What does deleted mean in contact? VKontakte: what does “Page deleted” mean? What does the word software mean?

I go to the person’s page, it’s empty and it says: “The user's page has been deleted. Information is not available" or “The page has been deleted or has not yet been created.” What does it mean? Who deleted the page? Why?

Who else could have deleted the page?

The page could be deleted by a person who has access to it (knowing the login and password). If the page was “hacked” by an attacker, that is, he obtained the login and password for it, taking advantage of the fact that the owner of the page did not care about security, then he could delete the page. But usually a “hacked” page is not deleted, but is simply used to send spam until it is blocked by the administration or until the owner restores access.

Could the VK administration delete the page?

The VK administration freezes pages for violating the rules (blocks them), but does not delete them. These are different concepts. The frozen page says that it is frozen, and the deleted page says that it has been deleted. Most likely, the page was deleted by its owner, who created it, or by the person who has the login and password for this page, if the page was “hacked”. Only in rare cases can a page be deleted by the administration: for example, if it turns out that a person impersonated another person using his photographs.

Why did the person delete the page?

This is his personal business. Sometimes pages are deleted in an emotional outburst, demonstratively, to prove something to someone (especially teenagers), or if some troubles happen, etc. Maybe a person just wants to take a break from VK and hasn’t found another way to do it. But very often people return to VK, restore the page or create a new one.

You can use the search - How to find a person on VKontakte to check if the person has created new page. Of course, you need to know who to look for - that is, the person’s first and last name. But he could create a fake page (with fake data), although this is prohibited by the site rules.

Will a person be able to restore the page?

An important point is that to restore the page you need to have access to the phone number to which it is linked. However, many users are so careless that they have long since changed their number without linking the new number to the VK page, and do not even remember what number they registered the page for. Therefore, difficulties may arise when restoring the page. The person may have to restore the SIM card or, if this is not possible, send a request to restore the page (all this is discussed in the instructions at the link above).

If the page says “The page has been deleted or has not yet been created,” this means that the restoration period has already passed, and this page will never be restored, even if its owner wants to do so.

How to contact a person if he deleted a page?

While the page is deleted, its owner cannot receive or send messages. Maybe he doesn't want you or anyone to text him right now. If he ever restores the page, then you can write to him. And if he created a new page, then you can search for this page by first name, last name, city, age, date of birth of the person and other parameters -

delete dɪˈli:t ch.
1) cross out, cut out;
exclude, eliminate (from) (about something written or printed) to delete a record ≈ computer. delete a record (from a database, from a file) to delete line ≈ delete a line Why have the names of the performers been deleted from the advertisements for the concert? ≈ Why did the names of performers disappear from concert posters? The offending passage has been deleted from the new printing of the book. ≈ The offensive passage has been removed from the new edition of the book. Syn: eliminate, erase, blot out, cut out
2) transfer destroy, liquidate;
leave no traces Syn: expunge, wipe out cross out, erase, erase - to * a word cross out a word - his name was *d from the list his name was crossed out / removed / from the list (special) erase, delete, destroy delete erase ~ cross out ~ cross out, erase ~ erase (from memory), leave no traces ~ eliminate ~ polygraph. wash ~ thu. delete ~ thu. delete ~ destroy

Large English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary. 2001.

Delete (SQL)

This term has other meanings, see Delete.

DELETE- in languages ​​like SQL, a DML operation for deleting records from a table. The criterion for selecting records for deletion is determined by the expression where. If the selection criterion is not defined, all records are deleted.

  • In DBMSs that support triggers, the Delete operation can cause them to fire;
  • If a table has foreign keys, all child records in the subordinate tables to be deleted must also be deleted to ensure referential integrity;
  • In DBMSs that support transactions, the execution of the Delete operation must be confirmed (COMMIT) or refuted (ROLLBACK) by calling the corresponding operations.


General command syntax:


The consequence of executing such a command will be to delete those rows from the table that meet the condition. However, the command does not return any result and, therefore, cannot be used as a parameter in the SELECT command.

Deleting records from multiple tables

To perform deletes on different tables, foreign keys must be set to cascade delete and update. This option will not work:


And this might work:

DELETE ab, b FROM Authors AS a, AuthorArticle AS ab, Articles AS b WHERE a.AuthID=ab.AuthID AND ab.ArticleID=b.ArticleID AND AuthorLastName="Henry";

Related commands

Deleting all records from a table in the presence of foreign keys and a transaction mechanism can take a long time. The TRUNCATE operation can be used to completely clear a table.

SQL Versions Keywords Related Articles Parts of ISO/IEC SQL Databases Concepts Objects SQL Keys DBMS Components
  • Data model
  • Relational
    • model
    • algebra
    • Normal form
    • Referential integrity
  • Hierarchical model
  • Network model
  • Object-oriented
  • Transaction
  • Journaling
  • Sectioning
  • Relationship (table)
  • Performance
  • Stored procedure
  • Trigger
  • Cursor
  • Index
  • Table space
  • Potential
  • Primary
  • External
  • Natural
  • Surrogate (artificial)
  • Superkey
  • DROP
  • Informix
  • Oracle Database
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Adaptive Server Enterprise
  • Teradata Database
  • Firebird
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Microsoft Access
  • Visual FoxPro
  • Linter
  • CouchDB
  • MongoDB
  • Cache
  • Query language
  • Query Optimizer
  • Query Execution Plan
  • Query Planner

What is deleted?

Dm vepru


Who is DELETED in contact?

Dm vepru

I'll tell you how I am very, VERY scary story about DELETED
There was a boy, his name was Del. And suddenly they started sending strange messages to Del on VKontakte, which only he saw and it was written there: &=13;
Del didn’t understand what this meant and soon terrible things started happening to his phone. That adj. not open, then the games are deleted, then his photos appear in galleries that he did not take. And then one day the VKontakte phone came on its own and turned on one incomprehensible audio recording. On the audio recording, a hissing could be heard and something was not clearly said. If you listen to it 13 times, yes yes 13, then you can hear the words.
Del did not hear clearly: you are Dead. After that, no one saw him with the phone.
A DELETED page appeared on Vkontakte

Who is deleted in contact????

this DELETED appears in friends without an invitation!!! when you go to his page it says that it has been deleted or has not yet been created!

Alibek Sailybaev

this is self-propagating spam that will scare you (scare you because your contact has been deleted) + this contact is not in the search engine, but it can appear in “messages” and send out all sorts of dangerous files

Dm vepru

I'll tell you kids a very, VERY scary story about DELETED
There was a boy, his name was Del. And suddenly they started sending strange messages to Del on VKontakte, which only he saw and it was written there: &=13;
Del didn’t understand what this meant and soon terrible things started happening to his phone. That adj. not open, then the games are deleted, then his photos appear in galleries that he did not take. And then one day the VKontakte phone came on its own and turned on one incomprehensible audio recording. On the audio recording, a hissing could be heard and something was not clearly said. If you listen to it 13 times, yes yes 13, then you can hear the words.
Del did not hear clearly: you are Dead. After that, no one saw him with the phone.
A DELETED page appeared on Vkontakte

In what cases can the Delete key be used?


What is the Delete key for? What does it mean?

The Delete key means deleting folders, text, after selection, everything that you delete with this key goes to the trash can if you use the shift+Delete combination? then it is deleted permanently.

Delete key used to delete information.

On the keyboard it is indicated as "Delete", "Del" or "x". This key is located next to the Enter key in 2 different places:

1) on the panel with the cursor control keys.

2) on the right numeric panel.

How it can be used:

1) If you need to delete a file or folder, you can do this using this key. Usually it is moved to the trash, but you can press Shift and Delete at the same time - in this case the file will be deleted permanently.

2) When you type text, you can use this key to delete the character that follows the cursor.

3) Combination Shift + Delete - cut.

4) Ctrl + Alt + Delete - in Windows operating systems, using this combination you can call the task manager.


The Delete key on the keyboard, on others its designation is usually Del, but in any case it is the same in meaning and will mean such a delete key. There are computer keyboards that have Del and Backspace on one button at the same time. The meaning of the Del button also depends on the text editing program you are working with, for example, and it can delete text or other characters exactly to the right of the cursor. If not in the editor, then you can delete a file, folder and other objects by going back to the previous page. So she can work too. But I somehow got more used to the mouse, I select and use Backspace. It turns out that someone is already used to what and it’s difficult to readjust.


This key is needed to delete something. The word Delete itself means in English. When using it, the information remains in the trash and will need to be removed from there later. However, there is an option in which you can erase everything permanently; to do this, you will need to use the key combination shift+Delete. After this, the information is completely erased, bypassing the trash can.

Help to

Sometimes the question arises - what is the Delete button for and how does it differ from the key with the image of an arrow turned to the left. After all, most users use this key to erase text.

The Delete key is necessary for combinations such as Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and also for erasing text that is to the right of the cursor, and not to the left, as the arrow button does.

You can delete a file with the “delete” key. It’s much faster. The delete key is used in conjunction with other keys, for example, ctrl+alt+del to open the task manager window. When editing text, you can select and delete it with this key.

The Delete button (pronounced "delit") translates as delete and that is how it is used. It partially performs the same function as the BackSpace key (the left arrow “←” located above the Enter key). That is, if you select text in a notepad or other text input field and press Del, the selected part of the text will disappear. The difference from the BackSpace key is that if you do not select text, but simply press these buttons, then BackSpace erases the character to the left of the text cursor, and Del to the right.

Master key 111

Delete is, first of all, deletion, if you select text and then type the key combination ctrl+alt+del, then it will be deleted irrevocably, the Delete key also performs the function of the BackSpace key, only in this case it is used for combinations, for example, by clicking shift+Delete you can delete a file completely irrevocably bypassing the basket.


In general, this key is necessary for erasing text from right to left, i.e. the one that is located after the cursor, and I also use it to delete files permanently (together with the Shift key), because I don’t need unnecessary data in the trash.

However, there are also other combinations that require this button.


  1. Simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Delete, I call the Task Manager when programs and applications freeze in order to cancel them.
  2. By pressing the Delete key I delete the selected text or the contents of cells in the table.

What does the word software mean?

Sorry I'm not a gentleman***

Software (pronunciation software is also acceptable) (software) - all or part of the programs, procedures, rules and related documentation of an information processing system (ISO/IEC 2382-1: 1993. Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 1: Fundamental terms).
Other definitions from international and domestic standards:
Computer programs, procedures and possibly related documentation and data related to the operation of a computer system (FCD ISO/IEC 24765. Systems and Software Engineering Vocabulary).
A set of information processing system programs and program documents necessary for the operation of these programs (GOST 19781-90).
Software is one of the types of software computing system, along with technical (hardware), mathematical, informational, linguistic, organizational and methodological support.
Academic fields of study software, is computer science, programming, software engineering.
In computer slang the word software is often used from English word software, which was first used in this sense in an article in the American Mathematical Monthly by Princeton University mathematician John W. Tukey in 1958.

Who is deleted in contact???? and got the best answer

Reply from Xobbit[active]
Deleted user, please ignore.

Answer from Art[expert]

Answer from BlackAndGreen[master]

Answer from 179 BPM[guru]
Ty is the one who deleted his page

Answer from Anastasia Donskova[newbie]
A page that does not exist, but at the same time it exists, that is, deleted, it is advised to remove them from friends, they say that some kind of virus can be caught.

Answer from Ѐita[newbie]
What if my brother died and recently I went to his page, everything was fine, but now it says DELETED and I can’t get to that page

Answer from Dm Vepru[newbie]
I'll tell you kids a very, VERY scary story about DELETED
There was a boy, his name was Del. And suddenly they started sending strange messages to Del on VKontakte, which only he saw and it was written there: &=13;
Del didn’t understand what this meant and soon terrible things started happening to his phone. That adj. not open, then the games are deleted, then his photos appear in galleries that he did not take. And then one day the VKontakte phone came on its own and turned on one incomprehensible audio recording. On the audio recording, a hissing could be heard and something was not clearly said. If you listen to it 13 times, yes yes 13, then you can hear the words.
Del did not hear clearly: you are Dead. After that, no one saw him with the phone.
A DELETED page appeared on Vkontakte

Answer from Indie cat[newbie]
This happened in one group too!

Answer from Yoanseth Shimmer[newbie]
Deleted user

Answer from Kirill Khlebutin[newbie]
it throws on my page when I go to it

Answer from Inna chtbitko[newbie]
I registered yesterday and can’t log in, what should I do?

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is deleted in contact????

If you accidentally or deliberately deleted your own page, and then changed your mind and decided to restore it, or someone hacked you and, having gained unauthorized access, deleted your personal account, then it can be returned and renewed within 7 months, starting from moment of deletion.

What to do if the VK page is deleted?

To restore your account data, you need to perform several steps:

  1. Go to the site social network VC.
  2. Use your old data (login and password) to log in.
  3. Enter the captcha code, which is shown as numbers and letters.
  4. In the open window, click on the hyperlink that says “Restore”.

If more than 7 months have passed since the VK page was deleted, what should I do?

If the period for restoring the page has expired, to restore it you will need to contact the technical support service of the social network or write a letter with a request to the email address [email protected]. The likelihood that they will help you is small, but it still exists.

The data restoration process may take some time as data is retrieved from archives and then restored. In addition, technical support may require confirmation of your rights to the page to make sure that it really belongs to you.

Why could the VKontakte page be deleted?

  • for sending spam (various invitations to groups or events that may pose a potential threat to your computer);
  • for obscene language (swearing, rudeness in public and groups);
  • for an avatar (the main photo of the page) that offends someone’s religious or political views, promotes violence, is pornographic, etc.;
  • for personal information that is offensive;

Your account can be deleted for various reasons. On the social network, you can report to any page from which spam, as well as various types of obscene, pornographic or shocking materials are sent. If there are a large number of complaints, moderators may block you.
There is always the opportunity to restore your personal page, unblock it and return it under your leadership.

Who is deleted in contact???? and got the best answer

Reply from Xobbit[active]
Deleted user, please ignore.

Answer from Art[expert]

Answer from BlackAndGreen[master]

Answer from 179 BPM[guru]
Ty is the one who deleted his page

Answer from Anastasia Donskova[newbie]
A page that does not exist, but at the same time it exists, that is, deleted, it is advised to remove them from friends, they say that some kind of virus can be caught.

Answer from Ѐita[newbie]
What if my brother died and recently I went to his page, everything was fine, but now it says DELETED and I can’t get to that page

Answer from Dm Vepru[newbie]
I'll tell you kids a very, VERY scary story about DELETED
There was a boy, his name was Del. And suddenly they started sending strange messages to Del on VKontakte, which only he saw and it was written there: &=13;
Del didn’t understand what this meant and soon terrible things started happening to his phone. That adj. not open, then the games are deleted, then his photos appear in galleries that he did not take. And then one day the VKontakte phone came on its own and turned on one incomprehensible audio recording. On the audio recording, a hissing could be heard and something was not clearly said. If you listen to it 13 times, yes yes 13, then you can hear the words.
Del did not hear clearly: you are Dead. After that, no one saw him with the phone.
A DELETED page appeared on Vkontakte

Answer from Indie cat[newbie]
This happened in one group too!

Answer from Yoanseth Shimmer[newbie]
Deleted user

Answer from Kirill Khlebutin[newbie]
it throws on my page when I go to it

Answer from Inna chtbitko[newbie]
I registered yesterday and can’t log in, what should I do?

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who is deleted in contact????

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