Borisoglebskaya hermitage. Orthodox Anosin Borisoglebsk convent. Almshouse and hostel

Anosino village is located 20 minutes away (by bike) from Pavlovskaya Sloboda. Her story is also very interesting. Even in stagnant times, people knew that there had once been a monastery here. Only the walls and part of the gate church remained.

History of the creation of the monastery

Anosin-Borisoglebsky Monastery created in 1820 based on a women's community at a local church. Organized on the initiative of Princess Evdokia Nikolaevna Meshcherskaya, Fyodor Tyutchev’s aunt, in memory of her husband. At first the monastery existed as an almshouse, which soon became a community, and in 1823 it was erected into a monastery. Princess Evdokia tonsured a monk with the name Eugenia, she was the first abbess of the monastery.

This monastery was so famous for its way of life and spiritual achievements that it was called the “Women's Optina Hermitage.” Glory Anosinsky Monastery economic activity also brought benefits. People came here from all over Russia to learn from the experience of agriculture, livestock breeding and crafts.

Construction of the church

Anosin Monastery formed mainly between 1824 and 1837. First, the abbess built the Trinity Church at her own expense, which later became the monastery’s cathedral. Around the Trinity Church, which received the significance of a cathedral, two more churches were erected.

Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral, better known by the name of the border under the name Borisoglebsky (1810-1812) was built in the style of mature classicism, close to the Cossack school, was built as a rural church by order of Meshcherskaya.

The temple and the two-aisle refectory are connected by a short passage; a slender bell tower, topped with a cylindrical tier of bells, rises above the western porch. In 1863-1867 the refectory was reconstructed, and in the 1930s. together with the bell tower was dismantled. The double-height rotunda of the temple is covered with a dome with a light wooden lantern and a crown of lucarnes. The plastered facades are rusticated, the sandstones and cornices are made of white stone.

Church of Demetrius of Rostov

Church of Demetrius of Rostov at the Holy Gate, in the line of the monastery fence, built in the Empire style in 1824, it was used as a parish. It has suffered greatly from time and alterations.

Temples of the monastery

There were three churches in total in the monastery: the cathedral church in honor of Life-Giving Trinity , a temple in the name of St. Dmitry Rostovsky Metropolitan, and in honor of St. Anastasia Pattern Maker, now merged with the hospital. The territory was surrounded by a brick fence with four corner towers. The cells, most of the service buildings and the fence were rebuilt again in the 2nd half. XIX century at the expense of P.G. Tsurikova (benefactor of the Savvinsky monastery).

Burial of the founder of the monastery

The first abbess and founder of the monastery, Eugenia, who reposed on February 3, 1837, was buried in the cathedral church.

The village itself remained small. According to the 10th revision of 1858, in the village of Borisoglebskoye-Anosino, Pavlovsk volost, Zvenigorod district, there were only 26 peasant households.

Closing of the monastery

When this monastery was closed in 1927, the first agricultural commune was opened in its place. But as eyewitnesses say, it lasted until the monastery barns were empty. Retained Empire style Church of Dmitry of Rostov at the gates of the monastery. Here for a long time there was a machine and tractor station, and the whole monastery was in a rather sad state.

The Moscow Regional Museum of Local Lore, established in 1919, operates on the territory of the monastery.

The monastery was opened in 1992

Re-opened in August 1992 as the Patriarchal Compound. On December 29, 1999, by resolution of the Holy Synod, the Patriarchal Metochion was transformed into convent with stauropegial status. They began to raise both the temples and the monastery from the ruins at the same time. Father Spiridon is considered one of the most experienced business executives in Russian Orthodox Church. He was setting up Agriculture in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And 7 years ago he was sent here.

Archimandrite Spiridon, confessor of the Anosinsky Boriso-Gleb Monastery: “On collective farms everything is public: everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine. And the monastery is a big family, and the people’s attitude towards work is as if it were for themselves. A person by nature is a private citizen, and when he works for himself, sees the results and uses them, a different attitude is formed.”

Monastery today

Now Anosin Monastery a functioning monastery, nuns led by Mother Varachiila labor here. The main Trinity Cathedral was restored, and gate temple Dimitri Rostovsky under restoration. Today, 25 nuns live in the Anosinsky monastery. More than 100 hectares of land were returned to the monastery, wood processing production and a farm were organized. In addition to the sisters, more than 60 workers work here. People even come from former Soviet republics in search of work.

In the vicinity there is a natural monument: accumulations of large boulders (more than 1 m) in the river bed. Istria.

Monastery For a long time it was in a dilapidated state, now the cathedral and part of the buildings have been restored, the territory has been cleared and put in order.

The monastery has preserved:

  • Boris and Gleb Cathedral.
  • Hospital with Anastasia's Church.
  • Refectory
  • Barns
  • Cells
  • Enceinte
  • Church of Demetrius of Rostov
  • Cellars and storage rooms
  • Tower

Anosin Borisoglebsky Monastery (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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An elegant scarlet complex of the Holy Gate and the Empire Church of Demetrius of Rostov greets all pilgrims who decide to come to this joyful, quiet monastery - the Anosin Boris and Gleb Monastery. The history of this place is truly wonderful. Being a glorified desert in pre-revolutionary years, the monastery managed to celebrate its centenary while Stalin was alive, then forcibly closed and was revived again in our days, sending off to the last its only novice who survived from those times - schema-nun Anna.

The Anosin Borisoglebsky Monastery, so to speak, was given life to by Princess Avdotya Meshcherskaya (Fyodor Tyutchev’s own aunt) in 1823, when she decided to build a monastery on the territory of her estate in memory of her early deceased husband. She became his first abbess.

The name Anosina Hermitage was given in honor of the Russian princes and holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, since the late husband’s name was Prince Boris Ivanovich Meshchersky.

Despite the fact that the village of Anosino remained very small, literally 25 households, the Boris and Gleb Monastery located there was very famous - both for its way of life and for the spiritual exploits of its novices.

Despite the fact that the village of Anosino remained very small, literally 25 households, the Boris and Gleb Monastery located there was very famous - both for its way of life and for the spiritual exploits of its novices. Contemporaries often called it “women’s Optina Hermitage,” and this is worth a lot. It is also surprising that the monastery managed to exist for ten years after the revolution, strictly observing the charter. And on September 18, 1923, in the presence of honored guests from Moscow, the 100th anniversary of the monastery was joyfully celebrated here.

The Anosin Hermitage was closed in 1928, the nuns and abbess were arrested, and subsequently sent far from the walls of their native monastery. The Borisoglebsky Anosin Monastery was revived in the 2000s, at the same time two of its former novices were glorified in the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia - these are the Venerable Martyrs Dariya (Zaitseva), who was shot in 1938 at the Butovo training ground, and Tatiana (Fomicheva), who died in custody during the repression.

Today, the Anosin Borisoglebsky Monastery is again experiencing glorious times - its churches have been restored, nuns and workers live and serve here again, and the stream of pilgrims does not dry up. And this is not surprising - the local nature is so good, the works of the nuns are glorious and the monastery complex itself is beautiful. It is worth a look at the Trinity Cathedral in the style of mature classicism with a slender bell tower, a temple and a refectory. Walk to the Holy Gate and the Church of St. Demetrius of Rostov in the Empire style with large arched windows, and also see the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

By the way, it was consecrated in honor of the heavenly patroness Princess Anastasia Ozerova - the only daughter of Avdotya and Boris Meshchersky.


Address: Moscow region, Istrinsky district, Anosino village.

How to get there: from the Rizhsky station to the monastery you can take a train to the Nakhabino station and then transfer to bus No. 22. It’s easier by car: along the Novorizhskoe highway, then turn right to Pavlovskaya Sloboda and another 12 km through the village towards Anosino.

The first Russian saints glorified by the Church. In the Borisoglebsk Anosin Convent near Moscow, a rare shrine is kept - particles of the relics of the faithful brothers, donated to the monastery several years ago by the Shmakov family. About the significance of the feat of the holy martyrs for a modern Christian, the problems of monasticism and the spiritual life of the laity, and why the Boris and Gleb monastery is called “Women’s Optina” - a conversation with the abbess of the monastery, Abbess Maria (Solodovnikova).

Many monasteries are built with wealth, but they are not the same as these, which are built with prayer and tears, fasting and vigil.

Venerable Nestor the Chronicler

- This year is a special year for the Boris and Gleb Anosin Monastery: on August 6, the Church celebrates the 1000th anniversary of the murder of the holy noble princes. What can a modern Christian learn from these amazing saints?

To shed blood for Christ - not everyone is given this crown, it still needs to be earned

The memory of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb has been revered in our monastery for two centuries; every Sunday the sisters read an akathist. The lives and feats of the holy martyrs made a deep impression on their compatriots, earning immortal love from future generations. The main thing we must take away from their lives is brotherly love, fear of God, reverence for parents (they very much loved and respected their father, Saint Prince Vladimir), and worthy enduring of sorrows. You need to learn in everything and always rely on the will of God. The Lord Himself will manage everything, our job is to pray and not lose heart. Well, but to shed blood for Christ - not everyone is given this crown; it still needs to be earned.

From the beginning of its foundation, the Boris and Gleb monastery was distinguished by a strict charter, similar to the charter of the Optina men's hermitage. How did this manifest itself?

The first abbess Anosino Evgenia (Meshcherskaya), striving to resurrect the spirit of monastic life, with which the monasteries shone so brightly ancient Rus', asked St. Philaret (Drozdov) for a strict charter for the monastery, and the bishop gave the sisters the rank of the hostel of Theodore the Studite. Bishop Leonid (Krasnopevkov) in his speech on the 50th anniversary of the monastery noted that the soul of St. Philaret, this true lover of monasticism, was especially visible in the construction of the Boris and Gleb monastery. And the monastery was the first spiritual creation of the monk-loving archpastor, which explains his attention to the cause of Princess Meshcherskaya and his reverent attitude towards the monastery. At that time, outsiders were not allowed to walk on the territory of the monastery (this rule was strictly observed until the closure of the monastery in Soviet time); hired labor was not allowed - the sisters did everything themselves, even made their own shoes; It was not blessed to talk to visitors: mother, noticing that her sister was talking to someone, shook her finger with a smile - they say, we need to pray more, “talk” to God! And even communication with relatives was allowed only in the hotel next to the monastery. That is, the nuns did not see the world, they lived a strictly spiritual life, being in the Jesus Prayer.

The monastery has long statutory services: the all-night vigil, for example, lasts four hours (from 17:00 to 21:00). Eating twice a day. Since ancient times, the Boris and Gleb Monastery has been famous for its feats of eldership. In Optina Hermitage there were elders, and here we have old women.

The first abbess of the Anosin monastery has not been canonized, but her icon is on the iconostasis of the Boris and Gleb chapel in the Trinity Cathedral; the sisters greatly revere the founding mother.

This iconostasis was erected before my abbess, and as for veneration, it is impossible not to admire people of such high life and spirit. Mother Eugenia strictly observed abstinence, was content with simple food, wore a hair shirt, slept briefly and on a hard bed, most spending nights in prayer, reading the word of God and the holy fathers. She set an example for the sisters of strict living both in liturgical zeal, and in work, and even in clothing, which was the simplest. But a special feature of Abbess Eugenia was the deepest, unhypocritical humility that permeated her attitude towards both monastics and laity. She left her monastery an example of her own faith, purity, kindness, work and life for the sake of the One Sweetest Jesus. We are preparing documents for her canonization.

Among the host of New Martyrs of Russia, the sisters of the monastery of the Venerable Martyr Darius (Zaitseva; March 1/14) and Tatiana (Fomicheva; November 20/December 3) have already been glorified. Several books have been published where they are written in detail.

In general, all our predecessors are amazing people. The granddaughter of Mother Eugenia, the second abbess of the monastery, was also a strict ascetic, an ardent prayer book, and acquired the gift of unceasing prayer. Each of them has something to teach the modern Christian.

- What was your route to the Anosin Monastery?

I was born in Mytishchi, received a medical education. When we were young, the temples were closed. I was 22 years old, I was already working and really wanted to work at the monastery. At that time, monasteries operated only in the Baltic states and Ukraine. Every year, during the holidays, my mother and I went to the Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Hermitage of the Holy Trinity Convent in Riga, where we labored for a month. At the age of 29, I entered the Intercession Khotkovsky Convent, and at the age of 33 I took monastic vows. In 2005, Patriarch Alexy II blessed the Anosin Monastery with an abbess. On March 21, 2013, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, she was elevated to the rank of abbess.

In your monastery, it is mainly elderly sisters who labor. Do young girls come to the monastery with a desire to live and work?

Previously there were more people willing, but now fewer come.

In your opinion, what is the reason for some impoverishment in the “monastic cadres”? Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) once noted that in our time young people lack the courage and determination to take the monastic path.

Undoubtedly, time leaves its mark.

What is a monastery? This is a quiet haven where sisters labor for the glory of God. Where is obedience and prayer. I really love Anosino - a secluded, calm place. You wake up in the morning - outside the window there is a choir of birds in every way. As the Russian Srebroust Hieromartyr Seraphim (Zvezdinsky; commemorated August 13/26), who lived in the monastery in 1925-1926 and loved monasticism very much, wonderfully said, monasticism can be compared to a magnificent garden of extraordinary beauty, this garden is surrounded by walls installed on a strong foundation, on the four precious stones are the Holy Scriptures of the four evangelists. Monasticism is the call of God. The Lord leads everyone who seeks the saving monastic path to the holy monastery. Those who have a desire to be a monk will have it fulfilled in due time, but others may not yet have the strength to pursue asceticism.

Mother, now there is a lot of talk about the right attitude to temptations, sorrows. The Monk Ambrose of Optina rejoiced on his sick bed and commanded us.

On earth you need to go through everything: both grief and joy. Through sorrow we are spiritually cleansed

A Christian, and especially a monk, is supposed to always remember what the Lord sends for our salvation. Any test, everything that happens to us, happens according to the will of God. Often we begin to look for the cause of our troubles and sorrows, we look for those to blame, we need to blame someone for our misfortunes: a neighbor, friends, parents, children. But no one is to blame! The people who surround us: family, friends, colleagues, carry the image of God within them. And all together we are children of God. The Lord is our spiritual Father, to whom we resort in sickness and joy, in sorrow and happiness. If illness or trouble befalls us, there is no need to ask: “Why? Why did it affect me?” Thank God, the Lord visited! On earth you need to go through everything: both grief and joy. Illness brings us closer to God; through sorrow we are spiritually cleansed. Because it appears free time for prayer.

- Why is it often difficult to accept grief?

Because our “I” gets in the way: to me hurt, to me It's a shame. But “I” is the last letter in the alphabet, so you need to pay attention not to yourself, but to those around you, as it is convenient for your neighbor, and not for us. WITH early years Mom woke me up for service at five in the morning every Sunday, and I didn’t disagree. Moreover, we studied then six days a week and Sunday was the only day off. Young people in our time did not have the concept of “I don’t want”, “I won’t”, we didn’t ask the questions “why me and not him?”

- What, in your opinion, is the main problem in spiritual life? modern man?

How do people live in the world? Freedom, I do what I want. The habit of managing your time takes its toll. In our time, obedience to elders was built into us. In general, education begins in the womb. My mother told me what to do, taught me, and I tried to do it. Then we had a six-day week, and on the seventh day of the week we went to the Church of God for the early Liturgy, my mother sang in the choir, sometimes we stayed for the later Liturgies, and I never said: “I won’t go, I don’t want to, I won’t.” Mom's word was law for me. And when I came to work at the maternity hospital, I transferred this upbringing, the habit of obeying there. To this day, employees and patients come to see me, remember that time, and say that we were calm, friendly, and patient. We did what we were told. When I was working, there wasn’t enough medical staff, and we were asked to go out every other day, from day to night or day/night, and then again every day. The manager asked to work: someone was sick, for example, or there was simply no one to go out, - and they never said: “I don’t want to, I can’t.” I usually arrived at work before the start of the working day so that I had at least half an hour to spare. Accepted women in labor, prenatal, medications, cleanliness of premises, treatment room. I understood that this was my responsibility.

It’s the same in the monastery. Sometimes, of course, the sisters want to rest or a nun cannot come to the rule due to illness. This is not prohibited, I understand that this is a weakness. But you still need to push yourself and try. After all, the Kingdom of Heaven is in need. Sometimes I don’t want to, but I have to. I don’t want to, but I’ll do it anyway. Obedience is not chosen: what is given, accept it as from the hand of God. Obedience must be performed not for the sake of reward, but for the glory of God and in such a way that the conscience does not condemn later.

In the monastery, every task is done with prayer, which is why the gardens bloom, the vegetable gardens grow, and the food is so delicious. (Smiles.) Everything must be done for the glory of God, with love. The meal should be enjoyed with prayer and holy obedience. “You make the effort, and the Lord himself will sweeten the food,” the old nuns told us. As one pilgrim noted, in the monastery it is not fasting, but fasting - it is so delicious.

“Monks do not fall from the moon,” Archbishop Mark (Arndt) of Berlin, Germany and Great Britain once said. In other words, being children of their time, they inevitably bring into the monastery the habits and characteristics of the environment in which they were brought up. Do you notice this influence?

Undoubtedly. Different people come, some of the sisters grew up in a pious family, received a blessing for monastic life, while others’ parents, on the contrary, did not want to send them to a monastery. All this leaves an imprint on character and behavior. When we were growing up, the word of the elders was law, in general people were more responsible, so I easily integrated into monastic life. I understood that here, as in the family and at work, you need to obey and submit to your superiors.

Nowadays there is a shortage of kind words, not to mention anything more. Just talking to a person is sometimes too much

When people who want to live in a monastery come to us, they first get acquainted with monastic life and obediences. We, in turn, look closely at them, how they perform obedience, how they relate to the temple of God, divine services, what prayers they know, whether they read the holy fathers, the lives of the saints. After living in the monastery for some time, a person understands whether he can stay here. When someone desiring monastic life encounters the first temptations and thoughts, we try to explain and console so that the person does not get upset. Nowadays there is a shortage of kind words, not to mention anything more. Sometimes just talking to a person is a lot. Sometimes you are overcome by thoughts: “I want to go home!” I miss my parents." In this case, you need to convey to the person that this happens, and quite often. Especially at the beginning of monastic life, a person faces similar temptations, but this passes. A monk must understand that he came to a holy place to work for the Lord in order to save himself and his family through his obedience in the monastery and prayer.

The current generation lacks obedience, without which there is no salvation

The current generation lacks obedience, without which there is no salvation. The monk has only three words: forgive, bless, pray. This is not easy, there is strong warfare inside, but this is what monasticism consists of - working on one’s “I”, crucifying oneself for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Read the lives of the heavenly patrons of Anosin's monastery and our mother abbess - this is a storehouse of wisdom. They did everything with reason, there was no grumbling, but only trust in the Lord, prayer and humility, although they endured many sorrows, reproaches, and slander. Modern monasticism needs to pray more diligently and thank God for everything.

The Lord calls us, he wants us only to be saved. Take marriage, for example. “I want to get married,” many girls say. But think about whether this is useful for you, whether this is the will of God in this desire, whether you will be saved in the world. I am not discouraging you from getting married, under any circumstances. (Smiles.) But we must pray, first of all, that the Lord will reveal His will. As the Holy Fathers say: “The groom is chosen not with his eyes, but with his tears.” If there is the will of God, what doubts can there be?

- Mother, did you have any doubts about choosing the monastic path?

I am very grateful to God that I live in a monastery. I have never resisted God's will for me. I understood that if I had chosen a different path, taken up the cross of marriage, then where I would have been and what would have happened to me is unknown. And now, by the grace of God, I am in a holy place, in a holy monastery.

When His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II transferred me to Anosino, I was very worried about how I would cope with parting with the Khotkovsky Monastery. I really loved Khotkovo, where the relics of Saints Cyril and Mary are located - the parents of St. Sergius, to whom I prayed before leaving for the monastery. When His Holiness asked me what the distance is from Khotkovo to Anosino, I answered: “120 km.” “Well, it’s not that far,” said the Holiness.

At first it was difficult for me in Anosino. I woke up in the morning, not understanding where I was, looked at the picture of the Khotkovo monastery, which Mother Abbess gave me, and only then realized that I was in Anosino.

You know, I fell in love with the Boris and Gleb Monastery with all my heart. At the monastery rich story, this is such a holy place, blessed. Everything that happens here: the restoration of temples, fruit-bearing gardens and vegetable gardens, an apiary, is the work of the Lord. He Himself revives our monastery, and we are only accomplices. What are we? Only doers of God's will. And what prayer books we have, what intercessors: the Lord, the Mother of God, the holy saints Boris and Gleb, whose memory we remember on August 6, the Great Martyr Anastasia, Demetrius of Rostov and others. They do not leave us - and our hearts rejoice. God bless!

Now is a favorable time, we must thank God for everything, that He brought us to the monastery, that we serve the Lord.

Why do you think these days people have become nervous, irritable, everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, they are afraid of not having time to do something?

The main problem is that not everyone comes to the temple of God. And for those people who live without God, it is very difficult - both morally and physically. A temple is a spiritual refuge, the house of God, where the Lord, the Mother of God, angels, archangels, and saints reside. As the Fathers of the Church write, the Mother of God Herself comes to the temple of God with the ringing of bells. If people attended church, read prayers and strengthened themselves spiritually with God’s help, they would be calmer, more balanced, more peaceful; there would be no breakdowns or irritation. The temple of God is a spiritual feeding trough, where a person feeds on spiritual food, hears the word of God and is satisfied with it. Those who go to church are spiritually stronger. And the Lord is always there, He hears everything, knows even our intentions, not to mention our requests, and helps.

Now there is a lot of fuss and worry: people are afraid of losing their jobs, some have two jobs to feed their family. At the same time, they do not have time to do household chores. Why are children like this now? Because parents are more busy providing material condition family, and not the spiritual life of their children. If dad or mom were nearby, they would tell me what is good and what is bad, what to do in a given situation. And when parents are always at work, or even two or three, they have no time to devote time to their child. The school cannot fully educate children; they must be under the control of their parents. You can’t say that the child is already big and understands everything on his own - no, he doesn’t understand, so he can make mistakes. This is why dad and mom exist - they must prompt and guide in time.

You need to understand that the Sacraments (Baptism, Communion, Confession, Wedding) and fasting are simply necessary. If we don’t do this, if we don’t live according to God’s commandments and attend church, it will be hard for us. Just as a person follows established rules in worldly life, so it should be in spiritual life: one must fulfill the commandments of the Lord. This will strengthen our faith, perseverance, courage, we will improve spiritually and so will those around us. And there will be peace and order in the family, at work, and in all matters.

We think about today, but the Lord desires salvation for us first of all!

All the troubles come from the fact that people often do not have proper education, they had no examples. It is very important to have a confessor in the spiritual life of a Christian, who will stop in time and explain that this is not worth doing, it will not bring any benefit.

Often people come to the monastery and say: “Mother, we go to church, pray, ask God for help, order prayer services, but we don’t get what we ask for.” Why is this happening? They want, for example, the salary to be no less than 100 thousand rubles. But we don’t know what kind of work it will be and whether it will be beneficial for our soul. We think about today, but the Lord desires salvation for us first of all! The soul is what matters.

Borisoglebsky Anosin Convent (Anosin Monastery) - an active stauropegial convent in the village of Anosino, Istrinsky district, Moscow region, 7 km from the city of Dedovsk. Founded on June 25, 1823 by Princess Avdotya Meshcherskaya, the aunt of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev. Named in honor of the Russian princes and holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb, in memory of the late husband of the founder, Prince Boris Ivanovich Meshchersky.

Photo - below

Since 1927 and all subsequent Soviet period was closed. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992. It began operating again as a monastery on December 29, 1999. 25 nuns live in the monastery and about 60 workers work. The last months of the life of the Russian poet and performer Vladimir Volkov passed at the monastery.

Almshouse and hostel

The history of the monastery dates back to 1810, when Princess Evdokia Nikolaevna Meshcherskaya, using her own funds, ordered the construction of the Trinity Church, under which a community of serfs was created. In 1820, the princess opened an almshouse at the church. On April 17, 1823, the almshouse was reorganized into the Boriso-Gleb women's hostel. Before this, Evdokia Nikolaevna submitted a petition to the emperor to turn the hostel into a monastery, attaching plans for the existing buildings on its territory and indicating those that she was going to build at her own expense.

Founding of the monastery

The decree of the All-Russian Emperor Alexander I on the conversion of the Boriso-Gleb hostel into a monastery and the admission of the founder Evdokia Nikolaevna Meshcherskaya to it was issued on June 25, 1823. On September 13 of the same year, the princess was tonsured a nun under the name of Eugenia and became the first abbess of the monastery. In her construction and mentoring activities, she was guided by the advice of Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Philaret, with whom she maintained regular correspondence.

In January 1832, due to illness and conflicts with the treasurer of the monastery, Seraphima, Abbess Eugenia transferred control of the monastery to her and, with the blessing of Philaret, went on a pilgrimage. Having returned to Moscow on September 19, 1832, she received a letter from the Metropolitan with an offer to again take over the management of the monastery “to the consolation of everyone there.” Having agreed, on September 24, 1832, Evgenia returned to the Boris and Gleb Monastery.

On February 3, 1837, Abbess Eugenia reposed, her body was placed in a simple oak coffin, prepared by her in advance, and transferred to the hospital church of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker, and from there to the Trinity Cathedral. The first abbess was buried on the north side of the Trinity Cathedral near the Boris and Gleb chapel.


Despite the fact that the village of Anosino itself remained small (according to the 10th revision of 1858, in the village of Borisoglebskoye-Anosino, Pavlovsk volost, Zvenigorod district, there were only 26 peasant households), the Borisoglebsky Anosino convent located in it was so famous for its way of life and spiritual exploits, that contemporaries called it “women’s Optina Hermitage.” The monastery strictly observed dormitory charter St. Theodore Studita: morning rule at half past four in the morning, then mass, obedience, compline, all-night vigil. All nuns were required to be present in the church during the service; they were forbidden to cook in their cells or walk from cell to cell without a blessing. Lay people, even the closest relatives of nuns, were strictly prohibited from entering the monastery.

Since 1856, the hieromonks of the Zosima Hermitage have been the confessors and confessors of the Anosin sisters. The monastery had a hotel for pilgrims and a courtyard in Moscow. Diocesan bishops came to stay at the Anosinskaya monastery, and a special house was built for them in the garden.

Economic activity also brought glory to the Anosinsky Monastery. People came here from all over the empire to learn from the experience of agriculture, animal husbandry and crafts.

The monastery managed to exist for ten years after the revolution. The monastery rules were still zealously observed here. On September 18, 1923, in the presence of many guests from Moscow, the 100th anniversary of the monastery was solemnly celebrated.

Closure and destruction

In 1927, the monastery was officially closed, and the first agricultural commune was organized in its place. But, as eyewitnesses say, it lasted until the monastery barns were empty.

The last solemn church service in Anosin in the 20th century took place on Trinity Day in 1928. On June 7, 1928, Abbess Alypia and the last six nuns were arrested and brought to the Secret Operational Directorate of the OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, and subsequently deported.

For a long time, a machine and tractor station was located in the Church of Demetrius of Rostov at the Holy Gate of the monastery. One of the departments of the Moscow Regional Museum of Local Lore, organized in 1919, also operated on the territory of the monastery.

By the end of the 20th century, only the monastery walls, the ruins of the main temple, part of the gate church and outbuildings remained from the historical buildings.

Discovery and restoration

In August 1992, the remaining buildings from the monastery and more than 100 hectares of adjacent land were transferred to the Moscow Patriarchate; until 1999, the Patriarchal Metochion was located on the territory of the former monastery.

On December 29, 1999, by a resolution of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarchal Compound was transformed into a convent with the status of a stauropegy. With the help of nuns and workers, the main Trinity Cathedral and the gateway church of Demetrius of Rostov were restored. Organized woodworking production and farm.

Only one of the former novices of the Borisoglebsk Anosin Monastery, schema-nun Anna (Teplyakova), lived to see the revival of her native monastery. In the 2000s, two former nuns of the Borisoglebsk Anosin Monastery were glorified in the Cathedral of the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia as venerable martyrs - Daria (Zaitseva), who was shot at the Butovo training ground in 1938, and Tatiana (Fomicheva), who died in custody during the period of repression.


The architectural complex of the Borisoglebsky Anosin Monastery developed mainly in the first half of the 19th century. First, the abbess of the monastery, Mother Eugenia, in the world Princess Avdotya Meshcherskaya, built at her own expense the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (1810-1812), which since 1823 has become the main church of the monastery. Then, around the Trinity Church, which received the status of a cathedral, two more churches were erected: the Church of St. Demetrius of Rostov and the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

The regular quadrangle of the monastery territory along its entire perimeter is surrounded by a low brick wall with decorative machicolations. At the corners of the fence there are four towers with cone-shaped roofs. The gate of the main entrance to the monastery is late, in a false Byzantine character. On the territory, in addition to three churches, there was also a hospital building with a shelter, cells, a refectory, a workshop, grain barns, other residential and outbuildings, and two ponds for fish breeding. The fence, cells and other services of the monastery were rebuilt in the second half of the 19th century at the expense of P. G. Tsurikov, the benefactor of the Savvinsky monastery.

Trinity Cathedral

Trinity Cathedral, also known by the name of one of the chapels under the name Borisoglebsky, was built in 1810-1812. in the style of mature classicism, close to the Cossack school. The double-height rotunda of the temple is covered with a dome with a light wooden lantern and a crown of lucarnes. The plastered facades are rusticated, the sandstones and cornices are made of white stone. The temple has two chapels: the Tikhvin icon Mother of God and the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in memory of his late wife, Prince Boris Meshchersky). The temple and the refectory are connected by a short passage; a slender bell tower, topped with a cylindrical tier of bells, rises above the western porch. In 1863-1867 the refectory was reconstructed, and in the 1930s. together with the bell tower was dismantled. In the 20th century, the cathedral was partially destroyed, completely restored and re-consecrated in 2006.

In 1824, on the territory of the monastery at the Holy Gate, the Church of St. Demetrius of Rostov was built, a small pillarless church in the Empire style with large arched windows above the northern and southern entrances and corner rusticated pylons characteristic of that time. The Church of Demetrius of Rostov was built into the line of the monastery fence and was used as a parish church, since entry for the laity to the rest of the monastery territory was prohibited. The church has suffered greatly from time and alterations, but has retained its Empire style. At the beginning of the 21st century, its restoration was completed.

Church of Anastasia the Pattern Maker

In 1828-1829 The Church of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker was built at the monastery hospital. Named in honor of the heavenly patroness Princess Anastasia Ozerova - the only daughter of Evdokia and Boris Meshchersky. The church was often rebuilt, and during the Soviet period the building was completely lost. Since 2009, the church has been built in a new location.


History of the Anosino-Borisoglebsky Monastery

The village of Anosino is located 20 minutes away (by bicycle) from Pavlovskaya Sloboda. Her story is also very interesting. Even in stagnant times, people knew that there had once been a monastery here. Only the walls and part of the gate church remained.

The Anosin-Borisoglebsky Monastery was founded in 1820. based on a women's community at a local church. It was founded on the initiative of Princess Evdokia Nikolaevna Meshcherskaya, Fyodor Tyutchev’s aunt, in memory of her husband. At first the monastery existed as an almshouse, which soon became a community, and in 1823 it was erected into a monastery. Princess Evdokia, tonsured into monasticism with the name Evgenia, was the first abbess of the monastery.

This monastery was so famous for its way of life and spiritual exploits that it? called "Women's Optina Hermitage". Economic activity also brought glory to the Anosinsky Monastery. People came here from all over Russia to learn from the experience of agriculture, livestock breeding and crafts.

The complex developed mainly between 1824 and 1837. First, the abbess built the Trinity Church at her own expense, which later became the monastery’s cathedral. Around the Trinity Church, which received the significance of a cathedral, more were erected? two churches.

Trinity Cathedral, better known by the name of the border under the name Borisoglebsky (1810-1812), was built in the style of mature classicism, close to the Cossack school, and was built as a rural church by order of Meshcherskaya. The temple and the two-aisle refectory are connected by a short passage; a slender bell tower, topped with a cylindrical tier of bells, rises above the western porch. In 1863-1867 the refectory was reconstructed, and in the 1930s. together with the bell tower was dismantled. The double-height rotunda of the temple is covered with a dome with a light wooden lantern and a crown of lucarnes. The plastered facades are rusticated, the sandstones and cornices are made of white stone.

The Church of Demetrius of Rostov at the Holy Gate, in the line of the monastery fence, built in the Empire style in 1824, was used as a parish church. It has suffered greatly from time and alterations.

There were three churches in total in the monastery: the cathedral church in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the church in the name of St. Dmitry, Metropolitan of Rostov, and in honor of St. Anastasia Pattern Maker, now merged with the hospital. The territory was surrounded by a brick fence with four corner towers. The cells, most of the service buildings and the fence were rebuilt again in the 2nd half. XIX century at the expense of P.G. Tsurikova (benefactor of the Savvinsky monastery).

The first abbess and founder of the monastery, Eugenia, who reposed on February 3, 1837, was buried in the cathedral church.

The village itself remained small. According to the 10th revision of 1858, in the village of Borisoglebskoye-Anosino, Pavlovsk volost, Zvenigorod district, there were only 26 peasant households.

When this monastery was closed in 1927, the first agricultural commune was opened in its place. But as eyewitnesses say, it lasted until the monastery barns were empty. The Church of Dmitry of Rostov at the gates of the monastery has retained its Empire style. A machine and tractor station was located here for a long time, and the entire monastery is in a rather sad state.

The Moscow Regional Museum of Local Lore, established in 1919, operates on the territory of the monastery.

Re-opened in August 1992 as the Patriarchal Compound.

On December 29, 1999, by resolution of the Holy Synod, the Patriarchal Metochion was transformed into a convent with stauropegial status. They began to raise both the temples and the monastery from the ruins at the same time. Father Spiridon is considered one of the most experienced business executives in the Russian Orthodox Church. He established agriculture in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. And 7 years ago he was sent here.

Archimandrite Spiridon, confessor of the Anosinsky Boriso-Gleb Monastery: “On collective farms everything is public: everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine. And the monastery is a big family, and the people’s attitude towards work is as if it were for themselves. A person by nature is a private citizen, and when he works for himself, sees the results and uses them, a different attitude is formed.”

In the village of Anosino near Moscow, in 1821, a small almshouse was built at the temple - a shelter, which very quickly turned into a women's hostel, and soon into a monastery (1823). Saint Philaret Drozdov himself wrote the charter for the women's monastery. The first abbess of the monastery was Abbess Evgeniya, formerly Princess Evdokia Meshcherskaya. The founder of the monastery, Mother Eugenia, died in 1837, she was buried in the Trinity Church next to princes Boris and Gleb.

Like many monasteries and churches during communism, in 1928 the Anosinsky Monastery was looted and destroyed. The Anosin nuns, like many others, experienced all the horrors of “renunciation of faith.” They experienced exile, arrests, executions and expulsions. For their unshakable faith and strength of character, the two nuns were canonized as holy new martyrs. Tatiana Fomicheva died in custody, and in Moscow, Daria Zaitseva was shot at the Butovo training ground.

During the “time of the Reds” the monastery operated for 10 years; in 1923 it celebrated its first century.
Before the closure, Abbess Alipia (popularly Melania Petrovna Taisheva) became the last abbess; until 1942, she tried with all her might to maintain the monastery at the same, proper level.
The restoration of life in the monastery took place only in 1992. Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' gave parting instructions for this, and the monastery was used as the Patriarchal Travel House. After 7 years (1999), the monastery was given the status of an independent stauropegial. Nun Maria (Solodovnikova) was appointed abbess of the monastery in 2005. Later, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill issued a decree appointing Maria as abbess (2012).

There is a holiday in the monastery, every year on October 1, there is a religious procession with a prayer service in honor of the opening of the monastery on this day. Processions of the cross are also carried out on all the patronal celebrations of the monastery: on the days of remembrance, the holy princes of the passion-bearers Boris and Gleb are venerated (May 15 and August 6), the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker (January 4), on the Trinity and Dormition of the Mother of God and St. Demetrius of Rostov (October 4 and November 10).

The monastery has its own values ​​and shrines. The women's monastery contains a large number of reliquaries with particles incorruptible relics saints Among which are preserved the relics of the nun Varvara, the martyr Tatiana, Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye, the Optina elders, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), Seraphim of Sarov, Daniil of Pereyaslavl, Reverend Martyr Eugenia, Kiev-Pechersk ascetics, Ignatius and Theophan the Recluse, Dmitry of Rastov, Venerable Kirill and Mary of Radonezh,

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