What you need to open your own farm. Farm from scratch - opening a home business. How much can you earn on a family farm for breeding dairy cattle?


Register an individual entrepreneur. Any farm, even a small family farm, the products of which will be put up for sale, is a tool for entrepreneurial activity. When engaging in an activity whose purpose is to gain profit, it is necessary to pay taxes to the state. To carry out such activities there must be mandatory registration. You can, of course, consider other forms of enterprise registration, but for small family farms it will be easiest to work with individual entrepreneur registration.

Select farm type. This question is one of the determining ones when creating a farm. First, you need to decide on the ambitions of your farm. Will you produce agricultural products personally for yourself and your neighbors, or are you going to work on a large scale? Another question that you need to decide for yourself is whether your farm will specialize in one activity (growing wheat, potatoes, pigs, chickens, dairy cows ), or there will be a little bit of everything. If you choose a specialized one, then you need to decide what you can best grow in your region, which crops and which animals. In general, you need to come from the general to the specific and, based on this, plan your future farming activities.

Create a business plan. Whatever type of farm you choose, you'll definitely need to do some planning. Calculate your capabilities, find out if you can get some benefits from the state, loans from banks. It is also important to determine the payback period of the venture so that your efforts do not go in vain.

Weigh all the risks. You must understand that the costs of large scale farm will be significant (10-20 million rubles), it will be difficult to sell directly if you do not have connections in this area (due to the presence large quantity intermediaries), and wholesalers will buy your goods. If you plan to have farm for your own provision and sale of goods to neighbors, friends and acquaintances, in this case you should not dream of any significant profit.

Take action. If you decide to have your own farm, started an individual entrepreneur, wrote a business plan, then you need to start taking specific actions. Buy or rent land, store grain, build or purchase ready-made premises for its storage. If you are raising livestock, you need to purchase the necessary equipment, as well as the animals themselves. Don’t forget about hired workers, who will need to be registered in accordance with the law. Farming is not an easy task, and success awaits you only if you have your heart set on such a business. For your own benefit, you can choose much easier ways of doing business.

Anyone who once lived in nature and ate homemade products dreams of returning “to the earth” again. And even those who have not lived, but only heard about it, also dream. And sometimes such a thought comes unexpectedly to the person himself. It would seem that you have your own business and wealth, but one day you realize that this is not that it is not enough. And only your own home, your own land, your own farm make life full, interesting and rich. And the work of a farmer now is not what it used to be. A variety of devices and new technologies turn work into pleasure. Today, housekeeping, which once fed and took time and energy, also brings great joy. Where to start, what you will need for your mini-farm - let's understand this week's topic.


An apiary is a rare form of mini-farm. Meanwhile, even a small apiary of 5-10 hives fully meets the honey needs of a standard family and also allows you to sell the surplus. Where to begin? What should an apiary be like? How to keep bees? Let's figure it out together with experienced beekeepers.

Automation, the Internet, GPS, mobile applications - all this helps to achieve good harvests, quality products and at the same time reduce costs and the burden on the environment. We offer an overview of advanced farming technologies.

Many people are starting to raise farm animals to provide "healthy" food: non-GMO foods, real meat, delicious oil, antibiotic-free eggs. But animal husbandry “for oneself” should not be an unprofitable activity! Learning to calculate profitability.

Summer residents begin to breed earthworms for various reasons. Some dream of fertilizing their beds with vermicompost, which is ten times more effective than compost. Others need worms for fishing or to feed chickens. Still others are engaged in livestock farming and plan to use the California worm to process accumulated manure. Let's learn the basics of vermicultivation.

When choosing the right duck breed, everything matters. The size of the plot, the presence of a body of water nearby, and even your relationship with your neighbors. Which ducks are best to breed in the country, and what is needed for this?

Many people, especially those over forty, have tried keeping pigeons. Some people do it just for the soul, and some people do it for the sake of delicious meat. We talk about meat breeds pigeons.

5-10 hens will provide seven eggs. Based on the experience of FORUMHOUSE users, we will tell you which chickens to buy, what to feed, how to build a chicken coop and how to avoid irreparable mistakes.

And from here you will learn about common chicken diseases, their treatment and prevention.


A farmyard for an almost city dweller. The idea of ​​raising chickens and rabbits came to the minds of yesterday's townspeople - the Tverikin family - not by chance. What could be better than homemade meat and eggs from your own chickens? And so, in the most unfortunate corner of the site, on one hundred square meters, they created their own barnyard with their own hands.

Farming. Personal experience . Using the example of one personal subsidiary plot, we talk about the structure of the farm and its inhabitants: sheep, Vietnamese and Hungarian pigs, a goat and a calf. You will see how economically feasible it is now to engage in livestock farming for profit.

Breeding rabbits. Personal experience . Rabbits attract beginning farmers due to their ease of breeding and maintenance. However, if the conditions of detention are violated, mortality is often observed among animals. Forum member Pavel Tverikin shares his experience of breeding these animals.

Sparrowhawk device. Personal experience . When there are few quails, you can keep them in the most limited space: in the kitchen, on the balcony, in the pantry. But for a large number of birds it is better to build a separate room. The main thing is to properly arrange all functional areas: brooders, cage batteries, feed storage, and washing rooms. That’s exactly what Valentina Shevarenkova did. We invite you to take a tour of her sparrowhawk.

Chicken coop in a pine forest. With my own hands. According to the hero of this story, Roman, for him, chickens are not only delicious homemade eggs, but also a maximum of positive mood. He approached the construction of the chicken coop no less seriously than the construction of his house. Therefore, the chicken coop turned out to be not only warm and comfortable for the chickens, but also with designer features. Roman also shares his experience of choosing a breed and proper nutrition chickens for better egg production.

Forum thread:

The whole neighborhood is surprised at him: he holds a horse, but does not plow on it. For some reason, he cultivates swamps - instead of planting potatoes, and also keeps bees - although at a loss. And all because one day Aleksej2000 - an avid fisherman - realized that he did not have enough to be happy. And he bought his own land - to organize his own pond and start a farm - for his own joy and health.

Why do we come to this earth if not to fulfill the dream of our life? For Moon Fish, it all started with horses, with which she, “who grew up in an ordinary family in an industrial city, was seriously and incurably ill from childhood.” When the first dream came true, the second naturally came - “to exchange city life for a short summer season for permanent residence in nature." How the “girl with a scythe” started her household and what successes she has achieved - read in this topic.

Having discovered places of amazing beauty and rich in berries, mushrooms and fish, Mayjor and his family became captivated. Without thinking twice, we bought a house there and started a poultry house. In this thread, a forum member explains which chickens are best to keep, how to recover from a fire, how to care for birds, and much more.

Cold Vesna, a trainer-breiter, together with a young man - a dog handler - moved from Moscow to the countryside to “improve their health and live in freedom.” They had no experience in running a private household or growing crops, but they had strong love to nature. Therefore, “it was not difficult to settle into a new place.” Out of interest, the young people tried to grow flowers and vegetables, got several chickens and started raising quails. But the most important thing is that they have become closer to their dream - their own equestrian club and children's equestrian school.

Feeding children in the city during a crisis is not so easy. Either business is your own farm: a cow-nurse, Domestic bird, piglets, your garden and vegetable garden. And how many opportunities there are for the development and health of children! Another story about a dream come true to move to the village, which KendyEva realized with her family.

And in you will find even more inspiring stories about how to organize your own personal plot and how to make it profitable.

Investments in agriculture are increasing every year. The agricultural production niche is practically empty, so those who want to start farming are actively buying up land and empty farms. The cost of land is low, and the return, even if not immediate, will definitely be.

Every year the development of farms becomes more and more relevant. Many entrepreneurs, trying to fill an empty niche, invest in agricultural production. In villages and villages they are actively buying up land and empty abandoned farms in order to organize their own business. The cost of land, depending on the location and condition, can range from 70,000 rubles per hectare.

Farming can be carried out in different directions: livestock farming, crop farming, beekeeping, etc. If a farmer decides to choose livestock farming, then, depending on the type of animals he will breed, it will be possible to sell not only meat, but also wool and skins.

The farmer can supply such products to dairies, or sell them himself through outlets. In the latter case, the products will need to be packaged, for which it will be necessary to purchase special equipment.

Pig farming is one of the traditionally profitable areas of livestock farming, so creating a pig farm is a good idea for own business. The share of pork consumption is about 30% of the volume of meat products, second in popularity only to poultry meat, which is a cheaper product, its share is 37%.

Pigs have high growth vigor and are better than other domestic animals at utilizing the nutrients in their feed. Pigs grow faster than large cattle, 10-12 times. At good quality feed, six-month-old animals reach a weight of 100 kg and can be used for meat.

In addition, pigs are quite fertile. Pork production is the industry next to poultry farming in terms of payback due to the longer growing cycle.

Pork production is conventionally divided into three sectors:

  • industrial-type complexes – fattening herds of 12,000 animals or more;
  • average production in large farms and agricultural enterprises – herd from 100 to 12,000 heads;
  • personal subsidiary plots and small farms – a herd of less than 100 animals.

To organize an effectively operating farming enterprise that brings a decent profit, you need to start with.

Production plan. Sales of products

The farm's products are pigs in live weight. Selling pigs for meat usually does not cause any difficulties, especially in light of recent government programs to support domestic producers. The sale of young animals for breeding can be organized through the market to small private farms.


Since there are many empty farms in rural areas, it is not worth building a new pigsty - this will require a lot of money. The best option would be to rent or buy a ready-made premises. The next step is to repair and disinfect the premises, as well as equip it with various communications.

Among the necessary ones will be a heating system, the most economical option– direct combustion appliances (liquid fuel or gas). A ventilation system should also be provided as a necessary element to create a normal microclimate inside the farm. A manure removal system can be installed if funds allow.

It also serves to improve the microclimate and reduce labor costs. Besides, good conditions keeping animals is the basis for successful fattening. The pig farm must be warm, peace and quiet must be ensured, and daily ventilation is necessary.

Farm equipment

You will need to purchase special equipment for feeding pigs. There are two types of feeding - dry and liquid. About 80% of pig farms use dry feeding. This type of equipment is less expensive and easier to maintain than liquid feeding equipment.

A room equipped for dry feeding will have a higher sanitary and hygienic condition. Feed enters the premises from the bunker through feed pipes with a spiral; depending on the configuration of the building, a chain-washer conveyor can be used. Animal feed is supplied through a feed distribution system with dispensers for group feeding, or through regular feeders for individual feeding.

It will be necessary to purchase drinking bowls and machine equipment for keeping animals, and various zootechnical products. For a pig farm, it is advisable to buy feed loaders - special machines for transporting and loading bulk feed.

Farm staff

The more machines and mechanisms you use on your farm, the less staff you will need. Workers, a veterinarian, a livestock specialist, an accountant and a manager will be needed. The functions of a veterinarian and livestock specialist can be combined by one person with the appropriate education.

Purchase of pigs

According to the recommendations of experts, it is advisable to first purchase 300-350 heads. To avoid inbreeding and weakened offspring, it is better to purchase female and male specimens from different suppliers. Of the indicated number of heads there should be about 150 sows, 10 boars, the rest of the animals should be for fattening and sale.

Purchase of feed

A herd of 300-350 heads per year needs up to 35 tons of grain and up to 300 kilograms of special feed additives. It should be borne in mind that the weight gain of animals and, most importantly, their health will depend on the quality of feed. An incorrect diet will lead to a decrease in weight gain, the fattening period will have to be increased, which will lead to additional consumption of feed and, consequently, to an increase in production costs.

Special feeding formulations have been developed and are widely used, for example for young piglets or pregnant sows. You should be very careful when choosing a feed supplier. You can buy feed from factories or from pig breeders with extensive experience.

Financial part of the business plan

The cost of the equipment will be approximately 2 million rubles, its specific value will be determined by the level of farm mechanization you choose. It will also determine how many staff you need. To care for a herd of 300-350 heads, at least 7 people will be required. The salary of a veterinarian will be 20-25 thousand rubles, a pig farm - from 10 thousand rubles.

The cost of feed is approximate: bran - 60 rubles. for 20 kg, feed for young animals - 130 rubles. for 15 kg, for fattening pigs - 205 rubles. for 30 kg, mixtures for fattening bacon - 230 rubles. for 35 kg, etc. Feed must be purchased for at least two months; the cost of feed is approximately 70% of the total cost of the project.

If the premises are rented, the costs will range from 4-5 million rubles. In order to return the invested funds and make a profit, it will be necessary to sell meat products from two to three generations of pigs. Profitability on average is expected to be 25%, payback – from 3 to 4 years.

Do you have a desire to open your own farm? Wonderful! But desire alone is not enough. Need money. Need some advice. Helpers needed.

All this is in the “ready-made solution” of Rosselkhozbank, which was developed for you by dozens of experienced specialists. It includes: a loan to create a family dairy farm; seven examples standard projects farms to choose from; an example of drawing up a feasibility study for creating a family farm; the possibility of receiving subsidies to reimburse the cost of paying interest on the loan; the possibility of financing the costs of constructing infrastructure and communications for the farm at the expense of the subjects Russian Federation.

What is a family farm?

Within the framework of the Program, a family livestock farm means a farm owned and/or used by peasant (farm) farms created in accordance with Federal Law of June 11, 2003 No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farms”, whose members are related by kinship and/or property and jointly carry out production and other economic activities in the field of agriculture based on their personal participation. Farms can employ permanent (seasonal) workers of no more than five people to work on a family livestock farm. When farms with more than 100 animals participate in the Program, permanent (seasonal) workers of up to ten people can be hired.

Where can I get money for my participation in the project - 20%?

First of all, remember: you can contribute your own funds in stages. The first 10% is before the first loan is issued, the remaining 10% is until the farm is completed. Further: own funds may or may not be money! What does it mean? As its own participation in the project, Rosselkhozbank considers and takes into account property ( land plot, building, equipment, etc.) that you own and which will subsequently be used in the activities of the farm, as well as subsidies and subsidies received by you from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. To become a participant in such a program, you need to contact the governing body of the agro-industrial complex of your region. Your candidacy will be discussed and approved at a meeting of a special joint commission, which includes representatives of the governing bodies of the agro-industrial complex of the subject of the Federation, the Association of Farmers (AKKOR), Rosselkhozbank and Rosagroleasing.

For how long can I take out a loan?

Up to 15 years for the construction of a family dairy farm Up to 8 years for the purchase of agricultural machinery, specialized transport and special equipment for the farm Up to 8 years for the purchase of technological equipment to complete the family farm Up to 8 years for the creation of engineering infrastructure and communications (electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas supply, construction of roads and access roads), ensuring the maintenance of livestock Up to 5 years for the purchase of farm animals Up to 2 years for the formation of initial working capital. This could be a supply of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, feed, raw materials for processing, materials, GSLL, animals for fattening, etc.

● Call Rosselkhozbank hotline 8-800-200-02-90 (toll-free) or contact a branch or additional office of Rosselkhozbank at your place of residence.

● Get advice from a Rosselkhozbank employee and materials on a “ready-made solution”. Ask any questions, we will definitely help you!

● Determine what loans you need. Do not hurry. Your success will depend on how carefully you think through everything!

● Decide where you will get the money for your own participation in the project - 20% of its cost. This is a must! No ideas? Then read our recommendations (see above in the text). The family dairy farm project is all about money. And money requires careful handling. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the part that concerns the preparation of all necessary documents. You are offered: an example of drawing up a feasibility study (TES), a list of initial permits and options for design and estimate documentation (IRD and DED). Sounds confusing? It's really simple!

● We study seven variants of examples of a standard design documentation, select the appropriate one or offer our own.

● Following the example of a feasibility study (TES), we estimate the amount of necessary investments in the project, calculate financing options, profitability and payback period.

● We are drawing up a business plan for creating a farm.

● We are collecting a package of IRD: documents for land; construction documents; contracts; certificates of a self-regulatory organization.

● Having drawn up a business plan and decided on the cost of the project, we begin to prepare a set of documents for the commission and for the Bank to consider the issue of preliminary approval for a loan.

Family farm business plan.

The most important thing that needs to be written correctly is a business plan. Its main sections are given below. In this difficult matter, the Bank’s specialists also did all the main work for you.

Main sections of the business plan:

1. Information about you

2. Essence of the project

3. Time frames and stages

4. Financing scheme

5. Efficiency

BY THE WAY, AKKOR proposes to annually allocate grants of up to a million rubles per farm to beginning farmers on a competitive basis as starting capital. Of course, not enough. We need 3-5 million. You need loans, Rosselkhozbank will help you here. And we are working on creating a federal guarantee fund to help farmers who do not have collateral to work with banks.

We decide how we build: ourselves, or with the help of a construction company.

You can build a farm yourself, on your own, hiring workers for individual stages. Or you can hire a professional organization for the entire project at once. In both cases, Rosselkhozbank will support you! The first option will cost you less, but you will have to spend more time collecting and processing the IRD. In the second case, a construction company will take on part of this work, but this, of course, will cost additional money.

The IRD package must contain:

Certificate of ownership of your plot or lease agreement;

Development permits and cadastral plan;

Report on engineering and survey work on the site, technical conditions for connecting the farm to local utility networks;

General contract for the construction (reconstruction) of a farm, an agreement for engineering and survey work, an agreement for the provision of construction supervision services (technical supervision).

A self-regulatory organization can help you with many of the documents listed, i.e. in the company that will build you a farm, or carry out work on a construction site.

What is included in the feasibility study of a “ready-made solution” for a family farm?

  • Choice of loan terms
  • Automatic calculation: how much money you will receive at such and such a milk yield and such and such a selling price for the products of your farm.
  • Automatic calculation of loan payments Automatic calculation of subsidy amounts
  • Automatic calculations: costs of construction, equipment, machinery, animals, working capital, etc.
  • Plan for financing the project and achieving self-sufficiency. You only have one step left: correctly formalize and submit it to Rosselkhozbank Required documents.

First, the Bank gives preliminary approval for the possibility of providing a loan, and then makes a final decision on the transaction. Next, we will consider which documents are considered by the Bank and in what order. We will also provide information about government support to the future farmer.

● Having collected the documents, we submit them to the Russian Agricultural Bank to obtain preliminary approval and to the commission for selecting participants in an industry or regional program to support farmers.

● Are you included in the list of participants in the regional program and have you received preliminary approval from Rosselkhozbank? Yes! Then there's the last step left! Prepare documents for making a decision on the transaction and submit them to Rosselkhozbank. Details are below!

● Confirm the contribution of your own funds in cash in the amount of 10% of the total cost of the project. Remember that it is not necessary to bring “real” money to the Bank.

● Remember that until the completion of construction and completion of the farm, the total amount of the client’s own participation in the project must be 20%.

● Get a loan and start creating your farm. Oh, and don't forget about subsidies! 10% in cash and more! It is always worth remembering that you can contribute your own funds to the project not only with money, but also... with money already spent!

Namely, submit payment and cash settlement documents to the Bank confirming the expenses already incurred by you at the preparatory stage of the project.

And preliminary approval of your application by the Bank does not require much paperwork:

Application form

Financial statements

Business plan

Client registration confirmation

How can I replace the money in the down payment?

Costs for developing a business plan

Expenses for the creation of engineering infrastructure and communications facilities, other preparatory expenses for the project

Expenses for engineering and survey work

Construction and installation costs

Payment of advances under contracts for the purchase of machinery, equipment, livestock

Selection criteria for participants

Industry target program

The commission (which we discussed in Step 1) takes into account:

  • the presence of preliminary contracts or agreements of intent for the supply of milk with processors;
  • creation of additional jobs by you;
  • the location of your farm so that milk is transported for processing no more than 50 km away;
  • availability of a business plan and feasibility study;
  • absence of overdue obligations for payments to budgets and loans;
  • presence or economic justification creating your own feed base or concluding preliminary contracts for the supply of feed;
  • the age of the head of the farm should not exceed 55 years, and the average age of the members of the farm engaged in active agricultural work within the peasant farm is 40 years;
  • the willingness of the Program participant to conduct excursion and training master classes based on implemented pilot projects in order to transfer best practices in the functioning of pilot family dairy farms.

In order for the Bank to make a decision, prepare the documents correctly.

So, you and I are preparing for the Bank to consider the issue of financing our project.

You must first get pre-approval.

To do this, fill out an application form (it will be given to you at the Bank), provide financial statements for the last reporting year and as of the last reporting date of the current year, the farm’s business plan and documents confirming the client’s registration. The Bank looks at these documents and, if everything is fine, you move on to the second stage - prepare a package of documents for concluding a transaction. It's more serious here. Firstly, you will need a document confirming your inclusion in the agricultural producers who will receive government support. In addition - documents for land, constituent documents of your organization and documents confirming ownership of the property that you are pledging as collateral. Has the transaction been approved by the Bank? Congratulations! Next, the Bank itself prepares a set of agreements. You sign and, hurray! - Your dream of owning your own farm is starting to come true!

Heads of peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs, and agricultural consumer cooperatives can receive subsidies from the state for the creation of family dairy farms.

The state now considers the development of family dairy farms in Russia one of the most important tasks. Therefore, you will not be left alone with your problems. Moreover, when receiving a loan for purposes related to the creation of family farms, Bank borrowers can count on receiving government support. The state will reimburse you for part of the costs associated with paying interest on loans, which will reduce your expenses.

The state may partially compensate your expenses for paying bank interest on loans. How does this work? You apply for a loan from the Bank, and then prepare documents to receive a subsidy. As soon as your application is approved, the Bank will begin to receive funds into your account to pay part of the interest rate. Thus, by receiving a subsidy you can reduce the “real” interest rate on a loan up to 4-5%.

Agricultural producers are supported at both the federal and regional levels. Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have currently developed new special programs for small businesses, providing additional measures and conditions of state support. Be sure to check with your regional administration about the availability of such programs! Information about ways to receive subsidies is also open. It is available in any regional agricultural management body, in regional AKKOR organizations.

Participants in the target program of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture “Support for beginning farmers for the period 2012-2014” can apply for a grant to create a production base for peasant farms.

The grant size can be up to 1.5 million rubles. per beginning farmer. The amount of the grant is determined by the regional competition commission for the selection of beginning farmers.

The purposes for which the grant you received from the state can be spent (Read carefully! Surely these are your plans!):

Purchase of agricultural land;

Development of design and estimate documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings and premises;

Purchase, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers, structures;

Registration of production facilities;

Construction of roads and access roads to production and warehouse facilities;

Connection to utility networks - electrical, water, gas and heat networks, road infrastructure;

Purchase of farm animals;

Purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment, trucks, equipment and processing of agricultural products; - purchase of seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;

Purchase of fertilizers and pesticides.

REMEMBER, individual entrepreneurs - heads of peasant farms - can receive grants from the state to create farms and other forms of business in rural areas.

The subsidy can be up to 100% of the amount of interest on your loan.

How does this work? Everything is quite simple. The fact is that the state today is extremely interested in creating as much as possible more family farms, and supports those who want to start their own business with all their might.

Your expenses for paying interest on loans received from the Bank are subsidized by the state budget in the following order: - the state will return you interest on loans issued to create a farm in the amount of: 100% of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (at the expense of the federal budget) and 3 percentage points above the refinancing rate - at the expense of regional budgets.

Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation have also developed special programs for state support for small businesses, providing for additional forms and conditions of state support for the creation of family farms.

Be sure to check with your regional administration about the availability of such programs! This information is public. Moreover, it will help your business!

BY THE WAY, subsidies from the state are provided in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2009. No. 90 “On the distribution and provision in 2010 of subsidies from the federal budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received from Russian credit institutions and loans received from agricultural credit consumer cooperatives.”


● Find out which government organization in your region administers agro-industrial complex. Usually this is the Ministry of Agriculture or the Department of Agriculture

● Find out in the regional agro-industrial complex management body what documents need to be collected for subsidies and agree on when you will submit them.

● Collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the local agricultural authority (Ministry of Agriculture or Department of Agriculture).

● The state has established the most simplified procedure for receiving such subsidies. A decision on your issue will be made within 10 days.

● If a positive decision is made, funds to reimburse part of the costs are transferred to your current account opened with Rosselkhozbank. You can contact any branch of Rosselkhozbank in the Krasnodar Territory and receive free consultations by calling the hotline 8-800-200-02-90

The real story of the creation of the first family farm: Alexander Gulin, a 45-year-old farmer from the Mordovian village of Teplovka, became the first farmer in Russia to take out a loan to create a family dairy farm.

This was three years ago and now Alexander is ready to tell readers about his own invaluable experience. “It all started with a project competition held by our republican Ministry of Agriculture,” recalls Alexander.

I sent an application there and received a positive response. An important “plus” in my favor was the fact that the land on which I planned to build a farm was already my property.

Rosselkhozbank gave me my first loan - 9.3 million rubles, and helped me with all the paperwork. In just three months, a farm for 100 cows was built.

I bought German milking equipment from a supplier that has been working in our republic for a long time. Today, thanks the latest technologies, I get about 20 liters of milk per day from one cow. I supply milk to the regional center (they know it there and are willing to buy it), and I sell some of it to the local dairy plant.

In 2011, I began to repay the loan; before that, the Rosselkhozbank deferment was in effect. She was very helpful. The farm is already bringing in money, sales are established, and there is enough to pay off the loans.

There is also room for development - for example, last year the farm’s income amounted to 300 thousand rubles, which I invested in the development of production.

In five years, I plan to reach a stable profit “for myself.” And this is taking into account current plans for the development of the farm: construction of a maternity ward, organization of production of cottage cheese, sour cream, cheeses.

Material provided by the public relations service of the Krasnodar regional branch of OJSC Rosselkhozbank

If you want to get involved in agriculture, namely cattle breeding meat direction, read my article, maybe it will help you avoid making the mistakes that I made at the beginning of my journey. I didn’t draw up any business plans, projects, didn’t draw any diagrams, everything was built on its own from free space as money became available. Let me be honest, the work is very hard.

But, if you competently organize the process of fattening bulls, keeping them, and preparing feed, you can manage the entire farm alone, and if you have a spouse or able-bodied children, then even better. And don’t listen to those who say that fattening bulls is not a profitable business, that’s what lazy people and armchair experts say. Of course, you won’t get super profits from such a livestock, but it is quite possible to provide yourself with butter and sausage, fresh fruit in winter, and a good car.

There are three pillars on which a successful mini-farm should be built: start-up capital and a well-thought-out business plan, efficient and rational use of available land and maximum mechanization of all processes. When you come from afar, everything seems simple, but the closer you get, things that previously seemed simple become overgrown with a bunch of nuances that need to be taken into account.

So, first things first. As always, you need to start by drawing up a business plan based on your financial capabilities. This will help you understand whether you can achieve the desired production volumes on your own, whether you will have to take out a loan, or whether you should wait another year and save up some money. I still recommend starting small, at least in order to obtain initial data for drawing up a business plan. In particular, calculate how much feed is spent on one bull, what weight gain it gives, the price of feed, and of course the final benefit per head. To buy 50 bulls and feed for them at once, you need to be a millionaire. And you also need to build a cowshed, a hayloft, a grain warehouse, a summer pasture and other buildings, and this is not small money. A business plan and calculation of the profitability of a cattle farm deserves a separate article; read more here.

Now regarding the actual selection of a site and the construction of buildings on it. It is best to organize a farm in the outskirts, not far from some village, so that the neighbors can sleep better and, if something happens, there would be room to expand. However, with such a plot there will also be difficulties, firstly - communications (gas, electricity, internet, water), and secondly - they may force you to register a peasant farm, and this means taxes and unnecessary attention. You can organize a cattle farm on your own plot; 25 acres is quite enough for this. In many Russian villages, today you can buy a house with all communications, a large plot, developed rural infrastructure at a short distance from the city for quite reasonable money. Sometimes you come across plots of 50-90 acres, plus a residential building with gas heating, this option would be an ideal place for a home mini cattle farm.

After purchasing land, you need to plan the site on paper, where which building will stand. You can also first draw a plan and select a site based on it. On one bourgeois resource I found this diagram of a cattle farm:

In general, of course, everything is beautiful, a good, convenient, ergonomic plan, but it needs to be adapted to the realities of farming in Russia. Here you can find abandoned Soviet farms, with silos and barn buildings still intact, but requiring complete interior finishing. And the scale of those farms is also not suitable for our livestock. Therefore, I propose to build a farm from scratch.

So, what will we fix on this plan:

  • Let's remove the silo pits; small farms don't need them. Harvesting and preparing silage is a high-tech process; it requires appropriate equipment and experience, and a lot of time will be lost there.
  • As for the hayloft, it needs to be built high, and most likely it will be the largest building in terms of area on our farm. The hayloft must have a good roof, and the walls must be lined with at least corrugated sheeting or slate. We widely use the practice of storing hay in the open air; as a result, it gets exposed to water and snow. The top layer of hay rots and becomes unusable, which is not good. Also, pulling hay out from under a layer of snow in winter does not bring much pleasure. Therefore, it would be stupid to argue about the need for a hay barn on a cattle farm.
  • A grain warehouse and a feed preparation shop with a crusher and a feed mixer solve several problems at once: forage storage and feed preparation. We need to build at such a height that the body of a dump truck under the roof can rise, because carrying grain in bags and buckets in the quantities that we have to master, you won’t want any farm later.
  • It is not necessary to build a calf barn at the beginning, because it is just an additional barn. Of course, if in the future you plan to obtain your own livestock, then yes. In any case, you need to build a calf barn according to the principle of the main barn.
  • The main barn - what to build it from, what size, how to equip it inside - this is also the topic of a full-fledged separate article, read in detail here. In general, today many construction companies offer ready-made solutions in the form of farms from frame and tent hangars, but all of them do not inspire confidence, and they are also quite expensive. I advise you to build according to your design so that it is warm and comfortable.

Well, the last part is the maximum mechanization of work on the farm. This will help set up the work so that one person can handle everything. The most important issue on any livestock farm is manure removal. There are several ways to solve this problem: slatted floors and a self-alloying manure removal system, a manure removal system using conveyor belts, and the most simple one - take more, throw further while you fly to rest. IN Soviet time in barns, a conveyor belt with scrapers was most often used, which automatically raked cow manure into a pit at the edge of the barn, from which another conveyor belt loaded the manure either into a tractor cart or into a barrel.

One more point: the presence of equipment on the farm; our livestock will not need much. You definitely need to have a tractor on the farm; an MTZ-80 or T-40 is quite enough. The tractor must be equipped with a front loader with replaceable bucket and forks. You also need a cart that will be used to transport manure. In addition, you can purchase a mower and a baler for the tractor in order to make at least part of the hay yourself. It is also worth thinking about the presence of freight transport on the farm; a ZIL or GAZ-53 is quite enough for a small farm.

Perhaps this is all that I would advise you to focus on when building a cattle farm for meat production. Since tethered, non-walking conditions are planned, renting pastures and their improvement are not included here. However, having your own hayfields can significantly increase the profitability of fattening bulls.

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