Will we be together? Will we be together in the future? What is needed for fortune telling with playing cards?

To start free online fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are telling fortunes about. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Fortune telling online for free Gypsy cross. Quite a serious fortune-telling aimed at a full description of all aspects of the querent’s life. Considers the problems of the querent, the life situation in which the fortuneteller (the fortuneteller) finds himself, as well as the possibility of the querent influencing the development of the situation or solving emerging problems. This fortune telling was used by gypsies, hence its name. Let us immediately note that fortune-telling is quite complex and therefore is not very suitable as a training exercise for beginning fortune-tellers; it is not difficult to carry out, but interpreting and coordinating all the significant cards in fortune-telling will be quite difficult for an inexperienced specialist, since this scenario involves 13 meaningful cards.

Fortune telling technique online for free

To carry out fortune telling, we will use a deck of 36 playing cards; the cards must not be played, otherwise the result will be unreliable. According to the table below on the page, select a blank card, this will be the card that will represent the querent, remove it from the deck, and carefully shuffle the remaining 35 cards and move some of the cards with your left hand towards you. Next, we lay out the card form on the table and around it we lay out the cards to be removed, according to the figure below on the page. In total, we must take out 13 random cards, which will tell us what will happen to the querent and all the events that await her/him. Here are the meanings of the cards taken out:

1 - Current problem or situation,
2 - Fate, what will happen soon cannot be changed,
3 - Development of the situation, 4 - The present, which can be controlled,
5 - The querent's influence on the problem, the present situation,
6 - What follows from this problem,
7 - Impact of the past on the present and future,
8 - Circumstances that will help the querent influence the future,
9 - Advice for solving an existing problem,
10 - The cause of the problem relates to the first card of the layout,
11 - Details of the interpretation of the second card of the layout,
12 - Hidden facts, secrets, refers to the third card of the layout,
13 - Explanation of map four.


To build a harmonious relationship with your significant other, it is important to take into account a lot of factors: behavioral characteristics, personality characteristics, date of birth, etc. In this article, the reader will learn about what Tarot layouts for relationships exist and how to correctly apply them in practice.

Relationship plans: where to start

Tarot layout: will we be together will help you find out the prospects for the development of the beginning relationship, correct them in time, and also choose the right direction.

For fortune telling to bear fruit, you must first tune in to the desired object. Once you gain the necessary experience, you won't have to. Use relaxing music, incense that you like or that matches your mood, you can even dress up before the ritual - this will give you the necessary confidence and additional strength before fortune telling. A special tablecloth or white (red) candles will help enhance the impact.

Important point! Never do Tarot readings when you feel unwell or at a high temperature - you will not be able to concentrate properly. Fortune telling is not allowed during a modified state, for example, after drinking alcoholic beverages. You need to take cards only with clean hands (the same applies to the surface on which they will be located).

Experts advise not to ask the same question several times in a row, as this may affect the objectivity of the final result. When reading, be mentally prepared for the fact that the cards will not show exactly the prospects that you initially counted on.

How to correctly formulate a question during fortune telling

In order for the Tarot relationship layout to be as objective as possible, you should think about how to correctly ask the cards a question. You can paraphrase the following phrases that most often interest questioners:

  • What is his/her relationship with me?
  • What does he/she think about me?
  • How best (correctly) to behave with him/her
  • What to consider when starting a relationship
  • Are there any prospects in communicating with him/her?

A Tarot layout for the future will help you find out the approximate path in the development of events, but does not guarantee that everything will turn out exactly as the cards show. “Forewarned is forearmed,” so you can change the course of events yourself, changing them at your discretion, avoiding the possible occurrence of negative consequences.

Tarot spread for three cards: for beginners and amateurs

Three Cards Layout

This method of fortune telling is not only simple, but also quite informative, so it will help you find out the true attitude of your significant other towards you. To make a layout, it is enough to draw only three cards from the Major Arcana (that's 22 cards in a standard deck). Each such card has its own meaning, a specific design, and also has its own special energy.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to focus on the desired object according to the instructions given above, shuffle the deck, and clearly formulate the question that interests you. Be sure to remove the top of the deck with your left hand, laying it out from left to right, face down. Draw three cards, and then begin to decipher them using the materials indicated on this site.


If you use a non-traditional divination technique, the use of the Major and Minor Arcana is allowed.

The “Fate of Relationships” layout and its features

Layout "The fate of relationships"

This method of laying out Tarot cards can characterize the duration of your relationship with your loved one. In addition, it will help illuminate the most vulnerable (interesting) aspects in a relationship, and will also predict the fate of your love.

Preparing for the beginning of fortune telling is no different from the previous ones - concentrating thoughts about a loved one, visualizing his image, carefully shuffling the cards. For this layout, you can use either the standard Rider-Waite deck or other card interpretations, such as the Thoth Tarot. It is advisable to use only the Major Arcana. During the fortune telling process, you will learn the answers to the following questions (according to the number of cards drawn in a certain sequence).

  1. The situation with the other half that exists for a given period of time
  2. Your loved one's true attitude towards you
  3. The reason you met
  4. Features and prospects for the development of further relations
  5. Life lessons to learn from the current situation
  6. Level of compatibility according to three main criteria - mental, sexual, spiritual

"Will we be together" layout

"Will we be together" layout

This fortune telling will help predict the future of your current relationship. This layout can be used to clarify information regarding the basis of the relationship, the factors that bring you most together at this stage, and also find out whether there are any secrets or omissions on the part of the love partner. In addition, a video of Tarot layouts for relationships and love will help you choose the most rational option for fortune telling.

For this layout, you will need to draw seven cards that will help you most accurately characterize the current state of your love affairs and answer the following questions.

  1. Relationships with your loved one today
  2. The essence of your relationship and its basis
  3. Hidden nuances and pitfalls
  4. The main reasons for getting closer to your loved one
  5. What distances you from each other and causes “misunderstandings”
  6. Prospects for a long-term relationship and how it will develop in the future
  7. Tips that cards can give in terms of strengthening a long-term union

I am sure that the above tips and recommendations will help preserve your relationship for a long time. The main thing is to maintain a positive attitude and listen to the opinions and desires of your loved one. Follow the updates on the site and you will learn a lot of other interesting information. I wish you creative inspiration and a bright Life Path. Good luck!

Video: Three of Cups. Meanings of cards in relationship layouts

Ask yourself a few questions. Honest answers to them will help you understand in which direction your relationship will develop.

This question is not easy to answer: a romantic flair prevents you from seeing a real person in front of you. Research shows that we are usually attracted to partners who are different from us, but, despite all the initial passion, such relationships quickly decline.

For a long-term union, community is important, something that unites: similar life values ​​and expectations, interests, level of education, ideas about how best to spend free time.

Have you introduced each other to friends?

If the person you are dating is open to a long-term relationship, the likelihood that he will include you in his circle of significant people - family and friends - is very high. This way he emphasizes your importance in his own life.

The one who, deep down in his soul, realizes that he is still free, is more willing to look around

The more friends you include in your communication and the more willing you are to maintain this connection, the more likely it is that the relationship will develop.

Are you afraid to be alone?

Sometimes we unwittingly begin to view a new relationship as ideal if we are afraid of being alone.

Those who feel uncomfortable being alone find it difficult to leave a relationship, even if there is no feeling of closeness with their partner. At the same time, they behave with him as with a potential life partner: they respond to advances, demonstrate an attitude towards relationships and romantic interest. However, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to deceive yourself and maintain the illusion of a magical coincidence.

Is your partner showing interest in more than just you?

How we react when we meet sexually attractive members of the opposite sex can also determine the prospects of a union. Research on unconscious behavior shows that partners who are truly involved in a relationship involuntarily restrain their attention to others.

A person interested in short-term relationships avoids the manifestation of genuine intimacy

When this does not happen and your partner is visually evaluating other potential candidates (or you feel this desire within yourself), it is more likely that the relationship will not stand the test of time. Those who, deep down in their souls, realize that they are still free are more willing to look around.

How does your partner react to attempts to get even closer?

A person interested in short-term relationships usually avoids the expression of genuine intimacy. He is generous with touches, hugs, kisses, but less often shows his affection and desire to show care.

Often such people, under plausible pretexts, ignore calls and messages and avoid getting to know their close circle. And although they can formally support conversations about a joint future, they do not initiate them themselves. In words, the partner does not deny the possibility of a long-term relationship, but non-verbal signals may indicate the opposite.

Few people do not want to know about their future. Once you receive a prediction, a person will immediately begin to analyze it. And if problems are coming soon, he will try to get around them.

The desire for a bright and happy future is perceived by people as a necessity - an important aspect of their own development. And family well-being plays a significant role in this.

Fortune telling is exactly what will help you find out whether a relationship has a future or not

Fortune telling for the future most often has a love orientation. It is intended for both singles and people already in a relationship.

What does fortune telling for love give?

Fortune telling can help all people without exception who have faith in a higher power. Determination and the desire to learn the “bitter” or “sweet” truth of the future are also important.

The magical attributes used for these purposes can also be different. There are fortune telling using playing cards and Tarot. Every girl or woman interested in the magic of the future can use one of these decks.

Fortune telling whether we will be together is a fortune telling for those people who want to know the future, being free from relationships or for those who want to make sure of the stability of the “strength” of feelings.

Some women use magical powers after breaking up love ties. They choose fortune telling on cards as a symbol of calming the heart and soul, in order to check whether their love story has really been completed.

Magicians and sorcerers recommend that people think abstractly, imagining a future together with a loved one as a system of two opposite sexes - men and women. This attitude towards magical rituals helps higher powers to more accurately establish the prediction itself - to penetrate the thoughts of the other half and read them.

The fortuneteller has something to work on before taking up the cards. You should approach fortune telling with maximum concentration and faith in the power of love before asking the cards about the future.

Fortune telling for love using playing cards

Belief in magical powers can lift the curtain of the future even with the help of an ordinary playing deck of cards. True predictions do not always await a fortuneteller.

You can even find out the truth with the help of playing cards. The main thing is to believe

What is needed for fortune telling with playing cards?

You can find out whether love will return to a woman’s life again only after the energy is transferred to the cards. This is a mandatory action on the part of the fortuneteller, because there is always an expectation of exact events.

You should guess whether we will be together only after assigning a separate card to your loved one. Therefore, before fortune telling you will need:

  1. Select one king from a deck of cards. Choose it based on hair color. If a guy has brown hair, then they choose a tambourine. If he is blond - to the heart, brown - to the cross. Well, if the guy is dark-haired, his suit is spade.
  2. When taking out the corresponding card, you should “scroll through your head” the name of your lover.
  3. Having placed the king in front of you, you need to repeat his name out loud 7 times.

Only after establishing magical connections can the beloved man be tested for reciprocal feelings towards the woman.

How to tell love fortunes with playing cards

Fortune telling for a loved one has several variations. The most popular method of prediction is:

  1. The king selected from the deck is placed on the table.
  2. The remaining cards are thoroughly mixed, and then moved with the left hand “towards the heart”. The shifted part of the deck is placed under the bottom of the remaining cards.
  3. From the king's head, 4 cards are placed clockwise on the table. Their location is the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9 on a regular watch.

The king lying in the middle of the layout is a loved one. All the surrounding cards are his feelings and actions. A loved one can also be influenced by extraneous obstacles, such as rivals or other problems. If such facts appear in the prediction, the cards will definitely show this.

How to read the layout

No matter what the cards show the future, there is no need to repeat the ritual. Repeated actions will not bring true information. Information received from magical forces should be taken for what it is. Therefore, it is worth tuning in to only one session, based on the results of which your relationship with the desired representative of the opposite sex will be built.

And so, there are 4 cards around the king. Each of them has its own meaning. If low cards are dealt:

  • six – a long separation caused by a geographically large distance (business trips, tourist trips, change of residence, etc.);
  • seven - fate has planned a meeting with your soulmate;
  • eight – conflicts that can lead to separation;
  • nine – rapid development of love relationships leading to marriage;
  • ten - weak feelings in a man (he is not indifferent to the girl, but he does not experience feelings of love).

Ten - a man does not experience love, but simply shows sympathy

High cards:

  • jack – anxiety;
  • lady - betrayal, betrayal or lie of a close friend;
  • the king is a strong “support” nearby (girlfriend or relatives);
  • ace - the feelings are mutual.

It is equally important to correctly read the entire layout in its entirety, because there may be conflicting cards next to the king, creating confusion in the prediction. So, many newcomers to fortune telling are interested in the combination of ten and ace. Separately, these cards indicate weak feelings of the other half, and, accordingly, strong mutual love.

In such cases, you should pay attention to the location of the cards. The one that was placed on the table first is the present, all subsequent ones are the future. That is, the meaning of the cards is not affected by their position, but only indicates their sequence.

If a guy doesn't know about a girl's feelings

Many girls and women hide their feelings for certain men and do not risk taking the “first step.” The alignment for their lover can help them. It is simple and in many ways similar to the rules of the ritual of love.

It also uses playing cards, and also requires the establishment of an energy connection. The advantage of this ritual is the possibility of using it for a former lover, if the fortune-telling girl still has tender feelings for him.

What is needed for fortune telling for a lover?

In order to get an answer to the simple question of whether a guy has feelings for a fortune-telling girl, you should assign him a card. The king is most often used, and the suit is determined from a simple ratio based on hair color:

  • blond is the king of hearts;
  • brown-haired – king of clubs;
  • fair-haired – king of tambourines;
  • brunette is the king of spades.

For fortune telling, you need to take a king (symbolizing your loved one) of a certain suit (depending on the color of his hair)

The king selected from the deck is placed on the table with the thought of his beloved. You should also say his name out loud 7 times.

How to tell fortune telling about a lover

Fortune telling on cards is done with simple steps. All you need to do:

  1. Shuffle the cards, saying a clearly stated question to which there are only two possible answers. Examples might include questions such as: “Does ‘name’ want to date me?” or “do the “name” and I have a future together?
  2. Shift the cards with your left hand towards you and remove them from the bottom of the deck.
  3. Next to the king you should put 3 cards taken from the top of the deck.

In order to find out the result of the ritual, you need to know about the division of cards into those that say “no” and “yes”. A positive answer is indicated by spades and hearts, and a negative answer is indicated by crosses and diamonds. That is, if three cards fall out in the layout, with the value “yes” - and the answer to the question will be positive.

If there are only crosses and diamonds around the king, the answer is “no”. Also, two positive and one negative cards may appear in the layout. This ratio indicates the prudence of fate in relation to a love union between a woman and a man, but the result will depend on the efforts made.

Fortune telling for the future of relationships

Any woman who is ripe for living together, for marriage or for having children can wonder whether we will be together and what our prospects are in the future. But does the beloved want such changes? The answer to this question can be obtained with the help of fortune telling for the future of relationships.

What is needed for fortune telling about the future of a relationship?

The most important role in fortune telling is played by a woman’s willingness to learn the prediction and her faith in higher powers. If she has no problems with this, she should prepare a playing deck of cards. As in other fortune telling for love, it is necessary to choose a king who will personify the beloved in the reading.

One thing is important - fortune telling about the prospects of relationships allows you to see a “picture” only of the near future.

If the result of the ritual is negative, this does not mean that the relationship will end soon. They can simply remain in one stage for a long time.

How is fortune telling done for the prospects of a relationship?

A relationship layout requires maximum concentration and the ability to read cards. Fortune telling is carried out like this:

  1. The postponed king is placed on the table.
  2. The rest of the deck is shuffled and moved with the left hand.
  3. 2 cards are laid out at the top, bottom, left and right. Left and bottom are the present, and top and right are the future.

Tell fortunes using this ratio of the cards drawn:

  • six - happy meetings await the couple;
  • seven – joy;
  • eight - quarrels;
  • nine – the problem of love relationships;
  • ten - traveling together.

Ten prophesies a quick trip together

High cards mean the following:

  • jack – large environment;
  • lady - betrayal or treason;
  • king - support of loved ones;
  • Ace – happiness, marriage and offspring.

It is equally important to look at the suits of the cards drawn in the layout. The spade represents problems, the club represents disagreement, the heart represents love, and the diamond represents money.

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