Stages of a cat dying. Early mortality of kittens (fading kitten syndrome). How cats die

For many, cats are not just pets, but almost full-fledged family members. They give a person a lot of positive emotions, warm them up on cold evenings, console them in moments of despondency, and amuse them with funny pranks. Unfortunately, the cat's life is short-lived. Despite the notorious “7 lives,” cats die much earlier than humans. When this happens, the entire familiar world collapses. It seems impossible to survive the death of a cat. But that's not true. Mental anguish disappears over time, and in return there is a slight melancholy and many pleasant memorable moments.

How to cope with the death of a pet?

Despite all the care and love, cats die. It doesn't matter whether it comes from illness, an accident or old age. The person is in equal pain. He begins to blame himself for not showing enough attention and care, for not treating correctly, for not following up, and for allowing the tragedy to happen. Sometimes the longing for an animal is so strong that all daily activities are abandoned and sleep disappears.

It seems that your favorite cat is meowing and walking around the house. In this case, a person needs psychological help and support from loved ones. Unfortunately, not everyone perceives the death of a cat as a tragedy. Sometimes those around him do not understand how much the bereaved owner needs consolation, and do not give him the opportunity to speak out.

But it is dangerous to keep such painful thoughts to yourself. You definitely need to talk to someone who has experienced such grief or consult a psychologist.

When will the pain subside?

When a beloved cat dies, a person experiences a whole range of negative emotions: pain, fear, pity, despair, melancholy. All these experiences can be divided into stages. Having experienced them from beginning to end, a person perceives the death of a furry friend calmer and easier:

  1. Denial and shock. At first after the death of a pet, it may seem that everything that is happening is a bad dream, an obsession that is about to end. At this stage, emotions are somewhat dulled. The person does not suffer, does not cry.
  2. Anger and guilt. After realizing the loss, an unbearable feeling of guilt appears. A person blames himself, doctors, God for injustice. This is the most acute stage, which is accompanied by bitter tears and hysterics.
  3. Faith in miracles. After strong emotions subside, people who were especially attached to their furry friend begin to hope that he will somehow be resurrected, reborn. Many people believe that they will meet their beloved cat after death.
  4. Melancholy and apathy. Longing for a pet comes in waves. There is an emptiness in my soul. The time that was allocated for games and walks with your pet is now wasted.
  5. Humility. Sooner or later, a person accepts the fact that the pet is dead and cannot be returned. The pain subsides and interest in life and everyday activities returns.

If the cat was truly close to the person, the pain can go away for a very long time. Some people remember their pet until death. But remembering does not mean suffering. To get rid of painful feelings, listen to the advice of psychologists on how to survive the death of your beloved cat.

The strength and depth of grief depends on many factors. It is always more difficult for a closed person to survive a tragedy.

The death of a pet is also difficult for lonely people and children over 4 years old. Many of them cannot cope with grief on their own and need advice, support, and sometimes qualified help. So, how to survive the death of a cat, advice from a psychologist.

Let your emotions out

Don't keep all the negativity to yourself. Only by throwing it out will you feel relief. You can cry, scream, break a couple of plates. A written account of the tragedy helps to get rid of negativity. Try to write down on paper the most painful moments for you. For example, how the cat’s death happened, how you felt at that moment, what you regret now.

You can go to your pet’s grave, clean it up and cry there. Tears are a natural reaction to grief; they bring relief and cleanse the soul of pain. Try not to take sedatives, and also stop drinking alcohol.

Don't torment yourself with guilt

This emotion is often the most powerful. Animals are our little brothers, and we are responsible for them. But even with the most careful care and treatment, they sometimes die. You must understand that:

After all, imagine that your cat could have been born homeless on the street or in a country where cats are eaten. Instead, she lived in warmth and comfort, and was always fed and cared for.

Get your cat's things out of sight

The pet's bowls, tray, bed, scratching post, toys and other items should be washed and carefully folded and put away out of sight. You won’t need them in everyday life, but they will once again remind you of the loss, provoking tears and pain. If you want, you can take your pet's belongings to a homeless animal shelter. For some, the thought of helping others makes them feel better.

If you have photos with your cat together or separately on the walls or tables, then it is better to temporarily transfer them to an album. One day the memories will be less painful. When that time comes, you can return the photos to their place.

Share your grief

The bond between a loving owner and a pet is extremely strong. But not everyone can feel it and understand it. Many people perceive the death of animals completely calmly, even coolly. There is no point in talking about loss with such people; they will not be able to support you. Give preference to the following options:

Feel free to share your grief. Sharing your trouble with someone who understands and sympathizes with you will make it seem less dark. It is important to feel that you are not alone, that emotions will subside sooner or later.

Help others

Any grateful work distracts from grief. The main thing is to do it from the heart. Think about how you can help others. It could be:

  • caring for homeless animals (feeding, finding people who will take them into the house);
  • assistance to shelters (cleaning, donations of money, medicine, food, things for animals);
  • support for other people who do not know how to cope with the death of their beloved cat;
  • assistance to an orphanage, lonely old people, and other disadvantaged people.

By helping others, you will forget about your troubles. Unspent love for your pet will find a way out and your soul will feel lighter.

New animal

Quite often, after the death of a cat, loved ones advise immediately getting a new pet. They believe that this will help take their mind off grief. A small fluffy kitten will brighten up dull evenings and cheer you up. But often such a step turns out to be reckless. A new pet can never replace a true friend. His character, behavior, games will be completely different. They can begin to irritate a grieving person. You can't fall in love by order.

Before getting a new animal, psychologists advise experiencing grief. The signal that a person is ready is tenderness at the sight of a kitten, and not bitter tears and memories of days spent with a deceased beloved cat.

A new pet can help to overcome grief only in cases where a person is greatly tormented by feelings of guilt and believes that the cat’s death was his fault. Then it is recommended to take a pet from the street or a shelter. Saving the life of a disadvantaged person will reduce the pangs of conscience.

Author's advice. On average, cats live 13-15 years. They die before their owner, that's nature. When getting a pet, you need to take this fact into account and somehow prepare for it. It may be worth getting another one before your pet dies. For example, keeping a kitten from a litter. Of course, another cat will not replace your first friend, but it will help you cope with your worries and distract you from painful thoughts.

How to explain the death of a pet to a child?

The death of a cat can greatly traumatize a child's psyche. And if children 2-3 years old do not yet understand what death is, they quickly switch gears and do not indulge in prolonged sadness, then older children, as a rule, are very worried about the passing of a friend. It is especially difficult for a child who has seen an animal gradually fade away or die before his eyes. He may cry often, have nightmares, scream in his sleep, study poorly, and disobey his parents.

Very often, adults solve this problem completely incorrectly - they immediately get a new pet or hide the fact of death and forbid talking about it. In this way they make the problem even worse. The child may decide that any loss can be made up for, “drown out.” Suppressing emotions makes him callous. But then how can you help a child survive the death of a beloved cat, you ask? Let's turn to the advice of a psychologist:

If there is a child in the family, you need to forget about your own suffering for a while. It is important to correctly explain what happened and help the child survive the tragedy. Don't let things take their course, this can lead to big problems in the future.

Where do cats go after they die?

Many people believe in an afterlife. A good person goes to heaven, and a bad person goes to hell. There is a separate place for animals - the Rainbow Bridge, which, according to legend, is located between heaven and earth. There are hills and meadows, lots of delicious food, sunshine and water. Animals feel warm and comfortable, nothing hurts.

The old and sick become young and healthy again. They all frolic together, run and play. But one day there comes a moment when the pet’s gaze rushes beyond the horizon. He leaves his brothers and runs through the green grass to the long-awaited meeting. The man and the cat meet again, hug tightly and never part again.

Whether to believe in the Rainbow Bridge or not is up to everyone. But you definitely shouldn’t blame yourself for the death of a cat. Try to console yourself that you warmed and caressed your pet as best you could. Mentally thank him for the happiness he brought into your life.

Renata, Moscow

The cat is one of the most popular and beloved pets. The cat becomes a member of the family. The passing of a pet is always a difficult and sad event. What makes it even sadder is that cats leave home when they anticipate their death. However, sometimes approaching death can be predicted and prevented.

Lifespan of cats

The lifespan of a cat depends on several factors. Animals living on the street live on average up to 5 years, and pets live up to 15 years or more. There is also an intermediate option: the cat lives indoors, but can freely go outside (up to 8 years of life). Previously, cats died faster, but now veterinary medicine and vaccination have grown to such a level that the life expectancy of animals can depend on how the owners care for their pets.

The oldest (still living) cat lives in England; her name is Poppy and she is 24 years old

There are cases where cats lived for more than 30 years. A cat that lived for 38 years was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

A cat lives longer if it is vaccinated on time and correctly. The cat’s health may also depend on whether the animal is castrated (sterilized) in a timely manner. In general, sterilization helps prevent the risk of many diseases. These could be cancer or complications after pregnancy and lambing. In addition, a pet's life lasts longer under good conditions. The owner of the animal can recognize the cat’s illness in time and take the necessary measures to cure it.

Once upon a time my grandmother had a cat, Musya. She has not been spayed and has never been vaccinated. Musya gave birth every year. Each litter had at least four kittens. My grandmother's house was in the village, so Musya spent a good half of the day outside. Nevertheless, this cat lived for 19 years.

Common causes of death in domestic cats

Indoor cats often die of old age, while street animals do not have this luxury

If a cat has been living next to a person for a long time (more than 10 years), then old age will begin to manifest itself in its appearance and behavior. If we convert cat age to human age, we can say that a 15-year-old pet lived 76 human years. If a cat dies of old age, it is possible that she is not sick and therefore does not experience pain. This happens often, you just have to accept it. You can recognize the approaching death of an elderly cat by several signs:

  • the cat is apathetic and sleeps a lot without leaving its favorite place;
  • the animal stops eating and begins to lose weight;
  • the cat is unhappy or does not react if you stroke it or pick it up;
  • the cat begins to have poor orientation in space (it touches and bumps into objects, corners);
  • the animal is breathing heavily, the pupils are dilated, the lenses are cloudy.

No less often, cats die due to disease (healthy animals can die from an accident). The most common disease leading to death is kidney failure. This disease is typical for cats, especially neutered ones. Due to poor nutrition, metabolism is disrupted, leading to urolithiasis. The kidneys fail and the cat dies. It is possible to extend the life of a sick animal only if the cat is young. Prescribing the correct medication and diet are of great importance.

My sister has had a cat, Donut, for three years now. This is a mongrel, but very beautiful black cat. Donut is fed mainly dry food. The cat's favorite food is boiled fish. A year ago, the cat fell ill: he lost his appetite, began to urinate frequently and painfully, and the urine contained blood. The veterinarian said that such symptoms indicate urolithiasis due to an unbalanced diet. After treatment, Donut recovered. All this time the cat is on a diet. He is given less fish, dry food has been replaced with better quality food, and dairy products have been introduced into his diet.

Males are more likely to suffer from kidney failure than male cats

Quite often, furry pets “burn out” from cancer. Perhaps this is one of the most painful diseases. The older the cat, the greater the risk of developing this disease, and the more painful it is. An old animal may suffer for several days. Cancer does not spare the weak. And young individuals can suffer for months. Only surgery to remove the tumor can save a cat with cancer. However, it is not always possible to find such a qualified and caring pet surgeon.

The cat is 13 years old and has a mammary tumor. Today we went to the veterinarian: he said that we need to operate, otherwise it will be flayering. But the cat will survive in 50% of cases, and there will be a difficult recovery period ahead. The extent of the damage will be determined only during the operation, but they already said by eye that it had metastases.

Some cats die not because of the main tumor, but because of metastases or inadequate treatment. However, in addition to oncology, the cause of death of an animal can be panleukopenia (distemper). This disease kills even a young cat in just a few days. It is very difficult to survive with such a disease. Older individuals can survive if they survive the first 4–5 days after the onset of the disease. Sometimes the disease progresses very quickly: the pet dies abruptly and for no apparent reason. Plague is just one of many infectious diseases, and there are dozens of them, just like viral ones. Veterinarians are also trying to treat “feline AIDS.” This is the feline immunodeficiency virus. The disease can be asymptomatic for several years. But without immunity, a cat can “catch” any infection, and this will lead to the death of the animal.

How to understand that a cat is dying

You can tell by the cat's behavior that she is about to die.

A cat that has lived with one owner all its life can “give clues.” A dying animal may become calmer than usual. However, a cat that senses its demise will try to spend as much time as possible with the person. Typically, such “clues” are typical for old cats, for whom death is a predictable event.

Look into your cat's eyes. I was still a child, but I remembered Musya’s face. In recent months, she had become completely thin, her cheekbones became sharp, her fur looked dry, and her eyes became cloudy. But she often lay on my lap for a long time (and not only on me). When they started petting her, she looked into the person’s face. Her eyes seemed large, sad and somehow grateful. Grandmother said that Musya would soon leave home.

In addition to the behavior of an elderly animal, symptoms of the disease may also indicate the approach of death. You should pay attention to the presence of signs:

  • redness, peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of bald patches;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • blood in the discharge, difficulty urinating or stopping it altogether;
  • diarrhea, vomiting.

You can tell when a cat is approaching death by its breathing rate, pulse, and body temperature.

Even if one of the listed symptoms is present, you need to pay special attention to your cat. If you did not know about the disease, it is possible that all is not lost and the cat can be cured. To accurately determine any deviations from the norm, you need to remember the animal’s basic vital signs. The body temperature of an adult cat ranges from 37.5 °C to 39 °C. The older the cat, the closer its temperature is to the upper “bar”. Respiration rate also depends on age. Kittens breathe more frequently (60 breaths per minute) than young cats (22–24 breaths). Adults and elderly individuals breathe least often (17–23 breaths). The pulse in cats is frequent - 100–130 beats per minute (regardless of age).

Some fatal animal diseases are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, a specific smell may emanate from the cat (not from excrement, but from the cat). If the disease has not yet manifested itself, you need to examine the animal. If there is a problem with the digestive system, the pet's stomach will be dense and hard. You can contact your veterinarian for diagnosis.

I noticed that there was some strange smell from the kitten, once at night I locked him in the room, and in the morning I went into the room, and the smell immediately “rushed” into my “nose”... It was some kind of specific smell. The kitten smells. I already tried to wash it, but the smell still appeared. He’s so caustic... and I began to notice that I couldn’t stay in a closed space (room) with a kitten for a long time - my head started to hurt, there was pressure on my temple.
Although we already have one cat and have never smelled anything from her.

Nimishkina, owner of a sick kitten

A dying cat may refuse to eat. A weak animal does not eat because it no longer has the strength to do so. A cat can turn away even from its most favorite treat. If a pet dies due to illness, refusing food will only worsen its condition, but it will not be possible to force feed it.

Why do cats leave home to die?

If a cat has this opportunity, it will definitely leave the house before it dies.

For as many years as cats have lived next to people, for the same number of years the question has been asked: why do cats leave home? There are many theories about this. Despite its popularity among people, the cat remains one of the most amazing and mysterious animals. Some believe that the cat wants to remain in the owner’s memories as a beautiful and gentle pet. After all, often before leaving the house forever, a cat goes into a person’s arms to say goodbye. The owner may not even suspect that such a surge of tenderness is the last. There is also a theory that cats leave, taking with them the illnesses and misfortunes of a loved one.

When Musya left home, I was sleeping. In the morning the grandmother looked for her, but did not find her. It became clear in the evening that Musya would not return. It's hard to describe, but for many years I believed that the cat carried away some kind of trouble. Perhaps I am still inclined towards this version. After all, it is very difficult to imagine how an adored animal looks for a soft lawn, how it “lays down” and falls asleep forever. It’s easier to imagine your pet healthy and going “off into the sunset.”

People who are more skeptical believe that a dying animal is not thinking about anything like that. On the contrary, from their point of view, the cat does not understand that the end is near. Therefore, they perceive the painful state as some kind of illness that should pass. To prevent humans from interfering with the animal’s healing, the cat leaves the house for a while. However, there is no strength left to return after a walk, so the pet quietly dies alone with itself.

On the eve of death, a cat may push away a person, refuse help and try to leave the home at any cost. The owner may become upset and decide that he must have somehow offended the pet. In fact, a person cannot influence a cat's decision to leave home. And you shouldn’t be offended by her behavior, even if she has become aggressive.

How do cats behave in an apartment when they can’t leave?

A dying cat will try to leave the house as long as it has the strength to do so.

If the cat could not leave the apartment, it will hide. If we consider the theories about this phenomenon in more detail, it becomes clear that in any case the cat wants to be away from the person in the last minutes. An animal may experience pain, and a person may be regarded by it as the source of this suffering. And some believe that the cat is hiding “out of spite” or because it is proud. In any case, a weakened pet will look for a secluded place. The cat will hide in the closet, under the bed or other dark corner.

My cat died last night. He hid deep under the closet, which was unlike him. He lived for almost 10 years, a whole month short of his little anniversary. The terrible fact is that I could not help him in any way.

Artyom, lost the cat with whom he lived for 10 years

However, there are exceptions to this pattern. Only the cat who has the time to do so can afford the luxury of choosing the last place. Animals that die from an accident do not have this opportunity. However, pets who do not want to die and are not ready to say goodbye to life will try to come home to a person. So a cat hit by a car will crawl towards the house until the last moment.

How to care for your pet to ease its suffering

Cats who are about to die need special treatment

If you sense that your cat is getting ready to leave, give it your full attention. The animal may hint that it needs affection (walking into your arms, purring, being caressed, etc.). Some owners, realizing that their furry friend is about to pass away, take time off from work and put off everything. A cat, like a person, will be much calmer if its beloved owner devotes several hours to it and sees it off on its last journey. Cats suffering from fatal diseases do not have the strength to hint. The poor animals suffer until they fall into unconsciousness. They die quietly, without bothering anyone, but even in such cases special treatment is needed.

The cat may not be able to say “thank you for being with me,” but it can feel the presence of a person and his care.

Actually, caring for a cat depends on the circumstances. If your pet is sick, a diagnosis has been made, and any medications are being taken, a veterinarian can give advice. For example, increase the dose of painkiller, put on an IV, etc. But most often, the cat still needs moral support. Some believe that such care is needed not for the cat at all, but for its owner, in order to calm his conscience and not feel any guilt later.

Euthanize a dying cat or let it die on its own

Special drugs are used for euthanasia

The decision to euthanize an animal is one of the most difficult. To decide to euthanize your beloved pet, you need to look at the situation from the outside. Even if a dying cat were offered royal terms, she could still die. And sometimes it is no longer possible to look at this suffering, and the most humane way to relieve a cat from suffering seems to be killing. And even if a person clearly understands that pity for a cat is stronger than the reluctance to part with it, it is extremely difficult to decide on such a step. It's always hard to part with a friend about whom there are so many vivid memories. And how much joy he brought when he was little. The pranks once committed by a cat no longer seem like a universal catastrophe, but a trifle. Therefore, after thinking it over again, you need to consult a veterinarian. It is easier for a stranger to soberly assess the situation.

I believe that there is no need to euthanize cats (if a cat has a person, it has a reason to live). Imagine a situation where a loved one is sick. Only a few will agree to euthanasia of a loved one. And this is not selfishness, as many people think. After all, even people with cancer fight to the last, want to live and believe in miracles. But cats (almost the same as people) devote their lives to family, to humans. She has earned her right to life, and no one can deprive her of her last minutes, hours, days.

If the decision is made, you need to choose a method of euthanasia:

  1. The cat is given anesthesia, and after switching off, a drug is given that stops the heart or respiratory activity.
  2. An injection of ditilin (listenone), a drug that stops the functioning of the respiratory muscles, is given.

The first method is softer. Strong anesthesia causes the cat to fall asleep. While asleep, she does not feel the injection of magnesium sulfate (or ammonia solution). The injection is given intravenously or into the heart. Sometimes after the injection there will be agony, but the cat will not feel anything because it will be unconscious. The second method is tougher: your pet will be conscious until death. After the injection, the cat will begin to choke, will feel it, fight in agony, but will not be able to do anything about it. Euthanasia is carried out in a clinic or at home (for this, a veterinarian is called in advance). You also need to decide in advance what to do with the body (bury or cremate).

The cat can be buried in a special cemetery for animals or in the backyard (for example, in the country)

To survive a loss, you need to maintain some consistency. First you need to say goodbye to your pet's body. After the funeral, you can mourn the cat. Mourning an animal is useful, it makes it easier for a person to let go of a pet. After this, you need to remove objects that remind you of the cat: toys, bowl, tray, etc. However, all this is just a dry instruction; the person himself must realize that life goes on, and that it is time to let his friend go. Of course, the memories will still remain. But let these be bright and pleasant memories. After a couple of years, love and light sadness should remain in the memory, and not heavy depressing grief.

I remember every cat my family has ever had. Some of them lived long lives, while others died in childhood. We had a white kitten, Bim. He died on the third day from the plague. No one had time to play with him, and no one had time to get used to him. But I remember with a smile how fluffy he was. So fluffy that the ears were not visible in this root, and it looked like a lump. And I really wanted to cuddle him, but my parents forbade him.

Often, to forget about the loss, people get a new kitten. This is a good way to shift attention, but it is not suitable for everyone. In each case, the death of a pet is experienced differently, so there cannot be a single recommendation. To survive this sad event, a person must go through all the stages of grief himself. The main thing is that there is no feeling of guilt. Everything else will be corrected by time, because it heals.

Video: what awaits animals after death

Those who do not adhere to religious beliefs may imagine another option for life after death. On forums about saying goodbye to your beloved cats, you can find phrases such as “walk your furry paws on the rainbow”, “meet me on the bridge”, etc. According to one of the myths, the soul of a pet goes to a better world (cat paradise), which is located over the rainbow. When the time comes, the cat will climb onto the rainbow bridge to meet its owner there.

When should you get a kitten?

If you want to adopt a kitten after the death of a cat, you need to remember that no one can replace your beloved pet. The new kitten will not be the same furbaby you had before. The new kitten will have its own character and habits. The kitten will become an outlet if only it becomes the object of new love. Taking care of a small animal will make it easier to forget about the loss. But you can’t take a kitten the very next day after the funeral. We need to prepare for the arrival of a new friend at home. If the cat died from an illness, then you need to prepare the apartment. And also purchase everything necessary for the kitten. For example, an adult cat's litter box may not be suitable for a baby.

Yesterday our Barsik died, he was 9 years old, also Siberian... Cancer (he had lymphoma) takes the lives of many pets! Only bring a vaccinated kitten into a disinfected apartment after a year.

Natasha Gordeeva, lost her beloved cat

Before you bring a kitten, you need to prepare the apartment

When the apartment is ready, a place for the kitten has been prepared, everything necessary has been purchased, you need to start looking for the kitten. Many families know in advance where they will take their pet. But not just any animal will do. For example, you cannot take a newborn kitten if you do not have the skills to care for such small animals. The kitten must be healthy and confidently standing on its feet. The animal must also feed itself. If a cat eats only mother's milk, then in the new conditions he will have nothing to eat and will get sick. The age of the kitten is of great importance. It is advisable to adopt an animal aged three months or older.

An important reason why a kitten should be taken home only after three months is vaccination. The first vaccinations are given to the animal at the age of 8 weeks. Revaccination is carried out after 3–4 weeks. That is, a kitten that leaves home later than 12 weeks is maximally protected from various viruses and infections.

Everyone is mortal, including our beloved cats. The reasons for the death of pets are different - old age, accident, illness. The worst thing is when you have to resort to euthanasia. It is very difficult to cope with the death of an animal that you are accustomed to treating as a member of the family. It is even more difficult to explain to a child what death is. The lifespan of pets is shorter than that of humans. We must come to terms with the fact that we will have to survive their loss. And it’s better to know how to prepare for it.

Cats Die Alone

Feeling the approach of death, cats tend to get away from people. When this is not possible, they hide in a secluded place.

There are symptoms by which you can determine the imminent death of a cat:

  • loss of appetite, refusal of food and water;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • slow heartbeat and low blood pressure;
  • a decrease in temperature and the presence of an unpleasant odor.

These are warning signs, especially if your cat is over 10 years old. If you discover their presence, contact your veterinarian - perhaps the animal is simply experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic disease. In hopeless cases, the doctor may suggest euthanizing the animal. If this option is unacceptable, surround the cat with care and create conditions for a calm death.

Video: signs that a cat is dying

Remember - cats suffer in silence. Just because they don't complain loudly doesn't mean they aren't in pain.

Cats never voice their pain, but that doesn't mean they don't suffer.

Burying your pet correctly

After the death of a cat, owners are faced with the question: how and where to bury their pet? The option of “throwing it into the garbage chute” will not work; it is inhumane and prohibited by the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste.

So, you can bury a dead animal:

There are catastrophically few specialized burial places for pets. They are, as a rule, only in large cities. The services of companies involved in burying pets are very expensive. But then you won’t have to worry about anything: they will allocate a place, dig a grave, and erect a monument. If the company provides cremation services, bury the urn with the ashes in a cemetery.

For cremation, it is enough to contact a veterinary clinic. As a rule, more or less large clinics have everything necessary for this. The service is not cheap (3-5 thousand rubles), but the most acceptable from an environmental point of view.

If you lack finances and time, you can bury the cat yourself in the forest or at the dacha. But we must remember that the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste prohibit burying domestic animals near populated areas, in water protection, forest park and protected areas. As corpses decompose, they poison groundwater and soil. In addition, a pet that dies from an infectious disease can cause an epidemic among people and animals.

If you decide to bury your pet yourself:

  1. Choose a secluded place where fruit trees will not grow and children will not play.
  2. Dig a hole at least two meters deep.
  3. To prevent the release of toxins hazardous to health during the decomposition of a corpse, pour bleach or another chlorine-containing disinfectant with an active chlorine content of at least 25% at the bottom of the pit at the rate of 2 kg per 1 m2.
  4. Sprinkle the pet's corpse with the same disinfectant.
  5. Place the animal in a box or coffin and bury it.
  6. Place a mound at least 1 m high above the grave.

If your pet dies from a viral disease, contact your veterinarian. Most likely, experts will advise disinfecting the premises.

How to survive the death of a cat

The death of a beloved pet is always grief and tragedy. The first reaction of an orphaned owner to stress may be stupor, tears and apathy. The realization of the loss comes later. To fill the resulting spiritual emptiness, distract yourself - take on the worries associated with the funeral, because someone will have to do this anyway. Report your cat's death to those who care.

Don't dwell on your loss. Even though you won’t be able to completely forget your beloved pet, try to think positively:

Don’t hold back, cry, tears bring relief. Talk to someone who cares about your loss. And if there is no way to speak out “in a clear voice,” consult a psychologist. There is nothing shameful in this; on the contrary, few people have the courage to admit their weaknesses and turn to a specialist.

If your cat's death occurred after a long, painful illness, try to rejoice at her arrival - she put an end to the animal's suffering.

There is a legend that cats don't die. They go to the rainbow.

Don't get depressed about the death of your beloved animals - they go "to the rainbow"

Keep yourself busy. Come up with an activity, a hobby that will distract you from sad thoughts. Become a volunteer at a shelter for homeless animals, although you can’t help your pet in any way, but you can do a lot for others. Place a few poor souls in good hands, help cure a dog or cat.

Helping the shelter will be useful for both you and the animals suffering from lack of attention.

It is difficult to get rid of the guilt when having to resort to euthanasia. Convince yourself that by saving your cat from suffering, you have done a good deed. It's normal to sacrifice your feelings and give up your desires for the sake of others.

According to psychologists, the pain after the loss of a loved one subsides after one year. Don’t let sad thoughts drive you into depression during this time. Distract yourself: at work, immerse yourself in business, at home, keep yourself occupied with something new.

And don’t forget that you have a family, shared grief should unite people, help each other.

Support from loved ones can help you cope with loss

How to tell your child

It is more difficult to explain the death of a pet to a child, especially a child of 2–3 years old, when the feelings are deep and strong. The death of a cat can be a reason to talk about death with older children.

If you decide to euthanize, you do not need to tell your child about it. However, if the topic of euthanasia comes up, you should not shy away from the conversation. Try to explain to the child why this was necessary, tell about the suffering that the cat experienced at the end of its life. Explain to your child in accessible, simple words. Let the death of a beloved animal become for him not a universal tragedy, but a life experience.

Cat mysticism

Cats are known to be natural psychics. They heal, predict weather and earthquakes, and discover new abilities in people. Great importance is also attached to how the cat passed away. It’s one thing if death occurred due to natural causes: old age, illness, accident. And it’s a completely different matter when a cat died suddenly, for no apparent reason. People prone to mysticism see here witchcraft, corruption, overwhelming human emotions and the influence of otherworldly forces.

Since ancient times, cats have been attributed magical properties.

It has been known since ancient times that cats do not die where they live. Anticipating their death, they try to hide away from prying eyes, closer to the other world. Neither scientists nor astrologers can explain this fact.

Legends advise not to harm cats: they will wait for their offenders on the other side, and the retribution will be severe. But the grateful cat will definitely try to drag her loving owner, who managed to sin in earthly life, to heaven.

Video: signs about cats

Signs about the place of death of a cat

It was considered a very bad omen if a cat died at home; it was assumed that in this case the owners would face troubles, illness and even death. In our age of closed doors, when most domestic cats never leave their apartments in their lives, this ominous omen loses its relevance, and the death of a cat brings only sadness to the owners. In addition, now a completely opposite sign has appeared: a cat that dies in the house takes misfortune away from the family. Furry friends protect the peace of their owners: they cleanse the energy of the home, ward off the evil eye, and extinguish negativity directed at the family.

According to legends, after death a cat protects the house from misfortunes

New friend, new life

You shouldn’t “knock things out” and immediately get a new pet after the death of a cat. Before you get a new animal, think about whether you can love it or whether it will be a painful reminder of an old friend?

Remember that this will be a completely different animal, with its own character, temperament, and habits. He will need to be raised to accept your family's way of life. This creature requires affection, care, and attention. You need to understand that a new cat is a new friend, and not a “replacement” for a departed one.

I understand you very much and sincerely sympathize with you! My 8-year-old cat also died a week ago... And for me it turned out to be not so easy to bear the loss of an animal and forget it. But life goes on. God bless! And we must take care of those who live and need us. You need to immediately get another animal, and you will love it too. It’s just not known what problem your kitten had and so that it (if it’s infectious) is not passed on to new ones. Therefore, I advise you to find a good (I understand that this is very difficult here) veterinarian. He will advise, and will come in handy more than once.

Nikolai %B6%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%81%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1 %88%D0%B8%D1%85-%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%B2/&do=findComment&comment=1360

I had a very hard time with the death of my 9-year-old cat. He was a house cat, but one day, when there were many guests in the house, he ran out into the street. While they were looking for him, some freak set a dog on him... I found what was left of him in a very terrible state. I don’t remember how I lived for a month. Tears. She blamed herself for not saving her. A month later I was able to find consolation in the fact that now he is not in pain, he must be fine THERE... And after some time, I took a small kitten and convinced myself that the soul of my cat had moved into it. Believe it or not, he is very similar in character to that one. True, 10 years later, for some reason, in severe frosts, I still remember my Dima and cry. It seems to me that he is cold there... And you can still reassure yourself that your cat, presumably, lived his life, and quite a long one, in good conditions, in love... Tell yourself - if he were older, he could suffer from some senile diseases. Maybe the way it happened was for the better, he didn’t experience much pain in his life...

Things to Remember You are a unique individual and your grief journey will be different from other people's. Your personal grieving period will also vary in intensity and duration depending on your past life experiences. Below are a few of the many ways you can use to express your pain and speed up the “healing” process:

* open expression of emotions such as crying, talking about loss, etc.

* drawing, writing poetry or other artistic expression

* internal experiences, thinking about the loss, trying to understand it, often occurring during activities such as meditation, exercise, cycling

* devoting time to animal protection organizations, shelters, etc.

* making positive changes in your personal life

* compiling an album with photographs of your pet, memories of him, etc.

* keeping a diary or journal describing and documenting your experiences

Friends or family members may try to convince you to adopt a new pet before you feel ready. You are the only person who knows exactly when and if the time comes for such a commitment.

[Based on materials from the AKC Canine Health Foundation, Translation from English by Isaeva I.V., 2009]

AWL, administrator

It is impossible to prepare for the death of a loved one. It is very difficult to accept and come to terms with it. But we have the power to preserve good memories of a departed pet, whose existence made our life funnier and more hectic, calmer and more comfortable. The task is not to forget, but to come to terms with it. And the pain of loss should not poison life, which continues no matter what.

Unfortunately, neither people nor cats last forever on this earth. In any case, the owner has to see the death of the latter, because purrs live for about 15 years. But you still need to know when this moment will come.

Where and why do cats go before they die?

According to the owners, cats do not always leave their homes to die. This is usually done by animals accustomed to visiting the street, and not all of them. There are many opinions about why cats do this, even to the point that they do not want to cause pain to their owner. In fact, purrs cannot think like that, and besides, they are not inclined to think about anyone else besides themselves.

Sick wild cats move away to be out of reach of the enemy when weakened.

But the version that an animal in poor condition wants to lie down and recover is quite plausible. This is exactly what representatives of wild cats do. If an animal is wounded or feels unwell, it goes into the bushes for a while, where it is difficult for the enemy to see it. In such a shelter, sometimes the animal overtakes death, which the animal cannot predict in advance.

I came home in the evening, the cat was lying on the floor, I thought she had died. She took her in her arms - she seemed to be in a state of oblivion, and then she screamed. As if she was waiting for me. She wrapped me in a diaper... it’s creepy to watch... It would have happened sooner, I can’t watch it, I’m bursting into tears, but the question is - why didn’t I leave home to die... every day I walked on the street and came back.


My cats behaved differently. After a massacre of yard cats, a teenage cat came home, lay down, and then asked to leave forever. But the cat was a domestic cat and died at home from old age.

Signs of a cat dying soon

You can find out that your pet is about to die before this moment occurs. Certain signs indicate the imminent death of an animal.

Loss of appetite

A cat with only a few days left to live eats poorly or does not eat at all. She drinks only water, which she soon gives up too. You should be wary of:

  • untouched food;
  • absence of bowel movements for more than two days;
  • bloody stool;
  • dark urine.

If there is still untouched food in the cat's bowl, this is not a good sign.

Labored breathing

In the last days of life, the animal’s heart stops working normally, and accordingly, less oxygen enters the animal’s blood and lungs. The cat breathes frequently and heavily, trying to replenish the lost air.

A healthy animal takes 20–30 breaths every minute. If this indicator is lower and is accompanied by shortness of breath, then this is a clear sign of imminent death. To count the number of breaths, you need to take a stopwatch and see how many times per minute the cat’s chest rises.

Decreased heart rate and blood pressure

A dying pet's heart rate slows down from its normal range of 122–140 beats per minute. Blood pressure drops. Both of these signs are unfavorable for the pet: its heart makes it difficult to pump blood and becomes overloaded. To measure your cat's pulse, follow these steps:

  1. Place your palm on the cat's left side, behind her front paw.
  2. Count the number of heartbeats of the animal over 15 minutes.
  3. Multiply the resulting figure by 4 - this will give you the heart rate per minute. If the beats are less than 60, then this is an alarming signal.

But measuring pressure at home is problematic. Therefore, you need to go to the veterinary clinic or call a doctor.

Specific smell

Before death, the cat's internal organs do not work well, which leads to partial elimination of toxins or a complete absence of this function. Harmful substances accumulate in the body, which is why the smell of rot is felt from the mouth and body of the animal.

Temperature drop

The cat's body temperature is measured with a rectal digital thermometer, the tip of which is inserted into the pet's rectum. You can also use a special ear thermometer. The normal body temperature of a cat is 38–39⁰С. If it is lower, then this is not a good symptom, indicating a weak heart. You can do without a thermometer - touch the cat's paw pads. If they are cool, then the pet will not live long.

If your cat's paw pads are cool, that's a bad sign.

When our cat became old, she moved less and less and lay more and more. Her fur began to fall out and thin. One day I noticed that she was having difficulty breathing. I even thought that the cat had been poisoned by something and was about to vomit. But this sign, it turns out, meant that the animal did not have long to live. And indeed, that same evening she was gone.

Caring for a Dying Cat

When an animal is unwell, it should be placed on a soft bedding or bed. Keep your cat's sleeping area tidy and wash its bedding once a day. If the cat cannot hold back its urine, then place disposable diapers on the bedding. If the cat is powerless and cannot go to the toilet on its own, then you need to carry the animal to the litter box every 3-4 hours. If the cat does not respond to affection and wants to be alone, then there is no need to disturb him.

To ensure that the animal’s body maintains an optimal temperature, you can cover your pet with a blanket and place the bed closer to the radiator. Try to measure your cat's body temperature every two hours. Make sure that neither other animals nor children bother your sick pet. After consulting with your veterinarian, give your cat painkillers. These can be morphine-based drugs (opioids) used for severe pain (Tramadol, Omnopon, etc.), and non-narcotic drugs used for moderate pain (Ketofen, Quadrison, etc.).

Important: if the cat does not eat, then there is no need to force it, occasionally offering food and drink.

How to tell if your cat is in pain

The following signs will indicate that your animal is in pain:

  • immobilization;
  • screams;
  • finding a convenient place;
  • unnatural poses;
  • detachment, decreased sociability;
  • dilated pupils;
  • looking at one point, etc.

My cat Freckles is dying now, it’s a damn shame, because she lived in our family for less than 2 weeks for 18 years. A year ago, she began to lose weight, began to sleep more, and generally looked healthy. Literally 4 days ago I started vomiting, stopped eating anything at all, lay down, and didn’t go to the toilet. Now it’s lying next to the radiator, I’m petting it. The twitching has already begun, sometimes she tries to get up in agony, but she has no strength and she falls again. It’s hard to look at this, she is part of our family.. Only one thing calms me down - she lived a long happy life, so it seems to me, but time takes away loved ones... All the best!


On the last day before her death, our cat lay in bed. I sometimes came up and stroked her, which she did not resist. It seems to me that she didn’t care anymore, but I hoped that my affection and participation would help her.

Putting a cat to sleep: humanity or betrayal

If the cat is suffering and does not get up for a long time, then the owner has the right to use the procedure of euthanizing the animal. Each person perceives it differently: some consider it a real betrayal, others consider it as delivering an animal from suffering. However, sometimes the disease drags on, causing unbearable suffering to the cat. This especially applies to animals suffering from urolithiasis or oncology, in which the pet often dies in agony. In this case, the owner must do everything to alleviate the suffering of his four-legged friend. If you decide in favor of euthanasia, first ask your veterinarian if there is any other way to alleviate the cat's suffering.

If your cat is in pain, you need to ask your veterinarian how to alleviate its condition.

Absolutely correct! Of course, humanism should not be confused with a feeling of self-pity. That is, one should not confuse precisely the reluctance to euthanize an animal for medical reasons with the inability to make a decision about this and with the subsequent feeling of guilt.

Olga Zhuikova, owner of the nursery

When our cat got into a fight with a dog, his jaw was broken and his internal organs were damaged. The doctor said that nothing could be done to save him. He suggested euthanasia. But I couldn’t sign the animal’s verdict with my own hands. It seemed to me that since the cat is alive, it means he can recover. The cat eventually left to die, but my conscience remained calm.

Based on materials from the website

Unfortunately, when awaiting the birth of kittens, you must be prepared for the fact that some of them may not survive. In purebred cats, the early mortality rate of kittens is slightly higher than in domestic cats. One study provides data that about 7% of purebred kittens are stillborn, 9% die during the first eight weeks of life (mostly from the first to the third week). The number of kittens surviving after 8 weeks of life varies between breeds (from 75% to 95%), Persian kittens are the most likely to die.

Most kittens that are not destined to survive die before birth (they are stillborn) or in the first week of life. The number of deaths in kittens that lived for more than a week is significantly less. As a rule, while the cat is nursing kittens, death occurs from “non-infectious” causes; mortality from infectious diseases increases after the kitten is taken from its mother. This is because kittens receive protection against many infections through their mother's milk. Kittens that die between birth and weaning are called “fading.”

Neonatal isoerythrolysis.

For some cat breeds, neonatal isoerythrolysis is a fairly common cause of death in kittens. The cause of death in this case is the incompatibility of the blood groups of the cat and the kitten.

The kitten should begin suckling within the first 2 hours of life. Kittens receive antibodies from the cat's milk by absorbing them during the first 16 to 24 hours of life, so it is important that they nurse well during this period. Milk is necessary not only for good nutrition, but also for the acquisition of maternal derived immunity, which protects them from infections.

The effectiveness of maternal immunity usually decreases at 3-4 weeks of life, individually for each kitten; by this time the amount of antibodies should be sufficient. A kitten's own immunity has not yet developed, and since most vaccination programs begin after 8 weeks, kittens are at increased risk of infectious diseases during this period. Kittens that suckle poorly will not receive enough colostrum and will therefore not be protected by maternal immunity, becoming especially susceptible to infectious diseases at an early age.

Among the factors that increase the risk of infectious diseases in a kitten are the following:

  • Insufficient amount of colostrum;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Low birth weight;
  • Lack of oxygen during childbirth;
  • Congenital diseases (especially of the immune system);
  • Stress peritonitis;

In kittens, bacterial infections are often secondary to viral infections (cat flu, leukemia, immunodeficiency, peritonitis, parvovirus), although they can also be primary. Clinical signs depend on the nature and severity of the infestation and may include diarrhea, cough, difficulty breathing, arthritis, dermatitis, as well as less obvious signs more typical of fading kittens. Ultimately, many of these infections lead to septicemia (a form of sepsis where there are large numbers of bacteria in the blood) and death.

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