Knotweed treatment of joints. Knotweed (knotweed): medicinal properties, contraindications, reviews. Problems with the circulatory system

Knotweed is a cosmopolitan plant. It grows everywhere except in the Arctic regions and the South Pole.

Leather dyes are made from its stems and roots; it is good as poultry feed, but what is most in demand is its valuable pharmacological properties.

In this article we will tell you (and show in the photo what the plant looks like) about the beneficial and medicinal properties of the knotweed herb, contraindications for use for men, women and children, as well as when to collect knotweed and how to properly use it for medicinal purposes.

How to choose and prepare yourself

Knotweed (knotweed) - herbaceous annual height from 10 to 80 centimeters. It is called grass-ant, sparrowgrass, hernia grass, pigweed, Bashkir cabbage, but most often knotweed - in honor of the Slavic symbol of fertility.

Herbal infusions can be purchased at any pharmacy. When choosing a product, pay attention to the quality of packaging, manufacturer, and place of collection. The most popular herbs are those collected in the foothills of the Caucasus.

The plant is included in various pharmaceutical mixtures and dietary supplements, in stores healthy eating There are grain porridges with hernia, and special tea mixtures. You can also buy dried knotweed there in various packaging.

Before purchasing, you should look at the product certificate, but it is better to use the services of a large pharmacy chain.

You can prepare medicinal herbs for future use yourself. You can harvest it throughout the summer, but you should remember: when you collect knotweed for medicinal purposes, you cannot harvest it in pasture areas, near roads, or in cities.

It is more advisable to cut the grass to a length of no more than 40 centimeters.

The prepared grass must be cleaned of impurities and placed in a dryer. The temperature in the dryer should be maintained within 50-60 degrees and do not forget to periodically turn the raw materials. It will be considered dry when the stems become brittle.

Without a dryer, you can dry the grass in the attic, in the shade outdoors, in a well-ventilated area.

You can store raw materials in paper or fabric bags, cardboard boxes, glass jars at room temperature and humidity not higher than 70%.

At pharmacy preparations, the expiration date is indicated on the packaging. You can use your own blanks store for up to two years, in sealed jars - up to three.

Herbalist Efimenko N.Yu. will tell you about the beneficial properties and uses of knotweed:

Composition and nutritional value

Research has revealed the presence in the plant of:

Knotweed - a storehouse of vegetable protein. 100 grams of raw materials contain:

  • 27 g fiber;
  • 9 g ash;
  • 2.5 g sugars;
  • 44 g of extractives;
  • 17 g protein.

The calorie content and glycemic index of the product are not indicated in open sources.

Benefits of the plant for the body

Fresh and dried leaves and stems of the plant are widely used in medical practice. Knotweed has the following healing properties:

  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • increases urination;
  • increases immunity, blood clotting;
  • heals ulcers and wounds;
  • dissolves kidney and liver stones;
  • helps with diarrhea;
  • reduces arterial pressure;
  • has antimicrobial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, tonic, tonic and astringent effects.

Decoctions and infusions are used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in chronic stages, intestines, ulcers. They play an important role in the complex treatment of uterine bleeding, tuberculosis and malaria.

Fresh leaves used as an external remedy for skin diseases, for the treatment of ulcers, wounds, acne, bruises.

The plant extract (avicularin), produced in powder and tablets, is used as a hemostatic agent during the postpartum period in women and has a diuretic effect.

Fresh herb essence is used for homeopathic treatment. Knotweed is part of Zdrenko’s medicine, which is prescribed for diseases. Bladder.

What are the benefits of grass?

For treatment, various mixtures of knotweed with other medicinal plants or in its pure form are used. With its help you can get rid of many diseases.

For adult men and women

Knotweed will help with many female diseases, it medicinal properties actively used in gynecology.

Its decoction helps with infertility. Take it before meals four times a day. Dose - 2 tbsp. l.

And it is prepared from 10 g of grass and 100 ml of water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for at least half an hour and left to infuse.

Decoctions from the plant are effective for painful periods and heavy menstrual bleeding.

Collections, which include our grass-ant, used to treat impotence. The following recipe is recommended:

A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, left to cool, filter, and taken 50 ml four times a day. The course lasts at least two weeks.

Since knotweed is not the main active ingredient in this collection, unlike, for example, lemongrass, then there is no need to talk about its direct effect on potency.

For nursing and pregnant women

Knotweed should not be consumed during pregnancy. It can increase the tone of the uterus and cause miscarriage.

Tea made from knotweed will be beneficial, it can support the weakened body of a nursing woman, replenish it with tannins and vitamin C, but you should not overuse tea drinking.

For children

Hot decoctions and teas from knotweed will help children with colds. They will have a general strengthening, tonic effect.

For diarrhea You can support your child with a decoction of equal parts of knotweed, thorn fruit, and marshmallow root. Half a tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for half an hour, and given to the child half a glass before breakfast, dinner and lunch.

For skin diseases in children You can use baths with a decoction of the plant. Teenage acne is treated with knotweed tea. The treatment course is best carried out in spring and autumn, using the product for 2-3 weeks daily.

For tea 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs into 100 ml of water and bring to a boil. The tea is filtered before drinking.

In old age

For exhaustion, dystrophy, as a general tonic for older people it is best to use an infusion of 8 tbsp. spoons of plant.

They are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for about four hours. You should drink half a glass half an hour before meals. Morning, noon and evening.

The drink, which has a diuretic effect, will remove excess uric acid salts from the body.

For special categories

Decoctions and juices of the plant are widely used in sports medicine. for injuries and bruises, cuts and abrasions, as a restorative and strengthening drug.

However Allergy sufferers should use knotweed decoctions with great caution, people with cardiovascular problems.

Potential harm and side effects

For a number of diseases, the use of compositions and decoctions from herbs and ants can create serious health problems:

  • You should not use bird's-eye in case of acute manifestations of bladder disease or kidney problems;
  • should not be used by people who are constantly taking blood-thinning drugs (aspirin, cardiomagnyl), by people who have had a heart attack, stroke, or by those with a tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • hypotensive patients should remember that grass reduces blood pressure;
  • It should be used with caution in case of varicose veins, bronchitis with excess sputum;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use drugs with knotweed during pregnancy. This may lead to miscarriage.

When using the herb, some patients may experience allergic reactions, renal colic.

Knotweed is consumed in several forms.

Infusions. One of the options can be prepared by pouring 50 grams of dry plant with two glasses of boiled water room temperature.

The infusion is kept covered for an hour, filtered, and taken 20 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon at least three times a day.

The infusion will help with weakness, ulcers, gastritis, uterine bleeding, and increase the acidity of the stomach.

Decoctions. The decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of knotweed and 100 ml of boiling water. After pouring boiling water over the herb, heat the infusion over low heat for about 15 minutes.

After straining, drink before meals. Norm - 1 tbsp. spoon. The course should not be continued for more than two weeks.

This decoction can help with liver diseases, pyelonephritis, and bladder problems.

Tinctures. Tinctures are used for cholelithiasis, hepatitis, and liver problems.

A tincture can be prepared from a teaspoon of herbs and 100 ml of alcohol. The mixture is infused in the dark for at least ten days. Take 15 drops, mixed with 1/2 glass of water, before meals.

Compresses and lotions from herbal infusions that help with bruises, juices and crushed pulp of fresh plants. Their external use heals burns, wounds, and abscesses.

Instructions for use

In cooking

Knotweed is widely used as a food plant.. It contains no less protein than poultry meat, no less starch than beans, and twice as much vitamin C as.

Young leaves of the plant can be found in recipes for salads, soups, and purees. The most affordable and simple salad is prepared like this:: and 100 g of young knotweed leaves;

  • heat the frying pan, add vegetable oil, put the filling in the frying pan, add salt and lightly fry for two minutes;
  • add butter(50 g);
  • Place the rolled out layer of dough on a baking sheet lightly sprinkled with flour;
  • Carefully place the cooled filling on the dough;
  • Place the second rolled out layer on top and pinch the edges of the future pie;
  • pierce the pie in several places with a fork, brush the top with a raw egg;
  • bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  • The pie is delicious hot or cold.

    For those who want to lose weight

    There is often incompetent advice on the Internet about how to lose weight with bird knotweed. Their authors are confident that the plant, having a diuretic effect, will help you become slimmer.

    However, the herb that is given to poultry to increase appetite, which contains numerous tannins, is unlikely to serve those wishing to lose weight well.

    There are dozens of time-tested recipes for colitis and kidney diseases. Many potions are easy to prepare at home.

    1 tbsp. A spoonful of the mixture is stirred in a glass of boiling water, left for about 1 hour, and filtered. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

    Collection for diarrhea prepared from one part oak bark and one part knotweed. 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for about half an hour.

    Drink 0.5 cups before meals, try to drink no more than three times a day.

    In cosmetology

    A decoction of the plant is used as a wash for problem skin., for boils, rashes, acne. To strengthen hair roots and get rid of dandruff, special rinses are prepared. Their recipe is simple:

    • Grind 25 grams of dry grass in a coffee mill;
    • pour 2.5 liters of boiling water;
    • soak for 10 minutes in a water bath.

    A paste from a fresh plant will help with acne.. It is enough to apply it several times a day to problem areas. She will do a great job fighting boils.

    Before starting treatment you should consult a doctor, undergo an examination.

    In contact with

    In the buckwheat family there is a herbaceous medicinal annual plant known under the names: grass-ant, conotope, sparrow tongue, goose grass, trampler. The most commonly used names are: knotweed, for its ability to quickly grow shoots, and knotweed, for the love of birds for its black, nut-shaped seeds.

    According to botanical differences, there are several types of them. It is found everywhere as a weed along the sides of roads, paths, vacant lots, courtyards, and sports fields. Grows on any soil without exception.

    Its branched stems in some species grow up to half a meter long, have small grayish-green oval leaves and small, inconspicuous pale flowers, collected in a bunch.

    The grass has a complex chemical composition rich in ascorbic acid, carbohydrates, minerals, pectin, resins, tannins, vitamins C, E, K, provitamin A, flavonoids, essential oil, wax. A special feature of the composition is the presence of silicic acid.

    Thanks to this, knotweed has long been used by both folk and official medicine to obtain medicines, fees. Freshly squeezed juice helps treat abscesses and ulcers and strengthen the body. Preparations based on this plant are characterized as:

    • diuretics, diaphoretics;
    • anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipyretic;
    • astringents;
    • hemostatic.

    According to their own positive qualities the plant can compete with many vegetables, fruits, and berries. It can be used to prepare delicious and nutritious side dishes and salads. For example: finely chop and mix knotweed, dill, boiled egg, green onions, season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

    Collection and procurement of raw materials

    The upper part of the branches (40 cm), leaves and especially flowers are considered useful.

    Harvesting is carried out throughout the summer. It is recommended to carry it out in dry weather in unpolluted places far from livestock grazing and dwellings.

    For drying, use darkened but well-ventilated places. Under straight lines sun rays many important medicinal qualities of the plant are lost. Suitable places for drying: well-ventilated attics, drying rooms, sheds.

    When collecting grass in the same place, you need to leave up to 25% of the plants to preserve them in this area. The raw materials are suitable for use for 3 years. It has a tart taste.

    Use of knotweed in folk medicine

    Used in the form of tinctures, decoctions, ointments, lotions, compresses. The herb is characterized by low toxicity and a high ability to improve metabolic processes, which makes it a good component for blood purification infusions, helps filter the kidneys, increasing diuresis, promoting the removal of excess salts.

    It is the best prevention against stones and sand in the urinary and renal systems. Has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The tannins make it effective for treating wounds and skin diseases.

    The plant is used for malaria, tuberculosis, colds, and also as a remedy against worms.

    The healing properties of knotweed have been known for a very long time. It was regularly used by women for:

    1. Solving the problem of conceiving a child, establishing female reproductive function. Knotweed helps to activate the muscles of the uterus. To obtain a decoction: 1 tbsp. l of prepared herb is poured with 250 g of boiling water and 20 minutes. heated in a water bath, 45 min. infused, filtered. Take 2 tbsp 4 times before meals.
    2. Increasing the ability of the uterus to contract after childbirth or abortion. Infusion: a glass of water (hot) is added to 3 tablespoons of raw material, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cooled, filtered, and brought to the initial volume with boiled water. Drink 1/3 glass up to 3 times a day.
    3. Stops uterine bleeding. 1 tbsp. dried herb is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, filtered. Take 1 tbsp. up to 4 times.
    4. Fibromach. A mixture of knotweed, celandine, and water pepper in a ratio of 4:0.5:1.5 is poured with 350 grams of boiling water, infused in a thermos for up to 20 minutes, and filtered. Drink 1/2 tbsp. before meals, 3 times a day.
    5. spikes in fallopian tubes. 1.5 tbsp. knotweed infused in 2 glasses hot water 4 hours. Take 3-4 times before meals. 0.5 tbsp.
    6. Strengthening hair roots. The decoction is used for external use to rinse the scalp once a day for 20 days.

    Men who have reached reproductive age:

    • for male infertility;
    • for treatment inflammatory diseases genitals;
    • prostatitis;
    • to avoid problems with male power;
    • with imbalance of hormone levels;
    • to maintain normal sexual functions.
    1. For severe cough and whooping cough. The decoction is prepared from 0.5 liters of milk and 30g. knotweed. Everything is cooked for 5 minutes.
    2. Digestive problems.
    3. Fever, colds.
    4. For the treatment of abrasions and purulent wounds.
    5. Teenage acne. To cleanse the skin, it is recommended in autumn and spring to drink tea based on knotweed for 2-3 weeks, 3 times 0.5 tbsp.
    6. Allergic rashes.


    The plant is useful for kidney disease, stomach disease, liver disease, and bladder disease. It is used as a hemostatic agent for scurvy, hemorrhoids, and gout. It is often used as a component in various medicinal preparations, useful for chronic diseases.

    To get maximum benefit from medicinal plant It is advisable to make the decoction every day; for this you should have: crushed dried knotweed, dishes for brewing, a tablespoon or measuring spoon, boiling water.

    A decoction is usually made from 1 part of crushed raw materials and 10 parts of water. The mixture is boiled for up to 15 minutes, left until completely cooled, and filtered. Take ¼ cup 0.5 hours before meals 3 times a day.


    To prepare the tincture, alcohol (70%) is used. This concentration guarantees the greatest extraction of active substances from the plant.

    100 ml of alcohol, 10 g of knotweed (dry) are placed in a glass container, tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 10 days.

    During this period, you need to shake the tincture several times. After the set time has passed, it must be strained.

    Take the prepared tincture 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Prescribed for diarrhea, gastritis, liver and pancreas diseases.


    Like any medicinal plant, knotweed should preferably be used on the advice of a doctor. Since it has the ability to increase blood clotting and contains large quantities silicic acid, it is not recommended for use:

    • pregnant women to avoid miscarriage.
    • persons after a heart attack or stroke prone to thrombophlebitis.
    • with exacerbation of diseases of the bladder and kidneys
    • those suffering from low blood pressure
    • suffering from bronchitis.
    • with individual intolerance.

    Caution is important when dealing with varicose veins.

    There are many recipes for using knotweed that help get rid of diseases and strengthen the body. The main thing is to follow the specialist’s recommendations for preparing and using them.

    We bring to your attention a video describing the medicinal properties of knotweed and traditional medicine recipes:

    In contact with

    Knotweed or knotweed - annual herbaceous plant, buckwheat family.

    Knotweed plant is quite tall, its branches reach 20-80 centimeters in length. However, this plant is mainly creeping, growing by bending to the ground. Its leaves are small in size and resemble an ellipse in shape. Knotweed blooms from April to autumn; the flowers are inconspicuous, small, greenish-white or pink.

    The bird's knotweed has medium-sized fruits, similar in shape to triangular nuts. Only birds eat them, which is why the plant is also popularly called bird buckwheat.

    This plant is also called grass-ant, sparrow's tongue, conotope, trampling grass, goose grass. The name "knotweed" is more widespread in the Russian language - from the word "sporo", that is, its damaged shoots are restored very quickly.

    Knotweed is found everywhere (except in the Arctic regions), grows like a weed, lining vacant lots, roadsides, near paths and even on the paths themselves, in courtyards, on sports fields with a soft carpet, it is resistant to trampling, and grows quickly on any soil.

    Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

    IN folk medicine They use only the above-ground parts of plants - leaves and stems. Moreover, its upper layers are more useful - about 40 centimeters. The remaining branches are hard and unsuitable for collection. The flowers of the plant are of particular value. It is advisable to collect them in larger quantities.

    Harvesting is carried out throughout the summer. Dry in dark but well-ventilated places. Direct rays of the sun are harmful because many of the healing properties of knotweed are lost. It is very important to cut the plant for harvesting in dry weather and, of course, far from dusty roads.

    After drying, the plant is stored in gauze or cotton bags. Although it is possible in glass jars, as long as there is air access. The storage room must be dry and dark.

    Biochemical composition of knotweed

    What explains knotweed’s belonging to the category medicinal herbs? This plant contains a huge amount of different useful substances, for example, it contains a lot ascorbic acid. It is also rich in carotene - vitamin A, which is responsible for normal skin color and our visual acuity. In addition, bird knotweed contains a lot of oxalic acid and tannins.

    Its greens contain pectin, which removes poisons and harmful metals from the body. Knotweed improves blood condition, as it contains a lot of iron.

    The presence of organic silicon compounds in the herb is a real gift from nature! The role of silicon for the human body cannot be overestimated. Silicon is rightfully considered the most important element for life; it is enough to remember that there are carbon-free species of organisms, but there are no silicon-free life forms. It is not for nothing that Academician Vernadsky assigned silicon the very first place among all the basic elements of life.

    Useful and medicinal properties of knotweed

    The medicinal properties of bird knotweed are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines, and skin (dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis). The herb has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, lowers blood pressure, and increases blood clotting.

    The main purpose of knotweed as a medicine is to reduce the size of kidney stones. Silicic acid in the plant composition destroys strong connections calcium salts in stones and crushes them into molecules that are easily excreted in the urine. Large kidney stones, super-hard coral and non-contrasting ones cannot be crushed.

    If we talk in general about its healing effect on kidney function, it should be noted that a decoction or infusion of the herb is effective for kidney inflammation and acts as a diuretic.

    The hemostatic properties of knotweed are used for bleeding mucous membranes and accompanying inflammation. The decoction is applied to bleeding wounds and drunk to reduce menstrual flow after abortion and childbirth. The herbal infusion is good for restoring strength after operations, and is useful for iron deficiency anemia as a result of large blood loss during menstruation in girls.

    Knotweed is known for its unique property of restoring a woman’s reproductive function by increasing the tone of the uterine walls. Therefore, it is often used as an adjuvant therapy for female infertility.

    Use of knotweed in folk medicine

    Used for treatment infusion (decoction) of knotweed– both internally and externally. To prepare it, pour 20 g of chopped herbs into a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, remove and leave for another 45 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and bring to 200 ml with boiled water. The infusion of knotweed can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

    Typically, knotweed infusion is used internally, 2 tablespoons before meals, 3-4 times a day. Externally, the infusion is used for compresses, lotions, and baths. It is taken to treat the following diseases:

    For infertility– knotweed increases the intensity of work of the uterine muscles, normalizes hormonal background, activates breathing, due to which the body is better supplied with oxygen. All this helps improve reproductive functions and the early onset of pregnancy, and it is better to take the medicine at the same time by both spouses. At the first suspicion that conception has occurred, use of knotweed herb should be stopped.

    For kidney stones– knotweed promotes the removal of dense, rocky formations during urolithiasis, the plant is especially useful for salt metabolism disorders. An infusion of knotweed is also taken after removal of kidney stones and as a prophylactic agent.

    For various bleeding(uterine, hemorrhoidal, intestinal, pulmonary) – knotweed helps increase the rate of blood clotting, stopping the bleeding process. For hemorrhoids, warm baths at night with a decoction of knotweed herb are useful.

    For diseases gastrointestinal tract and cholecystitis - knotweed infusion normalizes the digestive system, accelerates the outflow of bile, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

    For the treatment of skin diseases, wounds, ulcers, eczema, as well as inflammation of the oral cavity, mucous membranes of the lips and bleeding gums - knotweed prevents putrefactive processes, disinfects, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and improves healing. It is recommended to use the infusion for rinsing the mouth, washing wounds, and applying compresses.

    For hair loss– knotweed strengthens hair follicles, supplying them with vitamins and other useful substances. It is necessary to rinse your hair with the infusion daily for up to 20 procedures.

    Recipe for alcohol tincture of knotweed for the treatment of liver and cholelithiasis: 2 teaspoons of dry herb, pour 200 ml of alcohol and leave for ten days. Then strain the tincture. Add 15-20 drops of tincture to half a glass of water and use as a choleretic agent three times a day.

    Contraindications to the use of knotweed

    Like any medicinal plant, knotweed should be used with caution. Do not exceed the norm, take into account that there may be individual intolerance to the plant, up to allergic reactions.

    Therefore, it is necessary to start using small doses and monitor the body’s reaction. Knotweed contains a certain amount of silicic acid, which makes its use unacceptable for bladder diseases and acute kidney disease.

    It must be remembered that knotweed has a strong blood-clotting effect. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people who suffer from thrombophlebitis. Its use may worsen the course of the disease.

    It is also contraindicated for heart disease. You should not use knotweed during pregnancy, as it affects the tone of the uterus. This may cause premature labor or miscarriage.

    Knotweed, an annual plant 10-80 cm high, of the Buckwheat family. The stem is highly branched. The leaves are small, grayish-green, the flowers are small. After some time, after flowering is completed, the shoots of the plant become rough stems.

    The plant grows well in any soil. Thickets of knotweed are found in fields, wastelands, coastline reservoirs, along paths and roads, near dwellings. It tolerates trampling by cattle well. It is found everywhere in Russia.
    In Transcaucasia, all parts of young plants are used in home cooking. Tender leaves are present in salads and first courses. In Dagestan, this herb becomes the filling of local national pies.
    Medicinal ingredients are concentrated in the above-ground part of knotweed. It is harvested in clear weather, during the blooming of flowers, by collecting stems 40 cm long.

    Plants should not be harvested near outbuildings, along dirt roads or in cow grazing areas. The grass is carefully sorted, extraneous stems and low-quality specimens of the knotweed itself are removed and dried, under canopies, or in special dryers. The grass becomes dried out when the stems can be broken with your fingers. The active substances remain active for 3 years.

    Composition of active substances.

    Knotweed herb contains:

    Use of knotweed.

    Knotweed can be used in medicinal preparations in mixture with other medicinal plants.

    Acceptable various methods use of harvested knotweed as a medicinal product: decoctions, tinctures, tea drinks.

    • Tincture . To make your own knotweed tincture, you will need 70% alcohol. This concentration was selected experimentally and most fully extracts the active substances from knotweed. Infusion of the herb should be done in a glass container. To 100 ml of alcohol you should add 10 grams of dry knotweed herb. This proportion should be maintained if you want to make a larger volume of tincture. The container with the mixture should be placed in a dark place for 10 days. During this time, mix the contents of the container well 3 times. Then filter the content. The finished tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. You need to drink the tincture 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, a dessert spoon, you can dilute this dose in 50 milliliters of water.
    • Decoction . To make a decoction you need 10 grams of herb per 100 ml of water. This proportion is observed for any amount of decoction prepared. A glass container with the mixture is placed in a simple water bath, several layers of cloth are placed on the bottom of a suitable pan and filled with water. Heat for 40 minutes, then wait for the broth to cool to room temperature and filter. Take 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals, 100 ml. The prepared broth should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life is no more than 3 days.
    • . It is not difficult to make an infusion; you need to put 20 grams of dried, crushed herbs in 200 ml of boiling water, let it sit for 20 minutes, filter, consume 50 ml, 3 times a day, 20 minutes before eating.

    All these drugs are used for the following conditions:


    For use dosage forms prepared from knotweed herb there are contraindications:


    Many Internet users note that they began to use knotweed grass on the advice of friends. This remedy helps well with swelling of the legs, the result is obvious after 7 days of taking the decoction. Successful with men alcohol tincture knotweed, prepared in-house. With its help, it is possible to solve problems of the stomach and intestines. Many note the availability of knotweed herb and the simple technology for producing medicinal products.


    With all the wonderful characteristics of knotweed, we should not forget that the treatment of diseases should be approached responsibly. There is no need to refuse to take medications prescribed when visiting the clinic. During an exacerbation of the disease, only their use can help. Almost all herbal remedies are used as an addition to the main treatment. These remedies help the body overcome the consequences of the disease and are often used as preventive measures to prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases.
    You should not keep harvested herbs in reserve for more than 3 years; many active ingredients lose their activity by the end of this period, and there will be little benefit from using old herbs.
    Particular attention should be paid to the inadmissibility of using all types of knotweed preparations during pregnancy. This medicinal plant increases the tone of the uterus, which can cause unwanted complications in the normal development of the fetus.

    In the summer, walking along the hot sun roads, few people pay attention to what is growing under our feet. Meanwhile, few people know that there, in the grass that barely breaks through the ground, a most useful plant grows. We are talking about knotweed. Folklore has given this herb a lot of different names - “ant grass”, “sparrow’s tongue”, and “bird buckwheat”. Sometimes in villages you can find another name - “pigeon delicacy”. Because, indeed, pigeons especially love to peck this simple plant.

    In the official pharmacy language it is referred to as “bird knotweed.” Different manufacturing companies may write the additional name “common knotweed” on the packaging.

    Knotweed grows in different climatic zones, from the subarctic zone of tundra and forest-tundra to the sea zone on the Sakhalin Peninsula. This is very unpretentious plant, capable of surviving even in severe frost.

    Active industrial harvests of knotweed in our country are carried out in the Primorye territories of Russia - Vladivostok, Sakhalin, Kamchatka. This preference is explained by the fact that plants growing in those areas are more generously saturated with beneficial microelements such as iodine, magnesium and selenium.

    Useful properties of the plant

    There are legends about the healing miracles that this unpretentious and, at first glance, inconspicuous plant can present to humans. Indeed, the scope of application is quite wide and extends from preventive use to the treatment of various types of intoxications and conditions after injuries and operations.

    1. Most famous healing properties knotweed in the treatment of diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Thus, bird knotweed does an excellent job of dissolving stones in urolithiasis, significantly facilitating their passage naturally, without the use of surgical intervention, even a minimally invasive one. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, along with the removal of urinary stones, it simultaneously has an antibiotic effect on the renal pelvis, preventing further development pyelonephritis.
    2. Another well-known medicinal effect of knotweed, as well as plantain, is the ability to stop bleeding and disinfect the resulting wound site - for a long time, our ancient ancestors used this ubiquitous herb to treat injuries received while hunting or while collecting forest mushrooms and berries.
    3. Common knotweed is also used for veterinary purposes. Cattle are often attacked by dangerous insects such as wasps, gadflies, some types of midges and mosquitoes, and flies. In this case, you can apply a small compress to the bitten area on the animal’s body - to do this, crush or knead the resulting pulp and apply it to the insect’s bite site. The components of bird knotweed, which have an astringent effect, will contribute to faster healing of the wound and rapid recovery of the animal itself.
    4. If we look at history, we can find evidence of the use of tinctures and poultices from “herb-ant” by the rulers of Cordoba. The wars and intrigues of palace harems constantly unfolding in those territories often created situations in which the use of poisons was an effective way to fight for certain goals. The older wives used poison to kill the firstborns of their beloved concubines in order to deprive their mothers of privileges from the caliph. Sometimes unwanted slaves were eliminated in this way; enemies quietly poisoned the best warriors of the caliph, making his army obviously vulnerable to the enemy. In this case, common knotweed acted as an invaluable antidote against certain poisons, weakening their effect and thereby delaying painful death.
    5. Another, no less famous and useful property knotweed is the ability to tone blood vessels and thereby stabilize excessively high or too low blood pressure.

    It should be noted about the preventive benefits. The juices of knotweed have an incredible amount useful vitamins and microelements. Thus, several leaves of knotweed contain daily norm vitamins C, K, F, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, saponins, coumarins, selenium, manganese, various amino acids and many other elements.

    It should be remembered that in all the cases described above, knotweed is not the only panacea for all ailments and it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment. However, these tinctures are still worth considering as additional therapy.

    Application of knotweed

    Summarizing all of the above, it remains to identify groups of diseases and conditions for which the use of knotweed is recommended:

    • Urolithiasis disease.
    • Hypertensive and hypotensive syndromes.
    • Conditions after poisoning with heavy metals and poisons.
    • As a hemostatic agent.
    • A remedy for the treatment of the genital area.
    • Disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Regenerating (wound healing) agent.
    • A prophylactic agent, both for existing diseases and for the purpose of general prevention.


    Every medal has both a straight and a reverse side. Is no exception this plant. Since it contains a lot of tannins, it should first of all be contraindicated or used with caution by persons with hematopoietic pathologies. Especially if there is a tendency to form blood clots. Another contraindication would be the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the plant.

    It is not advisable to use knotweed during pregnancy and lactation, since its teratogenic (destructive) properties for the developing fetus and the child’s body have not been fully studied.

    Application options for common knotweed

    Pharmacy chains in cities can offer several forms of release of this drug:

    • Dried and finely ground plant components, packed in cardboard containers.
    • Tincture of knotweed in alcohol of varying concentrations.
    • Juices and extracts of knotweed, non-alcoholic.
    • Tablets containing knotweed components. Basically these are various dietary supplements.
    • Plasters on knotweed extracts.

    The most common use of knotweed is in the form of dried, factory-packaged form. Decoctions are made from it, both in its pure form and by combining them with other plants. The most popular combinations:

    1. Knotweed - chamomile - is used to treat conditions after poisoning, it has an antibacterial and antitoxic effect.
    2. Knotweed - bearberry - bean leaves - this decoction is used for pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. It has a complex antispasmodic effect, and also dissolves stones, facilitating their natural waste.
    3. Knotweed - calendula - has an antispasmodic effect. It is good to use for painful menstruation in women.
    4. Knotweed - beet juice - is used for various anemias, and will also be useful after strip operations and in other conditions associated with massive blood loss.
    5. Knotweed – peppermint – calamus root – chamomile – plantain – St. John’s wort – recommended for use in various diseases stomach, as well as for problems with bile outflow.
    6. Knotweed - licorice - coltsfoot - elderberry tincture - used to treat colds. For example, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, initial stages pulmonary tuberculosis.
    7. Knotweed - plantain - crushed birch buds - are crushed and the resulting pulp is applied as a compress to the affected joints. Recommended for arthritis, arthrosis in the inflammatory stage, as well as for sprains and dislocations.

    The use of “tryn-grass” is wide and varied. At the moment, there are 4 most popular forms:

    • Alcohol tinctures.
    • Compresses.
    • Juices and decoctions.

    Preparing teas
    Take a small porcelain teapot with a capacity of 200 - 250 ml, or a similar brewed or simple mug. 2 - 3 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into it, all this is poured with boiling water and placed in a cool place, where it should brew and brew for at least 30 minutes, after which it can be consumed. If you plan to add more medicines, then they should be added immediately, still at the stage of dry raw materials, and thoroughly mixed with a spoon so that the brewing mixture is homogeneous in structure, and then brew everything together. The proportions in this case will be different, from 50/50 to the predominance of a certain component (bird knotweed or additive).

    Preparing alcohol tinctures
    For the tincture, we will need a container of arbitrary volume - in this case, it all depends on the quantity that needs to be obtained. To begin with, let's take a small amount - 200 ml of vodka (40-proof ethyl alcohol), then pour the raw material in a proportion of 0.25 of the amount of alcohol and let it steep for an average of 4 - 6 hours. It is recommended to strain the resulting solution before use. The cake can be used as warming compresses. Widespread use of knotweed, as well as relatively easy way getting it makes this plant very popular.

    Preparing juices
    We take freshly picked knotweed, then grind it thoroughly. Place the resulting mass on a specially prepared gauze bandage and roll it over a bowl. The juice will drip into the bowl. The juice can be drunk as a stand-alone preparation, or you can add ¾ of vodka to create a tincture. The remaining cake can be poured with boiling water and thus a low concentration decoction will be obtained. For better quality juice preparation, it is recommended to use specialized devices: juicers, juicers, blenders or a simple meat grinder. This juice is best obtained in combination with other, juicier plants and fruits, such as carrots, apples or celery.

    Side effects of knotweed

    Like many medications, this drug is not without its negative aspects. There are not as many of them as when using conventional medications, and they mainly relate to variations of allergic reactions:

    First of all, allergic reactions to the drug, such as itching, hives, and peeling, are possible.

    From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are possible. Basically, these manifestations belong to the group of individual intolerance, or are associated with contraindications to the use of herbal preparations, which means that in any case it must be used carefully, in small portions and preferably after consulting a doctor.

    Where can I get knotweed?

    Common knotweed preparations can be purchased at pharmacies and on the market, both factory-produced and self-made. The latter include decoctions and tinctures, often offered by the pharmacy itself.

    You can also collect knotweed herbs yourself, following several rules:

    1. Do not collect near open road routes - knotweed tends to absorb heavy metal salts. Forest areas with good sunlight are best suited for this.
    2. It needs to be collected in May - June, since this is a period of active growth and the plants are most useful in terms of accumulating nutrients, while in August - September the stems of the plant have already become coarse and dried out over the past summer.
    3. It is important to pick knotweed carefully; it is best to take young leaves without damaging the entire “rosette.”
    4. The most useful and succulent specimens grow in shaded places, but, nevertheless, you should not take only shady plants, since they are deprived of sunny color, which means that the process of photosynthesis in them is somewhat weaker, which affects the beneficial properties.
    5. It is not recommended to collect the roots of the knotweed; it is better to leave them in the ground. Thus, soon a new one will appear in place of the cut plant.

    Video: medicinal properties of knotweed

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