Russian folk tales from everyday life. Russian everyday tales Who wrote everyday fairy tales

5 names of everyday Russian folk tales and received the best answer

Answer from [Lenochka][guru]
Porridge from an ax
Fedul and Melania
Master and dog
Barin and man
Dobry pop
Master Blacksmith
Seven-year-old daughter
The Fool and the Birch
The Wrangling Wife
Ivan the Fool
How a priest hired a worker
Slander water
If you don't like it, don't listen
Petukhan Kurikhanych
Funeral of a goat
About need
Soldier's overcoat
Three rolls and one bagel
Good, but bad
What doesn't happen in the world
Boring tales

Answer from Black Tractor Driver[guru]
So five or six? O_o Turnip, Kolobok, At the behest of the pike... So nothing else comes out of the blue. Question: 3 bears and Masha and the bear - are these HOUSEHOLD fairy tales or not?
Oh, I also remembered how the man shared the master’s goose. I just don't remember the exact name...

Answer from A.UMAROV[guru]
Ryaba chicken, bun, turnip, Masha and the bear, fox and wolf, fox and crane

Answer from Sergey Afanasiev[active]
Zaykin's hut
Fox-sister and wolf
For a shoe - a chicken, for a chicken - a piece
Fox midwife
Fox, hare and rooster
Animals in the pit
Masha and the Bear
Fox Confessor
Man, bear and fox
Sheep, fox and wolf
No goat with nuts
Wolf and kids
Cat - gray forehead, goat and ram
Fox and black grouse
Fox and Crane
Fox and cancer
Fox and jug
Fox and goat
Winter hut of animals
Cat and Fox
Cat, rooster and fox
Egg (Hen Ryaba)
Lion, pike and man
Mushroom War
bean seed
Crane and heron
About the toothy pike
Fairy tales
Sun, Moon and Raven Voronovich
Feather of Finist the clear falcon
Suma, give me some brains!
Daughter and stepdaughter
Tiny - Khavroshechka
The Witch and the Sun's Sister
Princess Frog
The prince and his uncle
Snow Maiden
Vasilisa the Beautiful
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek
Swan geese
Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold
Truth and Falsehood
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka
Kuzma Skorobogaty
At the behest of the pike
The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water
Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what
Tom Thumb
Chivy, chivy, chivychok...
Ivan - son of a cow
Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise
The tale of the glorious, mighty hero Eruslan Lazarevich
Ivan - peasant son and miracle Yudo
Marya Morevna
Magic ring
Petrified Kingdom
The Enchanted Princess
Crystal Mountain
White duck
Prophetic dream
Magic pipe
Clay guy
Dashingly one-eyed
Nikita Kozhemyaka
Night dancing
Rooster and millstones
bird tongue
Seven Simeons
The soldier and the devil
Tricky Science
Wonderful shirt
Magic horse
Everyday tales
Porridge from an ax
Fedul and Melania
Master and dog
Barin and man
Dobry pop
Master Blacksmith
Seven-year-old daughter
The Fool and the Birch
The Wrangling Wife
Ivan the Fool
How a priest hired a worker
Slander water
If you don't like it, don't listen
Petukhan Kurikhanych
Funeral of a goat
About need
Soldier's overcoat
Three rolls and one bagel
Good, but bad
What doesn’t happen in the world - like everything

Answer from Artem michailin[newbie]
Porridge from an ax

Answer from Yergey Starykh[active]
porridge from an ax

Answer from Igor Shvedov[newbie]
Thank you

Answer from Natalya Solomeina[newbie]
thank you

Answer from Just a Cutie[newbie]
1.About need
2.Soldier's overcoat
3. Three rolls and one bagel
4.Good, but bad
5. If you don’t like it, don’t listen
6.Petukhan Kurikhanych
7.What doesn’t happen in the world
8. Boring tales
9. Porridge from an ax
10.Fedul and Melania
11. Master and dog
12. Master and man
13. Good pop
14. Master-blacksmith
16. Seven-year-old daughter
17. The Fool and the Birch
18. The Argumentative Wife

Answer from Olga Ivanova[newbie]
Thank you

Answer from Alla Chesnokova[active]

Answer from Olga Martynenko[newbie]
Coachman and merchant
Pike with horseradish
Six brothers - all Agathons
Shemyakin court
The soldier was walking home
What are you bringing to the market?
What do you hear next?
Purity, grace and beauty
What doesn't happen in the world
Church service
Tsar, old man and boyars
Tsar Ivan and the Lapotnik
Skinny wife
Good, but bad
Whip and Sneaky
Fomka is a jester
Thomas and Erema
Foma Berennikov
Fedul and Melania
Smart worker
Daring farmhand
One woman had a deaf husband
A man had a piece of lard hanging in his hallway
Three rolls and one bagel
Stomping and kicking
Tini-tini, sip...
The river is all made of milk, the banks are made of jelly
Old woman's prayer
Matched children
Soldiers' school
Soldier's overcoat
Soldier's riddle
Soldier and king in the forest
Soldier and lard
Soldier and dumplings
The Tale of the Hero Gol Voyansky
Angry lady
Pig at a wedding
Shoemaker in the sky
Fishing and hunting tales
Turnip and honey
About one soldier
About need
About a poor man
The Vyatkas came to Moscow
Funeral of a goat
Promised half
Popov's subterfuges
Popova cow
Pop Groin
Pop in the next world
Pop on holiday
Pop and worker
Pop and boy
Pop and deacon
Landowner and headman
The man took three-quarters of the rye to town to sell
For a penny glitter
Carpenter and wedge
Peter 1 and the man
Petukhan Kurikhanych
Hunter and his wife
The slandered merchant's daughter
One stupid woman
About the gypsy
About the Villager and the She-Bear
Night on Ivan Kupala
Inept Wife
Unsolved mystery
Illiterate village
Father's Instruction
Slander water
Stuffed fool
Peasant caftan
Man and pop
The Man and the Bear (Tops and Roots)
Man and hare
Husband and wife
Fox and blackbird
Laziness and Dirty
Lazy wife
Lied and Cheated
A man bought a goose for the holiday and hung it in the hallway
Where are you going, my dear?
Who will be better off on judgment day?
If you drown
Mare's egg
Porridge from an ax
How the old woman found the bast shoe
How the old man ran the house
How a priest hired a worker
How a man divided geese
How a husband weaned his wife off fairy tales
How the husband managed the house
How Ivan the Fool guarded the door
How the deacon was treated to honey
How are things in Rostov?
How the master bought a sheep
Cab driver and horse
Ivan the Terrible and the Thief
Witch Doctor
For a bad head - work for the legs
The Wrangling Wife
Prover wife
The Fool and the Birch
Seven-year-old daughter
Daughter and stepdaughter
Expensive lunch
Expensive leather
Doka on doka
Dobry pop
Grandfather and grandson
Two old women and a bishop
Two friends
Two Ivans - soldiers' sons
Two thieves
It was a long time ago...
Sovereign Sidor Karpovich
Stupid man
Stupid groom
Stupid lady
The girl got married
Thieves and the Judge
Crow and cancer
Thieving man
Magic caftan
Prophetic oak
In one village there lived an old man
There was a German manager in one landowner village
Brito - shorn
Brother and sister
Big one brick house
Chatty woman
Unmemorable son-in-law
Carefree Monastery
Carefree wife
Illiterate village
Poor master and servant
Father, let go!
Barsky geese
Master Blacksmith
The master barks in the church
Master and headman
Master and dog
Barin and man
Master and gander
Master - servant
Baba and two soldiers
Afonka! Where have you been?..

Krestnikova Marina
Russian folk tales, their role in the development of preschool children


Children's literature


Folk tale enters a child’s life very early and remains with him throughout childhood, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate its influence on developing personality. The popularity of this genre among children explained by its characteristic features.

Firstly, fairy taleoffers to be transported to a fictional world: this is how they perceive everything that happens in fairy tale and narrator, and the listener. This means that in in a fairy tale everything is possible, which is impossible in reality - wonderful events, magical transformations, unexpected reincarnations. That's why fairy tale corresponds to a child's penchant for fantasy and belief in miracles.

But the greatest value fairy tales- this is an indispensable triumph of goodness and justice in the finale. World fairy tales are an ideal world, the image of which lives in the soul of not only a child, but also an adult. However, as already noted, the child tends to see reality in bright colors, and therefore fairy his view of the world is unusually close to him.

Household fairy tale is simply a storehouse of knowledge, because first of all it contains a description folk life, which is where its name comes from. Since these works are created for children, That household folk tales contain a lot of humor and exciting adventures. Hero everyday fairy tale is not a hero, A a common person, for example, a soldier, a peasant or a blacksmith. He does not perform feats of arms and has no magical gifts, but overcomes all difficulties with the help of his ingenuity and dexterity. Also, often the main motive is a love theme - a wedding, wedding or life after marriage.

This variety fairy tales appeared not so long ago. Everyday tales children perceive best in aged 2 to 7 years, so it’s worth reading them more often during this period. You should also pay attention to the fact that to a certain age one type or another is suitable fairy tales.

1. Types fairy tales

It should be noted that everyday tales may be the result of folk art , and individual authors. For example, Charles Perrault or Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote a lot fairy tales in the everyday genre.

Fairy tales are divided into 3 subgroups, which allow you to more accurately determine what it is everyday tale:

social and household(“The Chatty Old Woman”, “Shemyakin Court”,

satirical-everyday(“The Man and the Pop”, “The Master and the Man”,

magical household("Morozko", "Cinderella").

However, it is worth noting that fairy tales can be divided only conditionally, after all, one and the same work can contain different elements: satire, magic, and just everyday life.

What is taught everyday tales?

Everyday tales were and are told to children in order to to point them in the right direction in life, to teach them to make the right choice. After all, what is everyday tale, if not teaching and instruction to future generations? She teaches us the best and the best, because good always triumphs over evil, people who are ready to help do not disappear in trouble, and our heroes are always ready to defend their homeland. Everyday tales usually carry the idea that one must be hardworking and skillful. Such people succeed in everything. And the inept and lazy in these fairy tales are usually ridiculed, and they are left with nothing. So, in everyday tales They have a negative attitude towards gentlemen and priests. They are usually seen as greedy and lazy, and these qualities are always unpleasant to people. Moreover, we can say that in everyday tales The social inequality of the heroes is clearly visible. Moreover, people of lower classes have much more nobility and kindness than richer ones. The role of everyday fairy tales is, to expose lies and show exactly the social difficulties and problems that exist in society.

Fairy taleasserted with all its content: He who works should have wealth. It's interesting that, having become rich, the man never stops working: fairy tale does not imagine his hero outside of work.

ridicule in social and everyday tales, how in " The Tale of Ruff Ershovich", "Vorone", the legal proceedings of medieval Rus' and even the tsar himself were subjected to. Unreasonableness; unfairness of court decisions people explained by the stupidity of the judges, bribery, but in fairy tales it was as if he was restoring justice. A poor man leaves Shemyaka's court unpunished ("Shemyakin Court", thanks to the ingenuity of his daughter, a man who solves riddles better than his narrow-minded but rich brother ("Seven Years", etc.) fights off the unjust court of the governor.

In all this the optimism of the people affected, his belief in the possibility of peace and harmony in society and family, his dreams of a happy future. Took quite a long time to tie people establishment of justice on earth with the name of the king. It was believed that the tsar was surrounded by dishonest, vain, stupid boyars and confidants. IN in fairy tales they are ridiculed, are ridiculed evilly and sharply (for example, in fairy tales "Gorshenya"", "Spruce Cones", the king is portrayed as a wise man, punishing fools and rewarding smart men. But in fairy tale “The Tsar and the Tailor”"The king is shown already the same, as well as his associates: despising the common man, stupid and funny.

2. System of images everyday tales

So called everyday tales are fairy tales, which reflects folk life and everyday life, real reality, without any miracles, without any magic.

Everyday tales- these are real satirical folk works.

Satire consists of a clear mockery of the greed, stinginess, stupidity of people, for the most part rich people.

These qualities are ridiculed in the master, the merchant, the priest, and they do not even spare the king himself.

Everyone knows the hero from childhood everyday fairy tales Ivanushka the Fool.

Even in the names of many this name appears in fairy tales: "The Tale of Ivan the Fool", "Ivan the Fool", "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo", "How Ivan the Fool Guarded the Door."

Usually this hero is despised by everyone, or rather say, is despised by those who consider him stupid, unreasonable among them, the “reasonable ones”. But in fact, this simple-minded fool turns out to be almost the only intelligent creature.

He is not stupid at all, but simply naive, good-natured, and selfless. Around him, people deceive each other, are cunning, are greedy, want to gain wealth by all means, stroke their pride, and Ivanushka lies on the stove, dreams, he is happy with little things - a red shirt and a kind word. And happiness comes to him, and not to those who strived for wealth, for a high rank. The fool marries some beautiful princess and becomes a handsome man himself.

IN everyday tales selflessness takes precedence over greed, stinginess, intelligence and ingenuity over stupidity, true honor over arrogance.

And this is the deep meaning of such fairy tales.

Of course, such heroes fairy tales Apart from Ivanushka, there are ordinary men, an old man and an old woman, brothers, a worker, a peasant, a soldier.

For example, tales of a serviceman: “Porridge from an axe”, “Soldier’s overcoat”, “Soldier and the devil”, “Soldier’s school”.

U Russian people have a lot of fairy tales, collections have been published more than once Russian fairy tales.

Give the entire list even just household there is no possibility.

Many people remember these from childhood fairy tales,For example: “Horshenya”, “Lutonyushka”, “Grief”, “Salt”, “What does not happen in the world”, “Good priest”, “Turnip”, “Hidden treasure”, “Wise servant”.

In all fairy tales funny joke, an ironic joke is intertwined and interspersed with serious assessments of human affairs.

3. Genre features fairy tales

Children's consciousness, which goes through the first stages of its formation precisely thanks to the perception of realistic stories, much more susceptible than an adult. And, despite the fact that the very concept fairy tales has existed for several hundred years, children receive their first knowledge in this life, just like many centuries ago, precisely thanks to such stories.

The most common Russian folk tales They teach children to correctly perceive life values, and also teach them to believe and love. Fairy tales give an understanding of that good is always nearby, and miracles can happen to us every day in the real world.

Often in stories everyday tales of different nations There are both good and evil characters. Of course, good always wins, despite all the vicissitudes of the heroes’ destinies. And this pattern is not accidental. After all, this is precisely the perception development of fabulous The plot helps the child strive for the best and do good deeds in real life.

But the life trials that fate throws at the characters everyday tales, teach kids humility and patience. But it is very important that the title and plot fairy tales were able to convey to the child’s consciousness that a happy ending It will definitely come, you just have to try a little.

Certainly, everyday tales They are far from the fantasy genre, but they also have magic. After all, when the situation the characters find themselves in turns out to be hopeless, a solution always appears. Such miracles give the baby not only a subconscious feeling of security, but also stimulate his curiosity and independent development.

Household(satirical) fairy tale is closest to everyday life and does not even necessarily include miracles. Approval or condemnation is always given openly, assessment is clearly expressed: what is immoral, what is worthy of ridicule, etc. Even when it seems that the heroes are simply fooling around, amusing the listeners, their every word, every action is filled with significant meaning, connected with important aspects of a person’s life.

Constant heroes of satirical fairy tales are performed"simple" poor people. However, they invariably prevail over "difficult"- a rich or noble person. Unlike the heroes of the magical fairy tales here the poor achieve the triumph of justice without the help of wonderful helpers - only thanks to intelligence, dexterity, resourcefulness and even fortunate circumstances.

Household satirical tale has absorbed the characteristic features of life for centuries people and his relationship to those in power, in particular to judges and officials.

IN everyday tales sometimes animal characters appear, and perhaps the appearance of such abstract characters, like Truth and Falsehood, Woe and Misfortune. The main thing here is not the selection of characters, but the satirical condemnation of human vices and shortcomings.

Sometimes in fairy tale such a specific element of children's folklore as the shapeshifter is introduced. In this case, a shift in real meaning occurs, encouraging the child to correctly arrange objects and phenomena. IN fairy tale the changeling becomes larger, grows into an episode, and already forms part of the content. Displacement and exaggeration, hyperbolization of phenomena give the child the opportunity to laugh and think.


Fairy tale- one of the most interesting genres of oral creativity. The fight between good and evil, faith in the triumph of justice, a bright future - all this is reflected in folk tales.

Everyday tales are brief. The plot usually centers on one episode, action develops quickly, there are no repetitions of episodes, the events in them can be defined as absurd, funny and strange. In these comics are widely developed in fairy tales, which is determined by their satirical, humorous, ironic character. Also, they are not horror, they are funny, witty, everything is focused on action and narrative features that reveal the images of the characters.


1. Anikin V. P. Russian folk tale/B. P. Anikin – M. : Education, 1977 – 430 p.

2. Children's literature. Tutorial for pedagogical schools. Ed. E. E. Zubareva - M. : Enlightenment, 1989 – 398 p.

3. Nikiforov A. I. Fairy tale, her existence and carriers/A. I. Nikiforov - M. : Enlightenment, 1930 – 105 p.

4. Pasternak N. Fairy tales A child needs it like air/ Preschool education . - No. 8-2008. -23-35s.

5. Propp V. Ya. Russian fairy tale/ B. J. Propp - L. : Lenizdat, 1984 –263 p.

6. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of magic fairy tales/ B. I.

7. Propp - L. : Lenizdat, 1986 – 415 p.

8. Yudin Yu. Fool, jester, thief and devil (historical roots everyday fairy tale) . Ed. : Labyrinth-K, 2006-336s

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Everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales / Everyday tales titles

Everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales are based on events in people's daily lives. Fairy tales convey everyday life in which real characters participate: husband and wife, gentlemen and servants, stupid ladies and ladies, a thief and a soldier, and of course a cunning master. The names in everyday fairy tales speak for themselves: Porridge from an axe, a master and a man, an argumentative wife, a seven-year-old daughter, a fool and a birch tree and others...

Teenagers will be interested in everyday and satirical Russian fairy tales (“Good, but Bad,” “Porridge from an Ax,” “Inept Wife”). They talk about the vicissitudes family life, show ways to resolve conflict situations, form a position of common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity.

Social everyday tales arose, according to researchers, in two stages: everyday tales - earlier, with the formation of the family and family life during the decomposition of the clan system, and social ones - with the emergence of class society and the aggravation of social contradictions during the period of early feudalism, especially during the decomposition of serfdom building and during the period of capitalism. The name of everyday fairy tales is reflected primarily in the fact that the plots are based on two important social themes: social injustice and social punishment.

What are everyday fairy tales? In the fairy tale “The Master and the Carpenter,” the master ordered the servants to beat the oncoming carpenter because he himself was coming from the village of Adkova, and the carpenter was coming from the village of Raikova. The carpenter found out where the master lived, hired him to build a house (the master did not recognize him), called him into the forest to select the necessary logs and dealt with him there. The plot is about how a man fooled a master, in different forms and variations are very popular in fairy tales.

Often children ask to read the same fairy tale many times. Often, they accurately remember the details and do not allow parents to deviate even a step from the text. This is a natural feature mental development crumbs. Therefore, Russian fairy tales about animals best convey life experience to young children.

All children, and what is there to hide, adults, love fairy tales. Remember how we listened with bated breath magical stories about our favorite heroes who taught us kindness, courage, love?! They made us believe in miracles. And now we are happy to tell fairy tales that we heard or read once to our children. And they will tell them to their children - and this chain will never be interrupted.

What kind of everyday stories are these and who is the hero in them?

There are different fairy tales - magical, about animals and everyday ones. This article will focus on the latter. The reader may have a question: what kind of fairy tales are these? So, everyday ones are those in which there are no miraculous transformations or mythical characters. The heroes of such stories are ordinary people: a cunning master, a simple man, a savvy soldier, a selfish deacon, a greedy neighbor and others. These tales describe the daily life and everyday life of ordinary people. The plot in such stories is simple. They ridicule greed and stupidity, condemn indifference and cruelty, and praise kindness and resourcefulness. As a rule, these stories contain a lot of humor, unexpected twists and educational moments. The list of everyday fairy tales invented by the people is very long. But it is not only rich in such entertaining stories. Many Russian writers worked in this genre: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Belinsky, Pushkin and others.

Everyday tales: list of the most popular

  • "Seven-year-old daughter."
  • "The master blacksmith."
  • "The Argumentative Wife."
  • "The master and the man."
  • "Pot".
  • "The Master and the Dog".
  • "Hare".
  • "Good pop."
  • "Porridge from an axe."
  • "Ivan the Fool".
  • "If you don't like it, don't listen."
  • "Soldier's Overcoat".
  • "Fedul and Melania."
  • "Three rolls and one bagel."
  • "Speaking water."
  • "Funeral of a Goat"
  • “What doesn’t happen in the world.”
  • "About need."
  • "Good and bad."
  • "Lutonyushka."

Here is just a small list of everyday tales. In fact, there are many more of them.

The plot of the fairy tale "Porridge from an Ax"

In the “List of Everyday Fairy Tales” rating, first place can rightfully be given to this story. It not only shows the ingenuity of a brave soldier, but also ridicules the greed and narrow-mindedness of a stingy woman. The soldier always occupied an honorable role. Warriors were very loved in Rus', and therefore in such stories they always emerged victorious thanks to their inquisitive mind, skillful hands and kind heart. In this story, the reader makes fun of the old woman’s greed: she has plenty of food, but she feels sorry for a piece of bread, and she pretends to be poor and unhappy. The soldier quickly saw through the deception and decided to teach the stingy woman a lesson. He offered to cook porridge from an axe. The old woman's curiosity got the better of her and she agreed. The soldier deftly lured her cereal, salt and butter. The stupid old woman never understood that it was impossible to cook porridge with an axe.

Not only children love everyday fairy tales, adults also read them with pleasure, eagerly awaiting the outcome of how the hero will cope with a difficult task. And we always rejoice when we learn that evil has been punished and justice has triumphed. Make a list of everyday fairy tales for your child, and as you read each one, discuss with him the plot, the good and evil deeds of the characters. By analyzing various situations, it will be easier for the child to subsequently distinguish between good and evil in life. Ask what everyday tales he knows and offer to tell you one of them.

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