White noise nature for newborns. White noise for newborns. What is white noise?

The diet of a 7-month-old baby no longer consists only of mother’s milk and some adapted formula, but it is important to remember that many foods are not yet suitable for the little one. When feeding, you should consider what the baby can eat and in what quantity, and what he cannot. Products included in daily menu baby, must saturate his body with all essential vitamins and minerals, but at the same time his still weak digestive system should remain not overloaded.

What can a 7 month old baby eat?

It is important that your 7-month-old baby eats at the same time every day. As soon as the baby wakes up, he usually eats mother's milk or formula if he is bottle-fed. After 4-5 hours, you need to give the child porridge, while it is preferable to feed the baby with dairy-free porridge, but if you prepare it yourself, then it is best to do it with water.

From 7 months, a child can be slowly introduced to cereals, but not all of them at once - you need to start with porridges made from gluten-free rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. Immediately after the porridge, you can give your child a large number of fruit puree. However, it is important to know that at this age it is very useful for children - green apples, pears, bananas. But you need to wait with citrus fruits, as they can cause allergic reaction. When it comes to vegetables, a child at 7 months should already be able to eat almost everything, with the exception of regular cabbage. Don't forget about meat - a seven-month-old baby should eat at least 30 g of this product every day.

Many pediatricians recommend starting to give children egg yolk at seven months, but it is advisable to give preference to quail eggs, and you need to start with half a yolk a day. It is impossible to give yolk every day, since a small child may develop an allergy to it, 3 times a week is the most optimal amount of yolk consumed for a baby of seven months. At 7 months, the child should receive a sufficient amount of fluid per day; therefore, in addition to mother’s milk, it is recommended that the baby be given warm boiled water and fruit juices.

Menu for a 7 month old baby

Menu for a 7 month old baby:

  1. Meat. Meat is a nutritional element that must be included in the daily diet of a 7-month-old baby, as this product is rich in all necessary vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to give meat at such an early age in the form of ready-made canned food, which undergoes a very large number of tests and meets all quality standards, or prepare it yourself. Only used for small children dietary varieties meat, namely: veal, rabbit, beef, turkey and chicken. Fish is still prohibited for a seven-month-old baby.
  2. Porridge. Your baby should eat porridge every day. You should not give him porridge from the same product every day; it is advisable to alternate them. For variety, you can add pumpkin to the porridge, which will not only saturate it with vitamins, but also give it a rich taste and color.
  3. Eggs. Despite the fact that eggs can cause allergies in children, they should be included in the menu of a 7-month-old baby, due to the fact that this product is rich in vitamins and polyunsaturated acids.
  4. Fruits. A baby aged seven months can be given apple, banana and pear puree.
  5. Dairy products. Cottage cheese and kefir are the most necessary fermented milk products that the baby should consume daily. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which children need for proper physical development, and kefir is responsible for normalizing the baby’s digestion.
  6. Beverages. You can diversify your baby’s drinking diet with dried fruit compote, and in the summer you can cook it from apples. As the child gets used to it, you can gradually add prunes, pears and plums to the compote. When cooking compotes for small children, sugar cannot be added to them, but if this is necessary, then sugar should be added in small quantities.

How much should a baby eat at 7 months?

At 6 o'clock in the morning the child should drink 500 ml of breast milk or formula. After four hours, the baby should be given 170 g of porridge, adding small piece butter, and 70-80 g of fruit puree.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the child should eat 170 g vegetable puree with 30 g of meat and half an yolk and drink fruit juice. At 18:00 - 40 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of fruit juice, two pieces of baby biscuits and breast milk. At 22:00 it is recommended to feed the baby only breast milk.

The baby is 7 months old, he is already sitting and leading a fairly active lifestyle.. What should it be likemenu 7 one month old baby ? What does a baby need at this age, and what dishes can diversify his diet so that the baby’s body receives healthy vitamins and microelements, we will tell you in our article.

A 7 month old baby can already be entered into the menu new products , especially if the process of complementary feeding has begun and the baby has already tried fruits. What new flavors can you offer your baby?


Our mother Elya tells : “I give meat for lunch, and since my son doesn’t really like it separately, I mix it into soup or vegetable puree. I tried adding breast milk to meat, but didn’t want to add a little buckwheat porridge. But he eats it with vegetables, thanks for that too.”


Another new product - yolk , the most valuable part of a chicken egg. The yolk contains unsaturated fatty acid, fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D and carotene, as well as phosphorus and iron.

Parents should take into account that this is specifically about yolk , and not about the whole egg, since the protein is a fairly allergenic product. However, when giving your baby a yolk, you also need to make sure that the baby does not have any negative reactions to it. Like any new product on a child’s menu, pediatricians recommend introducing the yolk carefully, without mixing it with other new products. There is an opinion that an excellent solution for children with allergies is quail eggs However, allergies can occur to protein and quail eggs.

The opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky on this matter is as follows:: “There is no fundamental difference between a chicken egg and a quail egg. Whatever bird eggs you choose, they should be given to the child in a heat-treated state. Give to a child raw eggs fundamentally wrong. Because absolutely all birds can be carriers of such a dangerous disease as salmonellosis. Sometimes, when a child loves eggs very much, it is difficult for parents to give him half a chicken egg, but a quail egg is just right.”

When creating a menu for a 7-month-old baby, it is worth distributing dishes in such a way that the second feeding acts as breakfast, and the meal around 14.00 is lunch. Parents should gradually form in their child the traditional adult division of food during the day for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. After all, soon the number of meals the baby will eat will be reduced, and good habit eating porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch, and cottage cheese for an afternoon snack will remain, and such a food regimen will seriously make life easier for parents.

However, if a child eats vegetable puree better in the morning or evening, and likes porridge during the day, there is nothing wrong with that, feel free to be guided by his preferences and tastes.

What, when and why

Aged child's meals five times a day , the interval between meals is 4-4.5 hours. The first and last feeding is either breastfeeding or, if the baby is bottle-fed, an adapted formula.

Our mother-House tells: “Our menu is as follows: 7-00 breast, at 10-00 porridge (any), at 13-00 meat puree with vegetables (2-3 times a week half a yolk), at 16-00 cottage cheese, fruit puree, 19-00 breasts, 21-30 breasts at night. And he wakes up every 2 hours all night to eat. We rarely drink juices and then they are heavily diluted with water, sometimes I give a compote of dried fruits, and most often - plain drinking water.”

If we take into account that vegetable purees, juices, cereals, meat, yolk and dairy products have already been introduced into the baby’s complementary foods, then an indicative menu for a 7 month old baby may look like this :

After waking up

Breakfast - around 10.00

  • porridge with milk or - 150 g;
  • fruit puree - 70 g.

Dinner - around 14.00

  • vegetable puree or vegetable soup with meat - about 180 g;
  • you can add 1 teaspoon to puree or soup vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 grated yolk;

Afternoon snack - around 18.00

  • porridge with milk or dairy-free - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese - 30 g.
  • juice or fruit puree - 30 ml.
  • cookies - 1-2 pcs. (optional)

Dinner - breast milk or adapted formula

If your baby doesn’t eat well or doesn’t get enough of the foods offered, After each meal, offer him breast or formula .

If both meat and yolk are introduced into the baby’s menu, then first It is advisable to separate new products in meals, and give, for example, yolk for breakfast or afternoon snack, and meat for lunch.

What if he doesn’t want to?

We are sure that parents should not be nervous if the child flatly refuses to try any of the dishes we offer - all children are individual , everyone has their own taste and different rates of introducing new dishes.

Our mother Vikusia tells: “Lina wanted to try her first complementary foods at 10 months. Before this, it was only the breasts, and everything that I offered her from cereals, purees and soups ended up on the floor or on the feeding table. At first I was nervous, and my grandmothers insisted, how could it be that the baby doesn’t get anything from mother’s milk, she doesn’t have enough, she’ll get rickets, we need to feed her “like a human.” But when we weighed ourselves at the pediatrician’s appointment at 6, 7, 8 months, and the little one was gaining 800 g per month on my milk alone, the doctor said there was nothing to worry about. If he wants to, he will start eating something new; no one before school had ever eaten only breast milk. Relax, mommy. And I relaxed, which is what I wish for everyone. Listen to your child - this, of course, is difficult to admit, but he really knows better.”

No aspect of raising a child causes as much controversy and worry as nutrition. Of course, adults wish only the best for the baby, but remember that chief assistant in compiling correct menu- your baby.

After all, sometimes refusing such important products in your opinion and prepared with love is justified, for example, the baby’s body still does not have enough necessary enzymes to digest them, and force-feeding the baby may subsequently become a reason for a visit to a nutritionist or endocrinologist.

Listen to your baby and everything will be just fine!

Every day you notice changes in your baby. This is no longer the tiny lump that you brought from the hospital. The baby has grown noticeably and is now showing himself as a full member of the family. At 7 months, the child communicates more, moves more, and eats and sleeps no longer like in the first half of the year.

What's new in physical development?

During the seventh month, the child grows by 2 cm and gains about 600 g; by the end of the month, the weight of the babies is 7.5 - 8.5 kg (± 1 kg), and their height is 66 - 70 cm (± 3 kg).

What a 7 month old baby can do:

  1. Some children can already sit without support and learn to sit on their own.
  2. Some are already crawling at seven months. While it is difficult for the baby to lift his body completely, so he...
  3. Lying on his stomach, he can lean on one arm and reach out with the other and grab a toy.
  4. Actively turns over different sides. The baby’s physical development is now entirely aimed at increasing his activity, so this is the time when bruises and injuries begin. Physical activity The baby has grown, but the movements are still uncoordinated and awkward, while parents still tend to underestimate the baby’s capabilities, leaving him alone in the middle of the sofa or bed. Children can roll from one end of the sofa to the other in a matter of seconds, so do not leave them alone.
  5. A 7-month-old child can hold a bottle himself and pick it up if it falls.
  6. In the crib he can stand up on his knees or fully on his legs, holding onto the railing.
  7. With support from the armpits, he walks.
  8. A 7-month-old child uses his hands more and more confidently: he transfers a toy from one hand to another, turns it in his hands.
  9. Picks up and throws the toy again. He hits it on the table, pulls it into his mouth, and examines it.
  10. Can put small ones into large objects.
  11. Hearing and vision are already fully formed. The child reacts by turning his head even to soft sounds. But do not teach your baby to sleep in complete silence, allow a small sound background (TV or radio), otherwise in the future the child will begin to wake up from minor sounds.
  12. Many children already have their first teeth at seven months, but if they are missing, don’t worry, calmly wait for them to appear until they are a year old. Big role Heredity plays a role in the timing of teething; if the parents have teeth at 9 months, then the child will most likely have the same. Some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. For some, it may pass without any problems, but the mother will know that a tooth is breaking through only by the white edge on the gum. But most children still exhibit signs that precede the appearance of a tooth:

  • Salivation;
  • Redness and swelling of the gums;
  • The baby bites everything: toys, your fingers and his own, puts his fist into his mouth;
  • The baby rubs its cheek on the pillow, pinches its face and ears;
  • Some children may have a low-grade fever (37).

What's new in mental development?

  1. Now the child understands the meaning of many words and can point his finger at familiar objects. Continues to communicate in babble.
  2. He knows his name and reacts to it.
  3. The baby distinguishes all relatives. A feeling of deep affection has already been formed in him. Of course, the baby is most emotionally attached to his mother and in her absence may now burst into tears, but this will not be associated with hunger, but with a loss of a sense of security and anxiety. Some children at this age may even experience fear of separation, which indicates a big step in mental development baby.
  4. The baby can already guess by facial expressions and gestures about the feelings you are experiencing. He distinguishes intonations in the voice: gentle or strict, kind or evil. And when a child is scolded, he is already trying to understand his guilt.
  5. The baby learns to show his feelings: he grabs you by the face, by the hair, presses you, or, on the contrary, turns away.
  6. The baby's babbling becomes more and more complex. Gradually it becomes meaningful. The baby turns his head towards the object, which the mother named several times before (dad, kitty, woman), and can repeat the first syllable himself. Tries to attract attention with certain syllables.
  7. To the question “where?” can find with a glance what is being asked about.
  8. The kid understands that hidden things do not disappear completely, but they are simply not visible.
  9. The child is now ready to make friends with anyone, but he himself does not show initiative, but waits for it from the object.
  10. During this period, the right hemisphere ( left-hand side body) develops more intensively than the left ( Right side body), so you may notice that your baby uses his left hand more than his right. This is a temporary phenomenon and does not at all mean that the child is left-handed. ()
  11. At this age, babies may begin to be afraid of sharp or loud noises (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fan). Try to keep these devices away from your child. ( We read: )

Baby development test 7 months

  • A baby at 7 months should be able to roll over in different directions, sit with a straight back with support, roll over onto his side for a rattle from a supine position;
  • Sit with your child on your lap at the table. The baby will firmly grab the edge of the table, begin to rearrange the objects lying on it, and slam his hands on the table;
  • Deliberately ignore your child. The baby will begin to seek your gaze or even whine;
  • A child at 7 months shows interest in strangers, fear of strangers gradually disappears;
  • When the baby is lying on his back, cover his face with a diaper, the child should be able to free himself from it;
  • Give the baby a toy in both hands, and then offer another one. At first the baby will be puzzled, and then let go of one toy to take another.

What should you be wary of?

  • The baby does not try to roll over and sit up;
  • Doesn't knock the cube on the table;
  • Does not react to sounds, does not show emotions, tenderness towards mother, does not attract attention;
  • Cannot bring objects to mouth;
  • Cannot support its own weight in an upright position;
  • Doesn't follow a moving object with his eyes, doesn't babble.

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VIDEO 1: baby development at 7 months

How to feed a baby at 7 months

At this age, the child should already be able to drink from a cup on his own - ?

If you introduced complementary foods at 6 months, and your baby is breastfed, then by seven months there will already be one breastfeeding replaced with porridge and vegetable puree.

The porridges are still gluten-free (buckwheat, rice, corn) and one-ingredient. You can give ready-made industrially produced porridges, they already contain milk powder and butter.

If you cook it yourself, then the porridge should first be 5%: for 5 g of cereal - 100 g of water, then - 10%: for 10 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid. Start adding vegetable oil to vegetable purees (preferably extra virgin olive oil), first 1 drop at a time and gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon. To the porridge - butter(82%), first 1 g, and then up to 4 g per serving of porridge.

If you have successfully introduced vegetable purees, then start giving fruit purees (apple, pear, prune, plum, peach) and continue to introduce other vegetables in turn (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes). It should be noted that spinach and potatoes are somewhat heavy for a child’s stomach, so it is better to give them together with zucchini or cauliflower, so introduce them at the end of the 7th month, when the child is ready for multi-component food. From the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is better to feed only one-ingredient purees and cereals for two months.

At the end of the month, you can introduce the yolk, starting with 1/4 (and then 1/2 yolk), twice a week.

If your baby has teeth or started to grow, buy him special baby cookies that quickly dissolve in his mouth. Thus, at the full 7 months, a breastfed baby has approximately the following diet:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 7 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 11 hours - porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 -50 g, juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 - 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), cookies (crackers), juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 – 30 g.
  • 19 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 22 - 23 hours - breast milk 200 g. At night, continue to breastfeed as required.

If complementary feeding was introduced from 4 to 5 months, then at 7 months the child can begin to be given boiled meat (turkey, veal, rabbit, chicken), after having rubbed it in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

It is better to give meat with vegetable complementary foods, with the addition of vegetable oil or milk formula. You need to start with 1/2 teaspoon, increasing to 25 - 30 g. For a bottle-fed baby, the diet at 7 months will look like this:

  • 7 hours – mixture 200 g.
  • 11 o’clock – porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 – 50 g, juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 – 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, meat puree 20 -30 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 - 30 g.
  • 19 hours – mixture 200 g, cookies (crackers).
  • 22 – 23 hours – mixture 200 g.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Night sleep will become more restful and deeper, and its duration will be approximately 10-11 hours. Daytime sleep lasts 1.5-2 hours 2-3 times a day, while the duration and time of sleep may depend on the nature of the child, the situation, and the regime created in your family. It is especially useful for a baby to sleep on fresh air. If you stick to a daily routine, your baby will wake up at approximately the same time.

How to help your baby develop

Continue the same activities with your child that you started in previous months, making the games a little more difficult and prolonging them. Do everything so that your baby develops speech and his babbling gradually turns into words.

  • Draw your baby's attention to the things you are talking about. Take walks not only during sleep, let the baby learn the world and outside the apartment. Repeat the words until the child understands them. Use Doman cards (thematic pictures with words), with them children remember words faster. Look at and read children's books more often, let your baby learn to turn the pages himself.
  • Develop your child's fine motor skills.
  • Ask your child to do something (throw or pick up a ball, pick up a cube). Of course, the child must be able to do what you asked. After completing the task, be sure to praise your child.
  • Teach your baby to point his finger at an object, clap his hands, and wave his hand.
  • Surely you made friends during your walks. Go visit each other sometimes. Kids are already interested in watching other children play.
  • 6 – 7 months is the best age to nurture a child: “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, “Horned Goat” and play games with fingers:

This finger is a grandfather (we bend thumb, and then everything in turn),

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This one is my baby (bend the little finger).

That's my whole family (we hold our fist).

  • Don't ignore your child's fear of strangers. Don't leave your child alone with them. The baby does not yet understand whether they are good or bad; for him, everything unfamiliar is dangerous. Try to take the baby in your arms in front of strangers and keep a distance in communication until you notice that the child himself is interested in or reaches out to a new person.
  • Teach your child to crawl - this is a necessary and very important stage that precedes upright walking. At first, the way all children move is different: some crawl on their bellies, some crawl with their butts forward, some crawl like a caterpillar. Only later will the baby learn the technique of “cross” crawling, when the leg and arm on opposite sides move simultaneously. The most difficult thing for a baby is to lift his tummy off the floor and synchronize his movements. Therefore, create conditions for learning for your child: comfortable clothes, free space, exercise and achievable goals in the form of toys.
  • A complete calendar of child development in one article “development up to one year by month” - >>>

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

At seven months, the baby becomes more mobile, his body needs additional calories, vitamins and microelements. Of course, new foods should appear in the baby’s diet. All young mothers need to know what to do to ensure that their 7-month-old baby has a balanced diet and menu.

Pediatricians say that after the first six months of life, children should begin a gradual transition to adulthood. dietary regime. Therefore, the changes apply not only to the list of permitted products, but also to the time and frequency of their use.

Breast milk or formula still has a significant place in the baby’s menu, but the list of complementary foods is expanding significantly. A child's diet at 7 months should be replenished with proteins (meat, eggs), calcium (fermented milk products), carbohydrates (porridge), vitamins and fiber from vegetables and fruits.

But this does not mean that the baby can already be transferred to an adult table. All meals for babies are prepared separately, in compliance with age recommendations and careful control of food freshness. Despite the presence, hard and difficult-to-digest foods are first crushed to a mushy consistency.

Child nutrition

In addition to basic foods, a baby's diet at seven months must include a sufficient amount of liquid. Allowed drinks include ordinary purified water, compote of pears, apples, prunes with a small amount of sugar, or preferably without it, fruit juice diluted with water, kefir.

New foods are introduced into the diet gradually. At the beginning of the seventh month of life, vegetable purees are added first, a week later - porridge, after 2 weeks - meat, egg yolk, cottage cheese. The last baby is offered kefir. Let's look at the nuances of preparing and combining dishes for a 7-month-old baby.

Vegetable puree

Usually at this age, children are already familiar with several types of vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. At 7 months you can add pumpkin, boiled potatoes, carrots, and legume dishes: peas and beans. The latter, due to their irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cannot be given in their pure form; they can only be added to vegetables that the baby accepts well.

Purees can be either single-component or consist of several ingredients. IN vegetable dishes you can put 0.5 tsp. olive or sunflower oil.

Many mothers buy ready-made jars of purees, but homemade ones will be no worse.


Cereals give your baby energy and help him smoothly transition from liquid foods to more solid ones. A child's diet at 7 months should include buckwheat, oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. All of them are prepared liquid and unsweetened. If regular cereals are used, and not specially designed for baby food, after cooking, they are crushed with a blender to the desired consistency.

If the porridge is too thick, add a little formula, breast milk or vegetable broth. To obtain the optimal consistency, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of cereal. In the first days, 1 tsp is required per 100 ml of liquid. After 2 weeks, the thickness of the porridge is gradually increased by adding 1.5 and then 2 tsp to the same volume of water. cereals

Porridge is introduced into the menu in small portions. If well tolerated, starting from 1 tsp, the amount of product is increased daily until it reaches 120-150 g. The best time for feeding porridge is considered a second breakfast.

You can add a little vegetable oil for taste. The first porridge must be made with one component. Later, if the product is digested normally, it can be combined with a small amount of vegetable puree or other cereals.

Egg yolk

After the introduction of cereals, a child’s diet at 7 months can be varied with yolk. Most parents give their children chicken eggs, but for kids prone to allergies, it’s better to start with quail. Of course, both must be fresh and cooked until tender (cook for at least 10 minutes).

The yolk contains valuable fatty acids, vitamins D, E, A, phosphorus, but is a strong allergen, so it is introduced gradually, observing the baby’s reaction. This product is best given in the morning.

The first portions of the yolk should fit on the tip of a teaspoon. If within 3 days the child absorbs the product well, the amount is increased to a quarter of a teaspoon.

Despite the benefits of the product, it should not be on the menu every day. In the seventh month of a child’s life, egg yolk is allowed to be given twice a week.


Meat is another novelty in the diet of a 7-month-old baby. It serves as a source of protein, B vitamins, iron and many other beneficial microelements. Meat is especially important for children who are not gaining weight well or have low hemoglobin levels. At 7 months, beef, veal, rabbit, as well as chicken and turkey fillets are allowed.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing meat puree (only in this form does the child digest these products), you can purchase it ready-made. A lot of domestic and foreign manufacturers are engaged in the production of baby meat food: “Agusha”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Hipp”, “Gerber”, etc.

At home, you can get meat puree of a suitable consistency by passing the cooked product through a meat grinder twice or grinding it in a blender.

If the resulting mass is a bit dry, dilute it with a small amount of broth. It is not yet recommended to give meat broth in the form of soup to 7-month-old children; you should also refrain from offal in any form: liver, kidneys, chicken stomachs, hearts, etc.

Like other products, meat is introduced into the menu gradually. For the first portion, 0.5-1 tsp is enough. Over the course of 10 days, the amount is increased until it reaches the daily norm - 50 g. Meat is a nourishing and difficult to digest product, so it is given to the baby for lunch.


Proper nutrition of a child at 7 months is impossible without fruits. By this age, children are already familiar with them, so no problems are expected with the introduction of new products. A 7-month-old baby should receive about 80 g of fruit puree per day.

One of best options- banana. It is tasty, nutritious, well absorbed by the body, rich in vitamins and glucose. Banana puree is prepared quickly and easily - chop the fruit with a fork or blender.

You can also give your baby apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and cherries. All of them must be thoroughly washed, pitted, peeled, grated or chopped in another way. In addition to bananas, your child should only be given seasonal fruits. During the period when there are no fresh fruits, it is better to purchase ready-made fruit purees for babies.

Dairy products

At the 7th month of life, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet of a bottle-fed baby, which provide the growing body with the necessary amount of calcium. For children who eat mother's milk, their introduction can be delayed for 4 weeks.

First, the baby is given baby kefir to try. Starting with 1-2 tsp. per day, the amount is gradually increased to 100 ml. A contraindication to the introduction of this product is the baby’s tendency to diarrhea.

If kefir is well absorbed, the child is offered a little cottage cheese (20-30 g), intended for baby food. To prevent it from being too dry, the portion is diluted with kefir.

How to cook food correctly?

All dishes for children at this age are prepared separately. Frying meat and vegetables, adding spices, mayonnaise, and various sauces are not allowed.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, chopped in a blender or ground through a sieve. Meat is only acceptable when boiled on the stove or cooked in a double boiler.

Fruits can be either raw, grated on the finest grater, or baked and then pureed. Adding sugar to food should be avoided; salt is allowed in small quantities for cereals.

Menu for a 7-month-old breastfed baby

Diet for a 7 month old baby, subject to breastfeeding, involves receiving food 5 times a day.

IN sample menu includes the following products:

  • breast milk;
  • any permitted porridge (150 g), fruit puree (50-80 g) or juice (40-70 ml);
  • vegetable (100-150 g) and meat puree (50 g) or 0.5 egg yolk, compote (100 ml);
  • baby cottage cheese (30 g), supplementary feeding with expressed breast milk or kefir (100 ml), biscuits or other cookies for the little ones;
  • breast milk.

Menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

The nutrition of a 7-month-old baby on artificial feeding differs slightly.

  • milk mixture (about 200 ml);
  • baby porridge (up to 150 g), fruit in the form of puree (up to 80 g), juice (70 ml);
  • vegetable puree (100-150 g) and meat (50 g) + half an yolk, compote from allowed fruits (50-100 ml) or juice (70 ml);
  • mixture or kefir (100 ml), children's cottage cheese (30 g) and cookies;
  • mixture (200 ml), can be replaced with kefir.

Of course, the list of products and the sequence of their intake may differ slightly. If a child is underweight, with the doctor's approval, a more nutritious menu can be drawn up or special formulas can be added to promote weight gain.

Baby's diet at 7 months

Pediatricians recommend that from a very early age, accustom the child to a certain daily routine, and, accordingly, nutrition. Parents who want to care for their baby according to generally accepted standards should take into account that the normal break between feedings at 7 months is 4 hours.

The daily diet is divided into 5 meals as follows:

  • first breakfast at 6:00;
  • second breakfast at 10:00;
  • lunch at 14:00;
  • afternoon tea at 18:00;
  • dinner at 22:00.

This distribution will begin the formation of eating habits in older age. Make the first and last feedings light, and the remaining three should account for the bulk of the calories.

In terms of time, a child’s diet at 7 months may deviate from the above, if it has already formed and suits you completely, there is no need to change anything. But recommendations regarding regular feeding should not be neglected; they ensure optimal functioning of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract at this age.

What to do if a child refuses the food offered?

Mothers often face this problem when it comes time to introduce a new product. If the baby does not want to try and spits out meat, cottage cheese, yolk or other food in its pure form, you can use a trick - mix a little of this ingredient into a dish that the child eats with pleasure.

This way, the product is usually consumed more readily, soon the baby gets used to it and the quantity can be increased. But if this does not help, there is no need to insist on immediately eating what you have prepared; it is better to wait and offer a similar dish again in a week or two.

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