Remedies for Khrushchev. How to get rid of the cockchafer (chafer)? Folk methods of getting rid of the cockchafer

Friends say that in order to catch a pike, you need to study its behavior in different times of the year. But we’re just going to the market, because there’s an excellent recipe ahead of us - fried pike... mmm... with a crispy, delicious crust.

You can fry pike with onions, in sour cream (see also) or with mayonnaise. Pike cooked in batter is very good, but you can fry it without flour if you stick to more proper nutrition, there is also an option for cooking in the oven.

Pike dishes are a truly royal treat. I love the first course of pike. And you? If you haven’t tried it yet, be sure to look at the recipe and prepare our delicious, aromatic one (here you will find recommendations on how to properly clean pike) or these juicy, delicious ones.

Pike meat is lean and lean. This fish is classified as a dietary food. Nutritional value has not only fish meat, but also milt and caviar of this river inhabitant.

Pike fried in a frying pan with onions

This method of cooking fish is the most common and, in my opinion, the simplest.


Pike, salt, pepper, flour, onions (by weight it should be half that of pike meat). vegetable oil and a small piece of butter.


  1. First, let's deal with the fish: clean it from scales, gut it, cut off the tail, fins and head, which can be used to prepare fish soup.
  2. Wash the fish carcass, dry it with a paper towel and cut it into portions of 4-5 cm. Salt and pepper the portions, leave for 10-15 minutes so that the fish is soaked.
  3. Pour flour into a separate plate, you can add a little more salt. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Roll each portioned piece evenly in flour and place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry, as soon as the fish is browned, turn it over to the other side.
  5. Peel and chop the juicy onion.
  6. If you like caramel-colored onions, then immediately after turning the fish over, add the onions to the frying pan. We slightly move the fish to one side, freeing up space for the bow.
  7. If you like translucent onions, then add the onion slices 5 minutes after turning the fish over. Stir the onion constantly during cooking so that it does not burn. At the end of cooking, 3-4 minutes before the end of the process, I add a small piece of butter to the pan, butter makes fish more juicy and tasty.
  8. Remove the frying pan with the finished fried pike from the heat, place it on plates, and you can serve it with a side dish or simply sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Recipe in batter

It is best to cook fish in batter from fish fillets, but you can cook it from portioned pieces, as in the first recipe with onions in a frying pan.

Juicy and tender fried pike in batter is served with any side dish, vegetables or herbs.

Batter composition:

  • lemon 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
  • flour 3 tbsp.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • water as needed


  1. Mix lemon juice with vegetable oil, add salt and fish seasoning. Rub the marinade into portions and leave to marinate for 30 minutes in a cool place.
  2. While you can prepare the batter. Mix the egg with flour, add salt and water until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Place pieces of fish dipped in batter into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.
  4. Blot pieces of finished pike fried in batter on a paper towel and serve.

Pike in sour cream (recipe without flour)

This dish is a real delicacy. The result is tasty and tender pike meat with the creamy taste of sour cream. Be sure to try it.


  • pike 1.5-2kg
  • sour cream 200 -250g.
  • white onion (can be onion) 2 pcs.
  • fish seasoning and salt
  • vegetable oil
  • fresh herbs


  1. Rub the fish, divided into portions, with salt mixed with fish seasoning.
  2. Cut the white onion into half rings.
  3. Place pieces of fish in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, turn the heat to medium, and fry until golden brown. Turn the fish over and place the prepared onion on top.
  4. After 5 minutes of cooking, add sour cream diluted with milk or water. Simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Serve pike fried in a frying pan in sour cream with fresh herbs. Delicious. Bon appetit!

Pike in the oven

This is definitely a truly royal recipe. Everyone who tried this recipe was absolutely delighted. Pike fillet cooked in the oven with onions and carrots mmm. Extraordinary yummy.


  • pike fillet 500g.
  • lemon ½ pcs.
  • fat sour cream 150g.
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • onions 2 heads
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • coriander 1 tsp.
  • seasoning for fish 1 tsp.

How to fry pike in the oven

  1. We divide the pike into fillets, wash the fillets under running water and dry them with a paper towel.
  2. Put sour cream in a separate bowl, add salt, spices, garlic, passed through a press, mix everything, we get a marinade for fish.
  3. Salt the fillet pieces, pepper on all sides, pour in the juice of half a lemon and coat with marinade. Leave to marinate in a cool place for 2 hours.
  4. Now you can do the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the vegetables one by one in a frying pan with vegetable oil until soft. Salt and pepper.
  5. Dip marinated pieces of pike in flour, place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry on each side for just a couple of minutes.
  6. Now we put our fish in a baking dish, place a layer of onions on top, then a layer of carrots, pour in the rest of the marinade and send it to cook in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

As I wrote above, not only pike meat is used in cooking, but also caviar. Pike caviar is a fish delicacy and dietary product, like pike meat. Caviar contains lecithin and others useful material, strengthening the immune system. if you have fresh caviar pike, then try frying it in a frying pan. The recipe is suitable for those who do not like to spend a lot of time cooking.


  • pike caviar 450-550 gr.
  • salt and pepper to personal taste
  • vegetable oil for frying 4-5 tbsp.


  1. Carefully remove the eggs from the belly of the pike. We are careful not to damage the gallbladder.
  2. If there are yellow spots from spilled bile, then carefully cut out these pieces, as they will not be edible due to the strong bitter taste. Wash the iru well, dry it, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  3. Fry in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. If desired, the caviar can be rolled in flour before frying, but you can skip this cooking step.
  4. Fry on both sides until golden color. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for another 2-3 minutes.

Place the fried pike caviar on a plate and serve.

I hope now it won’t be difficult for you to fry pike, choose the recipe you like and get down to business. Bon appetit.

The most delicious dishes are obtained from freshly caught fish, and not from fish that has been lying in the refrigerators of warehouses and stores for weeks and months.

But the most important thing is to know how to fry pike in a frying pan with onions to get tender and flavorful meat that melts in your mouth. If your husband caught pike or you were lucky enough to buy fresh goods at the market, we’ll fry it with the ingredients that we always have on hand.

Fried pike in a frying pan with onions


  • Pike - 1 PC. large (or 2 small) + -
  • - for deboning + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - for frying + -

How to quickly fry pike with onions in a frying pan

Pike meat is an excellent raw material for pies, cutlets and fish soup. It turns out no less tasty fried, with onion, which successfully complements the fish fried until golden brown.

The main thing is to rid the fish of specific smell mud (if available), keeping the pieces in milk for half an hour, or sprinkling them with lemon juice before frying.

  1. Using a knife, remove the mucus from the fish, peel off the scales and remove the entrails. We separate the head, remove the fins from the carcass (together with the head, you can make an excellent fish soup) and cut it into pieces 5-6 cm wide. Wash them thoroughly.
  2. Sprinkle the fish pieces a little with salt and leave for 10 minutes - let them soak.
  3. Pour a little flour into a bowl (for dredging the pike), 0.5 tsp. salt and mix thoroughly, otherwise the fish will not be salted evenly: one piece will be too salty, and the second will be tasteless.
  4. Heat a frying pan with oil over medium heat (maintain the same heat while frying).
  5. Before frying the pike in a frying pan with onions, roll the pieces in a mixture of salt and flour and place them in hot oil. After frying the first side (when a crispy golden brown crust appears), turn the pieces over and fry the second side.
  6. Peel a medium-sized onion and cut it into half rings. Do you like dark, crispy onions? Then add it to the pan with the fish as soon as you turn the pieces over. To do this, move the pike to the side so that there is room to fry the onion slices. Fry the slices until brown.

To obtain a soft translucent onion that retains its aroma, add onion half rings to the pan with the pike when the bottom of the inverted pieces begins to fry - after about 5 minutes. While frying the onions, stir them frequently, otherwise some of them will turn out half-baked and some will be overcooked.

7. Place the fried fish on plates and place a fragrant tender onion on top of it. Do you want some greenery? Additionally, sprinkle the dish with chopped green onions, parsley, basil, and dill.

Pike is good served with various sauces, vegetable salads, stewed vegetables, buckwheat, rice, pasta and, of course, crumbly round potatoes or mashed potatoes!

  • The onion should not be of the salad variety, as it tastes sweet. To cook fish, you need ordinary bitter onions, which are not very juicy.
  • Important: do not take pike weighing more than 3 kg for frying. Its meat is tougher and it takes longer to cook, so we choose smaller specimens with more tender meat. But, again, not the smallest ones, otherwise, instead of enjoying the fishy taste, the meal will turn into a tedious extraction of tiny bones.

It became clear how to fry pike in a frying pan with onions without unnecessary ingredients and effort. Finally, let’s note: it is better to use freshly caught fish; weathered and stale fish will not turn out as tasty and tender, and will be so bitter that you will have to drown out the taste with ketchup or other hot sauce.



For residents of our country, pike is a fairly common inhabitant of freshwater rivers. But abroad, its meat is considered a delicacy. Pike meat contains little fat, so it is suitable for people watching their figure. In addition, during the cooking process, the pike becomes tender, elastic and very tasty.

In order to fry pike in the traditional way, you will need about a kilogram of pike, 1 egg, fish seasoning, breadcrumbs, and vegetable oil for frying. Milk and mayonnaise are also added to the batter.

Ideally, a pike that weighs less than two kilograms is suitable for frying. Such individuals have meat that is more juicy and tender.

  1. So, the pike needs to be washed, scaled, gutted, and the gills cut out.
  2. Then rinse the entire carcass thoroughly again under running water and cut into portions.
  3. Beat the egg with a little salt and fish seasoning. It is better that the composition includes garlic, dried onions, parsley, dill, basil, a mixture various types pepper, paprika and zest and lemon.
  4. Place the frying pan on the fire until it gets hot.
  5. In the meantime, prepare the fish pieces.
  6. Take a piece of pike, dip it in the egg and seasoning mixture, then roll the piece on all sides in breading. So prepare all the pieces.
  7. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, place pieces of pike on it and fry over medium heat until golden brown.
  8. Then turn it over and fry the pike on the other side.

You can serve fried pike with fresh herbs, under lemon slices and lightly sprinkled with coarse salt.

Fried pike is perhaps the simplest dish that can be prepared from this fish. To make it delicious, you need to cook it in batter. Then a delicate crispy crust forms on the outside, but the inside remains soft, juicy, and incredibly tasty. It's almost traditional way fry pike correctly, there is nothing superfluous here. This dish can be served with any side dish or vegetable salad.

Juicy pike

You can also take a fresh pike, wash it, clean it, cut off the head and cut the carcass into portioned pieces. Place the fish in a frying pan and pour the juice of half a lemon over it. Also add mayonnaise or sour cream, salt, seasonings for fish. Then the pike needs to be put in the refrigerator and soaked in this infusion for at least two hours. Thanks to this unique marinade, the pike will definitely not turn out dry in any case. After two hours, you can start frying the pike. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Pieces of fish should be rolled in flour. Fry the pike in a frying pan over low heat, on both sides, until bright golden brown. This delicious fish will undoubtedly brighten up any lunch or dinner.

If there are garlic lovers in your family or friends, then you should add a few cloves, passed through a garlic press, to the pike batter. Each piece of fish should be dipped in the egg-garlic mixture, then rolled in flour and fried in a frying pan without covering it with a lid. On each side you need to fry in a frying pan for five minutes until you get an appetizing, crispy crust. For lovers of a spicy super crispy crust, you need to mix breadcrumbs, red ground pepper or adjika.

There is another way to deliciously cook pike in a frying pan and get tender, juicy meat. To do this, you need to stew it in milk. The pike is washed, cleaned, the head is removed and the carcass is cut into portions. Roll them in flour with spices and salt and fry until almost fully cooked. Then the pieces should be transferred to a plate. Onion peel and chop. Wash the carrots, peel and grate. Re-fry in the same frying pan where the fish was fried before. Then you should reduce the heat and put the pike back in the pan with the vegetables. Pour milk over the fish, salt, pepper and add your favorite spices. Mix everything lightly. So that the vegetables are soaked in milk. Cover everything with a tight lid and simmer for half an hour over low heat. This vegetable pike is best served with mashed potatoes. This is delicious.

Important point!

To get a real culinary masterpiece from fried pike, you must first follow the recipe for the classic version of cooking. And then, over time, it will be possible to change the composition of the components as much as your imagination allows and to your taste.

If you need a dietary dish, then you should remove mayonnaise from the batter; it is better to add skim milk to it. Pike will not lose anything in taste from this, and there will be much less empty calories.

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