What to take for an upset stomach. Diarrhea in an adult (diarrhea) - what to do, treatment. The feasibility of traditional treatment of peptic ulcers


If you are faced with the problem of constipation and diarrhea, you can say that it is an intestinal disorder. This syndrome occurs due to various reasons - poor nutrition, stress, pathogenic influence of microorganisms. You can diagnose the disease yourself or with the help of a specialist. To cure an intestinal disorder, complex therapy with drugs and folk remedies, special diet.

What is intestinal disorder

In medical terminology, intestinal disorder means a condition in which the patient suffers from prolonged abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits. A manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome, or “bear disease,” is painful constipation or intense diarrhea. The disease requires careful diagnosis and selection of individual treatment, because without therapy complications are possible - dehydration, exhaustion.


The pathology of abdominal and intestinal disorders is manifested by the following characteristic symptoms and signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen after eating;
  • excessive gas formation, flatulence, bloating;
  • "bloating" of the stomach, a feeling of heaviness;
  • diarrhea, constant urge to defecate;
  • rumbling in the stomach after eating;
  • fever, weakness, nausea;
  • change in color, character of stool, urine.

Causes of intestinal disorder

Doctors name the following reasons for the occurrence of stomach and intestinal problems in adults:

  • Not proper nutrition– bad foods, fatty, spicy, heavy foods, sometimes just new ones, affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections, viruses, bacteria that have entered the body and digestive tract after communicating with sick people, eating contaminated food;
  • dysbacteriosis – changes in intestinal microflora;
  • stress, fatigue, nervous environment, fear.

The child has

More susceptible to disorder than others intestinal tract children. The reasons may be poor nutrition and unhealthy psycho-emotional environment. How younger child, the more dangerous the disorder is for him. In infants, intestinal distress can lead to severe dehydration, which affects the functioning of the heart and brain. In addition, the cause of intestinal disease can be fear of defecation.

During pregnancy

A common condition in pregnant women is a functional disorder of the abdomen, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. If chronic bowel problems, constipation or diarrhea occur, changes in hormonal levels, general restructuring of the functioning of systems and organs, growing intra-abdominal pressure, poor nutrition. The combination of these factors influences Negative influence on the intestines, and the disorder is exacerbated by a large amount of food taken, fatty, spicy foods, foods with cabbage, legumes or baked goods.


Before treating an intestinal disorder, the doctor identifies the causes of the disease. The doctor asks questions about the duration of the illness, the presence of symptoms, diet, lifestyle, employment, intake medicines. This information helps determine the direction of diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for intestinal dysfunction.

Instrumental confirmation of the disorder includes ultrasound, x-ray, fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The latter is an informative research method - during it, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the intestines and takes a piece of tissue for a biopsy. This helps to understand the clinical picture, because some symptoms of an intestinal disorder may not appear immediately.

Ancillary methods for diagnosing intestinal disease include laboratory tests of blood, urine, and stool. They help identify the infection that caused diarrhea and detect traces of blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract, duodenum or other parts of the intestine. After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, what symptoms appear, and the individual characteristics of the patient.


What to do if you have an intestinal disorder must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the cause of the disease. The main methods of therapy are:

  • changing the diet, giving up bad habits - the patient is recommended to eat in small frequent portions, give up fried, spicy, foods that cause increased gas formation;
  • taking medications for the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder - these will be antacids, alginates, suspensions;
  • restoration of regular intestinal microflora with medications.

Medicines for intestinal disorders

The doctor decides what to take if you have an intestinal disorder. The following categories of medicines are distinguished:

  1. For first aid - Activated carbon, Smecta and enterosorbents. They absorb toxins that enter the intestines and eliminate the problem.
  2. Loperamide - a remedy emergency assistance, which can be used without diagnosing the cause of the disease. The drug acts quickly, but is not suitable for children under three years of age.
  3. Antidiarrheals – Imodium, Cerucal.
  4. To restore microflora - Bactisubtil, Linex, Hilak Forte, Probifor, Bifistim. The products contain a suspension of bacteria beneficial to the intestines, which in the process of action kill pathogenic microorganisms of the rectum, produce vitamins and restore normal intestinal microflora.
  5. Antiviral drugs– Arbidol-Lance, Kipferon candles.
  6. Preventing dehydration - Regidron, Trihydron, Gidrovit. They restore the loss of vital substances and normalize the acid-base balance.


If an intestinal disorder causes fever and dehydration, but the cause is not a virus, antibiotics can be used. They are prescribed by the doctor depending on the age and course of the disease. Popular remedies for eliminating the disorder are:

  • Rifaximin is a non-systemic action, safe even for pregnant women and children, its group includes Vancomycin, Bacitracin, Ramoplanin, Neomycin;
  • Cefix, Cefixime - suspension and tablets are suitable for sick children with a mild condition;
  • Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Erythromycin - not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Alpha Normix, Amoxicillin – none side effects;
  • Lekor – suspension for infants up to six months;
  • Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole - for acute disorders of the intestinal tract.

Folk remedies

If the disease proceeds sluggishly, calmly, without exacerbations, you can try a folk remedy for intestinal disorders using herbs. Here are some recipes:

  • taking a decoction of a mixture of marshmallow root, wild rosemary flowers and leaves;
  • a glass of hot strong tea with four teaspoons of sugar and half a glass of fresh grape juice from sour berries;
  • A decoction of burnet root has a bactericidal and astringent property, which for intestinal disorders should be taken five times a day, a tablespoon diluted in a quarter glass of water;
  • the collection of marshmallow root, St. John's wort, red rowan fruits is poured with boiling water, after an hour it is drunk four times a day, before taking the broth must be filtered;
  • For children over one year old, it is useful to prepare carrot puree soup from carrots, onions, potatoes, flour and butter; it will ease the work of the intestines.

Diet for intestinal upset

To alleviate the patient’s condition after an upset stomach and intestines, doctors recommend following a diet and switching to proper nutrition. Here are the main recommendations:

  • there are steamed or boiled dishes;
  • if upset, give preference to soups and non-dairy cereals;
  • ban on salt abuse;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • in case of exacerbation of diseases of the intestinal tract, you can drink only tea and cocoa without milk, a lot of water;
  • it is allowed to take acidophilus milk, fresh low-fat hard cheese, three-day kefir, sour cream;
  • you can eat non-food products, slightly dried crackers, buns, wheat or gray bread (this will provide the body with fiber);
  • of fats, preference should be given to fresh butter, melted and olive;
  • it is allowed to eat one boiled egg per day, eat soups in low-fat broths with cereals, noodles, pureed lean meat;
  • it is allowed to take lean veal, beef, lean fish, steamed cutlets, meatballs, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina porridge;
  • puddings are allowed, vegetable purees, steamed vegetable cutlets, young zucchini, boiled cabbage, berry jelly;
  • You can drink juices diluted with water in half;
  • exclude butter dough, fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, marinades, canned food, carbonated drinks, ice cream;
  • You cannot eat fresh fruits and vegetables, millet, barley porridge, barley, coffee and tea with milk, horseradish, mustard, seasonings, mushrooms, legumes and chocolate.


To prevent the causes of intestinal disorder, prevention of the occurrence of the disease is required. These include:

  • increasing stress resistance;
  • getting rid of alcohol, fatty, spicy foods;
  • overeating and unsystematic malnutrition should not be allowed;
  • physical exercise, playing sports.

Video: bowel dysfunction

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Every person has experienced an upset stomach at least once in their life. Such a pathological process is accompanied by a number of symptoms and can be triggered by many factors. If stomach upset recurs periodically, it is important to identify the provoking factor and begin treatment in order to prevent dangerous consequences.

What is indigestion

Stomach upset is associated with disturbances in its functions due to the influence of provoking factors. In this case, the organ can remain completely healthy, but sometimes pathological changes are present. An upset stomach can occur with a malfunction of one or more functions: secretory, motor, digestive.

The stomach is the organ where digestion occurs

Violations occur for various reasons: under the influence of external factors, in the presence of diseases of other gastrointestinal organs, damage to the mucous membrane during alcohol abuse, the occurrence of tumors and a sudden change in diet. A pathological condition can occur when there is a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. According to statistics, men face this problem more often than women.

Interesting fact: Scientists have found that indigestion can occur against the background of a number of mental illnesses. People who are prone to anxiety and stress often face the problem of indigestion. The more unstable the psyche, the higher the likelihood of such a pathology.

Types of pathology

Indigestion can be functional or organic. However, the symptoms are often similar. In the first case, we are talking about diseases of other organs, as well as external irritants that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. With functional disorders, there is an increase or decrease in the secretion of hydrochloric acid under the influence of factors such as diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestines, etc.

Additionally, motility may suffer, and food is retained in the stomach, which contributes to the occurrence of fermentation processes. Functional disorders can appear with increased anxiety, taking medications and exposure to other factors not related to gastric pathologies. During endoscopic examination, the organ looks absolutely healthy.

In organic disorders, the cause of symptoms is any disease of the stomach associated with inflammation, disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane, or the formation of tumors, cysts, or polyps.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa detected during endoscopic examination indicates the presence of organic pathology

Interesting fact: suspicious people, accustomed to “making mountains out of molehills,” more often than others suffer from stomach problems. At the same time, during a period of increased anxiety, a release of hydrochloric acid occurs, which provokes a number of unpleasant symptoms. The dependence of hypersecretion of gastric juice on experiences and severe stress was revealed.

Causes and provoking factors

Causes and provoking factors:

  • errors in the diet: abuse of fatty, fried foods, fast food and spicy dishes;
  • taking certain medications: hormonal, glucocorticosteroid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, painkillers, etc.;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • a large amount of stress, as well as anxiety disorders, depression, etc.;
  • work in hazardous conditions;
  • increased mental and physical stress.

Junk food with a lot of fats and seasonings is the main trigger for indigestion.

The high-risk group includes older people, people with immunodeficiency, as well as schoolchildren and students who often eat dry food.

What diseases are accompanied by indigestion?

Diseases and pathological conditions that are accompanied by indigestion:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with increased and decreased secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • erosion of the gastric mucosa;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • benign and malignant tumors of the liver and pancreas;
  • colitis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses;
  • brain tumors;
  • reflux disease.

Many stomach diseases, including inflammatory ones, are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is resistant to hydrochloric acid. The microorganism penetrates the mucous membrane and multiplies quickly. Early detection of such a pathogen and timely treatment will protect against such dangerous diseases as ulcers and stomach cancer.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of indigestion vary, they can be mild or characterized by severe manifestations. Main signs of pathology:

  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • and a burning sensation in the stomach;
  • hunger pains;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stool disorders;
  • belching;
  • abdominal cramps.

Stomach pain is the most common symptom of functional disorders

Often, an increase in symptoms is associated with the influence of a provoking factor: taking medications, stress, errors in diet, etc.

People with stomach disorders are often emotionally unstable, easily excitable, and prone to mood swings. If symptoms arise against the background of VSD, then such patients almost always have cold extremities and pale skin. Often patients with gastrointestinal disorders of a psychogenic nature tend to exaggerate the signs of pathology and often suspect they have dangerous diseases.

SOS signals from the stomach - video

Effective diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methods to identify the cause of indigestion:

  1. FGDS. Diagnostics using an endoscope is considered the most reliable and informative research method, allowing to detect even minor changes in the structure of the mucous membrane. This method is based on the introduction into the stomach through the esophagus of a thin probe with a camera at the end. This reflects a detailed picture of the condition of the organ, including the presence of inflammation, ulcers, polyps or tumors.
  2. Palpation and survey. The first method of these allows you to identify the presence of an inflammatory process, which is indicated by the presence of pain when you gently press your fingers on the stomach area. Using a survey, the doctor tries to identify provoking factors, including emotional lability, exposure to stress, poor diet, etc.
  3. Blood and urine tests. They are used as an auxiliary diagnostic method to determine associated abnormalities. Additionally, blood is often taken for Helicobacter pylori.
  4. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to determine structural changes in the stomach. This method helps to identify ulcerative lesions and tumors. This technique is one of the most expensive and informative, but at the same time painless.

A person with complaints of indigestion should visit a therapist, gastroenterologist, psychotherapist and neurologist.

Treatment methods

This pathological condition can be eliminated with the help of integrated approach to therapy. Drug treatment, folk remedies and a diet are used to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. In severe cases, when the provoking factor is a polyp, tumor or other types of neoplasms, surgical intervention is prescribed. When a psychogenic factor is identified, appropriate therapy is important, which may include individual sessions with a psychotherapist or group trainings.

Attention! Treatment should begin only after the cause of the stomach upset has been identified. Self-therapy is dangerous, as harmless symptoms may hide a serious illness.

What to do if you have indigestion - video

Drug therapy

Groups of medications used for treatment:

  1. Proton pump inhibitors: Nolpaza, Omez, Emanera, etc. Used for increased secretory activity. This line of drugs reduces the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach glands. As a result, heartburn and a burning sensation in the upper abdomen disappear. Such medications promote healing of the gastric mucosa.
  2. Antacids: Maalox, Gastal, Rennie, etc. Neutralize the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane, have an enveloping effect, eliminating heartburn and hunger pains. Such medications are prescribed for gastric ulcers and reflux esophagitis.
  3. Antiemetics: Motilium, Cerucal, etc. This group of medications affects the corresponding part of the brain, eliminating nausea and promoting the movement of food from the stomach to the intestines.
  4. Motility regulators: Trimedat, Ganaton, etc. Normalize the functioning of the stomach, preventing the development of congestion. Such drugs help move food through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Sedatives: Persen, Novopassit, etc. Used to reduce emotional lability, eliminate the effects of stress and improve sleep. These medications have a mild sedative effect and are prescribed in the presence of a psychogenic factor.
  6. Antibiotics: Clarithromycin, Amoxiclav, etc. Prescribed to destroy the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Often such medications are used in combination with proton pump inhibitors.
  7. Enzymatic: Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin, etc. Prescribed for concomitant diseases of the pancreas, in which digestion is impaired. Enzymes help break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, preventing nausea and heaviness in the stomach.

During the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, it is important to avoid alcohol-containing drinks, which provoke irritation of the mucous membrane and create a load on the liver and pancreas.

Indigestion accompanies me quite often, as I have chronic gastritis. During exacerbations, a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, nausea, hunger pain and cramps occur. At this time, I take antacids (Gastal or Maalox) or proton pump inhibitors (Nolpaza) for two weeks. The first drugs help quickly, but the symptoms return literally after 3 hours, but the second ones allow you to get rid of unpleasant sensations for almost 24 hours. I take one tablet in the morning and after an hour there is no pain. Additionally, during exacerbations, I follow a diet, try to eat often, but little by little, and also take enzyme preparations to improve digestion. Usually after 2-3 weeks of such therapy, all symptoms disappear.

Medicines used for treatment - photo gallery

Nolpaza blocks the release of excess hydrochloric acid Maalox neutralizes hydrochloric acid, relieving heartburn Motilium eliminates nausea and vomiting Trimedat eliminates spasms and normalizes motor skills
Amoxiclav is used in combination with other drugs to destroy Helicobacter pylori Persen eliminates increased anxiety Mezim improves digestion

Diet food

To eliminate this pathological condition It is necessary to follow a diet that involves avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods. In addition, coffee, fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, chocolate, marinades, carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned food and processed foods should be excluded from the menu. It is recommended to cook food exclusively by steaming or baking. In the menu you need to include:

  • lean soups;
  • boiled fish and chicken;
  • dairy products;
  • jelly;
  • vegetable stew;
  • bananas;
  • cereal porridge;
  • Lenten cookies;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • crackers;
  • pasta;
  • eggs in the form of an omelet or boiled.

Meals should be fractional. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Salt should be consumed in limited quantities, no more than 7 g. In this case, you should drink a sufficient amount of clean water, up to 1.5 liters per day. Overeating and, conversely, too long gaps between meals should not be allowed. Stick to dietary nutrition needed for 4 weeks, then you can gradually expand the menu.

It is important to know that stomach upset can be caused by food that is too hot or, conversely, cold food such as ice cream. Dishes must be warm.

During exacerbations, I try not to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, with the exception of bananas and persimmons. I prefer vegetable stews, first courses and porridges. When a burning sensation in the stomach or heartburn occurs, then I prepare jelly with a minimal amount of sugar, which helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms due to its consistency. I also recommend eating fruits only 1 hour after the main meal, otherwise you can provoke an even greater increase in symptoms, which has been tested from personal experience.

What should be included in the menu - photo gallery

Lenten soup can be eaten with croutons Boiled fish contains omega-3 acids
Boiled chicken can be combined with vegetable stew Fermented milk products and eggs contain a lot of protein Kissel coats the stomach and prevents heartburn
Vegetable stew is easily digested and does not cause fermentation processes Bananas contain heart-healthy potassium
Cereals improve digestion
Lenten cookies do not cause stomach pain Bread should be dried or purchased without yeast
Crackers can be eaten instead of bread Pasta can only be consumed from durum wheat

Folk remedies

Effective recipes traditional medicine to help with indigestion:

  1. Anti-inflammatory infusion. You will need chamomile, calendula and oregano in equal parts. 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials need to be poured with 400 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Then filter with gauze and take 100 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. This infusion eliminates stomach pain and promotes tissue regeneration.
  2. Potato juice. You will need 1 small tuber, which needs to be peeled and grated. Squeeze out the resulting pulp using gauze. The juice should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day. It is important to do this immediately after receiving it, since this traditional medicine cannot be stored. The course of treatment is 10 days. Potato juice not only relieves heartburn, but also helps normalize digestion.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. This effective remedy can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is effective for gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases. Promotes healing of the mucous membrane when taken regularly. You need to consume the oil on an empty stomach, 1 tsp. Only 30 minutes after this you can start breakfast. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.
  4. Infusion for nausea and heaviness in the stomach. You will need peppermint. It can be brewed both fresh and dry. In total you will need 1 tbsp. l., which you need to pour 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Then filter with gauze and take 150 ml 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals for a week.
  5. Honey and milk. This remedy is suitable for people suffering from heaviness in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. Milk in the amount of 300 ml needs to be slightly warmed and add 1 tsp. honey. Mix everything and drink before bed 1 hour after eating. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Traditional recipes are not able to eliminate the cause of the pathological condition, therefore they are not a panacea and do not replace drug treatment.

During exacerbations I use potato broth. It's very easy to prepare. I peel a couple of potatoes and throw them into the water. I cook until the tubers become soft. Then I either fish out the potatoes or crush them with a fork right in the pan. Then I add a little salt and, after waiting for it to cool down a little, drink it 30 minutes before meals. This simple remedy helps me with cramps and burning in my stomach.

Ingredients for traditional medicine recipes - photo gallery

Chamomile relieves stomach cramps
Calendula relieves inflammation Oregano improves digestion Potatoes relieve heartburn Sea buckthorn oil accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane Honey and milk help with gastritis Peppermint relieves nausea

Forecast and consequences

For stomach disorders not associated with the presence of malignant tumors, the prognosis is quite favorable. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and adhere to the diet, the symptoms will disappear over time. If you have an unhealthy diet and lack of necessary therapy, you may encounter consequences such as:

  • ulcer perforation;
  • stomach cancer;
  • transition of gastritis to an erosive form;
  • association with other gastrointestinal diseases.

Complications can also occur in those people who abuse alcohol due to indigestion. Such individuals are at high risk of developing ordinary gastritis into an ulcer. If a mucosal defect is already present, the likelihood of bleeding increases.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent stomach upsets, you must follow these rules:

  1. Be less nervous and, if possible, avoid stress, as well as mental and physical overload.
  2. Eat right, avoid fast food and other junk food.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol.
  4. Stop smoking.
  5. Strengthen immunity.
  6. If you have nervousness and depression, resort to treatment for these diseases in a timely manner.
  7. Don't ignore the first ones alarming symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Do not take NSAIDs or other medications without a doctor's prescription. If you have gastritis or other stomach diseases, you should read the instructions for the drug to avoid adverse reactions.
  9. Do not eat dry food and do not take long breaks between meals.
  10. When eating, do not mix incompatible ingredients.

Attention! The best way to prevent stomach upsets is to wash your hands and thoroughly clean fruits, vegetables and herbs before eating.

Stomach upset can be eliminated using a comprehensive approach to treatment and following special rules. If you neglect the doctor’s recommendations, you can provoke a number of complications. To prevent this, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist if you experience gastrointestinal symptoms that recur periodically.

Meanwhile, if a patient comes to me with complaints about an upset stomach, I have no choice but to tell him: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich. There is a difference between what you consider an upset stomach and what I think. Let’s just Let's talk about how you feel."

Let's look at the causes of anxiety related specifically to the stomach. Stomach upsets can be described as symptoms in which there is a disruption in the basic functions of the stomach, such as moving food and producing glandular secretions to digest it. This is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, bloating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, heartburn, belching of air, regurgitation, vomiting.

Highlight functional and organic disorders of the stomach. In case of organic disorders, examination can find the specific cause of the dysfunction. For example, an ulcer in the wall of the stomach. In case of functional disorders, no obvious cause can be identified. It should be noted that functional disorders are quite common and occur in approximately a third of the population.

Causes of indigestion

The causes of functional disorders are acute and chronic stressful situations, lack of diet, long breaks in eating, overeating, imbalanced diet (consuming excess fatty, fried, spicy, sweet foods), as well as a sudden change in diet and abuse of unusual exotic foods.

Alcohol consumption and smoking play a significant role. Alcohol has a direct irritant effect on the gastric mucosa. Smoking, in addition, contributes to insufficient blood supply to the walls of the stomach due to general vasospasm under the influence of nicotine.

External factors such as ionizing radiation and climate change contribute.

Diseases accompanied by indigestion

Organic diseases, as already mentioned, have a very specific basis for gastrointestinal disorders. And all of the above factors only contribute to this. First of all, I would note the infectious factor. It has been established that almost 30% of the population is infected with Helicobacter pylori. This is a bacterium discovered in 1983 by a group of Australian scientists (for which, by the way, they even Nobel Prize got). It has been proven that it is the main cause of gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenum. The fact is that this microbe has learned to adapt to the most powerful defense of the stomach - hydrochloric acid. It produces an enzyme that destroys it around the bacterium. After which it penetrates under the mucous membrane of the stomach and multiplies there. And the mucous membrane damaged by such an invasion is very vulnerable and is easily subject to inflammation and the formation of ulcers.

Treatment of this infection is long-term, multi-component, but effective. True, this does not prevent re-infection.

Let's consider the most frequent illnesses stomach, arising under the influence of these factors. These are GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), Gastritis (chronic and acute), peptic ulcer of the stomach and/or duodenum.

GastroesophagealReflux Disease This is a condition in which stomach contents back up into the esophagus. Hydrochloric acid has a damaging effect on the unprotected mucous membrane of the esophagus, causing inflammation and the formation of ulcers. What distress does the patient feel? He is worried about heartburn, which gets worse after eating, drinking carbonated drinks and alcohol; belching and regurgitation, as well as pain behind the sternum when swallowing food. The main reason is weakening of the muscles at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach, the lower esophageal sphincter. This is a group of muscles that, like a tightly compressed ring, normally allows food to pass in only one direction. If the ring is not compressed tightly, then with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (with flatulence, pregnancy, pathology of other organs), or with an increase in pressure in the stomach itself (with overeating, abuse of carbonated drinks, with increased tone muscles at the exit of their stomach), food, along with gastric juice, is thrown back into the esophagus.
Chronic gastritis in 90% of cases is caused by Helicobacter pylori. In this case, pain appears in the projection of the stomach while eating, loss of appetite, belching and heartburn, and sometimes anemia.

Appearance peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, in addition to Helicobacter pylori, contribute to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, taking painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, analgin and others), and a decrease in the protective factors of the body in general and the mucous membrane in particular, as described above. There are complaints of pain in the upper half of the abdomen (sometimes very strong, cutting, “dagger-like”), “hungry” pain, night pain, nausea and vomiting, pallor and darkening of the stool. The most dangerous complication of a peptic ulcer is considered to be perforation of the ulcer (that is, the appearance of a through defect in the wall of the stomach, and bleeding, which can be quite severe. A long-term ulcer, due to the fact that it is constantly irritated by gastric juice and food, is prone to degeneration to cancer. Therefore, if you have any suspicions, be sure to see a doctor.

Structure gastrointestinal tract

Examination for stomach disorders

The doctor’s main weapon when making a diagnosis in the case of stomach diseases is FibroesophagoGastroDuodenoScopy(FGDS). This is a visual research method in which, using an optical device, you can see the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum and take a small piece of the mucous membrane for analysis. People call this “swallowing a light bulb.” The research method is very reliable, safe, and accessible. Based on the data obtained from FEGDS, a diagnosis is made, and therefore treatment is prescribed. In case of functional states of organs, the doctor will see an absolutely normal picture; with organic ones - inflammation, ulcers, weak muscle function, and cancer at a very early stage. A biopsy, which is performed at the same time, will help further clarify the diagnosis. The doctor will take a piece of tissue from the most suspicious area and examine it under a microscope.

General blood analysis can tell you a lot. For stomach disorders, it will help identify signs of inflammation and anemia. Sometimes, to rule out gastrointestinal bleeding, it is necessary to check the stool for occult blood. To identify Helicobacter pylori, a breath test is performed or blood is taken to determine antibodies to this bacterium.

Diseases of the stomach must also be distinguished from diseases of organs not related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, pain in the epigastric region may be the first sign of myocardial infarction. In this case, the pain is not associated with food intake, but depends directly on the presence and intensity physical activity. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will order an ECG and immediately send the patient to the hospital. It should be noted that some drugs used for diseases of the cardiovascular system are contraindicated in patients with stomach diseases. Therefore, you should entrust treatment issues to a professional.

Pain in the projection of the stomach can also appear with a diaphragmatic hernia. But more often the pain appears behind the sternum, without strict frequency, but is associated with eating. A burning sensation appears in the esophagus and behind the sternum during and immediately after eating. Often in this case the pain is felt in the back and left shoulder. To clarify this diagnosis, an x-ray examination is required.

Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders

The treatment tactics for stomach diseases are determined by the doctor based on the examination and examination results. How can you help yourself before visiting a specialist? First, give up bad habits. Secondly, adherence to diet and nutrition. Meals should be regular, small portions, but frequent. You should avoid foods that cause increased juice formation in the stomach, such as rich broths, fish soup, fried meat, coffee, etc. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing a lot of fiber, as well as those containing acids and irritants (cabbage, turnips, radishes, sorrel, onions, radishes, sour fruits and berries, mushrooms, etc.). Cooking methods should also be as gentle as possible. Preference should be given to steamed, boiled, or, in extreme cases, stewed food with a liquid and mushy consistency. We exclude very cold and very hot dishes.

Of the non-medicinal methods for treating stomach diseases, I would say that the most effective method is an infusion or decoction of flaxseed. Having an enveloping effect, this folk remedy soothes pain without causing increased gas formation or constipation.

Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor. Each of them has contraindications and side effects, doses are also selected individually. Before seeing a doctor, you can take drugs from the antacid group (Almagel, Maalox, Gaviscon) once. Be sure to stop taking painkillers!

If your doctor has diagnosed erosive gastritis or peptic ulcer, be prepared for long-term treatment. As described above, the main culprit of the disease (Helicobacter pylori) is a bacterium. This infection responds well to antibiotics. But due to its location in the submucosal layer, not all drugs can reach there. Therefore, the treatment regimen includes at least 2 antibiotics, which will need to be taken for about two weeks. There are several standard regimens that the doctor uses depending on the specific picture of the disease. Their effectiveness ranges from 70 to 98%.

I repeat that self-medication without a doctor assessing the severity of the patient’s condition may be unsafe. Only a doctor can distinguish a functional disease from an organic one. Minimal symptoms may hide an ulcer or cancer. Oncological diseases detected at an early stage are completely cured. Peptic ulcer disease, in case of complications, can lead to death due to bleeding when the ulcer ruptures, when it perforates (breaks through) into the abdominal cavity and develops peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum).

Which doctor should I consult for stomach upsets?

The diseases listed above are within the competence of a general practitioner and a gastroenterologist (a specialist in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

Immediate contact with a specialist is required if the intensity of the pain increases, uncontrollable vomiting appears, if there is blood in the vomit, or black loose stool appears. All this is a sign of gastrointestinal bleeding. You should also see a doctor if the pain is prolonged, difficult to relieve with commonly taken medications, and accompanied by weakness and weight loss.

I note that you should not underestimate the symptoms of stomach disease. Any pain and discomfort is a signal of a malfunction of the organ. If the cause of indigestion is not eliminated, the entire digestive cycle is disrupted. In the stomach, food is not sufficiently digested, therefore, the load on the intestines increases. He receives food fragments that are coarser than usual, which can injure his walls, change the production of intestinal enzymes, etc.

As O. Khayyam wrote: “... It’s better to starve than to eat anything...”. Take care of your stomach.

General practitioner Nalivaykina Anna Mikhailovna

Indigestion is a disease that is considered one of the most common disorders of the intestinal tract in our time. It is also known by another name - dyspepsia. Almost every third representative of the adult population complains of disorders of this type. It implies a violation of the basic functions of the organ, manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of indigestion

Stomach upset can occur due to other illnesses.

This disease can arise from the most various reasons. So, some people suffer from indigestion after quick snacks or after some unexpected interruptions in their diet. Other patients note the occurrence of dyspepsia against the background of certain stomach diseases:

  • gastritis

Dyspepsia can also appear as a result of taking various medications that affect the intestinal microflora, if the latter is not supported by additional means intended for this.

Drastic changes climatic conditions, in some cases, cause permanent stomach upset, which is especially true for people who like to travel. Other reasons that provoke the occurrence of dyspepsia include:

  • starvation
  • decreased immunity
  • excessive drinking
  • excessive consumption of fatty, salty foods
  • various mental disorders

Sometimes indigestion can occur spontaneously, not due to other gastrointestinal diseases. In this case it is called functional. Dyspepsia of this type develops due to overeating, excessive consumption of drinks that are made as a result of fermentation, as well as when consuming fatty foods and products that contain a predominance of carbohydrates and plant fiber.

Expectant mothers are especially at risk of developing dyspepsia, since during pregnancy it can occur due to the following factors:

  1. increased stomach acidity
  2. food poisoning
  3. lack of diet
  4. as a result of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases

Treatment in this case should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a doctor who can prescribe safe and effective therapy for the disease.

Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a violation of the main functions of the organ that occurs for a number of reasons.

Symptoms of indigestion

One of the main stomach disorders is nausea.

Dyspepsia has a number of distinctive features, by which it can be approximately determined. Symptoms of the disease include:

  • bloating
  • pain of varying intensity in the upper region abdominal cavity
  • belching
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • quick satiety during meals
  • "burning" in the stomach

If the symptoms of dyspepsia do not disappear for a long time, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Also, in situations where dyspepsia causes weight loss, general weakness in the body, vomiting with bloody vomit, you need to urgently seek the help of a qualified specialist.

Dyspepsia that appears as a result of food poisoning is not difficult to overcome. But if disturbances in the functions of the stomach appear constantly, with some frequency, then most likely the cause is some kind of chronic gastrointestinal disease.

By comparing the various symptoms of indigestion, you can determine its type. For example, in the case of fermentative dyspepsia, the patient may experience stomach rumbling, flatulence, and his stool is liquid and has a sour smell. Children of different ages are no less susceptible to dyspepsia than adults. Typically, with this disease, they suffer from vomiting or rumination - a phenomenon during which swallowed food enters back into the oral cavity.

Regurgitation, or regurgitation, is also considered a childhood functional stomach disorder. In the first months of life, all babies experience this phenomenon. Treatment of children must be carried out in several stages, after consulting with a doctor.

Dyspepsia has a number of symptoms, different combinations of which may indicate different types of indigestion. Children are also susceptible to this disease, but their symptoms are slightly different from those experienced by adults.

Diseases that are accompanied by indigestion

Helicobacter pylori can cause peptic ulcers.

Various gastrointestinal diseases are organic causes of dyspepsia. This is facilitated by various factors, among which the most important is the infectious factor. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori infects almost a third of the population.

This type of bacteria is dangerous for humans because they are the main cause of the development of diseases such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The pathogenic microorganism is particularly adaptable compared to many other bacteria - the thing is that it is able to survive even in the hydrochloric acid that makes up gastric juice - the powerful defense system of the human body.

As a result of the vital activity of Helicobacter pylori, damage and destruction of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the organ occurs, which allows the microorganism to penetrate into the upper layers of its walls and multiply there. It is this effect that causes such well-known and unpleasant peptic ulcers.The most common gastrointestinal diseases resulting from exposure to the Helicobacter bacteria can be divided into three types:

  1. gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  2. gastritis

As for GERD, it can be described as a condition that leads to the reflux of food from the stomach back into the esophagus. Gastric juice affects the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which as a result becomes inflamed and ulcers appear on it.

As a result of this, the patient suffers from heartburn, symptoms that worsen after eating food, drinking soda or alcohol. Suffering from pain in the chest that occurs after swallowing food.

In the vast majority of cases, gastritis occurs precisely due to Helicobacter pylori infection. They are characterized by pain in the stomach while eating, decreased appetite, belching and heartburn - symptoms that also describe indigestion.

Ulcers that affect the stomach and duodenum appear not only due to negative impact Helicobacter pylori. The situation is aggravated by increased acidity of gastric juice, taking non-steroidal medications, and a general decrease in immunity.

With ulcers, patients complain of pain in the upper abdomen, appearing in different times, for nausea and vomiting, pallor of the skin. Peptic ulcers, as a result of complications, can cause perforation of the ulcer, causing severe bleeding. An ulcer that is left untreated for a long time can develop into cancer. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of this disease, you should consult a doctor.

Organic causes of indigestion include: various diseases. The most common of these are ulcers and gastritis.

How to treat an upset stomach

Mezim is great for helping with stomach function.

In order to effectively deal with indigestion, it is necessary to enlist the help of a qualified doctor. A professional will first determine the reasons that triggered the development of dyspepsia.

When the cause of all unpleasant symptoms is gastritis, then first it is necessary to diagnose the type of disease, and only then prescribe rational therapy.

In some cases, you can get rid of indigestion only by following a special diet that regulates your diet and involves avoiding certain types of food. If dyspepsia does not occur against the background of other diseases, then you can get rid of the disease yourself, even before seeking help from a specialist.

To do this you need to comply healthy image life, quit smoking, drink alcohol in large quantities, do not eat at fast foods. You should also monitor the process of food absorption itself: you need to chew it thoroughly and eat it in such quantities as not to overeat.

Eating food calmly, without washing it down with water, promotes more efficient and simpler functioning of the stomach and, as a result, will help get rid of functional dyspepsia. One more useful advice there will be a refusal to self-medicate.

Before taking any pills, you should definitely consult your doctor, as some medications can only make the situation worse. On your own, you can take only a few tablets of a drug that helps the stomach function, for example, Mezima. To combat dyspepsia, a gastroenterologist most often uses:

  • Abomin. The basis of this medicine is rennet, produced by the stomach of some ruminants. In some cases, as a result of using the drug, side effects such as nausea and diarrhea are observed.
  • Vogalen. Strong antiemetic medicine. It must be taken before meals.
  • Alpha amylase. The main active component of the product is diastase - a substance that normalizes the digestion process. The drug is especially effective when used together with other drugs.
  • Omez. Omeprazole is the main component of the drug, it fights inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa and is a good remedy for the treatment of gastritis. The drug is taken in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions, since if the dosage is not followed, side effects may occur.

The following video will tell you more about the treatment of indigestion:

You can supplement drug therapy for indigestion with flax seeds. An infusion prepared using this medicinal plant improves the functioning of the stomach, having a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the organ. The advantages of this product are obvious: it is cheap, easy to purchase at any pharmacy, and has no side effects.

In order to cure an upset stomach, the first step is to determine the cause of the disease. Correct diagnosis of the cause will allow you to prescribe the most effective therapy, including both drug treatment and adherence to a special diet.

In case of indigestion, the first step is to determine what caused the dyspepsia. If the problem is a diet disorder, then you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms yourself by restoring a normal diet. If dyspepsia occurs against the background of gastrointestinal diseases, then you should consult a doctor and, with his help, fight the disease.

The stomach is a hollow muscular organ that performs an important function in the body related to digestion. The process of digesting food is quite complex, so any diseases of the stomach and duodenum can negatively affect the functioning of the entire body and cause serious disruptions in other systems. This organ occupies second place in the digestive chain, and it secretes special enzymes and acids.

The causes of stomach diseases are negative external influences on the body. These include:

- stressful situations that affect the reduction of gastric juice formation;

- nervous breakdowns, which can cause loss of appetite and even anorexia;

- poor quality nutrition, diet abuse;

- poisoning with toxic substances.

There are other causes of stomach diseases. Symptoms and treatment depend on the type of disease. The most common complaints of the patient are cramping pain, frequent attacks of nausea, heartburn and a burning sensation in the throat caused by increased level acidity in the stomach.

Major stomach diseases

Almost every person has diseases of the stomach and duodenum. They have varying degrees of development and severity. Nutritionists say that stomach health is affected by a person’s lifestyle, tastes and habits. Some diseases develop slowly, while others arise abruptly, suddenly and rapidly. Sometimes signs of gastric ailments develop so rapidly that the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

The main symptoms of gastric diseases include pain in the hypochondrium with right side, which intensify during meals or, conversely, when the patient is hungry. In more complex forms, the pain acquires a constant aching character with paroxysmal outbreaks. Self-medication only aggravates the inflammatory process and contributes to the development of more serious types of stomach disease. Symptoms and treatment for each type of disease have their own characteristics. For example, with an ulcer, a characteristic symptom is belching with a sour smell, and for gastritis, the appearance of heartburn is more typical. Sometimes, due to illness, gastric bleeding occurs, and meals may be accompanied by sudden bouts of vomiting. Treatment of stomach ailments depends on the severity of the patient’s condition, the nature of the disease and its clinical manifestations.


Gastritis is called inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which occurs due to exposure to bacteria, poor nutrition, alcoholism, as well as abuse of diets and fasting (especially snacking on sandwiches and dry food), spices and spicy foods. The most common symptoms of this stomach disease (treatment and signs of gastritis depend on the causes that cause it) are characterized by an increased level of acidity, heartburn, and sore throat when swallowing. In addition, signs of gastritis include intestinal disorders: constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. If the cause of gastritis is pathogenic bacteria, then it progresses quite quickly, erosion and destruction of the walls of the gastric muscle are noted.

In addition, the cause may be an acute autoimmune process, when the body perceives its own stomach as something foreign. Antibodies produced by the body begin to attack it and eat away the walls and mucous membranes. During treatment of the disease, it is important to take medications only after meals, when gastric juice is produced. In this case, the patient must be prescribed a diet for stomach disease, which completely excludes the consumption of alcoholic beverages, hot, spicy and fatty foods. Diagnosis is carried out by endoscopy.

Gastric ulcer: symptoms, treatment

Destruction of the stomach walls leads to peptic ulcers, which are characterized by an increased amount of acid and bile produced. Ulcers can be either single or numerous. The causes of the disease are the following factors:

— unhealthy diet (dry snacks, lack of first courses in the diet);

- alcohol, smoking;

- taking certain medications;

- stress, nervous shock;

— violation of the work and rest regime.

The main symptom of a gastric ulcer is violent belching with a characteristic sour odor. Other symptoms include nausea, pain in the hypochondrium, loss of appetite and sudden weight loss. Complications of gastric ulcer include the risk of gastric bleeding, perforation or penetration of the stomach, as well as the development of pyloric stenosis. Treatment of both peptic ulcer and its complications is mainly carried out surgically.

Complications of peptic ulcer

Untimely or inadequate treatment of an ulcer can lead to some complications of this disease. The most common include those mentioned above - perforation, penetration, bleeding and pyloric stenosis.

Ulcerative bleeding is characterized by bloody vomiting and blood in the stool. If the ulcer is localized above the ligament of Treitz, then the patient often experiences vomiting; if below, then black (bloody) stools occur. At the same time, the patient's hemoglobin rapidly decreases. First aid at home includes gastric lavage cold water and applying an ice pack to the abdomen. Drug treatment includes the use of H2 blockers, Novocaine and Adrenaline, liquid fibrinogen, Secretin and other medications. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Perforation of a gastric ulcer is a serious complication. Symptoms include acute pain of a “dagger” nature, muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall, bradycardia, epigastria, pale skin, positive Shchetkin-Blumberg syndrome. 5-8 hours after perforation, a stomach ulcer may acquire another form of complication - peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). Characteristic signs of this patient condition include thready rapid pulse, hypotension, dynamic intestinal obstruction, fever and leukocytosis. Later, flatulence, urinary and stool retention are added to the symptoms, and in more rare cases, vomiting occurs. Laparoscopy can be used to treat a perforated ulcer.

Penetration is the spread of an ulcer into the tissue surrounding the stomach. There are several stages of this complication of gastric ulcer:

- necrosis through all layers of the hollow organ and duodenum;

— fibrous fusion with organs adjacent to the stomach or duodenum;

- penetration of the ulcer into the tissues of adjacent organs.

Diagnosis is made using an X-ray or endoscope, which is typical for any stomach disease. Symptoms and treatment are closely related. The clinical picture is caused by intense, constant pain, nausea and vomiting, which tend to intensify. Symptoms of the inflammatory process also appear: high levels of ROE, leukocytosis, low-grade fever. Treatment is usually surgical.

Pyloric stenosis refers to the localization of an ulcer in the duodenum and pyloric canal. Impaired patency is aggravated by inflammation and spasm of the pylorus. This complication is one of the severe forms of stomach disease. Symptoms and treatment for this type of peptic ulcer depend on whether the process is recurrent. When a relapse occurs, the patient experiences a bursting feeling in the epigastric region, nausea, bouts of vomiting, and sudden weight loss. Treatment in this case is always surgical.

Gastric adenocarcinoma or glandular cancer

Adenocarcinoma in medical practice occurs quite often. As a rule, the tumor is localized in the antrum or pylorus of the stomach. The most common cause of the disease is excessive consumption of foods containing increased content nitrites.

At an early stage, adenocarcinoma is manifested by nausea, heaviness in the stomach, lack of appetite and rapid weight loss, and intestinal upset. Immediately after eating a small amount of food, the patient experiences a bursting feeling at the site of the solar plexus, which indicates the presence of an intramural tumor. With oncology of the cardinal compartment, food does not pass into the duodenum, which is accompanied by vomiting. Advanced cases of cancer are accompanied by pain in the epigastric region; when the tumor disintegrates, internal bleeding occurs, which is detected by the presence of blood in the stool and bloody vomiting. Treatment of gastric diseases of an oncological nature is carried out surgically: total (resection of the entire stomach) and subtotal (resection of part of it).

Stomach gurgle

Stomach pain always means the presence of some pathology. A feeling of heaviness, heartburn, and nausea are considered signs of gastritis. Typically, the patient independently takes medications that “suppress” the symptoms, but do not treat the disease itself. The worsening of gastritis extends to the duodenum and is called bulbitis.

Bulbit can be catarrhal and erosive and is a type of inflammatory disease of the stomach. The symptoms and treatment of this disease have been described many times in specialized literature. The disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe pain, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. The pain falsely resembles attacks of pancreatitis.

Antacid medications such as Gastal and Almagel A will help relieve pain. They are able to neutralize the destructive effect of expelled bile and acid, and the main method of treatment is diet for stomach disease. During an exacerbation of the disease, you should immediately stop taking all medications, stop smoking, coffee, and alcohol. Fasting, abusing diets for weight loss, and taking dietary supplements are strictly prohibited.

Gastric erosion

The gastric environment is very important for the proper functioning of the body. But by its nature and chemical composition It is quite aggressive; at the slightest disruption in the body, it causes serious damage to human health. The main task of gastric juice is to break down and digest food, the quality of which, unfortunately, often leaves much to be desired. As a result of such contact, irritation of the gastric mucosa often occurs and single or multiple erosions or ulcers appear.

The causes of erosion include the following negative factors:

- poor irregular nutrition;

- chronic stomach diseases;

- nervous disorders, stress, etc.

Such pathologies are divided into three groups:

— primary erosion;

— secondary erosion;

— oncology.

Moreover, the form of the disease can be either acute or chronic. The symptoms of erosion are typical for all stomach diseases, but the risk of it becoming ulcerative is very high. Treatment of erosive phenomena takes a long time and depends on many different factors. The nature of the pathology, the root cause of the disease, etc. are taken into account. Antibacterial therapy is ineffective for gastric erosion and is used only if the disease is caused by an infection. Drug therapy must be supported by a strict diet, especially if the stomach hurts. Diseases whose symptoms are characterized by nausea and vomiting are not recommended to be treated with medications, since some of them can further destroy the inflamed walls of the organ.

Gastric carcinoma

Gastric carcinoma is a malignant tumor that occurs due to many provoking factors. The risk group most often includes male patients over 40 years of age who have a history of polyps in the stomach, peptic ulcers and chronic gastritis. The disease can be provoked by the abuse of products with carcinogens, as well as alcohol and smoking. Excessive salt consumption also causes pathological inflammation of the mucous membranes. The hereditary factor is also important.

Symptoms of carcinoma include increased fatigue of the patient, apathy, lack of appetite and aversion to certain foods. A person quickly loses weight, weakens, he is constantly tormented by heaviness in the stomach, and there is sudden vomiting. A blood test shows increased leukocytosis, the content of myelocytes and myeloblasts. For diagnosis, X-rays, ultrasound, tomography and gastric biopsy are used. Treatment is carried out through medication and surgery. Conservative medicine involves the use of painkillers and antiemetics, vitamins and antitumor agents.

Prevention of this type of gastric ulcer consists of following a diet, avoiding stress and nervous shock, giving up low-quality alcohol, smoking and other bad habits.

The feasibility of traditional treatment of peptic ulcers

Many people are afraid of surgical techniques when they have stomach pain. Diseases, the symptoms of which were discussed above, can be treated using alternative medicine. Additional alternative methods Treatments chosen together with the attending physician can provide the patient with relief of symptoms and a decrease in mucosal inflammation. Unfortunately, not all stomach diseases can be overcome with the help of alternative therapy. Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies for any disease must be discussed with a doctor, since sometimes such therapy can not only be irrational, but can also significantly harm the patient. For example, oncological diseases, as well as perforation, peritonitis, perforation and other severe forms require immediate surgical intervention. Any delay in surgery could result in death for the patient.

Other types of gastric ulcer, the symptoms of which were discussed with a doctor for treatment with folk remedies, may well recede with the use of various decoctions medicinal plants. A good remedy is a tincture of aconite root, celandine, potato flowers and calendula. Decoctions of strawberries, calamus, and corn silk help relieve inflammation. Treatment with folk remedies is selected individually for each patient.

Prevention of peptic ulcers

Prevention of stomach diseases is an important component of the treatment process. The patient needs to eat right, avoid salty, spicy, spices, and completely give up coffee, alcohol, and smoking. To control the symptoms of diseases, as well as prevent their occurrence, you should eat often, in small portions. Skipping meals is extremely undesirable, but overeating also threatens inflammatory processes. Do not swallow food in large, poorly chewed pieces.

Treatment of stomach diseases is complex and involves the risk of developing various complications. That is why it is better to take care of your health and avoid such problems. Prevention of gastric ulcer includes simple measures. You should try to avoid various stressful situations, practice relaxation methods, meditation, and maintain a work and rest schedule. Physical fitness is important. Simple physical exercises help keep muscles toned.

If you are faced with the problem of constipation and diarrhea, you can say that it is an intestinal disorder. This syndrome occurs due to various reasons - poor nutrition, stress, pathogenic influence of microorganisms. You can diagnose the disease yourself or with the help of a specialist. To cure intestinal disorders, complex therapy with medications and folk remedies and a special diet are used.

What is intestinal disorder

In medical terminology, intestinal disorder means a condition in which the patient suffers from prolonged abdominal pain and abnormal bowel habits. A manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome, or “bear disease,” is painful constipation or intense diarrhea. The disease requires careful diagnosis and selection of individual treatment, because without therapy complications are possible - dehydration, exhaustion.


The pathology of abdominal and intestinal disorders is manifested by the following characteristic symptoms and signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen after eating;
  • excessive gas formation, flatulence, bloating;
  • "bloating" of the stomach, a feeling of heaviness;
  • diarrhea, constant urge to defecate;
  • rumbling in the stomach after eating;
  • fever, weakness, nausea;
  • change in color, character of stool, urine.

Causes of intestinal disorder

Doctors name the following reasons for the occurrence of stomach and intestinal problems in adults:

  • unhealthy diet - bad foods, fatty, spicy, heavy foods, sometimes just new ones, affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infections, viruses, bacteria that entered the body and digestive tract after communicating with patients or eating contaminated food;
  • dysbacteriosis – changes in intestinal microflora;
  • stress, fatigue, nervous environment, fear.

The child has

Children are more susceptible to intestinal disorders than others. The reasons may be poor nutrition and unhealthy psycho-emotional environment. The younger the child, the more dangerous the disorder is for him. In infants, intestinal distress can lead to severe dehydration, which affects the functioning of the heart and brain. In addition, the cause of intestinal disease can be fear of defecation.

During pregnancy

A common condition in pregnant women is a functional disorder of the abdomen, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. If chronic intestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea occur, the reasons may be changes in hormonal levels, a general restructuring of the functioning of systems and organs, increasing intra-abdominal pressure, and poor nutrition. The combination of these factors has a negative effect on the intestines, and the disorder is exacerbated by large amounts of food taken, fatty, spicy foods, foods with cabbage, legumes or baked goods.


Before treating an intestinal disorder, the doctor identifies the causes of the disease. The doctor asks questions about the duration of the illness, the presence of symptoms, diet, lifestyle, employment, and taking medications. This information helps determine the direction of diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for intestinal dysfunction.

Instrumental confirmation of the disorder includes ultrasound, x-ray, fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The latter is an informative research method - during it, the doctor visually assesses the condition of the intestines and takes a piece of tissue for a biopsy. This helps to understand the clinical picture, because some symptoms of an intestinal disorder may not appear immediately.

Ancillary methods for diagnosing intestinal disease include laboratory tests of blood, urine, and stool. They help identify the infection that caused diarrhea and detect traces of blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract, duodenum or other parts of the intestine. After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, what symptoms appear, and the individual characteristics of the patient.


What to do if you have an intestinal disorder must be decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on the cause of the disease. The main methods of therapy are:

  • changing the diet, giving up bad habits - the patient is recommended to eat in small frequent portions, give up fried, spicy, foods that cause increased gas formation;
  • taking medications for the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder - these will be antacids, alginates, suspensions;
  • restoration of regular intestinal microflora with medications.

Medicines for intestinal disorders

The doctor decides what to take if you have an intestinal disorder. The following categories of medicines are distinguished:

  1. For first aid - activated carbon, Smecta and enterosorbents. They absorb toxins that enter the intestines and eliminate the problem.
  2. Loperamide is an emergency medicine that can be used without diagnosing the cause of the disease. The drug acts quickly, but is not suitable for children under three years of age.
  3. Antidiarrheals – Imodium, Cerucal.
  4. To restore microflora - Bactisubtil, Linex, Hilak Forte, Probifor, Bifistim. The products contain a suspension of bacteria beneficial to the intestines, which in the process of action kill pathogenic microorganisms of the rectum, produce vitamins and restore normal intestinal microflora.
  5. Antiviral drugs - Arbidol-Lance, Kipferon suppositories.
  6. Preventing dehydration - Regidron, Trihydron, Gidrovit. They restore the loss of vital substances and normalize the acid-base balance.


If an intestinal disorder causes fever and dehydration, but the cause is not a virus, antibiotics can be used. They are prescribed by the doctor depending on the age and course of the disease. Popular remedies for eliminating the disorder are:

  • Rifaximin is a non-systemic action, safe even for pregnant women and children, its group includes Vancomycin, Bacitracin, Ramoplanin, Neomycin;
  • Cefix, Cefixime - suspension and tablets are suitable for sick children with a mild condition;
  • Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Erythromycin - not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Alpha Normix, Amoxicillin – no side effects;
  • Lekor – suspension for infants up to six months;
  • Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Metronidazole - for acute disorders of the intestinal tract.

Folk remedies

If the disease proceeds sluggishly, calmly, without exacerbations, you can try a folk remedy for intestinal disorders using herbs. Here are some recipes:

  • taking a decoction of a mixture of marshmallow root, wild rosemary flowers and leaves;
  • a glass of hot strong tea with four teaspoons of sugar and half a glass of fresh grape juice from sour berries;
  • A decoction of burnet root has a bactericidal and astringent property, which for intestinal disorders should be taken five times a day, a tablespoon diluted in a quarter glass of water;
  • the collection of marshmallow root, St. John's wort, red rowan fruits is poured with boiling water, after an hour it is drunk four times a day, before taking the broth must be filtered;
  • For children over one year old, it is useful to prepare carrot puree soup from carrots, onions, potatoes, flour and butter; it will ease the work of the intestines.

Diet for intestinal upset

To alleviate the patient’s condition after an upset stomach and intestines, doctors recommend following a diet and switching to proper nutrition. Here are the main recommendations:

  • there are steamed or boiled dishes;
  • if upset, give preference to soups and non-dairy cereals;
  • ban on salt abuse;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods;
  • in case of exacerbation of diseases of the intestinal tract, you can drink only tea and cocoa without milk, a lot of water;
  • it is allowed to take acidophilus milk, fresh low-fat hard cheese, three-day kefir, sour cream;
  • you can eat non-food products, slightly dried crackers, buns, wheat or gray bread (this will provide the body with fiber);
  • among fats, preference should be given to fresh butter, ghee and olive oil;
  • it is allowed to eat one boiled egg per day, eat soups in low-fat broths with cereals, noodles, pureed lean meat;
  • it is allowed to take lean veal, beef, lean fish, steamed cutlets, meatballs, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina porridge;
  • Puddings, vegetable purees, steamed vegetable cutlets, young zucchini, boiled cabbage, berry jelly are allowed;
  • You can drink juices diluted with water in half;
  • exclude butter dough, fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, marinades, canned food, carbonated drinks, ice cream;
  • You cannot eat fresh fruits and vegetables, millet, barley porridge, barley, coffee and tea with milk, horseradish, mustard, seasonings, mushrooms, legumes and chocolate.


To prevent the causes of intestinal disorder, prevention of the occurrence of the disease is required. These include:

  • increasing stress resistance;
  • getting rid of alcohol, fatty, spicy foods;
  • overeating and unsystematic malnutrition should not be allowed;
  • physical exercise, sports.

Video: bowel dysfunction

Every person has experienced symptoms associated with an upset stomach at least once in their life. Disorder is a rather delicate situation that brings many unpleasant moments.

Often, indigestion is considered a condition similar to diarrhea. In fact, this symptom can appear for various reasons.

Indigestion and its treatment

Indigestion occurs when the digestive system is disrupted. There is diarrhea, pain in the stomach or intestinal area, heartburn, nausea and bloating.

Types of disease:

  1. Infectious type. With this type of disease, a large number of pathological microorganisms are observed with food.
  2. Fermentation view. If you have consumed a large amount of food containing sugar or carbohydrates and sweet drinks containing gas, these also include beer and kvass. After their consumption, a fermentation process occurs in the large intestine.
  3. Fatty appearance. Eating large amounts of fatty foods and at the same time there is poor absorption of fats and proteins into the digestive tract.
  4. Putrid appearance. If there is excess protein consumption.
  5. Toxic look. The disease develops after eating irritating and poisonous foods.

The appearance of the disease is associated with:

  • With fast food intake, swallowing large pieces, which contributes to putrefactive processes.
  • If used at the same time incompatible products simultaneously.
  • If the food consisted of a lot of sweets, fatty foods and carbohydrates.
  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • If there are not enough enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of gastritis or ulcers, etc.
  • Experienced stress.
  • Dietary disorders.
  • Smoking and alcoholic drinks.

The appearance of colic in the abdominal area can sometimes be due to a diaphragmatic hernia. More often, pain appears behind the sternum, usually after eating lunch or dinner.

Burning in the esophagus and behind the sternum during eating and almost immediately after eating. There is pain radiating to the left shoulder and back.

In order to determine the cause of the disease, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

In case of indigestion, symptoms of the disease associated with functional, organic or hormonal disorders are considered.

But in any case, this is due to the body’s reaction to get rid of accumulated decay products and toxic substances.

In case of indigestion, it is necessary to establish the causes of the pathology.

After an examination and tests, the doctor usually prescribes a gentle diet and medications in these cases. Treatment is carried out at home.

Let's look at the symptoms of indigestion.

Symptoms associated with intestinal disorders are associated with attacks of diarrhea, gas formation, and flatulence.

In case of stomach disorders, functional disturbances are observed associated with problems in the functioning of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, the patient suffers from a lack of appetite, discomfort, pain in the upper abdomen. If diarrhea also appears, we can talk about food poisoning or other diseases.

An upset stomach may be due to the following reasons:

  1. When gastritis occurs, an inflammatory process occurs in the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach. This acute inflammation develops due to eating too hot, spicy or sour foods. The disease chronic gastritis develops mainly due to infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
  2. With stomach and duodenal ulcers, increased secretion of gastric juice is observed. The walls of the stomach are irritated by hydrochloric acid. The cause of the disease may be the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Some medications cause ulceration of the mucous membrane.
  3. The disorder may be due to consumption of spicy, fatty, sweet foods. Hot and spicy foods can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Manifest by heartburn and pain in the abdomen in the upper part. When eating fatty and sweet foods, difficulties with motor skills occur. The incoming food will slowly move towards the intestines, which causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating and belching.
  4. Diseases in the gastrointestinal tract are associated with the state of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates contractions in the walls of the stomach and intestines, takes part in the secretion of digestive juices, etc. Nervous overstrain, stressful situations quickly incapacitate nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to calm the nervous system.
  5. Indigestion may be due to a diaphragmatic hernia. The chest and abdominal cavities are separated by a dense septum called the diaphragm. With its congenital defects, a hernia appears. The hernia affects the organs located in the abdominal cavity, they are forced under its pressure to move to the thoracic part, thus the stomach is under their pressure.
  6. Alcohol addiction affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as it irritates the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach. When drinking alcoholic beverages, secretory function is disrupted and they affect the composition of digestive juice.
  7. The bad habit associated with smoking has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Nicotine causes spasms in blood vessels and also leads to disruption of blood flow to the stomach. For this reason, nutrients and oxygen do not reach the tissues in full. Toxic tobacco substances penetrate the saliva, enter the stomach and irritate its walls. In these situations, with gastrointestinal disease, it is necessary to give up bad habits.
  8. With GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), especially if the patient is obese, food that enters the stomach is thrown back into the esophagus. This is directly related to excess body weight, as it affects intra-abdominal pressure, which is most often elevated in the patient.

The pressure acts on the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract, and forces them to throw incoming food upward.

Dietary irregularities or lack thereof, long breaks associated with food intake, consumption of too fatty or fried food, a lot of sweets causes functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach upset occurs in pregnant women. During pregnancy, hormonal levels change.

As the fetus develops, the uterus stretches and displacement occurs under the weight of the baby. internal organs. All this negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. What to do in this situation?

In order for a pregnant woman to feel better during this period, it is necessary to eat fractionally. Avoid fatty, salty, spicy and gas-forming foods.

In order to correctly determine the cause associated with an upset stomach, it is necessary to consult a doctor as it is necessary to identify the reasons why the disease appeared.

So that the doctor can make a correct diagnosis, try to describe your diet in detail. Remember what pills you took recently, whether you had nervous breakdowns or stressful situations.

Having collected all the information, the doctor will refer you for further examination for diagnosis, and then prescribe treatment at home.

To accurately determine the diagnosis, it is better to use an ultrasound or do an FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) or x-ray. The doctor will select one of the methods for the patient, according to the examination.

Mandatory examination includes blood, feces and urine tests. Thanks to laboratory tests, you can find out the causes of stomach upset.

If there was bleeding, and the patient did not suspect it, tests will be able to determine the presence of traces of blood. Sometimes this may be due to medications.

Upset stomach: what to do, how to treat

First, see a general practitioner; after the examination, the general practitioner will refer you to a gastroenterologist.

In case of severe intense pain, severe vomiting (especially if traces of blood are visible in the vomit), if the stool is black, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary.

All these symptoms indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Do not delay in seeing a doctor if after long-term use pain is not relieved by medications, general weakness is observed and the patient loses weight.

If you do not see a doctor in time and do not determine the cause of pain in the stomach, over time, digestive problems will occur.

We identify diseases that contribute to indigestion and are associated symptoms.

These include:

  • diseases associated with the central nervous system;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases associated with heart failure and the vascular system;
  • diseases associated with the endocrine system;
  • malfunction of the vascular system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • metabolic diseases.

Sometimes a patient, having discovered a problem related to digestion, begins to worry too much. More often than not, the underlying problem of indigestion is a functional problem.

This means that the gastrointestinal tract is healthy, and the failure occurred due to problems associated with the following problems:

  • a sudden change in diet (diet for weight loss);
  • stressful situation;
  • eating disorder;
  • abuse of fatty, spicy, salty, sweet foods;

In this situation, it is necessary to spend two or three days in bed, be on a gentle diet, and restore the correct diet.

Eliminate the following foods: alcoholic beverages, fatty and fried foods, fermented milk and dairy products, mushrooms and fresh fruits and vegetables.

In order to restore poor health, the following products are needed: rice (boiled), crackers, black tea, boiled eggs, fruit drinks or compotes.

What to do, how to eliminate the symptoms of the disease

In order to eliminate the symptoms of disorders and restore digestive function, treatment is used:

  1. For treatment at home, a diet is prescribed that excludes the types of foods that caused the disease.
  2. Absorbents are used to help eliminate the appearance of excess gases.
  3. Appointed medications to normalize the production of enzymes for the digestive tract.
  4. Antibacterial therapy is given to treat the infection.
  5. To protect the gastric mucosa, a decoction of flax seed is used at home.

For normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to follow a diet. Try to chew food thoroughly. Eat in silence, take your time, and do not overeat.

In case of illness, do not self-medicate, seek advice from a specialist and carry out treatment according to the prescribed medications.

Treatment of indigestion at home, when it is not possible to see a doctor quickly, you can use sorbents (activated carbon).

Thanks to this drug, after taking it, toxins will be removed from the body. Of course, before taking the pills, you need to read the instructions.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

This treatment can be used if the disease is not associated with infection, there was no consumption of dirty vegetables and fruits, or incompatible foods.

  1. The simplest and most proven remedy for treating diarrhea is a strong infusion of green tea; you can drink it without restriction.
  2. Sea buckthorn is used for treatment. To do this, take a few sprigs of sea buckthorn and finely chop it, then add one glass of cold water and boil for five minutes over low heat. Let the broth brew and strain, drink immediately. In the same way, decoctions are prepared from oak and aspen bark.
  3. A radical method in the fight against intestinal infections use of dry mustard powder. To treat an adult, you need to take one teaspoon of powder, dilute it in half a glass of cold water only (this is important).

If you have a gastrointestinal disorder after a stressful situation or a nervous breakdown, you need to drink soothing decoctions. Mint, chamomile, and calendula are great for this.

It is important to follow a diet, at least for one day, drink more fluids or rosehip decoction with honey. This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with your healthcare provider.

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