Planting Brussels sprouts in the ground. When to plant Brussels sprouts for seedlings. Pest and disease control of Brussels sprouts

Fighting pigeons differ from other breeds primarily in their flight patterns. It is for this reason that they have become so loved by pigeon fanciers all over the world. The world of fighting pigeons is a large group of breeds that are characterized by a particularly colorful flight. The species unites southern breeds of birds. In addition to the turns that flyers make in the air, combatants are distinguished by their exquisite beauty and unpretentiousness in maintenance.

Who are the fighters?

What is so remarkable about these birds? The main highlight of the species is the peculiar game that the pigeon performs in flight - somersaults. At the moment of the coup, the bird makes a characteristic clap of its wings, called a “beat”. Hence the name of the group.

These pigeons are beautiful both in the air and on the ground. Decorative breeds are distinguished by their exquisite exterior and bright manners.


The spectacle of a flying fighter is mesmerizing. Playing in the air has several styles, and each is elegant in its own way:

TO sound effect Pigeon fanciers have certain requirements for flying. Years with a clear frequency of clapping are considered to be of the highest quality. A somersault without an audible impact is considered a “failure.”

An insufficient somersault or a somersault greater than 360 degrees is also considered a failure. The game of such a flight is blurred and loses its beauty.

The most spectacular is called flying in pairs. Birds fly this way while feeding their young, as well as in preparation for laying eggs.

Fighters have a long flight. Sometimes the bird can play in the air for three to six hours, and some hardy individuals stay in the sky all day. When finishing its flight, the bird lands in a circular motion. Some birds prefer to land quickly, falling like a stone.

Gallery: fighting breeds of pigeons (25 photos)

Characteristics of a pigeon

The flying and playing qualities of the fighters are so high that the group is considered the most popular among pigeon breeders. The breed has a number of advantages:


There are several of the most popular breeds of fighting pigeons.

Pigeons of the Krasnodar region are divided into long-beaked, short-beaked and medium-beaked breeds. Outwardly they have many similarities. The color is often red or yellow, with a white pattern on the sides and tail. It is characteristic that the red plumage changes with age. A year later, the first molt occurs, after which the red plumage remains only on the head, chest and tail. Pigeons of Krasnodar experience a change in plumage in the summer.

The legs are decorated with short feathers, which makes the paws look like bells. Krasnodar pigeons have an average body length, their wingspan is in the range of 33-36 centimeters.

Today, breeding work to improve the exterior of birds continues in Krasnodar. Low flight qualities are compensated by the decorative appearance of pigeons. Some pigeon breeders in the region breed Tashkent pigeons, a small breed with a neat head and a small beak.

Krasnoyarsk has long been known for its pigeon clubs. Not only exhibitions are held annually, but also competitions for tumbling birds.

Iranian combatants

Another name for them is Persians are curly. The breed was domesticated five thousand years ago. Externally, pigeons differ from others by the characteristic split ends of their feathers, which gives the impression of “curliness”. The plumage of Iranian pigeons is often reddish, brown or yellowish. The legs are decorated with beautiful long feathers. The breed loves frequent and long flights. The flight of pigeons is particularly spectacular.

Persian pigeons

Externally, Persian pigeons bear little resemblance to ordinary sisars and have a slight resemblance to a hawk. The breed is characterized by a small head and small beak. The plumage is very different. The length with spread wings reaches 70 centimeters. Just like the Iranians. require long flights. To maintain the breed, a spacious dovecote is required.

North Caucasian fighting pigeons, or kosmachi

A characteristic feature of Caucasian pigeons is the forelock, which turns into a kind of mane. The birds are also called combers for their habit of moving their legs while landing. There are feathers on the legs, the length of which reaches 10 centimeters. Spurs are also present. There are several color options for North Caucasian birds. Caucasian pigeons are one of the most popular fighting breeds. North Caucasian pigeons are the ancestors of many fighting breeds. Breeders have worked to improve the breed for hundreds of years.

  • The storage area should be spacious. It is best to build a dovecote for this purpose. Birds can be kept both in cages and in aviaries.
  • For one individual in the enclosure there should be 50 cm₂ on the floor and one and a half meters of air space.
  • The material for the enclosure can be any. The main thing is to ensure that there is minimal space between the rods, and the bird cannot fit through the gap;
  • It is necessary to choose the right perch. Incorrect body position of the bird during rest can cause curvature of the spine, which will entail a change in the quality of flight;
  • The size of the perch pole should correspond to the circumference of the bird's fingers;
  • For maintenance you need high-quality bedding. Peat, tree bark, hay and rags are best suited. The floor can be covered with sand;
  • The food of pigeons must be selected depending on the breed and beak length. For short-billed birds, millet and cracked wheat are best, as are small peas and lentils. Long-billed individuals can feed on larger foods: beans, beans, barley, corn;
  • Fighter flights occur in both summer and winter. The tumbling pigeon needs regular training.
  • In mid-summer, birds molt. During this period, high-protein components are removed from the diet and the amount of oil increases.

Selling fighting pigeons is a profitable business, so most poultry farmers are engaged in breeding the breed.

Attention, TODAY only!

Azerbaijani fighting pigeons are represented in the world Pigeon Catalog by the Baku population.

Moreover, the diversity of this population gives the right to call it the “Baku Fighting Pigeons” race. In this album we will talk about an amazing, outstanding summer and the game of Baku pigeons. We will show the color variety of breeds included in the race.

And although the editors will cover the classification of Baku breeds based on a scientific approach, nevertheless, the authors of the articles will have the right to their own opinion, different from the opinion of the editors.

A. Filichkin.

Baku breeds:

1. Baku white fighting pigeons.
2. Baku marble fighting pigeons.
3. Baku chili - fighting pigeons.
4. Baku colored fighting pigeons.
5. Baku belt fighting pigeons.
6. Baku Chaps - fighting pigeons.
7. Baku necks are fighting pigeons.
8. Baku colored-tailed fighting pigeons.
9. Baku Agbashi-fighting pigeons.
10. Baku ablaki-fighting pigeons.

Breeding Baku pigeons in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, homing pigeons is a favorite pastime. Traditions have deep roots, dating back not only centuries, but probably millennia. Azerbaijan is a country in the Transcaucasus north of Iran. In ancient times, this territory was part of Persia. The map of Azerbaijan vaguely resembles a flying eagle with the capital (the city of Baku) as its head. Since ancient times, these places have been known as the “land of fires”.

These days it is very easy to meet pigeon breeders in Baku. You just have to walk through the “Old Town” area, surrounded by the walls of a 9th-century fortress, where among the narrow streets, in the backyards, you will see “pigeon houses”. To get a better look at them, apparently, you will have to walk along the old, fragile stairs, after which the well-known “Baku residents” will appear before your eyes. Basically, the owners of dovecotes in Baku and throughout Azerbaijan keep an average of 100 to 300 pieces. And if you ask a person about his hobby, he will happily tell you that his grandfathers kept pigeons, and their own children are also seriously involved in this traditional activity, because Azerbaijani pigeon breeders pass on love and interest in pigeons from generation to generation, just like and in Iran. IN different parts globe they are engaged in pigeons, and each country has its own reasons for this. Some enjoy the excitement of competitions similar to horse racing, races, etc., others like the decorative properties of pigeons, and still others breed them for the purpose of obtaining dietary meat.

However, Baku Fighters are a breed created solely for the pleasure of their flight. Baku pigeon breeders practically did not pay attention to the exterior; the indicator of the value of a pigeon was and is its flight qualities. That is why in the dovecotes of Baku you can find pigeons of all kinds in coloring and plumage patterns: marbled, motley, pockmarked, gray, colored plain, colored tailed, necked, it is almost impossible to describe and systematize the Baku pigeons, all pigeons are quite different. Their true beauty is revealed in the sky. As Baku lovers say: “We love them and spend more time than ourselves!” Pigeons in Baku are also a means of communication with neighbors and friends. You can spend hours admiring their flight and discussing the qualities of a particular bird, because it’s not for nothing that absolutely everyone loves pigeons in Azerbaijan! Pigeon breeders specially train young pigeons in strong winds to enhance their breathing and develop stamina. Baku in translation means “City of the Winds,” probably due to the fact that this territory is subject to seasonal winds, the gust of which sometimes reaches more than 70 km/h.

Azerbaijani pigeon breeders know how to properly handle their birds, which are surprisingly obedient. They can easily control a flock, raise or plant from a specific spot. When asked how you achieve this, they answer that only with your attention and love for your pets. Most likely, there are secrets that local pigeon breeders will never tell anyone about. Just like in Holland they won’t tell you the recipe for making cheese, in France they won’t tell you about wine, or they won’t give you the highlight of the recipe for some amazing dish in the Caucasus mountains, although they will prepare it especially for you and give it to you. It’s also amazing how so many pigeons fit in a small house on the ground, and at the same time, being monogamous? No one pecks the young, no one fights for nests. Baku fighting pigeons are not just pigeons, they are social, gentle and friendly creatures. One gets the feeling that they prefer to live in a group than as a couple, this is of course the merit of the Baku pigeon breeders, who have achieved such amazing discipline, devotion and love for their pets. In addition to the traditional requirements for fighting pigeons, pigeon breeders in the city of Baku include the following: so that birds do not land on someone else’s roof, are resistant to the wind and “do not ride on their tail.” Any deviations are severely punished, and the bird is removed from the flock. Catching other people's pigeons is especially exciting and popular, because in Baku, raising your head up, you can often see these beautiful birds flying, and everyone is chasing them! As the locals say: “If pigeon eggs could fly, we would catch them too!”

It is also very interesting that many Baku pigeon keepers have several booths on their farm, 5, 6 or even more! In each of them, the birds are sorted according to certain characteristics that only the owner knows. To your request to sell several pairs of local pigeons, the owner will answer, I sell only in bulk, take the whole booth! Thanks to its unpretentiousness and high flying qualities, over the past 50 years the breed has spread throughout the entire territory of our country, regardless of climatic conditions. There is probably no dovecote who does not know the “Baku people”, even if he is not involved in slaughter! They can rightfully be called the most accessible and numerous breed of fighting pigeons! In terms of flight style and appearance, the Baku fighters are very similar to the Iranian fighters. And this is not strange, the region cannot be divided in terms of pigeon breeding; at the time these pigeons were bred, Azerbaijan was the territory of the Persian Empire. Even part of modern Iran is called East Azerbaijan, with its capital in Tabriz, a breeding center for slaughter pigeon breeding. Hence the similar pigeons, traditions and attitudes towards the “bird of peace” that have developed over centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century in Baku, an expert on local fighting, Schmidt, created the breed of “Baku Mane Dogs”, which people affectionately call “necks”, or necks, for the colored spot in the neck area. There are pigeons with red, yellow, black and gray plumage of the mane and tail. Particularly prized are the white-headed Bakuvians, called "ok-bash" (light head), the white-breasted ones - "ok-dash" (light chest), "Chili" (translated as freckles, spots), and the colored-tailed ones. However, do not forget that this bird is selected for its flight qualities.

In terms of flight duration, Iranian and Baku pigeons are record holders, from 2-12 hours, depending on the strength of the fight, the degree of training and special diets. Pigeons are able to rise to a fairly large height, often hide from view, and are well oriented. A well-trained, purebred “Baku resident” is capable of finding his home even several hundred kilometers away, and this is true! They say that once Astrakhan pigeon breeders purchased a whole batch of pigeons in Baku from an old and experienced fancier. Having arrived home, of course, they could not stand it and began to release the bird, which a few days later was already in Baku, in its native dovecote, despite the distance by sea of ​​about 500 km! For their outstanding qualities, Baku pigeons have been declared a national treasure and pride of the Republic of Azerbaijan!

Nikolay Chekhlatov

Years and the game of Baku fighting pigeons.

Training of Baku pigeons

1. Firstly, before you start chasing a bird, you need to provide it with conditions for full development. Only complete feeding And good conditions contents give us the moral right to demand an appropriate summer from the dove. In any area of ​​our life, including pigeon farming, before you take something, you need to give something.

2. The sooner you start chasing the bird, the better. Is it so? In principle, yes, but not necessarily. It is good if it is possible to chase pigeons starting from 30-40 days, but this does not always work out that way. For example, I start pairing pigeons on January 15-25, and release the birds for flight on April 15-25. That is, my first broods are already about 50-60 days old at the start of the flying season. But, despite this, they grow up quite quickly, and are actually not inferior to the second brood, which flies at the same time as them. This fact suggests that genes play the main role here: given a pigeon to fly, it will fly, and not given, it won’t fly, that is, it’s not that it won’t fly at all, it’s just that this age will not meet the established requirements. Of course, if you start racing a Bakuvian at 6 months, then no matter what genes he has, the process can be long and not always successful.

3. Is Baku’s early “game” good or bad? Many pigeon breeders who are engaged in Baku slaughter complain about the sharply changing style of play and flight of the bird after molting, or, for example, in the second year after winter. Some pigeons sharply reduce their “game”, while others begin to “clog”. As a rule, such changes most often appear in those individuals that began to “beat” very early, for example, 5-15 days after the start of the rut. It was also noted, and I completely agree with this, that Baku residents who “take up the game” at 5-7 months or later subsequently show more stable years.

Yes, indeed, my pigeons also showed this tendency. Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer to this question. There are suggestions that the “slaughter” is due to the addition of blood from decorative breeds to Baku residents in order to improve the exterior.

Regarding the fact that buckeyes “play” less after molting. Based on the literature I have read, communication with experienced pigeon fanciers and my own experience, I can say that the flight and “playing” style of a Bakuan can take up to 2 to 3 years to develop.

And how it turns out, mostly for us! A pigeon hatched in the spring, flew well, and “played” well. After molting, we see that the bird began to “beat” much less. Well, we ran it for about a month, and then closed it for the winter. We released him in the spring, drove him for another month, and we see that the “game” is not increasing. What do we do then? That's right - to the market, or we give it to the boys, and we ourselves again buy “young and promising”.

Or another option. A pigeon hatched, flew for 2-3 weeks, showed good yo and the game, and we immediately close it so that it doesn’t disappear, and we take the youth out of it. But the youth turns out to be neither in the village nor in the city.

One of the main problems of pigeon breeders who deal with Baku birds is that they do not fully know the flight and playing characteristics of their pigeons because they do not have the patience or desire to chase them after molting and in subsequent periods.

You need to carefully study the flight of your pets, and leave only proven individuals that show the most stable flight for the tribe. Then take their young people and also leave the most stable among them. The consequence of such actions in a few years will be that you will have a flock of Bakuvians with stable flight, who will not upset you with unpleasant surprises, and if they do, it will be very rare. I now mainly have birds, five generations of which were bred in my dovecote. And, believe me, the stability of summer is much higher than it was 5 years ago.

Another problem is clogging. In my opinion, this is a genetic problem that is not directly related to overstaying. A pigeon can become clogged after winter, when you start chasing it, but no more than 1-2 times, and then it should fly. I see a solution to this situation in culling slaughtered individuals. Actions such as trimming or plucking tail feathers, etc. are temporary in nature, the “clogging” does not go away from this.

4. How many individuals is it advisable to chase at the same time to see a beautiful game and years? If you drive young people who have not yet hit or even “broken their tails,” I think you can simultaneously drive 20 and 30 and more birds simultaneously. But if among this flock there are individuals who begin to somersault, or take a stance, or have even begun to hit, then such Bakuvians need to be chased separately. Indeed, as “literature says”, Baku residents reveal their abilities best when in a flock, which is chased by no more than 7-8 individuals at a time, or even less. Although, in my opinion, the point here is not so much in quantity, but in the similarity of the flight styles of the pigeons from which the flock is formed. For example, I can chase 13-15 birds at the same time without harming the aesthetic contemplation of the bird, since they have the same style of flight and play.

5. How long should a Baku resident fly and what is his flying style? The “classic” Baku bird is a bird with a circular flight, strong posturing and a flight duration of at least 5-6 hours. Some say they fly for 8-10 hours, or even more. I don't know, I haven't seen it. But.... The modern Baku pigeon is a very collective concept, with a variety of flight and playing styles, in which, unfortunately, a lot of blood is mixed that is not conducive to the manifestation of good flight and playing conditions.

Personally, I try to strike a balance between flying and gaming. I don’t like pigeons that fly for 5 hours or more, but that “beat” mainly when ascending and descending, and at the top they cut huge circles and “play” once every 30-40 minutes. I do not experience aesthetic satisfaction from such a spectacle. For me, a pigeon that flies in a slow circle is of great value; in the first half hour it plays every 1-2 minutes, after that every 5-10 minutes. Even if the flight duration of such a pigeon is 2.5-3.5 hours, I don’t need any more. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions, each has the right to exist.

There are “storytellers” who talk about pigeons that fly for 5-8 hours and that “constantly play in the dots.” This is biologically impossible. Perhaps attach steel wings to such tanks, and instead of a heart put a “fiery motor”.

6. Is it possible to race young pigeons with old ones and does such a race contribute to losses among young people? There are different points of view. Some say - it is possible, others - that it is impossible to race young animals that have not reached at least 2 months with “old people” - they will disappear. I don’t know, I personally drive, and they don’t disappear, they just sit down faster.

7. To drive or not to drive Baku residents in winter? Honestly, if I had the opportunity, I would race for a whole year. But since there are so few good birds, and the hawk is especially fierce in winter, I don’t chase breeding birds in winter. In winter, I chase only untested pigeons; I manage to check some, while others are checked by a hawk.

8. Should breeding birds be chased during brood season? I think it’s not worth it, unless you have spare doves or pigeons. And so, either the hawk disappears and that’s it - the problem is: find a mate, feed the young. As a rule, those who deal with Baku residents do not keep feeders. My hatching season usually ends in June, so I have time to “train the old ones” even before molting. For those pigeon breeders who live further north, it is more difficult in this regard.

Baku pigeons must be kept from hand to mouth! I have a question - why? Is it really possible that if you constantly feel hungry, will you be better at running a hundred meters or doing more pull-ups on the horizontal bar? I doubt it very much. Also the dove. In order for a bird to fly well, it must receive sufficient quantities of all the necessary nutrients. And she gets these substances with food. Of course, you can’t overfeed a bird, but I also think it’s wrong to underfeed it. No one argues that before driving Bakin away, you shouldn’t feed him, but he shouldn’t be absolutely hungry either.

How to deal with losses of pigeons during the rut? I can say that Baku residents are very smart pigeons who are very attached to their home and do not disappear “just like that.” One of the main reasons for the losses of Baku residents is that since they fly for quite a long time, rain, thunderstorms, wind can overtake them in the air and they are simply carried away many kilometers from home, some return, and some do not. Here I would advise pigeon breeders, before chasing a bird, to find out the weather forecast and, based on the information received, decide for themselves whether it is worth chasing or not. Everyone has their own ways and methods, personally I try not to drive my pets in the rain, strong winds, thunderstorms or before them.

One more nuance. Advice from experienced pigeon breeders, and most importantly - personal experience, confirmed that pigeons bred in their own nursery in the second, third, fourth generation, etc. They disappear much less often during the rut than those acquired from other pigeon breeders. The genetic memory of pigeons is very well developed, and he remembers “his homeland” very well.

In addition, “enclosure” is also one of the reasons for the increase in the percentage of Baku residents lost in the air. If parents “sit in prison” for years and do not see the sky, then young people’s orientation and genetic memory of their home also deteriorate over time, and they are more prone to losses.

In modern conditions, hawks can be considered one of the main reasons for the losses of Baku residents, especially in winter. Peregrine falcons attack at the top, and goshawks and other types of feathered predators attack at the bottom or at middle heights. What can I recommend? Some exterminate or trap hawks, but these methods are temporary and can lead to legal problems. Study the behavior of these pigeon terrorists, try to drive them away when the likelihood of their attack is minimal.

The most important thing is to love your pigeons, no matter what breed they are, take care of them and they will bring you a lot of joy and pleasure.

Yuriy Levenets, Ternopil, Ukraine.

Chebarkul line of Baku residents.

I can write a lot about this bird; I grew up with it.

The main thing is that they believe, and not consider it an idle lie.

The first time RAGIM (Azerbaijani) brought this bird bare-footed and “with boots,” and the second time - hairy-footed. Few people know about this, with whom they have been in contact, and not one of them considers this bird to be Chebarkul.

I saw this bird, what they looked like, from the original importation.

My Uncle kept this breed since 1968, when it was just brought from Baku. After the death of Ensign RAGIM, my Uncle got an old pigeon, which was 22 years old. As many as I know of old Chebarkul dovecotes, not one considers it Chebarkul. She is Baku and she is Baku, and she did not mix with any blood in Chebarkul.

When I had Uncle as Chairman (founded the club), they did not have such thoughts of renaming the bird RAGIMA. To this day they remember him and praise him for bringing such a bird, although there are not many of them left. That’s why I describe the pigeon keepers of Chebarkul (not for the sake of advertising), but so that they know and remember that they kept the bird for themselves, and not for the sake of advertising and money. That’s why I asked everyone, if you come for the pigeons yourself, I would put you in touch with Uncle and you would find out his opinion.

About Rahim I can tell you what he told Uncle, and he told me, that’s all I know about Rahim.

They said that pigeons pick up the game well only in the 3rd year, do not drive until the squeaker squeaks, if the pigeon does not fly, then change its environment. How the pigeon picked up the game, before you scare it, you need to feed it, and what they should look like.

In principle, there is nothing new, but I’m not going to argue that this bird is Baku.

To be understood correctly, I do not divide them into old and new breeds, they are one breed. I wrote that people remember what kind of blood it comes from and from whom. A certain domestication occurred not by mixing with foreign breeds, but by mixing lines within the breed that Rahim brought to us, so this did not affect the flight qualities in any way. And the fact that it was called Chebarkul, not one self-respecting dovecote thinks so, just as Rahim’s bird was, and remains so. In our region, a lot of birds have spread, I know that in Plast they were mixed with the Persians, so why should this be reflected in Chebarkul, in which they lead one line, improving the appearance of the pigeon, without infusing the blood of other breeds.

My Uncle kept this bird from the very beginning and if you look closely, his pigeons have a thin nose, but I would not say that it is very long, as I saw on a friend of mine. He keeps Arabs in Chelyabinsk. And when young people molt, then everything seems to outgrow them.

Don’t be in a hurry about the rut, take the young people and drive them, if the young people go, then why drive the parents. If it doesn’t work, then you’ll slowly start trying the old people, chasing them away isn’t a bad thing. The main thing is to pick up the bird and save it so you don’t have to look for it later.

I already wrote that Rahim brought bare-footed and hairy-footed animals, only the heads and noses were different. So little by little our heads and noses came out.

I found out not so long ago - the bare-footed ones had long noses, but the head had a forehead, and the hairy-footed ones did the opposite. Over time, the old pigeon breeders achieved what they have now.

The eye should be like the eye of a mouse, small, and even when you look from top to bottom, it should not protrude much from the skull, that is, it should be almost flush with the skull. Such rules existed before, but now few people look at them.

Rahim also brought in crested pigeons. So the game and the years are the same. I just took a pigeon from Sanka Vedrashka for my yellow-spotted dove, and he has yellow blood. Sanka says that he played well and began to pull well, and he saw my pigeon in flight, so he brought the pigeon up. The old pigeon coops (which no longer exist), I know Kolya Karp, had good white crested ones, then they seemed to (I don’t know for sure) went to Seryoga Vedrashka (Sanya’s brother). This is how we in Chebarkul know who is holding what blood from the very beginning of Rahim’s supply.

I called Chebarkul and found out from Vovka Zolotukha how we bred a bird with such a head and nose (Pasha Shmotin was not yet in sight). When RAGIM brought the bare-footed and hairy-footed birds, the bare-footed bird had a square head, and the nose was thin and long, while the hairy-footed bird had the opposite - the head was sloping, and the nose was short and thick. Borya Krivoruchko (SISAR) began to mate them, then everyone started. This is how little by little we got such a bird with a good head and nose. The game and the years were good.

As for where RAGIM came from and where he imported the pigeons, I don’t know, since Uncle no longer remembers, but on the other hand, no one needed this before. But definitely from Baku. Regarding the head and nose. Grisha (Yangursky. Editor’s note) also has a straight head on his website. They started picking us up with a straight head, but they tried to remove him from his forehead, and that’s how they took him out. Previously, pigeons all flew and did not fly for 5-6 hours, as they do now, so they were turned away. As RAGIM said: “I drove it away - I’ll bring it for myself, but where will you get it from?” So we started trimming the pigeons in the fall, if we had time. Rahim died around 76.

About the blood. Everyone kept theirs until the 90s (judging by Uncle), then they started taking from each other, and that’s how they survived to this day. In 1986, YURA ASHKHARYAN brought 3-4 pairs of yellow solid ones from Armenia, now we have both yellow and yellow-shouldered ones. Now I want to go to Grisha, if possible, take 2-3 pairs from him. First, let him produce offspring, only then will I mate with my own.

Our bird's flight is sharp, then abruptly turns into a pillar. I have a buso-pleky. His flight is slow, but his play is that he gets up, starts playing, and is pulled up.

Uncle told me that once RAGIM offered to buy a dove from him, Uncle came to him.

(from the Editor: Uncle - Ivanov Gennady Sergeevich).

He scared him, the dove sat on the post, RAGIM said that in 5 minutes he would go himself. After sitting for 5 minutes, he breaks down without making a single circle, with the game he leaves sight and he never sat down again.

About the game and summer. Uncle told me that they used to soar, no matter how the dove played and flew, either as a pillar or as a candle, and everyone soared together. Years passed and therefore they began to achieve purer color and shape of the dove.

Valera Ilinykh climbed mountains in the late 80s and they had a chance to visit Baku. In the mountains there, with his grandfather, he found our bird, but he did not sell a single pigeon for any money. He said that they are non-standard and that there are already so many of them taken out.

My example. One pair gave birth to 3 peeps during the season. The first brood was driven away. One didn’t come for the third time in the night (I drove him away because he was red-spotted, but badly beaten), he drove the second one away in the spring (he also stayed at night), this one was cleaner, he drove him away when he fell at an average height and moved to the side started playing, apparently they stopped them there and never came again. The 3rd brood began to turn over, I scare them in the morning - in the afternoon they come, sit and stagger. I followed its flight, as soon as it starts to turn over, it spins all the way to the ground until it hits the ground. So what is the conclusion here?

I’ll tell you about the dovecote (he no longer exists), Pantelei Lavrentievich, he was older than my Uncle. He had a pigeon named Horse. So they ordered pigeons from him, they stood in line for 2-3 years, in the late 80s he sold it, the pigeon was over 18 years old. I don't remember exactly how much it was. His second line was ruby-throats (who soars one blood took everyone from him), the third line was red solid white-billed. That's all for now.

Sergey Lomov.

Readers can find additional materials on “chebarkul” on the specialized website “Pigeons of the Urals”.

From the Editor:

The work of Chebarkul pigeon breeders to create a separate line, noticeable in its exterior, is reflected in the name of one of the exteriors of Baku pigeons - “Long-billed Chebarkuli”. We place materials on the “Chebarkul line” of Baku residents in the Album on Baku pigeons, and there are also photos of these pigeons.

Red factor in the Baku breed.

And not only in Baku. But everything is in order. I'll start with an aphorism by Ragim Agayev. The founder of the Baku people Southern Urals: “We don’t have enough wheat in Baku to wait a whole year for a pigeon to take over the game.” His pigeons took the fight to the tenth rut. There was no talk about slaughter; he was a rare exception. This was about 35 years ago.

I bred my flock from 2 doves and 3 pigeons. Apparently they were related to the Agayev breed. The rut began at 45 days, at 55-60 the chick was already fighting and going into the lead. Some of them got clogged, but after 3-4 days it went away on its own. Subsequently, they became the best in combat. One day, a squeaker was driven away by crows for 44 days. He returned 3 days later, tired and dry. I gave him a rest for 5 days and drove him, I drove everyone at once. I couldn’t believe my eyes, he was already doing somersaults. After 5 days I took the fight and never stopped.

Also, when I was chasing the Uzbeks, the Tasman pigeon flew for 10 months without playing, then somersaulted and after 2-3 days was slaughtered. The beauty is incredible. In Tashauz in the year 70 there was just a boom in games with ground combat. Not for fun. The highest chic-boy on the palm, tossed it a little, bang, and again on the palm.

Picture: my friend and I are in the Ashgabat yard, he is buying a white two-toothed one. The dialogue between him and the seller is as follows:

No, it doesn't fly.

How is it that it hits but doesn’t fly?

We like it that way. (And showed it.)

And so on for half an hour. One cannot understand, the other cannot explain, that this is a ground combat vehicle. Lotan. In the Great Steppe, pacers have always been valued, but no one thought of making them a breed. In Pakistan, Lotan is a breed in Central Asia just individual valuable specimens. These pigeons fight even without the rut and in the enclosure. But there are such people both among Baku and among Armenians. I recently saw such a Baku woman and listened to a story about the Armenians. But how they would perform if they were driven is unknown. The daughter of this Baku woman was playing - I can’t call it fighting. No one has yet proven a reliable connection between slaughter and early combat. Observations, recordings, and statistical processing of data for different types are needed.

The question here is this. What comes first, fighting or tumbler? I think the first vertuns that arose as a result of mutation and subsequent selection were neither this nor that, something in between, like a rare “battle” along the way. Then they began to break them in different directions, for a tumbler it was vert from cotton to marriage. Well, after, the inscrutable ways of selection, the combatants were divided into ground-based (lotan, parlor) and flight-based ones. Two branches of one tree, lotans and flying ones, sometimes diverged, then converged and intertwined. Slaughter is the red factor of lotan. The light came on, stop - rejection.

The beginning of the fight is one of the selection characteristics for me. The earlier the better. But no matter how hard I try, the period of acquiring the game is increasing, the games are becoming less and less. Yes, it is easier to work with late ripening ones, and they squeeze out early ripening ones. And it’s even easier with the Grobandi direction - long-lived and low-impact, where the main problem is losses. It’s quite simple in Tehran, a month of preparation for competitions, competitions on the day of the summer solstice and 11 months of virtual pigeon breeding. This is the other side of the traffic light. I drove through a red light and the breed was repurposed. A natural process independent of us. Which direction will the Baku residents go, because there are connoisseurs of both longevity and foundlings. There may be 2 or 3 breeds. At least there is already a name - Starobakinskaya. Wait and see.

G. Malkov.

Baku slaughterhouses.

Today this breed of pigeons is bred in all corners of Russia. They were brought to the Caucasian Mineral Waters from Baku in the early 50s of the 20th century. In those days, the bird had feathered legs, wore “boots”, and in “fighting” it was not inferior to many breeds. What remains in my memory are white ones, white ones with black, red, yellow spots on the body, black ones with yellow eyes, with white spots on the head and shoulders, with short tails and low legs. However, as time passed, the Baku ones also underwent changes in their development. They became forelocked and bare-legged, the “boots” disappeared, but the “stockings” were still preserved.

Then the pigeon breeders themselves began to bring out the Baku residents: with bare legs, with and without forelocks, etc. Fashion was constantly changing, it was determined by the market, but amateur pigeon breeders bred whatever they wanted for fun. And these pigeons are unpredictable, their flight and fighting qualities are individual, they are of strong build, strong, intelligent, unpretentious to the conditions of detention, and reproduce well. When you hold a Baku, it seems as if there is a smooth stone lying on your hand. The extraordinary abilities of these pigeons during flight with periodic play (fighting) are fascinating. What is also surprising is their attachment to their home, nest, and mate. The chick, having left its enclosure for the first time and sometimes flying for days on the roofs of other people's houses, eventually returns to its fold. An adult pigeon that you purchased in another city, even if it wants to find its former home, but for some reason does not find it, will definitely return to you.

If you have not determined a place for the pair, then the Baku residents will make a nest from any available material where they like, and if the dove is laid there, then no amount of effort will allow you to move it to a new place. By the way, the dove is prone to laying eggs all year round. Even during molting, delaying this process artificially, she can lay an egg and hatch offspring. However, this process is undesirable, so the nests should be cleaned and then processed so that there are no “building materials” in them. But pigeons need to be fed intensively.

The body of a dove in winter requires a maximum of vitamins. After molting in December - January, she sits on eggs in natural conditions, incubates and feeds the strongest and most robust chicks. For newborn pigeons, a clear feeding regime must be observed. A variety of food and its timely provision are important factors so that the pigeon’s crop does not become empty and does not stretch too much. The food should be soft, and the chick should receive it at noon. You can’t give enough food, which, unfortunately, is what many pigeon breeders do.

I’ll return to the adult Bakuvians. A flying pigeon must be well trained; it needs to add loads every day. After all, a young Baku native begins his first steps in the game: landing on his tail with preliminary flapping of his wings - short (not protracted), two or three times with a quick transition to years. Then the pigeon begins to easily spin over its head with the same clapping sounds, goes into a “fight”, and here it cannot be given a break. The pigeon will improve the quality of the “fight” every day. The interval between landing on the tail and the “fight” varies. Sometimes it drags on for up to a year, depending on the pedigree of the pigeon. The shortest is two weeks. There were cases when the chick was still squeaking and was already beginning to “beat” like an adult pigeon.

A well-trained Baku pilot, released in the evening and caught in the dark, can fly all night and only lands at dawn. IN last years To protect the birds from predators, some pigeon breeders practiced this rutting pattern. Only she doesn't justify herself. And although you save the bird, you weaken its physical condition. At night, the doves, as usual, sit on the eggs or warm the chicks. Now, unfortunately, pigeons are especially susceptible to attacks by predators. From the end of August until May, they are harassed by female hawks; from April, when the pigeons easily fly upward and pick up the pace of summer and “fighting,” the falcon mercilessly deals with them. At high altitudes, it is difficult for a Bakuvian to get away from the tailbone (there is such a predator). Baku residents get away from a hawk more easily than from a falcon: it cannot catch up with a strong flying pigeon, which cannot be said about a young or unraced one.

What is characteristic of a Bakuvian? Mainly flying style. If no one bothers him (hawk, falcon, crows), then he always stays in a certain square. Basically, Bakuvians love solitude and often fly for hours, demonstrating their fight to each other. Some rise higher than others, as if controlling the lower “floors”. The variety of flight and combat allows them to keep a distance from each other and create floor-to-floor flights. This is how they sit. They show many fragments of the battle during landing. In my opinion, the most beautiful one is this: a dove, sitting down, “releases” the landing gear, like an airplane, with its legs down, and when there are two meters left to seat, suddenly makes a sharp jerk upward. “Vintom” with “fighting” goes back into years, makes several circles, repeating this several times. Such a pigeon is very valuable.

Baku residents have difficulty flying in strong winds, although they are not afraid of it. In high altitude conditions they feel oxygen starvation. If a pigeon has to live at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, and in years rise to a “point” or hide from view (another 1000 -1200 m additionally), and even show the game, then it can only withstand 2-3 hours. Other breeds are not capable of this either. If we compare the Bakuvian of half a century ago with the present, we will notice the following changes. He became larger, slimmer, more beautiful. The variety of combat remains, but the years have gotten worse. A negative role in this was played by keeping them in an enclosure, where the pigeons were driven away from predators. Assimilation with other breeds also changed it, although its effect is also ambiguous. A Baku man from the 50s is unattractive in appearance, hunched over, on low legs, with an ugly gait. In a word, he was unmasked, but showed miracles in the air. In my opinion, even today, the uglier the pigeon, the better it is in “summer” and “combat”. Of course, among the beautiful ones there are many worthy specimens.

It is a pity that flying and fighting birds die in the claws of predators - 30 - 40 birds a year. The pairs have to be replenished from the outside, which, of course, affects the quality. It happens that you don’t get anything good during the season. And yet we grow them and even participate in exhibitions. At the last Moscow one we were appreciated. I just wish that the standard for this bird was placed next to the cage, so that there would be no misunderstanding between experts and pigeon breeders. And advice to experts: in the evaluation sheet you should emphasize the position for which points are deducted. All this will have a positive impact on the breeding of Baku residents.

If you have any questions, write to:

357000, Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory,

st. Katykhina, 54, apt. 2

Amateur pigeon breeder A. RAFAELYANTS talks about this breed

About marble.

I would like to tell you a little about myself. I saw pigeons for the first time at the age of 7, a neighbor who lived opposite got one, kept it for a short time, about 2 years, the bird was different breeds, but all fighting. I simply fell in love with pigeons then, spent hours looking at the neighbor’s roof and it was a great happiness when they gave me a pigeon in my hands to take and throw away. But my parents did not allow me to have pigeons. The 90s came Hard times, life became difficult and many people gave up poultry. The bird no longer caught my eye and my passion subsided. The second meeting with pigeons occurred when I was about 14 years old, the boys and I decided to eat pigeons, we climbed up to catch them on the technical floors of high-rise buildings, and there I completely accidentally caught a pigeon. As soon as I saw him, something immediately stirred in me, my heart beat faster. He was a mixed breed from Baku with some kind of shaggy fight, but he looked great, white with a red spot on his neck in the shape of a nickel and a trimmed gray tail, his feet were in boots about 5 centimeters. At this point my parents couldn’t stop me. I separated a corner in the attic and began to collect whatever I could find. All weekend I wandered the streets of the city in search of pigeons, but the dovecotes and attics were empty. After some time, I found several pigeon breeders, those who did not part with the bird; the birds were mostly Baku. The pigeon keepers were mostly over 40 and older, they didn’t really talk to the boys, but there were those with whom we could agree to take the bird and helped with advice. At the beginning they were: Baku, Krasnodar, North Caucasian, different mestizos - but they all raced all year round, many played very well. But my Baku ones have always been most flocks and slowly crowded out everyone else, no one flew so much. Baku people then were: white, feathered hryvnias, colored tails in frames. I took up black-tailed birds, then edged ones were rare, but after a few years I already introduced edged ones, the bird flew for 6 hours, the game was in place for some, some had a small column of one or two meters. By this time, the pigeon coops began to move, they began to have pigeons in a new way, they began to import poultry, and I also began to travel, mainly to Chisinau. In Chisinau the bird was stronger than ours and of a larger variety, and that’s when I saw the marbled ones for the first time. Since then, there is no favorite color for me and now I work almost exclusively with them, I think that marble ones can be practiced endlessly, every year you come up with some interesting shade or combination of colors. And now specifically about the bird: “For me, the marbled background is not important, it is important that there are no large spots, black feathers in the tail and wings, especially in a row, I strive for smaller speckles, it is important that the color looks harmonious. I prefer a medium-sized bird, simply based on From my experience I can assume that their play is sharper, the overlap is steeper, although for others it may be different. I select the bird with frequent play, always at the post, an hour and a half to two hours of flight is enough for me, but this time should be a spectacle. Although this year I recorded four and a half, the games of these are less frequent, but still at least once every 10 to 15 minutes.The average pole height is three to four meters, many have a screw, there are several with a pole height of fifteen meters , but such a bird rarely plays in flight, but on landing they will definitely suffer until they land. I also cull pigeons that ride in boats, the bird should rest in flight on even wings. I can leave for the tribe a pigeon with a rare boat, but with a strong game, but in a pair I select this one without a boat and it stays with me until the chicks hatch with its play but without a boat. I would like to dwell separately on the topic that a fighting bird in a large flock sharply shortens the game. In the fall, when the birds have mostly gathered, I chase about 40 birds and this is the most spectacular period of the year, when there are so many birds in the sky, the birds periodically scatter, break into groups, converge, and at the moment of descent there is a fireworks display of pigeons pulling poles. After all, this is what everyone wants to see above their roof? But not everyone knows that for this you need to shovel a bunch of material, tear off more than one hundred heads, plus, on top of everything, be a successful person in order to get into the blood at least sometimes. I think there are a lot of fans like me and I would like to wish them good luck, patience and always good health, because we will need it so much in such a difficult but very exciting hobby!

Vasily Skripchenko

Articles about Baku fighting pigeons


My white-breasted one cooed,

I hand-fed him for a month.

I was so hoping for a miracle.

And I received this miracle.

Be strong, baby, spring will come

The skies will turn blue

Your kids will be in a pack

To create such miracles.

Life is wonderful

Even though it makes no sense.

"Blessed is he who has not drunk to the bottom."

It may be so, but it’s becoming more and more noticeable

My wealth is gray hair.

G. Malkov.

Ballad about the valiant knight of the sky.

8 feathers per wing,

Who cares,

That the pain pierced like an arrow

My skinny body.

The king ordered me this morning -

Please take off, my slave.

He waved his handkerchief at me,

And in the sky I am the king.

Strike, strike wing to wing

Cotton, coup.

It's warm and light in the sky,

And I could live in the din.

From echo to echo

Mine reaches my gaze.

I don't wear armor

Chubov, bows and spurs.

Someone needs it

For someone's whim

I am the eternal knight of the sky

And valor is my motto

I rise with the fight

I'm spiraling into the sky

I'm a flying fighting pigeon

And the sky is my life.

Something was missing

I didn’t sense trouble

And the night rolled me away

On someone else's roof.

8 feathers per wing,

Who cares,

That the pain pierced like an arrow

My skinny body.

Other people's evil hands

The only thing more terrible is death.

Not wings, but stumps.

But I must fly.

And I flew, ran as best I could

With a torn wing,

He was within a hair's breadth of death.

And then I see a house.

Everything is behind, sadness and pain,

Misfortune and bondage.

Some strange king of mine,

Is he crying or something?

G. Malkov.

Tales about Baku residents.

The first story.

I’ll tell you now how I got screwed with the shaggy ones, or whatever they are called - Takla, Starobakinsky, Baydam-Lalya and probably there will be many more names.

So, a year ago there was a visiting party at Ptichka, and we were going to gossip and drink tea in a coffee shop, and the devil pulled me to come there. We are sitting, talking, already heavy from tea, and one guy says: “Lenya, you and I haven’t talked for 5 years, let me give you a blue neck, the whole daylight is flying, if you don’t take it, you’ll offend!” Well, I took it, but I thought to myself: “What do I need it for?” Then we continued drinking tea at his dovecote, in short we hung out for a day, and I was without a stroller. How to get there? I forgot how to ride the metro, and this is the area of ​​the Belorussky railway station.

Well, he tells me: “You’ll go tomorrow, but for now we’ll watch the tapes about the Bakinskys.” In the morning he gives me a box with the words: “I also put a white male in there, take the children and see what kind of pigeons they are.”

Well, off we go. Andryusha saw this case and uploaded 3 more pairs, and then in the summer Lyokha collected the errors of his selection work into boxes and brought them to my village. Let's go, he says.

So guys, what am I talking about? I was in love with my necks, and here was such an opportunity. My necks fly on average 3-5 hours, at 3-4 years they fly 1-2 crazy times. Well, 7 hours maximum, that's rare.

There are also colored ones, those are stronger. Well, I would keep them and be satisfied. Even earlier, two years ago, Grisha kept pestering me: “take it, take it!”

So, my dears, what I saw in my garden simply shocked me. These half-breeds flew - and how?!!! Somewhere around lunchtime we picked up 4 of them, one was immediately devoured by a hawk, and 3 were covered. Six hours passed, one appeared, a couple of hours later he sat down, and two appeared after dark. And one (later nicknamed US) brought the female to medium, and he himself demonstratively gained height and covered himself. And the best part was when I took my friend home, he one hundred percent certainty said: “Don’t worry, he’ll sit up in the morning!” Imagine my amazement when at 5 in the morning he was not there, and at 7 he fell, did not sit down, but fell and sat on the roof for four hours.

We sucked it up like a hawk, stress, etc. And after another month, those who were younger began to act weird, but that’s another story. And note - I did not write what emotions I experienced. But in the journal he wrote “I shouldn’t have ignored Gregory the Munil!”

Leonid Krylov

The second story.

I want to tell you one story about the game of the Baku bird, and then decide for yourself who is stuck (moth) and who has pillars with candles.

There is a village in the suburbs of Baku called Mardakan, one grandfather lived there, and one day my friend and I, and he is a Tatar (they have languages ​​similar to Az-Kim), brought me to this grandfather. We bought pigeons from him by tweet, it was a lot of money, mid-70s, and at the end, he gave us one white barefoot. And the grandfather explains something to our guide, it turned out that they were arguing, the guide asks for this male for himself, but the grandfather doesn’t care, let him say they’ll take the guys to Moscow, they’ve already spent a lot.

We flew to Derzhavnaya, and a couple of days later we went to Kursk to meet our parcel; that time the whole bird arrived. Slowly they began to master the new bird, the pigeons turned out to be excellent, they flew for days, it came to the white one (molokankas got there)

Little by little he began to emerge into the light of God, what was our surprise when he walked out onto the threshold, lifted one leg off the floor, and tore out such a candle, I simply gasped. Further more, a candle with a propeller with a loud bang, at the end a somersault, we estimated about seventy meters, then a circle, or even half, and so several times, within 4-5 minutes, it was covered.

He made us happy for about two weeks... Now I understand that we should take children from such people, but then we got a kick out of it.

Then several more times they brought these from my grandfather, all the birds disappeared due to weather conditions. And I still dream about such a dove, but alas. I have a lot of interesting and beautiful games, a lot of connections with the people of Baku, with the people of Yevlakh, how many have been sent and are still being sent - it’s not the same.

Leonid Krylov

The third story.

One elderly pigeon breeder in the city of Chisinau had a very interesting line yellow necks. It was interesting because the chicks from such necks hatched solid yellow, and became necked in the third year of life. I know that many will say that it’s nonsense, it can’t be true. I probably would have said the same thing, but I saw them with my own eyes. This was in 2002, we, then 20-year-old boys, did not have the financial resources to transport birds from abroad, we looked for birds either in Cahul or in Chisinau. So one Sunday morning we gathered in Chisinau, it’s 170 km from Cahul to Chisinau, 3 hours by minibus and we’re on the bird. We were then looking for marble doves from Baku. I must say that until the 80s in Moldova, no one really knew the Baku ducks; they kept mainly tumblers, such as Ackerman, Bessarabian, Beltsy, Chisinau ducks, some other decorations, in general, the breeds were mostly Moldavian. Few slaughtered birds were kept. The fighters were with large hair, probably North Caucasians; there were few strong flyers among them. The Baku ones began to appear somewhere in the 80s, the birds were imported from Baku, they were brought in in large quantities, they were immediately sold and others were immediately brought in, the old Kagul pigeon keepers who bought the birds then told about this. True, the bird was of excellent quality, it flew strongly, played beautifully, in general, the Baku ones very quickly earned the love of pigeon fanciers and became very popular. There were a great variety of suits for every taste. So we met this elderly guy at the market and went to his house to watch the bird in flight. Grandfather’s bird was of excellent quality, it flew for a long time, we were tired of waiting for them, and while we were waiting for them to land, we admired his bird, among others we saw beautiful yellow necks, with trimmed tails, with beautiful manes, bare-legged, perfectly built, with beautiful heads, beaks, as we then called hairpins, in general, handsome, one can only dream about them. Of course, we wanted to have these, but my grandfather flatly refused to sell them, no matter how much we tried to persuade him. We started asking him where this bird came from, and my grandfather said that he brought this bird 20 years ago from afar, for a lot of money at that time. He began to show young people from them, we couldn’t believe our eyes, the squeaks were solid yellow, we thought that he was fooling us, and grandfather showed us older young people and each conclusion was lighter than the previous one. In general, our doubts were destroyed. He said that the young molt several times before acquiring a clean color, but the color is always clean. We then asked people who knew him, and all his words were confirmed. Many people praised those hryvnias and said that the bird worked miracles in the sky. But I didn’t even hear if he sold them to anyone; everyone who meddled left with nothing. It would be interesting to know if anyone has heard of such people? Maybe even now there are such people.

Vasily Skripchenko

Brussels sprouts are a versatile vegetable native to Brussels. Small, crispy, fortified heads, piquant in taste, contain a lot of easily digestible protein, similar in properties to chicken.

Characteristics and properties

Brussels sprouts belong to the leafy subspecies, a biennial plant, of the cruciferous family. In appearance, cabbage has a long stem and a fluffy top. Small (up to 5 cm) heads of cabbage leaves with a corrugated surface are formed on the stem.

Heads of cabbage are a good dietary product; they contain a lot of potassium, which is why they are recommended for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system. High content of iodine, magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamins.

It has an anti-inflammatory, general strengthening effect in atherosclerosis, diabetes, inflammatory processes in the bile ducts and liver.

Can be used as a separate dish or in soups, stews, or as a side dish.

Early hybrid varieties: Franklin F1 and Hercules. Ripening period is 130 – 140 days. Stem height up to 60 cm, yield per bush up to 40 heads with a total weight of up to 400 g.

Mid-season varieties: Diablo F1 and Casio. Time to reach commercial maturity is 155 – 170 days. "Cassio" has an ovoid shape of blue-green heads, with a diameter of up to 3 cm, and a head weight of up to 12 g.

Late-ripening varieties: “Boxer F1” and “Zavitka” with ripening periods of 170 days. The height of the bush is up to 90 cm, the average heads of cabbage are up to 5 cm, the weight of one is up to 15 g, the total number is up to 40 heads of cabbage.

Site organization and soil preparation

It is preferable to choose a lighted area. The soil is best rich in nutrients, loamy or sandy-loamy, but can also be planted on less fertilized soils free of weeds. The soil reaction is slightly acidic. Dilute high acidity soil with lime.

The site has been being prepared since the fall. When digging, organic and mineral (potassium and phosphorus-containing) fertilizers are applied.

In spring, the soil is loosened and fertilized with urea. The beds are formed on moist soil.

Brussels sprouts have a long growing season, which makes it possible to grow other early-ripening vegetables in the inter-row.


Vegetables, herbs, and legumes will be good predecessors.

Sowing time

Sowed either in a greenhouse from April to May, or immediately in open ground.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Brussels sprouts seeds are sown for seedlings in late March or early April. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. At the stage of formation of one true leaf, seedlings should be planted in peat humus cups.

The seedlings are kept in moist soil with constant ventilation and feeding.

Two weeks before planting on the site, hardening can be carried out with a gradual increase in the period of stay in the open air.

Landing in the ground

Planted in open ground on days 45–60 in the 5–6 leaf phase. Planting pattern 60x60 cm.

Brussels sprouts need constant loosening of the rows and watering. It is better to do this with well water.

Heads of cabbage will form in the leaf axils. In some varieties their number can reach up to 70 pieces. The top of the cabbage should be torn off when the heads of the bottom row reach the size of a pea. This way you can stop the growth of the plant in height and direct all the energy to the formation of heads of cabbage.

In the fall, hilling and, if necessary, tying up tall unstable bushes should be carried out.

Cabbage tolerates frost well. It has been noticed that the taste of Brussels sprouts improves after short frosts and they become more aromatic.

Top dressing

If the soil is poor in summer, up to four fertilizings with nitrogen fertilizers can be carried out. In the second half of the growing season, it is worth adding superphosphate. Next they are fed with combined complex fertilizers.

A lack of phosphorus and potassium in the soil can lead to the fact that the heads of cabbage will not set.

Watering with an aqueous solution of fermented nettle gives good results.


Brussels sprouts are sick, just like cabbage sprouts, but they are not affected by the cabbage fly because of the mustard oils they contain.

Insecticides are used against caterpillars and aphids, cabbage whites and moths.

Young cabbage heads attract birds, so care must be taken to repel them.

Avoid soil oxidation, which will inevitably lead to clubroot disease.


The harvest is harvested as the heads of cabbage ripen. Collection begins at the bottom of the bush, gradually cutting off larger specimens. They should be picked together with the stem, this way the heads of cabbage can be preserved longer.

The first harvest is usually harvested in early October and continues until late autumn.

After the onset of a period of stable frosts, the bush is cut down at the root, the leaves and top are removed, and the stem with heads of cabbage is brought into the cellar.

When frozen, the heads of cabbage retain their taste and can be stored for a long time.

If you don't cut off the heads, next year shoots will form from them and the bush will bloom.

Growing Brussels sprouts at home

Brussels sprouts: cultivation and care.

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​In early September, as soon as the lower heads of cabbage become the size of a pea, experienced farmers break off the tops of the plants and remove the leaves so that the cabbage gives all its strength to the heads of cabbage, and not to the stem stretching upward.​

The benefits and harms of Brussels sprouts have long been studied by nutritionists. The data obtained allow us to assert that this variety of vegetables can be safely used to organize a healthy family meal, and environmentally friendly fruits can be obtained on your own plot.​

Growing temperature

​One carrot.​

Three weeks before harvest, the tops of each bush are pinched and the rosette leaves are trimmed. Decaption will allow you to get larger heads of cabbage, since all the growth force is directed to the final development of the fruit.

​For seedlings to grow, a temperature of 18-20 degrees is required. The first shoots appear on the 3-4th day. In some conditions this will take a little longer.​

Soil preparation


​This was the reason why it began to be grown all over the world. Thanks to the unpretentiousness of the crop, every gardener can get a good harvest on his own plot. But, for this you need to know how to grow Brussels sprouts in open ground.​

​To grow Brussels sprouts, you can build both a glass and film greenhouse without using any heating means other than solar heat. It is necessary to choose its location correctly.​
The nutritional requirements for Brussels sprouts are the same as for regular white cabbage sprouts. But excess fertilizer makes its heads loose, greatly impairing the taste. If there is enough compost, additional fertilizers are usually not required.​
​If Brussels sprouts seedlings are planted in the place where legumes, cucumbers or tomatoes were previously located, then fertilizers do not need to be used - in the case when a sufficient amount of organic matter was added to these crops.​
​Brussels sprouts are not yet a frequent visitor to our gardens. Many are alarmed by her unusual appearance, not too similar to other varieties of cabbage. Meanwhile, its elegant small heads of cabbage have high taste and nutritional qualities and in many countries are considered an exquisite delicacy of autumn and winter period. And the frost resistance of most varieties allows long time get vitamin-rich vegetables straight from the garden.​

​If before boarding open ground organic fertilizers were ideal suitable option, then it is better to feed the crops themselves with minerals and apply nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers every week.​

​This vegetable should not be consumed by people with gastrointestinal diseases, especially with high acidity and weakened peristalsis.​

Freshly prepared minced pork – 400 grams. To reduce calorie content, you should take a mixture of ground beef and pork.​

Joint plantings

​When a waxy sheen is visible on the cabbage, and the leaves at its base begin to turn yellow and crumble, you can begin harvesting. The fruits can be collected at once, when all the stems are cut off, or in stages, sequentially removing the heads from the bottom of the bushes.​

For the growth and formation of seedlings, the temperature regime is changed to 15-18 degrees. You can achieve such conditions by placing a box with seedlings on a non-sunny windowsill.​

Growing seedlings

​" - hybrid mid-late cabbage. Breeders managed to obtain high resistance to clubroot. If you follow the growing conditions in the Moscow region, you can get an excellent harvest.​

​Among all varieties of cabbage, Brussels sprouts have the highest content of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Ripe inflorescences contain up to 5% protein (which is comparable to legumes), more than a dozen amino acids, without which normal functioning of the body is impossible.​

​The greenhouse should be placed in an area that is protected from the wind and receives maximum sunlight to make caring for the plants easier. The transparent side of a lean-to greenhouse should be in the south, and the gable and arched side should be in the east and west. In addition, a lean-to greenhouse must be closed from the wind from the north side. Growing cabbage can be done behind such excellent cover as green bushes or a fence.​

​Like other types of cabbage, Brussels sprouts require regular watering and loosening. Mulching the soil under the heads of cabbage with any organic materials also promotes growth.​
Brussels sprouts grow quite slowly - the growing season lasts from 140 to 160 days, depending on the variety and weather conditions. Therefore, gardeners often grow cucumbers, early tomatoes, lettuce and other vegetables in its rows. Like other types of cabbage, it grows without problems next to carrots, beans, spinach, beets, peas, beans, celery and rhubarb. When planted together, it occupies a row 45 to 50 cm wide, with the same distance between individual plants. But he doesn’t like being next to potatoes and onions.​
​In the first year of its life, Brussels sprouts produce a thickened stem, the height of which can be from 0.2 to 0.6 meters. On the stem, on long petioles, there are leaves with a bubbly surface of different shades of green. More than fifty small heads of cabbage, resembling unripe walnuts, up to 4 cm in diameter grow in the leaf axils of the stem. They are used for food - for making soups, side dishes, canning and pickling.​

The cabbage stem is tied to a support.

​Following these recommendations, you can not only grow a magnificent harvest, but also preserve it well and cook it deliciously. Share this useful article with your friends on social networks, and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss all new publications.​
​Spices, salt - to taste. The composition of spices is selected based on your own preferences.​
​If necessary, you can resort to growing technology. Cabbage is planted in well-moistened grooves in a greenhouse or in special boxes in the basement (at a temperature of 3-6 degrees).

​Water moderately, the soil should not be too wet or dry. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the soil layer every two days, especially if the weather outside is hot and sultry.​

​If you pay attention to the vitamin composition, the main components are ascorbic and nicotinic acid. The concentration of vitamin C reaches 150 mg, PP – 98 mg, which exceeds identical indicators white cabbage. The inflorescences are rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium.​

​Seedlings for planting should have 3-4 petals, for further development fruits

Harvesting and storage

​At the stage when the heads begin to thicken, it is recommended to pinch the top bud to improve the quality of the harvest. And in the first days of September, the top is often cut off altogether, directing all growth forces to the rapid formation of heads of cabbage. But when performing this operation, you must remember that frost resistance is somewhat reduced after it.

​Beans and beans protect this type of cabbage from aphids, and celery protects from cabbage flea beetles and whiteweed caterpillars.​

​In the second year, like all types of cabbage, it blooms to produce seeds that remain viable for five years.​

Brussels sprout varieties

​If your place of residence is characterized by sudden changes in temperature (especially during the hot period of the year), sow the seedlings in different time this will help you choose the optimal temperature for a good harvest.​

​Although Brussels sprouts have a place among the cabbages, they are very different from other varieties both in taste and appearance, and in the requirements for their cultivation. Its main difference from its relatives is the presence of a large number (up to 70 pieces) of small heads of cabbage.​

​Vegetable oil - the ingredient will be needed for frying.​

​How to store the harvest? If growing is carried out, the heads of cabbage are perfectly preserved directly on the stems. If they are cut from a cutting, they are placed in an unprocessed form in a dark, cool place, such as a cellar. To do this, they are buried in the sand. Optimal microclimate indicators are humidity 90%, temperature no higher than 0 degrees.​

​Planting is carried out after about 4-7 full leaves appear on the bushes. The optimal time is mid-May, early June. You should take care of choosing a site in the fall. This should be a separate, well-lit place where deep digging and application of mineral fertilizers were carried out. Based on 1 sq. m of land are used:​

Growing Brussels sprouts


The specific taste and aroma is due to the content of mustard oil. Vegetable crops, photos of which can be found in any culinary publication, are recognized as valuable dietary product, which can be used in therapeutic nutrition, including for persons with serious systemic disorders.​

Features of a greenhouse for Brussels sprouts

​The interior of the greenhouse is painted white to reduce solar heat absorption and provide the best care for the Brussels sprouts. Because White color effectively reflects sunlight, the air in the greenhouse heats up as much as possible. Growing seedlings in such a greenhouse is easy and convenient. Thermal insulating materials in the design are used at the joints of frames and transoms in the form of strips, for example, roofing felt, to prevent cold air from entering from the outside. Such agricultural technology helps to grow cabbage without diseases and pests. Heads of cabbage in the axils of the leaves begin to form at the end of August. But the main cutting of ready-made heads of cabbage usually occurs at the beginning of October. Standard ones should be dense and green. Since ripening does not occur simultaneously, harvesting has to be divided into several stages. It is best to store the collected heads of cabbage frozen, defrosting them only just before use. From the emergence of shoots to the readiness of the heads of cabbage for harvesting, approximately 150 days pass. Such a long growing season of this type of cabbage requires cultivation through seedlings. Experts call the most convenient time for sowing it in the middle zone the beginning of April.​

The plant is unusually cold-resistant. Seeds begin to grow already at two degrees above zero. And adult specimens can easily withstand frosts down to minus 10 °C, after which they thaw and continue to grow. There is an opinion that frost is even good for them, helping to improve the taste of the heads of cabbage.

​Carefully select seeds for planting. Seeds that are too light (empty inside), small or damaged, or seeds without a glossy sheen are not suitable. This will allow you to grow high-quality seedlings.​

​Brussels sprouts are considered a real delicacy and one of the most healthy vegetables it contains potassium and magnesium, complete vegetable protein, plenty of iron and a number of vitamins.​

Caring for Brussels sprouts

​Grated onions and carrots are sauteed for no more than 10 minutes at a moderate amount vegetable oil. Cabbage inflorescences are immersed in brackish boiling water for 5-7 minutes. The minced meat is mixed with spices and salt, and meatballs are formed from it.​

The vegetable is stored in a regular refrigerator for about 30-45 days, for which it is placed in a bag with perforations. However, freezing is considered the best method. First, the inflorescences are kept in cold water for about 15 minutes, then in boiling water for 3 minutes. The cooled heads of cabbage are placed in packaging bags and placed in the freezer.​

​no more than 6 kg of peat compost,​

​" - a late-ripening variety resistant to pests and diseases. With proper care, mature inflorescences look like golf balls.​

​Maximum benefit can be obtained from fruits grown on your own plot. Such vegetables are environmentally friendly and can be stored for a long period without chemical treatment.​

​The greenhouse is laid out already in March-April. It is advisable to use energetically valuable compost from organic waste or rotted manure, in other words, biological fuel. It is transferred to a loose stack with holes filled hot water. The earlier the greenhouse is laid, the higher the compost layer should be, which is a necessary condition for successful cabbage growing. The layer height can be 40-70 cm. The compost is sprinkled with wood ash on top, covered with an opaque film and left for three days. Then they fill it with peat or sawdust soil and level the surface with a rake. After this, mineral fertilizers are added, the amount of which depends on the presence/absence of nutrients in the soil and on the crop that is planned to be grown.​

By the beginning of November, the cabbage is harvested entirely, including the stem, cutting it off at the beginning of the root collar. Cut with the stem, it can be kept fresh for up to two months if placed in a plastic bag and kept in a cool room with a temperature of 0 - 1.5 ° C and an air humidity of about 90%.​

​You can grow seedlings at home, in a heated greenhouse, or on a glassed-in loggia or balcony. The main thing is that at night it is possible to provide 5 - 6 °C above zero, and during the day - from 15 to 18 °C. And, of course, sufficient lighting. You can also sow under glass - three seeds per pot, about 8 cm in diameter.

​The optimal temperature for growing Brussels sprouts is between +18 and +22 °C. Already at +25 °C, the formation of the plant begins to be delayed, which certainly affects the quality of the crop. That is why climatic zones with long and warm autumns are considered the best for it. In some European countries, for example, in the Netherlands, this cabbage can be grown in open ground even in winter.​

Beneficial features

​This is a biennial plant, in the first year of its life a thick, tall stem (up to a meter) and large leaves with curved edges are formed. The heads themselves are small, about 3 cm in diameter, up to 60 pieces on one plant. For personal use, about 10 bushes are usually planted, which is enough for a small family. In addition, cabbage cannot be stored for a long time without special conditions. In the second year the plant becomes covered yellow flowers and forms small pods with dark seeds, whose life period is up to 5 years.​

​Meat balls are laid out on sautéed vegetables and fried until cooked, stirring occasionally. At the end, cabbage is added to the pan and the container is covered with a lid. The dish is left to simmer for 5 minutes, after which it is served with soy cream sauce with herbs and garlic.​

Brussels sprouts are a relatively young crop. This plant grows successfully in most of the country. Optimal conditions are created at moderate humidity and air temperature.​

​40 grams of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate,​

Popular varieties of Brussels sprouts

​The harvest can be obtained after the first year of cultivation. From one specimen, from 30 to 90 inflorescences weighing 8-20 grams are collected. In the future, the cabbage becomes covered with shoots that bloom and produce seeds. Their collection and subsequent use to produce seedlings contributes to the annual harvest of your own harvest.​

​The culture can be easily distinguished by its external characteristics due to its method of growth. Its stem stretches upward, reaching a meter in height. Heads of cabbage form in the axils of the leaves on the stem, growing up to 7 cm in diameter (but more often 3-4 cm).​

  • ​Brussels sprouts are a fairly cold-blooded plant.​​The period of consumption of fresh produce can be extended by burying the plants in the basement directly with the roots. Due to the nutrients that are stored in the leaves and stems, under favorable conditions, the formation of heads of cabbage will continue. The seedlings are fed twice. The first time when the second leaf is formed. The second - 7 - 10 days after the first. For the first time, dissolve in 10 liters:
  • In the central zone of the European part of Russia, it is recommended to sow this type of cabbage around the second and third weeks of April, choosing well-lit and sun-warmed areas and covering with film. Seedlings are planted in the beds in the first days of June, but no later than the tenth. Brussels sprouts were bred by Belgian breeders. This new variety immediately became very popular in European countries. Small heads of cabbage have a wonderful nutty taste and great nutritional value, so they are in high demand. If properly grown and cared for, Brussels sprouts can bring in a good income.​ ​This amazing plant is considered one of the most unpretentious among its family; it can withstand temperatures down to minus 10 degrees. Most often, Brussels sprouts are grown as seedlings, because... it grows for quite a long time, about 5-6 months.​
  • The essence of this dish is the minimum amount of calories and an amazing richness of taste. In the summer, it gives satiety without heaviness in the stomach, which is optimal in hot, sultry weather. The bushes are extremely cold-resistant - they can withstand short-term frosts and even frosts, down to -10 degrees. At the same time, too high temperatures contribute to retarded plant development and deterioration in the quality characteristics of the crop. 20 grams of potassium chloride.
  • ​Growing a crop is possible only if all conditions are met. This is a light-loving plant that loves moderate watering. In dry weather, the intensity of irrigation should be plentiful. Growing this group of plants in open ground begins with choosing a variety. In the Russian climate, the following varieties are widespread: Caring for young seedlings is very important. It is necessary to properly water and regularly ventilate Brussels sprouts so that they do not get blackleg. Agricultural technology involves fertilizing plants once or twice. The first feeding is carried out when the second leaf forms on the seedlings. To do this, dilute 20 g of urea, 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium fertilizers in 10 liters of water. After 10 days, you can make another feeding. In this case, the dose of fertilizer must be increased by one and a half times. To prevent the plants from stretching out, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. To grow cabbage, it should not be very hot.​

The most common varieties of Brussels sprouts are Hercules 1342, Gruntovaya Gribovskaya, Diabolo, Boxer and Hercules low. As well as the early hybrid Franklin F1, which has a ripening period of about 130 days.​

Growing conditions

- urea - 4 g;

​Brussels sprouts can grow in any soil, including even slightly acidic ones, although this increases the risk of clubroot disease. But to get a good harvest, you need structural, organic-rich, dense, but breathable soil. Although the plant will grow on a poor and poorly cultivated plant, it will develop very slowly, setting heads late. Like other cabbages, it prefers soil with high humidity, but it tolerates short-term drought more easily - a well-developed root system is capable of extracting moisture from the deep layers of the soil.​

​This vegetable contains a lot of potassium, as well as vitamins A and C. In addition, scientists have proven that eating it is an excellent prevention of cancer.​

​Should start in March. Seeds are sown in a shallow container in a slightly acidic environment to a depth of about 1 cm. Keep the distance between them about 3 cm to allow the seedlings to develop well. Their difference from other vegetables in the planting temperature is that the seeds will germinate well in the cold (from -2 to -5 C), without being placed in a greenhouse. In this case, she does not suffer from black leg and does not stretch upward much, remaining strong and stocky. As soon as the first shoots appear, the temperature should be raised, but not very much (up to 10-15 C).​

Obtaining seedlings

​Brussels sprouts - half a kilogram. It is acceptable to use fresh or frozen vegetables.​

  • ​The soil for growing must not only be of a certain type and acidity level. The site must be structured and permeable. On depleted land, the crop practically does not develop and does not set heads well.​
  • ​Also in the autumn, the earth is enriched with lime or ash - 200 grams/1m2.​
  • ​The nature of the soil is cultivated loam, saturated with organic matter. In terms of pH level, they can be neutral or slightly acidic. The stem reaches its maximum development at a temperature of plus 18-22 degrees, however, adult plants are able to withstand frost, which is especially important for colder regions.​
  • ​The transparency of the greenhouse can be impaired by moisture condensation, which forms upon contact with the coating. At the same time, the agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts can suffer from a lack of sunlight and excess humidity and it will be difficult to grow healthy plants. It is recommended to use two layers of film, which helps to retain heat, as well as regularly ventilate the greenhouse.​
  • ​The varietal catalog of agricultural crops, published by the Timiryazev Academy for central Russia, recommends the early ripening variety Dolmik F1, which produces heads weighing from 7 to 17 grams. And among the late-ripening varieties, the frost-resistant variety Zavitka is offered. It takes 170 - 180 days from sowing to technical ripeness. This cabbage is especially valued for its good taste and ability to form a large number of Kochanov. But at a time when their mass formation is underway, the plant is very demanding of moisture.

Planting Brussels sprouts in open ground

- superphosphate - 20 g;

  • If Brussels sprouts are planted in a new bed that has not yet been used for growing vegetables, then for each meter it is necessary to add a bucket of humus, about half a glass of nitrophoska and two glasses of lime or wood ash. Another option:​
  • Nutritionists recommend including Brussels sprouts in the diet for people who want to lose weight. excess weight. In terms of nutritional value, a decoction of these vegetables can be compared with chicken broth. You should know that this product has a strong laxative effect, so people with weak intestines should not get carried away with it.​
  • ​The next important stage is preparing the soil for planting. The soil must be loose, so it is dug up and loosened, and fertilizers are added in the process. Remember Brussels sprouts do not like heavy clay soils. If this is exactly what you have, you should add a mixture of manure, humus and mineral fertilizers to it when digging. In early spring, when forming beds, you should add bone meal to them.​

​Butter – 50 grams.​

The plant reacts negatively to low light. It withstands short-term lack of moisture well. The powerful root system of bushes is capable of sucking moisture from the deep layers of the earth. As the plant grows, it consumes many nutritional components. The introduction of potassium and nitrogen into the soil causes the development of large heads of cabbage.​

In spring, the soil layer is dug up again and young shoots are planted in rows. There should be a lump of earth left on the seedlings, that is, the shoot is carefully removed from the container in which it grew after preliminary digging. A distance of 60–70 cm is maintained between each specimen. The specified gap is observed on all sides.​

​To eliminate the impact of pests and diseases, it is recommended to use resistant varieties, the considered growing conditions, and adherence to crop rotation. If these rules are not followed, cabbage may be affected by aphids, armyworms, white flea beetles, thrips, moths, and bacteriosis.​



​The area of ​​the ventilation holes should be 18-25% of the total area of ​​the structure. To increase the efficiency of air exchange, the openings in the greenhouse should be located in the direction of the prevailing winds, which will provide the best care for the plants.​

​The mid-early variety Rosella is also in demand. Its heads reach technical ripeness 160 days after sowing. But their density and taste are very satisfactory.​

​- potassium chloride - 10 g.​


​- urea - 14 g;​

The following hybrid varieties are suitable for growing Brussels sprouts:

Storing Brussels sprouts

​Ideal predecessors for cabbage would be plants that do not exhaust the soil, root vegetables or legumes, as well as some tomatoes or onions.​

​High fat cream – 250 ml.​

Note to the gardener

​Small heads of cabbage are successfully used to prepare broths that are not inferior in nutritional value chicken. They are the optimal, from a nutritional point of view, side dish for meat dishes and perfectly complement prefabricated vegetable roasts.​

​The shoots are firmly fixed in the ground by carefully compacting the soil near the stems.​

​Ideal predecessors are vegetable root vegetables, legumes, tomatoes, and pumpkin. Planting should not be done after the cruciferous family. This is due to the fact that both crops are susceptible to the same diseases and pests.​

​" - is characterized by high yield and belongs to mid-season varieties. You can collect at least 60 heads of cabbage from one plant.​

Cooking recipes

​Various devices help maintain a favorable microclimate in greenhouses. These can be containers with pebbles, gravel or any other material that can accumulate in sunny days heat, and then give it away. You can also use containers of water. During the day, water absorbs solar heat and prevents the air from overheating, and at night it keeps the air warm. But such painstaking care is practically not needed for Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts have a long growing season, which allows them to be grown until the coldest weather. Harvesting can begin in late October or early November.​

​Amateur gardeners most often find the Hercules 1342 variety with a ripening period of 140 to 150 days. The harvest of 20 - 30 heads formed on the stem can reach 300 g per plant. The height of the plant usually does not exceed half a meter. And its frost resistance is so great that this variety is the last vegetable to be harvested - in early November.​

Brussels sprouts with meatballs

​For the second one:​


  • - superphosphate - 30 g;
  • ​Early Franklin F1. Maturation period 130 days;​
  • The process itself is not much different from growing classic white cabbage; ready-made seedlings are planted at the end of May in well-lit areas of the garden, because The rate of ripening depends on this. There are no special requirements for the soil; cabbage can be grown on not very fertile soil.​
  • ​30+40 grams of flour. For white gravies, use plain wheat flour (pre-sifted).​
  • The peculiarity of this variety is that it can be frozen, dried and pickled for the winter. In dietary nutrition, Brussels sprouts can be an independent food - cooking recipes will allow you to diversify your daily menu.​
  • ​Potted or cassette seedlings take root best, as their root system is less affected. Molds for this planting method are available for sale at any flower shop.​

Cooking principle

The growing season of the plant (the time spent from sowing to harvest) reaches 180 days, which determines the efficiency of cultivation by seedlings. To obtain it, you should follow these recommendations:

Brussels sprouts in spicy sauce

​Growing cabbage requires constant watering and maintaining moisture.​


  • ​Easy to care for, Brussels sprouts can be an excellent source of vitamins and necessary for the body minerals, especially at a time when the period of consumption of other fresh vegetables is already over.​
  • - urea - 2 g;
  • - potassium chloride - 4 g;
  • ​Medium Diablo F1. Ripens in 160 days;
  • ​Much more problems may arise due to heat; frost-resistant Brussels sprouts do not tolerate temperatures above 25 C; in such conditions, your harvest simply will not form.​
  • ​Parmesan (finely grated) – 100 grams.​
  • ​This dish is suitable for lunch and can be served on its own for dinner. The time required for cooking will take no more than 45 minutes.​


Caring for a crop planted in seedlings is comparable to the care that is provided for simple cabbage. Before the formation of ovaries, watering is carried out quite often, 350 l/10 m2 of area per time. After the appearance of heads of cabbage, the norm increases to 400 - 450 liters.

Can everyone eat Brussels sprouts?

The start of planting seeds is the end of March, beginning of April. It is important not to miss this time, since the plant has a long growing season. Planting at a late date will not allow you to get a rich and full harvest.​


Brussels sprouts should be watered correctly in the morning. With the appearance of several leaves, watering can be increased. The frames in the greenhouse are opened first during the day, and then, when it gets warmer, at night. This is done a few days before selecting cabbage seedlings. Before sampling, the seedlings need to be watered especially thoroughly. Ready Brussels sprouts seedlings should have 3-4 leaves and a well-developed root system. Brussels sprouts need to be grown under constant watering conditions so as not to reduce the yield. It is very moisture-loving and demanding of soil fertility. It is useless to grow it on poor soils, since the buds ripen late or do not ripen at all. It is also impossible to grow Brussels sprouts in fresh manure. Cabbage in such soil immediately gets clubroot and dies.

Growing Brussels sprouts - secrets, videos, photos, growing at home and in open ground

Brussels sprouts are usually grown using seedlings. To grow as many healthy and strong seedlings as possible, you need to use a greenhouse or a semi-dark greenhouse. Seeds are sown between late March and mid-April, but it is better to start sowing Brussels sprouts in mid-March. Pots with a fertile, structured soil mixture are well suited for this. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. If seeds are sown in boxes, then the distance between plants should be 3-4 cm, and between the grooves - at least 6 cm. The boxes are placed in a closed greenhouse with a temperature of at least 15 degrees. Shoots are formed already on the 4-5th day. There is no need to water them at first. When the first leaves appear on the Brussels sprouts seedlings, they can be plucked.

- superphosphate - 20 g;

​- nitroammophoska - 0.5 teaspoon for each hole during planting of seedlings.​

Brussels sprouts cultivation, growing conditions and care

​Late Boxer F1. The harvest can be harvested after 170 days.​

​Plants need to be planted at least half a meter apart from each other, so that as they grow they do not shade each other’s space, and the entire crop is filled with juice evenly. Brussels sprouts should be watered regularly and little by little, not allowing the soil to dry out, but also not swamping the habitat with it. If desired, you can fertilize the soil before planting with a mixture of wood ash and humus (0.5 liters of ash per bucket of humus is enough for 1 square meter of soil).​

​Garlic – 2 cloves. If you have an allergy, you can skip this component.​

​Frozen heads of cabbage – 300 grams. If you have fresh ones, you can take fresh ones.​

Growing Brussels sprouts outdoors

​During intensive growth, the plant is extremely responsive to the introduction of mineral fertilizers. When seven days have passed after placing the shoots in the ground, the first fertilizing is carried out. It is recommended to use nitroammophoska - 1 tsp for 2 wells

​Place - boxes with a soil mixture composed of peat, turf soil, wood ash, mineral fertilizers.​

​" - is practically not inferior in yield to the previous one. An average of 50 inflorescences are obtained from the stem. The variety is mid-season, which is optimal for planting in the Urals and Siberia.​

Secrets of growing Brussels sprouts

The agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts is similar to the agricultural technology of medium white cabbage varieties, but Brussels sprouts are more demanding on growing conditions. Seedlings are planted on day 50-60 according to the 70x40 pattern. When the buds reach a size of 1 cm, the tops of the plants are pinched. Brussels sprouts are very cold-resistant. Some of its varieties tolerate light frosts, but cannot withstand piercing winds. Therefore, for its cultivation, they always choose an area protected from the wind. Caring for Brussels sprouts requires plenty of light, as the plant slows down its growth at the slightest shade.​

  • In order for the cabbage harvest to be large and healthy, its seedlings must be grown in a greenhouse or semi-dark greenhouse.
  • ​- potassium chloride - 10 g.​
  • The fertilized bed is carefully dug up, leveled and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate - one and a half grams per bucket of water. At least three liters will be required to process each square meter. The biological preparation Fitosporin also gives good results, which should be used a week or two before planting.​
  • ​Since this is a long-growing plant, growing Brussels sprouts in open ground is impossible without the use of seedlings. Seedlings can be planted in the soil in early April.​
  • ​There are several tricks to achieve better results:​
  • ​Salt, pepper - according to your own taste.​
  • ​One bulb - it is preferable to use white varieties.​

​The second time the fertilizer is introduced after the formation of the first ovaries. Feeding composition: nitroammophoska, 25 grams of potassium sulfate, double superphosphate, a bucket of water. The fertilizer is introduced carefully, in doses, for which it is convenient to use a watering can with a special nozzle.​

Useful properties of cabbage

​Planting seedlings from seeds is carried out to a depth of 1-2 cm. The recess is easy to make with a finger.​

The best varieties

A necessary condition for growing Brussels sprouts is mulching. In September, the tops of the plants are removed to enhance the growth of buds. With this approach, the frost resistance of cabbage is reduced. When using fertilizers, it must be taken into account that a lack of nitrogen leads to yellowing of the foliage, and an abundance of mineral fertilizers makes the buds loose and unsuitable for consumption. To stop cabbage leaves from turning yellow, you can add a small amount of horn flour to the soil. Also, the agricultural technology of Brussels sprouts implies the presence of a special mesh that protects the plants from pests, for example, from the cabbage fly.​

  • ​When building a greenhouse, various questions arise related to the choice of covering, as well as ventilation, heating and watering methods, which are implied by the agricultural technology of the crop.​
  • In general, the growing rules are the same as for cauliflower seedlings.
  • During the growing season, this cabbage consumes large amounts of potassium and nitrogen and is very fond of organic fertilizers. But it is not recommended to place fresh manure under it, since when it is used, there is a delay in the formation of the crop, often accompanied by a deterioration in quality and presentation - the heads of cabbage become looser and are stored worse.

Growing technology

​Between the rows of cabbage it is quite possible to plant early vegetables such as cucumbers or tomatoes. Because Brussels sprouts grow for a long time, you will have time to harvest vegetables and save space in the garden.​

​How to prepare a delicious diet dish? The inflorescences are washed, cleaned, and filled with water. Vegetables should be cooked for no more than 8 minutes. You can add a little salt to the liquid so that the vegetables acquire a more pronounced flavor. Melt the butter in a saucepan, gradually add flour, and mix the sauce. Next, cream is added and the mixture is brought to readiness for 3 minutes. Finally, fresh chopped rosemary and garlic are added. The cabbage is poured with sauce, sprinkled with cheese and served.​

Enough already for a long time In vegetable markets, and in most supermarkets, you can see an unusual type of vegetable. This peculiar and unique vegetable is Brussels sprouts. In count useful vitamins contained in it, it is in no way inferior to ordinary white cabbage, and in taste is in many ways superior to it. In addition, this is a very unusual and beautiful plant, which looks especially unusual during the formation of forks. What kind of crop is this and how to grow Brussels sprouts at home?

General information

In fact, Brussels sprouts are a type of white cabbage and are a type of cabbage. This is a cultivated plant, therefore, it is simply impossible to find it in the wild. An unusual vegetable was developed in Belgium and named after Brussels farmers.

Cabbage first gained general recognition in Western Europe, Canada and the United States. In Russia, its popularity came only in the middle of the 19th century. In our country it is cultivated in limited quantities in the central regions. This vegetable is so frost-resistant that it gets along in almost any climatic conditions.

Description and appearance of cabbage

This vegetable crop is a biennial plant. Brussels sprouts grow (we'll look at how to grow them in open ground later) extremely in an unusual way. First, a thick stem grows 30-100 centimeters high; in rare cases, the stem can reach a larger size. There are large green leaves throughout the stem. It is also considered normal if dark green spots with a purple tint form on the leaves. A small rosette of leaves forms at the top of the stem. In autumn, small cabbage forks form near each leaf. The diameter of each reaches from 2 to 5 centimeters. The fruits may be located very sparsely, or, conversely, they may cling to the entire stem. Up to 70 forks can grow on one stem. In the second year of flowering, the plant does not bear fruit, but produces flowers with small brown seeds. Brussels sprouts seeds can remain viable for no more than 5 years. Cabbage can withstand frosts down to -10 degrees, which makes it the most frost-resistant among all types. Also, this type of cabbage is one of the longest germinating species. The ripening period lasts from 120 to 180 days, which is why this species is more convenient to grow through seedlings.

How to Grow Brussels Sprouts from Seeds

The very first question asked by a gardener who decides to grow this crop is: how and when to plant it? How to grow Brussels sprouts in the garden? Seeds of this plant begin to grow already at a temperature of +2 degrees. It is best to grow seedlings in early April. It is advisable to do this in a heated greenhouse. If you don’t have one, then a glazed balcony is perfect for this. The most optimal environment for sowing is high air humidity, as well as a temperature of +3 or +4 degrees at night. Sprouts begin to appear on the fifth day.

So, how to grow Brussels sprouts from seeds? Before sowing, the seeds must be warmed well in water for 15 minutes. The recommended water temperature is no more than 50 degrees. Then they are immersed in cold water for 1 minute. Next, the seeds are kept for 12 hours in a solution rich in microelements, then washed in running water and placed in the refrigerator for a day. After which the seeds should be dried and you can start planting. In order for the seedlings to be strong, the seeds must be sown at a distance of at least 5 centimeters from each other, and the planting depth should be no more than 2 centimeters. After one true leaf appears on the seedlings, the plants are picked and then transplanted into separate boxes. Next, the seedlings should grow from 35 to 60 days. After which it is transplanted into open ground. Typically, by this time, from 4 to 7 leaves grow on each stem. If you plan to grow Brussels sprouts in your garden, it is important to properly prepare the soil.

The soil

Cabbage loves cultivated soils rich in nutrients; in putrid soils, seedlings will have poor germination. That is why, before growing Brussels sprouts in open ground, the soil must be fertilized in the spring before planting. It is best to use ammonium nitrate or urea for these purposes. Concentration is approximately 20 g per 1 m. A sunny place is best for planting, since cabbage does not like shade. It is recommended to plant plants in two rows, quite far from each other. The best distance between plants is at least 50 cm.

How to care for Brussels sprouts beds

When considering how to grow Brussels sprouts, it is important to familiarize yourself with the care features. Two weeks after planting the plants in the beds, it is recommended to carry out the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. It is recommended to apply 1-2 liters of fertilizer per stem.

The second feeding is carried out when forks form on the stems. Cabbage must be watered abundantly. This crop needs abundant watering especially during the formation of small forks. To prevent pests from attacking the cabbage, it is recommended to sprinkle the ground with ash once a week after loosening. To make the cabbage harvest richer, the top rosettes should be trimmed. It is best to do this one and a half months before the harvest ripens. Let's consider further how to grow Brussels sprouts so that they are not attacked by pests.

What pests are dangerous for cabbage?

  • observe crop rotation;
  • treat the seeds before sowing (the method was described above);
  • compliance with all rules for caring for cabbage.


It is recommended to start harvesting cabbage in late September or early October. It is not necessary to cut off all the forks. The crop is harvested as it ripens. Ripe cabbage has a rich green color and reaches a diameter of 3 centimeters. The weight of one fork can reach from 10 to 15 grams.

There is another way to harvest: the finally ripe forks are cut off along with the stem, then placed in damp sand and put away in a dark place. In this form, cabbage can be stored for up to 4 months. Cut forks are best used immediately or frozen. It is a scientifically proven fact that frozen heads of Brussels sprouts do not lose their nutritional value.

Varieties of cabbage varieties

When considering the technology of how to grow Brussels sprouts, it is worth focusing on the most popular varieties. They can be divided into three types:

  • early cabbage (Cassio, Dolmik, Rosello (Germany), Franklin, Rudnev, Isabella);
  • mid-season cabbage (Boxer, Perfection (Russia), Hercules, Risen);
  • late cabbage (Gruniger (Germany), Catskill (USA), Curl).

The harm and benefits of cabbage

Brussels sprouts are a storehouse of healthy vitamins and minerals. It is rich in vitamins B, PP, C, E, protein, and also contains huge amounts of amino acids and enzymes, folic acid and fiber. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, cabbage is many times ahead of black currants. And it contains exactly as much riboflavin as natural cow’s milk.

Cabbage is a dietary and hypoallergenic product, so it can be safely given to young children, as well as older people. Due to the high content folic acid the vegetable can also be eaten by expectant mothers. Brussels sprouts juice has a diuretic and choleretic effect. It also has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and immunostimulating effects. Cabbage helps fight excess weight, enhances intestinal motility, and also relieves heartburn. The prepared cabbage broth is in no way inferior to chicken broth in properties.

Brussels sprouts are not recommended for consumption by people who have weakened pancreatic function, as there is a high risk of developing hypothyroidism. In people suffering from Crohn's disease or gastrointestinal diseases, cabbage can cause bloating.

Nutritional value of Brussels sprouts

Calorie content of Brussels sprouts is 35 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 g: proteins – 4.8 g; fats – 0.3 g; carbohydrates – 3.1 g.

Use of cabbage in cooking

Cabbage is prepared easily and quickly. Forks are most often used entirely for soups, side dishes and main courses. Vegetables can be boiled, fried, stewed. It will not lose its taste properties. Unusual shape and the small size of cabbage give cooks an abundance of options for decorating different side dishes and dishes. Of course, it is best and healthier to eat cabbage raw, but if the taste seems unusual, you can resort to heat treatment or frying.

In order for the color of the forks to remain as bright as when raw, it is recommended to fry it over high heat without covering it with a lid. When choosing cabbage in a store, it is recommended to pay attention to its top leaves. As a rule, they should be bright green in color and not have dark spots on the leaves and stems. The stem should be light in color and clean. If the top leaves of the cabbage have turned yellow, it is not recommended to eat this product. It is best to choose medium-sized cabbage forks, with a diameter of about 3 cm. They should be dense and shiny, usually these are the most delicious and juicy. Larger heads of cabbage may taste bitter.

So, we looked at growing Brussels sprouts, care, varieties. As already written above, with a competent approach to business and strict adherence to all instructions, the crop can be planted on your site. The process will not require any large expenses, but the result of the work done in the form of a useful harvest will clearly please you.

Modern cottages and gardens can boast a wide variety of plants. Some people grow melons, others tomatoes and cucumbers, but sometimes you can see an unexpected guest - Brussels sprouts. This vegetable looks quite unusual, but its benefits are difficult to exaggerate. Growing Brussels sprouts is a troublesome task, but is it really possible to scare summer residents hardened by adversity with small difficulties? And if the gardener approaches the task, armed with the necessary knowledge, then it turns out that it is not so difficult. And so, let’s try to describe in detail how to grow Brussels sprouts without mistakes and much hassle.

Brussels sprouts are an extremely healthy vegetable

Brief introduction. Historical reference

Brussels sprouts grow only at home. There is no wild species of this crop. The first descriptions of an unusual vegetable were made by Carl Linnaeus. He gave the name to the culture, since it was bred by Belgian gardeners near Brussels. Thanks to beneficial properties, the culture is very popular in Western Europe, Canada and the United States. This suggests that it can be planted in different climatic conditions. But in Russia this species previously did not produce a stable harvest and did not take root in gardens. Our summer residents preferred to plant a solid and productive white cabbage vegetable.

Brussels sprouts are completely different from other types. This is a biennial plant with cross pollination. In the first year of growth, it forms a stem, the height of which can reach 60 cm. Small leaves on long petioles grow on the sides of the stem. Small heads of cabbage form in the leaf axils. One plant can produce about 40 small heads of cabbage. In the second year, the plant throws out flowering shoots and produces seeds that can remain viable for up to five years.

Brussels sprouts come in white and red

Why culture is useful

The small-headed variety has increased content amino acids and proteins. In fact, this vegetable is not inferior in protein composition to milk and meat. There are 3 times more vitamins and mineral compounds in Brussels sprouts than in white cabbage varieties. In its raw form, the product contains large quantities vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 9, PP. In addition, there are sodium and potassium salts, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron compounds, iodine and other trace elements.

Thanks to its rich biochemical composition, this type of vegetable can become an indispensable food product. And also a component of many dietary supplements and medicines. People who regularly use this product are less susceptible to seasonal colds and vitamin deficiency. Beneficial influence This vegetable's effect on the body is fully felt by heart patients. Because it strengthens blood vessels and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

Brussels sprouts are a tasty and healthy product

Growing from seeds

The first question of any gardener is how and when to plant crops? The fact is that Brussels sprouts seeds can begin to grow at a temperature of +2° C. Seed germination is quite high. Mature plants tolerate frost well; they can withstand even temperatures of minus 10° C. But at least 150 days pass from seed germination to the first harvest. This means that you cannot do without growing seedlings.

It is best to sow seedlings in early April. At the dacha it is best to do this in a heated greenhouse, at home - on a glazed balcony or loggia. A comfortable environment for sowing is high air humidity (up to 70%) and positive temperatures (at least 3-4 degrees Celsius at night). The seeds will hatch on the fourth or fifth day. To grow strong seedlings, they must be sown at a distance of at least four centimeters, and the planting depth is 2 cm.

The next stage of preparing seedlings obtained from seeds begins at the stage of the appearance of one true leaf. During this period, it is dived and placed in separate containers.

Plant growth takes from 35 to 60 days. This usually depends on the ambient temperature and the type of seed chosen. After this time, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. By this time, the plant should have 4-6 true leaves.

In order for the plants to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and be strong and strong, it is advisable to plant them in the ground according to a 60x60 cm pattern. If you follow these tips, the cultivation and care of Brussels sprouts discussed in the article can produce a high yield.

Seedlings can grow for up to two months before they are planted in the ground

Preparing and caring for beds

The ideal option for all types of cabbage is to plant seedlings after the following crops:

  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes or potatoes;
  • beets;
  • perennial herbs or flowers;
  • spinach, celery or different types salad

These same crops take root well between shallow beds during the gardening season. Mixed plantings look good and protect each other from pests.

Even if gorgeous seedlings have been obtained, it is necessary to choose the right place and prepare the soil. This process begins in the fall. The beds on the plot or dacha are dug up and enriched with mineral fertilizers. The crop is not grown in one place for more than two years. Because pests and various pathogens can accumulate in the soil. The next planting of small cabbage is permissible after a four-year break.

In the spring, before planting seedlings in open ground, it is fertilized with urea or ammonium nitrate. The approximate concentration of fertilizers is 20 g per 1 m².

It is important to choose a sunny, not shaded place. All varieties of Brussels sprouts love moisture, but can tolerate a slight lack of water. It is advisable to feed the plant 10 days after planting in the ground. The second feeding will be necessary at the stage of planting the crop.

Brussels sprouts love to grow in the sun

For fertilizing, complex mineral or organic fertilizers are used (1-2 liters are applied per plant). If a gardener allows excess nitrogen in the soil, the vegetative mass of the plant will increase, but the quality of the crop will deteriorate.

One of the tricks for growing this type of cabbage is pinching the apical part of the stem, or cutting off the apical rosette a month and a half before ripening. During the season, the crop is watered about ten times. The plants do not require hilling, since the formation of heads begins at the base of the stem.

Harvesting and storage

It is important to know not only how to grow Brussels sprouts, but also how to properly harvest them and preserve the harvest.

The collection of small heads of cabbage is carried out selectively. This happens from early October until late autumn. The plant is finally removed after the onset of a steady cold spell. Stems with small stalks are cut and folded or buried in damp sand for storage in a cold room. This way the harvest can be preserved for 3-4 months. If the heads are separated from the stem, they are used immediately or frozen. An amazing feature of Brussels sprouts is that when frozen, their small heads of cabbage do not lose their nutritional value.

Brussels sprouts tolerate freezing well

Selection of the best varieties

A very important factor in getting a good harvest is choosing the right variety of Brussels sprouts. In the Moscow region, you can choose mid-season and late varieties, and in the Urals - mid-season varieties (there are no early varieties of the crop).

The best varieties for the Middle Zone and the Urals:

  • Perfection is an achievement of Russian breeders. The variety allows you to get up to 5 kg of small cabbage heads from one plant.
  • Dolmik is a development of Dutch breeders, producing heads weighing up to 17 g.
  • Rosella, a variety bred by German breeders. Heads of cabbage can be harvested on the 160th day after the seeds have sprouted.

One of the features of growing the described crops in the Urals and Siberia is the later warming of the soil for planting seeds. Since temperatures here are lower, planting should be carried out not in May, but in early June. That is why hybrid varieties with a minimum ripening period are selected.

Hercules cabbage has a powerful stem with many heads

The Hercules variety has proven itself well in dachas and vegetable gardens in Russia and Ukraine. This is the development of the All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding. The variety looks very presentable; the heads of cabbage are arranged in a cone on the stem of the plant. The Hercules variety is a late-ripening variety and has good frost resistance.

When a gardener manages to determine which varieties are the best for his dacha or homestead, difficulties with growing no longer arise. The main thing is to sow the seeds for seedlings in time, and plant them in the beds once they reach a certain type and size.

Harvesting begins when the lower heads of cabbage ripen. This is evidenced by the waxy shine of small heads and the yellowed lower leaves of the plant.

Usually a person devotes his free time growing vegetables and fruits to be sure of their safety and benefits. Regular consumption of cabbage, bred in Belgium, will have such a beneficial effect on the human body that you simply won’t want to give up growing it. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if every housewife had healthy and tasty Brussels sprouts on her menu.

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