Pisces and Libra zodiac sign. Compatibility in love relationships: Pisces and Libra. Sexual attraction of a couple

At first it may seem that representatives of these zodiac signs have a lot in common, but if you take a closer look, it turns out that things are different. Both natures are sophisticated, but they perceive the world in completely different ways. Libras are external aesthetes; the beauty of clothing, emphatic manners in small talk, and the opinion of those around them as an intelligent person are important to them. Pisces have a deeper perception of what is happening, they look for the true meaning in everything and take a lot of things to heart. Mutual understanding between Pisces and Libra is hardly possible.

LIBRA man and PISCES woman

At the beginning of their acquaintance, this couple easily finds a common language, and the Libra man’s courtesy plays a significant role in this. The closer these people begin to communicate, the more contradictions arise between them. Good relationships are possible if they do not need frequent meetings and strong rapprochement.

♎ + ♓: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- Having fallen in love with each other, the Libra guy and the Pisces girl try to spend a lot of time together, and they succeed. Libra's love for art will not leave his beloved indifferent; they will attend exhibitions and concerts, getting great pleasure from it.

The more they get to know each other, the more surprised they will be. It turns out that they say the same thing, but mean different things, they act the same way, but with different intentions.

The Pisces girl is open-minded, able to sincerely sympathize, and is ready to give her last, if only for the benefit of those in greater need. The Libra guy is on his own mind; behind the external beauty of his words and actions there can be motives that are very unexpected for his beloved.

Most likely, this couple will break up, but quietly, intelligently, without scandals or reproaches.

♎ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The marriage of representatives of these zodiac signs has a chance to be longer if the spouses are old enough and have life experience. The union of a young couple, based on love, most often breaks up in the first years life together.

This couple has mutual understanding in everyday life, they love beauty and sophistication, the furnishings in their home are always unusual and tastefully decorated. IN intimate relationships Everything is fine with them too, for them the first place is not sex, but a pleasant evening and a romantic atmosphere.

A Pisces woman tries harder for her family, does everything to please her husband, and loves comfort. She cares little about the opinions of others, her goal is for the family to have a friendly and easy environment. A Libra man tends to play to the public; it is more important for him not to be, but to appear. This person does everything to ensure that relatives, friends, and neighbors consider him successful, intelligent, and courteous. The wife simply cannot understand such behavior from her husband; their views on life situations are fundamentally different. If the spouses do not begin to remake each other with special diligence, this marriage can last a long time.

♎ + ♓: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- This couple enjoys spending time together free time, because they are united by a love of art. However, at these moments their attention is focused on viewing art galleries or on a theatrical performance, but not on each other. There is no spiritual closeness between these people. They can be friends, but strong is excluded here.

PISCES man and LIBRA woman

People who are attractive to each other. A Pisces man will be interested in a sophisticated and mannered Libra woman, and he will attract her with his calmness and poise. This couple will be pleased to work together, periodically see each other in the company of mutual friends, but should they get closer?

♓ + ♎: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Pisces guy chose this particular girl as his companion. In communication, she is sweet, easy, and tries not to strain those around her in any way. Pisces are romantics, they sincerely believe that there is only one in the world who will give him happiness, and when they meet a girl, Libra will decide that this is her.

A Libra girl appreciates her beloved, but she is used to doing everything her own way, including in relationships with men. She doesn’t see anything bad in this; in her opinion, all her actions are aimed at the benefit of the relationship. The Pisces guy loves freedom, but he won’t like his beloved’s behavior. If she overdoes it in putting things in order in her relationship, her boyfriend’s ideals will collapse, quite quickly, and he will go in search of the next princess.

♓ + ♎: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- The first months of married life will be smooth and pleasant. The Pisces man will believe that he has met his other half, and the Libra woman will consider him a reliable shoulder. Very little time will pass, and the spouses’ opinions about each other will begin to change.

The Libra woman will gradually begin to come to the conclusion that her husband is inclined to exaggerate and fantasize, wishful thinking. She would like to see a more purposeful person next to her, but since fate has turned out this way, she will begin to look for a way out of this situation. She is more active in this pair, so she will begin to lay claim to leadership in the family. Such vigorous activity on her part will not be pleasant to her husband, and since there are no conflicting people in this couple, the spouses will slowly but surely begin to move away from each other. The moment will come when they will understand that, apart from living together and the material side, nothing else unites them. Most often, such marriages end in divorce after several years of marriage.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs he is Libra she is Pisces - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The union of a Libra man and a Pisces woman is very divorced from real life. He attracts the attention of ordinary people, like a classic family duet of bygone eras, in which both partners have high spiritual ideals, a romantic attitude, and sublimity of feelings, but absolutely cannot get along with each other in the harsh reality of everyday life. Strengthening this alliance will require stoic efforts from both partners to overcome differences.

Libra man and Pisces woman are wonderful people who have a very rich inner world. They indulge in dreams with pleasure and build castles in the air - instead of seeing their own real prospects and moving towards specific goals. Being in the ephemeral world of experiences, the Libra man and Pisces woman have nothing to do with reality, which, in turn, requires specific actions and decisions from them. Having rich potential and talents, these people, without additional stimulation by others, can always remain like that - promising. Neither the Libra man nor the Pisces woman can take responsibility for relationships and financial support for the family. They both do not know how to make important decisions in life, and either act at random or avoid any action altogether, waiting and sitting somewhere on the sidelines. These partners do not receive encouragement and push to action from each other, since both respect the freedom and independence of each, and do not want to cause him unpleasant feelings by subordinating him to their will. The fantasy world, so beloved by both partners, will gradually be destroyed under the influence of real problems that will accumulate in countless numbers. A situation will arise in which both spouses will need to change themselves, making practical decisions and acting immediately, otherwise this relationship is in danger of complete collapse. In this union, the Libra man is more of a realist than his partner. He must be the first to take responsibility for the future of the family, otherwise such a sublime relationship will collapse, leaving both bitter disappointments. By establishing a balance between the spiritual component of their relationship, as well as practical tasks and actions, a Libra man and a Pisces woman can create ideal relationship, without mutual insults and quarrels. To the people around them, this couple seems very passive, colorless and boring - by and large, this is so. But the main thing in this relationship is that the Libra man and Pisces woman like them.

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Changes and trials will not escape the couple of Libra man and Pisces woman. But in this union, like in no other, each of them has the opportunity to express strengths your personality, talents and abilities. Both of them will certainly grow spiritually, because they need this relationship, but they need determination and strength. The Pisces woman will add romance and tenderness to this union, and the Libra man will add elegance and sophistication. The partner must be more attentive and caring to his chosen one so that the Pisces woman does not feel emotional cold. The Pisces woman - both in this union and in many other zodiac combinations - most often takes second position, subordinating to the interests of her chosen one, and therefore really needs support and signs of love, so as not to feel like a victim in a relationship.

He is Libra, she is Pisces - compatibility with other signs

Pisces and Libra - sign compatibility

Represents eternal contradiction. The union of these signs seems impossible due to their absolute misunderstanding of each other. These people seem to be woven from different materials. In such relationships, Libra will become the undisputed leader. Their charm and friendly disposition will become a trap for Pisces, which will subsequently result in mental anguish for a representative of the water element. Libra will use a partner for their own benefit, while Pisces will find a calling in self-sacrifice. At the same time, their amazing ability for empathy, the primacy of feelings and spiritual qualities over the material world greatly oppresses Libra. In addition, Pisces for an airy person is a constant headache, because how difficult it is for Libra, accustomed to open and direct communication, to solve the riddles of their partner.

The contradictory compatibility of Pisces and Libra is complicated by the fact that Pisces are forced to bear the entire household load on their shoulders. Libra is too sophisticated for homework, and Pisces is too silent and deep in their inner world to adequately resist their partner’s instructions.

Sexual compatibility between Pisces and Libra

The combination is interesting, but contradictory. Sexual compatibility between the signs of Pisces and Libra is complex and multifaceted. Pisces is a soft and sensitive sign. In his desire to please his partner and show devotion to their feelings, he knows no bounds. However, this is a little annoying for Libra, who wants power, but is in no hurry to take responsibility. On the other hand, if there is serious affection, they may well find a common language. Then the romance and tender passion inherent in both partners will give them many unforgettable moments.

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Compatibility: Libra man - Pisces woman

When these two are together, there is a poetic romanticism in the air. They are engaged in an interesting conversation: the Libra man, with his usual charm, talks about something surprisingly unusual, and the Pisces lady does not take her admiring eyes off her chosen one. Having reached a certain degree of intimacy, Libra and Pisces begin to realize how similar they are: both are subject to feelings and emotions and cannot resist beauty. This couple will in no case resort to open confrontation in case of disagreement; they are supporters of peaceful solutions to problems.

Despite the presence of common traits in their character, a Libra man and a Pisces woman can stop friendly communication at one moment. The thing is that Pisces ladies are prone to empathy and expect the same attitude towards their feelings. But Libra is not capable of such interaction. Instead of sympathetic phrases, Pisces will hear a painfully logical and fair monologue. The woman in this relationship will be tormented by the fact that her partner is not able to understand the depth of her inner world and share with her the emotions that lurk in her waters. A man born under the sign of Libra will not be able to endure her constant riddles, and this will cause him to lose his balance, which will be very sad for him.

Compatibility: Libra woman - Pisces man

The Pisces man is too soft to control his beloved. Rather, she will begin to dominate him. However, the Libra woman is indecisive and slow, and she does not at all want to take responsibility for the relationship.

A strong spiritual connection is formed between partners. They are similar in many ways, but the degree of manifestation of feelings is completely different. The Pisces man is inclined to believe that he has the right to hide some secrets in the depths of his soul, and is in no hurry to share them. A woman born under the sign of Libra is angry about this. In response, her chosen one may receive several negative phrases.

There are many positive things in the union of air and water. Despite the commander’s habits and the constant search for balance, the Libra woman remains faithful to her man and is able to give him self-confidence at the right moment. Just like a man born under the sign of Pisces, he will open up a world of dreams to his chosen one and fill her life with romance. It looks like they really need each other.

Business Compatibility of Libra and Pisces

Compatibility of Pisces and Libra signs positive in business. These partners can get along well with each other due to their desire to avoid conflict. In such a tandem, work can continue for a long time. What has a positive effect on their cooperation is that logical thinking Libra is complemented by the instinctive intelligence of Pisces. They will achieve the best results by working in the areas of forecasting trends and introducing new technologies.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility

The compatibility of the signs Libra and Pisces represents an eternal contradiction. The union of these signs seems impossible due to their absolute misunderstanding of each other. These people seem to be woven from different materials. In such relationships, Libra will become the undisputed leader. Their charm and friendly disposition will become a trap for Pisces, which will subsequently result in mental anguish for a representative of the water element.

Libra will use a partner for their own benefit, while Pisces will find a calling in self-sacrifice. At the same time, their amazing ability for empathy, the primacy of feelings and spiritual qualities over the material world greatly oppresses Libra. In addition, for an airy person, Pisces is a constant headache, because how difficult it is for Libra, accustomed to open and direct communication, to solve the riddles of their partner.

The contradictory compatibility of Pisces and Libra is complicated by the fact that Pisces are forced to bear the entire household load on their shoulders. Libra is too sophisticated for homework, and Pisces is too silent and deep in their inner world to adequately resist their partner’s instructions.

Constantly being nearby, these people are unable to discern in each other the good that is in the character of each sign. Despite the fact that Libra and Pisces are equally romantic and sensual, they turn life together into a cruel torture that is particularly sophisticated. At times, the emotionality of Pisces depresses the representative of the Libra sign. And it happens that Pisces are perplexed by their partner’s excessive sociability. A positive point characterizing the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Libra is their general dislike of aggression. If serious contradictions arise, partners would rather separate than resort to an open showdown.

Despite mutual torment, the union of Water and Air can be quite harmonious. Partners should try to become close spiritual level, then it will be easier for them to restrain themselves from finding faults and making critical comments. Moreover, the relationship between Libra and Pisces is accompanied by good intimate compatibility.

Compatibility Chart for Libra and Pisces Couples

Libra and Pisces – Compatibility in Love and Marriage

The Pisces zodiac sign is associated with mysticism and mystical truth and truth, in addition to religion, and the Libra zodiac sign is associated with justice and the search for peace, so who, if not Pisces and Libra, can one find understanding and compassion? In relationships, Pisces and Libra have a calming effect on each other and on the lives of other people - this depends on certain Pisces and Libra, on their image and lifestyle, ambitions and goals, which sometimes never come out into the framework of dreams.

The relationship and compatibility of Pisces and Libra are a mystery to themselves; it happens that either Libra or Pisces cannot understand why their partner acted this way and not differently - they are a mystery to each other. It often happens that the charismatic Libra and the mysterious Pisces, with their elusive and dual character, end up together due to external circumstances - either work, or mutual acquaintances, the birthday of a loved one, or simply proximity, brings them together.

Yes, even if they rarely choose each other themselves, but as soon as fate pushes them towards each other, the differences in character between Libra and Pisces lead them to such delight and surprise that they, after a little hesitation, decide that the personality and character of the other is that secret and mystery to which you need and can devote yourself.

To some extent, they owe this decision to the fact that Libra soon enough notices the readiness of Pisces to always come to their aid, to “serve” them. Of course, not as a maid or butler, but a little more “subtle”, but Pisces will serve Libra with a “service” - either real or imperceptible. Libra and Pisces are always ready to help each other, they have a strong “service” syndrome, even stronger than the combinations of compatibility of different zodiac signs. Pisces in general are always ready to help others.

But when Pisces encounters Libra, this tendency of character only intensifies. It’s very bad, this desire can even plunge a relationship into some kind of masochism: there are a lot of good things, you understand? It is advisable for Pisces to be on guard with, as often happens, the usually good and fair Libra, so that Libra does not begin to unknowingly take advantage of the “helpfulness” of Pisces. Pisces make Libra's life, perhaps, much more pleasant and simpler, but at the same time they end up not getting exactly what they would like to get.

Libras want to balance their personal life with marriage or a stable relationship. Libras harmonize so well with orange blossom and the Wedding March that they may be at risk of depression when left alone. Pisces, as often happens, look at marriage as a very dangerous, sparkling hook for them. They successfully avoid this hook and, in a strange way, manage to swim out of various marriage networks, even at those moments when they fall into them.

Pisces often remain single (completely voluntarily, since both Pisces men and women are attractive to the opposite sex), or, on the contrary, they very often get divorced and then get married again. Very few Pisces marry once in their life. Of course, there are Pisces who marry once in their life and are happy in it, but this happens very rarely.

And so Pisces and Libra are disappointed with each other. This is how karmic justice works. Although people are a little frivolous, from an astrological point of view, Libra and Pisces are not very compatible. They are quite different, many of their questions will end in dispute. Pisces are very religious and spiritual, and Libra loves to judge and defend the right to truth. To be together, they need to become different, and people have a very hard time changing.

Libra Man with Other Zodiac Signs

compatibility of zodiac signs he is Libra she is Pisces

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Libra - Pisces

If representatives of these two zodiac signs try to find a common language, they have very little chance of doing so. Pisces and Libra have different attitudes towards people, towards the world as a whole, are guided by different principles, have dissimilar characters, and each does not consider it necessary to adapt to the other. The logic and rationality of Libra clash with the extreme emotionality of Pisces, who rely on their inner feelings. In such relationships, Libra usually has to take the reins, but neither party is happy with this, which makes this union even more complex and fragile.

Libra and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Libra man – Pisces woman

Often, friends of this couple have the feeling that she should have lived in some other century, when romance, certain sublime feelings and ideals were valued. Harsh Realities Everyday life not for these two. For a relationship to pass the test of strength, both must do tremendous internal work.

The Libra man and the Pisces woman are each in their own world, which has few points of contact with reality. Neither one nor the other wants to be responsible for solving material, everyday, and any important issues in general. They respect each other's independence very much, trying not to interfere in the other's personal space - and thereby doing a disservice to both their partner and their future together. Being talented and capable people, representatives of these zodiac signs may never open up throughout their lives if no one gives them the impetus to do so. While protecting each other from pressure, the Libra husband and Pisces wife do not receive incentives for further development from their other half.

Staying in the world of illusions inevitably ends in a collision with a huge number of problems that need urgent solutions. And if the partners cannot change anything in themselves (and they do not do it quickly enough), such a family, as the horoscope warns, may fall apart. First of all, the Libra man must have his say, especially since he is quite capable of making sure that the spiritual and material components of their life together are in harmony.

Libra and Pisces rarely quarrel, do not tolerate long-term loneliness, do not tolerate arguments and aggression filled with negativity, but they can easily get bogged down in the quagmire of problems and go their separate ways without understanding them, although if they wanted they could easily find a common language, since Libra is very diplomatic , and Pisces are sympathetic and merciful. Living together and active interaction should lead both to the need to grow and show their strengths and talents to the world, otherwise this union will quickly exhaust itself.

Most often, early marriages of representatives of these zodiac signs end sadly, while later relationships, when the partners become wiser and more flexible, have better prospects.


Pisces man – Libra woman

The basis for creating such a union is often the desire to bring joy to the life of a loved one, but this brings little happiness to both. It is difficult for Pisces to decide to marry; real actions are harder for this man than dreams of his high life mission. The company of a restrained, unquarrelsome woman seems tempting to him, but the Libra woman’s poise is often just an illusion, her soul is filled with constant doubts, which she would gladly get rid of by marrying a stronger person than herself. Striving for stability, the spouse will diligently put things in order around her, including in family relationships, and at the same time can install certain rules life together, which Pisces men will try to avoid by any means.

As a result, the Libra woman, who dreamed of finding support, discovers that the man who talks about feelings and lofty ideals does nothing to ensure that their family has a stable position. Pisces are also disappointed, because instead of romance and high feelings, they are faced with the need to deal with everyday life, to live according to new rules that were not established by them.

To prevent a Libra woman’s relationship with a Pisces man from turning into a trap for both, the horoscope advises them to clearly distribute responsibilities around the house and the degree of participation in solving family problems that come from outside. On the background positive qualities This will help everyone find peace of mind. Libra is that rare woman who is able to restore harmony in the soul of her husband, and he, in turn, is better able to feel it than many others. personal problems and show participation.

Representatives of both zodiac signs are not particularly practical, but they also do not make big claims against each other when their life is not entirely comfortable or there is not enough money in the family. It happens that a Pisces man and a Libra woman set the goal of getting rich and succeed a lot in this field, using non-standard ways of earning money, including not the most decent ones. It should be noted that for such couples such down-to-earth aspirations are useful, although not necessarily in such a radical form. The more practical and specific their joint goals are, the greater the chances of making this relationship truly close and long-lasting.

Pisces and Libra - sexual compatibility

Sex with these partners is painted in slightly different tones than with other zodiac signs. Even in bed great importance for them it is close contact at the emotional and psychological level, and not the physical proximity of bodies. Both have a rich erotic imagination, which they further awaken by creating a special dating atmosphere, using romantic melodies, pleasant smells, intimate lighting, etc. In such a couple, neither the man nor the woman will behave rudely or too straightforwardly, even if they do not get what they want.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Libra in work and business

While maintaining a certain distance, Libra and Pisces can work well together when it comes to routine, simple tasks. It is difficult for them to understand each other completely, but they do not strive for this, but thanks to them, a comfortable atmosphere is usually created in the team - if both do not enter into confrontation. Such employees are rarely visited by work enthusiasm, and if problems arise, then both Pisces and Libra will try to find the culprits and shift the responsibility, or even the work itself, to someone else. Business partners of these signs cannot boast of breakthrough abilities and do not always clearly understand why they have joined forces. In addition, none of them wants to bear the burden of responsibility for the results of joint activities.

Pisces - Libra couple: compatibility in friendship

Pisces and Libra rarely become true friends, although they are in friendly relations quite often. What they have in common is their affinity for a quiet pastime, pleasant company, and interest in art, culture, and religion. They lack complete trust in each other and spiritual closeness, but they have a calm and pleasant time together, so a friendly connection can last for many years. Both can use each other for personal gain, and both sense when they are being manipulated. Although it often happens that for some reason they allow each other to do this.

See Libra's compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Couple compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs Libra and Pisces

Compatibility of Libra and Pisces signs

In a pair of Libra and Pisces, compatibility is likely, but they meet completely by chance. Such a pair often forms among colleagues, classmates or neighbors, since they would hardly notice each other in a crowd.

This couple often quarrels, but this does not affect their future relationship, since reconciliation can be sweet and romantic. Perhaps they invented the quarrel just for fun.

In this relationship, both partners will try not to lose their freedom. Nevertheless, they will do everything possible so as not to lose this seemingly incomprehensible, but so romantic union.

In the union of Libra and Pisces, compatibility becomes possible at a more mature age. This usually happens after Libra has stumbled many times in relationships with others, and when they meet the gentle Pisces, they realize what they have been missing for so many years.

This couple will have intellectual conversations during the day and cuddle and dream in the evenings. Life is beautiful when there is someone who shares your dreams and thoughts, with such a person you can turn the world around.

What do you think could interfere with their happiness?

Compatibility of Libra and Pisces couples in detail

How will the relationship develop between the signs of Libra and Pisces?

Pisces love to be the leader in relationships. Compatibility of this pair is possible, since Libra does not try to dominate and cedes this role to Pisces. But when it comes to bed, Pisces should give the lead to Libra.

Those around them find it difficult to believe the sincerity of this union, because they are so different, and it is difficult to imagine what unites them. But know that if they fall in love with each other, then only mistrust can separate them, which happens extremely rarely.

The compatibility horoscope for Libra and Pisces advises not to delve into the past. Learn to live in the present, because if you are in the present of your partner, it means that he really only loves you.

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This time we will describe the compatibility of Libra and Pisces in relationships, love, sex and business.

General compatibility of Libra and Pisces, prospects for union

Libra is ruled by Venus and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. These signs are quite compatible thanks to feminine energies Venus and Neptune working in tandem.

Under the guidance of Jupiter and Neptune, Pisces are introverted, meditative and philosophical. Under the influence of Venus, Libra is oriented toward beauty and love.

Both signs value love, and this is what binds them more than anything else. Each of them has a strong need to be loved. They equally value those who know how to enjoy life, food, sex, who know how to make their loved ones happy.

This can give them a solid basis for a sexual relationship if they are attracted to each other. But in many ways their views differ. While Libra values ​​order, consistency and stability, Pisces values ​​spontaneity and the ability to follow your heart. .

If we estimate their average compatibility as a percentage, it will be about 30%.

Libra and Pisces friendship compatibility

Libra is an air sign and Pisces is a water sign. Uniting head and heart, these two signs make a good union for friendship, creativity and solving many problems. Their friendships tend to be extremely flexible and progressive. There are often pitfalls in this partnership, but their disagreements do not last long because both partners know how to forgive.

Libra is a cardinal sign and Pisces is a sign of reciprocity.

Libra comes up with new ideas and starts new projects, and Pisces gladly agrees with them, taking on any of the existing roles. If these two take on a project, they will work well together.

Libras like to be recognized, while Pisces don't mind staying in the shadows. Additionally, if Libra comes up with a new idea but then suddenly loses interest, which sometimes happens, Pisces doesn't mind a change of direction either.

However, therein lies the problem for business relations, since they do not always finish what they start and none of them can act as a leader to manage the process.

One of the best aspects of the Libra and Pisces relationship is their mutual interest in helping people and the world around them. They are a good match in their enthusiasm, energy and desire for genuine relationships.

But for more successful implementation in business, this partnership lacks rigidity and consistency. Therefore, if any of the earth or fire signs takes over the leadership of the process, the chances of success for this team will greatly increase.

Pisces and Libra compatibility in love and sex

Air and water, Libra and Pisces, would seem to have little in common for good sexual compatibility. But they have a strong connection through Venus, the ruler of Libra, who is also exalted in Pisces.

Since they meet on the territory of this loving and sensual planet, they can achieve true sexual satisfaction together. In addition, each partner can be a selfless lover who cares about the satisfaction of his partner more than his own.

There will be no shortage of tenderness in their bed, since they are not characterized by aggressiveness in sex. Their intimate life will allow them to discover a variety of sexual preferences that they were not previously aware of.

But it should be noted that if they were not connected by Venus, it would be very difficult for them to form relationships of any nature. Because their approach to life and sexuality is completely different.

An Air partner prefers someone strong, passionate and confident. While a water partner is looking for someone gentle, compassionate and aware of his feelings.

Libra wants their sexual experiences to be fast and exciting, while Pisces wants them to be slow and sensual.

But the main problem of speed is usually overcome thanks to the changeable nature of Pisces. Unless they are too shy to engage in sexual relations with someone as overtly sexual as a Libra.

Their sexual compatibility can be estimated as 50 percent

Pisces and Libra compatibility in love relationships and marriage

Compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Libra in love relationships not high. But it is there. And it is based largely on Venus, like sex. Thanks to this planet, both signs are tuned to the aesthetic side of life. It also determines their emotional connection.

Their romantic story is like waiting for eternal love. And it can be born between these partners, provided that they both overcome their egos.

But this is very rare, since their rationality often outweighs. They are likely to ruminate a lot about the relatively unimportant differences they have until they decide that it is too difficult for them to be together.

But if they overcome their disregard for the other's point of view and build healthy boundaries that respect the other's individuality, they can reach a point of deep emotional connection. Then it will be an honest partnership in which truth and harmony are valued. Both in ourselves and in life in general.

Libra man and Pisces woman compatibility

The Libra man and the Pisces woman are both escapists at heart, people who tend to escape reality into the world of illusions.

The Libra man is an idealist in search of perfection, which he rarely finds. He is a gentle person and is easily hurt, so reality can be harsh for him.

The sensitive Pisces woman is also easily vulnerable, and prefers to live in the world of her fantasies if real life becomes too difficult for her.

Their vulnerability makes them very difficult family life. And it's not that they will intentionally hurt each other - they won't. The problem is that when they find themselves in a traumatic situation, which happens in everyone's life, they will not be able to help each other.

We can say that their love boat is easily broken by everyday life.

However, as long as everything goes smoothly in life, this is a romantic, spiritual and tender union, in which there is a lot of sentimentality and there is no shortage of good sex. They may spend a lot of time dreaming and striving to create their own ideal world.

But as soon as real life difficulties arise, all the previously built castles in the air go downhill.

This marriage does not stand the test of life. When a problem arises, the Libra man will carefully weigh and discuss everything in order to find the only correct solution. While the Pisces woman is likely to shut down emotionally and run into depression.

But most importantly, she will decide that her partner betrayed her, because he is not in as much pain as she is. Since he is able to reason about it, he obviously does not suffer. While he certainly suffers, he just has a more proactive way of dealing with it.

Another serious problem in their love relationship is that they are not always honest with each other.

An air man always chooses the path of least resistance when it comes to conflict situations, even if it is at odds with what he feels. The Pisces woman can easily deceive both her partner and herself, but it seems to her that she does it with the best intentions.

Ultimately, this couple's life is like fairy tale V Good times, but it quickly turns into a nightmare in times of difficulty. Both the Libra man and the Pisces woman will be better off with partners who will be able to guide them through life's difficulties.

Sign compatibility Pisces man Libra woman

The Pisces man and Libra woman are gentle, unassuming souls. Pisces men often lack self-confidence. While the Libra woman has a lot of self-confidence, she is selfless and does not have ego problems. They can easily fall in love with each other.

A woman is attracted to her partner's spirituality, and he is attracted to her social stability. If they are in love, then this may seem like the beginning of a happy love story.

They can live in their own world, barely in touch with reality. They have a good sexual compatibility, since the romantic sensuality of the Pisces man warms the air sign and gives the Libra woman a lot of pleasure and passion.

The Water partner, however, needs a person who can ground his strong emotions. But the Libra woman will try to fight this, since she is not bound by her own emotions, let alone those of others.

She, in turn, needs a man she can rely on, who will stay with her forever.

The Pisces partner is faithful to his love, but he can easily become involved in a new romance. He lacks inner strength, and even if he never cheats on his Libra woman, she may lose him due to lack of emotion. If his need for emotional connection is not met, he will become depressed.

Since this union is mainly based on idealism, they will face disappointments when they first encounter the challenges of life. They put each other on pedestals from which they always end up falling.

In times of crisis, Pisces may begin to seek refuge in alcohol or drugs, and Libra may begin to seek refuge in the arms of another person.

This union, beautiful at first glance, like the previous one, is not strong enough to withstand life’s difficulties.

What Libra and Pisces need to work on in their relationship

As you could read above, the main problem of this couple is the partners’ tendency to live in illusions and the inability to overcome difficult times together. Therefore, the main work in this union is to descend from the world of your fantasies into the real world. And to do this, they need to see and accept all each other’s weaknesses.

Libra needs to accept Pisces' tendency to openly show interest in other people. For this emotional sign it is a natural expression of love and compassion for the world around us.

In turn, Pisces must respect Libra's need for approval and love from other people. Because for Libras, as social and rather conservative people, this recognition from society is important.

The horoscope of Libra and Pisces shows the creation of interesting, unusual and quite This is a romantic, old-fashioned union in a good way, but little adapted to real life. Pisces are endlessly looking for their ideal, and at first Libra simply charms them with their sociability, impeccable upbringing and romance. But over time, it turns out that Pisces needs emotional support, and Libra likes to distance itself. At the same time, Libra likes the tenderness and open love of Pisces, but they do not want to take responsibility and tie themselves to marriage.

Libra and Pisces: communication compatibility

These signs have an undeniable artistic taste and strive for creativity. Very often they converge precisely on the basis of common interests. Libra and Pisces strive for harmony; it is easier for them to adapt to the world than to aggressively change it. But at the same time they live on different planets and take different paths in life.

Pisces expect financial success from their partner, but Libra does not know how to work long and hard. This sign itself is not averse to someone providing a high material level. At the same time, Libra loves to spend money beautifully, and Pisces, without proper inspiration and support, hardly know how to earn money.

Libras often feel that Pisces stifles their interests and hobbies and does not allow them to develop spiritually. In most cases, this is true.

What makes communication very difficult is the fact that both signs need a strong, confident and strong-willed partner. Pisces tend to doubt themselves and rush from side to side. But Libra does not know how to hold on for a long time and can hesitate for a long time before deciding on something.

Libra and Pisces: Compatibility in Love

Physically, they are quite attractive to each other. They treat their chosen one tenderly and touchingly. However, Pisces is not able to fully open up in sex because Libra rarely causes them to fly high emotionally. Therefore, sex becomes quite formal and cool over time.

They can talk long and sublimely about love, about the meaning of beauty and harmony, and find complete mutual understanding in this. But in practical matters they are both equally weak. Pisces and Libra can find it very difficult to provide for their family, furnish their home, and resolve specific pressing issues without outside support.

Libra and Pisces: compatibility in the family and at home

As a rule, it is very rare for these relationships to start a family. The union of Libra and Pisces often falls apart due to a lack of a solid material foundation. Only if they can make concessions and clearly fulfill their family responsibilities will they be able to stay together. In a family, oddly enough, these signs suppress the most best sides partner. They can only come to terms with each other’s negative manifestations and learn to be thrifty and stable.

Marriages between Libra and Pisces are often concluded by older people who already have adult children, and the main ones have been achieved. Then they can simply calmly enjoy each other’s unusual company, without demanding anything in terms of everyday life and finances.

Libra and Pisces: Compatibility in Friendships and Partnerships

In the area of ​​​​friendship, everything is better, because they have something to talk about. Their interests in life often converge, and the mystery of the partner and the desire to get to know him better makes the friendship strong and long-lasting. They may not get along in business because they tend to suppress each other rather than open up. best qualities and support.

Pisces perceive communication with Libra as a test and the need for change, and for Libra such an alliance means being forced to constantly work, even to the detriment of health. Libra perceives this as a sacrifice on their part, and more often tries to escape than to submit to the demands of Pisces. Both Libra and Pisces have a hard time in this relationship; they are both forced to suffer and change. Nobody knows how long they can stand each other. It is impossible to understand with ordinary logic why these two live together.

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces depends on two opposing elements: air and water.

Libras were born under the auspices of the planet of love, Venus. She endows them with beauty, attractiveness, and refined taste. Children of Venus love luxury: expensive jewelry, beautiful outfits, rich environment.

This can serve as motivation for them to earn money. They are not averse to admiring beauty: works of art, the beauty of nature. Libras are reluctant to sacrifice themselves for others. But if they understand that it is easier for two people to achieve success in life, then this will help them create an alliance with another person.

Zodiac sign two floating in different sides Pisces has the planet Neptune as its patron. The mysterious planet Neptune endows its pets with unhealthy imagination and mystical abilities. Pisces suffer from mood swings and depression.

They have well-developed intuition. Most often, Pisces are indifferent to a luxurious life. They love to sacrifice themselves and are endowed with creative abilities for drawing, literature, and art.

Both signs live in eternal contradictions and are not always self-confident. The air gets everywhere. Water can spread and flow around sharp corners. But as we know, opposites meet. Water-air guys will be able to create a harmonious, interesting union.

Charismatic Libra and mysterious Pisces will be delighted by each other's unusual character. The connecting link between them will be their natural craving for beauty.

Negative aspects in the alliance between Libra and Pisces

  1. Pisces love to help people, and the cunning Libra is not averse to pinning their problems on others. But the water sign is also good at manipulating other people.
  2. They both have an indecisive character. Libra, the balancing zodiac sign, expresses its point of view and immediately refute it. Pisces, being ambivalent in nature, suffer from mood swings. They are distracted and sometimes find it difficult to concentrate.
  3. Air-water guys completely don't trust each other.
  4. Pisces are usually religious people Libra loves to judge everyone.

Compatibility in love, marriage

Air and water are two opposite elements; at the very beginning, the love attraction between them is strong. They will dream of an alliance. When the fever of first love subsides, they will have to seriously think about what their relationship is based on, whether it has a solid foundation.

If partners are mature, they do not pay attention to each other's minor mistakes. After all, it is better to save vitality for more important matters.

Young Libra and Pisces need to understand for themselves that in order to maintain a relationship longer, they do not need to immediately talk about each other’s shortcomings. It is better to do this carefully, gradually.

Pisces man, Libra woman

They can meet on a tour in the painting exhibition hall. There are not many people at such events and the atmosphere is conducive. The Libra lady will be next to the Pisces man and he will decide that she appeared from the last century.

Libra will notice a mysterious person who does not take his eyes off her. The air-water guys successfully met and went for a walk around the city. The Pisces man will talk eloquently about his plans and ability to make money.

He imagines himself as a strong, brave, courageous knight:

  1. A water sign will be able to charm an airy lady. Sex will further strengthen their union. They have good compatibility in this case.
  2. A water man easily finds a common language with any woman. He has many girlfriends who are just friends. But it’s difficult to lure him into the registry office. The Pisces man is afraid of marriage ties. He usually marries in adulthood. But the Libra woman wants to become a wife, she will be able to achieve her goal.
  3. Bonded by marriage, the water-air guys will finally see the light and understand that their relationship is not so rosy. An airy woman will see that all the plans of her chosen one for the most part fantasized.
  4. He will not like the love for freedom of his chosen one and the inability to run a household. The marriage will fall apart.
  5. But if these two manage to find an approach to each other, then they will live happily ever after for many years.
  6. Children will strengthen a marriage. Over time, the airy lady will settle down and learn to lead household. She will even do magic at the kitchen stove. If the soup turns out to be too salty and the pie is underbaked, a sensitive husband will not pay attention to unimportant details. Father Pisces will be afraid to even breathe on his child. He will compromise and learn to let his lady go to her friends for a few hours. Peace and comfort will settle in their family nest.

Libra man, Pisces woman

They will meet in a small company, for example, at a mutual friend’s birthday. The Libra guy is a charming handsome man, a self-confident conqueror of women, him.

Undoubtedly, he will be interested in the mysterious woman, with the appearance of a mermaid, sitting modestly in the corner and completely not paying attention to him. A man will be outraged by such an appeal to his bright person.

He himself will take the initiative:

  1. In the person of the Pisces woman, the airy man will receive a sensitive, understanding friend. She will not force him to have a career and earn a lot of money.
  2. But a water woman may suffer from depression for months and stop taking care of herself. A sophisticated man needs to learn to be tolerant of his girlfriend’s weaknesses and support her morally in difficult times, and not wrinkle his nose.
  3. In a difficult situation, the air-water alliance will be at a loss. They need to make more friends who will not leave them in difficult times.
  4. Sex is something they both never get tired of. An inventive air sign comes up with new ideas; a faithful friend will be happy to support her half.
  5. Children will strengthen their union. Both will be happy to introduce their grown-up offspring to spiritual and cultural life. The whole family will visit Orthodox churches, museums, all kinds of exhibitions.

Libra and Pisces in sex

They will find a common language in sex. An air sign loves to fantasize, a water sign will be happy to support their partner. They will be happy to play role-playing games, arrange romantic evenings with candles.

A sexual union can be ruined by mood swings of both partners. Relationships based only on carnal pleasures will not keep air-water guys close. Fortunately for both, spiritual intimacy is of great importance.

Libra and Pisces in business

In business, this is a compatible sign:

  1. But they won't reach great heights, since both do not like to take risks and do not have penetration abilities.
  2. They need to choose predictable projects. The union of air-water guys will do routine, simple work well, but they are rarely visited by work enthusiasm.
  3. Both signs love to learn new things; scientific, monotonous work will not be a burden for them. Natural delicacy will not allow them to conflict. They will even be able to make some discovery in this area.

Friendship between Libra and Pisces

The friendliness of the water-air guys is good. They both would love to attend various cultural events and travel together. Then they will discuss them among themselves.

Pisces will ward off bad people from the general company. Libras love flattering, fake friends. Pisces will quickly cast a spell on unnecessary acquaintances.

Compatibility in percentage of the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces

If he is Libra, she is Pisces in:

  • love 90%;
  • sex 90%;
  • marriage 80%;
  • friendship 80%;
  • business 80%.

If he is a Pisces, she is a Libra in:

  • love 70%;
  • marriage 50%;
  • friendship 70%;
  • business 70%.

Compatibility as a percentage is a relative concept and there is no need to attach special significance to arithmetic numbers.

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