Green basil calorie content per 100 grams. Calories Basil, fresh. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Uses of basil in cooking

The healing power of raspberries has long been used in folk medicine - not only the berries, but also the leaves of the plant contain many substances valuable for health. However, before using the green part of the plant for health purposes, it is necessary to study both the medicinal properties and contraindications of raspberry leaves.

Chemical composition of raspberry leaves

Raspberry subshrubs grow not only in wild conditions, many gardeners successfully grow hybrid plant varieties in their suburban areas.

Raspberries have become widespread thanks to their tasty and healthy berries, the jam of which is considered the primary anti-cold remedy. But not everyone knows that the leaves of the plant also have powerful healing potential. And they certainly deserve to take a place in your home medicine cabinet.

The biochemical composition that determines the beneficial properties of raspberry leaves is considered unique. A medicines, prepared from the green mass of the plant, have a universal effect on the body.

The medicinal value of raspberry leaves is provided by the following substances:

  • vitamins - A, C, E, groups B and K;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, sodium, iron, zinc, boron, manganese, copper;
  • cellulose;
  • flavonoids;
  • mineral salts - oxalates and salicylates;
  • resins;
  • organic fruit acids - lactic, tartaric, succinic, citric, malic, salicylic, folic;
  • tanning phenolic compounds;
  • pectins;
  • mucus;
  • Sahara.

Interesting fact: raspberry leaf is rich in a record amount of vitamin C - 100 g of plant material contains 25 mg ascorbic acid.

Raspberry leaves: medicinal properties

Raspberry leaf has exceptional healing properties, so its use is appropriate in the treatment of most organs and systems of the human body.

  1. For colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, raspberry leaves will have an antipyretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. A decoction of raspberry leaf will help stop bleeding, remove waste and toxins from the body, eliminate intestinal upset, ease breathing during bronchitis, and improve well-being during hemorrhoids and colitis.
  3. And rinsing with plant-based products will relieve swelling, eliminate sore throats due to tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis, and stop the inflammatory process due to stomatitis.

Indications for use of raspberry leaf:

  • viral infections, colds, respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies that cause bleeding - peptic ulcer, haemorrhoids, gynecological diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • acne;
  • avitaminosis;
  • inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological problems, psoriasis, eczema;
  • kidney diseases, with the exception of urolithiasis;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • stomach or uterine bleeding;
  • prostate diseases;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • herpes;
  • wounds, bruises, insect bites.

It is characteristic that dried raspberry leaves completely retain their medicinal properties and, after heat treatment, can be used to prepare a medicinal product.

Healing properties for a woman’s body

The use of raspberry leaves is recommended to solve many problems women's health. Raspberry leaf tea helps relieve heavy periods. In addition, decoctions, teas, baths and douches with an infusion from the plant have a powerful healing effect in the treatment of thrush, infertility and ovarian diseases.

Benefits during pregnancy and children

The properties of raspberry leaves are considered especially valuable for women during pregnancy. The fact is that the plant helps soften the cervix and increases the elasticity of its walls.

Taking this decoction in the last stages of pregnancy can minimize the risk of ruptures. Therefore, in many European countries, gynecologists recommend taking tea from the leaves starting from the 35th week of pregnancy. For 14 days, the drink is taken warm, one glass per day.

As the birth approaches, both the total amount of drink consumed per day and its temperature increase. As a result, at the 40th week, pregnant women are advised to take four cups of hot raspberry tea per day.

Drinking raspberry leaf tea early stages pregnancy can provoke spontaneous rejection of the embryo and lead to miscarriage.

Therefore, pregnant women can take this tea only after consultation with their doctor.

For children

The use of raspberry leaf for the treatment of children is allowed from the age of six months. Raspberry teas and decoctions are relevant if a child has a cold with high temperature. Start taking raspberry-based products with a minimum volume of half a teaspoon.

However, it should be remembered that the plant can cause allergies, and therefore if after drinking raspberry tea the baby develops a rash, it should be stopped.

For older children, raspberry leaves are recommended as a remedy for teenage acne and rashes. In this case, decoctions are used externally, in the form of lotions.

Traditional medicine recipes with raspberry leaves

  1. The classic recipe for making tea contains the following proportions - three tablespoons of raspberry twigs and leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Take half of the received portion at three-hour intervals. The use of tea is indicated for colds and viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases, heavy menstruation, stomach and uterine bleeding.
  2. A decoction of raspberry leaf is prepared in the same proportion as for tea. But after pouring, keep the composition for 10 minutes in a water bath, and then infuse for an hour. Used for baths, rinsing and douching.
  3. Alcohol tincture Raspberries are prepared as follows: for one tablespoon of crushed raw materials, take five tablespoons of vodka. The liquid is placed in a dark glass container and kept for 10 days in a dark place. After the specified period, the product is used to wet tampons used for insect bites.
  4. Raspberry green ointment is prepared from fresh leaves. To do this, plant materials are washed and dried, then ground in a mortar and mixed with Vaseline. For one part of leaves you will need two parts of Vaseline.
  5. Alternative preparation: juice from fresh raspberry leaves is mixed with Vaseline or melted butter. For one teaspoon of juice take four teaspoons of fat.
  6. To treat herpes, a paste of crushed fresh leaves of the plant is applied to the sore spot several times a day.

Herbal teas with the addition of raspberry leaf

When treating certain diseases, other types are added to classic raspberry tea. medicinal plants. This allows you to increase the intensity of its impact and thus enhance the therapeutic effect.

  • For bronchitis. Mix equal amounts of raspberries, coltsfoot and thyme. To prepare one serving of tea, take a tablespoon of the collection. Drink hot, with honey added.
  • From infertility. Mix equal amounts of raspberry and red clover leaves. For one serving of tea, take a teaspoon of the mixture. Take a cup a day for four months. Then they take a two-week break.
  • For renal colic. Mix one part of dry raspberry raw materials and five parts of birch leaves. The collection is poured with five liters of boiling water, infused for an hour and used as a hot bath.
  • From ovarian dysfunction. IN classic recipe tea include one spoon of currant leaves. Leave for 15 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day.
  • From heavy menstruation. Mix equal amounts of raspberry and strawberry leaves, oak bark and yarrow herb. For one tablespoon of the mixture, take a glass of boiling water and keep the composition in a water bath for an hour. Take filtered, warm, once a day. The course is a week.

When to collect raspberry leaves, how to dry and store

In order for products prepared from raspberries to provide optimal therapeutic results, care must be taken to properly collect and store the raw materials.

The raspberry leaf accumulates the greatest amount of substances valuable for health in May-June. This period is especially recommended for collecting green mass. The collected raw materials are dried away from direct sunlight, periodically turning over each sheet.

Store the collection in linen bags or glass jars in a dark, dry and cool place.

Optimal time storage of dry raspberry leaves is two years.

Contraindications for use

There are few contraindications to the use of raspberry leaf mass.

Doctors do not recommend drinking teas and decoctions from the plant for people who have been diagnosed with:

  • nephritis, urolithiasis disease and gout, since oxalates in the leaves can provoke an exacerbation of the disease;
  • gastritis and gastric ulcer, because salicylates, which raspberry leaf contains, belong to the group of natural analogues of aspirin and can cause an increase in stomach acidity with exacerbation of inflammatory processes in its mucosa;
  • chronic constipation, since raspberries contain tannins that have an astringent effect;
  • tendency to allergies.

In addition, the use of raspberry leaf should be limited while taking aspirin at the same time - this will avoid an overdose.

Raspberry leaves are a real natural gift, the skillful use of which will bring joy healthy life and good health.

Sweet juicy raspberries that literally melt in your mouth...mmmm! Yummy! Did you know that in the summer you can not only pamper yourself with a delicious berry, but also use raspberries to lose weight and get the figure of your dreams, and with enormous benefits for the body!

Useful properties of raspberries

Raspberries are a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins! Each raspberry contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, sodium and calcium! It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, nicotine, apple and citric acid, as well as carotene. By the way, malic and citric acids improve the process of food digestion!

Plus, raspberries are really very juicy, because raspberries are almost 80% water. In addition, it contains glucose, fructose and sucrose, which makes raspberries so sweet and tasty! Raspberries can not only quench your thirst, but also charge you with energy and good mood!

We also note that raspberries also contain the fiber we need, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. Plus, it contains tannins that strengthen the gums. Complete benefit, and that’s all!

Raspberries for weight loss

We are already convinced that raspberries are incredibly healthy. Now let’s look at how suitable raspberries are for weight loss.

So, about 100 gr. Raspberries account for only about 40 calories! It’s not difficult to guess that, given such a low calorie content and such high nutritional value, raspberries are an ideal berry for weight loss, which will not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but will also saturate your body with vitamins, strengthen your immune system and improve your health. appearance in general, it’s not for nothing that they say that raspberries have an excellent rejuvenating effect!

The raspberry diet is suitable not only for those who decide to lose weight for the benefit of the body, but also for diabetics and people with weakened immune systems.

Raspberry diet for 3 days

So, the raspberry diet, in addition to helping you lose 3 kg in just 3 days, will also improve your health. In 3 days of the diet you will have to eat 2 kg of berries! The diet menu is very simple, but quite filling, so you won’t have to go hungry.

Sample diet menu for the day:
Breakfast: a glass of kefir (natural yogurt without additives or fermented baked milk) and about 100 gr. raspberries
Second breakfast: about 200 gr. raspberries with honey or any nuts.
Lunch: boiled or steamed chicken (veal or fish), fresh vegetable salad. For dessert - raspberries.
Dinner: vegetables, baked, stewed or steamed. A glass of low-fat kefir, about 200 gr. raspberries You can eat fruit.

It is recommended to drink green or herbal teas, water or mineral water without gas. Bread and baked goods are not allowed. Fried and smoked foods are also prohibited. All dishes must be boiled or steamed; the maximum you can afford is a grill.

Believe me, all the restrictions will not be in vain. This wonderful 3-day unloading of the body will help you lose weight up to 3 kg, increase your immunity, give you a feeling of lightness, good mood and a surge of strength that will charge you with positivity and energy! And don’t forget that raspberries have a rejuvenating effect. So, in addition to 3 kg of weight, the raspberry diet will help you lose a couple of years! Eat raspberries, be slim, beautiful and healthy. Good luck!

A berry that attracts both with its appearance and rich taste. It is most often used to treat colds. However, the benefits and harms of raspberries do not end there. This is a multivitamin product. It contains almost all the vitamins needed by the human body. Frequent consumption of raspberries gives health and beauty.

The benefits of raspberries for the body

The benefits of raspberries explain its long-standing popularity. What’s especially nice is that the berry has an excellent taste, and therefore can be given to children. Let's consider all its useful properties:

  • The most obvious benefit to the body from raspberries is its ability to quickly cope with a cold. This quality is explained by the high content of vitamin C and salicylic acid. This is a natural aspirin that will help reduce fever and headache, will ensure the removal of toxins. The berry is a diaphoretic product. Not only the fruits themselves help against colds, but also the leaves and stems, which, at the onset of ARVI, are brewed like tea;
  • The essential oils included in the composition normalize appetite;
  • Fiber promotes good functioning of the intestinal muscles;
  • Citric and malic acid normalize digestive functions;
  • The berry provides mild relief for constipation, as it has mild laxative properties;
  • If you need to normalize work gastrointestinal tract, before eating, you can eat 10-15 berries. You will immediately notice the effect;
  • The product perfectly cleanses the body. It contains pectins, which are distinguished by their ability to remove heavy metal salts. This is a real salvation modern world with him environmental problems. Pectins are not destroyed even after processing. If you decide to make tea or jam from raspberries, they will still perform their functions as before;
  • This is a great way to strengthen your immune system and increase your energy levels for life. Raspberries contain a full complex of vitamins: A, B, C, E, PP. It is rich in various microelements. You can eat it both raw and processed. This is a natural remedy for giving a person additional strength;
  • Vitamin P has a positive effect on strengthening the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, the berry is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension. The product helps prevent cardiovascular diseases;
  • The phytosterols included in the composition serve as the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Iron, copper, folic acid help improve the condition of people with anemia;
  • The berry is definitely indicated for stress. Its beneficial properties extend to nervous system. Regular use allows you to get rid of stress, insomnia, depression, and neuroses. And all this is due to the copper content;
  • Fruits are indicated for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Phytoncides included in the composition help destroy fungi and staphylococci;
  • This is a good expectorant. It is recommended to take it for laryngitis and bronchitis.

The berry is completely universal. It can be consumed both raw and in the form of jam. Tea is brewed from raspberry leaves and infusions are prepared. The fruits are really tasty. They are distinguished by their sweetness and pleasant aroma.

Possible harm and contraindications

Any medicine, as we know, can cause harm if used incorrectly. For healthy people, the berry is practically safe, but it has contraindications that are worth listening to:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Gout;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastritis of the stomach;
  • Allergic reactions to raspberries;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Kidney diseases.

Raspberries are an allergen, and therefore it is not recommended to consume them large quantities, as this may cause allergic reactions. It has a laxative effect, and therefore the fruits should not be given to children under one year old, as they can cause diarrhea and allergies.

Pregnant women should take raspberry decoctions and teas with great caution, as they help stimulate uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage. In ancient times, such a decoction was given in cases where stimulation of labor was required.

Benefits for men and women

The berry is indicated for maintaining men's health. The benefit for men is the prevention of prostate adenoma and restoration of sexual function. The antioxidant qualities of the fruit will allow you to always stay in shape.

The benefits for women from taking raspberries are undeniable. The fruits provide significant help with many women's problems:

  • Reducing uterine bleeding;
  • Reducing the abundance of menstruation;
  • PMS relief;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Improving ovarian function;
  • Treatment and prevention of infertility.

Raspberry infusion can be used for douching for inflammatory processes of the genital organs. The berries themselves are recommended to be eaten during pregnancy. They serve to prevent anemia, promote fetal development due to their high content folic acid and iron, reduce constipation. Raspberry fruit drinks help fight toxicosis. Taking a decoction of berries before childbirth will provide their natural stimulation. They are also used after childbirth to reduce bleeding and stimulate lactation. Help relieve postpartum pain.

Fruits, thanks to vitamins A and E, promote healthy skin. Taking them regularly will give your face youth, tone, and elasticity. They are favorable for the proper functioning of the uterus.

Benefits for weight loss

The benefits of raspberries for weight loss are confirmed by nutritionists who prescribe this product to people who want to get rid of extra pounds. The miraculous effect of the berries is explained by its composition:

  • The product is 85% water, which makes it low in calories. You can eat it in any quantity without fear of weight gain;
  • Lipolytic enzymes promote accelerated fat burning;
  • Copper promotes the timely removal of excess fluid from the body. It helps with swelling;
  • The dietary fiber included in the composition, once in the intestines, begins to swell, which helps maintain satiety for a long time. Therefore, the berry is recommended for a snack. With it, when dieting, you will not feel hungry;
  • Dietary fiber also helps remove toxins and breakdown products. This helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, which also helps with weight loss;
  • The sweetness of the product is ensured by the high fructose content, and therefore it has a low glycemic index. Taking it does not increase glucose levels. The berry does not provoke a feeling of appetite;
  • Copper helps fight stress, which helps support the nervous system during a diet.

Raspberries reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and promote bowel function. A diet based on it can be different. For example, women who are losing weight can use very simple recommendations. Half a glass of berries before meals helps to quickly digest food and reduce hunger. You want to eat less, so the portions are reduced.

Developed by nutritionists three day diet, at which the weight decreases by three kilograms. This is a great express way to lose weight. Diet plan:

  1. For breakfast, drink a glass of kefir combined with 100 grams of berries;
  2. The second breakfast consists of raspberry jelly and milk. It can be replaced with 200 grams of fruit in combination with honey;
  3. For lunch you can eat diet fish or chicken breast with vegetables;
  4. For dinner, it is recommended to prepare baked vegetables with raspberries.

This diet should be maintained for three days.


Raspberries are a universal product. One of its main properties is the ability to retain its qualities even during processing. Therefore, this is the first berry for making jam. Preparations will allow you to receive vitamins even in winter.

A simple way to preserve fruits is freezing. Frozen raspberries will retain their quality for a long time. You can use it if necessary. This the best option for those who have collected a lot of raspberries this year that cannot be eaten in a short time. Quick freezing helps preserve all vitamins and minerals. It is usually performed in the winter. When freezing, it is important to carefully wash the fruit and dry it. This berry quickly deforms, and therefore should not be placed in bags. It's better to put it on a glass shelf. The fruits should not touch each other.

Raspberry leaves are recommended to be used for colds. An infusion is prepared for this. It will require 2 tablespoons of leaves. They are filled with 200 ml of boiling water. The composition is infused for 15 minutes. You can take it with honey. In addition to treating ARVI, it has a diuretic effect.

Crushed berry branches will help get rid of herpes. For the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, infusions based on berries and flowers are used. The use of the product is unlimited. The fruits themselves, as well as leaves, branches, and stems are used. By planting raspberries, you will acquire your own personal healer, who will help with many diseases and replenish vitamin deficiencies.

The benefits and harms of raspberries are disproportionate to each other. It has many more useful qualities than contraindications. The product is recommended for most people, especially children, who do not like tasteless food rich in vitamins. Raspberries are both sweet and highly beneficial. It can be prepared by the most different ways, relieves diseases, serves as prevention, strengthens the immune system. This is a product that must be on the table.

Basil - in cooking, fresh or dried leaves of several varieties of the plant of the same name. It is a popular vegetable crop in many countries of the world located in regions with tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climates. Used in the preparation of various dishes as a seasoning or spice.


Of the about 70 varieties of basil known to science, only a few are vegetable crops. Three types of basil are popular in Europe - sweet (with large green leaves), Greek (a sharper spicy taste, small leaves) and purple (less hot spicy taste). In turn, Asian varieties of this leafy green are mostly represented by lemon (citrusy taste and aroma), Thai (intense spicy taste and aroma) and holy basil (clove taste).

Calorie content

100 grams of basil leaves contain about 23 kcal.


The chemical composition of basil leaves is characterized increased content carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins (A, B3, B9, C, K), minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, sodium) and phytonutrients (beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin).

How to cook and serve

As noted earlier, fresh and dried basil leaves are used in cooking, used solely as a flavor and aroma modifier. This leafy green is one of the most popular ingredients in national cuisines countries of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Most recipes using basil involve boiling or sautéing the food, and adding its leaves at the final stage of cooking. This recommendation is due to the fact that long-term heat treatment negatively affects the content of essential oils in basil leaves, which give the dish an original taste and aroma. This restriction does not in any way affect the popularity of this leafy green in cooking. The list of dishes in which the leaves of this plant are used is extremely wide, ranging from vegetable stews and soups to sauces and fruit salads. The “versatility” of basil is explained by the excellent compatibility of this leafy green with most foods.

In addition to the leaves in culinary purposes Basil seeds are used. In some Asian countries, soft drinks are prepared from them.

What goes with it?

Basil goes well with any vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs.

How to choose

The main factors for choosing basil are deep green color, the absence of dark or yellowish spots on their surface, as well as the characteristic aroma of licorice or anise.


Fresh basil leaves should be stored in the refrigerator. When dried, they must be placed in a hermetically sealed glass container, which should be located in a cool, dark place away from sources of moisture and heat. If these conditions are met, the shelf life of dried basil is up to 6 months.

Beneficial features

In addition to its excellent gastronomic qualities, basil leaves are distinguished by their weight beneficial properties. This is due to the chemical composition containing a large number of biologically vital for the human body active substances. In particular, numerous essential oils Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. In addition, regular consumption of these leafy greens significantly slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of age-related macular eye disease, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulates the process of bone tissue formation, normalizes heart rate and arterial pressure, increases hemoglobin levels.

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