Workout in the gym for 3 workouts. Weekly gym workout plan for men. How does fat loss occur?

A training program is what a man needs to make his body perfect.

After all, the combination of exercises, frequency of exercises and even the number of repetitions are of enormous importance.

Let's look at several options for classes for men with different goals - for weight loss, for gaining muscle mass and with varying degrees of training.

Gym training program

To properly create a training plan in the gym, First you need to decide on your goal which is being persecuted. It could be:

  • fight against excess weight;
  • muscle building;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • improvement of relief;
  • maintaining the achieved form.

Choose only one direction. You shouldn’t spread yourself thin: if you set two goals, then neither of them will be fully achieved.


Warm-up without workout is healthier than workout without warm-up

Warm-up exercises warm up the joints, their lubrication improves, and as a result, less stress is placed on the cartilage. The tendons become more elastic and the risk of rupture is reduced. More force develops in the muscles.

Warming up without further training is more beneficial than training without warming up.

10 minutes are allotted for warming up. It is formed from the following components:

  1. Running, jumping, working on cardio equipment - 4–5 minutes. The pulse should increase to 130-160 beats/min. This warms up the body as a whole.
  2. Rotational movements, and the whole body is loaded, especially the spine, knees, shoulders. This allows you to prepare the joints.

Basic Workout Plan

The advantage of the “base” is that it gets involved in the work greatest number muscles and joints.

Main basic exercises:

  • squats using a barbell;
  • bench press;
  • deadlift.

Before drawing up a personal program, the athlete selects exercises, sorting them by muscle groups. Their number varies depending on the frequency of training. If you go to the gym twice a week, a dozen exercises are enough, five per session. This is enough to keep fit.

Then the exercises are distributed between workouts according to the following principle:

  • muscle building workout(strengths): up to 3 groups are worked out (depending on the frequency of training), exercises are arranged in blocks - 2–3 per muscle group, another option is to train antagonist muscles in turn;
  • excess weight: a small load on all muscles, load top and bottom in turn, the block principle is not used;
  • relief study: both the first and second principles are possible, which depends on the characteristics of the body, the nature of the diet; exercises are performed in the same order as when gaining weight;
  • form support: depends on how the form was acquired.

Duration basic training- 40 minutes, no longer. During this time, the athlete spends all testosterone.

Number of repetitions and approaches

This parameter especially affects the intensity of training. Approaches and repetitions, including in the warm-up, are distributed as follows (approaches/repetitions):

  • for muscle growth: basic - 4-6/6-12, auxiliary - 3-4/10-15;
  • increase in strength: basic - 4-7/2-6, auxiliary - 3/8-12;
  • excess weight: 3-4/12-20;
  • relief: 3-4/12-15.

For muscles to grow, they need stress.. Such stress is a change in repetitions of exercises (adding or reducing), increasing weight, changing the method of performing an exercise. Then the body does not have time to adapt to the stress. Another factor is replacing the exercises in the program with similar ones, then the same muscle groups begin to work differently. You should add unfamiliar movements to your workouts.


This block is also performed before the start of training. Stretch:

  • quadriceps;
  • femoral biceps;
  • outer, inner surface of the thigh;
  • buttocks;
  • small of the back;
  • caviar.

Stretching is performed for 5 minutes, more rigid groups work twice as long.


For weight loss

The training is carried out in supersets. Exercises in pairs are performed one after another, then take a break for 2-3 minutes, and repeat the pair. When the initial level is mastered, the number of repetitions and sets is increased.

Workout number Pair Exercise sets/repetitions
1st 1 Crunches on an incline gymnastic bench 3/12
2 Squats using a barbell (on the shoulders) 3/10
Head pull, overhead block 3/10
3 Standing chest press, standing position 3/10
Lying leg curls on a lying machine 3/12
4 from the gymnastics shop, behind 3/10
Pulling with a barbell, standing position 3/12
2nd 1 Leg raises 3/10
using dumbbells 3/10
2 Lunges using dumbbells 3/10
Block pull (horizontal) 3/10
3 Barbell press, performed from behind the head while standing 3/10
Leg extension performed on a machine 3/12
4 Horizontal push-ups, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Curling arms with weight (barbell), performed while standing 3/10
3rd 1 Crunches, performed while lying down 3/10
Hyperextension 3/10
2 Leg press 3/10
3 Rows from the upper block, performed with a narrow grip 3/10
Bend over, place a barbell on your shoulders 3/10
4 Stepping behind a bench using dumbbells 3/10
Dumbbell raise, lying position 3/10

The program is accompanied by a diet.

To build muscle mass

Day, muscle group Exercise sets/repetitions
1st, legs and chest Barbell squats, 60% of working weight 3/10
Bench press 4/10
Push-ups performed on parallel bars 3/12
Incline Press 4/12
2nd Rest
3rd, lats, biceps Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/until tired
Barbell row to the waist 4/12
Deadlift using a T bar 3/12
Hammers 4/12
4th Rest
5th, leg and shoulder muscles Barbell squats, 80% working weight 4/12
Romanian deadlift 4/12
Seated press 4/12
Pull up to chin level 4/12
swing to the sides 4/12
6th Rest
7th, lats and chest Bench press 4/8
Press performed on an inclined plane 4/12
Pull-ups performed with a wide grip 4/until tired
Dumbbell row 4/12
Lower block thrust 4/12
8th, 9th Rest
10th, long dorsi muscles, triceps Deadlift 5/8
Shrugs 4/20
Press (close grip) 4/12
Standing French press 4/12
11th, 12th Rest
13th, legs Barbell squats, 100% working weight 4/10
Leg press 4/12
Romanian deadlift 3/12
Lunges 3/12
Calf raises 3/20
14th, 15th Rest

For beginner athletes

Training for beginners accustoms the body to stress, allows you to build muscles and increase strength.

Day Exercise sets/reps
1st Roman chair crunches 3/10
Bends using a goat 3/10
Sumo squats, a barbell is placed on the shoulders 4/12
Seated bench press 4/12
Chest rows from the upper block, performed with a wide grip 3/10
Half-over with weight (barbell), performed with a wide grip while lying down 3/10
Wrist flexion/extension 3/10
2nd Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3/10
Push-ups on a bench from behind 4/10
Pull-ups performed with a narrow grip 3/10
One-arm French press 3/10
Curls with EZ bar 3/12
Chest press, performed while sitting 3/12
Shin performed in a standing machine 3/12
3rd Back extension performed on a machine 3/10
Crunches using the Roman chair machine 3/10
Deadlift, performed with dumbbells 4/6
Lunges with raised barbell 3/12
Barbell press, performed standing or sitting from behind the head 4/8
Swing forward using one dumbbell 3/10
Lateral arm swings, from the lower block 3/10

For advanced athletes

after 2 years of constant exercise, muscle growth slows down

The difficulty in creating a program for such an athlete is that after the first or second year, muscle growth stops. Then they organize training according to a different principle. The program is built on the following principles:

  1. High intensity.
  2. The working weight is chosen so that you can complete the program with it.
  3. The order of the described exercises changes in each new workout.
  4. The muscles are worked with two basic and as many auxiliary exercises.
  5. Between sets the athlete rests for about 3 minutes.
Day Exercise sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, biceps Barbell press, performed lying down 3/6
Same thing, dumbbells 3/8
Press performed in the Hammer machine 3/12
Raises with dumbbells, performed lying down 3/15
Barbell curls, performed in a standing position 3/6
EZ-bar biceps curls 3/8
"Hammer" 3/12
Arm curl using a block 3/12
2nd, leg and deltoid muscles Leg press 3/6
Lunges, performed with dumbbells in hands 3/8
Extension lower limbs 3/10
Leg Curl 3/10
Army press 3/6
Press using dumbbells, performed while sitting 3/8
Inclined dumbbell flyes 3/10
Reverse dilutions, use “peck-dec” 3/12
3rd, back muscles, triceps Deadlift 3/6
Weighted pull-ups 3/8
Wide row, performed on the upper block 3/10
Head Pull 3/12
Push-ups performed on weighted parallel bars 3/6
Press, prone position, close grip 3/8
Arm extension with a dumbbell, performed from behind the head 3/10
Same thing on the block 3/10

For legs and buttocks

To prevent the body from looking disproportionate, there are special programs to pump up the leg and gluteal muscles. The training includes the following exercises:

Training is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Full program for 3 days

With regular training, this program will help bring the male body back to normal.

Day, muscle group Exercises Sets/reps
1st, chest muscles, abs, biceps Barbell press, lying position 3/10
Dumbbell press, performed lying on a horizontal or inclined surface 3/10
Horizontal push-ups 3/10
Barbell curl, standing position 3/10
Dumbbell curls, performed lying or standing 3/10
Pelvic lift, lying position 3/10
2nd, shoulder girdle, leg muscles Squats using a barbell placed on the shoulders 3/10
Leg press performed in a machine 3/10
Leg extensions, performed while sitting 3/10
Leg curl, performed lying down 3/10
Calf raise 3/10
Barbell press, performed sitting or standing 3/10
Dumbbell press, take a standing or sitting position 3/10
3rd, back muscles, abs, triceps Sumo 3/10
Pull-up on the horizontal bar 3/10
Block pull up to waist height 3/10
Hyperextension (reverse) 3/10
French press, performed in a prone position 3/10
Extension of arms on a block 3/10
Lifting the body, lying down 3/10

Traditionally, they warm up first and stretch at the end.

Split training

These workouts involve working out individual muscle groups in different days. They are associated with a high level of stress. Here's a four-day split for an experienced athlete.

Day What muscles Exercises sets/repetitions
Monday Breasts Decline Barbell Press 4/6
Same thing, dumbbells 4/6
Horizontal push-ups 4/6
Tuesday Back muscles Deadlift sets of 10-8-6-3 reps
Linkage 4/6
Head Pull 4/6
Horizontal thrust 4/6
Thursday Shoulders, arms Press, performed sitting, from behind the head with a barbell or dumbbells 4/6
Retraction of arms with dumbbells to the side 4/6
Barbell curl 4/6
Press (narrow grip) 4/6
Friday Legs Squats performed with a barbell 4/6
Leg press 4/6
Leg extension, performed while sitting 4/6
Calves, standing 4/15
Same thing when sitting 4/15

How long to study?

The lesson plan is adjusted every few months

Designing a workout is not an easy process. It requires adjustment, which is carried out after 1–2 months in order to know the strengths and weak sides athlete Some exercises may not only not produce results, but also have the opposite effect.

Depending on the level of training, the body gets used to the program in different ways:

  • for beginners - 10–18 weeks;
  • for those who have been practicing for more than a year - in 8–10 weeks;
  • for experienced athletes - in 4–6 weeks.

If there is a need to change the training program, then they change not only the strength, but also.

With a constant frequency of loads and following the recommendations of trainers, the first results appear within 1.5–2 months. But it is important to consider that different muscles develop differently. For example, it is more difficult to pump up abs than arm muscles.

Also, the effectiveness depends on the method of nutrition. Food must contain sufficient protein, which is building material for muscles.

A relief training program 3 times a week for men will help you gain a beautiful body without losing muscle mass. By exercising 3 times a week, you can remove fat and make your body beautiful. Exercises for men are designed for 1-3 months.

Someday there comes a time when any man working out in the gym decides that he needs to work on muscle definition. If you work only for mass, you can soon turn into big man, in which the muscles are not visible behind the fat layer. A beautiful body demands to get rid of it as soon as possible, because this way no achievements are visible. To correctly and effectively acquire a sculpted body according to the rules, you will have to turn to theory. Thanks to her, it will become clear from which side to approach practical exercises.

  • removal of fat layer
  • drawing muscle relief

Thanks to the right approach, it will be possible to preserve and muscle mass. If you follow the advice, within a couple of months your body will take on a completely different look.

Theoretical part

It is imperative to be well versed in the theory on this topic, otherwise it will be impossible to understand the essence of the training. Developing relief requires a slightly different approach, in contrast to exercises for strength and mass. The exercises will be approximately the same, but the approach to them will change. The goal in such a procedure is to lose fat and thereby create muscle definition, using exercises designed specifically for this. You also need to stick to a diet to make your workouts more effective.

No matter how sad it may be, losing body fat is impossible without losing some muscle mass. The body is designed in such a way that the process occurs at both levels. You can only make sure that the muscle mass is lost to a minimum, but otherwise you just have to take the characteristics of the body for granted.

To reduce the level of muscle mass loss, you will have to consume a large amount of protein plus add BCAAs to your diet. In addition to nutrition, you will have to devote time to heavy exercise - this way the muscles will always be toned and even slightly increase in volume.

How does fat loss occur?

Basically, diet will be involved in losing body fat, and exercise is also needed in addition to it. They must comply with a training program for men to create a sculpted body.

The essence of the diet is to increase the amount of protein in the diet. Thanks to this, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake, minimize muscle loss, but at the same time begin to lose a layer of fat. Why there should be a lot of protein in the diet is clear - muscle preservation, but how reducing carbohydrates works needs to be explained.

Carbohydrates provide energy for the body. To engage in any physical activity, you need energy, that is, carbohydrates are actively spent on it. If the carbohydrate reserves in the body are too small, and energy is still needed, hated fats come to the rescue. Therefore, the unnecessary layer of fat slowly dissolves. For this reason, for terrain training to be effective, it is necessary to reduce your carbohydrate intake.

What will you have to do to get relief?

Exercises for relief are not very different from exercises for mass and strength, there are only minor adjustments. The first of them concerns basic exercises - there are fewer of them, but the number of isolating ones increases. You will now have to use less kilograms for weights, but you will have to repeat the exercises more times. In this case, it is necessary to include aerobics in the training process. After each workout, you need to run for 20 minutes. This can be done on a treadmill, but it is better outside if conditions and weather permit.

Perhaps the question may arise why heavy basic exercises are needed in a relief program, because this is not a process of gaining mass. The explanation is simple - basic exercises are needed so that muscle mass and strength do not decrease significantly and are constantly in good shape. At the same time, basic heavy exercises consume a lot of the body’s energy, so fat will also be consumed along with carbohydrates. That is, the fat layer will slowly but surely leave the body.

Duration of training

Relief training time should not exceed 50 minutes. This can be explained by the fact that during this time, catrizol, a catabolic hormone, will be released into the body. This is what you need to lose fat and muscle mass. Mass loss occurs due to the fact that due to long-term and effective intensity training, carbohydrates, fats, and along with them proteins, which are the basis of human muscles, become energy sources. For this reason, in the case of contour training, spending a lot of time on it does not mean it will have a better effect on your body shape.

In order not to be left without muscle mass, but at the same time lose weight, it is recommended to consume BCAAs before or during training. In general, it is better to learn to understand sports nutrition- this will make life much easier and you will be able to create your own diet.

Frequency of classes

To be effective, you need to practice often. A minimum of training is needed 3 times a week. This intensity is explained by the fact that when working on relief, the body does not need much time to rest and recover. You need to rest mostly in terms of psychology, not physiology, since there will not be enough carbohydrates, and this is a lot of stress for an unprepared body. The best way The training will be like this: 2 days in a row of training, 1 day off, 2 days of training, and so on. The training program can take up to 3 months, depending on the initial data. The larger the fat layer, the more you will have to work to give your body definition. If this is necessary for the aesthetic appearance of the body, you need to repeat the classes in a couple of months.

Having familiarized yourself with the theory, you can move on to practical exercises. In exercises where special devices are used, you need to select a weight that will be easy to handle a given number of times without violating the rules of execution. You can rest for a minute between sets, and up to two minutes between exercises.

Training program

The first workout of the week is to work your biceps and chest. To do this you need to perform the following exercises:

  • bench press (3 sets of 12 reps)
  • Dumbbell bench press (3 sets of 20 reps)
  • exercise on the simulator: bringing your arms together (3 sets of 20 times)
  • working out the biceps - lifting the barbell (3 sets of 12 times)
  • seated dumbbell curls (3 sets of 20 reps)
  • easy jogging for 20 minutes

Second day of training. Works the triceps and back.

  • pull-ups (3 sets of 12 reps)
  • pulling the upper block to the chest (3 sets of 20 times)
  • pulling the lower block to the belt (3 sets of 20 times)
  • bench press, hands close to each other (3 sets of 12 times)
  • arm extension with a barbell in a standing position (3 sets of 20 times)
  • easy jogging for 20 minutes

On the third day you need to rest.

Fourth day. Working out the legs and shoulders.

  • squats with a barbell (3 sets of 12 times)
  • leg curls in a lying position (3 sets of 20 times)
  • leg extensions in a sitting position (3 rounds of 20 times)
  • seated barbell press (3 sets of 12 reps)
  • lifting dumbbells overhead different sides(3 sets of 20 times)
  • easy jogging for 20 minutes

The fifth day of training is aimed at working out the abdominal relief + aerobics exercises.

  • crunches in a lying position (3 sets of 25 times)
  • hanging leg raises (3 sets of 20 reps)
  • easy jogging for 20 minutes

The next 2 days are relaxation. You can also do a light jog for 20-40 minutes.

Improve the condition of your body, create a beautiful muscle relief, get rid of excess weight and sagging skin will be helped by exercises in gym. Beginners should start with light exercises, performing a set of exercises in the gym for men 3 times a week.

In order to build your body, the gym has all the conditions - any exercise equipment, sports equipment, instructors. Beginners should pay attention to the introductory course of exercises, designed for 2-3 months. The introductory course will help you avoid the main mistakes of beginners - sprains and injuries. Will it help a man?

Rules for completing the introductory course

  1. You must familiarize yourself very carefully with the rules for performing this or that exercise, and try to perform them exactly according to the instructions.
  2. A set of exercises for working out in the gym will help you quickly lose weight if you exercise 3 times a week.
  3. You should not refuse the introductory course, since its goal is to accustom the muscles to loads. Completing the introductory course will help you avoid muscle strains and tears.
  4. Many instructors advise their students to take several photos of their body before starting training.
  5. After completing the introductory course, it will be interesting to compare before and after photos.

Important! To begin with, you should select the weight of sports equipment or set the load on the exercise equipment so that performing the exercise does not cause severe fatigue. There should be no pain or burning sensation. Is it possible to eat this product after training?

Where does the introductory course begin? The course is divided into three lessons per week. Classes should take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

  1. Classes begin with warming up the muscles. To warm up your muscles, you can run on a treadmill or jump rope. Warm-up time: 8 minutes.
  2. Then they start pumping the press. Bottom part The press should be pumped in 2 sets of 15 times. The upper abdominal muscles are pumped in 3 sets of 10 times
  3. Then pull-ups are performed. You need to do 2 sets of 8 pull-ups.
  4. The next exercise is the bench press. Can be performed both on a machine and with a barbell. The exercise is performed in 2 sets of 8 times.
  5. After the bench press, do the leg press. Do the exercise in 2 sets of 10 times.
  6. At the end of the session, stretch the warmed muscles.

Important! The number of approaches must begin with 2. Then gradually increase the number of approaches to 4 for each exercise.

Exercise programs for weight loss in the gym

Very often, people who have never exercised before come to the gym to lose weight. You should take seriously not only the beginning of training, but also subsequent training. Very often, problem areas in which you need to lose weight are your arms and buttocks. Therefore, it is very important to perform a set of exercises for your arms in the gym and for your buttocks every session.

But exercise alone for weight loss will not be enough - you should also focus on proper nutrition. Weight loss will occur if you reduce the proportion of carbohydrates in your diet and eat more protein to build a beautiful body. If you build the right diet, then weight loss in problem areas will take place precisely due to physical activity, and not by cutting calories and nutritional content of the menu.

Important to consider! Don’t forget about minerals and vitamins during training. Be sure to take it in addition to your daily diet vitamin complexes. About what it is.

Sample exercise plan


Classes begin with leg presses. Can be performed on a platform with your feet wide apart. The socks need to be turned out. Next, bench press the barbell while lying on a bench. After the barbell bench press, you need to start doing push-ups from the floor with your palms wide apart. The lesson ends with abdominal pumping on an inclined board.


The lesson begins with a forward bend with a barbell or a bend with dumbbells. This exercise includes any set of back exercises in the gym. Next, you should move on to hyperextension in the simulator, but without weight.

The next exercise is pull-ups on the bar. Then you should start doing shoulder presses in the machine. The lesson ends with abdominal swings on the wall bars.


Begin the lesson by doing squats with weights. Next, they move on to bending the legs on the simulator. Then they begin to straighten their legs on the simulator. This is a set of exercises for the buttocks in the gym.

The goal of training in the gym is not to increase the weight of the equipment or increase the number of repeated exercises. It is quite enough for a man of average build to add 1 kg to the weight of the shells every two to three weeks. So, a set of exercises in the gym for men 3 times a week is easy enough to put together on your own to ultimately get excellent results.

Greetings, dear readers and part-time supporters healthy image life! Today I’ll tell you about exercises for men at home, don’t worry girls, you can use them too. I will give several complexes for all occasions, and I will also not ignore such a rapidly developing trend as CrossFit and tell you how you can do it at home!

Not everyone now who wants to get or keep in shape has the opportunity to visit the gym due to various circumstances, be it workload or a long and long business trip somewhere where there is no gym. It is for such cases that there are sets of exercises that can be done at home, in a hotel room and even on the street. Next we will figure out what they are.

A very convenient option is training with your own body weight, since it does not require any equipment costs and can be carried out anywhere, and all you need is comfortable clothing.

When training at home, do not forget to follow these rules:

  • Use rooms where there is enough space for studying
  • You should train in a well-ventilated area
  • The optimal temperature for training at home is 23⁰С
  • Before you start training, do not forget to warm up thoroughly
  • After class, do
  • Directly during training, drink enough water so as not to feel thirsty (0.5-1 l.)

Now let's go straight to the training program and start with the simplest one.

  1. Squats: 3-4 sets of 15-20 reps. To complicate the exercise, you can slow down the pace of execution: 10 seconds for the negative phase of the movement and 10 seconds for the positive one. If this load is not enough, then squat on one leg, holding onto a stable support with the other
  2. Exercise “wall”: 2-3 sets of 30-40 seconds. In this exercise you need to stand on your hands next to a wall.
  3. : 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Boat exercise: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Pull-ups: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps. If you can’t do pull-ups, then do a plank with your arms straight forward for 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds.
  6. Push-ups: 3 sets of 30-40 reps
  7. Vertical push-ups: 2 sets of 8-10 reps

As you can see, this complex is designed for all muscle groups. This type of training has a name and is great for beginners, and will also be useful for experienced athletes as maintenance training. The exercises do not require the use of equipment (except perhaps a horizontal bar), but I came up with a replacement for that too. A plank with arms extended forward is an analogue of a pullover with a dumbbell, and as you know, a pullover is the basis for the latissimus dorsi muscles.

To give this complex a fat-burning effect, you need to increase its intensity. This can be done by converting the training into a circular one, performing each exercise one approach. After you complete the entire circle, rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat everything again, and so on 2-3 times. This training is perfect for losing weight, but don’t forget about nutrition!

A set of exercises for home using sports equipment

More advanced training will be using various types sports equipment: dumbbells, jump ropes, and fitballs. Their use will expand the possibilities for fruitful training. Where you can buy them - at any sports store.

Dumbbell workout

Today I will make a training program for you with dumbbells. Go!

  1. Squats with dumbbells in hands: 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
  2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Standing calf raise with a dumbbell in your hands: 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  4. Standing dumbbell rows: 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Dumbbell push-ups (similar to push-ups, but unlike them, they use stabilizer muscles): 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
  6. Seated or standing dumbbell press: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  7. Zottman Curls: 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps
  8. Overhead dumbbell extension: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  9. Crunches: 2 sets to failure (to make it more difficult, you can pick up a light dumbbell)

In addition to fullbody training, there are training programs aimed at working one muscle group, for example, the pectoral muscles, back or legs. Their distinctive feature is the use of a certain range of exercises to work only the target muscle group.

For example, if you want to strengthen your back muscles, then the width and direction of your grip can be changed to shift the emphasis to certain areas of your back. Don't be discouraged if you don't have a bar, use dumbbells or an expander.

Training with an expander

An example of a complex (if everything is done correctly, your back will thank you):

  • Vertical traction of the expander to the chest

Attach the middle of the expander somewhere high so that when you sit down, its attachment point is some distance above you. Grab the handles. In the starting position, the arms with the handles should be raised up and straightened, while the expander should be slightly stretched. Next, pull the handles down towards your chest. The exercise is similar to the vertical block pull in the simulator, but only instead of a cable with a weight, an expander. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Horizontal pull of the expander to the belt

The sequence of actions is the same as in the first exercise, only now the expander should be in front of you and you need to pull the handles towards your belt. An analogue is the horizontal block pull in the simulator. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Extension

We step on the middle of the expander with our feet and grab the handles. Initial position: the body is tilted forward 50-60 degrees from the vertical, the lower back is straight. Slowly straighten your back, stretching the expander; when your back is fully straightened, just as slowly return to the starting position, repeat the movement. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Shrugs

Step on the middle of the expander with your feet and grab the handles. The initial position of the body is at attention. For those who have not been in the army, this means the body is vertical to the floor, the fists touch the outer side of the thighs, the expander must be in a tense position. Gently pull your shoulders towards your ears and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades. There is no need to pull straight to your ears; stop halfway and return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

That’s actually the whole complex for a strong back! Do it no more than 2 times a week, as the muscles need rest.

CrossFit at home

First, let's figure out what CrossFit is. CrossFit is a currently popular sport. It is equally popular with both boys and girls. Is a separate brand and is promoted as a system physical exercise. Incorporates elements from various sports areas. This is high-intensity training, powerlifting, and even gymnastics all rolled into one. The main goal of CrossFit is to develop ten parameters:

  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Breathing endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Dexterity
  • Balance
  • Accuracy

CrossFit is characterized by high intensity, since the complex is performed without rest for a strictly defined period of time. For example, you select 4-5 exercises and do them one after another, as in circuit training, but you do not rest after each circuit, but try to complete the maximum number of circuits in a certain amount of time, say 20 minutes. As you can see, you have to work hard!

Well, we’ve sorted it out, now let’s talk about what can come out of all this at home.

I note that the exercises here have specific names, as they were invented by the Americans. Let's go over them.

  • Burpee. , knees should touch your chest. Throw your legs back, taking a prone position, then return to the starting position and jump up as much as possible. Afterwards, return to the starting position again.
  • Kipping. Essentially, simple pull-ups, but they need to be done as quickly as possible, so we perform pull-ups with a jerk.
  • Leg lift. Hang on the bar and lift your legs bent at the knees towards your stomach, you need to do this as quickly as possible and without swinging. .
  • Explosive squats. They differ from regular squats only in that the moment you stand up, you must jump up with all your might. At the same time, your hands should be above your head at all times.
  • Explosive push-ups. Just like regular push-ups, but as you rise, push your arms up so that your palms come off the floor.

An example of a CrossFit workout at home (it’s better, of course, that there are no neighbors downstairs):

  1. Burpees - 15 reps
  2. Kipping – 15 reps
  3. Leg raises – 15 reps

Complete as many circles as possible in 20 minutes.

So that you don't get bored, I'll give you another complex:

  1. Burpees – 15 reps
  2. Explosive push-ups – 15 reps
  3. Explosive Squats – 15 reps
  4. Leg raises – 15 reps


Due to the variety of types of training, as well as more exercises that can be done at home, there is no need to worry about not having the opportunity to go to the gym. What can we say, even if you can do CrossFit at home! So friends, everything is in your hands!

With this, I will say goodbye to you and ask you to subscribe to the blog and share, share and once again share useful things with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

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A large number of beginners or more experienced athletes are interested in the following questions: what is the best gym workout program for men? is it working?? This program workouts in the gym - working and effective. The program is designed to visit the gym three times a week.

As many years of practice and advice from professionals show, visiting the gym three times a week is the most optimal for most people. But, alas, almost all beginners cannot create a program for themselves (they lack knowledge in this area), so this article outlines a training program three times a week.

Worth remembering: The base is the head of everything. Basic exercises are what everyone should do - Psitting up, bench press, deadlift.

Many people neglect the basics and then whine about why there is no result. Many newbies make a grave mistake. Usually they only pump up their biceps and sometimes their chest, and wait to see why they don’t have the same results as Arnold Schwarzenegger. So you want to be beautiful, big, strong? – We do basic exercises and other exercises.

Eat right, exercise with an emphasis on basic exercises and in 2-3 months you will have good results.

Training program for gaining muscle mass 3 times a week

Monday: legs – deltoids

  • Squats – 5 sets of 5 times, warm-up: 2 x 20 kg x 20 times (warm-up), 30 x 10, 40 x 8, 50 x 6, and 5 x 5 – working (60 kg);
  • Front squat 3x8;
  • Hook machine 3x15 (half squats);
  • Dumbbell lateral raises 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you 4x15 for a total of 30;
  • Calf raises, standing 2 x 25;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Wednesday: Chest – Triceps

  • Bench press 5x5 working weight, 2x20 kg warm-up, 30x10, 40x 8, 50x 6, 60-5x5;
  • Barbell press incline bench 4x 8;
  • Dumbbell bench press 4x 15;
  • Standing barbell chest press 4x15;
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you on one arm 4 x 15 (15 on one arm);
  • French press 3x 6;
  • Press 3x20;
  • Leg raises on the horizontal bar 3x10;

Friday: back – biceps

  • Deadlift 5x5, warm-up 40x10, 60x8, 90x6, working 100kg 5x5 (choose the weight according to you);
  • Seated block row to the chest 4 x 15 (choose the weight so that in the 4th approach you can do 15 times);
  • Pull-ups to the chest 3 x 3-8; if it’s hard then barbell row to the belt 4x15;
  • Biceps curls, medium grip, warm-up 20 kg for 20 reps, working 30 kg 4x15;
  • Dumbbell hammer raises while standing 4x15 (15 times per arm, 30 in total);
  • Press on the bench, sit-ups 4x20;
  • Leg raises on the floor 3x15;

Useful tips or secrets:

  • If Mon, Wed, Fri doesn't suit you, That Tue, Thu, Sat will be more convenient for you;
  • The program is very effective. The program was compiled for you by a master of sports in powerlifting and a world championship medalist. Therefore, get yourself a training diary and beautifully write down everything you did or what didn’t work out. You can ask your questions below in the comments, about weight loss, exercise, diets - I will try to answer everyone if possible;
  • Carefully monitor the loads, if it’s hard, reduce the weight, if it’s not enough, add a little, but so that you can complete the 4th approach for 15 times, or the 5th set of the base for 5 times.
  • We remember that without proper diet It’s impossible to build up muscles with nutrition, so you can read the article on how to gain muscle mass quickly, you can also buy
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