, maps, illustrations, tests, diagrams, reasoning algorithms, punched cards, etc.);

    all material must be correlated with the child’s level of development and connected with the logic of the lesson.

    Innovative processes should be carried out in the classroom.

    An introduction to computer education is needed.

    During the lesson, the safety regime must be strictly observed:

    conducting physical exercises ( Primary School– 2 physical minutes);

    correspondence of furniture to the age of children;

    matching didactic material in size and color;

    correspondence of the educational load to the age of the child;

    compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The lesson should help solve the main problems facing the school:

    provide comprehensive pedagogical support to a mentally retarded child;

    contribute social adaptation child.

Special requirements for a lesson in a special school:

    Slowness of the pace of learning, which corresponds to the slowness of mental processes;

    Simplification of the structure of the knowledge of learning in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of the student;

    Implementation of repetition during training at all stages and links of the lesson;

    Maximum reliance on the child’s sensory experience, which is due to the concreteness of the child’s thinking;

    Maximum reliance on practical activities and student experience.

In mentally retarded students, when the teacher is carried away by verbal methods, the security system is triggered and extreme inhibition is activated.

Psychologists claim that from what a student hears during a lesson, less than 10% of the content remains in the memory of a mentally retarded student, from what is perceived through reading - 30%, when observing an object (i.e., when relying on visualization), approximately 37% remains in the memory of children. perceived. Practical actions with educational material leave up to 70% in memory.

    Reliance on the child’s more developed abilities;

    Implementation of differentiated management of the child’s educational activities, providing for design, direction and regulation, and at the same time correction of students’ actions by dividing the integral activity into separate parts, operations, etc.

The optimal conditions for organizing student activities in the classroom are as follows:

Rational dosage in the lesson of the content of educational material;

Choosing a goal and means to achieve it;

Regulating the actions of students;

Encouraging students to take part in activities during the lesson;

Developing interest in the lesson;

Alternation of work and rest.

It is necessary to organize educational activities in the classroom due to the inability of mentally retarded children to constantly mobilize their efforts to solve cognitive problems. Therefore, during the lesson, the teacher has to use techniques for dividing cognition into small parts, and all educational activities into small portions. This is reflected in the structure of the lesson.

In practice special school most often usedcombined lesson, combining the types of work and tasks of several types of lessons. ThisThis is explained by the fact that mentally retarded children cannot absorb material in large portions. Each piece of new material requires its immediate consolidation in active, practical forms of exercise. At all stages of the lesson, step-by-step, often individual monitoring of the assimilation of the material and identification of emerging difficulties are necessary. Each lesson must take into account personal experience students, because It is easier, more interesting, and more accessible for them to study material if it is related to personal impressions.

Taking into account the dynamics of performance Students in the lesson use the following stages of organizing activities:

- organizational and preparatory;

- basic;

- final .

It is recommended that the preparatory part of the lesson be correlated in time with the phase of learning and increasing the productivity of cognition (up to the tenth minute of the lesson). The main stage should be carried out before the twenty-fifth minute and the final stage - from the thirtieth minute of the lesson. During periods of decline in performance (twenty-fifth minute), it is advisable to carry out physical exercise minutes. When students work independently, the first fifteen to twenty minutes are the most productive.

Approximate structure of a combined lesson:

    I stage. Organizational and preparatory (up to the 10th minute of the lesson)

    Organizational moment and preparation for the lesson;

    Organization of educational activities.

    II stage. Basic (up to the 25th minute of the lesson)

    Examination homework;

    Repetition of previously studied material;

    Preparation for the perception of new material;

    Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson;

    Explanation of new material;

    Correction in the process of acquiring new knowledge;

    Consolidation of what has been learned.

    III stage. Final (from the 30th minute of the lesson)

    Summing up the lesson;

    Assessment of knowledge;

    Reporting homework and preparing students to work on it independently;

    Conclusion from the lesson.

The presence of one or another lesson stage depends on its type. Each of the structural elements of the lesson has its own objectives.

Exemplary lesson plan with the content of the stages

Lesson type – combined

Lesson topic

Lesson Objectives

The effectiveness of a lesson largely depends on setting specific goals and objectives. Teachers in a correctional school, as well as in a general education school, set a threefold task. The difference is that more attention is paid to the correctional and developmental task.


    to form (form) students’ ideas about ...;

    reveal (reveal)…;

    introduce, introduce, continue to introduce...;






    learn to apply in practice...;

    learn to use...;




    correct attention (voluntary, involuntary, sustained, switching attention, increasing attention span) by doing...;

    correction and development of coherent oral speech (regulatory function, planning function, analyzing function, spelling correct pronunciation, replenishment and enrichment of passive and active vocabulary, dialogic and monologue speech) through the implementation...;

    correction and development of coherent written speech (when working on deformed texts, essays, presentation, creative dictation)…;

    correction and development of memory (short-term, long-term) ...;

    correction and development of visual perceptions...;

    development of auditory perception...;

    correction and development of tactile perception...;

    correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands (formation of manual skill, development of rhythm, smoothness of movements, proportionality of movements)…;

    correction and development of mental activity (operations of analysis and synthesis, identification of the main idea, establishment of logical and cause-and-effect relationships, planning function of thinking)…;

    correction and development of students’ personal qualities, emotional-volitional sphere (self-control skills, perseverance and endurance, ability to express their feelings...)

TO correctional task must be specific And focused on activating those mental functions that will be maximally involved during this lesson, that is, through them active work educational information will be presented and practiced.


    cultivate observation skills;

    cultivate independence;

    cultivate persistence and patience;

    cultivate moral qualities (love, respect for..., hard work, ability to empathize, etc.)

The educational task should be the same specific. For example, developing observation skills, if in a lesson you have to analyze processes or objects; persistence and patience if the lesson asks you to perform a series of exercises, etc.

Lesson equipment

1. Organizational and preparatory stage

The goal is to prepare students for work in the classroom. Contents of the stage:


    duty officer's report, identification of absentees;

    checking readiness for the lesson (workplace, working posture, appearance);

    students’ mood for work, organization of attention;

    exercise for fingers;

    writing a number (orthographic pronunciation, highlighting spellings);

    exercise to develop attention and perception;

    a minute of penmanship.

Considering the difficulty of students switching from one type of activity to another, during the organizational moment it is necessary to remove their excessive excitability and redirect their attention to this lesson. From the first minutes, students should feel in the teacher a leader who will not give up on their demands. The teacher checks readiness for the lesson: whether students have notebooks, textbooks, a diary, pens, special equipment for this lesson, the order in which they are located on the student’s desk, and whether there are any distracting foreign objects. For some students who have slower reactions, the teacher can help them get organized or ready for class. workplace, but to help, and not to do it for him. The psychological attitude of students for further activities in the lesson is also important at this stage. The teacher’s word may not influence the work setting, so verbal treatment should be supplemented with motor and sensory exercises aimed at activating attention and perception of thinking. These exercises last up to seven minutes and must be related to the work to be done.

2.Main stage, on whichThe main objectives of the lesson are solved.

a) Checking homework

The goal is to establish the correctness and awareness of completing homework, identify typical shortcomings, identify the level of knowledge of students, repeat the material covered, and eliminate gaps in knowledge discovered during the test. Possible options homework checks:

    frontal survey;

    individual survey with a call to the board;

    frontal written survey (at the board, using cards);

    individual written survey;

    compacted survey (combination of frontal and individual, oral and written);

    practical work;

    programmed control;

    checking notebooks;

    using TSO.

Checking homework (updating knowledge) a traditionally established part of the lesson, the meaning of which is both verification and control, and preparation for learning new material. In this type of work, the teacher focuses students' attention on the basic rules that formed the basis for doing homework. Checks whether everyone completed the task, what and who had difficulties, what typical mistakes were made.

If there was no homework for a given lesson, then students use a series of specially prepared questions to reproduce the knowledge that will be used in the explanation process. The cognitive activity and interest of students in the new material directly depends on this part of the lesson.

b) Propaedeutics for students to master new material

The goal is to organize the cognitive activity of students. Inform the topic, goals and objectives of studying new material, show the practical significance of studying new material(goal setting) , attract attention and arouse interest in learning new topic. A new concept can be introduced in different ways:

    riddle, rebus, game "Fourth odd";

    addressing students’ past experiences (conversation);

    vocabulary work (connection with new material);

    problematic question.

New material should start with an introductory conversation.

The teacher explains in detail what the children will do and why it is needed; it is important to show the children those aspects of life in which they can apply the knowledge they receive. It is necessary to express the opinion that the children will cope with the task. Further, it is recommended to carry out special preparation for solving the cognitive problems of the lesson with an introductory conversation, or a frontal brief survey of the previous material, or examination of tables, drawings, and living objects to create ideas when studying new material.

c) Communication of new material

The goal is to give students a specific idea of ​​the issue, rule, phenomenon, etc. being studied. Communication of new material is possible in combination different ways:

    the teacher’s story (scientific, accessible, moderately emotional, consistent, based on clarity, with vocabulary work, with conclusions);

    independent acquaintance with new material through observation and use of a textbook(only in high school and only available material);

    conversation (if students have a supply of information on this topic);

    alternating conversation and story;

    using TSO.

Explanation - scientific presentation of the content of educational material is the most important part in the structure of the lesson. The logic of scientific evidence that is accessible to mentally retarded schoolchildren, based on their existing knowledge, and a simple and convincing form of presentation are the basis for students’ good understanding and assimilation of new material. When explaining new material, it is necessary to focus on the main points of the content of the material, use intonation, and emphasize what is essential in the explanation. The material should be presented as if you were studying it with the students. Visual aids should be bright and age-appropriate. In a special school, explanation may be included in other parts of the lesson (for example, in the process consolidation), when the material is not understood by some part of the students and requires repeated explanation at a more accessible level.

Primary perception (through direct repetition, examples, partial conclusions).

d) Consolidation of acquired knowledge

The goal is to consolidate the knowledge and skills necessary for students to work independently on new material and to teach them to apply knowledge in a similar situation. Methods used:


    working with a textbook;

    working with a notebook;

    practical work;

    programmed tasks;

    didactic games;

    application of TSO;

    tables, diagrams, tests;

    independent work.

The main requirement in this part of the lesson is to ensure that students have the correct ideas and concepts. For complete perception and conscious assimilation of a learning task, several references to the same material are needed, during which knowledge and skills are clarified, and incorrectly learned material is corrected. At this stage of the lesson, a differentiated approach to students and a variety of forms used to consolidate what has been learned are especially important, depending on the individual capabilities and characteristics of the students. In lessons, the stage of consolidating and repeating knowledge can be carried out as a separate stage or in stages after each portion of the various parts of the lesson. Its purpose: secondary reproduction of the presented material, understanding of the acquired knowledge. are being assessed in the manner established for secondary schools. However, when assessing, it is necessary first of all to take into account the requirements of special school programs and the psychophysical characteristics of students, for whom assessment has great educational and activating significance. An objective assessment of students' knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved by a combination of various types of current and final knowledge testing.

It is customary to evaluate students with mild and moderate (average) degrees of mental retardation at a boarding school in all subjects of the program, with the exception of the correctional block, using a five-point system with a modified grading scale for each subject. Due to the fact that education at school is not qualified, the grades given to students are also not “qualified”, i.e. they cannot be equated with the grades of students in secondary schools, but are only an indicator of the success of the students’ progress in relation to themselves.

To evaluate students during intermediate certification, teachers develop individual test tasks taking into account the level that they were able to achieve in the learning process. Students' progress is assessed relative to themselves, without comparing results with peers.

When assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the intellectual development of students, the state of their emotional and volitional sphere. When assessing the written work of students suffering from profound motor impairment, the grade should not be reduced for poor handwriting, sloppy writing, quality of notes, drawings, drawings, etc.

Using assessment as a stimulus for learning activities, as an exception, the work of some students can be assessed with a higher score.

    analysis and recording of homework.

Reportinghomework, the teacher explains the main provisions and methods of its implementation. The main task of this stage of the lesson is to help students organize their homework.

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