Swot analysis example. Swot analysis: examples of swot analysis. Swot analysis using the example of an enterprise

In a competitive environment, unstable markets and a rapidly changing marketing environment, an entrepreneur needs to make the right decisions. He must clearly understand what stage of development his business is at, what competitive advantages he has, what he needs to be wary of, what disadvantages negatively affect the development of his business, and so on. Marketing uses many methods and technologies, one of which is SWOT analysis, a simple and effective tool for making basic management decisions.

Why is SWOT analysis necessary?

This technology helps to analyze a problem, product, business situation, everything that can be analyzed as an object. It becomes clear where the company should move in its policy, what actions the manager needs to plan, and answers are received about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the company’s actions. The final result of a SWOT analysis is the development of a strategy for the further development of the organization (project), or correction of its course, taking into account the existing market reality. The recommended interval for conducting analytics is once a quarter.

Pros and cons of analysis

The main advantage of this tool is its simplicity. There is no need to have special knowledge or make complex marketing calculations. To carry out a SWOT analysis, draw the right conclusions, and plan relevant activities, analysts only need to have minimal awareness of the company’s internal and external business space.

The undeniable benefit of the method is its wide application, the prospect of its use not only in the economic or marketing sphere. Where it is necessary to assess the situation with conclusions and decisions, this tool will help. This applies to all aspects of human life and activity.

The third undoubted advantage is that this analysis allows you to collect an impressive information base regarding the issue under consideration.

Accordingly, the more information, the more versatile it is possible to look at the problem, consider it from different angles, find more solutions, ways of implementation. In the process of collecting information, a variety of factors are revealed that influence the enterprise; therefore, it is possible to collect completely different analytical material and generalize it according to certain criteria, expanding the variability of decision-making methods.

The disadvantages of the analysis include the relevance of the results for a specific date or period of time. As a result of the analysis, the balance of power on the problem at the time of the study is shown, and the situation on the market often changes at lightning speed. Decisions based on the results of the analysis require prompt implementation, since tomorrow they may become irrelevant.

From the point of view of quantitative indicators and evaluation criteria, the method is not informative enough. It only sets a vector, showing a fairly general picture of the problem (probability), without allowing a quantitative assessment and not allowing any qualitative comparisons to be made.

And the final disadvantage of this analysis: analysts filling out the SWOT matrix can also look at the source data from different angles, as a result of which the objectivity of the final analysis data may disappear. It is recommended to involve more than one analyst, but to work as a team to comprehensively cover the source data for analysis. A team of 4-8 analysts and a SWOT moderator practice. There are also decision makers and persons representing all divisions involved in the general economic activities of the company. Complex analytics usually takes from 8 to 32 working hours, not counting the preparation for the event itself.

Structure and explanation of the abbreviation

The name is an abbreviation of capital letters from the names of four English words:

S - strength(from English. Strength, power) - significant qualities of the Company, internal analyzed environment),
W - weakness(from English Weakness) - insufficient qualities of the Company, internal analyzed environment. Both of these factors are carried out in relation to the Consumer.

O - opportunities(from English Perspective) - prospects for the Company, external analyzed environment,
T - threats(from English Threat) - dangers for the Company, external analyzed environment. These factors are considered in relation to representatives of the competitive market environment.

Types of analytical matrices

Brief SWOT (four-field)

A four-field SWOT analysis records the state of affairs, the situation in the external and internal environment of the company. The analytical group must classify into four sectors all the factors that reflect the current situation of the company and reflect its capabilities.

FORCE(significant qualities of a company that are superior to other companies in the same industry). The company can influence these internal factors.

WEAKNESS(insufficient qualities of the company that weaken its position in the industry compared to other companies). The company can influence these internal factors.

PERSPECTIVE(probabilities and market prospects for the company, unpredictable positive probabilities). The company cannot influence these external factors.

DANGER(certain market dangers, unpredictable negative probabilities). The company cannot influence these external factors.

If analysts are not ready to classify into four cells, all factors (even minor ones) are classified into two:



Next, the data is redistributed into four fields and, in each group, about 5-8 key factors are identified. To determine priorities by factors, each participant is provided with virtual 20-32 points, which must be awarded 1 point for each field. Thus, the data array is compressed to the required number of factors in four fields.

The classic (nine-field) matrix helps develop a strategy based on the data of a four-field matrix. Data from the four-field matrix is ​​transferred to the fields STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, PROSPECTS and DANGERS. In this way, cross connections of the type “STRENGTH and PROSPECTS”, “STRENGTH and DANGERS”, “WEAKNESS AND PERSPECTIVE”, “WEAKNESS and DANGERS” are formed. These are the vectors for developing strategies:

  1. “STRENGTH and PROSPECTS” - development of a company’s GROWTH strategy;
  2. “POWER and DANGERS” - development of a company’s PROTECTION strategy;
  3. “WEAKNESS and PROSPECTS” - development of a company IMPROVEMENT strategy;
  4. “WEAKNESSES AND DANGERS” - developing a strategy to MINIMIZE the company’s PROBLEMS.




Effective use of the organization's capabilities, its strengths, to maximize the positive opportunities provided by the market

Effectively using the organization's strengths to offset the negative aspects emanating from the market


Eliminating the weaknesses of the organization through the opportunities provided by the market

Nullifying weaknesses and minimizing threats posed by the market

Examples of SWOT analysis

Business (using the example of a car service)

  1. Four-field matrix

Internal factors

External factors



  • Market growth


  • Moderate pricing policy
  • Tool shortage


  1. Nine-field matrix


  1. Market growth
  2. Entry into the market of new technologies and suppliers
  3. Fast-growing online market for service tools and services
  4. Bankruptcy and disappearance of competing firms from the market
  5. Change for the better in the purchasing power of the population


  1. Decreasing relevance of car service services (do-it-yourself repairs, “garage” craftsmen)
  2. The emergence of new car service competitors
  3. Consequences of foreign state policy (sanctions, embargo)
  4. Possible negative dynamics regarding tax legislation
  5. Declining purchasing power of the population


  1. Extensive information coverage around the city
  2. Well-organized work processes
  3. Managers and middle management are competent, young people, energetic, ambitious;
  4. Personnel participate in the implementation of fundamental decisions
  5. Sustained positive popularity among clients

Effective use of the organization's capabilities, its strengths, to maximize the positive opportunities provided by the market

  • Increasing the volume of information “pumping” for brand recognition and intercepting clients of competitors who are closing their business
  • Make speed of service your “trick”, optimize processes
  • Implementation of the “Internet Workshop” project
  • And so on…

Effectively using the organization's strengths to offset the negative aspects emanating from the market

  • Promotions to attract and retain customers, development of a bonus program
  • Search for consumables, the price of which is less tied to currency (domestic?)
  • “Brainstorming” (all staff participates) on creating value for the client and formulating the company’s mission
  • And so on…


  1. Dependence on auto parts sellers
  2. Moderate pricing policy
  3. Insufficient information coverage in the regions
  4. There is no supervision over the implementation of management directives
  5. Severely worn equipment
  6. Tool shortage

Eliminating the weaknesses of the organization through the opportunities provided by the market

  • Active search for new suppliers, reduction of purchase price, increase in deferment
  • Reasonably raise the price, increasing profitability
  • Development and implementation of a marketing plan, creation, protection and development of a budget for brand promotion in the regions
  • And so on…

Nullifying weaknesses and minimizing threats posed by the market

  • While the economy is on the rise, update the tool fleet
  • Promotions in the regions
  • Launch of the “Social Auto Repair” project
  • And so on…

Product (using the example of brick)

  1. Four-field matrix


  • Availability of local raw materials
  • Environmental friendliness of the product
  • Strength
  • Life time
  • Availability
  • Other


  • Other


  • Price
  • Other


  • Other
  1. Nine-field matrix


  1. Increasing the volume of construction of brick buildings (including low-rise buildings)
  2. Growing consumer demand for a variety of brick products
  3. Banking policies (low-cost lending, construction subsidies)
  4. Other


  1. Entry of a new manufacturer into the market
  2. Focus on new wall materials (sibit)
  3. Declining standard of living of the population
  4. Increase in tariffs for electricity, fuel
  5. Other


  1. Recognized leader in the wall materials market
  2. Availability of local raw materials
  3. Environmental friendliness of the product
  4. Performance
  5. Practically unchanged market of manufacturers and suppliers
  6. Other
  • Promotion of the product among designers and architects;
  • Development of loans for the purchase of bricks and subsidies for construction using bricks
  • Production of clinker bricks at a local factory
  • Thematic propaganda in mass media with an emphasis on family values, longevity and health
  • And so on…
  • Local manufacturer support
  • Introduction of energy-saving technologies in production
  • And so on…


  1. Price
  2. Other
  • Production of “halves” for cladding buildings (Reduces the cost of cladding and the weight of masonry)
  • And so on…
  • Readiness of instruments for a price fight with a new manufacturer
  • “Heavier means more reliable” (comparison of properties with sibit)
  • And so on…


  1. Four-field matrix

Internal factors

External factors


  • High qualification
  • Solid experience
  • Connections
  • Health


  • Developing connections


  • Lack of funds
  • Other


  • Health problems, death
  • Financial and credit system
  1. Nine-field matrix


  1. Advanced training, self-development
  2. Developing connections
  3. State support for entrepreneurship
  4. Effective investments in your own business


  1. Health problems, death
  2. Negative changes in legislation
  3. Financial and credit system
  4. Monopoly of major industry players


  1. Business energy, entrepreneurship
  2. Erudition, exceptional competencies
  3. High qualification
  4. Solid experience
  5. Connections
  6. Health
  • Courses to improve qualifications and increase management competencies;
  • Starting your own business
  • Membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
  • Sports, oriental practices (yoga, breathing exercises, etc.)
  • Legislative awareness, timely consultations within the framework of changes in legislation
  • Minimum attraction of loans, activities using own working capital
  • And so on…


  1. Lack of funds
  2. Lack of experience, lack of managerial talent and skills;
  • Thoughtful lending;
  • Trainings, seminars - gaining experience and competencies
  • And so on…
  • Save for the opportunity to take care of your health
  • Save for an educational seminar (for example, “How to resist network monopolists”
  • And so on…

See and download an example of a SWOT analysis, as well as detailed instructions for conducting it.

SWOT analysis is a convenient tool for identifying the most important areas of strategic development of a company. Literally translated, this abbreviation stands for:

  • Strengths, the company's advantages relative to its competitors, what will allow it to achieve established strategic goals;
  • Weaknesses, shortcomings of the company, what it loses to its competitors in, what prevents it from achieving strategic goals;
  • opportunities (Opportunities), favorable external factors for the company’s work;
  • threats (Treats), negative external factors that pose a potential danger to the enterprise.

To conduct a SWOT analysis, you need the following.

1. Identify, classify and rank factors that represent the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats in the external environment. From each group, select the most significant ones (10 each, no more).

2. Consistently study combinations of these factors:

  • "Possibilities/Strengths." Reflects the potential of the company and allows you to answer the question of whether it has competitive advantages and external favorable factors on which the strategy could be based;
  • “Threats/Weaknesses.” Reveals a combination of potential external negative factors and the weakest internal factors of the company that need to be dealt with first;
  • “Opportunities/Weaknesses.” Allows you to identify internal factors of the company that should be strengthened so that in the future you can take advantage of favorable opportunities in the external environment.

For greater clarity, it is more convenient to present the intermediate and final results of the SWOT analysis in tabular form. It is also better to compare factors using tables.

Let's look at the swot analysis technique using the example of the APLEONA HSG company where I work.

Example of a SWOT analysis of an enterprise

Selecting the object of analysis

For swot analysis, you can select any object: manufactured product, business sector, business, competitor, and so on. The main thing is to clearly fix it and not to distract attention to adjacent objects. APLEONA HSG provides comprehensive commercial property management, technical control and audit services, as well as infrastructure management. The company is present in six large regions of Russia: Central, Northwestern, Southern, Far Eastern districts, Siberia and the Volga-Ural region, as well as in Kazakhstan. As an example, let’s conduct a swot analysis of the “comprehensive commercial real estate management” service in the Central region.

We appoint experts

Experts can be top managers of the company or middle managers, but they must have a good knowledge of information in their field. They must operate not only with personal opinion, but also with dry numbers.

Table 1. Experts to conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization

Expert No.

Job title

Deputy General Director for Real Estate Management

Financial Director

Commercial Director

HR Director

Technical Director

We identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats

At this step, you need to systematically and as realistically determine with each expert the strengths and weaknesses of the company, threats and opportunities in the external environment. All indicators must be recorded in groups. You can write down as many factors as you like, but here the rule of greatest efficiency comes into force, the meaning of which is to select from significant indicators, ignoring insignificant ones. That is, use the allocated time effectively.

The internal strengths (S) of the business include:

  1. Extensive accumulated work experience.
  2. Highly qualified personnel.
  3. Customized production and business processes.
  4. Good marketing policy.
  5. High quality of manufactured products.
  6. Corporate culture ( what a financial director needs to know about corporate standards ).
  7. Innovative component of business.
  8. Other.

Internal weaknesses (W) include:

  1. High level of business debt.
  2. Lack of development strategy.
  3. Inefficient use of production assets.
  4. Narrow product range.
  5. And so on.

The possibilities of the external environment (O) include:

  1. Government support for the business sector or region.
  2. Low competition in the business niche.
  3. Growing demand for products.
  4. Increased resource availability.
  5. And so on.

External environmental threats (T) include:

  1. Unfavorable economic situation in the region of presence.
  2. Constant competitive advantages over competitors.
  3. Unfavorable shift in exchange rates.
  4. Tightening tax laws.
  5. And so on.

In our example SWOT analysis of the company Deputy General Director for Property Management noted the following factors:

  • S – the presence of a central dispatch service increases the quality of service provision by 15%, and the quality of emergency response by 50%;
  • W – belonging to a large international corporation imposes additional non-production tasks on production in terms of reporting and compliance with policies. This reduces productivity by 12.2%;
  • O – the development of property management technologies makes it possible to produce a higher quality product with less labor costs;
  • T – the technical base of most commercial buildings and structures is becoming outdated, new equipment is rarely put into operation. In this regard, the risks of insured events increase.

The CFO noted the following indicators:

  • S – the organization does not use loans in its work, as a result of which net profit is 2–4% more per year;
  • W – the additional burden of complying with policies and regulations increases overhead costs by 10% per year;
  • O – purchase volumes and high competition in supplier markets allow us to obtain favorable conditions for the purchase of raw materials and services. For example, increase payment terms to 90 calendar days;
  • T – tightening tax policy carries an additional burden on reporting for each EP. The threat can be estimated at 2 million rubles. annually.

The commercial director noted the factors:

  • S – the company’s image as a conscientious and professional service provider helps to win tenders for large contracts for integrated property management;
  • W – at the same time, the price for the company’s services is higher than the market, which scares off some clients. The share of such clients is 35%;
  • O – APLEONA HSG has a good chance of receiving an international contract to service the offices and factories of transcontinental customers operating in the Central region of Russia;
  • T – due to the difficult state of the economy, the commercial real estate market in the Central region is stagnating. Contract prices fall, often below cost.

The HR Director noted the following indicators:

  • S – high qualifications and low turnover of blue collar workers increases labor productivity by 10%;
  • W – staff wages are on average higher than the market, which gives additional payroll costs of 50 million rubles. in year;
  • O – thanks to the “white” contract terms, the company has a wide selection of specialists in the labor markets;
  • T – a general decrease in the qualifications of specialists in labor markets affects the company.

The technical director noted the factors:

  • S - the presence of a CAFM system - an innovative tool for commercial real estate management - allows you to increase work efficiency by 20%;
  • W – the material engineering base does not allow for a full range of maintenance services;
  • O – customers have increased their need for the constant presence of highly qualified engineers on site;
  • T – competition in the market of engineering companies has increased, part of the market has been occupied by highly specialized companies with direct contracts with customers.

How to use SWOT analysis as a CFO

SWOT analysis can be useful for making almost any management decisions. Look at specific examples of how to correctly use this technique in your current work and when developing a strategy. In the article you will find examples of a SWOT analysis of a project using factoring services, building a SWOT matrix for a machine tool plant, as well as a SWOT analysis of a jewelry company.

We compile a table and matrix of SWOT analysis

After you have written down the indicators into four lists by category, assign significance to each indicator. Use expert opinions when doing this.

table 2. Example of a project SWOT analysis table


Points (from 1 to 5)

Sort the indicators within categories from largest to smallest and fill out the swot matrix

Based on the collected and ranked factors, the following SWOT analysis matrix was obtained (see Figure 2).

Drawing. Example of a SWOT analysis matrix

Analyzing the results

At the last stage, we identify connections between indicators, in other words, we conduct scenario analysis. To do this, all internal environmental factors are compared with external environmental factors. The intersection of indicators represents a set of scenarios for possible developments for the company.

The following swot analysis matrix is ​​compiled (example):

Scenarios are written:

  • “Weaknesses and Opportunities” - pay attention to how to correct the weaknesses of the business using the opportunities of the external environment;
  • “Weaknesses and Threats” – what needs to be done first so that external threats do not damage the business;
  • “Strength and Opportunities” – how to make the most of competitive advantages in a favorable external environment;
  • “Power and Threats” - how to maintain competitive advantages in the event of unfavorable developments.

The results of the analysis can be safely included in the organization’s behavior strategy and used in daily work.

In our example of swot analysis for APLEONA HSG, the following scenarios are considered and behavioral strategies are adopted:

I. Weakness: additional non-production tasks in production

Opportunity: wide choice of specialists in labor markets

The impact on business is average.

Strategy – improving the work of personnel services in order to find only highly qualified young personnel capable of working quickly and solving various problems

II. Weakness: the price of the company's services is higher than the market.

Threat: stagnation of the commercial real estate market.

The impact on business is severe, close to critical.

The strategy of behavior is to search for new markets, including entering the markets of the CIS countries.

III. Strength: High blue collar skills and low turnover.

Opportunity: the need for engineers to be present on site.

The degree of impact on business is average.

Strategy – when concluding an agreement with the customer, highlight the customer’s additional savings from the presence of qualified personnel on site.

IV. Strength: the company's image as a conscientious and professional performer

Threat: increased competition in the engineering companies market.

The impact on business is average.

The development strategy is to constantly train engineering staff, modernize the technical base in order to provide a full range of technical services to clients.

VIDEO: Example of a SWOT analysis of a company’s financial condition

How to analyze the financial condition of an enterprise based on SWOT analysis, watch the video.


The analysis of the combination of external factors (opportunities and threats) of the company with its advantages and disadvantages (strengths and weaknesses) allows us to answer the following questions:

  • how a company can use existing opportunities, relying on its own strengths, which opportunities will allow it to increase its competitiveness;
  • what shortcomings in the company’s work may prevent it from confronting threats during the implementation of the strategy, and will also limit its ability to take advantage of existing favorable external factors;
  • what shortcomings in the company's work can interfere.

Conclusions drawn from the company's swot analysis allow us to determine the main stages of the company's strategic planning in the long term.

We offer a simple and convenient case for compiling a SWOT analysis of an enterprise with a ready-made template in Excel format. The example of a SWOT analysis discussed in the article is suitable for any manufacturing enterprise, manufacturing company or non-profit organization.

If your company is a point of sale, then this article about SWOT analysis using the example of an enterprise will not be very suitable for you. We recommend moving on to an example developed specifically for the trade industry. An example of a swot analysis of a store is suitable for both a free-standing retail department, pharmacy, grocery store, and for a retail enterprise and a large retail chain.

Comments from the author

This sample SWOT analysis of a business includes a free template to fill out. You can download the template at the end of the article in Excel format. The example is absolutely practical and suitable even for a non-profit organization: it contains extremely practical advice on drafting. If you are not completely familiar with the SWOT analysis method, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the SWOT analysis method.

This example of a SWOT analysis is for illustrative purposes only. The purpose of the example: to show the correct sequence of actions, to systematize theoretical information about the method as much as possible and to help everyone create their own SWOT analysis “from scratch.”

So let's move on to the first step.

Features of SWOT analysis of an enterprise

When looking for strengths, weaknesses, threats or growth opportunities in the process of compiling a swot analysis, remember the following differences between a manufacturing company and a trading company:

  • No or limited direct access to the buyer, there are intermediaries
  • Makes decisions about product positioning and can make demands on dealers regarding product sales conditions
  • May affect the consumer qualities and characteristics of the product
  • May affect product packaging
  • Can adjust the price of the product
  • Has a budget to promote its product

Stage one: finding strengths and weaknesses

The first step is to consider all the options for strengths and weaknesses, and for each area, highlight at least 3 parameters by which you can evaluate the competitiveness of the business.

Table 1 Example of searching for strengths and weaknesses when compiling a swot analysis

The second step is to additionally generate ideas about the strengths and weaknesses of the product by answering 6 questions:

  • What competitive advantages does the product have?
  • What are the main reasons for purchasing a product?
  • What product characteristics help set a higher price?
  • Name the main disadvantages of the product
  • List the main reasons for product refusal
  • What prevents you from setting a higher price for a product?

Table 2 Example of additional generation of ideas for SWOT analysis of an enterprise

As a result of the first two steps, you will have a list of possible strengths and weaknesses of the company.

The third step analyze each selected factor:

  • highlight those factors that are key factors for success in the market
  • rank all factors according to the degree of influence on the company’s sales and profits from 1 to ...
  • For each factor, compare your product with the products of key competitors: the parameters by which your product is better than competitors are the strengths of the product, and vice versa

Stage two: checking the importance of strengths and weaknesses

Not all of the listed strengths and weaknesses should be used in a swot analysis. Minor factors must be excluded. To do this, assess the importance of the selected parameters, assessing the impact of each parameter on customer satisfaction and company profits.

Table 3 Example of assessing the importance of strengths

Table 4 Example of assessing the importance of weaknesses

As a result of the check, all insignificant parameters will be eliminated and the final rating of strengths and weaknesses will be ready.

Table 5 Final list of product strengths and weaknesses

Stage Three: Finding Growth Opportunities

List possible sources of sales growth based on information. Come up with additional sources of growth by answering 2 questions:

  • How else can a company increase sales?
  • What ways are there to reduce costs?

Stage Four: Testing the Reality of Every Growth Opportunity

We eliminate unnecessary features that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction:

Table 7 Checking growth opportunities

Stage five: searching for business threats

List possible threat options using the information. Consider additional business threats by answering 2 questions:

  • What other factors could affect the company's sales decline?
  • What other factors can affect cost increases or profit decreases?

Table 9 Preliminary list of threats to the company’s competitiveness

Stage six: checking the significance of business threats

We eliminate unnecessary threats to business that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction for 5 years:

Table 10 Checking the list of business threats

Stage seven: example of compiling a SWOT analysis table

We transfer all factors to the SWOT analysis table, maintaining the importance rating.

Table 12 SWOT analysis table

Stage eight: writing conclusions based on the SWOT analysis

We draw conclusions based on the carried out swot analysis using recommendations.

Table 13 Conclusions from SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is ready. If this example of a SWOT analysis of a company was useful to you, please leave feedback.

Detailed video course

Have questions about compilation? Watch our best video course on the SWOT analysis methodology. The video course contains detailed information on how to prepare a SWOT analysis “from scratch,” write high-quality conclusions, and make a presentation of the work done to management.

Part one: SWOT analysis, determining the strengths and weaknesses of a product

Life forces us to make decisions every day. And every decision we make, one way or another, affects our future. Our fate for years and even decades depends on some decisions. To make any important decision, you need a thorough analysis of what is happening, this is necessary both in business and in everyday life. Qualitative analysis is a very difficult matter. And despite the fact that absolutely every person needs to be able to do it, this management function is not taught in school. Today we will talk about one of the most common methods of analysis - the SWOT method.

What is SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a method of primary assessment of the current situation based on considering it from four sides:

  • Strengths - strengths;
  • Weaknesses - weaknesses;
  • Opportunities - opportunities;
  • Threats – threats;

Strengths and weaknesses are your internal environment, what you already have at the current moment in time. Opportunities and threats are environmental factors, they may or may not happen, it also depends on your actions and decisions.

The acronym SWOT was first used at Harvard in 1963 at a conference on business policy by Professor Kenneth Andrews. In 1965, SWOT analysis was proposed to develop a company's behavioral strategy.

SWOT analysis helps to create a structured description of a specific situation, based on this description, conclusions can be drawn. This allows you to make correct and informed decisions. SWOT analysis plays a significant role in business and should be mastered by everyone involved in personnel management and marketing.

Rules for conducting SWOT analysis

Before you begin drawing up a SWOT analysis, you need to understand a number of rules.

  1. Need to choose the most specific area of ​​research. If you choose an area that is too broad, the conclusions will be unspecific and less applicable.
  2. Clear separation of elementsSWOT. There is no need to confuse strengths and opportunities. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal characteristics of an organization that are within its control. Opportunities and threats are related to the external environment and are not directly subject to the influence of the organization; the organization can only change its approach and adapt to them.
  3. Avoid subjectivity. It would be naive to rely on your opinion if the market does not agree with it. You may think your product is unique, but it's worth asking consumers about this first. Without them, your personal opinion has no meaning.
  4. Try use the opinions of as many people as possible. The larger the sample, the more accurate the research. Remember about?
  5. The most specific and precise formulations. I often ask my subordinates: “What should you do to earn more?” They almost always tell me that I need to work harder. This is not a specific formulation; it is not clear what specific actions a person should perform at what time.

Using these simple rules, you can proceed to compiling a SWOT matrix.

SWOT matrix

SWOT analysis is usually used by drawing a table, it is often called a SWOT matrix. This method of use does not depend on the global nature of the problem being solved. It doesn’t matter whether you are deciding who to spend the weekend with or what business to invest your millions in, the essence and appearance of a SWOT analysis will remain the same. The SWOT matrix looks something like this:

The first line and first column are indicated simply for ease of understanding; they are not necessary to draw if you understand the SWOT analysis method well.

How to use SWOT analysis

So, you are faced with a certain task and you need to understand how to solve it. First of all, you need to draw a SWOT matrix. You can do this by dividing a sheet of paper into four parts. In each part you need to write as much available information as possible. It is advisable to write the more significant factors first, then move on to the less significant ones.

We analyze strengths and weaknesses

It is not surprising, but it is with the description of strengths that the most problems arise for people who take up SWOT analysis for the first time. In general, you can ask your employees, friends and acquaintances for help in assessing, but it is better to learn how to analyze yourself. Strengths and weaknesses are assessed using the same parameters.

In business, strengths are assessed primarily based on the following parameters:

  • Management and human resources in general. First of all, the competence and experience of the staff;
  • Having a clear system. Business processes and employee understanding of what to do;
  • Finance and access to money;
  • Clearly. This is a very important success factor; the lack of a sales department is a serious obstacle and a sink for other resources;
  • Reasonable marketing policy;
  • Availability of production costs.

When conducting a SWOT analysis of your personality, you can rely on the following criteria:

  • Education and knowledge;
  • Experience and your skills;
  • Social connections, useful contacts and other opportunities to use administrative resources;
  • Recognition and authority;
  • Availability of material resources;

When analyzing your strengths, you should focus on what you like to do and what you are good at. As a rule, what we don’t like turns out worse for us.

Analysis of opportunities and threats

Opportunities and threats are created by changes in the environment and those changes that you can make personally. It is worth noting that to analyze the external situation on the market, and even more so to predict the future market, you need to have serious qualifications. It is very difficult to predict what will happen and it is worth relying primarily on current facts and trends. At the same time, when making long-term planning, it is necessary to take into account the most pessimistic scenario for the development of the situation.

Opportunities and threats in business are primarily assessed according to the following parameters:

  1. Market trends. Increase or decrease in demand.
  2. Economic situation in the country. In years of economic growth, business, other things being equal, will grow in proportion to the growth of the economy, and vice versa.
  3. Competition, the absence of competitors today does not guarantee their absence tomorrow. The arrival of a major player in the market can turn the industry upside down.
  4. Infrastructure changes. Major changes to infrastructure can result in both gains and losses.
  5. Legislation and political trends. Probably, in 2003, no one imagined that within 5 years all casinos would close.
  6. Technological revolutions. Progress inevitably destroys entire industries while creating new ones.

Any field of business has its own experts and professionals; to compile a high-quality SWOT matrix, you can turn to them for advice and expert opinion.

SWOT analysis methodology

So, we have a completed SWOT matrix that contains: strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. Based on this matrix, you need to work according to it. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to rank all factors according to the degree of influence;
  2. All far-fetched and unimportant factors must be excluded;
  3. We analyze how your strengths can help you avoid threats and achieve opportunities;
  4. Let's see what impact your weaknesses can have on opportunities and threats;
  5. How strengths can help improve weaknesses;
  6. How can we reduce threats;

Based on the work done, you draw up the main vectors of development. SWOT analysis is primarily a tool for descriptive assessment of the situation. It does not analyze large amounts of analytics and does not compare indicators over past years. SWOT does not measure quantitatively the parameters. And that is why the SWOT method will always be a rather subjective analysis tool.

Application of SWOT analysis

The simplicity of SWOT analysis makes this tool very versatile; as we wrote above, it can be used both in life and in business. SWOT analysis is used both separately and in combination with other analysis and planning tools. SWOT analysis is most widely used in management, primarily for strategic planning of an organization's activities.

SWOT self-analysis

Separately, I would like to talk about the use of the SWOT analysis method to determine priorities in personal development. You can use this tool to determine goals both at work, for example, what area of ​​activity you should pursue, and in personal relationships.

I strongly recommend that middle and senior managers ask their subordinates to do a personal SWOT analysis at least once a year. It is also an excellent tool for determining management abilities when hiring a new employee. I first read this idea in Igor Mann’s book Number 1. Mann recommends giving SWOT to everyone who came for an interview.

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