Doctor Komarovsky nutrition for 1 year old child. Doctor Komarovsky about baby nutrition. What products should you start with?

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All of the following applies to children over 8 months. Until this age, complementary feeding of a child according to Komarovsky involves the gradual introduction of fermented milk products and cereals. And the baby should approach the next “edible milestone” with the following menu: meals – 4-5 times a day, of which 1 time is kefir and 1 time is porridge, the rest is the usual mother’s milk or an adapted formula. Now it’s time to try vegetable complementary foods, fruit purees and meat.

As we already said in one of the previous articles, complementary feeding of a child according to Komarovsky cannot be presented in the form of a table that would specifically describe when to introduce meat, fruits, vegetables and other dishes. After all, in fact, the scheme is drawn up by the parents themselves personally for their child (not to be confused with would-be mothers who are in a hurry to introduce complementary feeding from 3 months!).

It is not at all necessary to introduce vegetable complementary foods into the diet of an 8-month-old child. Of course, if the child already has at least one tooth in his mouth, you can start. And if there is not a single tooth (this is rare, but it happens), Komarovsky advises waiting until the “firstborn” appears. Sometimes this dish is included in the diet at 10 months, not earlier.

When introducing vegetables into complementary foods, we begin with tests that will demonstrate how the baby reacts in principle to this new product. To do this, we give the child 30-50 grams of vegetable broth.

On the second day we double the dosage. If there is no negative reaction, you can switch to soup or vegetable puree.

We continue to gradually increase the dose. And as a result, we completely replace one of the breast milk (formula) feedings with vegetable complementary foods.

Recipes for vegetable complementary foods from Komarovsky

Komarovsky recommends starting feeding with root vegetables and herbs with a decoction. And this is how he prepares.

We take carrots, potatoes, cabbage and onions.

Chop everything very finely, pour boiling water (the proportion is approximately 100 ml of water per 50 g of vegetables), close the lid and continue to boil until everything is boiled.

Then we filter the liquid through cheesecloth, boil it again and pour it into a bottle. Ready!

And to make complementary foods with vegetable puree, you also need to cut various vegetables, add a little boiling water and simmer everything.

Since the water will gradually boil away, you need to add new water.

Cooked vegetables (hot) should be rubbed through a sieve, add hot milk and a little salt.

Then beat everything thoroughly and boil.

And then, in the finished vegetable puree soup, it would be nice to add vegetable oil.

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Complementary meat and fruit puree

Vegetables are given to the child from 2 to 3 weeks (it doesn’t matter - in the form of puree or soup). And then meat is introduced into complementary foods. The tactics are similar to those with the previous group of products.

We start this one with a test soup, which is cooked in meat broth (preferably chicken), and not in water.

If all is well, you can add pureed meat to the soup. And after a few more days, you can add a fifth of the yolk of a hard-boiled chicken egg to the soup.

Then we gradually increase this dose, but up to a year the baby does not need more than half a yolk.

If meat should be introduced into complementary foods exclusively after vegetables, then fruit dishes are not “tied” to any other products.

Dr. Komarovsky advises starting complementary feeding with them after the toddler’s first tooth comes out. And if this happened before the child was six months old, you need to wait until the 6-month mark.

Moreover, fruit complementary foods do not necessarily mean juices. The liquid very successfully replaces the pulp of a baked apple.

It is no worse to introduce fruit puree into complementary foods. But in any case, such food should first be given as an additional one, after the baby has eaten formula or been fed from the mother’s breast.

The situation will change a little when the child gets a little older: nutrition at 8 months may already imply a gradual abandonment of the breast.

From 10 months to a year

By 10 months, three feedings a day should consist entirely of adult food. We give cottage cheese and kefir once, porridge once, and soup again. It is recommended that complementary feeding with cereals and soups be varied at this age.

Also, the child should already be familiar with the yolk and vegetable oil, drink 30-50 grams of juice. The main thing is not to feed meat with high fat content.

But you can also add crushed cookies to cottage cheese and kefir. And serve mashed potatoes with mashed meat and milk. AND baked apple give.

You can add bread crumbs to the soup. And just like that, in your hand, a piece of apple or a crust of bread (to chew or suck).

In addition, soup for a 10-month-old toddler can be prepared not only with meat, but also with fish broth.

Thus, adult food (fruit complementary foods, cereals, meat, etc.) becomes the main food by 9-10 months, and mother’s milk and formula become auxiliary.

And yet, if the mother has milk, she needs to feed the baby at least once a day for up to a year. It shouldn’t be longer, there is no biological meaning in this, except perhaps a psychological one.

But good adapted mixtures have so much useful composition that they can be given up to three years.

website 2017-06-18

So, friends, talking about food, talking about the first meal - in fact, complementary feeding - is a topic of concern to everyone. Probably, the pediatrician has several such topics - like “Treating diarrhea”, “Treating snot”, “Treating cough”, “Complementary feeding” - wake you up at night, we’ll tell you how to live with it.

I ask you to write down 10 simple rules:

Rule #1. When to start

The most important rule of complementary feeding is when to start? I used to say this: from 4 to 6 months, the baby does not need complementary feeding, the mother needs it.

Now I will say this: there is no complementary feeding until 6 months. You see, medical science does not stand still, and there is more and more evidence that these experiments are not necessary until the child reaches 6 months. Fine?

Rule #2. Independence of the type of feeding

It is very important to immediately forget that the feeding system has something to do with the timing of complementary feeding:

  • We are artificial babies, we need complementary feeding from 3 months!
  • We are on breastfeeding, we will actually start within a year. Until one year - only mother!

My friends, regardless of the type of feeding, the optimal time to start complementary feeding is 6 months.

Rule #3. We do not experiment with a sick child

Complementary foods and new foods in general are given when the child is healthy. If a child is sick, something is wrong - let's not experiment with the sick person.

We already know three rules - well done!

Rule #4. Calm environment

Again, why do you need these experiments, if you went to visit somewhere, are getting ready to go on a trip - tomorrow we are going somewhere, and today let's give something, and we will treat diarrhea all night! Therefore, if we are going to introduce any new foods, let's adapt to the circumstances and not experiment when it is inconvenient for any family member.

Rule #5. First complementary foods, then main food

What is very important? Complementary feeding is still given when the child is really hungry, that is, it is given before feeding him the main meal. It is clear that if you put him to your breast, then after he has eaten, it is already very difficult to conduct any experiments with new, unusual food. So once again important rule- first complementary foods, then main food.

Rule #6. If your child refuses new food

Another rule is that if he refuses, there is no need to be upset, but there is also no need to close this topic. Refuses - repeat after some time, offer, offer, offer.

What’s also very important is that if you really want him to eat it, but he doesn’t eat it, eat it yourself in his presence. This is very helpful.

Rule #7. Monocomponent nature of the new complementary food

One more rule: everything new is monocomponent. That is, if we decide to give porridge, then we don’t need to give porridge from 7 grains, and then guess which one didn’t suit us. Agreed? Well done.

Rule #8. Gradual transition to complementary feeding

If we replace one of the feedings with complementary foods, then we will begin experimenting with the other only after that. That is, there is no need to conduct experiments every feeding. Let's eat mom in the morning, the second feeding is complementary feeding, mom. And when we completely replace the second feeding, then we will conduct some more experiments on the third and fourth. This is desirable. Agreed? Well done!

Rule #9. Gradual menu expansion

There is also a rule that it is advisable to listen to - as a rule, new products that the child has never tried before (and there may be several such products at once) should not be given with an interval of less than 5 days. That is, you don’t need something new every day. Then, again, it will be difficult to figure out who is really to blame.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Rule #10. The period for complete feeding replacement is a week.

By and large, I must tell you that, as a rule, for a complete replacement of feeding - for example, we decided to give the child oatmeal - as a rule, optimal time It takes about a week to completely replace the mixture with oatmeal. It's clear? That is, we know that the child eats this milk formula. Today they gave 20 g, tomorrow 40, the day after tomorrow 80, etc. – a week to replace feeding.

The rules are over. Now these are very interesting things, because again, medical science does not stand still.

Complementary feeding and allergies

For example, in the USA there is a very acute problem associated with, for example, peanuts. They have a very common - you probably know - peanut butter. They have a huge number of children with peanut allergies. And all their lives they told mothers: “Never give peanuts to small children! This increases the likelihood of allergies!”

And suddenly, literally a lot of recent studies prove that, it turns out, if children from 6-8 months are given small quantities of peanuts, this sharply reduces the likelihood of allergies later when they are older.

That is, this is how everything changes. Another question is that if there are people with allergies in the house, if this topic is, in principle, relevant for the family, then it is better not to conduct such experiments.

Why am I saying all this? Very often, right now, your doctor can advise you on something that goes against what is written in many books. But science does not stand still and everything changes.

For example, fish. In many books they write that fish is better after a year: we start complementary feeding with meat, and then fish. And now, if a child receives fish soup or pieces of fish in broth, starting from 8 months, it turns out that there will be nothing wrong with it - please, good health!

And one last piece of advice for you.

Complementary feeding as knowledge of the world

You know, it turns out that almost the most luxurious thing about complementary feeding is the process of eating itself, when the child himself is using his hands and spoon. But in our country, complementary feeding often looks like this: they sit you down, wrap it up, put in a cone, 2 cones, and then a bottle.

Guys, try to do this already at 6 months - complementary feeding at 6 months, when he starts eating this cottage cheese - this, as you understand, has absolutely nothing to do with calories, with food. Yes, this is actually learning about the world, new ways of eating.

Therefore, they sat the little one down, put a plate in front of him, gave him something that looked like a spoon, and let him try to eat. Yes, he will be covered from head to toe in this spoonful of curd. He will still get dirty sooner or later, but, nevertheless, this is very healthy for his development, for his motor skills, for his intellect.

It's very cool when a child learns that he will eat himself. It's better than watching cartoons on TV together. I draw your attention to this. You want to give the child cottage cheese - you sit the child down, give him a plate, sit opposite him with exactly the same plate with cottage cheese, and eat this cottage cheese. He looks at you and repeats.

I really want your children to look at you, and not at cartoons on TV. Explain to dad that he is needed by personal example in the process of complementary feeding much more than all Masha and the bears combined.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

    Did the person have to starve? Of course, yes, as well as any other biological species (hare, wolf, crucian carp, deer) that exist in nature at the present time. Conclusion - starvation natural for humans. You can talk about a sense of proportion, you can justify rationality fasting reasoning about the removal of waste, but natural expediency clearly exists.

    Vegetarianism. Did our ancestors eat fish and meat or not? From the point of view of the author of the article, they really ate. And some peoples did not eat anything at all except fish and meat - for example, the Eskimos. Conclusion - vegetarianism, maybe good, but from the point of view of Nature, it is not natural.

It becomes clear that if for some reason a child is left without food, then natural (evolutionary, physiological) adaptation mechanisms will not let him go to waste. But the absence of animal proteins in the diet will inevitably lead to growth and development disorders, since the above-mentioned adaptation mechanisms to this option nutrition does not exist.
Finally, getting down to specific recommendations, we emphasize that in this vast topic, we should, firstly, highlight 3 main areas:

A) nutrition young children;

b) nutrition healthy children and

c) relationship nutrition and diseases.

Secondly, we note that our task is not at all to give answers to private, tactical questions - how to cook oatmeal and how to feed a child who is sick viral hepatitis. Our goal is a general strategy - a formulation of principles - what is not allowed, what is good, what is bad, and what does not matter at all.


The child must eat those foods that are most natural for him at the appropriate age.
And there is probably no need to prove to anyone that there is and cannot be anything more valuable (natural) for a newborn child than mother’s milk. It is not surprising that feeding a baby with mother's milk is called natural.
Let us note some fundamental points.

    Time for first breastfeeding. The first drops of milk - colostrum - contain substances that “trigger” the development of the immune system and normal digestion. Therefore, the sooner the baby is put to the breast, the better (optimally - right in the delivery room). This fact has been convincingly proven by physiologists and doctors. However, in hundreds of maternity hospitals, children are brought in for their first feeding on the second or third day, or even later. This is motivated by the mother’s fatigue, the child’s weakness, and the possibility of some congenital diseases in which breastfeeding is dangerous, and time is required to clarify the diagnosis. In fact, there are very few real reasons for not breastfeeding immediately after birth. Ways to solve the problem - a confidential conversation between the future parents and the doctor who makes the decision about the time of the first feeding - the pediatrician of the maternity hospital (neonatologist). You should always remember that not feeding right away is a less risky and less responsible decision, and paying a neonatologist in no way encourages him to make responsible decisions.

    What if there is no or not enough breast milk? From a modern point of view, it is optimal to use adapted milk formulas. The choice of the latter is huge, and the advantages are obvious - ease of preparation, the presence of the proper amount of vitamins, mineral salts and microelements. Any dilutions of cow's milk are clearly inferior in all respects to ready-made formulas. The only argument in favor is the price, although subsequently more money will probably be spent on medicines, so the savings are very doubtful.

    Frequency feedings and night break. An increasing number of pediatricians have finally come to the conclusion that the most natural method is the free feeding. The essence of the latter is that the child eats when he wants to eat. From a physiological point of view, it is absolutely unnatural to wake up a child in order to feed, and not feed screaming and hungry only because the time has not yet come. The existence of biorhythms has been fully proven and from this point of view the following is obvious: the need for nutrition can vary noticeably not only due to the time of day, but also depending on weather conditions, time of day, quality of mother's milk and many other factors. Recommendations regarding the need for a night break feedings - The best way cause nervous disorders among parents and neighbors.

    Lure- what and when? Interesting word" lure"requires explanation. Complementary feeding refers to products that a child of the first year of life receives in addition to mother's milk or formula (not to be confused with "supplementary feeding"; supplementary feeding is when, for example, the mother does not have enough milk and the baby is supplemented with formula milk). Necessity complementary foods is due to the assurances of scientists that at a certain stage of a baby’s development the amount of vitamins and other useful substances in mother's milk does not meet the baby's needs. Hence the conclusions - from the age of one month, apple juice should be given, and from 4 months - a vegetable decoction (at least, these are the instructions in the medical “Guide to Children's Diet”). Studying such instructions, the author of the article constantly experiences the deepest doubts. It is completely incomprehensible how other mammals manage to exist to this day? No, we can, of course, assume that the mother wolf uses some unknown herb in order to help the wolf cubs get on their feet (more precisely, on their paws). After reading science fiction, one can even imagine how a wolf father brings valuable vitamin-containing vegetables from a hunt to a two-week-old wolf cub. But even with maximum mental effort, it is not possible to understand where the polar bear “gets” vitamins? Why did smart Nature punish human children so much, where does this inferiority come from? Why can all other animals live without vegetable soups, but our children can’t? But the author cannot admit that the Creator (God or evolution, it doesn’t matter) was mistaken.
    The conclusions suggest themselves - if a child does not have enough vitamins, then he should either be properly fed by his mother, or give the baby formula, in which smart uncles and aunts have already included everything essential vitamins. No one will ever be able to really explain why the glass apple juice, drunk by a nursing mother, is worse than a drop of the same juice swallowed by a month-old baby.
    But someday you will have to give something more. And when? To find the answer, let us again turn to Nature for advice. Separated from civilization, the child feeds on mother's milk until the time when he can eat what his dad brings from the hunt. And to eat this you need teeth. Thus, the appearance of teeth is the most important biological criterion indicating the need for complementary feeding. And it becomes clear that all children are different - one lure it will be needed at 6 months, and for another - only at 8. But another thing is no less clear: statements like “everyone from one month of age will have juice and everyone from 5 months of age will have soup” are, to say the least, controversial.
    The use of fermented milk products, cottage cheese, milk porridges (semolina, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat) from the age of five months is quite justified, but juices, decoctions, soups, yolks, vegetable and fruit purees should not be given until teeth appear.
    Obviously, the opinion of the author of the article may seem controversial and insufficiently reasoned. Therefore, as food for thought, we note the following: 1. The science of vitamins, their deficiency and the need to correct natural feeding arose many years ago, when no one had heard of adapted milk formulas. 2. Rework existing instructions and challenge the opinions of academics from nutrition- has always been a difficult task. 3. Remember - juices, vegetable purees, fruit porridge is not just complementary food. This is a very serious business. 4. In an unfortunate developing country, when a nursing mother is starving and (or) eats a monotonous diet (for example, only rice, or only dates, or only fish, or only bread), giving the child vitamins is quite advisable. If you can buy one thing per week with your salary egg- It’s quite logical to give a four-month-old baby a quarter of a yolk. But if you can buy a dozen eggs, then it’s better for a nursing mother to eat a fried egg of three eyes.
    And one last thing. See the benefits of early complementary foods it is forbidden. By and large, parents simply put a bold tick on their own conscience, saying, “We did everything right.” But thousands see the harm - the appearance or intensification of diathesis, stool disorders. In short, everyone is involved - academicians write instructions, industry produces juices, pediatricians recommend juices, mothers give juices, children drink juices, pediatricians treat diarrhea and allergies, mothers buy medicines and other juices - “the main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.” ..


In this section we will talk about children who have emerged from infancy and reached the “common table” - about those who eat everything or almost everything that adults eat.
A fundamentally important point - baby food under no circumstances should it become the meaning of life for adults. The wise advice “not to make a cult out of food” in relation to children is more relevant than ever.
The most exciting topic is appetite, and the number of problems associated with it is directly related to the wealth of the family. By and large, appetite- the desire to eat food is the equivalent of the energy expended by the child. What does a child spend energy on? For growth and development, for motor activity, for maintaining body temperature. How much energy can someone who is smart, well-read and always warm spend? dressed child, which instead of active games on fresh air studies foreign language? The question is rhetorical, but for some reason the obviousness of the answer does not contribute to making adequate decisions. Quite often the absence of a child appetite- a sign of laziness or busyness of his parents. In any case, mobilizing the whole family and feeding an unfortunate starving child with songs, dances, persuasion and promises of gifts is much easier and simpler than spending half a day in the fresh air.
In general, availability appetite- evidence of the body’s readiness to properly assimilate the food received, and therefore, eating against one’s will - does not make much sense.
Now consider the questions that arise most often.

    Feeding by the hour. The recommendations are based on the teachings of the famous physiologist Pavlov. If you eat at the same time, then by this time gastric and intestinal juices begin to be produced, and this is very useful because it improves the digestion process. However, it does not take into account the fact that a person does not always have the opportunity to eat at the same time. Pavlov conducted experiments on dogs, and the dog’s lifestyle is slightly different from the lifestyle of our children. Pavlov did not put socks and hats on his dogs, his animals were not nervous about receiving a bad mark and did not have the opportunity to watch TV. In short, the normal modern child is exposed to many factors, each of which can affect appetite. It seems that the conclusion is clear - feeding is not by the clock, but by appetite, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.
    It’s not easy, first of all, because the phrase uttered by the child “ I want to eat"in thousands of families it is clearly perceived as a call to immediate action - the child is hungry!!! But feeding according to appetite It should in no way turn parents and any other grandmothers into victims. The problems here are more pedagogical than medical. If a child refuses to eat, then he should receive food not when he wants, but when the mother has time to feed. And there is nothing wrong with the child waiting. He came home from school and refused to eat, but an hour later he wanted it - well, he’ll wait another hour until dad comes home from work. In short, there is no problem of feeding at a certain time. There are only two fundamentally significant factors - 1. Appetite and 2. Availability of ready-made food. And if there is food, but no appetite, then you should not rape the child. The main thing is to explain to him in time that the presence of an appetite is not at all a reason for adults to forget about everything and rush to the kitchen. By the way, the coincidence of points 1 and 2 may well be considered as the main criterion for the absence of nutrition problems in the family.

    I want this, I don’t want this. The identified problem in 99% of cases is based on pedagogy. Hungry a person eats what is given. Yes, for most people fried potatoes better than pearl barley porridge. But when parents react positively to children’s demands from an early age, the situation very quickly comes to a dead end. If, with the help of screams and screams, a child can get not what is given, but what he wants, then this is not a medical problem at all. Love for children should in no way contribute to the formation of selfishness and a sense of personal exclusivity. This state of affairs is absolutely unacceptable, when stupid dad and mom swallow soup, and smart Petya eats chicken cutlets. It’s interesting that the mother herself, commenting on the current situation, says to her son: “Your poor wife, how will she feed you?” So, maybe there is a certain logic in not creating problems for children in the future?

    Feeding in between feedings. The phenomenon is surprisingly common. An apple, a piece of candy, a cookie, etc. From a medical point of view, it is harmful, if only because saliva is the main neutralizer of microbes that enter the oral cavity. Constant nutrition not only makes a child like a ruminant animal, but can also contribute to the occurrence of diseases such as chronic tonsillitis. By the way, we are not talking about chewing gum at all, which have nothing to do with food. Thus, feeding between feedings is unacceptable in two cases: 1. There are problems with appetite and 2. The presence of chronic infections in the oropharynx.

    Sweets. A source of pleasure, firstly, and a source of easily accessible energy, secondly. It is quite reasonable to note that readily available energy must be able to be spent (sufficient physical activity). If there are no problems with excess weight and appetite, then why not have fun? But: remember about frequent allergic reactions for chocolate and overseas fruits - if there are such problems - do not play around, do not give a little at a time, and not give at all, at least for a year, and then try.

    First course. The expression “you need something hot and liquid once a day” is quite popular. Daily consumption of soups and borscht is absolutely not accepted in dozens of countries around the world. The first course - from a medical point of view - is not at all necessary. Whether to consume it or not is a matter of your family’s tastes and habits; your financial situation and the availability of free time play an important role - making soup for three days is not very difficult and not very expensive.


This question seems complicated only at first glance, although general recommendations quite simple.
Decreased appetite- a typical sign of almost any disease. From a logical point of view, the actions of parents are obvious: after all, if child refuses food, which means the body does not experience it food needs, and, therefore, both the child and the body must be left alone. But it is very difficult to act in this way, since the amount of health is usually associated with the amount of porridge eaten (remember the saying - “I ate little porridge”). Well, since health has become less due to illness, the conclusion suggests itself that more food is needed.
In fact, a sick baby often has no time to nutrition. One of the most important organs providing digestion process, - liver. And it, firstly, synthesizes substances that neutralize viruses and bacteria, and secondly, neutralizes poisons (bacterial toxins, decayed cells) formed in the body. Naturally, a normal body strives to free the liver from tasks that can wait (the digestion process) and load it with more urgent work (fighting pathogens).
Hence the most important conclusion: the more food loving relatives stuff into a sick child, the longer and the more severely he will be ill.
Feeding rules sick child:

    Be guided, first of all, appetite.

    Attempts force feeding absolutely unacceptable.

    Feed more often, but give less.

    During illness, avoid experiments - do not use any new products.

The well-known pediatrician considers the issues of children's nutrition to be very important and does not welcome any parental experiments in this area. He says that an adult is free to eat as he pleases, and it doesn’t matter what he chooses for himself - a raw food diet, separate meals, vegetarianism, fasting or something else. However, Komarovsky calls performing food experiments on children unethical and cruel behavior. Let's find out the attitude of a popular doctor to other nutritional problems of older babies and sick children.

Lack of appetite

First of all, in case of any problems with a child’s nutrition, Komarovsky advises do not make a cult out of food. Parents should not turn the question “how and what to feed the child?” into the meaning of your own life.

The well-known doctor directly connects the problem of poor appetite with the wealth of the family, as well as with the family’s lifestyle. He reminds that appetite appears after the child has expended a sufficient amount of energy. If the baby moves little (for example, spends a lot of time doing homework), is dressed warmly, and does not walk much, then he spends little energy, which is manifested by a decreased appetite.

Komarovsky noticed from his own experience that in babies who have no appetite, their parents are either very busy or very lazy. It is easier for them to start persuading the baby, promising him gifts and trying to feed him in another way than to take a walk and play active games with the baby. In general, the famous doctor emphasizes that appetite indicates the body’s readiness to absorb food, therefore, feeding children without appetite is pointless.


Komarovsky cites Pavlov’s teaching as the basis for recommendations for feeding a child according to a regimen, according to which, when food is consumed at the same time, digestive juices begin to be produced at the right time, which improves digestion. However, this teaching does not take into account that it is not always possible to give the child food at the same time.

In addition, the popular doctor recalls that Pavlov used dogs for his experiments, and their lifestyle is very different from children’s, since modern children are affected by a huge number of factors that can change their appetite (for example, watching TV or getting a bad grade). And therefore Komarovsky recommends feeding children not by the hour, but taking into account the availability of appetite and ready-made food.

Refusal to eat

Among the reasons for refusing to eat, a famous pediatrician names:

  • Diseases of the oral cavity, intestines or respiratory organs.
  • Unsuitable physical characteristics of food (very hot or cold food).
  • Unsuitable taste of food (bitter, salty, sour).

However, in most cases, Komarovsky associates this behavior of a child with pedagogical and educational problems, when parents from an early age indulge the demands of children and are ready to infringe on themselves in food, but give the baby the most delicious and desirable things.


Komarovsky calls this phenomenon, when parents give their kids candy, fruits, cookies and other food in between, very frequent. At the same time, a popular doctor considers snacking acceptable with the exception of two situations:

  1. If your child has problems with appetite.
  2. If there is a chronic infection in the child’s oropharynx.


Komarovsky calls sweet food a source of quickly accessible energy and pleasure. And if the child has somewhere to spend this easily obtained energy, the famous pediatrician sees no obstacles to giving the child sweets.

However, he reminds that allergies to exotic fruits and chocolate are very common, and if a problem occurs, these products should not be given in small quantities, but should be excluded from the diet for at least a year.


From his own experience, Komarovsky knows how popular it is in our country that a child needs liquid and hot food in the form of soup at least once a day. At the same time, the famous doctor draws the attention of parents to the fact that borscht and soups are not eaten every day in dozens of countries, and medicine does not consider first courses mandatory in the diet. Whether to eat soups or not depends solely on your habits and tastes, as well as on the amount of free time of your parents and their financial situation, since cooking the first course for several days is beneficial in terms of finances and time.

Nutrition for illnesses

Before deciding whether a sick child needs food, Komarovsky draws attention to 2 points:

  1. There are diseases for which a certain diet is important. An example could be diabetes(limit sugar) or kidney disease (limit salt). Also, a special diet is needed for intestinal inflammation, food poisoning, constipation, pancreatic diseases and other pathologies of the digestive system.
  2. With any acute illness or exacerbation of chronic pathology, most children's appetite decreases.

According to a famous doctor, a decrease in appetite in any illness is a typical sign indicating that the child's nutritional needs have decreased. And Komarovsky considers the right tactic to be to leave the baby alone and not force him to eat.

During illness, the child’s liver is busy synthesizing substances that neutralize bacteria and viruses, as well as neutralizing toxins. And it’s not worth loading it additionally with the digestion process.

  1. First of all, consider the child’s appetite.
  2. Do not force feed under any circumstances.
  3. Reduce portions, but offer food more often.
  4. Do not give any new foods to a sick child.
  5. Choose warm, low-fat, liquid and easily digestible food to feed a sick baby.

The famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky has his own point of view on all questions concerning the child’s health and is happy to help inexperienced young parents, as well as overly experienced grandmothers. Komarovsky puts child nutrition in first place, along with in a healthy way life and optimal conditions the existence of a little person.

Children under one year old, in his opinion, should receive only mother's milk, which can be replaced with formula only in exceptional cases. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky places the main emphasis on nutrition for a nursing mother. A woman must remember: everything she eats will be present in breast milk. Therefore, it is better not to eat foods that can spoil its taste: pickles, smoked meats, spices, garlic, as well as legumes and sauerkraut. Not worth it large quantities also absorb fatty foods, since the child’s stomach needs more effort to digest fatty milk. Dr. Komarovsky considers the mother’s nutrition to be no less important than the baby’s diet; restful sleep and health directly depend on it.

Komarovsky video: Principles of safe food


Komarovsky video: A varied diet

Dr. Komarovsky advises including fish, meat, and yolk in your diet after a year.

After 12 months, the baby should receive small quantities of all basic foods. You need to be very careful when introducing fish, chicken, and eggs into your diet, as they can cause allergies. At this age, the child can be given a cracker, a slice of carrot or apple, a biscuit, etc. to chew on. The main thing is that the food is natural and safe. With the help of solid food, the baby will not only master skills and practice coordination of movements, but will also be able to scratch and massage his gums.

You can find a lot of useful videos for parents on the Internet; Komarovsky comments on nutrition in his programs quite often. His advice is relevant for both young and more experienced parents.

Komarovsky interview: Nutrition

Name Playback Duration
Child and vegetarianism - Doctor Komarovsky
2:57 min
Fermented milk products in child nutrition - Dr. Komarovsky School
36:15 min
Can a child have quail eggs - Doctor Komarovsky
2:56 min
Principles of safe food - Dr. Komarovsky School
36:00 min
A varied diet - Dr. Komarovsky School
25:50 min

The first part of the parental guide from Dr. Komarovsky contains information relevant to all healthy children - growth, development, examination...

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