Jianfei wave frog and lotus. Breathing exercises for losing belly fat: exercises, proper breathing. How many kilograms and how quickly can you lose weight by doing Jianfei breathing exercises?

Qigong is the practice of alignment, breathing, and self-awareness for healing and meditation. The roots of this doctrine are in Chinese medicine, philosophy and martial arts.

Qigong is traditionally seen as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (qi) or " vital energy" This technique took its name from the teachings of ancient Chinese philosophers; it can be called differently (jianfei, chi, qi), but the essence is the same: to return vital energy to a calm and correct direction.

Results of Qigong exercises confirmed by scientists different countries, really make you think. Many people who have completed a course of breathing exercises, without special effort were able to shift their weight from a dead point.
The thing is that proper breathing can activate and normalize metabolic processes in the body. But it is precisely the slow metabolism that often becomes the cause overweight. So it turns out that by regularly doing breathing exercises, you can lose weight.
The “Jianfei” system, which is also called qigong for weight loss, is perhaps the most effective non-drug weight loss system ever invented in the world for getting rid of excess weight in a gentle manner, without serious restrictions on the amount of food.

Also, in addition to losing weight, additional bonuses from Jianfei classes will be lightness, vigor, a surge of vitality, strengthening the body and increasing its resistance to various diseases.

Chinese qigong gymnastics “Jianfei” includes 3 exercises - “Wave”, “Frog”, “Lotus”. Exercises are performed in loose clothing that does not restrict movement. Each of the blocks affects certain processes in the body.
Lotus is designed to activate metabolism and restore vitality.
The wave is performed to combat hunger.
The frog is also designed to curb the appetite.

So, qigong exercises for weight loss:

Exercise “Wave” or “Frog Raising Waves”

This exercise amazingly relieves the feeling of hunger, which is especially important on fasting days or in the evening, when the temptation to snack is especially great and can cause maximum harm to your figure. Another wonderful effect of the “Wave” exercise is that it prevents the appearance of dizziness and weakness characteristic of the same fasting days when we are undernourished.

You can perform this exercise in various starting positions: lying, sitting, standing and even on the go. But at the beginning of your Jianfei practice, you need to master the execution of the “Wave” in a lying position.

  • Starting position - lying on your back with your knees bent (at a right angle), your feet should be straight;
  • One hand rests freely on the stomach, the other on the chest. Start breathing exercises, helping yourself slightly with your hands.;
  • As you inhale, straighten your chest and pull in your stomach. As you exhale, do the opposite: draw in your chest, inflate your stomach as fully as possible. This alternation of the chest and abdomen should resemble wave-like movements: raised chest - lowered belly, then raised belly - lowered chest.
    When protruding your stomach forward, do not artificially apply too much effort, otherwise you will quickly become fatigued and overstrain both the entire body and individual vital organs. Breathing should be natural, without special slowing down or speeding up.
    Slow your breathing slightly if you feel dizzy
  • At the end of the exercise, it is advisable to lie down for a few minutes eyes closed.
  • Start with 40 reps full cycle“Waves” and gradually increase the number of approaches to 60.
    Once you feel that the exercise is working well, you can try doing it sitting and standing.


The mechanism of action of the exercise is very simple: the feeling of hunger occurs due to compression of the empty stomach and stimulation of its mucous membrane with gastric juice. Performing the exercise promotes the excretion of gastric juice into the intestines thanks to special breathing methods, pushes and compression of the stomach and intestines, which also significantly reduces the amount of gastric juice and its stimulation of the mucous membrane. By controlling the movements of your chest and abdomen and squeezing your empty stomach, you eliminate the feeling of hunger.

As part of the Jianfei gymnastics, the “Wave” exercise is performed only in the first days. In the future, you can use it to get rid of hunger.
Sometimes, during this exercise, dizziness or even nausea occurs. In this case, you need to slow down your breathing. If the feeling of discomfort does not go away or a feeling of hunger remains, this means that this exercise, due to the individual characteristics of your body, is not suitable for you.

Exercise "Frog"

This exercise perfectly stimulates blood circulation and provides massage. internal organs, helps improve metabolism and, as a result, has a beneficial effect on the condition and complexion, gives a feeling of vigor throughout the body.

  • Starting position - sitting on a chair, placing the shin and thigh at a right angle, and spreading the knees shoulder-width apart.;
  • To perform the “Frog” exercise, you need to fold your palms in a special way:
    Women need to clench their left hand into a fist, clasping it with their right palm. The man does the opposite (with his right hand into a fist, his left one clasps it)

  • Rest your elbows on your knees, resting your forehead on your fist, close your eyes slightly and smile a little, relax your whole body. Having assumed the most comfortable position, calm down - both externally and internally. One deep breath can help with this, after which the body should go limp.
  • Concentrate on breathing: inhale freely through your nose, moving the air to your stomach. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth until a feeling of relaxation appears in the abdominal area.

    As soon as you exhale all the air, inhale through your nose again, filling the lower abdomen with air and, as it were, inflating it. Having filled your stomach, freeze for 2 seconds, take a short breath again and exhale slowly.

    The approach should look like this:exhale-inhale-stop for a couple of seconds-short inhale-exhale and again .
    Do not expand or contract your chest, use only abdominal breathing. Make sure that your chest does not rise during the process, Only the stomach should work, retracting and swelling alternately - like a frog: o).

  • At the end of the exercise, rub your hands together and “comb” yourself with your fingers a couple of times. Then you can, opening your eyes, clench your hands into a fist, lift them up, stretch and take a deep breath;
  • You need to do the “Frog” exercisethree times a day for 15 minutes.


The “Frog” exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body, which significantly improves metabolism, and therefore promotes weight loss. Stimulates capillary blood supply to the face, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair growth on the head.
The rise and fall of the diaphragm as a result of deep breathing massages the internal organs, promoting the transfer of Qi energy and eliminating all the harmful effects of restricting the amount of food consumed during weight loss.
The exercise is not recommended for those who suffer from internal bleeding or have undergone abdominal surgery less than 3 months ago. For those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, the stomach can be filled with air by 10-20%. This exercise is also not recommended during menstruation.

Exercise "Lotus"

  • Position - sitting as in the “Frog” pose or in the Buddha pose (Lotus pose). or simply sitting on your buttocks with your legs crossed. A woman should place her left leg on top of her right, and a man should do the opposite. Hands, palms up, can be freely lowered onto the legs or palm on palm (for women, the left palm should be down, for men, vice versa). Lower your chin a little and close your eyes.
    If you are sitting on a chair, do not lean on the back of the chair, straighten your lower back slightly, lower your shoulders and chin and remove your chest. Close your eyes and lightly touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. Relax physically and mentally as much as possible and take a comfortable position.
  • To perform the exercise, create a peaceful mood. The exercise is divided into three parts.
    Get your breathing in order . It should be deep, long, even, without noticeable rise of the chest and abdomen. 5 minutes are allotted for this. At this stage you control your breathing.
    For the next 5 minutes, try to loosen your breathing control - inhale naturally without effort on your part , and as you exhale, pay attention to the soundlessness, try to exhale long, relax as much as possible.
    Inhalation and exhalation should be done without any control or effort on your part. - as natural as possible. Try not to allow extraneous thoughts or feelings into yourself - only calmness and tranquility. This should take 10 minutes.
  • After completing the exercise, you should sit for a while with your eyes closed.
  • Do the Lotus exercise three times a day.

Exercise "Lotus"

Excess weight is a problem for most, since few people have time to go to fitness gyms, dance or go to the village to grow potatoes, and working in offices does not allow them to lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, today you will get acquainted with a simple, but very effective complex exercises that came to us from the east, called “jianfei,” which translated means “lose fat.” Eastern breathing exercises were created by Chinese Buddhists in order to solve the problem modern society. With its help, you can not only significantly lose weight, but also maintain your newly acquired figure with a minimum amount of effort.

This complex consists of three exercises:


Start by unbuttoning your clothes and getting rid of anything that is blocking your body from breathing.

The first exercise, called the “wave,” will help you get rid of the feeling of hunger and thereby significantly reduce the supply of food to the body. It will also be possible to reduce financial expenses, since you will spend much less on food.

So, the first exercise is “wave”.

Lie on your back and bend your legs at a right angle, place one palm on your chest and the other slightly lower on your stomach, after which you can begin to perform breathing exercises. As you inhale, straighten your chest and pull in your stomach, and when you exhale, the opposite is true - pull in your chest and inflate your stomach, you can help yourself with your hands. The movement of the chest and abdomen up and down should be similar to the movements of a wave. Breathing is calm and natural. If you suddenly feel dizzy, slow your breathing a little.

This exercise can be done not only in a lying position, but also standing or sitting, the number of repetitions is40 times. This exercise should be performed only in the first week of practicing this complex; in subsequent stages it should be used only when you feel hungry.


The second exercise included in the system of oriental breathing gymnastics “dzianfei” is called “frog”. Sit on a chair no more than 40 centimeters high so that your knee is bent 90 degrees, spread your knees shoulder-width apart, left hand make a fist and clasp this fist with your right hand. Place your elbows on your knees and place your head on your fists. Relax, close your eyes, try not to think about anything and stop all feelings and sensations.

Try to calm your nervous system. To do this, take a deep breath and at this moment think about something pleasant. Once you feel completely relaxed, return your concentration to your breathing. To begin, inhale through your nose and feel how the air fills your entire body, then exhale through your mouth. At the same time, you should feel that the abdominal area becomes relaxed and soft, like a pillow. Breathing should be slow, you should feel the entire flow of air passing through your body during inhalation and exhalation.

After inhaling, when your stomach is filled with air, stop breathing for a couple of seconds, then try to inhale a little more and then begin to exhale slowly, that is, you should get such a cycle of inhale-hold-exhale-inhale and exhale again. During the breathing process, the chest should not move, only the stomach works, sometimes inflating, sometimes retracting, which resembles a frog.

The exercise is performed for fifteen minutes, after which you should not immediately open your eyes to avoid dizziness. Slowly raise your head and open your palms, only after that you can slowly open your eyes, clench your hands into fists and raise them up, stretch, after that you can relax.

This exercise is recommended to be done several times a day before meals, it restores blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in excess weight. Exercise stimulates muscle tone well, and also helps a lot in avoiding the consequences of limited food intake.


The last exercise is called "lotus". This exercise is performed sitting cross-legged, hands palms up placed on top of each other and lowered onto the heels, do not lean your back against anything - your back should be slightly tense, your chest should not be compressed. A little
lower your chin, close your eyes, the tip of your tongue should touch the upper palate. Try to relax, now, in the same way as in the previous exercise, try to calm your thoughts, make your body soft, breathe not very deeply, but naturally, your stomach should not swell too much, try to breathe silently. This stage lasts about 5 minutes, after which you breathe for 5 minutes, not paying attention to your breathing at all.

In the third stage, breathe without paying attention to the depth of your breathing or its evenness. Here the only thing you need to watch is that you are breathing at all, if any left thoughts appear at the same time, do not pay any attention to them. You should remain in this position for 10 minutes. This exercise should be performed every day after the frog exercise, and can also be used after sleep or before bed.

Eastern breathing exercises are useful not only for weight loss; regularly performing these simple exercises will calm the nervous system, improve the health of the body as a whole and strengthen the immune system.

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“Wow...” we think, meticulously examining ourselves in the mirror, or sigh heavily while standing on the scales. And we are not alone in our sadness about extra pounds. All over the world, ladies of different ages, different classes and different incomes are united by the problem of fighting excess weight. The times these days are like this – slim, fit people are in fashion, but (glory to the Almighty!) not skinny. So we strive to get fit, lose weight, get fit, in a word, lose the fat donated by the blessings of civilization.

And what weapons do we not use in this fight? All kinds of (and impossible) diets, fasting, GYM's, exorbitant physical exercise, jogging and gymnastics. By the way, about gymnastics. Are you familiar with the word “Jianfei”? This is the name of special Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss. Translated into Russian it means “lose fat.” Jianfei gymnastics came to us from China where, by the way, all the ladies are thin and sonorous. And it is a set of simple, useful, effective and even enjoyable exercises. We invite you to get acquainted with this wonderful gymnastics in theory and be sure to do the exercises in practice.

What is the essence of Jianfei breathing exercises?

What is the essence of this gymnastics? As a rule, the cause of excess weight and its persistent reluctance to go away is a slow metabolism. Experts consider proper breathing to be one of the ways to normalize it. And specially designed breathing exercises mobilize the body’s reserve capabilities and help to gain a feeling of vigor and lightness.

This oriental breathing exercise for weight loss is actually effective. After just a week of training, you will not only see a clear external result, but also feel a surge of strength, lightness and vigor. In addition to getting rid of excess fat, exercise helps improve immunity and strengthen the entire body as a whole.

In any case, in Chinese health practices, breathing exercises for weight loss are used precisely for these purposes. It is based on three main exercises: “lotus”, “frog” and “wave”. The main goal of breathing exercises for weight loss is to get rid of the feeling of hunger, which interferes with weight loss (what a weight loss when you want to eat!). Breathing exercises Jianfei also becomes an excellent help during so-called fasting days on buckwheat, rice or kefir.

This magical Chinese gymnastics has quite a strong (and beneficial) effect on general state health. Weakness, ailments, dizziness disappear - everything that usually accompanies a woman during a diet and weight loss. In addition to normalizing metabolism, during exercises the internal organs are massaged (as during belly dancing), which also has a positive effect on their functioning.

The exercises included in this health complex are not burdensome and do not require special clothing, a special room or special accessories. They can be performed at home, in the country, on a train or on a plane, and even in the office. Let's get down to business and look at the basic exercises, as well as the principles and rules for their implementation.

First exercise “Wave”

  1. Lie face up on the floor with your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Bend your legs at a right angle. Place one palm on the center of your abdomen and place the other on your chest.
  3. As you inhale, pull your stomach in as much as possible and hold your breath for a couple of seconds.
  4. Exhale while simultaneously drawing in your chest and protruding your stomach.

To perform this exercise in a seated position, sit comfortably in a chair, straighten your back, bring your legs together and relax. Next, do everything the same as in the first option. In one “session” of health-improving gymnastics, you need to perform at least forty approaches of this exercise.

Second exercise "Lotus"

This exercise helps relieve fatigue and normalizes metabolism. Exercise “Lotus” is performed in the “Buddha pose”:

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.
  2. Turn your left palm up and place it on your right palm (vice versa for men). Lower your hands in front of your stomach onto your legs.
  3. Straighten your back, lower your chin and shoulders a little, close your eyes. Touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.
  4. Take a deep breath and imagine something pleasant, the main thing is harmony and peace.
  5. For the first five minutes, breathe freely and deeply, almost silently, fully concentrating on your breathing.
  6. For the next five minutes, relax and try to breathe as freely and naturally as possible. You can no longer control your breathing.
  7. For the last ten minutes, forget about breathing altogether. Do each exhalation and inhalation as it turns out. Breathe exactly as you are used to in everyday life. Try not to think about anything.

Actually, in Eastern practices this whole process is called meditation. During meditation, a person can completely relax physically and spiritually and achieve so-called inner harmony.

Third exercise “Frog”

For this exercise, take a small chair and sit on it:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart so that your shin and thigh form a slightly sharp or right angle. Make a fist with your left hand and clasp it with your right hand (for men, vice versa).
  2. Press your elbows to your knees and rest your forehead on your fist. Close your eyes and relax.
  3. Inhale, tensing your stomach, exhale, relaxing. Do the exercise for fifteen minutes three times a day.

This exercise is one of the few that not only somehow magically speeds up the weight loss process, but also calms the nervous system. Try to think at the moment about what makes you happy. Try to achieve inner harmony, which should calm you down and bring you back to normal.

Principles and rules of “Jianfei” breathing exercises

When starting to do the exercises, do not forget that this exercise for weight loss requires constant control of breathing, as well as complete relaxation of the whole body. Draw in air through your nose and push it into your stomach. Exhale through your mouth very slowly. Relax your stomach completely until it becomes soft. After this, inhale again. Take all breaths only through your nose.

All movements and breathing should be very slow, relaxed and calm. When abdomen completely fill with air, hold it for a couple of seconds, then inhale briefly again and immediately exhale calmly. When doing exercises, make sure that there are no unpleasant or painful sensations, so that the stomach does not fill with air too much. Start with exercises that are easiest to perform. Don't forcefully hold your breath. If you suddenly feel unwell or dizzy, stop exercising immediately.

There are no special contraindications for this gymnastics. However, you should not perform exercises during menstruation or after undergoing surgery. Particular care should be taken when starting classes for those who suffer from high blood pressure, diseases of the spine and cholelithiasis (as well as kidney and bladder stones).

According to reviews from those who have tried this method of losing excess weight in practice, Chinese breathing exercises for weight loss give amazing results! In just a few days, one kilogram is lost, and after two to three months - about ten kilograms of weight. The main condition for achieving visible and tangible results is regularity of exercise. So breathe and lose weight, and at the same time get healthier and gain good spirits and ease of thought. In any case, these are the results that fans of this oriental gymnastics “Jianfei” promise.

Therapeutic exercises and massage for weight loss Hua Fen

2. Exercise “Lotus”

2. Exercise “Lotus”

Sit upright, cross your legs, place your hands naturally on your hips, palms facing up.

Slowly move your hands to the lower abdomen, place one palm on top of the other (for men, the right hand is on top, for women, the left).

Straighten your back slightly, tuck in your chest and chin, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, close your eyes loosely, relax your forehead, and maintain a relaxed and comfortable position.

Take a full breath and relax, then try to imagine the happiest moment of your life, hold it in your mind for 1-2 minutes to get rid of worries and relax your mind. Focus completely on regulating your breathing.

In the Lotus exercise, there are three stages of breathing regulation.

First stage. Regulate your breathing with conscious effort so that it becomes deep, smooth and completely natural. Breathe without any obvious rise and fall of the chest and abdomen. You can simply listen quietly to your breathing, and it will gradually become quiet, deepen, lengthen, refine and become even. The first stage takes 5 minutes.

Second phase. Control your exhalation. Relax as you exhale and inhale naturally. The exhalation should be deep, long, thin, even and quiet. The second stage takes 5 minutes.

Third stage. Move from consciously directed breathing to natural and unintentional breathing. This does not mean that you are not aware of your breathing; you will still feel it. Whatever thoughts come into your head at this time, just don’t follow them, realizing that they will disappear anyway. In this way, your mind will gradually refocus on your breathing. The third stage takes 10 minutes. But you can practice it for 30, 40, or even 50 minutes.

The exercise should be completed in the same way as the Frog exercise: raise your arms in front of your chest, rub your palms together 10 times and comb your hair 3 times. Opening your eyes, clench your hands into fists, stretch your arms upward and take a deep breath and exhale. Practice the Lotus exercise three times a day, either after the Frog exercise or as a stand-alone exercise.

Initial position

Performing breathing cycles

Final exercise

Performing the final exercise

Important points

Maintain a natural and relaxed position.

Try to fully concentrate on regulating your breathing.

Alternatively, perform the exercise while sitting on a chair, but do not lean your back against the back of the chair.

Practice the exercise in a quiet place; be sure to ventilate the room well before performing it.

The exercise takes 20 minutes. Practice it 3 times a day.

You can do it either after the Frog exercise, or as a separate exercise in the morning or evening before going to bed.

Impact effect

Exercise is an excellent way to combat fatigue, depression and stress.

Significantly improves metabolism and helps treat many chronic diseases.

Improves blood circulation and Qi energy, helps to effectively overcome the harmful effects of restricting the amount of food consumed when losing weight.

Evening practice mainly stimulates true natural sleep, which means the complete relaxation of the body for rest.


The exercise is strictly prohibited for those who are bleeding from internal organs, and for those undergoing a recovery course after surgery (if the operation was performed within the last three months).

For people suffering from cardiovascular diseases or diseases of the digestive system, we recommend practicing the exercise for no more than 1-2 minutes.

If, after performing the exercise, women’s periods are disrupted (for example, they begin earlier than usual) or they become profuse and painful, then they should either practice the exercise for 1–3 minutes or stop the practice for a while.

Most people with various types diseases not listed above, can practice the exercise for 8–9 minutes.

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I would like to introduce all Soviet women to the very interesting breathing exercises “jianfei”, which translated into Russian means “lose fat”. With the help of three types of breathing exercises, you can lose weight in a very short time, maintain a slim figure for years and at the same time maintain excellent health. I heard a lot about this amazing gymnastics in Beijing and, out of curiosity and experiment, I decided to experience its miraculous power for myself. The results were completely unexpected, literally in two or three days I lost a kilogram, and two months later, with my height of 160 cm, I returned to my girlish weight - 50 kg, having lost 9 kilograms during this time. I no longer part with this breathing exercise; I do it every day, adjusting my weight at my discretion.

While doing this gymnastics, I involuntarily thought about the Soviet country, which, by the will of fate, became my second homeland: I was born there, my childhood passed there. I know many Soviet women with beautiful, beautiful faces, but suffering from their obesity. I think it will be interesting for them, and for men too, to learn about a product that can easily make them beautiful and slim.

After all, Jianfei breathing exercises are available to everyone.

employee of the Russian edition of the magazine "China"

The “Jianfei” breathing exercise consists of three parts - the “Wave”, “Frog” and “Lotus” exercises. Thanks to the “wave” exercises, people’s feeling of hunger disappears, and they can, without any effort, reduce the amount of food they eat, or stop eating altogether for a while, or eat only small amounts of vegetables and fruits. Usually, stopping food intake is accompanied by a weakening of the body, dizziness and other symptoms, however, by doing these three types of exercises, you can avoid all this.

When performing all three types of exercises, you must first loosen your belt and unfasten clothing that restricts body movement.

Exercises “WAVE”

Lie on your back, bend your knees at a right angle, place your feet straight (see Fig. 1), place one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach, and then begin breathing exercises, slightly helping with your hands.

When you inhale, straighten your chest, pull in your stomach; when you exhale, on the contrary, pull in your chest, inflate your stomach (as fully as possible, but without excessive effort).

Exercises of the chest (up and down) and abdomen (down and up) seem to form waves. The breathing rate should be close to normal (if individuals experience slight dizziness during exercise, then slow down the breathing slightly).

Take 40 full breaths (inhale-exhale).

This movement can also be done while standing, sitting, walking, or riding a bicycle.

“Wave” exercises are done in the first days of classes and later only when you feel hungry. “Hungry, exercise; not hungry, don’t exercise.” (In some individuals, even after 60 full breaths (inhale-exhale), there is still a strong feeling of hunger and a number of deviations occur. This means that the “Wave” exercises are not suitable for their body.)

Exercises “FROG”

Sit on a chair 35–40 cm high so that your shin and thigh form a right or slightly smaller angle, your knees are spread apart at shoulder level. The woman clenches her left hand into a fist and clasps the clenched fist with her right palm (see Fig. 2), the man clenches his right hand into a fist and clasps it with his left palm. Place your elbows on your knees and place your forehead on your fist (see Fig. 2), then you need to close your eyes, touch your lips with a smile, relax your whole body and take the most comfortable position, bring yourself to a state of complete peace.

Then you need to regulate your thoughts and nervous system, that is, calm down, relax internally. To do this, it is enough to first take a breath, as if after fatigue, so that the whole body seems to go limp. Now try to think about the most beautiful and joyful things in your life (for example, that you are lying on the grass by the water and enjoying nature) in order to get mental satisfaction and peace. For a minute or two you remain physically and mentally calm and pleasant.

After you have settled your thoughts, proceed to the main stage of the “Frog” exercises. All thoughts are completely focused on breathing exercises. First, take a free breath through your nose and move the air, helping yourself mentally, into the abdominal area, then exhale lightly, slowly, evenly through your mouth - while doing this, you get the feeling that the abdominal area is gradually becoming relaxed and soft. When you have slowly exhaled all the air, inhale again through your nose, the inhalation should also be light, slow, even. While sighing Bottom part the abdomen seems to gradually fill with air and swell. When your stomach is full, freeze for two seconds, then take an additional short breath, after which you immediately begin to exhale slowly. This creates a breathing cycle - exhale, inhale, freeze for two seconds, inhale briefly and exhale again, inhale, and so on. During the breathing process, the chest does not rise, only the abdominal area either retracts or swells, which is very reminiscent of a frog.

During the “Frog” exercises, you need to monitor the degree of filling of the abdomen with air when inhaling, taking into account the state of your body, otherwise unwanted deviations are possible. These exercises should not be done if there is internal bleeding or for those who have not yet completed the three-month period after internal bleeding. surgery. For those who suffer from cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other serious diseases, it is enough to increase the degree of filling of the abdomen with air when inhaling to 10 - 20 percent. During menstruation, it is better for women to stop exercising and replace them with “Lotus” exercises. The vast majority healthy people and people suffering from common chronic diseases can perform these exercises, and the degree of abdominal filling with air can be increased to 80 - 90 percent.

The Frog exercises take about 15 minutes. After completing them, do not open your eyes immediately to avoid dizziness. Raise your head with your eyes closed, rub your palms together 10 times, then “comb” your head several times with the fingers of both hands, then open your eyes, clench your hands into fists, lift them up, stretch, take a deep breath, after which your eyes will become clearer and your strength

During the period of intensive weight loss, these exercises should be done three times a day, each time for 15 minutes; can be done during regular meal times, or you can choose another time.

“Frog” exercises stimulate blood circulation throughout the body and metabolism in the body. And this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. When you inhale and exhale deeply, the diaphragm of the chest rises and falls, which plays a wonderful role in massaging the internal organs.

“Frog” exercises raise the tone of the entire body and effectively eliminate or mitigate all the adverse effects that food restriction usually causes.

Exercises “LOTUS”

“Lotus” exercises are usually done while sitting, as in the “Frog” exercises, or with your legs tucked under you, that is, in the Buddha position. Place your hands, palm up, one above the other, on your legs in front of your stomach (see Fig. 3), the woman – the left one on top of the right, and the man – vice versa. Do not lean on the back of the chair, straighten your lower back slightly, lower your shoulders, remove your chest, lower your chin slightly, close your eyes, lift the tip of your tongue up and lightly touch it to the roof of your mouth (near the upper teeth), completely relax, take a comfortable, natural position.

After you have taken the necessary position, bring your thoughts into the proper state. To do this, you first need to take a deep breath and relax, then think for one or two minutes about the most joyful and pleasant thing in your life, in order to create a calm, light mood before starting breathing exercises.

After this, concentrate all your thoughts on regulating your breathing, without letting anything interfere. The breathing exercise is divided into three stages.

First stage. Breathing should be deep, long, light, even and very natural. The chest and stomach should not rise or fall noticeably. Beginners can quietly listen to the sounds of breathing and gradually achieve silent breathing. You control the breathing, regulate it. This stage is 5 minutes.

Second phase. Inhale naturally, without paying attention to the breath, do not control it. When exhaling, relax completely and achieve silent, deep, long, even breathing. The second stage will also take five minutes.

Third stage. Do not control either inhalation or exhalation. Breathe naturally, not paying attention to the depth and evenness of your breathing. With all this, always maintain the feeling that the breath is there, it is sometimes close, sometimes far away, sometimes it appears, sometimes it disappears. If extraneous thoughts appear at the same time, do not pay attention to them and calm yourself down. This stage takes about ten minutes. Those suffering from chronic diseases can do the Lotus exercises for longer than 20 - 30 and 40 - 50 minutes.

Do the Lotus exercises three times a day. You can follow the “Frog” exercises, or you can do it in the morning after getting up and in the evening before bed.

“Frog” exercises and “Lotus” exercises are useful for relieving fatigue, improving metabolism, and curing various chronic diseases. Therefore, they can be done separately from each other, not in order to get rid of obesity, but in order to strengthen the body and maintain health.

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