Ways to get into parallel worlds

Who hasn't watched the short (17-minute) film? movie "ENVELOPE", based on real events, starring Kevin Spacey leading role , Russian director Alexei Nazhny, watch the movie first:

You can read the true story below...(and not only that)
I don’t understand one thing, why did the Russian director need to change the year and add repression?:((((


It is difficult to reliably state the very fact of traveling to parallel worlds, but try to form your own opinion from the cases described below:

In 1939-1941, the famous writer Evgeny PETROV (co-author of Ilya Ilf (“The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”); his real name KATAEV, and he - brother another famous writer Valentin Kataev) found himself in a more than strange situation. It all started like this: E. Petrov had a strange and rare hobby; all his life he collected envelopes from his own letters. He did it like this - he sent a letter to some country, he made up everything except the name of the state: the city, the street, the house number, and the name of the addressee, so after a month and a half the envelope was returned, already decorated with multi-colored foreign stamps, the main thing of which was: “The addressee is incorrect.” But in April 1939 he sent a letter that entailed a number of shocking events.

Petrov decided to disturb the New Zealand postal department. He came up with a town called "Hydebirdville", and a street called "Rathbeach", and a house called "7", and the addressee "Merilla Ogin Wasley". In the letter itself, he wrote in English: “Dear Merrill! Please accept my sincere condolences on the death of Uncle Pete. Be strong, old man. Sorry for not writing for a long time. I hope everything is okay with Ingrid. Kiss your daughter for me. She, Probably already quite big. Yours, Evgeniy." He put all this in an envelope on which he wrote the return address, and at the Main Post Office he issued the letter as registered and urgent. More than two months passed, but the letter with the appropriate note was not returned. Deciding that it was lost, Evgeny Petrov began to forget about it. But August came, and he waited... for a reply letter. At first, Petrov decided that someone was playing a joke on him in his own spirit. But when he read the return address, he was no longer in the mood for jokes. On the envelope was written: "New Zealand, Hydebirdville, Wrightbeach, 7, Merrill Ogin Waizley." And all this was confirmed by the blue stamp “New Zealand, Hydredville Post Office”. The text of the letter read: “Dear Eugene! Thank you for your condolences. The absurd death of Uncle Pete has thrown us off track for six months. I hope you will forgive the delay in the letter. Ingrid and I often remember those two days that you were with us. Gloria is very big and "She will go to 2nd grade in the fall. She still keeps the teddy bear that you brought her from Russia. Your friend." Petrov never went to New Zealand, and therefore he was all the more amazed to see in the photograph a powerfully built man who was hugging Petrov himself (i.e. himself!). On the back it was written: "October 9, 1938." Here the writer almost felt bad - after all, it was on that day that he was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state with severe pneumonia. Then, for several days, doctors fought for his life, not hiding from his family that he had almost no chance of survival.

To sort out this either misunderstanding or mysticism, Petrov wrote another letter to New Zealand, but did not receive an answer. On September 1 the Second began World War, E. Petrov from the first days of the war became a war correspondent for Pravda and Informburo. His colleagues did not recognize him - he became withdrawn, thoughtful, and stopped joking altogether. In 1942, the plane he was flying on to the combat area disappeared, most likely shot down over enemy territory. On the day he received news of the disappearance of the plane, a letter from Merrill Wasley arrived at his Moscow address. It was transferred to the writer's widow. Wasley admired the courage Soviet people and expressed concern for the life of Evgeniy himself. In particular, he wrote: “I was scared when you started swimming in the lake. The water was very cold. But you said that you were destined to crash on the plane, not drown. I ask you to be careful - fly as little as possible.”... So where, in what kind of world could E. Petrov-Kataev-2 meet with M. Wasley?..

In the 1950s, the case of a strange “transfer to the Past” of one of the tourists in the area of ​​​​the famous Arizona crater was famous in the United States. Charles W. INGRESSOL from Cloquet, Minnesota, said that he and his parents had dreamed of going to see the Grand Canyon for many years. It seemed that in the summer of 1948 this trip would finally take place, but due to my father’s busy schedule it had to be postponed. And only in 1955 their family was able to carry out their long-planned plans. Contemplating the beauty of the Grand Canyon, this miracle of nature, Charles very much regretted that he did not have a movie camera. True, he took with him a 35 mm Bosley camera. Approaching the edge of the Canyon, he stopped to take a photo... Ten days later, Charles and his parents returned home to Minnesota and the next day at a local camera store purchased an 8 mm Bell and Howell camera and a black and white film about the Big One. Canyon.

The seller warned that the film was shot (attention!) in 1948. “Nothing,” Charles replied, “the canyon hasn’t changed that much in seven years. Moreover, this year my parents and I really wanted to go there, but we couldn’t.” In the evening, Ingresol showed the film to his parents. They were amazed to see on the screen Charles carefully approach the edge of the Canyon and take a photo with his Bosley. In the background you can see cars of the 1948 model and people "dressed in appropriate clothes. And in other frames there was Charles Ingresol - a man who visited the Grand Canyon only in 1955! Ingresol examined the film box and found on it the inscription: "Copyright Castle film 1948." The merchant was ready to swear that the box of film had been lying on the shelf of his store for more than a year...

There were many controversies about this case in America. For example, the esotericist B. Steiger was convinced that “Charles’s mental projection made its journey” to the canyon... They said that Charles actually moved into the Past in some unimaginable way... Or into parallel worlds. Where, however, it was not he who could have traveled, but where one film came from...


In the summer of 1974 in Washington, a certain Martin J. walked out of his office onto the street and began looking for his own car. For some reason it turned out to be not in its usual place, but to the side. Something confused Martin about her appearance However, he wanted to go home, and he opened the door with the key. But the same key that opened the door could not get into the ignition and start the car. Having decided to report to the police (there was an attempted theft that led to the car breaking down), Martin returned to the building. But the building also confused him, interior decoration was different; calling from the lobby, as he had previously done, was now impossible. All that was left was to go up to the floor and call from the office, but... there was no office on this floor!.. With dazed thoughts, Martin wandered out into the street, and then, fortunately, he noticed a car in its usual place. Everything returned to its place ["ChiP" 1998, N 10, p.40-41]. It remains to add that now the car started right away...

In 1978, a pregnant woman named Brigitte H. was admitted to a Swiss psychiatric clinic. She spoke in horror tragic story of her life, about how her husband died in a car accident, how she prepared his funeral, already being pregnant, how she buried him, how she prayed to God to help her... The worst thing was that God seemed to help her: one day Arriving home, she found her living husband at home sitting on a chair! But my husband was unable to clearly explain how he “came to life.” Moreover, he was extremely surprised by the story of his funeral. But he said that he had recently survived a minor car accident - without any casualties. Neighbors, relatives, the police, everyone sided with her husband, they all unanimously claimed that he “never died”, that she dreamed it all. Brigitte was forced to go to the cemetery, but her husband’s grave really wasn’t there! But why did the cemetery site seem familiar to her?! Relatives, wanting to protect Brigitte from a nervous breakdown before giving birth, sent her to “heal her brain.” However, the psychiatric clinic stated that there were no mental changes Brigitte simply doesn't. According to the doctors, the patient is healthy, and what she saw there is not their concern...

In 1996, this letter came from E. Khazaryan from Rostov-on-Don: “...Recently a strange incident happened to me. In the evening, my son left without telling me where. I was watching TV. It was dark in the apartment. Suddenly I heard the key turns in the lock. I think my son forgot something and came back. Now he will wake me up and force me to serve some trifle. But no one came in. I was scared: the key in the lock turns clearly. Out of fear, I sharply open the door to the hallway... and my son is standing in front of me. Only as if slightly in a fog. This “vision” lasted a fraction of a second. Then it began to fade and dissolved completely. I was petrified with horror and thought that I was going crazy. When my son returned, I told him about the “vision” And he told me: “I really forgot something and even went up to the entrance, wanted to get up, but changed my mind.” It turns out that I saw the “materialized” intention of my son to return for the forgotten thing. Or can this case be explained in some other way? .. Phenomena of this kind have happened to me before.Once at work, in broad daylight, I suddenly saw my mother lying on the floor in the hallway. I run home (I work nearby) - my mother is really lying in the hallway, did she have a stroke? How could this information come to me? Through what channels? ["Light" 1997, No. 1, p.61]...

In 2000, the following letter came to the Trud newspaper from a reader:
"...One day my younger sister went for a walk, but did not take the keys with her, because her mother said that she would be at home all day. Then she returns with her friend about two hours later, knocks on the door. No one opens. She knocked a lot more once, she rang the bell, then she drummed it with her friend, in general, she got tired of standing at the door, and they went for a walk. Another hour later they returned - mom was at home, she didn’t go anywhere, she didn’t sleep. And she didn’t hear anything. Neither the TV nor the tape recorder was not turned on. They jokingly concluded that she was entering another dimension, and there was no one at home at that time.

The most interesting thing is that this happened again with me later. It was just more interesting. I came home, opened the doors with the keys (no one was home), threw away the magazine I had bought on the way home, had lunch and ran to class. When I returned in the evening, I started looking for that magazine and, not finding it, asked my mother and sister. No one had seen him, and as it turned out, they had been at home all day and were worried that I didn't show up for lunch. These are the journeys to parallel worlds." ["Work on Mondays" 2000, October 16-22, p. 13]...


Do you feel like you haven't fully realized yourself? That only a coincidence of circumstances and minor mistakes led to the fact that not everything is good in your life?..

I will try to console you a little - in one of the countless worlds that we call parallel, there is probably a complete copy of you, which has settled down much better in life and has made a wonderful career! Doesn't this console you? Then I’ll say it differently - in most of the designated worlds, your other “I” live much worse than you yourself in our world!.. Is it really easier?..

A short excursion into parallel worlds is over. Alas, other “guides” simply do not exist at the moment.

At least in our world...

I’ll add just one thing (for skeptics): there is a science that applies to everything and can explain and prove absolutely All, even if we cannot realize it and verify it. This science is mathematics. I’m not very strong at it, except perhaps within the confines of a non-mathematics university program (and I forgot everything), but the measurement formula that I came up with during my studies is ridiculously simple: Suppose N- this is space, and n- this is the measurement number. Then N=∞^n ( infinity to the degree n)

Zero measurement is a unit (simply - dot).
First– an infinite set of points ( straight).
Second– an infinite number of straight lines ( plane).
Third– an infinite number of planes ( volumetric space).
Fourth- an infinite number of volumetric spaces (in our understanding - movement in time or story).
Fifth- an infinite number of story options ( here are parallel worlds for you), which was what needed to be proven!

And any of our actions, and even our thoughts, can change not only fate, but also history. If we lived in the sixthmeasurement, then we would see all the options for the development of events and they would know where to “spread the straw”... All this, of course, figuratively, otherwise we will understand impossible...!

That's why we came up with such a concept as TIME (we called it a dimension that we can neither see nor describe). And when our body dies and our soul falls into fourth measurement, measurement she will be tormented by ALL THE SAME questions, which is now(!) : fifth she will call the dimension TIME, and when she gets into it, she will call it TIME sixth, V sixth - seventh, and so on until...

By the way, a problem for mathematicians:
Assuming the existence fourth integral, then it would be possible to derive a formula that calculates the future if the past is known? That is formula most likely fate

04.01.13 Alena neon

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Without further ado, let's get straight to practice. You are interested in the title of this article, which means you are ready to try. Let's try.

If you are in a hurry, it is better to come back here later, when you are relaxed, in home environment, in your favorite chair and no one will disturb you.

To make our practice successful and for you to succeed, follow the steps step by step. Do not open the next task until you have completed the previous one. But don’t hesitate: as soon as you complete a task, immediately open the next one and start it right away.

It is better to do all tasks with eyes closed. Read the entire assignment. Remember what to do and close your eyes. Spend no more than 3 minutes on each task.

The tasks may not seem serious, but they are not.

1 task

1.Mentally draw a simple image of a man like “period, dot, comma, a crooked face came out, arms, legs, a cucumber - here it came out...”

2 task

Wow, you have turned out to be a beautiful little man.

2..Now relax, and moment of closing eyes QUICKLY imagine yourself in some unfamiliar place. To do this, a moment before closing your eyes, mentally grasp the first word that comes to mind and immediately, with your eyes closed, direct your attention to your closed eyelids, as if you were looking through them. Do it easily and gently, without tension! Pay attention to what you see. What place is this, what is there?

3 task

  1. Draw in your mind again, but this time some kind of “miracle-yuda” or “kalyaku-malyaka”. Come up with an image of some creature or object. Make it up.

4 task

Did you draw it? What a beauty you have turned out, you are a real dreamer!

  1. Now relax, and the moment you close your eyes, imagine QUICKLY yourself in another unfamiliar place.

Task 5

What did you see in the previous task? Which subjects? Maybe there was someone else there?

  1. Let's do the same thing one more time, but a little differently.

Imagine that you bought a new small table and you need to assemble it. WITH rob him mentally.

Task 6

What did you do? Did you screw the legs to the tabletop? One at a time or did you manage to screw in 4 at once? Where did you collect it? In the air? Or on some floor? Where were you even, assembling the table?

Well done everyone, excellent masters in assembling tables!

  1. Relax again, and the moment you close your eyes, QUICKLY imagine yourself in a new unfamiliar place. Everything is the same as in the 2nd task.

Where did you end up? What was around you? What kind of place is it? Where have you been?

Please answer, how long did it take you to mentally draw?

Don't know for sure? But do you agree that it took you time?

How long did it take to move to unfamiliar places?

Not how much? Were you there instantly?

Congratulations! You have just visited parallel worlds!

Please note that imagination takes time. After all, you had to imagine the whole process of drawing or assembling a table, figure out how to do it, how to do it. That is, everything took you not only time, but also attention itself, and you spent energy on it. Perhaps some of you even got tired of fantasizing and grumbled at me for bothering you with these stupid drawings and tables. And if you are tired, you have lost energy - that means you tried.

But did it require your fantasy and imagination to quickly move your consciousness in space? Have you expended energy? Have you flown there on a strange aircraft or “climbed” through some portals?

No! You just happened to be there! Instantly!

Why do you think unfamiliar places turned out the way you saw them? After all, they could have been different. For example, if you find yourself somewhere in the mountains, the question arises: “Why there, and not in the sea, for example, or in some chic restaurant?” You didn't have time to imagine where you wanted to be and ended up where you ended up. Do you think I know why you were drawn to that particular place? I don’t know, I’m “thrown out” to other places. The Universe is so multidimensional that you and I can try to move through parallel worlds at least several times and still not meet anywhere.

But we met, albeit virtually, here, now, because by chance or not by chance you found yourself in the world into which I “taxed in” today. 🙂

A few more moments and I or you might no longer be here. And somewhere on the edge of the galaxy, in a world where everything seems to be the same, but our affairs did not work out the way they did in this parallelism, and therefore, I didn’t go online, and you went on vacation to Cyprus, and you wouldn’t know now It turns out that you can travel through parallel worlds.

It's amazing why we are still here now? Some intricacies of our unconscious, according to him known reasons, “throw” our consciousness back and forth.

We move through other worlds almost every day and don’t even suspect it. And all because it seems that all the scenery is the same, and the people are the same, and nothing much has changed. But it only seems like it to us, we’re just not paying attention.

Of course, if we suddenly found ourselves in a completely different place, which we had never been to and did not understand how we ended up there and people passing by looked at us as if we were an alien from outer space, then we could assume that we were brought into a parallel world. This is how you are now, when you instantly found yourself in three unfamiliar places. And it’s not clear why you ended up there. It’s good that we didn’t have time to surprise the local people with our slippers. 😀

Do you doubt that these were other worlds, because the body remained in this one? Are you sure? Do you have witnesses who can confirm that you never disappeared from the room, along with your slippers?

What if your body found itself in both this and another reality for these moments? Proof? Science has already proven that this is possible.

Have you ever heard of such a scientific discovery as electron diffraction?

Its essence is that an electron can have the structure of both a particle and a wave. Scientists have discovered that the state of the electron depends on whether they are watching him or not . When observed, the electron behaves like a particle. But when some curious consciousness (a person) is not “watching” him, he behaves like a wave. An interesting experiment was carried out: a source emits a beam of electrons onto a light-sensitive screen. An obstacle in the form of a copper plate with two slits was placed in the path of the electrons. What kind of picture can we expect on the screen if electrons appear to us as small charged balls? Of course, two stripes opposite the slots in the copper plate.

But a complex pattern of alternating black and white stripes appeared on the screen. This is due to the fact that an electron, when passing through a plate, begins to behave not only as a particle, but also as a wave (photons and other, lighter particles, which can at the same time be a wave, also behave in the same way).

These waves, interacting in space, collide and reinforce each other, resulting in a pattern of black and white stripes being displayed on the screen. The result of this experiment does not change even if the electrons pass one after another - even one particle can be a wave and pass through 2 slits at the same time.

There have been other experiments with larger particles, such as fullerenes (a large, closed molecule made of carbon atoms). Moving fullerene molecules irradiated laser beams. The heated particles began to glow and inevitably display their presence to the observer. But after that their behavior also changed. Before such a comprehensive observation began, fullerenes successfully overcame obstacles, exhibiting wave properties (just like electrons in the previous experiment). But with the presence of an observer, fullerenes began to behave like law-abiding physical particles.

A little more from science: One of the most famous laws of quantum physics in the world is uncertainty principle Heisenberg, according to which It is not possible to simultaneously determine the speed and position of a quantum object. The more accurately scientists measure a particle's momentum, the less accurately they can measure its position. However, in our macroscopic real world, the validity of quantum laws acting on tiny particles remains invisible.

If you need more proof, look up quantum physics.

What does matter and, therefore, our body consist of? That's right, from molecules, and they are from atoms with their electron shell. These are these tiny particles that don’t like to be spied on. As long as they have a wave structure, they walk as they please, unhindered. And as soon as an observer (a person) begins to follow them, they immediately “pretend” to be matter.

Based on all that has been said, doesn’t it follow that matter can acquire wave properties and in this form move “through two slits at the same time,” and through any obstacles, and into any spaces (environments)?

There is only one “but”. A wave becomes a particle (matter) when it is influenced by the consciousness of the Observer! A person, with his consciousness-attention, influences the wave, which is transformed into matter with the characteristics that consciousness determines. (i.e. what you look for in them is what you will find)

Why am I sure that when you completed the tasks at the very beginning of the article on quickly imagining yourself in unknown places, you were in parallel worlds? Because at that very moment when you did not have time to think, when your consciousness did not have time to observe the process of movement, it turned off. I deliberately asked you to quickly imagine, without imagining or fantasizing. When you mentally drew and assembled the table, you fantasized, imagined, observed the process, wasted time and energy. Therefore, your fantasies did not materialize before you.

But when consciousness turns off even for a moment, matter is transformed into a wave structure. As soon as you became aware of yourself again, matter arose again.

Another rule from physics: The speed of a wave changes as it passes from one medium to another.

Let me remind you again: How long did it take you to move to an unknown place? Not at all. The value is close to zero. This means, following the rule above, no matter what we multiply or divide - speed by time, or distance by time, the result will be “ZERO”. There was no time, no speed, no distance in your journey. There was a transition, but it didn’t seem to happen. Your consciousness disappeared and appeared both here and there at the same time. You felt yourself still sitting where you are now, but at the same time you saw another place.

The question is, where were you at that moment when consciousness disappeared? 🙂

Nowhere. It just happened wave collapse, when two realities connected. A destructive explosion releasing a colossal amount of energy. Such a small huge explosion that you didn’t even notice. And they couldn’t notice because your Observer was turned off.

I love asking questions because they are the engine of progress. Therefore, I ask again: How many of these “collapses” do you think happen to you during the day?

Has it ever happened to you that you put something somewhere and then didn’t find it there? That is, do you remember exactly that you put it here, and it was suddenly found in another place or completely disappeared into the ground?

Did she gallop off somewhere on her own or did she transfer herself to another place? No, it’s clear, of course, that anything can happen in this crazy world, but not to the same extent! It's only in fairy tales that things jump and talk. You and I are reasonable, normal people... And we believe in scientifically based facts. Science has not yet proven... yet that things have intelligence. 😀

But the fact that we “quantum-physical” can be both matter and a wave structure has been proven.

So what happens and why do things end up out of place without our permission? You, of course, will no longer remember when this happened - the moment of blackout, when you simply “jumped” into another reality, like quanta disappearing from one orbit to another. Everything in it is the same, but it only seems. Something about her is not the same as before. For example, the thing lies in a different place or it remains lying where you actually put it, but in a previous reality.

Many examples can be found. But observe for yourself what has changed in reality, what is not as usual? These can be both obvious changes and little noticeable ones. For example, you usually put on trousers first, and then a shirt, and then suddenly you automatically started putting on everything the other way around. Or yesterday you walked along your usual daily route and saw the same thing around, and today suddenly some familiar tree became a little higher or lower. Or yours pet suddenly the shade of the coat color has changed... In general, be careful and observe.

By the way, something similar happened to me literally today. Household chores: I walk around the store and look at the shelves. I saw sauerkraut in a bucket. You know, those little plastic buckets in which they sell pickles or other food. These are the buckets with sauerkraut I saw it on the store shelf and thought: “Should I use cabbage for the borscht?” She automatically took a step towards the shelf and was literally distracted for a moment, looking away from it. And then I look and can’t believe my eyes: There is no cabbage, no buckets of it! I even almost exclaimed out loud: “Hey, where?!” Bring back the cabbage!” But she never returned. I looked around a few more times, moving away from the shelf, to check: maybe I had a glitch and I just didn’t see it. But how?! There were several buckets of them there and no one came there! In general, I realized that at that moment when I looked (distracted for a moment) in the other direction from the shelf (i.e., my consciousness recorded a different image of reality), a contact of two realities occurred (collapse), thanks to which my consciousness found itself in the third , in which there is no cabbage in the store. Ugliness! And what kind of shops do you have here? 😯 😀 Note: Not for everyone: If you are someone who studies phenomena on Earth such as portals to other dimensions, pay attention to the discoveries of quantum physics mentioned in this article and the highlighted text in this paragraph.

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The existing laws of physics do not deny the bold assumption that Parallel Worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel junctions. This means that it is theoretically possible to move from one world to another without violating the law of conservation of energy. However, the transition will require such a colossal amount of energy that cannot be accumulated in our entire Galaxy.

But there is another option. There is a version that passages to parallel worlds are hidden in so-called black holes; they can be a kind of funnels that suck in matter. Black holes, according to cosmologists, may actually turn out to be some kind of “wormholes” - paths from one world to another and back.

“In nature, there could be space-time structures like wormholes connecting one world to another,” believes Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher at the P. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. “In principle, mathematics allows their existence.”

The possibility of the existence of “wormholes” is not denied by Dmitry Galtsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. He claims that this is one of the options for moving from one point to another at infinite speed.

“It’s true,” the physicist noted, “no one has seen ‘wormholes’ yet; they have yet to be found.”

This hypothesis could be confirmed by revealing the secret of the formation of new stars. Astronomers have long puzzled over the nature of the origin of some celestial bodies. From the outside it looks like matter emerging from nothing. Such phenomena may be a consequence of matter spilling out into the Universe from parallel worlds. It can also be assumed that any body is capable of moving to a parallel world.

British medium Dame Forsythe made a loud statement more than ten years ago that she had found a passage to a parallel world. The reality she discovered turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, diseases and any hint of aggression.

Forsythe's discovery was preceded by a series of mysterious disappearances of teenagers at a funhouse in Kent. In 1998, four young visitors did not leave there at once. Three years later, two more disappeared. Then again. The police were knocked down, but found no evidence of the abduction of children.

There is a lot of mystery in this story. Kent detective Sean Murphy says the missing people all knew each other and the disappearances happened on the last Thursdays of the month. Most likely, a serial maniac is “hunting” there. According to Murphy, the criminal entered the funhouse through a secret passage, which, however, was not discovered by the police. As well as other traces of the killer’s activities.

After the searches, the booth had to be closed. Whatever one may say, it turned out that the wanted teenagers almost disappeared into thin air. After the mysterious premises were closed, the disappearances stopped.

“The exit to that world was in one of the distorting mirrors,” says Forsythe. - It was possible to use it, apparently, only from that side. Probably someone accidentally opened it when the first missing people were nearby. And then the teenagers who fell into this trap began to take their friends there.”

Crooked mirrors were also observed during the study of pyramids in Tibet by Professor Ernst Muldashev. According to him, many of these giant structures have various sized concave, semicircular and flat stone planes, which scientists called mirrors because of their smooth surface.

In the zone of their intended action, the members of Muldashev's expedition did not feel very well. Some saw themselves in childhood, some seemed transported to unfamiliar places. According to the scientist, through these mirrors, standing near the Tibetan pyramids, it is possible to change the flow of time and control space. Ancient legends say that such complexes were used to transition to parallel worlds, and, according to Muldashev, this cannot be considered a complete fantasy.

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar came to the conclusion that among the numerous anomalous zones in the world, there are about 40 tunnels leading to other worlds, four of which are located in Australia and seven in America.

What these “hellish tunnels” have in common is that chilling screams and groans are heard from the depths, and every year more than a hundred people disappear in them without a trace. One of the most famous places is a limestone cave in California national park, which you can supposedly enter, but not exit. There aren't even any traces of the missing.

There are “hell places” in Russia too. For example, there are rumors that there is a mysterious mine near Gelendzhik, which, according to local historians, has existed since the 18th century. It is a straight well with a diameter of about 1.5 m with polished walls. When a man ventured down into the mine a couple of years ago, at a depth of 40 m, the Geiger counter showed a sharp increase in background radiation.

And since several volunteers who were trying to examine the well had already died from a strange disease, the descent was immediately stopped. There are rumors that the mine has no bottom, some kind of incomprehensible life flows there, in the depths, and time, breaking all laws, accelerates its course. According to rumors, one guy went down into the mine, and got stuck there for a week, and he came up, already gray-haired and old.

Aged in an hour and a half, 32-year-old Ioannos Kolofidis, a resident of a village located on the Greek island of Tilos, climbed out of the well to the surface. The local well has long been considered bottomless. The water in it remained icy even in the heat.

It's time to clean it. Kolofidis volunteered to do this work. He put on a wetsuit and was lowered into the shaft. The work took about an hour and a half. Three people from time to time pulled up a bucket of silt. Suddenly, frequent impacts on metal were heard on the surface. It seemed that Kolofidis was begging to be picked up as soon as possible.

When the poor fellow was pulled out, his comrades were almost speechless: in front of them on the ground lay a decrepit old man with absolutely white hair on his head, a long beard and in shabby, worn-out clothes. But what happened in the well remained a mystery - a few hours later Kolofidis died. An autopsy showed that he died of old age.

Another creepy well is supposedly located in the Kaliningrad region. In 2004, two shabashniks, Nikolai and Mikhail, contracted to dig a well in one of the villages. At a depth of about 10 m, the diggers heard polyphonic human groans from the ground under their feet. In horror, the diggers climbed out. Local residents avoid this “cursed place”, believing that it was there that the Nazis carried out mass executions during the war.

An ancient castle, located near the town of Comcrieff (Scotland), recently became a place of disappearance for adventure lovers. The current owner of the castle, Robert McDogley, purchased it inexpensively simply out of interest. Below is his story:

“One day I stayed until midnight in the basement, where I discovered ancient books on black magic. Dusk fell quickly, and the blue glow emanating from the large central hall seemed strange to me. When I entered there, a bright bluish-gray sheaf of light emanating from a three-meter portrait, the colors of which during the day seemed so worn out, hit me in the face that it was impossible to see the drawing.

Now I clearly saw a full-length man depicted on it, whose clothes were clearly incompatible parts of costumes from different eras - from the 15th to the 20th centuries. When I came closer to take a better look at everything, the heavy portrait fell off the wall and fell on me.”

Miraculously, Sir Robert survived. But rumors about what happened spread quickly and began to attract quite a lot of tourists. One day, two exalted elderly ladies entered and climbed into the niche that opened behind the portrait after it fell. And immediately... they disappeared into thin air.

Rescuers knocked on all the walls and went through all the rooms with special radars, but found nothing. Psychics brought in as experts came to the conclusion that a door to a parallel world, “sealed” for several centuries, opened in the castle, where the tourists disappeared. However, neither psychics nor police decided to test this assumption and enter the niche.

Photo: Still from the film “Parallel Worlds”

People have been saying for thousands of years that the world we live in may not be the only one. Giordano Bruno, a thinker originally from Italy, paid with his life for his bold assumption about the existence of parallel worlds. The Inquisition accepted only one picture of the world, but we have the opportunity to consider different points of view.

How many are there?

While we are wondering whether there is another dimension, scientists are already talking about dozens of parallel worlds. Three dimensions of space are known exactly: length, width, height. There is also a fourth one - time. But the discovery of the fifth dimension can lead to travel to other worlds. But the head of the sector of interdisciplinary problems of scientific and technological development of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy Vladimir Arshinov, claims that at the moment science is considering the existence of a larger number of parallel worlds. “Models of our world are already approximately known, containing 11, 26 and even 267 dimensions. They are not observable, but folded in a special way. Nevertheless, they are present around us.”

How to get

If we take for granted the fact of the existence of parallel worlds, then another question arises - are transitions from one to another possible? Scientists suggest that black holes that exist in space may be the very transitions that suck matter into themselves. Cosmologists call them “wormholes.” “In nature, there could be space-time structures like wormholes connecting one world to another; in principle, mathematics allows their existence,” says Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher at the P. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Scientists believe that such wormholes are one of the ways to move from point A to point B at infinite speed, but the existence of these world-connecting “holes” is still only a hypothesis.

This could be confirmed by revealing the secret of the formation of new cosmic bodies. Astronomers are still at a loss as to how stars arise. Since at the moment it seems like the emergence of matter from nothing. Vladimir Arshinov believes that the substance from which these bodies are formed can come to our world from a parallel one. This assumption also makes it possible for bodies to move between worlds.

Charles Fort is an American explorer; in 1931 he coined the term “teleportation sites.” In his opinion, not only black holes can serve as portals to parallel worlds, but they also exist on Earth. These are places that are surrounded by special energy and mysterious stories. Fort believes that it is through these portals that ghosts, UFOs and other guests come into our world. And if the assumption is true in this direction, then it is also possible in the opposite direction - through these same portals we can also get to other worlds.

Scientists consider one of the places of teleportation to be the area in Eastern Siberia, where the Kova River flows into the Angara River. People call such places “lost”, since all living things there either disappear or die. So this place was called “Devil’s Cemetery”. It appeared recently, after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. After what happened, livestock began to die out in this area. All attempts by inquisitive researchers to study this area and find the cause of the anomaly were crowned with failure. About seventy people fell victim to the “Devil's Cemetery.”

Scientists' opinion

The well-known Albert Einstein devoted his life to describing all the phenomena of the universe in one theory, which would provide answers to all questions. But death stopped the scientist.

After that, several more “theories of everything” appeared, but so far the most popular among scientists remains string theory. It describes laws that confirm that our Universe is infinitely expanding, and also that the number of parallel worlds can reach 26. What are strings? These are cosmic phenomena in which space and time are distorted. Moreover, their size can be larger than the Universe in our usual parameters, not exceeding the size of an atomic nucleus.

Today, string theory remains only a theory that has not yet found experimental confirmation. An important step forward to confirm or refute this theory should be data obtained at the Large Hadron Collider.

The existing laws of physics do not deny the bold assumption that parallel worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel transitions. This means that it is theoretically possible to move from one world to another without violating the law of conservation of energy. However, the transition will require such a colossal amount of energy that cannot be accumulated in our entire Galaxy.

But there is another option. There is a version that passages to parallel worlds are hidden in so-called black holes; they can be a kind of funnels that suck in matter. Black holes, according to cosmologists, may actually turn out to be some kind of “wormholes” - paths from one world to another and back.

“In nature, there could be space-time structures like wormholes connecting one world to another,” believes Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher at the P. Sternberg Astronomical Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. “In principle, mathematics allows their existence.”

The possibility of the existence of “wormholes” is not denied by Dmitry Galtsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. He claims that this is one of the options for moving from one point to another at infinite speed.

“It’s true,” the physicist noted, “no one has seen ‘wormholes’ yet; they have yet to be found.”

This hypothesis could be confirmed by revealing the secret of the formation of new stars. Astronomers have long puzzled over the nature of the origin of some celestial bodies. From the outside it looks like matter emerging from nothing. Such phenomena may be a consequence of matter spilling out into the Universe from parallel worlds. It can also be assumed that any body is capable of moving to a parallel world.

British medium Dame Forsythe made a loud statement more than ten years ago that she had found a passage to a parallel world. The reality she discovered turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, diseases and any hint of aggression.

Forsythe's discovery was preceded by a series of mysterious disappearances of teenagers at a funhouse in Kent. In 1998, four young visitors did not leave there at once. Three years later, two more disappeared. Then again. The police were knocked down, but found no evidence of the abduction of children.

There is a lot of mystery in this story. Kent detective Sean Murphy says the missing people all knew each other and the disappearances happened on the last Thursdays of the month. Most likely, a serial maniac is “hunting” there. According to Murphy, the criminal entered the funhouse through a secret passage, which, however, was not discovered by the police. As well as other traces of the killer’s activities.

After the searches, the booth had to be closed. Whatever one may say, it turned out that the wanted teenagers almost disappeared into thin air. After the mysterious premises were closed, the disappearances stopped.

“The exit to that world was in one of the distorting mirrors,” says Forsythe. - It was possible to use it, apparently, only from that side. Probably someone accidentally opened it when the first missing people were nearby. And then the teenagers who fell into this trap began to take their friends there.”

Crooked mirrors were also observed during the study of pyramids in Tibet by Professor Ernst Muldashev. According to him, many of these giant structures have various sized concave, semicircular and flat stone planes, which scientists called mirrors because of their smooth surface.

In the zone of their intended action, the members of Muldashev's expedition did not feel very well. Some saw themselves in childhood, some seemed transported to unfamiliar places. According to the scientist, through these mirrors, standing near the Tibetan pyramids, it is possible to change the flow of time and control space. Ancient legends say that such complexes were used to transition to parallel worlds, and, according to Muldashev, this cannot be considered a complete fantasy.

Australian parapsychologist Jean Grimbriar came to the conclusion that among the numerous anomalous zones in the world, there are about 40 tunnels leading to other worlds, four of which are located in Australia and seven in America.

What these “hellish tunnels” have in common is that chilling screams and groans are heard from the depths, and every year more than a hundred people disappear in them without a trace. One of the most famous places is a limestone cave in a Californian national park, which you can supposedly enter but cannot exit. There aren't even any traces of the missing.

There are “hell places” in Russia too. For example, there are rumors that there is a mysterious mine near Gelendzhik, which, according to local historians, has existed since the 18th century. It is a straight well with a diameter of about 1.5 m with polished walls. When a man ventured down into the mine a couple of years ago, at a depth of 40 m, the Geiger counter showed a sharp increase in background radiation.

And since several volunteers who were trying to examine the well had already died from a strange disease, the descent was immediately stopped. There are rumors that the mine has no bottom, some kind of incomprehensible life flows there, in the depths, and time, breaking all laws, accelerates its course. According to rumors, one guy went down into the mine, and got stuck there for a week, and he came up, already gray-haired and old.

Aged in an hour and a half, 32-year-old Ioannos Kolofidis, a resident of a village located on the Greek island of Tilos, climbed out of the well to the surface. The local well has long been considered bottomless. The water in it remained icy even in the heat.

It's time to clean it. Kolofidis volunteered to do this work. He put on a wetsuit and was lowered into the shaft. The work took about an hour and a half. Three people from time to time pulled up a bucket of silt. Suddenly, frequent impacts on metal were heard on the surface. It seemed that Kolofidis was begging to be picked up as soon as possible.

When the poor fellow was pulled out, his comrades were almost speechless: in front of them on the ground lay a decrepit old man with absolutely white hair on his head, a long beard and in shabby, worn-out clothes. But what happened in the well remained a mystery - a few hours later Kolofidis died. An autopsy showed that he died of old age.

Another creepy well is supposedly located in the Kaliningrad region. In 2004, two shabashniks, Nikolai and Mikhail, contracted to dig a well in one of the villages. At a depth of about 10 m, the diggers heard polyphonic human groans from the ground under their feet. In horror, the diggers climbed out. Local residents avoid this “cursed place”, believing that it was there that the Nazis carried out mass executions during the war.

An ancient castle, located near the town of Comcrieff (Scotland), recently became a place of disappearance for adventure lovers. The current owner of the castle, Robert McDogley, purchased it inexpensively simply out of interest. Below is his story:

“One day I stayed until midnight in the basement, where I discovered ancient books on black magic. Dusk fell quickly, and the blue glow emanating from the large central hall seemed strange to me. When I entered there, a bright bluish-gray sheaf of light emanating from a three-meter portrait, the colors of which during the day seemed so worn out, hit me in the face that it was impossible to see the drawing.

Now I clearly saw a full-length man depicted on it, whose clothes were clearly incompatible parts of costumes from different eras - from the 15th to the 20th centuries. When I came closer to take a better look at everything, the heavy portrait fell off the wall and fell on me.”

Miraculously, Sir Robert survived. But rumors about what happened spread quickly and began to attract quite a lot of tourists. One day, two exalted elderly ladies entered and climbed into the niche that opened behind the portrait after it fell. And immediately... they disappeared into thin air.

Rescuers knocked on all the walls and went through all the rooms with special radars, but found nothing. Psychics brought in as experts came to the conclusion that a door to a parallel world, “sealed” for several centuries, opened in the castle, where the tourists disappeared. However, neither psychics nor police decided to test this assumption and enter the niche.

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