Didactic game of valeology in the senior group. Didactic games on valeology for children of preparatory groups. Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games - Didactic game on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle “Happy and sad emoticons”

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All sections | Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games

Didactic game “Sense Organs” Didactic game"Sense Organs" Tasks games : Simple and accessible game which will help consolidate, systematize children’s ideas and knowledge about the world around them, health person. The selected material helps expand children's knowledge and understanding of organs, and...

The issue of organizing the subject-developmental environment of a preschool educational institution is the most relevant today, since an important criterion for assessing the activities of a preschool organization according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the created subject-spatial environment. It should be varied and rich in content, i.e....

Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games - Didactic game on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle “Happy and sad emoticons”

Publication “Didactic game on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle “Happy and Sad...” Developer: Kuznetsova E.A. Educational area: physical development; speech development; social and communicative development. Goal: introduce children to the basics healthy image life. Objectives: to expand children’s knowledge of what is healthy and what is harmful to health; develop...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Didactic games on healthy lifestyle Didactic games on healthy lifestyle middle group Educator: N. A. Okuneva “Pick up objects” Goal: To develop the ability to group objects; consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items; The child is asked to look at the pictures lying on the table, choose from the proposed pictures...

Didactic material on valeology for preschoolers 6–7 years old Game “Good or Bad” Purpose: to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and a correct, careful attitude towards their health; develop children's thinking, speech, attention, memory. Material: images of pictures with various situations (negative and positive. Progress of the game:...

Didactic game as a means of developing the psychological health of preschool children in the work of a teacher-psychologist Psychological health is a necessary condition full functioning and development of a person in the process of his life. The problem of deteriorating children's health, both physical and psychological, has been on the agenda for a long time. Doctors, psychologists, teachers,...

Healthy lifestyle, valeology, human body. Didactic games - Didactic games on valeology for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Progress of the game: A Dwarf came running to the group of children. The hair is disheveled. Hands and face are dirty. Gnome: Hello, guys. I’m visiting you, I want to play toys with you. Educator: Hello, Gnome! We are very glad to see you! But you look very strange. I suggest you bring yourself...

Didactic games for developing ideas about health and healthy lifestyle in preschoolers Games to develop positive motivation to maintain and improve health [HEALTH IS ONE OF THE MAIN VALUES OF LIFE. A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IS NOT YET THE FIRST PLACE IN THE HIERARCHY OF HUMAN NEEDS AND VALUES IN OUR SOCIETY, BUT IF WE TEACH CHILDREN FROM A EARLY EARLY...

Didactic games for preschoolers.

Perhaps, the problem of preserving the health of preschool children is one of the problematic ones if adults do not address it sufficiently. And instilling a caring attitude towards their health in children can be done using a method that children really like - this is a game. So, I present to your attention interesting didactic games for preschoolers for use both in kindergarten and at home.

1. Drawing up a model “How to protect yourself from a cold” and “How to behave during illness”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about disease prevention

Material: Large cards - 2 pcs. with the image of a sick child; a set of small cards with preventative measures and a set of cards with activities aimed at rapid recovery.

Progress of the game: In front of the child there are 2 large cards with the image of the patient and healthy child. The child’s task is to create a model of behavior during illness; select the desired set of cards and put them next to the card with the sick child. And also create a model of preventive actions against colds by similarly selecting the necessary ones from the available cards and putting them on a healthy child.

2. Story based on the mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about various factors that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health.

Material: Mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy”

Progress of the game: On the table there is a mnemonic table “If you want to be healthy.” The teacher asks you to use a mnemonic table to tell you what you need to do to be healthy. The child’s task is to correctly talk about the factors that promote health, using the mnemonic table, without making mistakes.

3. Didactic game “To be healthy, I will...”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about leading a healthy lifestyle.

Material: Subject pictures depicting various positive situations (barefoot walking, sunbathing, sledding, dousing, etc.) and a set of pictures with negative situations.

Progress of the game: The teacher says: “To be healthy, you will...” The child’s task is to complete the first part of the teacher’s sentence and select the corresponding positive story picture.

4. State of the model “Factors that promote health”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about factors that help improve health

Material: Large sheet with a picture of a person in the center. Colored pencils.

How to play: In front of the child lies a large sheet with a picture of a person in the center. The child’s task is to draw around the person everything that helps improve human health (vitamins, sports, etc.)

5. “Helpful - harmful”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits and harms of certain products

Material: Large cards with the image of a cheerful man; a set of cards depicting foods that are healthy and harmful to human health.

How to play: There are 2 large cards on the table with the faces of a cheerful and sad man. The child’s task is to choose cards with products that are good for human health and put them on the card with a cheerful little man, and put cards with products that are harmful to human health on the card with a sad little man.

6. Didactic game on valeology “We are tempering”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about subjects that help us harden.

Material: Cards depicting items needed for hardening (inventory).

How to play: Children take turns taking a card with a picture of an item needed for hardening. The child’s task is to tell about the purpose of the object and its benefits for hardening the body.

7. “Brew borscht”

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​how to prepare soup, to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Material: Sets of pictures depicting the products needed for borscht.

Progress of the game: Children take turns choosing the appropriate subject pictures depicting products for preparing borscht.

8. “A lot is a little”

Goal: To teach children to think about what and in what quantities they can consume without harming their health. To develop the ability to classify foods: sour - sweet, bitter - salty, vegetables - fruits.

Material: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits; card with questions:

Progress of the game: What happens if you eat a lot (picture)?

Eating a lot of apples is good...

Eating too many apples is bad...

Task: arrange vegetables and fruits, “tops and roots.”

9. Didactic game on valeology “Vitamin Summer”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about vitamins and their content in foods.

Material: Large cards (3 pieces) and 32 small cards with images of vegetables and fruits.

Progress of the game: The teacher names vitamins on a large card, and children choose object pictures depicting products that contain this vitamin and put them next to the corresponding vitamin.

10. Didactic game “Magic Pan”

Goal: Expand the understanding of the variety of dishes.

Material: Image of a pan and cards with images of ready-made dishes and the products from which they were prepared.

Progress of the game: Each child is given a card with a picture of a finished dish. The child’s task is to select an object picture with the necessary products for preparing a given dish. Those who complete the task put their pictures in the magic pan. Everyone checks the correct execution together.

11. Didactic game “Guess the sport”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about different types sports

Material: Cards depicting attributes for each sport.

Progress of the game: The presenter distributes cards with the image to the children various types sports The child’s task is to select cards with the appropriate attributes for a given sport.

12. Didactic game “Dress the Athlete”

Goal: To teach children the ability to select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes

Material: Card with images of equipment and equipment of different athletes

How to play: Children are given cards depicting athletes from various sports. The child’s task is to select pictures with the appropriate equipment and equipment for a given athlete.

13. Didactic game: “Healthy and unhealthy food.”

Goal: To form children’s knowledge about healthy and unhealthy food, to systematize children’s ideas about the functioning of the digestive tract,

develop healthy eating principles.

14. Didactic game: “My body”

Goal: To form an idea of ​​the structure of the body and the muscular system,

develop the ability to move beautifully and accurately, cultivate a conscious attitude towards classes physical culture, to your own health.

15. Didactic game: “Why did this happen? »

Goal: To form the concept of first aid for sunstroke, heatstroke, fainting, insect bites, bleeding, fractures, poisoning, to introduce artificial respiration techniques, its meaning and necessity.

Ruzhena Grigorieva

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 2 of compensatory type for children with speech disorders»

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

By valeology education

children of graduating classes.

Prepared by the teacher

Grigorieva Ruzhena Yurievna


Proposed didactic games aimed at consolidating knowledge children about the structure and functions of some organs of your body and the impact on the work of these organs various forms behavior

Didactic game"Yes or no".

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: Consolidate knowledge children

Rules and progress games:

If what the adult says is true, the children clap their hands; if not, then they stomp their feet.

1. The heart is on right side breasts (No)

2. The heart contracts and unclenches all the time. (Yes)

3. When we sleep, the heart stops (No)

4. Crayfish and sea worms have blue blood (Yes)

5. Kings and princesses also have blue blood. (No)

6. Heart empty as a ball (No)

7. Exercising strengthens our heart. (Yes)

Didactic game"Let's help the short ones"

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: consolidate knowledge about the negative effects on health of pampering, overexertion and overeating.

Rules and progress games: The teacher tells the children that he received a letter from the short ones asking them to help them figure out who is right.

Didactic game"Let's help the short ones"

Hello guys! I send you greetings from all my short friends. My name is Donut. IN Lately I began to feel very bad. So that my heart doesn’t get tired, I either sit, lie or sleep all day. I'm afraid to even jump, run and work. To make my heart strong, I eat a lot of tasty and sweet things.

And I'm Dunno, a smart little guy. I also want my heart to be strong. To do this, I decided to run, jump, swim and tumble from morning to evening. And Znayka says that I’m doing it wrong. But I don't listen to him. Which one of us do you think is right? Donut? Znayka? Or me, Dunno?

D\game "Little Men"

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about the structure and main functions of the kidney.

Rules and progress games:

You and I will now turn into little blood people. (The teacher gives the children red and blue circles). Those with red circles will be necessary substances, and those with blue circles will be unnecessary substances. The teacher invites two children to hold hands and make collars. Children with red and blue circles join hands and walk one after another. They approach the gate, i.e. "kidneys".The gate is allowed through children with blue circles (i.e. unnecessary blood substances, and children with red circles (i.e. the necessary substances) leave. The remaining children stand next to "kidneys".

Didactic game"What? Where?

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: to form generalized ideas about internal organs, teach to find it and name its location.

Rules and progress games: the teacher shows models of organs and offers to find its place on the model of a person, then name where it is located.

The heart is (on the left side of the chest)

The stomach is (in the middle part of the body)

The liver is (under the lungs, to the right of the stomach)

The lungs are (inside the chest)

Didactic game"Is it true or not"

Region: "Health", “Cognition.

Target: consolidate knowledge children about the structure of your body, internal organs and their functions.

Rules and progress games: The teacher gives each child circles of red and Green colour and explains the rules games:

If what is being said is true, show the green circle, and if it is not true, then show the red circle.

Is it true that the liver produces blood cells that fight harmful microbes? (Yes)

Is it true that the brain is located inside the chest? (No)

Is it true that you need to sleep all day to keep your heart strong? (No)

It's true that if you don't wash your hands well before eating, you can get liver disease. (Yes)

Is it true that the heart pumps blood throughout the body? (Yes)

It is true that the heart is located on the right side of the chest (No)

Is it true that if you don't chew your food well, your stomach will hurt?

Is it true that to keep your heart strong, you need to do physical exercise from morning to evening? (No)

It is true that the stomach secretes juice and digests food (Yes)

D\game "Questions from Dunno"

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: formation children

Rules and progress games: Dunno asks the children questions, the children answer.

Why do you need to exercise?

Why is it necessary to ventilate the room?

Why can't you eat a lot before bed?

Why can't you exercise too much?

Why is it useful to walk in the forest or in the park?

Why can't you smoke?

Why can't you eat foods you're unfamiliar with?

Why should you wash your hands before eating?

D\game "Finish the sentence"

Region: "Health", "Cognition".

Target: formation children healthy lifestyle culture.

Rules and progress games: the teacher begins the sentence, the children continue

For the heart to be healthy it is necessary...not possible...

Do physical education

Time to go to bed

Try not to get too tired of games

For the brain to work well, it is necessary, but it cannot...

To eat well

Get enough sleep

You can't worry too much

You can't quarrel and shout.

To prevent liver disease, you must, you cannot...

Wash your hands with soap before eating

There are vegetables and fruits

You cannot eat foods, pills, or drinks that are unfamiliar to you.

For the lungs to be healthy, it is necessary...not...

Breathe fresh air in the forest, in the park, outside the city

Try not to catch a cold

Ventilate the room

You can't smoke when you grow up

In order not to have a stomach ache it is necessary...not possible...

Eat fruits and vegetables washed

Chew food well

Eat according to schedule

You can't eat too much at night

You can’t eat too much sweet, starchy and fried foods.

Card index of valeological games.

A series of value games.

To keep your skin healthy.

Goal: to develop skills in monitoring the implementation of personal hygiene rules.

Equipment: pictures marked with a red border with incorrect

actions of children.

Children look at the pictures and find what is wrong. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Where does vitamin live?

Goal: to introduce children to the types of vitamins and their sources.

Rules: you need to choose a picture and name what vitamins are in this fruit or vegetable.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two teams. The player of the first team shows the vitamin, and the players of the other team show pictures of vegetables and fruits that contain it. Then vice versa. This game can be used as part of a cognitive development activity.

"Let's do exercises"

Goal: to teach children to use a drawing diagram.

We will all say no to a cold.

Charging and I are friends.

We will do exercises

We are not afraid of diseases.

Guys, we will do exercises according to these drawings and diagrams.

(In accordance with the diagram shown, children perform the exercise)

What does the heart love?

Goal: to instill the habit of a healthy lifestyle, broaden children’s horizons on the prevention of heart disease.

Rules: you need to name a type of product or activity that is good for the heart.

Progress of the game:

Children are asked to name types of foods and activities that are good for their heart. Each named word is a part of the heart. Gradually, as children name words, a whole heart is formed. The number of players is 8-10 people.

"Hygiene rules"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of personal hygiene.

Progress of the game:

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected and leaves the group. The teacher and the children agree on who will portray what and what. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns demonstrating hygiene skills using gestures and facial expressions. The presenter must guess what the children are showing: washing, brushing teeth, wiping, combing their hair, bathing.

How to take care of your teeth.

Goal: tell what is good and what is bad for teeth.

Equipment: two flat teeth – healthy and diseased; subject

food pictures.

The playing field contains pictures of things that are good and bad for teeth.

food products. Children take turns placing a picture of the patient or

a healthy tooth next to a picture of food,

explain their choice.

The morning begins.

Goal: to accustom children to follow a daily routine, to consolidate the types of activities carried out in different time days.

Rules: you need to name the types of activities carried out in the morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Progress of the game:

Children are asked to choose a picture of the time of day and name the corresponding activities that need to be carried out at this time of day, and arrange the cards in the sequence in which they should be performed.


Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid

Equipment: pictures of medical supplies

(thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

The teacher plays out with the children a situation where a person has cut his arm, leg, broken his knee, elbow, has a fever, a sore throat, a speck of dust has gotten into his eye, and his nose is bleeding. For each situation, a sequence of actions is worked out.

Health watch.

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and healthy products nutrition and activities.

Rules: you need to scroll the arrows on the “health clock” and determine the usefulness or harmfulness of the image.

Progress of the game:

Children are asked to take turns scrolling the arrows on the “health clock”, and when the teacher says stop, the player stops the arrow, looks at the image to which it is directed and talks about the usefulness or harmfulness of what is in the picture.

Tree of health.

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and healthy foods.

Rules: you need to distribute the pictures on the pieces of paper into the corresponding trees.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into teams, choosing a “health tree” or “ill health tree” for themselves. Light music is turned on. While the music is playing, the children hang leaflets with pictures on the corresponding trees. When the music stops, the teacher sums up the task.

Health with indoor plants.

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants, their names and beneficial properties.

Rules: you need to choose from a number of pictures pictures of indoor plants, name them and list them beneficial features.

Progress of the game:

Children are asked to take turns choosing upside down pictures. Having examined the image in the picture, the child must name indoor plant and list its beneficial properties. After completing the task, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Be healthy!

Goal: to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle, consolidate knowledge about healthy products and activities.

Rules: you need to select pictures in turn depicting a food product and type of activity and correlate them with each other.

Progress of the game:

The teacher suggests choosing, for example, a picture of a carrot and an athlete and relating them to each other: the athlete chooses for food healthy vegetables etc.



Bashenko I.V.

Didactic game “Good habits”

Target: consolidate and deepen the understanding of habits beneficial to human health, their impact on human development and life. Develop the ability to analyze and compare, the ability to self-esteem.

Progress of the game: The children have red and green chips on the tables. The teacher names some action, and the children must determine what it is - a skill or a habit? For example, if children believe that they have the ability to brush their teeth and wash their face, they raise a green chip. If they think it's a habit - red.

You always have a handkerchief in your pocket (this is a habit).

You know how to use a handkerchief, but you forget to put it in your pocket (this is a skill).

You know how to tie your shoelaces and do it quickly (it's a habit).

You know how to do this, but slowly, often ask your mother to help you. (It is a habit).

Eat quietly, use proper cutlery, etc.

Didactic game “What is needed for what? »

Target: expand children's knowledge about the need to observe hygiene rules, about objects that help take care of cleanliness and health. Strengthen habits associated with cleanliness and tidiness, make children want to wash themselves and become friends with water.

Progress of the game : In front of the children there are cards with the image various items hygiene. The child, receiving the card, talks about the purpose of this item and the rules for using it.

Didactic game “What can I do?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the structure of the body. Learn to do exercises to the words of a friend.

Progress of the game: The presenter (child) names a part of the body and instructs the child to tell what he can do with this part of the body. For example: “Legs.” “I can walk, run, dance, jump, etc.”

"Teeth". “I can bite, chew, talk.”

Didactic game “Who needs this?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the differences in clothing, toys, games and behavior of girls and boys.

Progress of the game: The presenter shows a picture with images of various clothes, toys, games. Children, divided into teams, must select the necessary ones. The team that completes the tasks faster wins.

Didactic game “I am like everyone else, I am different from others”

Target: to consolidate children’s ideas about the similarities and differences in the appearance of girls and boys, to make it clear that every person is unique.

Progress of the game: The game is played using the comparison method. First, the teacher tells about himself:

I am the same person as everyone else. I have a head, a nose, eyes, lips... But I am different from you, older children. I have gray eyes, and Sveta are dark. I have short hair, but in Sofia I have long hair...

Then the children compare themselves with each other, trying to find not only different ones, but also similar ones (for example, Misha and Sasha are the same height, they are both blond, etc.).

Didactic game “Make tea”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about medicinal plants, their appearance and healing properties.

Progress of the game: Children are offered cards with a picture of a medicinal plant. Each child chooses a card with a picture of a certain berry and paints the water in the glass with paint of the corresponding color. Then, he talks about his “tea” and its medicinal properties.

Didactic game “What first, what then?”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the connection between nature and the state of physical, mental and spiritual health of a person. Systematize ideas about sequence seasonal changes in nature. Teach children to establish the interdependence of their well-being and these changes.

Didactic game “I’m made this way”

Target : To consolidate knowledge about the main organs and systems of the human body and their functions.

Progress of the game: The game is played with a subgroup or individually. The teacher begins the sentence, and the children finish it. Eg:

I need eyes... (to see everything around; to admire nature, to see my mother’s face).

I need ears... (to hear what they say to me; to listen to music, birdsong).

I need teeth... (to chew food well; to bite an apple), etc.

Didactic game “Yes or no?”

Target : To consolidate the concept of a person, his body parts, some external and internal organs.

Progress of the game : The teacher offers correct and incorrect answers. The correct answer must be confirmed with the word “Yes” (applause), and the incorrect answer must be confirmed with the word “No”. Examples of questions:

The organs of vision are the ears. Yes or no?

The organs of vision are the eyes. Yes or no?

The organ of smell is the nose. Yes or no?

The organ of taste is the tongue. Yes or no?

The organ of hearing is the nose. Yes or no?

The organs of hearing are the ears. Yes or no?

Didactic game “Delicious food”

Target: form your own taste preferences, the ability to distinguish and explain the taste qualities of various dishes.

Progress of the game: Invite children to imagine that they are eating their own favorite dish. Children describe the taste of this dish without naming it. Based on the descriptions, other children guess which dishes their friends like best. Then the children draw their favorite dish and tell what it is made from.

Didactic game "Artist"

Target: develop observation, memory, communication skills.

Progress of the game: Two are selected from a group of children, the rest are “spectators”. One of the chosen ones is the “artist”, and the second is the “customer”. The artist looks carefully at his customer (1.5 - 2 minutes), then turns away and describes the child’s appearance from memory.

Didactic game “Guess who I am”

Target: using facial expressions and gestures to convey the behavior of the insect.

Progress of the game: On the teacher’s table there are cards with drawings of different insects. Each person takes turns drawing a card and reproducing the behavior of these insects with their hands, gestures, and facial expressions. The rest of the children guess who exactly was shown.

Didactic game “Who hears what?”

Target: consolidate knowledge of what we hear with our ears, cultivate auditory attention, the ability to name sounds in words (for example, ringing, playing, scraping, knocking, etc.)

Progress of the game: Behind the screen are various objects: a bell, a pipe, a toy piano, and the like. The teacher or child performs actions with the object. Children guess what kind of object it is. The sounds are repeated with different strengths.

Didactic game "Street"

Target : consolidate knowledge about the behavior of pedestrians, traffic rules and the consequences of violating the rules traffic

Progress of the game: On the playground, during a walk (or in a group room)

The teacher and the children are building a street from building material Designate a pavement, sidewalk, crossing. Toy vehicles are being set up. They choose a child - a “traffic light” (she holds three flags in her hands: red, yellow, green), the rest of the children are pedestrians. At the teacher’s signal, a game begins to reinforce the rules of the road.

Didactic game “Why keep a daily routine?”

Target : Clarify children’s knowledge about the daily routine - rational and clear

alternation of sleep, various types of activities, rest during the day, that one of the main conditions for the development of a healthy child is the correct daily routine.

Progress of the game : The teacher, and then the child, compose a story “with errors.” For example: “One morning I sat down to dinner.” Or: “One night we were playing on the playground in kindergarten" The children need to be explained the mistake and told why this should not be done.

Didactic game “My face”

Target: Teach knowledge of yourself, your individuality. Teach children how to make a human face (using various objects). Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Reinforce children's concepts of color (blue, green, gray, brown eyes). Strengthen the idea of ​​parts of the face; activate the vocabulary: eyes, mouth, lips, nose, eyebrows. Develop tactile sensations.

Material: multi-colored braid, buttons, sticks, plasticine, sandpaper, velvet paper, foam rubber.

Progress of the game: Using various materials, children make up a person or his person; give a descriptive story about the face, its shape, etc.

Didactic game “Clean Hands”

Target: Teach the sequence of actions of the washing process. Activate the dictionary: soap, washcloth, brush, towel. Form the need for compliance with personal hygiene rules. Teach practical development of healthy lifestyle skills.

Material: pictures with rules, toiletries, small toys, three-dimensional animal figurines, labor items.

Progress of the game:

1st option – the teacher invites the children to choose pictures that correspond to the rule when it is necessary to wash their hands, and according to the picture, find three-dimensional objects.

2nd option – the teacher invites children to imitate the movements of the washing process (creativity and imagination develops).

Didactic game “I can - I can’t”

Target: Intensify children's attention to their skills and physical capabilities of their body. Develop research activities, cultivate self-esteem.

Progress of the game . Any number of children can participate in the game (from 1 to 10). The presenter throws the ball to the child and says: “I can” or “I can’t.” The child, having caught the ball, must continue the phrase, explaining why he knows how to do it (what helps him) or does not know how to do it (can he learn), and return the ball to the leader.For example: “I can run because I have legs,” “I can’t fly because I don’t have wings.”

Didactic game "Find a pair"

Target: Exercise children in selecting identical plates, comparing their surfaces using tactile sensations (blindfolded).

Progress of the game: Plates covered with foil, velvet paper, fur, flannel, silk, as well as metal and wooden plates are placed in front of the children. Children choose one plate at a time, and then take turns looking for the second one by touch.

Note. The child must explain what helped him correctly identify different materials.

Didactic game “Identify by touch”

Target: Exercise children in guessing familiar objects by touch, naming the characteristics of this object.

Progress of the game: The child must identify the object in the “wonderful bag” by touch and characterize it, highlighting as many features as possible. The teacher offers to name the color of the object and finds out why it is impossible to do this. In order to complicate the game in the bag, you should put only one item for guessing, after showing it to the other children. For each correct answer, a chip is awarded.

Didactic game

“All helpers are important, everyone helpers needed,

and who needs which one more?”

Target. Activate children's knowledge about the dominant development of a particular sense organ for people of a certain profession. Activate the dictionary:cook, intelligence conductor, perfumer, magician.

Progress of the game: Each player receives a large card with a picture of a person of a certain profession. On the table there are small cards with the image of one or another sense organ. Players take turns taking out one small card at a time and either keeping it if it matches the image on the large card (i.e. if this sense organ is important for people of this profession), or returning it back.(For example: to the large card with the image of a perfumer, the child picks up a small card on which a nose is depicted.) The game ends when each player has one small card corresponding to the large one. Players then take turns justifying their choice. The rest of the players listen carefully and evaluate the correctness. The winner is the one who did not make a single mistake or made a minimum number of inaccuracies.

Note. The number of cut cards should be more than necessary. You can offer a game option in which each child has the right to choose several large cards. This becomes possible as preschoolers acquire relevant knowledge about the peculiarities of the development of a certain sense organ in people of different professions.

Game exercise

“Who can count the buttons faster?”

Target . Intensify children's attention to the fact that a large number of analyzers involved in the work make it easier to perform any work.

Progress: The child is asked to count the number of buttons on his shirt (jacket, dress, coat, fur coat) in two ways: only by touch or by feeling and looking at them.

Note. Talk with the children about in what case it turns out to count faster and why.

Game exercise “Let's talk without words”

Target. Exercise children in understanding the meaning of certain gestures, postures, and facial expressions of a person.

Move : The teacher invites the children to guess the meaning of his gestures(greeting, farewell, threat etc.), facial expressions(surprise, joy, anger etc.), poses(confusion, fatigue, well-being etc.). Then the children are given the task of giving examples of using various gestures, changing posture and facial expressions in order to understand each other without words.

Game exercise

"Let's listen to our body"

Target . Introduce children to basic relaxation techniques, which have a positive impact on well-being and self-awareness.

Content . The teacher invites the children to sit or lie down comfortably, close their eyes, relax (relax their arms, legs, whole body), listen to themselves, to how they work internal organs the body (how the blood pulsates in time with the beats of the heart, how smoothly we breathe when in a calm state, etc.).

Didactic game “Guess the sport”

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports.

Material : Cards depicting attributes for each sport.

Progress of the game : The presenter gives the children cards depicting various sports. The child’s task is to select cards with the appropriate attributes for a given sport.

Didactic game “Dress the Athlete”

Target: Teach children the ability to select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes

Material: Card depicting the inventory and equipment of various athletes.

Progress of the game:

Children are given cards with pictures of athletes from various sports. The child’s task is to select pictures with the appropriate equipment and equipment for a given athlete.

Didactic game “What can you bite with your teeth?”

Target. Develop children's ability to establish positive and bad influence on the teeth of foods eaten

Move : Children stand in a circle. The driver, an adult or a child (depending on the age of the children in the group), names objects and products. (For example:stone, bun, cutlet, bone, finger, nutetc.). Children say “yes” and raise their hands up if it can be bitten with their teeth, or say “no” and squat down if it cannot be bitten with their teeth.

Didactic game “To be healthy, I will...”

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Material: Subject pictures depicting various positive situations (barefoot walking, sunbathing, sledding, dousing, etc.) and a set of pictures with negative situations.

Progress of the game: The teacher says: “To be healthy, you will...” The child’s task is to complete the first part of the teacher’s sentence and select the corresponding positive story picture.

Didactic game "Helpful - harmful"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about the benefits and harms of certain products

Material: Large cards with the image of a cheerful man; a set of cards depicting foods that are healthy and harmful to human health.

Progress of the game

On the table there are 2 large cards with the faces of a cheerful and sad man. The child’s task is to choose cards with products that are good for human health and put them on the card with a cheerful little man, and put cards with products that are harmful to human health on the card with a sad little man.

Didactic game “A lot - a little”

Target: Teach children to think about what and in what quantities they can consume without harming their health. To develop the ability to classify foods: sour - sweet, bitter - salty, vegetables - fruits.

Material: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits; card with questions:

Progress of the game:

1.What happens if you eat a lot (picture)?

2.Eating a lot of apples is good...

Eating too many apples is bad...

Task: arrange vegetables and fruits, “tops and roots.”

Didactic game

"Choose edible mushrooms and berries"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about edible and poisonous plants, the ability to distinguish them from each other.

Material : baskets, dummies or cards depicting edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries, chips.

Progress of the game: offer to collect edible mushrooms and berries in baskets, and leave the “inedible” ones in the forest. For each correctly chosen plant, a chip. The player who scores wins greatest number chips.

Didactic game "What is good and what is bad."

Target: Teach children to distinguish good behavior from bad;

Pay attention to the fact that good behavior brings joy and health to both yourself and the people around you, and, conversely, bad behavior can lead to unhappiness and illness.
Rules of the game:
Children should express their attitude through facial expressions only after the question “Guys, is this good or bad?”
Material: Excerpts from their works of fiction, life facts about the good and bad behavior of a person, children, or group.

Progress of the game: The child is asked to determine “what is good and what is bad” and explain his decision.
Children use facial expressions and gestures to express their attitude towards good and bad behavior (bad behavior - they make an angry face, shake their finger; good behavior - they smile, nod their heads approvingly). Answer the teacher's questions.
For example:
Today Seryozha ate snow again. Guys, is this good or bad?
Children show with facial expressions and gestures that this is bad.
What could happen to Seryozha? The children answer.

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