Baratynsky presentation for the lesson (9th grade) on the topic. Presentation for elementary school on the topic “Evgeniy Abramovich Baratynsky” free download Presentation on the topic Evgeniy Baratynsky

At the age of 5 the boy learned to read and write in Russian, and at the age of 6 he spoke French and Italian well. Later he continued his studies in St. Petersburg, first at a private boarding school, and then at the Corps of Pages. For a long time he could not get used to life in St. Petersburg. At the age of 5 the boy learned to read and write in Russian, and at the age of 6 he spoke French and Italian well. Later he continued his studies in St. Petersburg, first at a private boarding school, and then at the Corps of Pages. For a long time he could not get used to life in St. Petersburg.

Having fallen under bad influence, Baratynsky in 1816. committed a serious offense - took part in theft. The matter reached the king. For “unsuitable behavior” Baratynsky was expelled from the corps without the right to enter any service other than as a private in the army. in 1818 he entered military service as a private. Having fallen under bad influence, Baratynsky in 1816. committed a serious offense - took part in theft. The matter reached the king. For “unsuitable behavior” Baratynsky was expelled from the corps without the right to enter any service other than as a private in the army. in 1818 he entered military service as a private. Imperial Corps of Pages

Attempts by friends to achieve an officer rank for Baratynsky were long met with the emperor’s refusal, the reason for which was the independent nature of the poet’s work. Only in April 1825, after almost seven years of military service at the lower rank, Baratynsky (on the recommendation of A.A. Zakrevsky) was finally promoted to officer, which gave him the opportunity to control his destiny.

At this time, fate brought Baratynsky together with Delvig, who morally supported him, introduced him to Pushkin, and introduced him to writing circles. Baratynsky was very grateful to Delvig for this. At this time, fate brought Baratynsky together with Delvig, who morally supported him, introduced him to Pushkin, and introduced him to writing circles. Baratynsky was very grateful to Delvig for this. Delvig A.A.

In the autumn of 1843 Baratynsky and his family go on a trip abroad. Shortly before the trip, Baratynsky wrote a poem about the Muranovo estate near Moscow, where he lived last years before travel. In the autumn of 1843 Baratynsky and his family go on a trip abroad. Shortly before the trip, Baratynsky wrote a poem about the Muranovo estate near Moscow, where he lived in recent years before the trip.

Baratynsky is a poet passionately seeking truth. He could rightfully say about himself: “And just as I found a friend in a generation, I will find a reader in posterity.” And the poet was not mistaken. His name is known to modern readers; books of his poems are published. A state museum has been opened in the Muranovo estate near Moscow. Baratynsky is a poet passionately seeking truth. He could rightfully say about himself: “And just as I found a friend in a generation, I will find a reader in posterity.” And the poet was not mistaken. His name is known to modern readers; books of his poems are published. A state museum has been opened in the Muranovo estate near Moscow.

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Born on February 19 in the village of Mara, Tambov province, into a poor noble family. He came from an ancient Polish family that settled in Russia. In 1812 he entered the St. Petersburg Corps of Pages, from which in 1816 he was expelled for not entirely harmless boyish pranks without the right to enter any service other than soldiering. In 1819 he was enlisted as a private in the St. Petersburg Life Guards Jaeger Regiment.

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Baratynsky’s first works appeared in print: messages “To Krenitsin”, “Delvig”, “To Kuchelbecker”, elegies, madrigals, epigrams. In 1820, the poem “Feasts” was published, which brought great success to the author. In 1820 - 26 Baratynsky served in Finland and wrote a lot. A prominent place in his work of this time is occupied by the elegy: “Finland”, “Disbelief” (“Do not tempt me unnecessarily...”), set to music by M. Glinka, “Waterfall”, “Two Shares”, “Truth”, “Recognition”, etc. Attempts by friends to achieve an officer rank for Baratynsky were for a long time met with the emperor’s refusal, the reason for which was the independent nature of the poet’s work, oppositional statements that could often be heard from Baratynsky.

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He was not a Decembrist, but he was also captured by ideas that were embodied in his activities secret societies. His political opposition manifested itself in the elegy “The Tempest” (1825). In April 1825, Baratynsky was finally promoted to officer, which gave him the opportunity to control his destiny. He retired, married and settled in Moscow, where in 1827 a collection of his poems was published - the result of the first half of his work.

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Muse I am not blinded by my muse: They will not call her a beauty, And the young men, seeing her, will run after her in a crowd of lovers. To lure with exquisite attire, The play of the eyes, brilliant conversation She has neither inclination nor gift; But she is struck by a glimpse of the light of Her face by the ungeneral expression of Her speeches with calm simplicity; And he, rather than with caustic condemnation, will honor her with careless praise.

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DISCONFIDENCE Do not tempt me unnecessarily With the return of your tenderness: All the seductions of former days are alien to the disappointed! I don’t believe in assurances, I don’t believe in love, And I can’t indulge again in dreams that have once betrayed me! Do not multiply my blind melancholy, Don’t start talking about the past, And, friend caring, do not disturb the sick in his slumber! I am sleeping, the sleep is sweet to me; Forget your old dreams: There is only excitement in my soul, And it is not love that you will awaken.

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In 1832, the magazine "European" began to be published, and Baratynsky became one of its most active authors. He turns to prose and drama. After the magazine closed (only two issues were published), he fell into hopeless melancholy. In 1835, the second edition of his works was published, which then seemed to be the result of his creative path. But Baratynsky’s last book was the collection “Twilight” (1842), which combined poems from the second half of the 1830s - early 1840s. In 1843, the poet, having gone abroad, spent six months in Paris, meeting with writers and public figures France - In Baratynsky’s poems of that time - cheerfulness and faith in the future

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Baratynsky died suddenly on July 29, 1844 in Naples. More than a year later, his body was transported to St. Petersburg and, in the presence of several friends, interred. Newspapers and magazines of that time showed almost no response to his death. Only Belinsky said then: " thinking man will always re-read Baratynsky's poems with pleasure, because he will find a person in them - a subject eternally interesting for a person." Baratynsky's humanism, his inherent subtlety of psychological analysis, the depth of penetration into the contradictions of reality, the noble mercilessness towards himself have made his poems close and necessary to our time.

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Slide text: Evgeny Abramovich Baratynsky Literary reading 4th grade Teacher: Guseva N.N. Municipal educational institution "Vertikosskaya secondary school"

Slide text: Years of life 1800 - 1844 Evgeny Baratynsky was born on March 2, 1800. In the Mara estate, Tambov province. The son of a retired lieutenant general from the inner circle of Emperor Paul I and the former maid of honor of Empress Maria Feodorovna

Slide text: At the age of 5 the boy learned to read and write in Russian, and at the age of 6 he spoke French and Italian well. Later he continued his studies in St. Petersburg, first at a private boarding school, and then at the Corps of Pages. For a long time he could not get used to life in St. Petersburg.

Slide text: Falling under bad influence, Baratynsky in 1816. committed a serious offense - took part in theft. The matter reached the king. For “unsuitable behavior” Baratynsky was expelled from the corps without the right to enter any service other than as a private in the army. in 1818 he entered military service as a private. Imperial Corps of Pages

Slide text: Attempts by friends to achieve an officer rank for Baratynsky were long met with the emperor’s refusal, the reason for which was the independent nature of the poet’s work. Only in April 1825, after almost seven years of military service at the lower rank, Baratynsky (on the recommendation of A.A. Zakrevsky) was finally promoted to officer, which gave him the opportunity to control his destiny.

Slide text: At this time, fate brought Baratynsky together with Delvig, who morally supported him, introduced him to Pushkin, and introduced him to writing circles. Baratynsky was very grateful to Delvig for this. Delvig A.A.

Slide text: Autumn 1843 Baratynsky and his family go on a trip abroad. Shortly before the trip, Baratynsky wrote a poem about the Muranovo estate near Moscow, where he lived in recent years before the trip.

Slide text: “Baratynsky,” argued Pushkin, “is one of our excellent poets. He is original with us, because he thinks... he thinks in his own way... while he feels strongly and deeply.”

Slide text: “Reading Baratynsky’s poems, you cannot deny him your sympathy, because this man, feeling strongly, thought a lot, and therefore lived, as not everyone is given to live,” Belinsky wrote about Baratynsky. Belinsky V.G.

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Slide text: Baratynsky is a poet passionately seeking truth. He could rightfully say about himself: “And just as I found a friend in a generation, I will find a reader in posterity.” And the poet was not mistaken. His name is known to modern readers; books of his poems are published. A state museum has been opened in the Muranovo estate near Moscow.

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Evgeniy Abramovich Baratynsky Literary reading 4th grade Teacher: Guseva N.N. Municipal educational institution "Vertikosskaya secondary school"

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Years of life 1800 - 1844 Evgeny Baratynsky was born on March 2, 1800. In the Mara estate, Tambov province. The son of a retired lieutenant general from the inner circle of Emperor Paul I and the former maid of honor of Empress Maria Feodorovna

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At the age of 5, the boy learned to read and write in Russian, and at the age of 6 he spoke French and Italian well. Later he continued his studies in St. Petersburg, first at a private boarding school, and then at the Corps of Pages. For a long time he could not get used to life in St. Petersburg.

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Having fallen under bad influence, Baratynsky in 1816. committed a serious offense - took part in theft. The matter reached the king. For “unsuitable behavior” Baratynsky was expelled from the corps without the right to enter any service other than as a private in the army. in 1818 he entered military service as a private. Imperial Corps of Pages

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Attempts by friends to achieve an officer rank for Baratynsky were long met with the emperor’s refusal, the reason for which was the independent nature of the poet’s work. Only in April 1825, after almost seven years of military service at the lower rank, Baratynsky (on the recommendation of A.A. Zakrevsky) was finally promoted to officer, which gave him the opportunity to control his destiny.

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At this time, fate brought Baratynsky together with Delvig, who morally supported him, introduced him to Pushkin, and introduced him to writing circles. Baratynsky was very grateful to Delvig for this. Delvig A.A.

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In the autumn of 1843 Baratynsky and his family go on a trip abroad. Shortly before the trip, Baratynsky wrote a poem about the Muranovo estate near Moscow, where he lived in recent years before the trip.

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“Baratynsky,” asserted Pushkin, “is one of our excellent poets. He is original with us, because he thinks... he thinks in his own way... while he feels strongly and deeply.”

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“Reading Baratynsky’s poems, you cannot deny him your sympathy, because this man, feeling strongly, thought a lot, and therefore lived, as not everyone is given to live,” Belinsky wrote about Baratynsky. Belinsky V.G.

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Baratynsky Evgeniy Abramovich

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Born on February 19 in the village of Mara, Tambov province, into a poor noble family. He came from an ancient Polish family that settled in Russia. In 1812 he entered the St. Petersburg Corps of Pages, from which in 1816 he was expelled for not entirely harmless boyish pranks without the right to enter any service other than soldiering. In 1819 he was enlisted as a private in the St. Petersburg Life Guards Jaeger Regiment.

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Baratynsky’s first works appeared in print: messages “To Krenitsin”, “Delvig”, “To Kuchelbecker”, elegies, madrigals, epigrams. In 1820, the poem “Feasts” was published, which brought great success to the author. In 1820 - 26 Baratynsky served in Finland and wrote a lot. A prominent place in his work of this time is occupied by the elegy: “Finland”, “Disbelief” (“Do not tempt me unnecessarily...”), set to music by M. Glinka, “Waterfall”, “Two Shares”, “Truth”, “Recognition”, etc. Attempts by friends to achieve an officer rank for Baratynsky were for a long time met with the emperor’s refusal, the reason for which was the independent nature of the poet’s work, oppositional statements that could often be heard from Baratynsky.

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He was not a Decembrist, but he was also captivated by ideas that were embodied in the activities of secret societies. His political opposition manifested itself in the elegy “The Tempest” (1825). In April 1825, Baratynsky was finally promoted to officer, which gave him the opportunity to control his destiny. He retired, married and settled in Moscow, where in 1827 a collection of his poems was published - the result of the first half of his work.

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Muse I am not blinded by my muse: They will not call her a beauty, And the young men, seeing her, will run after her in a crowd of lovers. To lure with exquisite attire, the play of the eyes, brilliant conversation. She has neither inclination nor gift; But one is struck by a glimpse of the light of Her face, by the uncommon expression, by Her speeches by the calm simplicity; And he, rather than with caustic condemnation, will honor her with casual praise.

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DISBELIEF Do not tempt me unnecessarily With the return of your tenderness: All the seductions of former days are alien to the disappointed! I don’t believe in assurances, I don’t believe in love, And I can’t indulge again in dreams that have once changed! Do not multiply my blind melancholy, Do not start a word about the past, And, caring friend, do not disturb the sick person in his slumber! I sleep, the sleep is sweet to me; Forget your old dreams: There is only excitement in my soul, And you will not awaken love.

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In 1832, the magazine "European" began to be published, and Baratynsky became one of its most active authors. He turns to prose and drama. After the magazine closed (only two issues were published), he fell into hopeless melancholy. In 1835, the second edition of his works was published, which then seemed to be the result of his creative path. But Baratynsky’s last book was the collection “Twilight” (1842), which combined poems from the second half of the 1830s - early 1840s. In 1843, the poet, having gone abroad, spent six months in Paris, meeting with writers and public figures of France. In Baratynsky’s poems of that time there is cheerfulness and faith in the future

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Baratynsky died suddenly on July 29, 1844 in Naples. More than a year later, his body was transported to St. Petersburg and, in the presence of several friends, interred. Newspapers and magazines of that time barely responded to his death. Only Belinsky said then: “A thinking person will always re-read Baratynsky’s poems with pleasure, because he will find a person in them - a subject eternally interesting to a person.” Baratynsky's humanism, his inherent subtlety of psychological analysis, the depth of his penetration into the contradictions of reality, and his noble mercilessness towards himself have made his poems close and necessary to our time.

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