TOP 5 largest cat breeds

An ordinary cat, as a rule, weighs a little - in the range of 3-4 kg, and its size is also relatively small. A separate situation exists with furry cats, who love to eat and, because of their tummy, look somewhat larger than usual. But even such plush donuts are not able to amaze with their size as much as the largest breed of cats.

A cat belonging to the largest breed weighs more than several dozen of the smallest dog breeds

TOP 5 largest breeds

Pixie bob

Historically, this breed developed a long time ago, but among the recognized ones it is one of the youngest. Pixie-bob cats are slightly smaller versions of the lynx, with a dark look, a powerful body and a short tail.

On a note! Representatives of the pixie-bob breed are the only ones in the whole world whose polydactyl (multi-toed) paws are allowed by the standard!

The weight of an adult male can be from 7 to 10 kg, females - about 4-5 kg. But despite their rather impressive weight, these cats are incredibly comfortable and even simple to keep. If we talk about character, then they have such traits as:

  • restraint and unobtrusiveness, and this is reflected not only in communication with strangers, but also in interaction with the owner - these cats are usually silent, in extreme cases, they can attract attention with a sonorous but short meow;
  • tactfulness and calmness, however, these traits should not be confused with phlegmatism, which is inherent in some other cats of large breeds - the pixie-bob is always ready for any active game, you just need to call him;
  • loyal and obedient - pixie-bobs are very similar in character and habits to dogs, for example, they bring an abandoned toy in their teeth, but at the same time they are affectionate like a cat.

Despite his wild appearance, the pixie-bob does not like to climb on top.


Representatives of this breed of large cats are also known as “rag dolls”. Once in the hands of its owner, this cat instantly relaxes all the muscles of its body and completely surrenders to the power of the person. Plus, ragdolls are rare phlegmatic people - they are able to absolutely calmly accept any actions towards themselves. These cats will endure all the “hardships” of communicating with small children and will never show aggression.

The average weight of a Ragdoll cat is 6.5 kg, and that of a male cat is from 7 to 9 kg. And with such a body weight, they are very flexible, kind, and in a certain sense even require control and protection.

Important! Since the Ragdoll's muscles are constantly relaxed, a fall can result in serious injury for him. In addition, such a cat simply does not know how to group and roll over on its paws in flight!

  • No matter what happens, no matter how loud the sound is heard nearby, the ragdoll, as they say, won’t even blink.
  • Nature has not deprived this cat of strength, but despite this, he will not use it under any circumstances. If they start attacking him, the ragdoll will not defend himself - he will try to quietly hide.
  • He is trusting, like a small child, and therefore it is advisable to constantly monitor him on the street. This huge, good-natured fellow can be offended not only by a dog, but also by any yard cat, even of the smallest size.

You won't find a kinder pet


Representatives of this breed have wild roots - the ancestors of Chausie cats, who lived in the wild, loved to hunt rodents and other small animals. And if potential prey “led” them to a human dwelling, then this cat could well attack poultry.

On a note! Big cats of the Chausie breed are a huge rarity for Russia - there are no more than a few dozen such pets here. The majority of them live in America and the demand for these cats is constantly growing!

The body weight of a Chausie can reach 14 kg, but the weight of the pet will largely depend on the subspecies. Representatives of this breed have incredibly beautiful eyes - their color can be orange, bright yellow or emerald green.

Big cats of the Chausie breed have several behavioral features:

  • They are absolutely not afraid of water and swim well - their ancestors were excellent fishermen. In addition, wild chausie often roost in reed thickets, where they catch waterfowl.
  • They are distinguished by increased curiosity and, as we call it, a thirst for knowledge - these cats should be given more attention, taught new tricks and tricks, and after each correctly completed task they must be rewarded with a tasty prize.
  • Chausies are incredibly playful, so before purchasing such a kitten, it is advisable to find out whether you can provide enough space for him to play in your home (given the considerable size of the pet).

The best option for keeping a chausie would be a private house, or, as a last resort, a spacious apartment

Maine Coon

A large, muscular body is the calling card of the Maine Coon. The image is complemented by a wide and massive chest, a powerful neck and a rather large head. Such a harsh appearance is somewhat softened by the expressive look of slightly slanted eyes.

Among Maine Coons there are two celebrities who are distinguished by their particularly large body sizes.

If we talk not about record holders, but about ordinary Maine Coons, then on average their weight is about 10-12 kg, and the length to the tip of the tail is 85 cm ± 5 cm.


This is a breed of not just big cats, but the largest representatives of the cat world. The weight of these animals can reach 15 kg, height at the withers is 0.4 m, and length to the tip of the tail is 1.35 m.

Savannah is an unusually graceful cat with slender long legs and an elongated neck. Her body is covered with thick fur with a spotted pattern, and even being in a state of absolutely calm, this cat demonstrates incredible power with its entire appearance. At the same time, it differs from other breeds in its higher intellectual abilities.

On a note! Savannahs reach their maximum size around the third year of their life!

And of course, one of them is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Meet Trouble, the largest cat in the world, belonging to the Savannah breed. With a height at the withers of 48 cm, she is the tallest among domestic pets. But at the same time, the weight of the animal is quite modest - only 9 kg.

Trouble is a record-breaking cat who, according to her owner, prefers to lead an active lifestyle and watches her “figure” (never overeats)

Debbie Maraspina, owner of the world's largest cat, is very proud of her pet's achievements. The owner says that Trouble has already surpassed all possible competitors for this title at the age of three. And the previous record was 44 cm at the withers - it was also Savannah named Scarlett Magic.

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