Forearm exercises for women. A selection of the best exercises to strengthen arm muscles for women. Are there any contraindications to strength exercises for the arms?

  • Loose skin on the hands - these are not enough consequences active work in gym. Typically, most women skip working on triceps and biceps, considering such exercises to be the prerogative of men. However, moderately developed arm muscles will save you from additional trips to a cosmetologist (or even a surgeon) and will make your skin more elastic and taut.
  • There are several sports that will especially appeal to those who dream of ideal arm muscles. Among them, it is worth highlighting tennis, boxing and swimming.
  • The main advantage of hand exercises is that you don’t need to devote a lot of time to them. For a good and correct result, five minutes a day will be enough.
  • Due to age or after sudden weight loss, the skin on the upper arms may lose its tone and sag. Sports will help you return to your former appearance. As the muscles increase, they will tighten the skin a little, as a result of which the sagging will not be so noticeable.

Push ups

The best exercises for beautiful hands are, as you might guess, push-ups. Here are some exercises designed specifically for women.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your back so you can lean on them. Leaning on your hands, raise and lower your pelvis. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Stand in front of a wall and press your palms against it with your arms straight out. Push up from the wall as if from the floor, tensing the muscles of your buttocks and abs. The back should be constantly straight. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Get on all fours, arms should be straight and shoulder width apart. Do push-ups from this position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.


Weighted arm swings will help solve the problem of sagging skin on the upper arms. Such exercises will slightly increase the muscle volume and restore the skin to its former tone. The best addition to such exercises will be good modeling creams, which will increase blood flow to problem areas, get rid of stretch marks and make the exercise more effective.

  • Take the lightest dumbbells in your hands and extend your arms straight in front of you. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Perform circular rotations with your hands, first inward and then outward. Perform three sets of 10 circles in each direction.
  • Take the lightest dumbbells in your hands and stretch your arms up. Now bend your arms so as to reach the dumbbells to your shoulder blades. Straighten your arms back up. Do 10 of these curls, 3 sets each.
  • Take the lightest dumbbells in your hands, your arms should be down. Raise your arms straight in front of you. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

A set of exercises for hands

If you have time for more thorough training, for example, on weekends, then we recommend performing more complex complex exercises. They will take a little longer, but you will be able to see the results much faster.

It is possible to form a beautiful arm line and elastic muscles with the help of a special set of exercises aimed at the forearms. This is the area that many girls find problematic. Fat deposits are deposited in this area, and the skin may also sag due to muscle weakness.

Strength training will give results in just two months. The muscles will become stronger, their relief will appear. The condition for this result is regular training according to our system, even at home.

A little theory: how to train women?

Women's arms can be pumped up with strength training. There is an opinion that they cannot be practiced by the fair sex, as they will form too much muscle mass.

In fact, you shouldn’t be afraid of this - it’s not at all easy to do, since you need to use large weights, and this is especially true female body, it's almost impossible. Women's muscle mass is ten percent less than men's. For this reason, volume growth is much slower compared to representatives of the opposite sex.

The goal of training is not to increase muscle volume, but to correct and work out problem areas.

In particular, to strengthen arm muscles and burn fat deposits, instructors recommend choosing a minimum weight and repeating the exercise up to ten times. After the muscles have strengthened, you can gradually increase the weight of the projectile and the number of repetitions. But you must always start with minimal loads! Before giving loads, you need to prepare and strengthen the muscles.

If you have never practiced physical exercise, it won't be superfluous consult your doctor.

Carefully! You should not use weights during menstruation or with certain diseases of the spine and joints.

A set of 6 exercises

There are many ways to effectively pump up your arms, make them stronger and more resilient. Method number one is power loads!

1. Dumbbell rows to the chin

The exercise is not difficult, but very effective. A great type of strength training for women. It is aimed primarily at the triceps: that part of the forearm where fat is deposited, as well as the area where the skin can sag. It also perfectly tightens the back and all the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

  1. We hold dumbbells palms facing inward in the area of ​​the front of the thigh;
  2. Pull the dumbbells up to your chin, bending your elbows.

Ten repetitions are enough to get started.

2. Bend your arms behind your head

Designed to work target muscles. Promotes the formation of muscle relief in the forearms and inner arms.

  1. We work with one dumbbell. We take it with both hands and lift it up. We pull our arms up, the body forms a straight line, the maximum point of which should be the dumbbell;
  2. Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbell back as far as possible;
  3. Movement is only in the elbow joint, the shoulders do not move.

We repeat ten times.

3. Dumbbell Curls

We work the biceps (the outer part of the forearms).

  1. We stand straight, shoulders back, chin raised;
  2. We stretch our arms with dumbbells forward;
  3. We bend and straighten our arms at the elbows at the same time or in turn. If your physical fitness is poor, the second option is preferable;
  4. Only the elbow joint works.

For beginners, the number of repetitions is up to ten times.

4. Various push-ups

All types of push-ups perfectly work the forearm muscles: biceps and triceps. Among other things, push-ups burn calories well, so they are recommended for weight loss.

We do it at the beginning of the workout.

  1. Standing against the wall, place your hands in front of your chest and take a step back. We don’t lower our heads, we don’t round our lower back;
  2. Bending and straightening your elbows, we perform ten exercises with three approaches.

Table push-ups– good for girls. It is a slightly more complicated option than the previous method. We perform the exercise with emphasis on the tabletop.

– a great opportunity to pump up your hands. This is a simplified version of push-ups, which is difficult for many girls.

  1. The support is the knees and palms;
  2. We raise our ankles and connect them, or bring them behind each other;
  3. We do push-ups, straightening our arms completely.
  1. Resting your palms and toes on the floor, stretch the body into a straight line;
  2. We try to hold the bar for a minute.

We repeat three times.

6. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

One of the most popular basic exercises. It is recommended to do at least the minimum number of pull-ups.

If you do it regularly, the shoulder girdle will strengthen, and then the number of repetitions can be increased.

While doing the exercise the chin should touch the horizontal bar. It is most effective to do regular pull-ups or .

Watch the video for more details:

  • Warm up. We start with an active warm-up for the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle. It can include push-ups from the wall and any gymnastic exercises for the arms, for example, energetic alternating swings of the arms up (twenty times) and to the sides (ten times).
  • Experienced instructors recommend start training an hour after eating, and start eating no earlier than forty minutes after training.
  • Principles of nutrition. The diet should be varied - it should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. You can't go hungry because strength training requires energy.
  • Healthy foods. Preference should be given to protein products - fish, lean chicken, cottage cheese, kefir. Porridge also fits well into the diet. The restriction must be observed only on fats.
  • Connecting cardio loads. If desired, strength training can be supplemented with running, swimming, and exercise equipment. This promotes better fat burning, as well as a harmonious distribution of the load across all muscle groups.
  • Newbies! For those who are starting power loads for the first time, it is recommended to start with minimal weights. If inadequate loads are used, the training may result in injury to the shoulder joint.
  • Muscle pain. After the first workouts, everyone experiences muscle pain. It can be relieved by taking a warm bath with sea salt and a few drops of tea tree oil, camphor oil, rosemary or lavender.
Note! The most optimal regimen for strength training is considered to be training every other day. Daily training does not promote muscle recovery and relaxation.

Strength training, compared to other types of exercise, produces relatively quick, noticeable results. The muscles become stronger, the relief of the arms and forearms appears. The figure becomes slimmer, as active exercise burns calories well. But we must remember that a necessary condition Getting results is regularity and persistence.

Reading time: 18 min

Every girl dreams of graceful, thin hands without sagging and sagging. And in order to achieve this it is not at all necessary to go to Gym, you can work on slender arms at home.

We offer you the top most effective arm exercises at home for women with dumbbells and without additional equipment, which will help you lose weight in the upper body and tighten muscles.

Rules for doing hand exercises

All you need to train your arms at home are dumbbells. And some exercises don't even require dumbbells.

Before proceeding with the exercises, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing arm exercises, which are outlined below.

1. If you want to work on losing weight and burning fat on your arms without increasing muscle volume, then perform each exercise for 15-25 repetitions with light dumbbell weights. If you want increase arm muscles and give them volume, then perform exercises of 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches with the maximum possible weight (the last repetition in the approach should be at maximum effort).

2. If you are a beginner, use dumbbell weights for arm exercises at home. 2-3 kg. If you are an experienced practitioner, then use dumbbell weights. 4-6 kg with gradual weight gain. You can use dumbbells instead plastic bottles filled with water or sand. Ideally, purchase collapsible dumbbells with weight adjustment.

3. As an alternative to dumbbells, you can use a tubular expander or elastic band. These are very compact options for home fitness equipment, so you can take them with you on your travels.

4. Exercises for the arms involve working on the following muscle groups: biceps(flexor), triceps(extensor), delta(shoulders). Also, during many exercises, the chest muscles, back muscles and abdominal muscles are indirectly involved.

5. Exercises for the arms with light dumbbells at home will not “pump up” the muscles and will not increase the size of the arms, you don’t have to worry about that. High-repetition exercises with light weights are designed specifically for weight loss and fitness.

6. Perform the exercises slowly, trying to concentrate on the target muscles. Hand exercises should be performed not for speed, but for quality.

7. To tighten your arms at home, in addition to training, you need to monitor your diet. Try not to abuse fast food, sweet and flour products, fried and refined foods.

8. You can train your arms using ready-made video workouts. YouTube now offers a large number of effective workouts for the whole body.

9. If you want to complicate the exercises for the arms, then use the pulsating version. This will give a very high-quality load to the muscles even with a small weight of dumbbells. You can, for example, perform 15 classic repetitions and 15 pulsating repetitions.

Plan for doing hand exercises at home:

  • Perform each arm exercise for 15-20 repetitions, in 2 sets (if the exercise is static, then hold for 30-40 seconds).
  • Be sure to warm up before your workout: Pre-Workout Warm-Up Plan.
  • Don't stretch your muscles after your workout: Post-Workout Stretching Plan.
  • Repeat the set of exercises once a week for 30-40 minutes or 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

This arm exercise plan will help you lose weight and tone your upper body, giving you some muscle tone. For muscle growth and relief, you need to work with heavy weights. But this is also possible at home if you purchase heavier weight dumbbells.

20 hand exercises at home

Below are the most popular and effective arm exercises at home or in the gym. The exercises are suitable for both women and men. You will be able to work all the main muscle groups of the arms: biceps, triceps, deltoids.

2. Front Raises for Shoulders

3. Raising your arms to the sides for your shoulders

5. Bicep and Shoulder Curls

6. Bent-over raises for arms and back

7. Lateral raises for shoulders and chest

8. Dumbbell Twists for Triceps and Shoulders

9. Biceps Curl

10. Lateral biceps curl

13. Triceps extension

14. Reverse triceps push-ups

15. Static bar

16. Static elbow bar

19. Dumbbell plank pull-ups

Flexibility, strength and light muscle definition of women's hands make their owner very attractive. Unfortunately, arm muscles lose shape and weaken with age. To keep your arms toned, you need to load your muscles with work.

You can prevent flabbiness and sagging of the upper arms with fairly simple but regular home workouts with dumbbells or a band expander.

What will we download?

When pumping up the arm muscles of girls at home, the main focus is on the upper part (shoulder) and lower part (forearm).

The main function of these muscles is flexion and extension of the upper arms. First of all, you need to pump up:

  • biceps- biceps, that is, it has two tendon heads for attachment to the bone, the shoulder muscle is located on the front side from the shoulder to the elbow. Bends the arm, allows you to turn it palm up, and also participates in the rotation of the forearm and stabilizes the shoulder joint, preventing its dislocation;
  • triceps- triceps muscle, located behind, mirror the biceps. Extends the arm at the elbow;
  • forearm muscles- help bend the elbow, rotate the forearm and wrist.

How and how much to train

To pump up a girl’s arms at home, each session should begin with a short 5-10 minute warm-up to warm up the muscles and fill them with blood as much as possible. This will prevent possible injuries and make the exercises more effective.

For example, having started walking in place, raise your arms up as you inhale, lowering them as you exit. Then make some circular movements with your shoulders and arms. It's also good to stretch your neck, shoulders and legs. Read more about warming up.

  • light weight dumbbells, 0.5 - 2 kg;
  • plastic bottles filled with water;
  • elastic expander.

Exercises are performed 10 - 15 times in 3 approaches, with short breaks, no more than 1 minute. The load increases gradually. To enhance the effect when working with weights, you can linger for 3 seconds in the position of maximum contraction of the muscle being worked.

The workout must be completed by stretching the worked muscle groups. described in the corresponding article.

Muscle tissue takes time to recover and grow, so it is best to work on the arm muscles three times a week, and on the intermediate days, focus on other muscle groups in order to harmoniously develop the whole body.

Beginners can move on to pumping up their forearms after building up their base. By the way, when working on large muscle groups, for example, with biceps hammer curls, small muscles also grow.

To decide on a combination of exercises, you need to understand what goal you are pursuing:

  1. To build muscle mass and increase their volume, you should use heavier dumbbells and do fewer repetitions. Additionally, you can divide the work of different muscles into different training days.
  2. To draw out the arm muscles, you should rest less between approaches. You should also perform the exercises in sets. In this case, the work occurs on opposite muscle bundles (biceps-triceps) without interruption, and after a set of two exercises, rest.

In any case, it is better to load the muscles sequentially and control their contractions. Exercises must be performed slowly, carefully and with tension. It's also good to change exercises every workout.

The muscles of the hand can be pumped up not only with a circular expander (rubber donut). The grip is well strengthened if you firmly grip the handles of the dumbbells while performing repetitions.


After warming up, you can move on to the main exercises.

Arm exercises with dumbbells

  1. Raising straight arms forward.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chest forward, shoulder blades pulled together, elbows slightly bent.

Alternately, as you inhale, raise your straight arms forward to the chest line, and while exhaling, lower them to the starting position. During the exercise, do not raise your shoulders and do not lean your hand forward. Raising dumbbells in front of you gives relief to the front deltoids, that is, this will pump up your upper arms.

The following two exercises are the most effective for training your arms at home. If performed regularly at home, the first results will appear no later than 2 weeks.

  1. Biceps curl.

Lowering your straight arms with dumbbells down, press your elbows to your body and alternately bend your arms at the elbows, lifting your hand from the dumbbells to your shoulder. If we are working with a tape expander, then we perform the exercise of bringing the hand to the shoulder by standing in the middle of the tape and holding its edges in the hands. In the lower position, do not fully extend the elbow.

The exercise is often called a “hammer” or “hammer curl” and is performed with a neutral grip (when the back of the hand is turned outward in the starting position) or an underhand grip (when the palm faces the ceiling when lifting). Often, starting with a neutral grip, at the top point, at shoulder level, supination is performed (slightly turning the hand toward you).

The dumbbell biceps curl has many variations. Can be performed:

  • with both hands at the same time;
  • alternately, i.e. first only the right one, then only the left one;
  • alternately: once with the right, once with the left.

From a standing, sitting, lying position.

When performing the exercise, it is important not to lean towards the working arm and firmly fix your wrists, do not throw the dumbbells. To pump up your arm muscles and avoid injury, you need to make smooth movements.

  1. Overhead press.

This is a triceps exercise. But depending on the execution options, it allows you to train other muscles.

  • Raise both arms with dumbbells up, elbows slightly bent and looking forward. Bend your elbows, lowering your forearms back until they touch your biceps. As you exhale, we return to the original vertical position.

You can hold your hands parallel, squeezing one dumbbell in each, or you can connect your hands, working with one dumbbell as in the picture. Also, to change the load vector, perform the exercise “French dumbbell press” - performed lying down. Details of the implementation can be found in.

You can use the barbell with a palms-forward grip, the distance between the hands is about 10 cm.

If a rubber or spring expander is selected, then the upper row is performed, for example, from the “scissors” position, when one leg is pulled back and holds the end of the expander, the other end of the elastic band is clamped in the working hand. The trajectory of the forearm movement is the same as when working with a dumbbell.

Triceps exercises can be performed standing or sitting.

  1. Wrist flexion and extension.

If the biceps and triceps are sufficiently pumped up, and the forearm looks disproportionate in comparison with them, which is unlikely in girls, you can train the forearm muscles separately after working on the biceps. The main exercise is flexion (underhand grip) and extension (overhand grip) of the arms at the wrists in a sitting position. Here is one possible exercise.

We take a sitting position, so that the knee of the supporting leg looks slightly toward the floor (this increases the load compared to a horizontally positioned knee), we place the elbow on the prepared leg, and take the dumbbell with an underhand grip, so that the palm looks exactly up.

We lower the weighted wrist as far back as possible and slowly bend it towards ourselves, the other hand is motionless. Only the forearm muscles work.

You can complicate the exercise by increasing the amplitude by lowering the dumbbell to an extremely low position, when it is held only on the bent fingers of the palm laid back. Then the fingers are gradually curled and then the entire wrist is raised. This complication simultaneously strengthens the fingers and stretches the muscles and tendons of the forearm.

After 10 executions, we turn the hand 90 degrees, so that the fingers look to the side, and the dumbbell clamped in them is vertical, and with the maximum possible amplitude, we slowly bend and straighten the wrist up and down.

The hand should be relaxed, and the movement is carried out by the muscles of the forearm. After 10 repetitions, we again turn the hand 90 degrees, so that the closed fingers look at the floor, and repeat the flexion-extension movements 10 times.

It is important to tense your hand here; you can tilt your body to the side to fully load your forearm.


Push-ups are the most popular bodyweight exercise.

  1. Push ups.

From a lying position, arms shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows, lowering your straight body to the floor. The lightweight version is performed from a lying position with support on the knees, hands parallel, fingers facing forward, abs tense.

You can do three springs (lower your chest to the floor three times and raise it without straightening your elbows to the end), and on the fourth count return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

  1. Reverse push-ups (dips).

We place our hands shoulder-width apart at the back, legs extended forward, you can bend your knees a little. Bend your arms until your elbows are parallel to the floor. We return to the starting position.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The right pain

The main criterion for proper work when pumping muscles is burning, tolerable pain in the muscles. If the muscles hurt the next day, it means everything was done correctly, they did a good job. But still, for maximum comfort for a beginner, after class you need to stretch and take a warm shower.

Having initially full arms, it is better to lose weight at the same time as starting training; plump girls will have to do exercises to pump up their arms longer - the features of training for losing weight on arms are described in ours. If the goal is to pump up your arms, the emphasis should be on them, but in training it is necessary to maintain a balance, developing the body harmoniously, alternating exercises to develop arm muscles with loads on other muscle groups: chest, back and the whole body.

Regular training not only forms a beautiful body contour, but increases strength and endurance, increases the vitality of the body, and improves mood. Let's start with our hands, and then everything will be in our hands.

For harmonious development, you should work on the whole body:

  • Training program.
  • Training program for weight gain for girls -.
  • - Just!

It is always important for women to be in excellent physical shape, and despite the fact that modern life does not always contribute to this, you still need to find time to take care of your body. The most open part female body You can call them hands, so their condition is of no small importance for a woman. We invite you to get acquainted with effective workouts for hand relief.

The arm muscles are divided into the brachial muscle group and the forearm muscles. This area contains deep and superficial types of muscles. The second type is on the surface, and it is not difficult to pump up these muscles.

Did you know? Music playing during workouts increases their effectiveness by 15%, as a person is distracted, and the load process proceeds faster and more pleasantly.

This type of muscle includes:
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • brachyradialis;
  • extensor carpi.

Today there are two known reasons for the accumulation of fat in the upper extremities:

  • genetics;
  • hormonal imbalance.

The first reason is the inheritance from relatives of some genes programmed to supply excess fat to a certain area of ​​the body. Any part of the body can become such a place. However, this does not mean that you need to resign yourself and do nothing; sport will help solve such a problem.

The second reason may result from:

  • severe stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking medications;
  • serious diseases.

Features of training for girls

Like any workout, this one has positive and negative sides. Let's get to know them in order.


Systematic training will bring the following benefits to the body:

Harm and contraindications


  • injure muscles, ligaments or joints;
  • pump up muscles;
  • get very tired;
  • worsen health status during a chronic disease.

To avoid this, you must adhere to the recommendations of doctors, trainers and, when starting classes, first familiarize yourself with possible contraindications to them.

Did you know? 50% of the body's total energy is spent on muscle contraction. Even in the absence of sports, 40% is used to perform everyday activities. Therefore, athletes need to eat more protein.

It is recommended to avoid training if you have the following problems:
  • pressure changes;
  • problems with the heart or blood vessels;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • overweight;
  • problems with the spine;
  • osteoporosis or osteochondrosis.

Warm up before training

All workouts begin with a warm-up, during which the whole body will be involved. Warming up activates blood flow to muscles and joints, increasing their elasticity and sensitivity.

Let's look at the most common exercises for warming up joints:

  • maximum smooth head rotations;
  • shoulder rotations;
  • raising arms from the sides;
  • rotation at the elbows;
  • body tilts;
  • body rotations;
  • leg lift;
  • knee rotation;
  • squats;
  • hip rotation;
  • moving your legs to the side.

Video: universal warm-up before training

Arm workouts

Exercises for sagging arms for women have the same technique as for men, but are carried out with light weight and fewer repetitions.

Exercises at home

Without the opportunity to systematically go to the gym, you should not despair, since you can train at home with good results. Exercises can be done both without dumbbells and with them or other weights. Let's consider several popular and effective complexes.

For triceps

No. 1. Dumbbell press:

  1. Starting position (IP) – standing with a straight back, knees slightly bent and head tilted forward. Take dumbbells in your hands and place them along the body.
  2. Bend forward. Bend your arms and begin to straighten them one by one. The stomach should be tucked in all the time.

#2: Triceps Stretch:
  1. IP - standing straight.
  2. They take one hand and, with the help of the other, lift it behind their head.
  3. Hold for a while, while applying slight pressure on the bent arm.
  4. They return to the IP and perform all the manipulations with the other hand.

For biceps

No. 1. Dumbbell Hammer Raise:

  1. IP - standing upright or sitting. Hands are placed freely along the body with dumbbells.
  2. The dumbbells are lifted alternately and lowered into the IP.

No. 2. Pull-ups for the inside of the arms.

Works the biceps and back muscles well. You can do pull-ups with different grips.

You need to do this as follows:

  1. IP - hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. They begin to bend their arms, thus pulling the body up to the bar and returning it to the IP.

On shoulders

No. 1. Lateral dumbbell raises:

  1. IP - standing with legs slightly apart, arms with equipment hanging freely at the sides. It is important that your knees and elbows are slightly bent.
  2. They begin to simultaneously lift the projectiles to the shoulders. They are delayed and returned to the IP.

№ 2 . Push-ups with stretching help with sagging muscles:

  1. IP - lying on the floor. The emphasis is on the knees and straight arms.
  2. They pull in the stomach and slowly move the body down until the chest touches the floor, and rise to the IP.
  3. The palms are left in the same place, and the pelvis is lowered onto the heels, stretching the back.

In the gym

In a gym where there are a large number of exercise machines, it will not be difficult to carry out a full workout; the main thing is to choose the right exercises under the guidance of a professional trainer.

Basic exercises

We invite you to get acquainted with basic exercises, which can improve the shape of your hands on simulators:

No. 1. Dips

Technique is important here, as you can easily get injured.

It consists of the following actions:

  1. IP – fixate on the uneven bars with straight arms.
  2. They begin to gradually bend their arms, lowering their body down. Elbows should be at the same distance from each other.
  3. The body is detained and returned to the IP.

No. 2. Seated French press

This is done as follows:

  1. IP - sitting on a surface with a backrest. The dumbbell is taken in two hands and raised. Your forearms should touch your ears.
  2. They begin to lower the projectile down behind the head, and then lift it to IP.

No. 3. Lifting dumbbells.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. IP – standing straight, feet at shoulder level. Hands along the body.
  2. Slowly bend your arm until the muscle is maximally tense. The dumbbells are raised to the shoulders.
  3. They stay for a few seconds and return to the IP.

No. 4. Raising the handle in a biceps block.

Helps with low weight and large quantities repetitions from flabbiness.

To perform this, you need to install a straight handle on the lower block. And do the following:

  1. IP - standing straight, legs apart. The hands hold the handle in front, the elbows are pressed to the body.
  2. As you exhale, begin to lift the handle up without lifting your elbows.
  3. While inhaling, they lower into the IP, but the arms cannot be fully extended.

No. 5. Working with the upper block.

Train muscles as follows:

  1. IP – standing straight, feet at a distance. The knees are slightly bent and the elbows are pressed to the sides. Bend at the waist and take the handle in your hands.
  2. As you exhale, they begin to pull it down until the joints are fully extended.
  3. They delay and smoothly transition to IP.

Did you know? If all the muscles in the human body are directed to one traction force, a weight can be lifted up to 25 tons.

Additional exercises

In addition to the basic ones, there are additional strength exercises that will help you use your muscles more thoroughly. Let's look at them in more detail:

No. 1. Arm extension using a shock absorber (elastic band for fitness):

  1. IP - sitting, with a straight back. Take an elastic band in your hands and place it behind your back. One limb is located behind the head, and the other is located below the back. The elbow is placed near the head.
  2. As you inhale, extend the arm located above, and as you exhale, return it to the IP.
  3. The elbow and shoulder cannot be moved.

Video: a set of arm exercises for girls No. 2. Movement of the arms using an expander:

  1. IP - standing, legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent. The expander is placed behind the back in the area below the shoulder blades. The arms are raised to this level, bending the elbows and pointing them upward.
  2. Slowly align the limbs in the forward direction and then return to the IP.

No. 3. Bent-over arm extension:

  1. IP - standing, legs apart, knees bent, body slightly tilted forward, moving the pelvis back, bending the lower back. Take a dumbbell in your hands.
  2. Move your arms up and down, bringing your shoulder blades together.

No. 4. Reverse push-ups help pump up the triceps:

  1. IP - sitting on the floor, knees bent so that the heels rest on the floor. Palms rest on the raised platform from behind. In this case, the fingers should be directed towards the body. The joints are completely straight.
  2. Bend your arms, lowering your body down until your hips touch the floor. They are delayed and returned to the IP.

No. 5. Extension of the arm from the chest:

  1. IP - lying on the floor, knees bent, arms placed along the body with elbows outward. Take a dumbbell in one hand.
  2. Bend the joint towards the opposite shoulder. Return to IP.
  3. After several repetitions, change hands and repeat everything again.

Method "21"

The name of the method reflects the total number of repetitions per approach. It is an improved training method, during which the muscles receive different loads using three movements performed with different amplitudes: minimum, medium and maximum. Isolated (single-joint) exercises are ideal for this method.

Let's look at the complex using an example of an exercise with a barbell:

  1. The training begins with completely straight limbs, the barbell is placed in the hips.
  2. The first 7 times it is raised to the level when the palms become parallel to the floor.
  3. Then - 7 times to shoulder level.
  4. And the final 7 times - with maximum amplitude.

Important! Many people strive, in addition to warming up, to do some serious stretching before training. However, it is forbidden to do this before strength training, since the muscles must remain rigid despite their elasticity, and stretching makes them vulnerable.

The first amplitude allows you to improve muscle elasticity, the next one helps to develop mass, and the final one helps to exhaust the muscles and thus stimulate fiber growth. However, this does not mean that all exercises should be aimed at using this technique.
To get the desired result, it is enough to perform the last exercise in this mode. It is important to remember that this technique will only produce results for four weeks; its further use will not be effective.

Precautions for indoor activities

Everyone knows that in the gym, where there is a huge number of different equipment and weights, certain precautions must be observed:

  1. Closed shoes should be worn; clothing should not restrict movement or interfere.
  2. Training always begins with a thorough warm-up of all parts of the body.
  3. Don’t hold your breath, exhale for effort, inhale for relaxation.
  4. Heavy weights can only be lifted using a weightlifting belt.
  5. When not using the bar, always secure it carefully when removing or attaching discs.
  6. Weighted squats and bench presses are performed only with backup.
  7. If you discover a malfunction of the equipment or exercise machine, immediately notify the gym employee.
  8. The range of motion should not be maximum so as not to injure the joint.
  9. The head should be in a neutral position during training.
  10. Minimize unnecessary stretching of the ligaments and tendons that are located near the joint, as this can lead to joint weakness.
  11. The legs should feel maximum stability and maintain balance at all times.
  12. The muscles must be constantly tense to protect the back from damage.

Basic rules for strengthening arm muscles

To properly form the muscles of the upper limbs, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do a warm-up to warm up your muscles, which will prevent injury.
  2. At home, use light weights and do high reps. In the gym you can lift heavy weights and do up to three approaches. The ideal weight is when fatigue appears only after the 3rd approach.

    Important! The optimal training regime is to conduct classes every other day, no more than 3 times a week. This way the muscles can rest and recover.

  3. It is recommended to schedule the program for a week. The workout should last 45 minutes.
  4. Finish your workout with a good stretch.

Video: a set of exercises for beautiful hands Our article outlines the best exercises that can restore the beauty of your hands in a short period of time. It is important not to overstrain the body, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

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