What you need to submit an application to the registry office. What documents are needed at the registry office? Application methods

Having decided to seal your relationship by marriage, you need to register it in the district registry office of your city. But first, you need to prepare the necessary documents at the registry office; without this, your couple’s application will simply not be accepted.

Required conditions for submitting an application

A family is wonderful, but the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes a number of mandatory conditions under which marriage must be concluded, and the document also stipulates the reasons why registering a relationship may not be possible.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. Consent to marriage on each side. If one party does not agree to registration, the marriage will not be formalized;
  2. Reaching marriageable age. As a rule, marriages in Russia are concluded upon reaching the age of 18, but you can register a relationship at the age of 16 if there are good reasons (for example, pregnancy);
  3. Voluntary desire of the bride and groom. If it becomes known that the marriage was registered against the will of one of the spouses, such a marriage is generally considered invalid.

We should not forget about the preventive conditions prescribed in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with them will be the reason why the marriage registration will also be considered invalid.

It is prohibited to marry if:

  • At the time of submitting documents to the registry office for marriage registration, one of the couple is officially married;
  • One of the future spouses is recognized mentally ill or incompetent if the relevant documents are available;
  • Both the adopted child and the adoptive parent want to apply;
  • The young people are closely related.

The papers provided to the registrar confirm that the conditions required by law have been met, and that prohibiting conditions, in turn, are absent.

What documents are needed when submitting an application to the Civil Registry Office?

The collection of documents and their subsequent submission to the government agency should be taken responsibly. Failure to comply with the established requirements will result in your application not being considered.

When submitting an application to the registry office, you must have with you:

  1. Passport or other identification document. For example, in case of loss and restoration of a document, you can present a temporary certificate issued at the passport office;
  2. Receipt, confirming payment of the state fee. The payer can be any of the pair. Payment details are individual for each city. If the newlyweds change their mind about signing, the state duty is not refunded;
  3. If someone is in a couple underage, must be provided special permission from parents (official guardians) and local administration and a certificate from the antenatal clinic, in case of pregnancy of a minor;
  4. Certificate of temporary registration if the future spouses want to get married in a foreign city;
  5. For those who were previously married, it is necessary to have certificate of divorce or death of your former spouse.

When decidingmarry a foreigner additional paperwork needs to be collected. Mandatory legalization of documents by the consul will be required. The provided papers must be translated into Russian and be notarized.

The following are added to the above list of documents for submitting an application to the registry office:

  • Translation of your passport (don't forget to have it certified by a notary);
  • Migration card or visa;
  • Document confirming Family status foreign citizen.

If the bride and groom submit two separate applications to the government agency, it is necessary to ensure that each paper is certified:

  1. Notary. Such an application can be sent to the registry office by mail;
  2. The head of the institution, if the applicant is serving his sentence in places that are not so remote or is in custody;
  3. If you used state or municipal services when submitting an application, then it must be marked by an MFC employee.

If you are afraid of making a mistake with the list of required papers, you can always call or visit the registry office where you plan to sign and find out the list of required documents there.

How to submit documents to the registry office?

Once you have collected all the necessary documents, you can safely submit your application. According to Russian law, future spouses can apply in several ways:

  1. Personal visit to the walls of the registry office. As a rule, the couple submits the application together, but if for some reason this is not possible, one of the future spouses can submit the documents, most importantly, have a notarized signature of the chosen one;
  2. Use postal services;
  3. Electronic application. Can be submitted 6 months before the desired date, but the minimum possible period for acceptance of the application is one month;
  4. Enlist the help of multifunctional centers that provide state and municipal services to the population.

An application written by one party will not be accepted. This rule has been established in all registry offices of Moscow and other cities. Submitting documents does not oblige the newlyweds to appear on the appointed day and time; the couple can easily change their mind. The main thing is to notify the registrar about changing your decision, because a few days before the celebration, a marriage certificate is issued and passports can be stamped.

Legitimizing a family union is one of the most important steps in a person’s life, no matter whether it happens for the first time or repeatedly. It is obvious that since the official signature entails the onset of mutual obligations of the spouses to each other, then it takes place in a special procedural form defined by law. We will study it from beginning to end, that is, we will consider the procedure for filing an application and answer a number of organizational questions (amount of state duty, change of name). How to submit an application, what are the rules for registering a marriage at the registry office, what happens during the painting - let's figure it out.

Conditions required for marriage registration

According to the rules of Art. 12 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, in order to enter into a legal union, the following conditions must be met:

  • the presence of voluntary mutual consent of the couple to legalize the relationship;
  • the newlyweds reach a certain age.

If everything is clear with point 1, the only thing is that ignoring this requirement entails the invalidity of the marriage, then we should dwell in more detail on the marriageable age.

By general rule clause 1 art. 13 of the RF IC, the minimum age for marriage is set at 18 years old - for boys and for girls. The rule also provides for exceptions. Thus, clause 2 provides for the possibility of registering a marriage in the registry office by persons who have reached the age of 16.

To do this you need:

  • obtain permission from authorities local authorities(issued if there are compelling reasons to protect the interests of the future family);
  • statement of the young.

It is noteworthy that in special cases, a union can also be registered by a couple where 1 or both spouses have not reached 16 years of age, however, this opportunity is available only if there is a special law of the subject of the Russian Federation where the couple lives.

Minimum possible age for marriage in the regions:

  1. Moscow, Vologda, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod, Kaluga regions - 14 years.
  2. Murmanskaya, Chelyabinsk region- 15 years.

In some areas, in addition to necessary documents To reduce the age of marriage, permission from the parents of the bride or groom to enter into a union should be provided, and if there are none, the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Submitting an application - basic nuances

The basis for registering a family union is an application (Article 24 of the Federal Law on Acts of Civil Status) submitted by the couple in person, through a representative or electronically. The form of this paper can be obtained from the registry office, and it is also available for downloading on the portal of state and municipal services.

In accordance with the norm, the contents of this document are as follows:

  • it necessarily records that persons enter into marriage by mutual consent and confirms the absence of circumstances that make registration impossible (more on them below);
  • personal data (full name of the bride and groom before and after marriage registration, their full age, age at the time of filing documents, marital status - were not in an official relationship, divorced, widowed);
  • passport document data;
  • signatures of the applicants and date of preparation of the document.

The rules for registering a marriage at the registry office are such that the bride and groom must present to the specialist of the institution their passports or documents that replace them (diplomatic card, sailor’s passport, etc.), a paper on the termination of the previous union, if one was ever concluded, and receipt for payment of state duty.

The amount of state duty is regulated Tax Code RF and in 2016 is 350 rubles. A receipt for payment of the fee can be obtained directly from the registry office or found on a single portal.

For one reason or another, young people do not have the opportunity to appear together at the government agency and submit a joint application. In this case, the law allows the presentation of papers by a representative, in which the applicant’s signature is notarized, by the second spouse. Official identification is not required if documents are submitted online.

In accordance with Art. 27 of the relevant law, family union can be registered 30 days after submitting the relevant application.

There are exceptions to this rule, so officials can reduce this period for good reasons:

  • bride's pregnancy;
  • birth of a child;
  • the presence of a threat to the life and health of persons entering into marriage;
  • other reasons (conscription for military service, departure on a business trip).

Reasons why a couple may not be married

An analysis of the legislation (Articles 12-14 of the RF IC) suggests that the civil registry office may refuse to register a union for young people if:

  • it becomes known that the marriage is forced;
  • 1 or both future spouses have not reached the established age and have not submitted documents giving them the right to sign;
  • the bride or groom has not dissolved the previous union;
  • the couple is close relatives (these are parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, adoptive parents and adopted children, relatives or stepbrothers and sisters);
  • the newlyweds are incapacitated (or at least 1 of the couple).

In addition, marriage registration can be canceled or postponed by a decision of the court or law enforcement agencies if the relationship is legitimized by a person against whom a criminal case has been opened, if there are facts indicating that the registration will complicate the investigation or make it impossible.

How is the painting done?

The procedure for marriage is such that on the day appointed by the registry office employees, both newlyweds must appear with their passports. The employee checks the data of the young people, clarifies whether their intentions are valid, and specifies the surnames of the applicants, which will be assigned to them after the registration of the union.

Then the specialist begins to prepare the documents:

  • draws up a marriage record, which is printed in 2 identical copies and does not contain information different from that contained in the application;
  • provides the paper for the couple to sign;
  • on the basis of the registration record, issues a Marriage Certificate.

After all these procedures have been completed, the marriage is considered officially registered.

Changing your surname - features of the procedure

The procedure for registering a marriage at the registry office provides for a change of surname after the conclusion of the union. This possibility is regulated by Art. 28 Federal Law “On acts of civil status”. So, the couple chooses what surname their family will be called after registering the union. A husband and wife can keep their premarital surnames, change it to their partner's surname, or add their partner's surname to their own.

If the bride and/or groom decide to change their last name, then their passport documents are marked “To be exchanged in month period».

Within a month, one of the spouses who wishes to change their personal data (or both) is obliged to come to the department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of registration with a “cancelled” passport and a Marriage Certificate to receive a new document, since after this period, it will become invalid and unsuitable for any transactions.

The rules for marriage have a lot of nuances, and in the article we only considered general order, without affecting special procedures, such as registering a union with foreigners or persons in prison. One can imagine the difficulty of the work of the institution’s employees. It becomes clear that working in the registry office is not only fun and celebration, but also hard work.

When submitting an application to the registry office, the newlyweds bring a ready-made package of documents necessary for consideration of the application for marriage. Not every couple in love who decides to tie the knot in marriage knows by heart what documents are needed for registration at the registry office. And if the situations are not entirely standard, for example, minority or citizenship of another country, then the usual list of papers for signature is supplemented with additional forms. Next, we present a standard package of documentation for performing a wedding ceremony and consider several other situations.

List of documents for registration at the registry office under standard conditions

No matter which registry office in Russia you submit your papers and whatever situation you find yourself in, the original register of documents in the registry office for registering a marriage remains unchanged today. The standard case is when: both heterosexual person who wish to create a family home are adult citizens of the Russian Federation and have not previously been in family relationships, and also do not have other reasons that could prevent official registration in the institution of registration of acts.

List of documents in the registry office for registration:

  • A jointly completed application for registration of a relationship;
  • Originals and photocopies of the spouses' passports;
  • A check from a financial institution confirming payment of the state duty.

The main package of papers is submitted together with a personally written application by both newlyweds at the registry office, while understanding that the minimum period before setting the date of official registration will be one calendar month. The list of documents for registering a marriage is influenced by many factors, so for each significant case the registrar will ask you to provide the relevant certificates, acts, permits and other business papers. More about common cases below.

Documents for registering marriage with a foreign citizen

Registering a marriage in Moscow with a foreigner is as simple as with a Muscovite; the only question is whether you have the necessary documentation to correctly display the entry about the new social unit in the journal. The main emphasis is on the legality of a foreign person’s stay in Russia and confirmation of the absence of reasons preventing marriage.

List of documents for a citizen of another state to submit an application to the Moscow Civil Registry Office:

  • International passport;
  • Valid visa or residence permit;
  • Certificate confirming the absence of impediments to the conclusion of a barge in another country (Certificate of no Impediment);
  • Apostille – translation of all business papers submitted to the records department.

In addition to this documentation, just like with us, additional certificates are submitted if the following factors are present: the foreigner was previously in an official family relationship (divorce form), is currently a widower (death certificate of the spouse), permission for polygamy, and so on. In any case, there is no reason to worry that there will be any problems with concluding a marriage with a foreigner at the Moscow registry office; the main thing is to collect the necessary package of documents, and no one has the right to prohibit this.

Documents at the registry office for minors getting married

Reaching the age of majority automatically gives a person the right to independently manage own life, but also to be responsible for their actions, that is, to choose a job to their liking, to marry at their discretion with anyone, but also to be responsible to the state as a separate unit. But lovers who decide to tie themselves into family ties do not always reach adulthood. There are many reasons for this, which will have to be documented by submitting the appropriate certificates to the registration office. The complete list of documents for those getting married under the age of 18 is as follows:

  • Originals and scanned copies of birth certificate;
  • Certificates confirming the availability of a place of study or work;
  • Income specifications;
  • Parents' permission for this marriage;
  • Acts confirming the existence of a situation that facilitates the immediate conclusion of a marriage relationship.

Documentation for the registration department for remarriage

The union of one or both newlyweds is not always the first. Nowadays, it is very common for people to remarry. In this case, the main package of papers is burdened with additional forms indicating the official end of the previous relationship, namely in each individual case:

  • Divorce certificate;
  • Certificate declaring the spouse missing;
  • Death certificate;
  • Protocol from the court on the recognition of the previous marriage union as invalid.

All these nuances when submitting an application to a government agency should not overshadow the previous solemn event, even if there is no grand celebration, it is still a holiday of the soul. You don’t always find your soulmate the first time, and it’s not a fact that he speaks Russian, but rarely everything goes according to plan, sometimes plans are made somewhere without us. About the procedure for registering marriage in Moscow. Don't forget after marriage and frequently asked questions.

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By Russian laws marriage is a voluntary equal union of a man and a woman who have reached the age of majority and have registered their relationship with the civil registry office (the registry office).

This is a civil marriage. To call a relationship in which a couple simply lives together this way is de jure wrong. Civil means secular, recorded by state, not religious authorities.

To go through the procedure state registration marriage, you need:

  1. Be adults. The general marriage age is 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16, and in a number of regions - 14.
  2. Show mutual consent and submit an application.

A stamp will not be placed in the passport if the bride or groom is in another registered marriage, are close relatives, or are declared incompetent by the court.

How many days before the wedding should I submit an application to the registry office?

According to Article 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, marriage takes place one month after submitting the corresponding application. Thirty days are given to weigh everything again and consciously create a family. According to the law, the registry office may increase this period, but not more than by a month.

In practice, due to queues for formal and outdoor ceremonies, couples are forced to book the required dates several months before the wedding. Please note: make a reservation. The application itself is still written exactly 30 days in advance. In other words, if a beautiful date is important to you, you will have to visit the registry office more than once.

In what cases is it not necessary to wait a month?

They can reduce the thinking time and even schedule a couple on the same day if there are good reasons. For example:
  1. The bride is pregnant or the child together has already been born.
  2. The life of the bride or groom is at risk due to illness.
  3. The groom goes to serve in the army.
  4. The bride or groom is leaving on a long business trip.

Any of these circumstances must be documented. Thus, the fact of pregnancy is certified by a certificate from the antenatal clinic with stamps, signatures and due dates. If you are not giving birth soon, the registry office is unlikely to accommodate you: you will have to wait 30 days.

Which registry office should I contact?

The rule about filing an application for registration of one of the future spouses has been cancelled.

Now you can contact any civil registry office department (and even several at once) of any city, regardless of the place of permanent or temporary registration. The exception is marriage to a foreigner. Not all registry offices register such unions.

If the civil registry office employees of a foreign city or district refuse to accept the application, ask for the refusal to be issued in writing, indicating the reason. Then you can easily appeal it.

What documents need to be collected?

  1. Joint application in form No. 7 (more information about filling it out is below).
  2. Passports of the bride and groom.
  3. Certificate of divorce, if one of the future spouses was previously married.
  4. Death certificate if there is a widow or widower in the couple.
  5. Notarized parental consent for marriage, if the bride or groom or both are under 18 years of age.
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.

The state fee for registering a marriage is 350 rubles. It is paid by one person.

How to fill out an application?

The marriage application has unified form, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. You can take the form from the registry office and fill it out by hand, or download it on the Internet and fill it out on your computer at home.

In any case, the date and signatures of the applicants are affixed in person in the presence of a civil registry office employee.

The marriage application consists of two columns: for him and for her. The bride and groom must indicate personal and passport details, citizenship and nationality (optional), and also make a note of what surname they wish to bear after the wedding.

The registry office employee must check the data, offer a free date for registration, run the application through the ledgers and affix a stamp.

How to apply?

Getting married is a purely personal matter. You cannot apply for registration through a lawyer or other legal representative. But you can do this in two forms:
  1. Personally - through civil registry offices or multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).
  2. Online - through the government services portal.

The ability to submit an application and accompanying package of documents through the MFC significantly simplifies the process. After all, registry offices on weekdays mostly work until six in the evening, while many MFCs have extended working hours.

Is it possible to apply for marriage registration alone?

The application is usually submitted in the presence of the bride and groom. But if one of them, for good reason, cannot visit the registry office or MFC, applications may be accepted from one of the future spouses.

Namely statements, since in this case two documents are drawn up and the absent person must have his copy certified by a notary. The same must be done with copies of the attached documents.

How to apply for marriage registration online?

You can submit an application for marriage through the “Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation”: “Service Catalog” → “Family and Children” → “Marriage Registration”. Provided that the bride and groom have verified accounts on gosuslugi.ru.

Usually the groom begins the procedure and, having filled in his details, sends an invitation to the bride. She goes to the site and completes the checkout. After this, you need to go to the payment tab. When submitting an application for marriage registration through the government services portal, the state fee will be 245 rubles.

How to pick up an application for marriage registration?

The application has been submitted, the registration date has been set, but something went wrong... The bride and groom can change their minds at any time and withdraw the application for marriage registration, both together and separately.

Until the state registration of marriage, neither a man nor a woman bears any legal obligations towards each other and has no rights.

If the application was submitted in person, you must contact the registry office and document the refusal. You will need a passport and an application. It is not necessary to indicate the reason for refusing to marry. The state fee is not refundable.

If the application was completed via the Internet, and the registry office is located in another city, you can simply call and say that the selected date is free. But most failed spouses simply do not come to register. There is no administrative or any other responsibility for this.

Moreover, having withdrawn one application, you can immediately submit a new one with the same or another person.

Many couples test their relationship for years before entering into a legal marriage. This decision is complex and responsible, and therefore you should never rush. However, when submitting a corresponding application to the registry office, future spouses are faced with an unpleasant discovery.

It turns out that in order to become legal spouses, it is necessary to comply with a number of formalities. What formalities and rules are we talking about?

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There are cases when employees of the authority go to meet future spouses. For example, if the bride is pregnant, the union is registered on the day the relevant paper is submitted. If there is a threat to the health or life of one of the members of the couple, early registration also occurs.

However, in most cases, the month period turns out to be an inviolable rule. During this time, the spouses must weigh all the pros and cons of their union, making a final decision.

Where and when to submit papers for marriage registration?

Which registry office should I apply for marriage?

Previously, it was possible to submit papers only to the authority at your place of residence, but now the requirements have become a little softer. That is why future spouses can apply to any registry office in their city, which they just like.

Moreover, it is even possible to submit the relevant documents to several authorities. This is what couples do who want to get married on a specific date (for example, the popular 12/12/12). Usually there are many applicants for beautiful dates, and therefore couples have to submit several applications at once.

When submitting certificates to several branches, the couple will have to pay several corresponding fees. If the application is submitted to 2 registry offices, then the fee must be paid twice.

You can submit the relevant documents on any convenient day, except Sunday and Monday. These days, registry office employees usually do not work according to schedule. It is better to come to the relevant authorities in the morning, since during the day there is a huge queue.

The sooner a couple applies, the better. The fact is that all the people standing in line with their future spouses are potential “rivals” for the most successful time of marriage.

All these couples will be assigned a wedding in approximately the same period, and the newlyweds standing at the front of the queue have the opportunity to get married in best time(for example, in the morning) on ​​a day convenient for them.

However, the most important thing in this matter is not the time of submission of documents, but the collection of all necessary papers. And certain difficulties may arise with this issue.

Application form and list of required documents

The most important paper is the completed application, for which people come to these authorities. It consists of two columns for the bride and groom. They have to correctly write their full name, date of birth, and passport details.

The application form in form No. 7 is issued at the registry office itself. But if you have concerns about the unknown, here is a sample of how to fill it out:

The most important question here becomes change of surname. Typically, brides are in favor of changing their surname, but grooms are much less likely to decide to take such a step. Still, it is better to discuss this issue in advance.

If one of the spouses, for good reason, cannot be present when submitting the relevant application, the registry office employees usually meet halfway. If such a situation arises, one of the members of the couple needs to come to the registry office in advance and take special separate statements.

Anyone who is unable to attend the application can complete it at home. That's just the signature will have to be notarized. The notarized application must be brought to the registry office, but the second spouse will fill out the paper directly at the department.

What documents are required at the application stage?. We provide a list of them:

  1. Passports of both members of the couple.
  2. Receipts for payment of the appropriate amount (currently its amount is 350 rubles for each spouse).
  3. If the newlyweds are under 18 years old, from the authorities local government You must provide a document confirming your marriage license.
  4. If the spouses have already had another marriage, it is necessary to provide a certificate of its dissolution.

After submitting the application with all the relevant papers, the couple can only wait a little. During this time, you can plan the celebration itself, because usually the matter is not limited to simple registration.

It is not possible to submit an application online, but a couple can make their life much easier if they look at the government services website in advance. The fact is that there you can book a suitable date and time, setting a date for visiting the desired registry office.

If the bride and groom do not appear at the registry office at a certain appointed time, their reservation for the date is canceled. Thus, by accessing the online site, you can avoid long queues at civil registry offices by submitting the appropriate application within a certain period of time.

The step-by-step procedure for registering through the government services website is indicated in.

After submitting the paper, the bride and groom are faced with another question: what ceremony to hold? If they want a formal wedding process, they will have to pay for additional services.

For example, you can use the services of local photographers and live musicians. Also, at the request of the newlyweds, video filming can be carried out in the hall.

If the couple prefers a closed, informal ceremony, then everything is much simpler and no additional costs are required.

Regardless of the chosen place of marriage registration and the nuances of the procedure, the most important thing is always the feelings that the members of the couple experience. It is these chemical reactions that become the main heroes of the occasion!

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