What is true heroism? What is a feat? (essay-argument) What is feat 15 3

In life, each of us has to face unpleasant, unexpected and difficult situations. It is in them that the real character of a person, the qualities of his soul, endurance, courage and perseverance are revealed.

But what is courage? Often, when talking about war, we say that “the soldier taught a lesson in courage” or “acted courageously on the battlefield.” But is courage always inherently associated with war and combat?

First of all, a person can manifest courage in any situation, both everyday and extreme. For example, a striking example of courage is when a random passer-by carried a child out of a burning house. But something like this extreme situation, and courage shines through in all words and actions, even in the smallest ones.

This quality does not appear in a person from birth; he cultivates it throughout his life. Courage is a quality that is based primarily on self-sacrifice. This is the ability to walk through fear so as not to break down yourself and help others. You don't have to be physically strong or smart to be courageous. Courage requires a person to have courage, boldness, and the ability to make instant decisions from the right perspective.

Many professions that are not necessarily related to military affairs also require courage. For example, the profession of a doctor is, in principle, impossible without this quality, because a surgeon gives his all while standing over a dying patient at the operating table, and nurses carry those who survived the accident.

Courage is a very important quality of a person’s character. It will help him in difficult situations, show his nobility, a truly rich inner world and dignity. This quality is important both in war and in peacetime. Perhaps the profession chosen by a person will require this quality.

Option 2

Courage - what is it? Everyone has their own concepts. But who of all is right? Probably, to some extent, everyone of this kind is right! After all, courage is a strong character trait that is divided into many human qualities, such as: lack of fear, acceptance complex decisions, withstand the blows of life... a lot of things can be listed forever, but what is the most important thing about it?

Many children from a young age understand courage as that person or character of a certain cartoon who has no fear at all, and is ready to do anything to save someone, give his life, make difficult choices. However, speaking, children create their hero completely fearless, who can do almost anything.

Let's move on - teenagers. How do they imagine this? After all, the cartoons are over. In films, everything is almost the same. But here school and relationships appear. You need to defend your place and interests. In short, more serious decisions need to be made here! What is the conclusion? And to the fact that courage here goes like, right choice V difficult situations, defend your right, protect yourself and yours!

What do grown men and women think? After all, they have a job, a home, a family. It will be more difficult here. There are many obstacles in life that need to be overcome. And, of course, courage will help here. Which one? Most likely, the one that is already approaching the last stage. When you need to gain courage and start a family, one of the main goals of life. Raise children - the flowers of life! Here you need to defend everything, without any doubts, otherwise what kind of courage can there be? As the saying goes, “all or nothing.”

How can we understand the specific meaning of courage? Everything is very simple with age, understanding changes in different sides Those who develop courage in the right direction overcome many obstacles and set an example for others and do not pass by trouble. Those who are not quite in the right direction find it more difficult to cope with difficult thresholds, and have to avoid trouble. But there are exceptions who find courage in themselves and, through strength and will, go against the wind. This is the courage that arises through the strength and will of a person; a person himself must feel it and overcome himself.

There is no definite concept; courage must break through to the outside of a person. That's the point.

Essay on the topic of courage

Courage is the ability to overcome difficulties without self-pity. Courageous people are necessary for humanity. They give themselves completely on the battlefield, enter houses burning with bright flames, and walk under the bullets of terrorists. If a person feels sorry for himself, he will never be able to help the victims.

Courage is characteristic of military people. The army has its own laws. There are regulations that regulate the behavior of soldiers. War is a cruel science. There, no one will ask when it is better to attack, so that the fighters have time to prepare. You must always be on your guard, otherwise death will come very soon.

During the war, fighters remember that behind them are defenseless children, women and old people. If they are overtaken by the enemy, the people will be in serious trouble. To save other lives, soldiers sacrifice their own. Without courage you won't last long in war. Either they kill you or you surrender.

Special forces soldiers are distinguished by incredible bravery and courage. Courage is their inalienable quality. Special forces are fighting terrorists. This category of people is more likely to belong to animals. You can communicate with them only in the language of power.

The fighters of the Alpha group are an example of courage and bravery. They carried children out of the captured school, covering them with their own backs. They didn't feel sorry for themselves. Their goal was to save as many children as possible. The building was captured by criminals who fired continuously. Moreover, the gym, in which there were more than a thousand people, caught fire after the explosion.

The special forces had to enter the burning room under incessant fire from the militants. At the same time, children should see in front of them a brave and smiling fighter who will calm them down and evacuate them from the scene.

This example of courage is also heroism. Many Alpha fighters died while doing their duty. Mikhail Kuznetsov covered the child with his back. Alexander Perov covered three children with his body. The soldiers covered grenades and sacrificed with our own lives for the sake of others.

Courage is characteristic of military personnel, firefighters, rescuers, police officers and doctors. Doctors see different horrors. Especially those who operated during wars.

Doctors should not show their doubt or fear. You need to act confidently and avoid mistakes.

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  4. (50 words) B. Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...” tells about a military feat the whole group. During reconnaissance, the female squad and the foreman have to engage in a desperate battle with the enemy. Each of the women dies heroically and painfully. Even realizing the danger, they rushed to the front and sacrificed their lives along with men.
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  6. (61 words) In the story “Obelisk” by V. Bykov, a controversial attitude towards the hero’s action arises. During the war, teacher Ales Morozov creates an anti-fascist group with his students. Without listening to the teacher, the boys commit the murder of a brutal policeman. After their capture, Ales is offered to surrender voluntarily. The man comes, realizing that the students will not be released. Subsequently, they are all executed. Years later, someone considers this act reckless, and the witness of the events - a feat.
  7. (44 words) In the epic novel “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy shows us that a feat is not always noticeable. Captain Tushin, who practically took the bullets upon himself, was reprimanded for leaving without an order, although the courageous resistance of his battery shocked even the enemy. The feat was noticed only thanks to the intercession of Prince Andrei.
  8. (52 words) Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark tells the story real person- German Oskar Schindler. The man saved a huge number of Jews during the Holocaust. He illegally hired them as his workers, hiding them from persecution. After the surrender of Germany, the hero was forced to flee, but entire generations of Jews remained grateful to him for the moral feat he accomplished.
  9. (53 words) “Alpine Ballad” by V. Bykov is a story about bitter self-sacrifice. Ivan Treshka, who by chance escaped a concentration camp, meets Julia. The sudden feeling that flared up between them is interrupted by the fascists pursuing them. Here the hero accomplishes his feat: having found himself in a dead end, Ivan saves the girl, throwing her from the gorge into a snowdrift, while he himself remains to be torn to pieces, sacrificing his life.
  10. (59 words) B. Vasiliev’s story “Not on the Lists” tells the story of the defense of the Brest Fortress. Undoubtedly, everyone who repulsed the enemy in that battle accomplished a feat. But the only surviving lieutenant, Pluzhnikov, amazes with his resilience. Having lost his comrades, he continues to fight bravely. But even after being captured, he so delighted the Nazis with his courage that they took off their caps in front of him.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (57 words) In the film “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” the son of a concentration camp commandant makes friends with a Jewish boy on the other side of the fence. Eventually, the parents find out and insist on moving. However, the boy manages to climb over the fence to help his friend search for his father. Despite the tragic outcome of events, even such a sincere desire to help can be considered a feat.
    2. (41 words) Rescuers or firefighters constantly risk their lives to save others. Every shift is a new challenge. This type of work requires incredible courage and fearlessness and takes a lot of nerves. Often they themselves do not consider this a feat, but for the people who receive their help, they are real heroes.
    3. (42 words) Not all feats are on a huge scale. Boy afraid of heights but taking pictures little kitten from a tree, also performs a feat. He fights his fear, steps over it, to ultimately save the defenseless animal. He overcomes a big obstacle within himself. It deserves respect.
    4. (56 words) One day, my friend and I were sunbathing on the beach. Nearby, in the shallow water, a girl was wandering, but suddenly she suddenly disappeared from sight. We got worried and my friend went to check out the place. It turned out that there was a double bottom - she fell and began to sink. The friend, undaunted by the danger, dived after her and saved her life. I consider this a real feat.
    5. (43 words) The feat can be completely different. My friend constantly helps homeless animals. I can call this a feat, since she sincerely cares about them, takes them home and keeps them warm and comfortable. Despite all the difficulties, she picks up rejected pets, saving their lives.
    6. (47 words) One day I came across an article about a young man who saved a little girl who fell out of a window. The guy was just passing by, reacted incredibly quickly and managed to catch the child. With this action he accomplished a real feat. Heroes are among us. And they don’t wear flowing raincoats at all, but ordinary jeans and T-shirts.
    7. (42 words) In the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II, the main character accomplishes an incredible feat when he decides to sacrifice his life to save the entire wizarding world. He meets the main evil face to face. Despite the entreaties of friends who are ready to fight, Harry remains unshaken.
    8. (40 words) I have always considered adopting a child a moral feat. I admire how people are able to take on such responsibility and give love and warmth to their stepchild. My uncle and aunt accomplished this feat. I respect them immensely for making such a difficult and generous decision.
    9. (47 words) People very often become attached to their pets. The hero of the story, which I came across on a news site, was so eager to protect his pet that he rushed at the bear when it attacked his puppy. The man showed superhuman courage, thanks to which his pet remained alive. This can be called a real feat.
    10. (62 words) In my opinion, Stephen Hawking's first wife accomplished an incredible feat. Jane did not leave the scientist when he began to develop an illness that later led to paralysis. She continued to look after him as long as possible, gave him three children, and literally devoted her entire youth to him. Even though the couple divorced many years later, this woman’s choice still fascinates me.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Methodists have long noticed that through revealing the meaning of words, through the interpretation of concepts that have a moral meaning, the educational impact of Russian vocabulary on students is exerted.

One of the written tasks of the OGE is aimed precisely at identifying the ability of a 9th grade graduate to reveal the meaning of ethical concepts such as honor, nobility, envy, dignity, duty, conscience, shame, hard work, courtesy, truth.

Unfortunately, textbooks on the Russian language do not always have enough material for work during which students had to explain words containing ethical meaning. To do this, we turn to literary texts, with the help of which we can derive the concept and select the necessary examples.

Let's consider several ethical concepts: what is justice, gratitude, fearlessness, responsibility, soullessness, pride, responsiveness, conscience, courage, heroism, the inner world of a person.


For analysis, we offer a text by A. Aleksin from the story “Just Think, Birds!” from (1) No one called Kolka’s mother by her first name or patronymic; everyone, even the guys, simply called her Lelya.<...>to (28) She never blew a loud whistle, never reminded people out loud about the rules of life, but her father and Kolka always cheerfully and voluntarily obeyed her decisions, because these decisions were fair.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word JUSTICE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is justice”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

There are moments in a person’s life when he asks in bewilderment about justice. What is justice? This is respect for rights and dignity, fulfilling one’s duties in such a way as to prevent their violation. Main principle a just person is to be impartial, leaving no room for envy and disputes.

“To each is the same as to others.” This is exactly what Kolka’s father does in A. Aleksin’s story. It is no coincidence that all the guys respectfully call him “O fairest of the fair!” For them, the referee's whistle was law. But Kolka’s mother, although she did not remind her loved ones of the rules of life, always made fair decisions, and Kolka’s father and “cheerfully and voluntarily obeyed” them.

There have also been moments in my life related to the manifestation of justice. In one of the matches, the ball hit the opponent’s hand, and we began to challenge his behavior. The judge made such a decision that no one doubted his the right attitude to a violation. He coped with his responsibilities with dignity and resolved the conflict situation.

I believe that one should not act unfairly either towards oneself or towards others, one must always maintain impartiality and respect the rights and dignity of a person.


Text by K.G. Paustovsky from the story “Hare's Paws” from (1) This fall I spent the night with grandfather Larion on Lake Urzhenskoye.<...>to (35) So they live together - old grandfather Larion, his grandson Vanka and a hare with a torn ear.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word GRATITUDE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: “What does it mean to be grateful?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What is gratitude? Gratitude is a feeling of gratitude to someone for the help, attention, advice provided. This is the ability to appreciate the kindness that others do to us.

Gratitude is not just about relationships between people. In the text by K. Paustovsky, grandfather Larion was grateful to the hare who saved his life during a forest fire: “This hare,” said the grandfather, “is my savior: I owe my life to him. I, one might say, should show him gratitude, but you say – quit.” The old man understood that he, too, must help the poor animal who had suffered from fire and smoke.

There is a person in my life to whom I am grateful. This is a coach who managed to support me and instill a sense of self-confidence. One must always respond to good with good, be able to do something good and useful for that who helped you.

Gratitude is one of the most pleasant feelings that arises in response to noble and kind actions.


Text from the story “The Boy by the Sea” by N. Dubov from (1) What do the boys do in all the streets and courtyards in the summer?<...>to (40) Fyodor Mikhailovich smiled, Anton beamed: The battle was won.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word FEARLESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What does it mean to be fearless?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What does it mean to be fearless? Fearlessness is a human quality that allows you to overcome difficulties and not be afraid of them. To be fearless means to make firm decisions when necessary and not to back down in the face of danger.

In N. Dubov’s text, this word is used in an ironic sense: “... all the fearless attackers, unbending defenders and rock-solid goalkeepers were blown away from the wasteland” at the mere sight of a Newfoundland. The huge dog scared even the adults who were looking out of the windows of the house. However, at the end of the text it becomes clear that the guys are not such cowards as we see them at the beginning: “After ten minutes, the guys were screaming and screaming, but not from fear, but from delight.”

For example, many epic heroes, such as Ilya Muromets or Dobrynya Nikitich, can be considered fearless. You can bravely defend the truth, like Archpriest Avvakum, fight the enemy to the last drop of blood, like the heroes of the Brest Fortress. When a person is confident that he is right, he is able to overcome the fear that doubt gives rise to.

The one who acts decisively, without confusion and worry, forgets about fear and is not afraid to face the unknown. Such a person can be called truly fearless.


Test from A. Aleksin’s story “Signalmen and Buglers” from (1) Mom knew exactly who was sick in what apartment and why.<...>until (31) And the bureau of good offices continued to operate.

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is responsibility”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Responsibility is the obligation to answer for actions and their consequences. Nothing significant can be achieved in life if you are irresponsible about everything important: business, words, time. A responsible person keeps promises, is never late, makes decisions not only for himself, but also for others.

The heroine of A. Aleksin’s story can be considered such a responsible person. A doctor by profession, she saves people’s lives at work and is attentive to everyone at home. Her duty is to monitor the physical health of those who need help. Neighbors turn to her not only for medical issues, but also with other requests, and she never refuses anything to anyone. Their apartment was therefore nicknamed the “good offices office.” A conscientious and kind person, she teaches her son to do the same: “But one person cannot work in the bureau. There must be at least two. Do you understand?".

My dad is also a responsible person. It is he who takes on the entire burden of responsibility for making decisions in the family, takes into account our interests and weaknesses, and helps us cope with complex problems. I try to be like him in many ways.

Thus, responsibility represents actions that are supported by kind and decisive actions, the ability to keep one’s word, and help those in need. The degree of responsibility depends on each individual.


Text by A. Aleksin from the story “Just think, birds!” from (1) On that memorable day, when Kolka returned from the pioneer camp, in the center of the table there was a pie bought by Elena Stanislavovna.<...>to (50) Just think, birds!..

Formulation of task 15.3

How do you understand the meaning of the word SOULLESSNESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is soullessness,” using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Callousness is heartlessness, cruelty, callousness. A soulless person is capable of terrible acts, he is indifferent to the feelings of other people, cares only about his own well-being and is absolutely indifferent to the needs and problems of others.

In A. Aleksin’s work, callousness is manifested in the attitude of Kolka’s loved ones towards his beloved bird. The boy saved the wounded seagull, treated it all winter, fed it fish, made a spacious cage and planted a bush to make the bird comfortable. He was amazed that no one looked after her, that her father spoke so rudely about her death. No one in the family, except Kolka, cared about the bird; it bothered everyone. Indifference is also heard in the words of Elena Stanislavovna: “Just think, birds!..”

Another example of callousness: a person felt bad, and passersby nearby pretended not to notice, as if nothing had happened. I believe that you need to treat everything around you with your soul, and be sensitive to other people’s pain and feelings.

Thus, soullessness is the inability to carry the energy of love, to show a warm, lively, sympathetic attitude towards someone or something.


Text from the story “Personal Angel” by T. Ustinova from (1) When he was about nine years old, he often came to the zoo, where he seemed to know every hole in the wooden fence, every nook and cranny between the cages. before<...>(43) Forever.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word PRIDE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write essay-reasoning on the topic: “What is pride”, taking as the thesis the definition you gave. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

In my understanding, the word “pride” has several meanings. Firstly, pride is a feeling that conveys a person’s self-esteem. Secondly, it is the ability to feel joy when someone has achieved success. Thirdly, this is self-esteem.

In T. Ustinova’s text we see how difficult the relationships between the characters are. Being in great need, the boy, out of pride, cannot ask for help. Meeting Masha allowed Timofey to feel his significance and importance. But pride develops into arrogance: the boy’s narcissism and ambitions prevent him from correctly assessing his own and others’ actions. One day Masha made a mistake: she bought ice cream and gave it to Timofey, which offended him terribly. The boy took her gesture as a humiliating sop. His pride does not allow people to do things that are beneath their dignity.

Let me give you another example of pride. My parents are proud of my brother, who passed the entrance exams with flying colors and entered the best university in the capital. It exceeded our expectations and evoked feelings of joy and respect.

You can be proud not only of your own successes and work, but also of the great achievements of your homeland, of the entire Russian people.


Text from the story “Living Soul” by K.D. Vorobyov from (1) Everyone returned from the war to their father’s house in their own way.<...>to (50) Here is a living soul!”

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is responsiveness,” using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Watching the people around me, I understand more and more that the main quality in a person is responsiveness, that is, the ability to understand another and sympathize. A responsive person wants to do good not only at someone’s request, but even when no one is talking about it.

In the text by K. Vorobyov, a mustachioed driver-sergeant, who agreed to take an unfamiliar officer in a jeep to his native village, unexpectedly for everyone and to his own detriment, decides to help the peasants. He does not charge for transportation or plowing, and this act of his shows compassion and nobility. To be responsive means to be selfless and not demand rewards for good deeds.

Let me give you another example. Previously, I didn’t always notice people’s reactions to my words. One day I said something to a friend, but she didn’t call the next day and didn’t want to talk when we met. I began to more carefully evaluate my behavior, admitted my mistake, and again we were inseparable. Responding to problems in the lives of my friends or loved ones, I now try to help in word or deed, listen tactfully, and give advice.

Respect, empathize, help, be kind to people around you - this is what it means to be a responsive person.


Text from N. Safronov's story from (1) A new Russian teacher, Ivan Vasilyevich, appeared in our class unexpectedly.<...>to (40) The new teacher, seeing that I was not writing, and wanting to immediately restore order in the class, gave me a bad grade in my diary.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is conscience”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Conscience is a feeling of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people. An excellent confirmation of this idea is the text by N. Safronov, where we are talking about disrespectful attitude towards an adult.

The hero of the story received the new teacher with hostility and could not hold back a caustic question. Even the incident with an accidental C grade almost turned into a scandal. A fifth-grader was rude to his teacher and eventually got his grade corrected. However, the student was not happy with his victory, his sense of conscience awoke, he wanted to apologize to the front-line teacher, but it was too late: Ivan Vasilyevich did not come to the next lesson, he resigned from school.

And there was a case in my life when I had to experience remorse. They sent me to the store and gave me a lot of money, but I lost it. My parents scolded me for being so inattentive and absent-minded. Fortunately, I managed to find the money and my soul became calm and joyful.

To summarize, we can say that conscience helps to realize one’s guilt and prevents one from committing a bad act. Undoubtedly, every person should have a conscience.


Text from V. Krapivin's story from (1) Slavka walked along the long embankment.<...>until (33) Slavka was happy.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word COURAGE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is courage”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

Courage is the ability to fight and suppress your fears, the ability to show courage and bravery, determination and independence. The soldiers who fought for our fatherland can be called brave. “The city takes courage,” says the proverb. To defeat a protected and fortified city required not only military training, but also courage.

Courage is not always manifested in large and great achievements; it is also visible in small, but significant actions for a person. For example, Slavka from the text by V. Krapivin jumps on slippery stones to save a small boat from a breaking wave and set it sailing. It was very difficult for him to move. But the boy stubbornly moves towards his goal and commits a good deed, childishly naive and touching. This is also a manifestation of courage; such actions give birth to a brave person.

In the story by A.S. Pushkin" Captain's daughter"Pyotr Grinev boldly defends his honor. He openly declares that he cannot serve Pugachev, refuses to recognize him as the sovereign and even promises to fight against him. The brave actions of the young officer evoke respect and understanding from the leader of the peasant uprising.

Courage is a moral quality when fear, uncertainty, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences are overcome.


Text from the story by V. Oseeva from (1) Seva had a sore throat.<...>to (36) Sev, but I still think that every honest person certainly has this heroism... there certainly is...

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word HEROIC? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is heroism”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

In my understanding, heroism is a person’s ability to perform brave deeds, the willingness to do something useful for others, to sacrifice oneself for a good purpose. But true heroism does not lie in a pathetic demonstration of one’s capabilities, but is manifested in courage and boldness.

Let us turn to the text by V. Oseeva. Seva and his mother understand the meaning of the word “heroism” differently. According to the boy, he is good for nothing, does not know how to do much, and is not capable of committing a risky act. Seva does not know that ostentatious heroism is not a feat. Mom tries to convince him that heroism should be selfless; a real hero can be an honest person who does brave things to save someone’s life.

In the actions of the young lieutenant Kuznetsov, the hero of the novel "Hot Snow", Yuri Bondarev sees a manifestation of the heroic. The commander combines courage and fortitude with spiritual gentleness, nobility and humanity. Lieutenant Drozdovsky, who dreamed of distinguishing himself in battle and performing a heroic act, behaves differently. At the most decisive moment, he risks not himself, but his subordinates, sending him to certain death.

And in peaceful life you can find examples of true heroism: firefighters rescue victims from burning houses, rescuers help in critical situations, doctors save from fatal diseases. I am proud of the people who have made risk their profession.

Human inner world

Text from the story “Night Search” by A. Aleksin from (1) I didn’t like this doll.<...>to (39) We didn’t even dare to call her a doll, but only called her Larisa.

Formulation of task 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the expression THE INNER WORLD OF A PERSON? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is the inner world of a person”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

Student essay

What does the inner world of a person mean? These are his ideals, interests, ideas about the environment. The richer this world is, the richer and more varied a person’s life is. The inner world is usually formed in childhood. And a lot depends on what values ​​were laid down then.

In the text by Anatoly Aleksin we are talking about a narcissistic girl who had “crowning aspirations” and loved to command. She is used to power and command. Fortunately, she has caring parents next to her who have a serious influence and help her distinguish between good and evil.

Books can also influence a person’s inner world. They summarize the life experience of many generations. Maxim Gorky grew up in incredibly difficult circumstances, but his love of reading and knowledge helped him overcome the “abominations of life” and grow into a man with a rich inner world.

Therefore, people should strive for spiritual development, enrich your inner world, be interesting interlocutors, be able to understand and accept another person.

A feat is a heroic act of a person that is not related to his professional activity. The feat is a manifestation of humanism, humanity, a way to overcome oneself and one’s fears.

This topic is developed in the text by Valentin Petrovich Kataev. The boy Vanya is a hero; at such a young age he understood the responsibility he had. The boy's task was to lead the scouts through the forest. Not everyone would be able to gain strength and courage. Despite the fear and horror that gripped him, Vanya succeeded. Not only was he on the alert all the way, but he was also able to meet the enemy face to face, heroically keeping the secrecy of the operation within himself. The young man accomplished a huge feat not only for himself, but also for the Fatherland.

In Russian literature there are many examples of works in which a heroic deed is performed. This is the story of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. Main character- Andrei Sokolov - fought for the salvation of his homeland. He did not give up and tried to help the people around him. Sokolov met the boy Vanya and tried to replace him with his family and friends, whom the boy had lost. This suggests that Andrey has a rich, kind soul that serves society. Despite the cruelty of the war years, he did not forget about such concepts as nobility, generosity and understanding, and such a person is capable of a noble act, a feat.

Thus, we can say that a feat is a noble act that not every person can do.

Updated: 2018-03-01

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Essay on the text

(I) When Beethoven realized that he was going deaf, he was overcome by despair, dull and hopeless. (2) He saw no one except the old servant, who served food three times a day and hastily cleaned the rooms, and he tried not to see him.
(3) He lived in complete solitude, locked up, face to face with his misfortune. And only late in the evening, when a bright scattering of stars illuminated the heavenly darkness, he stealthily left the house to go into the fields, where he would not run into people.
(4) But no matter how hard it was for him now, he still felt better than he had a few years ago. (5) Then he did not yet fully understand what the whistle and hum in his left ear promised him. (6) But he was already tormented by anxiety, acute and persistent. (7) She woke me up in the middle of the night and forced me to listen with fear. (8) And if there was silence all around, he fell asleep, calmly and peacefully. (9) At that time, he still believed that everything would go away by itself, as unexpectedly as it came.
(Y) If, upon waking up, he heard a rumble - and the further he went, the stronger the rumble became - he was seized with horror. (11) He jumped out of bed, ran out into the street, hurried out of the city, naively hoping that, away from the city noise, he would get rid of the ominous whistle and roar in his ears.
(12) But the silence of the fields and meadows did not bring peace. (13) He heard not her, but a noise that did not stop for a minute, now growing and then falling, like the menacing voice of the sea surf.
(14) When it finally became clear to him what awaited him, he hesitated for a long time to go to the doctor. (15) I was afraid to hear from the doctor what I already knew - the disease is incurable and threatens complete loss of hearing.
(16) The doctors completely threw him into confusion. (17) They smiled reassuringly and cowardly averted their eyes to the side. (18) They cheerfully promised improvement, and when in return there was deterioration, they just as cheerfully declared that this was quite normal, that everything was going according to the rules of science. (19) They each treated in their own way and contradicting one another. (20) If one prescribed cold baths, the other prescribed warm ones; if one ordered almond oil to be instilled into the ears, the other canceled it and advised drinking a special infusion. (21) And yet he continued to visit doctors. (22) To the torment of the doomed man, who considered death inevitable - and he then thought that deafness was the same as death for a musician - was added the unbearably painful fear that people would find out about the misfortune that had befallen him.
(23) Therefore, not hearing the interlocutor, he pretended to be absent-minded, pretending that he was completely lost in his thoughts. (24) And then, as if waking up from oblivion, he asked to repeat everything that had been said before. (25) From constant tension, from the incessant fear of giving himself away, he developed headaches. (26) Being in public has become unbearable. (27) And the further, the more the suffering increased, both physical and moral.
(28) He greedily caught every rumor about the miraculous healing of a deaf man. (29) The more absurd the fable was, the more naively he believed in it. (ZO) I believed and hoped. (31) And all the more bitter was the collapse of hopes.
(32) My hearing grew weaker and weaker. (33) The town of Heiligenstadt, where an intelligent and experienced doctor sent him, brought some relief. (34) Although the six months spent here, in voluntary exile and imprisonment, were perhaps the most difficult in his life. (35) Without friends, completely alone, completely at the mercy of illness and gloomy thoughts, he at times drove himself to complete frenzy. (3b) Then suicide seemed to him the only outcome.
(37) Deliverance came unexpectedly. (38) He found it in what he lived for and what he did not want to live without - in music.
(39) She did not leave him even in trouble. (40) Deafening, he continued to hear her. (41) And no worse than when I was healthy.
(42) Music sounded in him as before, and perhaps with greater force. (43) His phenomenal “inner hearing” helped him hear music as clearly and as distinctly as if it were performed by an orchestra or a piano. (44) With amazing clarity, he distinguished the subtlest twists of the melody, embraced powerful harmonic layers, heard each voice individually and all together.
(45) Heartless nature, by some devilish whim of fate, managed to break his body. (46) But she failed to break his proud spirit.
(47) Beethoven entered into a battle with fate. (48) From the music he composed in this cruel time, a different Beethoven emerges, not the one who rushed around the low rooms of the Heiligenstadt prison like a hunted beast. (49) Not depressed, driven to despair, but cheerful and calm, confident in his abilities. (50) Not a pitiful sufferer, trampled by misfortune and overwhelmed by a bitter wave of hopelessness, but a courageous fighter, an invincible humanist, generously giving people joy.
(51) It was here, in Heiligenstadt, in the midst of a terrifying spiritual drama, that the Second Symphony was born - one of the most joyful and luminous creations of Beethoven’s genius. (52) There is not a single gloomy note in it, not a single hint of pain and suffering. (53) A man, immersed in the abyss of misfortune, created an inspired song about happiness.
(54) This was a feat of unparalleled strength and courage.
(According to B. Kremnev)

Option 1
A feat, as I understand it, is a heroic act performed in difficult conditions. The feat requires great dedication, willpower, and fearlessness.
Beethoven, a famous composer, found himself in unbearable conditions when he began to lose his hearing. The disease depressed him, but he did not give up, tried to get rid of the buzzing in his ears on his own, turned to various doctors: he could not give up! Music saved him, but it’s not just that. The composer worked hard, and the illness did not manage to break him (sentences 46, 47). Beethoven, like a “courageous fighter,” continued to write (sentence 50). The result of his work was his famous Second Symphony - a symbol of real feat, victory over the disease and oneself.
Indeed, a feat is the act of a hero, the destiny of selfless people!

Option 2
A feat is an amazing, selfless act of a person. The result of a feat can be a saved life, an important discovery, an outstanding achievement.
In B. Kremnev’s story, Beethoven’s creation of his Second Symphony is called a feat. The composer had to endure many difficult moments due to his increasing deafness; he avoided people (sentence 26) and suffered painfully (sentence 27). However, this did not break his spirit (sentence 46), and Beethoven was able to win his difficult battle with illness and create one of his brightest works.
I also consider the work of Michelangelo Buonarroti, the Italian sculptor and artist, who, lying on his back, painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with an area of ​​six hundred square meters, to be a feat. It was titanic work for four years!
I cannot but agree with the author of the text that the feat requires inner strength. It is truly impossible without strong character and courage.

Option 3
I believe that a feat is an important deed accomplished in the most difficult conditions. It sometimes requires enormous effort from a person, mental and physical.
Thus, B. Kremnev, the author of the text, calls Beethoven’s creation of the Second Symphony a feat.
It’s hard to disagree with the author of the text. Despite the fear of losing his hearing and his profession, the composer seized the opportunity to write music (sentence 43). He overcame despair, retained confidence in his abilities (sentence 49), showing himself to be a fighter working in the name of people (sentence 50), and created a beautiful work.
Also an example of such a feat can be the fate of the pilot Alexei Maresyev. Having lost both legs, he subsequently managed to sit at the controls of the plane again. Willpower and self-education helped him live a full life.
I am sure that courageous people perform feats.

Option 4
A feat is a heroic act when a person, overcoming himself, accomplishes the almost impossible. When people talk about a feat, they immediately remember the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. It was they, showing heroism, who won peace on earth. But selfless acts are not only performed on the battlefield.
Evidence of this idea can be found in the text of B. Kremnev. When Beethoven realized that his illness was incurable, he “came into conflict with fate.” The music for which the composer lived became his salvation.
Beethoven conquered such heights from his illness that it is impossible to even imagine: he created his greatest creation - the Second Symphony (sentence 51). And there is “not a single gloomy note, not a single hint of pain and suffering.” This is a real feat (sentences 53, 54)!
People like Beethoven, who are able to challenge difficulties and overcome them with courage, deserve respect and admiration.

Option 5
A feat is an act when a person, overcoming his capabilities, accomplishes the impossible. Of course, there may be moments of doubt along the way, but only the result is important.
Beethoven, having experienced hearing loss, initially hoped that “everything would go away by itself,” but when he learned that “the disease was incurable,” he did not give up. His life turned into a fight against illness, and music in this fight became his ally (sentences 24-30).
And the composer emerged victorious in his battle with the disease (sentences 48-50). Moreover, during this period he wrote “one of the most joyful and bright creations” - the Second Symphony. Immersed in the abyss of misfortune, Beethoven accomplished the almost impossible: he created a hymn of joy and happiness.
I think that courageously overcoming your illnesses and weaknesses is a real feat.

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