Do-it-yourself ultrasonic dog repeller trigger 555. Really working ultrasonic dog repeller “Effective Ultrasonic Obedience Pet Dog Training Yellow with LED Light. Electrical circuits of ultrasonic rodent repellers, dogs

Dazer - ultrasonic dog scarer, diagram and description of the device. Hello visitors to our site. Sometimes wandering through the dark alleys of the city at night is very dangerous, because besides you, an angry stray dog ​​(sometimes very hungry) can go for a walk along the street and at any moment from a dark corner it can pounce on you and bite you terribly. Of course, you can rush into battle with her, but you can hardly get out of the battle without damage and injury, so there is a better option - a Dazer or an ultrasonic dog repeller. The following reasons prompted me to start making this device: firstly, I often came across advertisements on the Internet for industrial Dogcheisers, mainly made in China, and secondly, many sites published homemade “horror stories” for dogs, assembled according to various schemes, one of which most attracted my attention.

The device has a range of up to 13 meters and a qualitative effect on dogs that are about to bite you. As already mentioned, of the many schemes for ultrasonic dog repellers published on the Internet, the most common was the following.

On top of the board is the SQ-340L piezo emitter. We can recommend using the ultrasonic sounder MFC-200 instead, which has a high acoustic pressure of up to 85 dB, which means a longer range.

The piezo emitter can be obtained from speakers, also from speakers that people call pancakes, from a music box, from calculators, and so on. The box for assembling the ultrasonic repeller was the housing from a failed VHF radio station made in China; you can use any other housing that you have at hand, a walkie-talkie, etc., the dimensions of which were used to guide the development, manufacture and assembly of the device. On the right is the SB1 button, when pressed, the power is turned on. The battery is of the Krona or Corundum type, the main thing is to have an operating voltage of 9 volts.

For convenience, you can use two lithium-ion batteries from a mobile phone. The appearance of the assembled board from the parts side is shown in the photograph.

The master oscillator is assembled on a domestic microcircuit; it sets the frequency we need, and the transistor stage amplifies it. According to the circuit, it is better to use schottky diodes; all polar capacitors must be supplied with a voltage of 15 volts. This ultrasonic repeller has been used on dogs several times and each time it performed even better than expected.

When the power is reduced to 3 volts, a quiet whistle is possible, which can be heard, and at 9 volts, the frequency increases and we stop hearing the whistle, since the piezo emitter begins to emit ultrasound. In general, this device is an active self-defense weapon against dogs and more!

The problem of stray or aggressive dogs walking without a muzzle is always acute in small towns or certain areas of metropolitan areas. A meeting with such an opponent can end very badly for a person. In addition to the necessary surgical intervention, a course of vaccination against rabies will probably be required.

A homemade ultrasonic dog repeller is an excellent alternative to a purchased device. Such a product can be finely tuned, manufactured in a convenient package, and obtain improved performance and reliability for less money.

The mechanics of operation of a do-it-yourself dog repeller are no different from commercially produced devices.
With the exception of the main parameter - it is more powerful and operates over a larger frequency band.


  • Do-it-yourself ultrasonic dog repeller produces high-frequency sound;
  • vibrations inaudible to humans affect the dog’s hearing organs, causing pain and disorientation;
  • Unlike serial ones, if you make a dog repeller yourself, the device will change the radiation frequency within a wide range, further increasing the impact on the dog.

Homemade devices use fairly, so to speak, large-scale approaches to the formation of a strong sound wave. In serial products, piezoceramic emitters and speakers with a large diaphragm are rarely found, which the ultrasonic dog repeller circuit can boast of.

Therefore, a correctly configured and carefully assembled device works effectively, with an almost complete guarantee of a positive result.

A homemade dog repeller is a fairly simple device. If we look at proven and workable circuits, it is easy to see that they are built on simple principles and understandable mechanics of interaction between the main hardware parts.

To make a dog repeller yourself, you don’t need to order or look for rare, expensive elements. Most solutions are built on microcircuits and transistors, which can be easily purchased at any electronics store.

The basic principle on which the DIY dog repeller circuit is built is the interaction of two oscillatory circuits.

In this case it is observed:

  • clarity of the base carrier frequency formation;
  • high output power of the final stage;
  • varying the frequency of sound over a very wide range.

Understanding how to make a dog repeller is accessible even to a person who has basic skills in working with a soldering iron and making printed circuit boards.

The microcircuits, transistors and diodes used do not belong to the micro-sized class. Therefore, it is easy to make a powerful dog repeller with your own hands without the use of a microscope, specialized solder, or soldering station.

Ultrasonic repeller

If we turn to the experience of radio amateurs who have studied many circuits of serial devices in order to improve the device, it is easy to find two technical solutions on specialized forums.

Both feature high power output, use inexpensive, common parts, and are easy to set up.

One of the options for making a dog repeller yourself is to use a solution built using a K561LA7 digital elementary logic chip.

To assemble it you will need:

  • digital element with 4 logical blocks K561LA7;
  • transistors types KT3102 (3107)
  • piezo emitter, class BF1 SQ-340L; instead, to increase the sound pressure, it is allowed to install a specialized ultrasonic emitter MFC-200.

The operating principle of the device assembled in this diagram is as follows:

  1. The first carrier frequency generating circuit is a symmetrical multivibrator assembled on two of the four logical elements of the microcircuit.
  2. The output of the primary generator is a rectangular signal with a frequency of about 1.5 Hz.
  3. The task of the secondary circuit is to generate an ultrasonic signal from the base frequency signal. A multivibrator, built on the two remaining logical elements of the microcircuit, creates a rectangular signal with a frequency of about 20,000 Hz, which quadruples every 0.66 s.
  4. A push-pull transistor amplifier is used to drive a speaker or piezoelectric element. Its emitter load is the sound-emitting element.

The circuit provides protection measures against power reversal, overvoltage, and also a frequency filtering system. This DIY electric dog repeller circuit requires some practical operating skills, as well as fine tuning. But the finished device is very effective, it starts with one button.

For those who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of soldering microcircuits, a simple circuit is intended for a do-it-yourself dog repeller. It contains only 13 elements, the key of which is the KD503A diode, which is simultaneously responsible for the maximum output power and protects the device from power reversal and other emergency modes.

For assembly you will need:

  • resistors: 5 constant and one trimmer;
  • piezoelectric sound emitter, class ZP-1, ZP-25;
  • a pair of common transistors KT361B (3107);
  • ceramic capacitors;
  • protection diode KD503A;

switch, button - to supply power.

After manufacturing the printed circuit board, all that remains is to carefully install and solder the elements. You will get the most powerful ultrasonic dog repeller with your own hands, the entire setup of which comes down to adjustment with a resistor to form the optimal frequency.


  1. output power is regulated only by the voltage supplied from the battery;
  2. The limiter is a protective diode. It can be replaced with an analogue, with an operating voltage from 5 to 12 V;
  3. the variable resistor is responsible for selecting the frequency.

The installed battery is selected in accordance with the protective diode used. For KD503A - Krona 9V is suitable.

How to use a dog repeller correctly

When attacking an aggressive dog, it is important that the action of the device is unexpected and as sharp as possible. Therefore, there is no need to panic ahead of time.

  • remove the device from your pocket or bag;
  • bring the dog at a distance of at least a meter;
  • point the repeller's sound emitter at the animal;
  • press the start button.

In a moment of shock and short-term retreat, it is worth continuing to point the repeller’s sound emitter at the dog. However, if the animal moves a distance of a meter or more, the device should be turned off. It is worth understanding that sound pressure begins to drop sharply as the distance increases. Therefore, the effect of turning on the repeller a second time will be much stronger if the dog gets a little weaned, retreating without the influence of a weak ultrasonic signal.

It is not necessary to aim the line of sound emissions directly at the animal’s ear. The vibrations are well propagated by the bones of the skull, so it is enough to aim the repeller at the animal’s head. There is no need to waste time choosing some optimal direction.


Understanding how to make a dog repeller with your own hands and having some skills in working with a soldering iron, it is not difficult to create a device that will be much more powerful and efficient than commercially available models.

It is worth noting one feature of homemade products, which can serve as excellent advertising. Dog repeller circuit - involves the use of powerful, simple, inexpensive and common components.

The fault tolerance and reliability of a self-assembled device depends only on the accuracy of the radio amateur. At the same time, the efficiency of the device is higher, and the price is incomparably lower than that of the offered serial models of similar output power.

An ultrasonic dog repeller is a small, compact electronic device that emits sound waves that are inaudible to humans, but are well perceived by the sensitive ears of dogs and cats.

The sound frequency at which such repellers operate is from 18 to 25 kHz.

In this article we will tell you how to assemble a dog repeller with your own hands, using the electrical circuits we presented.

Do-it-yourself dog repeller diagram.

To assemble the first model, you only need one microcircuit and five transistors.
The device consists of an ultrasonic generator, the basis of which is a multi-level symmetrical vibrator, which can generate rectangular pulses with a frequency of 1.5 Hz.
The second vibrator, made of the same parts as the first, creates pulses with a frequency of 20 Hz.
The amplitude of these pulses increases 4 times every 0.66 seconds.

To create a floating frequency, a unit assembled from three resistors, one capacitor, a transistor (VT1) and two diodes is designed.
The assembly on transistors VT2-VT4 is designed to amplify the signal, which in turn goes to the SP-1 piezoceramic emitter. The SB-1 button is intended for switching.

The main difference between this device and is that the ultrasound frequency of this device is much lower - from 18 to 25 kHz.
Whereas for rodent control devices, frequencies range from 25 kHz to 80 kHz.

And finally, we offer for repetition a circuit of a simple but fairly reliable dog repeller without transistor microcircuits.

Schematic diagram of a dog repeller using transistors.

The power source for this design can be a battery or battery with a voltage of 1.5 Volts to 12 Volts.
The higher the supply voltage, the more powerful the sound from the emitter.

The frequency of this repeller can be adjusted with resistor R6 by connecting an oscilloscope or any frequency meter in parallel with resistor R1.
Diode VD1 serves to protect against incorrect power supply (if you accidentally reverse the polarity)

Any domestic or imported piezo emitter ZP-1, ZP-18, ZP-25, etc.

Read the information on the website:

People who have been bitten by angry dogs suffer from obsessive phobia throughout their lives. The fear of homeless animals not only prevents you from moving around the city calmly, but also makes you worry about the safety of your own children. Sometimes getting to school or shopping requires scaring off a pack of stray dogs. A stick or stone against a whole pack is a disastrous idea, especially if a child has to defend himself.

How to scare dogs away

Using special dog repellers (daisers) is a real chance to protect yourself and your loved ones. These devices easily fit into a jacket pocket, backpack or handbag, and are just as quickly removed from there if necessary. It is important to understand the operating principles of different diffusers in order to choose the most powerful one. Among those currently on sale, the ultrasonic repeller is considered the most effective. . Its action is enough for 13 m, which means that the dogs will not have time to get close.

The cost of factory-made diffusers is quite high, so people often use homemade devices. Real craftsmen will be able to make any repeller with their own hands: chemical, ultrasonic or electric. Why buy an expensive device if the one you make yourself is no less effective?

Dog Repeller

Do-it-yourself chemical dog repeller: what and how to make it from

Chemical dispensers are devices filled with a composition that is toxic to animals and humans. The principle of operation of the repeller is to spray a caustic liquid onto the mucous membranes of the dog’s eyes, nose, and mouth. It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of such a diffuser. Firstly, its use involves close contact with angry animals, which in itself is very dangerous. Secondly, if a large number of dogs attack, there is simply not enough time to spray a can of “chemicals” on everyone.

For your information! Making a chemical repeller is easy. The work will require ingredients that can be found in any kitchen: ground black pepper, vinegar, mustard powder. Some people use shag instead of vinegar when making such a diffuser. The result is cans with different compositions.

How to make a chemical disperser at home?

Option #1:

  1. Preparing the container for the chemical composition. As a rule, this is a 0.5 liter plastic bottle without a cap, onto which a sprayer is placed.
  2. Mixing the composition: add pepper to the vinegar, shake everything together.
  3. The liquid is poured into the bottle and closed tightly. Not very convenient, but you need to carry it with you.

Option #2:

  1. Preparing a container for a chemical mixture. It is convenient if it is a 0.25 liter jar with a tightly screwed lid.
  2. Preparation of the caustic mixture: finely chop the shag, add pepper and mustard powder. Mix.
  3. Transfer everything into a jar and close the lid. Carry with you, when an aggressive dog attacks, pour the contents onto the animal.

Do-it-yourself ultrasonic dog repeller: diagram, powerful diffuser

The ultrasonic dissipator, which produces a sound that is unpleasant to the dog's ear, is highly effective. The advantages of this device are that it is absolutely harmless to people and works even over long distances. Stray dogs immediately pay attention to the ultrasound signal, quickly leaving the meeting place with a person. By using the device in a critical situation, you will be able to immediately disperse the entire pack, rather than fighting off each dog separately.

Dog repeller circuit

You can make an ultrasonic dog repeller with your own hands using various designs of powerful detectors taken from the Internet. They can be remade if technical skills allow, or used in finished form. The universal circuit of an ultrasonic dog repeller requires the presence of a microcircuit, transistors, resistors, and diodes. At the stage of assembling the ultrasonic repellent device, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists:

  • use a piezoceramic emitter during the manufacture of the diffuser, which will evenly distribute the load;
  • To turn on the light, select LEDs D3. Their installation is carried out in the farthest part of the device;
  • In order for the repeller to work at a frequency of 25 kHz, you need to take a resistor P35, but you should not experiment with frequency parameters. In this regard, it is better to stick to the settings of factory models;
  • The power of the ultrasonic diffuser should not exceed 130 dB. Otherwise, the device will not only scare away the animal, but will also cause significant harm to it;
  • for long-term operation of the ultrasonic device, it should be equipped with slots for 8 9V batteries;
  • checking ultrasound pulses is the final touch in the work. This can be done using an oscilloscope or a sound card compatible with a computer;
  • if the device was prepared for stationary use (for example, for a summer residence), then it must be enclosed in a moisture-resistant case and equipped with clamps.

Electric dog repeller: components and assembly rules

An example of a homemade dog repeller

Due to ignorance of the principles of operation of an electric disperser, it is often confused with a conventional stun gun. Many people immediately refuse to purchase such a repeller, since it contradicts their ideas about humane treatment of animals.

Important! The electrodisser is not intended for close contact with the dog's body. The device only creates a loud intermittent noise effect that scares away aggressive animals.

To make an electric dog repeller at home, you will need the following elements: a plastic bottle, a high-voltage module, a micro button and a AA battery. The technology for creating a homemade device is simple:

  1. Secure the AA battery and module using electrical tape.
  2. Solder the button and wires to the surface of the battery.
  3. After making the base for the repeller, you should cut the electrical wires.
  4. Cut off the neck of a plastic bottle to create a diffuser to enhance the sound signal and protect against voltage.
  5. Place the diffuser on the electrical module, making small cuts on the neck.
  6. It is good to glue the junction of the neck and the module.

Visual information about making an electric dog repeller can be obtained from YouTube videos made by people with special technical skills. There, the electrodisser is shown in action: the sudden crackle of electrical discharges has a depressing effect on dogs, and they hide. No matter how many stray animals you encounter, the loud blasts of an electric repeller will send everyone running.

Note! Despite the tolerant attitude of most people towards homeless animals, it is unacceptable to be careless about one’s own safety. A dog is truly a man's friend, but only if it is cared for from puppyhood and kept in decent conditions.

Stray dogs live by different laws, and it is difficult to predict their behavior in a given situation. Due to the trials that street animals have to endure every day, they become embittered and increasingly attack passers-by.

A homemade dog repeller will always protect a person, the main thing is to keep the device with you. No one knows where a dangerous clash with a pack will happen: during an evening walk, in an unfamiliar area, on the way to the house. Stray dogs may share prey, territory, or chase a bitch; you should not deliberately attract attention to yourself and try to calm the animals down. Task No. 1 in this situation is to leave the dangerous territory as soon as possible, but if that doesn’t work, use a repeller.

When returning from work at night or wandering through dark alleys, there is a danger of being attacked by stray dogs, whose bites are sometimes life-threatening if you do not consult a doctor in time. It is for these cases that smart human brains came up with an ultrasonic repeller.

Industrial repellers have a rather complex design and are made with rather scarce components.

In this article we will look at a version of such a repeller using the famous 555 series timer. The timer, as you know, can work as a square pulse generator; this is exactly the connection used in the circuit.

The generator operates at a frequency of 20-22 kHz, as many animals are known to “communicate” in the ultrasonic range. Experiments have shown that frequencies of 20-25 kHz cause artificial fear in dogs; thanks to the tuning regulator, the generator can be adjusted to a frequency of 17-27 kHz.

The circuit itself contains only 6 components and will not cause any difficulties. It is advisable to use a multi-turn regulator for more precise tuning to the desired frequency.
The piezo emitter can be taken from a calculator or any other musical toys, you can also use any HF heads with a power of up to 5 watts, there is simply no point in doing more.

The device operates effectively at a distance of 3-5 meters, since there is no additional power amplifier in the circuit.

As a power source, it is convenient to use the crown, or any other source with a voltage of 6 to 12 volts.

List of radioelements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
Programmable timer and oscillator


1 To notepad
R1 Resistor

2.2 kOhm

1 To notepad
R2 Resistor

1 kOhm

1 To notepad
R3 Variable resistor4.7 kOhm1 To notepad
C1 Electrolytic capacitor10 µF1 To notepad
C2 Capacitor10 nF1 To notepad
Piezo emitter 1
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